Presented Without (Much) Comment

“Dolores, I have five days to complete this picture. Don’t get goofy on me.” – Ed Wood

Sometimes, a picture is worth 1,000 words, so, here are 33,000 words.  All memes in this post are free-range, and as found on the Internet.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

19 thoughts on “Presented Without (Much) Comment”

  1. While the AN2 biplane has no rated stall speed (!) per the manual they are fully controllable at 30 mph. With a 15 knot headwind that gives you a ground speed of around 15 mph. The Soviet troops would hang on 4-5 to each wing and slide off from 10-20 feet in the air into the snow – theoretically. The ones exiting the fuselage (preparing to do an outstanding PLF) complemented the wing riders. As I recall they took 20-30% casualties on impact. Great concept…for dirt poor countries with a low value for life and limb. First heard about this at US airborne school. Would love to purchase an AN2 but they are scarce as hens teeth in the US. Great STOL aircraft with 5,000# payload

    1. Okay, that sounds slightly less crazy. But it verifies, in Soviet Russia, parachute needs you!

    2. 4 available for sale in the US right now, about $100k each. Another dozen or so in Europe. I’ll buy a ride when you get up and running. 😁

  2. This just in from intellect czar comradette AOC-of course money grows on trees, that is why banks have branches.
    A speak and spell update with snarky Hurt Me Elmo commentary!
    No room for commie! F’ off ya Bolshevik! Marx is a big derelict bum.
    Cuba is a big steaming pile like Venezuela.
    Real disaster has never been tried, gravity is a construct of the white male capitalist imperialism.

  3. Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
    Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
    The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
    The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
    The best lack all conviction, while the worst
    Are full of passionate intensity.

  4. Alternative Title: “Peak Crazy Does Not Exist”

    I had no idea Florida had an Oompa-Loompa subculture.

  5. The “Global Warming” Time pieces merely proves Time has always been a sensationalist rag. Then again, ask any scientist who is conducting either technically difficult research or finds something that might be controversial : the press has long sucked eggs at covering scientific topics. Either they simplify to such a degree that they risk misleading people or they go the ‘sensationalistic’ route that tends to overly scare or overly excite people. Even back in the early 70’s (heck, back in the 1950’s even) the vast majority of the (at the time) rather few peer reviewed papers dealing with climate change, man-made or not, predicted global warming. There were a few in the early 70’s that predicted global cooling, in part due to aerosols, but they were never a majority, let alone any type of scientific consensus. Basically, if you look at the research the science has been remarkably consistently predicting global warming since the 19th century, so no, this is one of the few issues I disagree rather strongly with the mainstream ‘conservative’ consensus (it’s not just the ‘dissident right’ in this case) that climate change is either a faux plot or not man-made or nothing at all to worry about. I think it’s something that can be mitigated (worse comes to worse, geoengineering something like a ‘sun shade’), something that can be adjusted to, and I don’t think we have to give up our industrial lifestyle or go entirely ‘carbon free’ let alone ‘greenify’ the grid, esp if we over the next few decades add lots more nuclear. So in that sense I’m against the mainstream and leftist (esp greenie) narrative. But I do think a hell of a lot of conservatives are going to be caught off guard starting in the 2040’s when increased flooding in many coastal areas will become obvious and common, and that’s just the earliest and easiest example of the consequences that will occur when this issue is ignored.

    1. We’ve been warmer, we’ve been colder. Climate varies. The biggest difference is that Leftists love to have man be the root of the problem – they hate themselves.

    2. Of course the positive consequences are also always downplayed, even in your reasonable analysis. The Roman Warm Period, from what I have read, led to booming food production. It was apparently warmer then than is now predicted for our “Global Warming”.

      Also, sunspots and Maunder Cycles.

      Oh, also, weren’t all those coastal areas supposed to be flooded by 2012/2020/2032? Is it now 2040? Convenient that the “experts” making the predictions always pick a time far enough in the future that nobody remembers their predictions by the time it arrives.

  6. Is that quote from Kamela real? It is one of the most chilling things I have ever read.

  7. The only good commie is an erased from existence commie.

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