“I’m branching out from self-loathing and self-destruction.” – House, M.D.
How does Leo avoid getting his girlfriend pregnant? Conception.
As I sit writing on the eve of the potentially fateful protest in Richmond, a reasonable question to ask is “How did we get here?” Like Inception©, there are several levels of answer to that question, each deeper than the last. Ah, Inception™. Leonardo DiCaprio really had a dream job in that one.
The highest level answer is, “because an election was lost.”
And this is true. A single election has completed the transformation of Virginia’s government from one where there was representation on both sides to one that is under sole control of the Left.
It wasn’t a surprise to the Left. On day one, the Left was ready to take advantage of their new power. A slate of model gun control legislation topped their agenda. Everything from banning semi-automatic weapons to requiring universal background checks to red flag laws was on the table. Already several bills are moving through the legislature. As of this writing, it appears the semi-automatic ban has been removed, but that won’t last long.
Making guns illegal will stop all gun crime – that’s how we finally stopped everyone from doing drugs . . .
In addition to the anti-gun agenda, the Left is proposing a series of laws aimed at making sure that this is the final change of government that Virginia will ever see – I read about a bill that would move the governor’s vote from popular vote to a majority of the congressional districts. As the districts will be gerrymandered, that assures a Leftist governor for ever and ever. Also included was a provision to give Virginia’s electoral votes for president to the winner of the national popular vote. So, no popular vote for governor, and the people don’t get to vote for president at all.
Ain’t the Leftist version of freedom grand?
The second level is because the demographics of Virginia changed.
I know that lots of people have arguments that “ENTER IDENTITY GROUP HERE” have more in common with the Right than the Left. That might be true. But the only group that reliably votes for the Right are people who might name their kids “Brandon” or “Logan” or “Sarah” or “Amanda.” These people reliably want to vote for the traditions that created the United States, whereas many first, second, and even third generation citizens want to replicate the culture and country they left – including replacing the national currency with tortillas, which, the more I think of it isn’t that bad of an idea.
A new study just came out that showed that people who want to commit murder just might ignore gun-free zone laws.
You might not like that it’s true. You might have a fancy explanation why it shouldn’t be true. But nevertheless, it’s true. Immigration, urbanization, and being close to the Leftist center of power, Washington, D.C., has turned Virginia Left.
A third level is because it was planned.
The election of Donald Trump was, perhaps, the single most traumatic thing to have happened to Leftists since, oh, the election of George W. Bush in 2004. Which was nearly as traumatic as George W. Bush winning in 2000. To think: if only we had elected Gore president, polar bears would have not gone extinct.
What, polar bears are doing great? Shhhhhh.
Not all of the systems on the Titanic have failed. The swimming pool is still full.
But the cumulative result of this trauma is a push towards deeper Leftism, plus a push to get all of the state legislatures they can for the Left before the next census (LINK). Why? To gerrymander all of the congressional seats they can. Also on the agenda for a repeat of what went on in Virginia? Texas and West Virginia.
Perhaps the deepest and most basic level is because Leftists hate themselves, and herd with other Leftists.
Certainly not all Leftists are exactly this. I know a few people that are committed and are on the Left and are that way for the understandable, rational reasons. People, who, for instance, think our health care system is crazy and think the solution is more government. I think our health care system is crazy, and think that the solution is less government. I can understand their motives. They can understand mine. We have good conversations; fun arguments that don’t result in a desire to set up a duel with sabers at dawn. Dawn is much too early for a duel. If I’m going to die, I at least want a nap first.
But there are Leftists that hate themselves, and I think this is most of them. You’ve seen them – people who expend amazing amounts of emotion on behalf of other people, like the white liberals who got upset about Speedy Gonzalez and had him pulled from Cartoon Network®, despite his popularity in Mexico: “He was like a superhero to us….”
Leftists don’t feel bad just for others. Any comment you can make about a Leftist (or someone they feel protective over) is interpreted in the worst possible way. It’s as if every time someone used the term “guy” or “buddy” and men got amazingly upset. Even worse, if people got amazingly upset because we were called “guy” and decided that they would step in and protect us poor men and stop badthinkers from calling us “guy” and get anyone who said that hateword fired from work.
Secretly, the Leftists believe that the identity groups that they protect are inferior. Why else would they need to protect them and think up new terms for perfectly good descriptive words like “handicapped” or “secretary”? It’s not like if we called handicapped people something else they could, oh, walk again?
I think I saw this flag burning on video, and one of the Lefties managed to burn himself when molten drops of plastic from the American flag they were burning fell on his wrist. He said it was the same burning feeling he got when he thought about getting a job.
How bad is it? This level of moral relativism and “there is no truth” required by modern Leftism actually makes the assertion that all cultures are equivalent. Certainly not – especially in outcome. If you were to compare the culture of Japan to the culture of North Korea, you can certainly determine that the cultures are different, and that the Japanese culture is superior in nearly every way a culture can be measured.
The Left has made the nonsensical claim that women are physically equivalent to men, which I’ve seen from the Left to justify men competing in (and beating) women in high school track events. Deep down, they create this ferocious level of defense because they know that a man who says he’s a woman isn’t, but yet have to justify the insane idea that they are.
I blame the dames and broads.
If only I had time to put Greta Thunberg’s face on this meme . . . .
And the Left hates everything good, and pure. It hates the family. It hates the way the wind would blow through my long locks of shiny hair, I mean, if I had hair. And, even though the United States has done plenty wrong in its existence, it’s a shining beacon of hope that people risk their lives to get to. Leftists hate the heritage of America. They hate Western Civilization. They hate tradition. They hate rationality. As I discussed last week, the Left idolizes the profane, and treats it as if it were sacred (Why The Left Can’t Handle Reality).
Individualism and individual achievement is their kryptonite®. Why? They are afraid that they are inferior, afraid that they cannot compete. Bernie has to solve these problems, because our typical Leftist doesn’t think they can help themselves because he is a loser. He also thinks that the Identity Groups are inferior, and could never compete. Leftist philosophy is built on envy of those who are strong, and greed to take what they have made.
And Leftists are sure that they will be found wanting if judgement is ever made. Why? Because they feel they are inferior and are of no real value to society. Thus reason, science, grades, objective tests (like I.Q. and SAT tests), and norms of behavior are to be avoided in schools. If a child acts out in school? It’s not because of lousy parents. It’s not because the child has a mental or genetic defect that makes self-control impossible. No. It’s society’s fault.
So, now you know where participation trophies come from.
Thankfully, all of the millions of dollars we’ve spent on trying to solve the problems of “society” have led to the best educated and behaved children on Earth. No? Hmmm. Must be society’s fault.
Leftists, however, will do anything to protect their group. When someone on the Right commits a foul against Political Correctness, even decades in the past, they are disowned. Yet there is no behavior that any Leftist feels that they should be held accountable for – which brings us back to Virginia.
The current governor of Virginia has allegedly committed offenses against racial political correctness to the point that, if he were on the Right, he would be shot into the Sun and his family sent to exile in northern Canada where an old liberal would be sent ‘round to kick them every week.
Why would this be so?
I said that Leftists are herd animals. All humans seek the company of other humans – it’s normal, and belonging is the most basic need outside of food, water and oxygen. But Leftists seek safety in the herd. Again, the concept of individuality is hateful to them, so the collectivist action mimics that of the herd. The result is they’d never sacrifice a member until he was nearly dead – the biggest fear of the Left is that they’d be judged objectively.
The result of this is that the Left is dangerous due to this self-loathing. They’re like people who feel themselves to be inferior always have been – vengeful, spiteful, and hungry for power so that they can finally be someone.
So, that’s how we got here.