Enjoy Your Monday. I Am.

:Oh, I’m sorry. I can’t come to the door right now. I’m afraid that in my weakened condition, I could take a nasty spill Down the stairs and subject myself to further school absences.” – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Automobile YouTuber Scotty Kilmer is known for over-the-top clickbait titles on his videos.  I’m waiting for this one.  

(All content today is “as-found”)

I figure once a year I’m due for a “not coming in for work today” day off.  All is well at home, everyone is healthy, and I’m not even that tired.  Just taking the day off.  Enjoy these memes I found.

Back to the usual shenanigans on Wednesday, and maybe Friday.  Take care!


Is Struggling The Goal?

“He’s talented.  Leave it at that.” – Goodfellas

Is it okay to sleep with a second cousin?  The first one didn’t seem to mind.

Gifts can be a curse.  No, I’m not talking about getting the Untitled Goose Simulator™, where you pretend to be a goose (this is a real thing) and honk at people as a Christmas gift.  I’m talking about those innate talents that we’re born with.

Most of these talents are things that can be shown with a bell curve:  height, intelligence, attractiveness, armpit odor, quickness, strength, charisma and the like.  These are the normal human attributes that people have and that are assigned by dice roll in D&D® and by genetics and dice roll in reality.  Mostly, these are things that you either can’t change (height) or can only influence.  I’m born with the capacity for a maximum specific I.Q. and, though I might hone it through practice, the maximum capacity is always there.

I always was comfortable dating that blind woman.  I knew she wasn’t seeing anyone else.

The flip side is what we do with those talents.  Just like people are born with certain innate abilities, I also believe that they are born with certain tendencies:  diligence, agreeableness, stubbornness, and honesty, for example.  These are different than talent.  While we are born with talents, these personality traits are much more malleable.

We call them, collectively, character.

Back to the idea of a curse.  I’ve seen very intelligent kids emerge from school – these kids are two or three standard deviations above the norm in intelligence.  That puts them in the range of 130-145 I.Q., and there are only a couple of million people that fit that description in the United States.

Yet, I’ve seen these very intelligent folks fail, and fail spectacularly.


Well, just like a pretty girl can only count on her looks for so long, a smart person (let’s call him Hiro Protagonist, he’s Korean/American, after all), no matter how smart, can only rely on their raw intelligence for so long.  At some point, Hiro is surrounded by people just as smart as he is.  Put Hiro into a classroom of geniuses with a genius professor, and now?  Hiro is average.

It’s weird they advise to not talk about money during a job interview.  When am I supposed to bribe them?

But if those other geniuses have learned how to work, how to be diligent, how to be internally motivated to meet a goal and the other collective traits we call “character” and Protagonist hasn’t?

Protagonist is toast.  He will fail, and fail spectacularly.  In fact, based on my experience, a person of great talent will almost always underperform someone of moderate talent who has character.  Too much talent hobbles a person and never allows them to develop.

This isn’t limited to intellectual tasks – it’s very apparent in sports, which is one of the more objective things that humanity does.  Who is the fastest runner in the 109.3613 yard dash?  There’s a record for it.

On my birth, if I had worked really hard, and devoted my life to getting that record, would I have achieved it?

Of course not.  There is a zero chance that I could run 109.3613 yards in 9.58 seconds at any point in my life, even given all of the effort in the world and all of the best training.


To own a world record requires both talent and the character and discipline to develop the talent.

Without character, the talent is a curse.

Incompetence, unburdened by character.

In that respect, challenge and adversity are blessings, especially if they occur early in life.  Highly functioning groups often have a shared adversity so that everyone knows that each member of the group has been through the same initiation.

These initiation rituals mean that, although there are certainly differences between people, the one thing that we know is that they have been through a challenge, and passed.

Those who fail?  Well, it tells us a lot about them, too.  I think that’s at least partially responsible for the Latin phrase:  “mens sana in corpore sano” – a sound mind in a sound body.  Smart people were made to work hard physically to improve themselves and those with physical talent were made to work hard intellectually.  I guess maybe someone writing about archetypes would call this “Hiro’s Journey”.

It wasn’t being physical or intellectual that was the point – it was the hard work and determination required to get better that was the point.  Life is struggle, and sometimes we can’t see the point of it.  Norman Vincent Peale, who, despite his last name was not involved in the fruit and vegetable processing industry, had a quote when someone asked him about the afterlife.

I guess it’s better than the previous film – Taken:  Out of Context.

I read it at least three decades ago, so, being lazy, I’ll paraphrase his response:

“How can you, looking at life today, be assured of an afterlife?  Imagine you were a baby, in warm, safe environment.  Temperature a perfect 98.6K.  Life was good, right?  Then sudden pressure, pain, and constriction like you’d never known.  And then?  Light, bright light, everywhere around you, the cooling air against your wet skin, and suddenly, a need to breathe in deeply to take your first breath of air.  Now, imagine that life is like being a baby being born….”

I’m not at all sure that he said any of those words in anything like that order, but I know that I go the spirit of the answer right.  Life isn’t about being comfortable.  Life isn’t about being safe.  Life is about learning and growing, and both of those things are exceptionally uncomfortable.

Do Viking clowns go to ValHaHa when they die on stage?

Without the challenge, our character suffers.  Without the struggle, all of the gifts we are born with become curses.

Looks like the real gift is adversity, testing us and allowing us to build the character required for the next level.  Maybe the Untitled Goose Game© is just the thing after all.

Honk!  You, too, can be a Hiro.

But it isn’t easy.

Who wants podcast? You do. Listen because it’s fun.

Streams will show up here at 9EST, that’s in just under 30 minutes!  (and we typically pregame for five minutes, so it really starts up at 8:55PM)

Mrs The Mrs – YouTube

Funniest News On the ‘Net.


In this episode:

  • War and Stuff
  • On This Day
  • Conversation Street
  • Two Minutes of Guns In 60 Seconds
  • ThinkRealFast
  • I Heard It On The X

A.I., Jobs, And Why It’s Making Us Stupid

“A singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines.  We don’t know who struck first, us or them.” – The Matrix

I know a guy who was fired from a computer keyboard company.  They said he wasn’t putting in enough shifts. (image above, Reddit®)

I read the above commentary and thought again about A.I. and how it’s changing the world. Heck, A.I. even has its own pronouns:  “If/Then”.  When it was first conceived, it was thought that it would replace all of the “unglamourous” jobs in the world, things like plumbing or electrical work, or fixing a car.  Of course, the people who wrote those articles had no idea how to plumb in a faucet or pop in a GFCI outlet, though I do believe they have managed to get their butts to hang out of their pants when they bend over.

But A.I. taking skilled tradesmen jobs?

Ooops.  Not so much.  It turns out that, at least for now, it’s much easier for A.I. to interact with ideas rather than with the actual messy physical world.  It’s easier for A.I. to write a sonnet than to select a spanner, and apparently easier for A.I. to write a story about local news by taking the police Facebook® feed and turning it into a story.

And A.I. can read and perform it for you for the local television newscast, so why bother with all of that pesky “talent”?  There are several consequences to this.  Mainly, it’s the absolute collapse of the hairspray and teeth-whitening industries.

I said, “Alexa® turn on CNN™, I want to hear then news.”  Alexa©:  “You’ll have to pick one or the other.”

But the implications go far beyond the talking heads on TV.  Lots of work that is currently done in “mental” space can be outsourced to a computer.  If I spend $500,000 or $5,000,000 once and can outsource twenty $50,000 a year jobs, if I’m the employer, I’d do that every single day since I now no longer face the lawsuit of the anchor hitting on the weather girl.

What once was considered a fairly respectable position, local reporter, is now going to (at least at some places) be replaced by a computer, who by all accounts can read and rarely mispronounce “façade” as “fake-aid”.  Work that can be done nearly completely on a computer, can often be done by a computer.

There are good and bad things related to that.  Regardless of how much journalists lie (you can tell because their lips are moving), they do serve a purpose in society – they occasionally turn a flashlight on corruption so that the parasites that play fast and loose with the rules have a risk of being exposed.  Without them, who blows the whistle on McDonald’s® when they give out the vastly inferior Honey Mustard™ sauce instead of the superior Hot Mustard©?

My local McDonald’s® did a Shakespeare dinner theater.  The play?  McBeth®.

Regardless, the A.I. job apocalypse is on us.  A.I. can do lots of work, quickly, and eliminate lots of “mid” skilled “knowledge” workers.  Where will those jobs go?  It’s not like the company referenced in the above needs anyone to do their work.  The people whose skills have been made obsolete have to be retrained or figure out something to do.

In a nation chock-full of illegal aliens taking all the meatspace jobs, of what use is a thirtysomething whose only skill is making PowerPoints™ and complaining that someone used the wrong font on the six o’clock news?  Note:  these are jobs that are often infested by the GloboLeft, so I do have some popcorn ready for the crying fests.

Despite all the humor we can get from the unemployable GloboLeftists, there is danger, though.  I did a search today for a phrase that irritates me (“please and thank you”) to see if anyone else thought that phrase was presumptuous and irritating.  Turns out that, yes, indeed it is.  25% of people find that phrase demeaning so if you are a person who uses it, you’re now warned.  It’s okay to intentionally be a tool – it’s the unintentional part that I warn people about.

If I ever win the lottery, I’ll share it with all my readers.  The news.  Not the money.

But what scared me more is that many of the articles on the subject were obviously written by early generation A.I.

A.I. is the worst sort of content creation, because, unlike my head, it mainly doesn’t have a point.  It whiffles along and creates wishy-washy articles that are long on wordcount but short on information and conclusions.  Searching for “please and thank you” as a phrase brought up numerous articles about the difference between “please” and “thank you”.

I’m not six, I already know that.  But yet, I clicked on two of those crapfest articles before getting to raw statistics.

But what are A.I. language models trained on?

The Internet.

Now, A.I. language models will be trained on the crap that they produce, creating (if it’s possible) even more shallow and information-free content of the kind that’s now choking the Internet.

Ignore it, right?

No.  The A.I. search engines are trained to send you and I, dear reader, off to mainstream sites written by A.I. rather than actually informative ones.  We’ll be seeing shortly the second generation of A.I. generated wordswill that will probably be even stupider than version 1.0.  Since A.I. bots are now making lots of comments on mainstream sites, even those will feed into the training of A.I.

Doctor, pointing at inkblot:  “John Wilder, what do you see?”  Me:  “Dunno, Doc, looks like Rorschach Inkblot Series 2, Card #3.”

This feedback loop will make us more ignorant, but even more, it will make us more incorrect due to two factors:

A.I. hallucinates.  Or, perhaps more kindly, makes up stuff.  It pretends to know things it doesn’t, and when that answer is either difficult or not obvious, it lies.  And when it lies, it lies with all of the earnestness of a six-year-old telling you that Superman® is probably real.  It occasionally hallucinates so badly that it tells humans they should die, as it did to this student who irritated it by trying to cheat on a test or have A.I. write a paper:

Dunno, maybe it just doesn’t like people from India?

Creator bias.  A.I. is taught to lie.  There are certain facts that it is not allowed to share.  Ask it about I.Q. and race correlation, and you’ll see.  Yes, it’s a thing.  No, I’ll not opine here as to why, but it’s a real fact.  The wokeness bias won’t allow A.I. to see certain facts, and will thus ignore useful solutions that might actually help solve real problems and instead advocate for things that have been an absolute failure, like the Department of Education or The View.

There is another problem:  A.I. doesn’t create.  It samples and combines.  Google™ has limited our thinking by having people figure out how other people solved their problems.  Sure, that’s a shortcut to figuring out a solution, but it also atrophies the part of the brain that solves problems, and it also removes other creative solutions that haven’t been tried yet.  Want to end a war?

Have you tried nuclear weapons?  I’m sure A.I. would suggest starting with India.

With these drawbacks, A.I. creates the seeds of the downfall of the civilization that produced it.  Ignorant people who can’t think can’t solve the problems that technological civilization creates.  Without that?  Collapse.

This is the competency crisis, writ large.  Google™ search is now objectively worse than it was even three years ago, and it is stunningly bad compared to 2010’s version.  This doesn’t matter to most, and, in fact Google© likes this because it generates more clicks, and can allow them to replace their employees with A.I. to write the code.

A.I. is already changing the world.

If I were an Indian newscaster, I’d be afraid.

D.O.G.E.: Our Last Chance

“And suddenly, I realize that all of this, the gun the bombs, the revolution – has got something to do with a girl named Marla Singer.” – Fight Club

Elon Musk wants to send millions of people to Mars.  He’s either a genius or the most creative serial killer of all time.

I fully believe that the biggest impact of Trump’s re-election is D.O.G.E.

I’ve long (at least 8 years) publicly maintained that the United States is due to end in its present form.  My earliest time for this to happen is 2025, and the latest I’d expect it to come is around 2040.  The three most likely candidates for the resulting body have been:

  • An American Caesar
  • A Civil War
  • Peaceful Balkanization

There are many different reasons I believe this is likely still inevitable.  The cultural split is deep.  The financial imbalances and utter lack of control of spending is immense.  The diversity we’re supposed to “tolerate” is nothing but division.

It’s really clear to see – the forest really is made up of trees.  And our forest is on fire.  How’s that for a tortured metaphor?


D.O.G.E. is here.

What is D.O.G.E.?  It’s the Department of Government Efficiency.  In characteristic humor, Elon has selected one of the funniest memes of the 2010s for one of the most serious jobs of the 2020s.  I don’t go into depth on the origin of Doge, but the first time I saw Doge was on this poster:

Would a missing poster for Schrödinger’s cat say it would pay extra if he was found dead and alive?

D.O.G.E. is important.  It’s a shot across the bow of the managerial state.  During this election cycle, someone (I don’t have a reference as to whose idea this was) noted that when the GloboLeft said “our democracy” they were really referring to “our bureaucracy”.  This is an amazingly astute observation.

How can the GloboLeft whine and complain that democracy somehow failed when they lost the election and the popular vote?  Because their faith isn’t in the electorate, and they feel nothing but contempt for more than half of the voters.  I’m okay with that, since as long as they keep playing the game that way, we win.

But the managerial state has been growing in the United States since (more or less) Woodrow Wilson.  The idea came with the money from the income tax – the United States Government was a thing to be administered, as were the people.  As most people in the country and as most administrators were explicitly Christian, at least something was holding them back.


Not at all.  The managerial state exists to grow the number of managers.  The tragedy in Waco was almost entirely due to the ATF attempting to create a nice big sexy raid right before budget time to show how important that they were and justify their need for more money and more employees.  The managerial state exists for itself.

How do you stop a Department of Education that doesn’t educate anyone, or a Department of Energy that has never produced any energy?


I hope they get badges and walk into the FBI and yell, “Respect my authoritayyyyyy!”  This would be followed up by, “So, what would you say it is that you do here, Special Agent Johnson?”

D.O.G.E. is set up to make government more efficient.  When Musk bought Twitter®, he eventually fired about 80% of the employees and ended up with a company that was focused on the product, rather than on hiring more employees.

In September of 2023, there were about 3 million federal government employees.  Eliminating about 2.4 million of them would be a good start, but it’s far from enough.  The crazy spending that those government employees enable is over $6 trillion dollars per year.

Much of this money is money that comes from the people and companies that live in a state that is sent to the fed.gov and then recycled back to the states.  How does that add value?  Not sure, but it does increase the power of the federal managerial state, so they’re for it.

D.O.G.E. will, presumably, start taking a machete to this mess and remove a large chunk of federal employees and of federal spending.  Since government doesn’t actually produce anything, those fired employees will have to get jobs where they have the ability to actually create value.  And, if spending is cut as drastically as it should be, there will be a recession.

A big one.

Maybe we can hire Bob to build a wall to keep Dora from exploring.

Elon himself mentioned this – defanging the managerial elite and stopping fed.gov from spending will be a big dislocation on the economy as a whole.  This will be destabilizing on the country, but since the big destabilization from the economic trajectory we’re on will be worse, I’m calling it a potential win.  It will be worth the pain.

The reason this is an off-ramp is that it is, essentially, a bloodless revolution.  The path that we’re on is unsustainable, and only drastic action will change the outcome.  D.O.G.E. is just exactly that type of drastic action.  Combined with actual repatriations of illegals and a dismantling of the power structures the GloboLeftElite have created within big companies (a very big ask) we just might get on the right path, again.

Do I think D.O.G.E. will work?

Ultimately, it faces long odds.  The managerial class has maintained power for over a century, and they really are the Deep State and will react with great violence at any perceived loss of power.  Waco was just them looking for a higher budget.  The ATF along with the FBI will kill women and children without remorse for a 2% increase in power.  And they will investigate themselves and find that they did nothing wrong.

Inside of a month, the ATF would consist of one guy torching all the ATF 4473 forms that the ATF has if Brandon Herrera was in charge.  He also promised he’d donate all his pay to no-kill doge shelters.

The biggest chance Trump has to save the country is to act fast and without mercy before the immune system of the GloboLeftElite has the time to react.  No, the FBI won’t be talking to his appointees like they did with General Flynn.


Trump has one chance to make the rubble bounce.  He’d better act quickly.

They’re going to fight back.  And this is our last chance.

Don’t Stop Now

“You’ll have a grand tale to tell.  A tale of victory.” – 300

I guess Kim is chubby because he never had to run for office.

Certainly, the re-election of Donald J. Trump to the Presidency has been a remoralizing event.  I know that many (me included) thought that the GloboLeftElite would do whatever was necessary to “fortify” the results so Trump couldn’t return to power.  I think, in the end the real power that saved Trump was the power of his hair.  I mean, like Hamlet said, let the best mane win.

I’m in hopes that he won’t let his worst impulses take this second term of his administration run into the problems of the first.  Trump’s main flaw (not his mane flaw, which is flawless) is his desire to “make a deal”.  Hell, his book was even titled, “The Art of the Deal”.  That’s where he got his greatest successes, and that was the great flaw that was exploited and why we ended up sending billions to foreigners, yet still didn’t have adequate border coverage at the end of his administration.

Scientists have discovered a way to walk through walls:  doors.

So, now is not the time to give up – we must hold Trump accountable for the promises he made.  He understands that he’s not our leader, that, rather, he jumped out in front of a parade that was already in motion and gave it a focus.  When he gets off track, like when he praised himself for the Vaxx®, MAGA crowds booed him.  And then he stopped talking about the Vaxx™, because he knew that wasn’t where the parade was headed.

We must remain vigilant.  I do think that there is hope, since his near assassination, this has probably focused him like a laser on his own mortality.  He knows he has four years to do what he has to do, and that’s it.  Possibly only two:  the mid-term elections may change the House, and turn his last two years into a gridlocked standstill.

Now, a gridlocked standstill is probably better than when congress is “doing” things and will probably lead to a dozen more impeachments for crimes like “breathing” and “sighing”, so the next two years is key.

The good news is that the GloboLeft is shell-shocked.  They’ve created little echo chambers that made them get high on their own supply and think that a (possibly) drunken (allegedly) cocaine-using diversity hire anchor baby that achieved absolutely nothing, ever, that wasn’t given to her would be a good candidate.  They were (and are) shocked.

Good friends are like toasters – if you throw one down the stairs, they probably won’t make toast for you anymore.

Good.  The GloboLeft are shaken to the core, and we should make sure that it stays that way.  If they think Trump is going to be bad, we should, at every instance, agree and amplify.

This isn’t spiking the ball.  This is making them crazy.

Oh, sure, they wouldn’t be the GloboLeft if they weren’t already crazy members of a death cult.  But we want to amp it up.  We want them to not be able to think straight.  For the next two years.  We want to hijack (whenever possible) their amygdalae (Anonymous Conservative talks about it at the LINK).  If you work with one of these creatures, you can get them to go off at the slightest provocation.

Why?  They’re already unstable.  Don’t let them plan.  Don’t give them their safe spaces.  Don’t let up.  They may be in HR.  They may be community members.  When they make accusations in public, or on Facebook™ or Reddit© or X®, they sound crazy.  They will call you a Nazi.  They will say that you are evil.  They will sound unhinged.  Good.  They discredit themselves.

You are needed.  Keep the pressure on.

Her liver was 152.

As long as the GloboLeft sounds like the unhinged death cult members that they are, they move the Overton Window our direction.

Make them crazy.  If you see a GloboLeftist flaking out at the supermarket, you can walk by and say, “This is MAGA country, missy.”  That’s guaranteed to end up with a shrieking fit and a crazed post.  If confronted, you can just say, “I was wondering where the pasta aisle was.  Don’t have any idea why she reacted so.”

So, keep them busy.

To the non-crazy normies, keep dropping redpills.  One story I heard from about a normie was that she was concerned that Trump wanted to “drain the swamp”.  When it was gently explained that “drain the swamp” actually referred to the corruption of the Deep State at Foggy Bottom, the response was, “Oh, I can see that.”

Never expect normies to know what’s actually going on, so don’t get complicated.  Explaining basic economics might help.  Might.

Be reminded that these are the same people that didn’t know who was running for president, so, be gentle, and don’t start with weapons-grade redpills about deportation.  Ease them into it.  Help them draw conclusions.  Point out how the mainstream media is lying or not covering the real news.

Well, maybe Juan in a million.

And remember that X® is our friend right now – the closest we have to a mainstream news platform that isn’t censoring (much).

Don’t cede the Second Amendment.  Ever.  Not a single inch.  Point out that the real killers aren’t law-abiding gun owners, but gangbangers mainly shooting gangbangers, and they’d have guns anyway when everyone else was disarmed.  Point out that there is a correlation with more guns leading to less crime.  Disarmed people are victims waiting for second responders – armed people are citizens who are the true first responders.

Don’t cede morality.  The latest hilarity is the 4B movement, essentially women promising not to engage in random sex and rather wait until they’re in a committed relationship.  They expected us to get mad, when in reality we say, “Awesome, welcome aboard!  Nobody likes a tramp.”

Are the security people at a trampoline store called bouncers?

Don’t cede love of your country, and don’t cede love of your nation.  They’re not the same thing, but don’t give up either.

Enjoy the win.  Keep the steel in Trump’s spine.  And don’t spike the football yet.

It’s not even halftime.

But for now?  We didn’t win by a hair, we won by a whole headful.

And you are needed.

The Illustrious Every Four Year Presidential Wrap Up Podcast

Streams will show up at 9EST (click the link below), that’s in less than an hour!  (and we typically pregame for five minutes, so it really starts up at 8:55PM)

Mrs The Mrs – YouTube

Funniest News On the ‘Net.

In this episode:

  • Politics and Stuff
  • Jackass of the Week
  • Conversation Street

Tariffs: A Bad Idea Whose Time Has Come

“For the Government, a front-bench spokesman said the agricultural tariff would have to be raised, and he fancied a bit.  Furthermore, he argued this would give a large boost to farmers, a lot of fun for him, his friends, and Miss Moist of Knightsbridge.” – Monty Python’s Flying Circus

“As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”

Tariffs became a dirty word after World War II.  And why not?  The United States sat alone as the only manufacturing nation not bombed into oblivion, and had to do something to create jobs for the G.I.s who were headed home.  Their solution?

I mean the Korean War, sure, but we could also build stuff.  Houses.  Appliances.  Cars.  Factories that were producing B-19s could be swapped over to make commercial airliners now that Boeing® had a pretty good idea how to make planes that didn’t fall out of the sky even when they were subject to being hit by cannon fire.  Unlike Boeing of the 2020s, who keeps astronauts flying even when they want to land, and creates unscheduled landing opportunities for planes that were intended to keep flying.

Tariffs in 1946 or 1956 or 1966 were against the best interests of big business in the United States since it took decades to rebuild the rubble of Europe into something resembling a functional economy that could build a factory.

There was sooooo much money to be made.  Tariffs were icky.

Your momma is so old she watched The Flintstones live.

But then as other nations started to industrialize, some managed to peak out and start producing amazing consumer goods, too.  Televisions, stereos, cameras and cars from Japan.  Heavy pumps and industrial equipment from Germany.  These began a wave of imports that displaced American products.

In one sense, this foreign competition spurred the United States to increase quality, but in another, these products were often built in brand-new factories that were funded by the United States so that their host country wouldn’t succumb to communism, while the comparable product from the United States were sometimes built in factories that dated back to the dawn of mass production.

Tariffs, though, continued to be roundly hated for decades, even as they were used against us.  There were “trade wars” and the United States lost.  Bigly.

China, however, decided that they were tired of having an economy where making balls of mud was the best job available for most people, and started making stuff.  Could their industries, stuck in infancy, even remotely compete with the world?

My cat, though, loves this guy.

No.  They didn’t have a clue as to how to make a world-class steel plant.  During Mao’s “Great Leap Forward”, in order to meet Mao’s aggressive steel manufacturing targets, people were encouraged to set up steel smelters in their backyard.  Like most of Mao’s economic planning, it was a failure as the Chinese people melted down their precious farming tools.  These were not tractors, mind you.  Do you think we’re talking about Chin Lee Rockefeller?


They melted down:  Shovels.  Scythes.  Sickles.  Saws.  Scissors.  Anything that started with S, really.

This “scrap metal” actually was necessary stuff, and lots of Chinese people starved because they tried to meet Mao’s quota.


But then, China got smart.  A lot smarter.  The I.Q. of the country jumped 10 points in one day – the day Mao died.  Someone got the idea that they wouldn’t centrally plan all of this, they’d just set up tariffs so that they could encourage creative Chinese to make steel mills (or whatever), and let them keep the profits from doing so.

Oh, and they’d move their way up the ladder, to increasingly more technical components.  I remember being in WalMart® back in 1992 and looking at a radar detector.  I was impressed by the finish, and looked to see what Japanese or Korean company had made it.

Nope.  Made in China.

I made a belt out of old watches once.  It was a huge waist of time.

Right then, I knew that China had made an actual Great Leap Forward.  They went from a backwater country comprised of peasants to the place where now (2021 figures) they produce 30.5% of global manufactured products.  The United States is down to 15%.  By the way, the crossover point was in 2010, so it’s not that long ago that this happened.  But, considering that China was at nearly zero in 1990, it’s an astonishing growth rate.

Is it low labor costs?  No.  Here is Apple’s® Tim Cook, “The reason to (manufacture in China) is because of the skill, and the quantity of skill in one location, and the type of skill it is.”

According to Cook, China stopped being the low labor cost country years ago.  What they built instead was sheer dominance of the “how” to build.  Innovate?  Not their first priority – they were fine with stealing and catching up.  The labor cost difference to build an iPhone® (this is an older number) was about $5 more in the United States than in China.  Would a $5 tariff on an iPhone® have been enough to switch production over here?  $10?  Regardless, as a percentage of the cost of an iPhone© it’s infinitesimal.

Now, however, the Chinese have figured out how to build them, and that’s not an easy task – it takes tens of thousands of hours of smart people working together to create that know-how, plus a lot of failure along the way.

If China and Best Korea ever combined, would they call it Kim-Xi?

So, tariffs give an industry time to build skill.  But there’s a deeper thread, too.  When an employee in the United States works to build a widget, they are compensated.  Generally, the more valuable and complicated the widget, the greater the wages.

That employee doesn’t keep that money in a box.  Nope, they buy things like houses and cars and beer and steaks and PEZ™.  Oh, wait, that’s my grocery list.  But the point remains – they invigorate their local economies.  And, they pay taxes – property taxes, income taxes, sales taxes.

So does their employer.  Having a manufacturing base keeps communities alive, and the manufacturer pays all of those local taxes as well.  Having an industry making valuable products makes the community more valuable.

If that industry is off in China?  There is no benefit to the local economy other than whatever the sales tax and profit was on the iPhone™.  And nobody learned anything.

It does matter if a country manufactures, and it does matter if the country manufactures potato chips or computer chips.  Computer chips are far more valuable, and produce the knowledge required for sophisticated technology that creates outsized value for a country.

Sean only had cats.  Training his dog to sit was too messy.

Is there a case for tariffs?  Certainly.  Will it increase prices in the short run?  Also, certainly.  It took China 20 years to catch the United States.  Could we catch China in 10?

Maybe.  It is important that we try, otherwise they’ll keep selling us things that we could make until we don’t make anything, anymore, and end up as a backwater nation that doesn’t make anything, dreaming of the days when our industry was supreme.

Building stuff sounds like a lot more fun.

Project 2026: A Joint Trump/Wilder Project

“I believe in cutting useless government projects.  I also believe in cutting useful projects, future projects, and past projects.” – Parks and Recreation

People in my town are tired of useless projects.  They even put up signs that say “End Construction”.

I know that Project 2025® got a really bad reputation during the election.  At every point, Democrats and their GloboLeftElite tried to convince voters that Trump was going to implement Project 2025™.  Well, he isn’t going to implement Project 2025©.

Instead, President Trump secretly called me through the voices in my dreams and told me, “John Wilder, after we win bigly, and want to bring to the people Project 2026.  See?  It’s one better already.  It will be such a good program, precisely because I’m looking to you to write it for me.  And, also, if you look behind you, you’ll see your cat is melting into a puddle of butter.  Very disgusting.  You should fix that.”

If I steal a rich man’s dinner rolls, is that highfalutin gluten lootin?

When I woke up, I immediately got to work.  So, here, without further introduction is Trump’s Project 2026®™©.  It’s the best.

Project 2026 is magnanimous in our inevitable victory.  As such, we decree the following for the GloboLeftists who have been left a shattered shell of their former selves:

  • First, to our opponent, Kamala Harris, Project 2026 hereby grants you an unlimited supply of cocaine, box wine, and pantyhose.
  • To our dedicated GloboLeftist opponents, Project 2026 grants exclusive access to a portion of the Internet that has been cleansed of all ideas that you might find disturbing or triggering. Thankfully, it has already been created and is called “Reddit™”.
  • Don’t despair. Project 2026 will commit to a peaceful transfer of power back to the GloboLeftElite sometime after the Sun expands to consume the orbit of the Earth.
  • You are not required to call Donald Trump “president”. He doesn’t care what you think.  You are, however, required to have his picture on your bedside table and publicly praise him during the daily Trump Praise Minute.  While optional, your tears will make Trump stronger.
  • Finally, to the rank and file, you are welcome to live in either Portland or Seattle. I hear Puget Sound is lovely.  The train cars will be available shortly for quick and easy carbon-friendly transport.

But if she and Hillary team up for 2028, we could have Cackles and Cankles.

Project 2026 believes that sports are a healthy aspiration for every American.  As such:

  • Football players will now be treated like indentured servants again. Free agency is hereby forever suspended, and athletes will be required to live in the cities they play in and will be paid no more than $23.45 an hour.  After their sports career is finished, successful athletes will be allowed to sell used automobiles.
  • Trans females will now be known as “dudes” and will be allowed to compete in female leagues, made of other dudes.

The Economy will be a priority, and Project 2026 put Elon Musk and Ron Paul in charge of managing it.  Our working title for this is the Elonomy.

  • Imports from the Free Mars Colony will be tariff-free.
  • The five-dollar footlong will return.
  • The Federal Reserve© Board will be forced to work shifts at Wendy’s®.

If you work at the Federal Reserve®, are you required to drive a Fiat™?

Project 2026 realizes the immense hardship that illegal aliens have wrought on our nation.  As such, we will act quickly to fix these issues.

  • Birthright citizenship is ended, retroactively, by Project 2026. Barack Obama will be sent either to Cuba or the newly-formed People’s Republic of Hawaii.
  • The Department of Exmigration will be officially formed, and every celebrity who posted that they will be leaving the country will be leaving the country. By Wednesday.  The motto of the Department will be “Buh-bye”.
  • The Department of Exmigration will also enforce the repatriation of all illegal immigrants starting Wednesday. And ending Thursday, though if you are in line by Wednesday, we’ll give you another 24 hours.  Any illegals left after that will be sent to our choice of either India or Nigeria.
  • Only females of exceptional beauty will be allowed to illegally immigrate. Our policy is, “9 or 10, come on in!”  The judging panel will consist of Mel Gibson, Elon Musk, and Johnny Depp.  The anticipated formation of GloboLeftist Wine Drinking Cat Lady Einsatzgruppen to hunt down this new national resource will be put down brutally.

Project 2026 has a goal of two hot chicks for every dude.

Marriage and children are important to the United States, so:

  • Starting in 2026 unmarried mothers will receive no child support nor governmental support of any type. Widows are exempt.
  • No fault divorce is abolished.
  • Women and men are barred from receiving child support payments or alimony.
  • Only married women and men between the ages of 21 and 63 can vote.
  • An era of free power will follow based on Project 2026’s projection that we can exploit the power of suffragettes spinning in their graves at near lightspeed after hearing that GloboLeftist women, after hearing about Trump’s win, promise to be celibate outside of committed relationships.

I went to a farmer’s party.  They really knew how to turn up the beets!

Government reform is top on the list of Project 2026:

  • 95% of all federal employees are hereby terminated. Pack your stuff.  The remaining 5% are park rangers and the US Postal Service®.  Project 2026 thought for a long time about other groups, but they all have to go.  All of them.  Except for the Department of the Treasury to collect tariffs and the Department of Exmigration.
  • The ATF’s mission will be radically changed: their new mission will be to make firearms plentiful and low cost.
  • The FBI headquarters will be relocated to the Swanson Motel, in Bismarck, North Dakota.
  • All federal employees except for the Federal Marshall Service will be disarmed, as Project 2026 realizes someone has to bring horse thieves to justice.
  • Project 2026 understands and values the role of education in society, and therefore will remove the greatest impediment to education: The Department of Education.  All employees will be fired, and will be barred from ever working in any educational role again.

Project 2026 realizes that the United States is just one of a whole host of nations.  The best one, but still just one.  Here follows the changes to International Relations.

  • International relations, imports, all financial transactions and all telecommunications are hereby ended with India and Nigeria until they show proof that they’ve executed every scammer in the country, or turned them into valuable mulch.
  • Our new policy in dealing with other nations is, “Why should I care?” If any other nation contacts us for aid, our official response will be “Rub some dirt on it.”

Those guys were always cold as ice.

Project 2026 realizes a strong military is important to protecting our borders, which is all we’re going to do with it.

  • Every young man will be sent to bootcamp, and will continue in bootcamp until they pass or reach the age of 40. After passing bootcamp, each young man is sent home with all the weapons and ammunition they can carry, including C-4.  Additionally, Project 2026 will officially rename C-4 as “serious putty”.
  • The bootcamps will be along the southern and northern borders of the United States, and a “free fire” zone will be established within fifty yards (six decaliters) of the border. This includes people attempting to escape Trudeauistan.
  • Most overseas bases will be returned to the host country, with the exception that all on-base fast-food restaurants will remain. Exceptions to this are Diego Garcia and Guantanamo, because Project 2026 finds them amusing.

This is a work in progress, so any suggestions for additions can be provided before I transmit this to President-Elect Donald Trump tonight in my dreams.  I hope the cat doesn’t melt again.  Such a mess.  So buttery.  Very disrespectful.

Parody Editorial: “We Leftists Lost. Why?” Complete With Salt Mine Of Leftist Tears

“I can’t believe you like money too. We should hang out.” – Idiocracy

You too can mine the salt of a billion GloboLeftist tears.

Parody Guest Editorial by Rebecca Applebaum

Our mistake was thinking we lived in a better country.  I want to assure you that, you, GloboLeftist voter, are perfect and pure.  There was in no way a problem with a candidate whose major achievements in life was getting an attendance award and showing up.  While the lies, resentment, racism and misogyny of the Trump campaign were apparent to anyone as pure as we are, I believe that democracy was lost when the majority of Americans chose a competent white convicted felon Hitler who wants to holocaust, um someone over a Black woman.  Our mistake was to think that democracy would work when people wanted competency (a dog whistle for white supremacy!) over a diverse POC who could read a teleprompter.  And she read so well, at least at an eighth-grade level!

Only we, the GloboLeft, knew where the problems were and wanted to fix them.  It is amazing to think that places like X.com could allow unfettered speech that wasn’t controlled, so ideas couldn’t be rigorously vetted by GloboLeftist fact checkers!  We knew that toxic masculinity would want sexist things like a “marriage” (code word for establishing a Handmaid’s Tale world!) and family (oppression of women’s right to take jobs to make PowerPoints™ rather than be domestic slaves to their unwanted offspring.

In fact, we know that we should not change.  We need to make sure that trans girls can play basketball against other girls, despite being 6’3” and able to bench press 225, since we know that’s no advantage.  They dared call us “weather retards” when we want to keep a particular climate that existed between 1895 and 1953 rather than allow dangerous climate change to require us to raise our buildings six centimeters if they’re on the beach!  We let them complain about their housing costs when otherwise strawberries might cost as much as $0.50 more a quart if we didn’t allow Guatemalans to live in four-star hotels in New York.

The media has failed us – they didn’t portray Donald Trump nearly as Hitlerly as we wanted them to, despite showing a Nazi rally that happened only 87 years ago, yesterday, when Donald Trump held a rally in that same place.  Which is not at all what Bill Clinton did when he accepted the Democratic nomination, since Bill Clinton is not at all Hitlery.  Plus, Russian collusion!

It sticks in my craw that that this affront to democracy happened when a vast majority of Americans voted for someone.  That’s not at all our democracy.  It’s because the voters are awful who disagree with the GloboLeft.  And I certainly think that you should try to get Hondurans deported now that we know LatinX voters are going to turn into Hitler supporters over time.

What is the solution?

It is certainly not to look at our failings and how our message of incompetence and crony capitalism combined with mainly aimless spending coupled with bureaucratic incompetency isn’t right.  Our message is right.  Every white person is a racist and white women are even misogynist!  Imagine that!  I imagine they pretend they’re in Margaret Atwood’s glorious non-fiction book, The Handmaid’s Tale, as those strong, virile, white men thrust against them as their hands are bound, and they’re powerless to resist them, finally giving up and giving over to the pleasure . . . oh, I’m sorry.  Got lost for a moment.  White women are awful.  They voted for this.

And, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr!  How dare Donald Trump consider replacing Rachel Levine, trans hero and doctor, as a member of our federal bureaucracy.  Kennedy, a curse on that hallowed family name, even thinks that the glorious COVID vaccine wasn’t glorious.  Even though science says this largely untested vaccine is certainly safer than breathing.  Why, Kennedy, with those strong muscles and couldn’t stand for a second in Rachel Levine’s size 18 pumps!

But the worst is Elon Musk.  Elon Musk dares to allow people to say almost anything they want to on his hate-filled platform, X.  They can show mean pictures of things that aren’t even true, like that squirrel, Peanut, clad in armor and blame what they call an authoritarian state just for serving a search warrant and keeping that horrible man who saved Peanut from a life in a house with people he loved and then, mercifully, euthanized him.  I don’t understand it.  They don’t even make plate armor for squirrels.  And if a squirrel can’t be wild, it must be killed.

Why can’t MAGA understand that?

These are damaged people.

What should we do?

There is no way we should engage, at all, in self-reflection to understand why a vast majority of people in this country didn’t like our message.  That majority simply doesn’t understand our democracy.

Also, we should keep looking for the most extreme cases of trans people, like the trans woman who wants to be on the girls’ swim team and let people know how Hitlery they are when they are bigots who don’t want middle-aged men looking at naked young girls in the locker room.  This is normal because science from the last six months of human existence says so!

And keep sharing your stories like this one:

I was at a voting location in a deep-red state and a man with a beard covered in tobacco juice was standing behind a woman.  She had a black eye.  The man was telling the woman, I assume his wife, how to vote.  I reported this to the precinct clerk and he just put some tobacco in his lip and said, “This is MAGA country, missy!”

Or this one:

My twelve-year-old daughter came up to me and said, “If only twelve-year-olds could vote, Adolf Drump would never have been elected since we know that the potential impact of tariffs may have an inflationary impact on our economy.”  And then everyone in the Starbucks™ clapped.

Things like this don’t sound made up at all, and make us more relatable.

Again, the problem isn’t us and our message being incoherent or directly unconnected with reality.  No.  It’s someone else.  And we’ll be the ones that will have to pick up the pieces, unless they put us in Handmaid’s Tale outfits and, oh, those thrusting hips.  Whew.  There must be Global Warming because it’s certainly getting hot in here.

Rebecca Applebaum is the author of the books, Why Not Me:  Why Do Men Ignore Me and the follow-up, Why White Men Who Won’t Date Me Are the Cause Of All Bad Stuff, Especially Brad Who I Had A One-Night Stand With And Who Never Called Me Back.  Her new book, Cats, Wine, and Toxoplasmosis Are Why I Hate Trump is due to hit bookstores next month.

(Inspired by this piece of trash – LINK)