“I can take you to the Battle of Trafalgar, the Antigravity Olympics, Ceasar crossing the Rubicon, but Sheffield it is.” – Dr. Who
Julius Caesar had a nap before crossing the Rubicon. The rest is history.
- Those who have an opposing ideology are considered evil.
- People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology. Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
- Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
- Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
- Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
- Open War.
Volume VI, Issue 9
All memes except for the clock and graphs are “as found”. I considered moving the Clock O’Doom down a notch, but the illegals protesting lawlessly including injuring innocent bystanders who disagreed with them. Beware: it can notch up quickly.
This is a moving situation, and things are changing quickly. The advice remains. Avoid crowds. Get out of cities. Now. A year too soon is better than one day too late.
In this issue: Front Matter – Crossing The Rubicon – Violence and Censorship Update – LAST CALL Biden’s Misery Index – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – Full Spectrum War – Links
Front Matter
Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report. These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month. I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues. Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 850 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at or before 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.
Crossing The Rubicon
On January 6, 2021, Donald J. Trump did not cross the Rubicon. As his supporters entered the Capitol Building, he could have egged them on to stay and actually occupy the building. He did not. That was a moment in history where Trump could plausibly have conducted a counter-coup on the government.
He did not.
The counter-coup really started on January 20, 2025. As Trump entered office, his strategy was entirely different – but more on that on Wednesday where we’ll discuss tactics. No, the “how” is important, but the “what” is even more important.
The “what” is this is the most seismic moment in United States politics since Civil War 1.0, and perhaps since the American Revolution (or, as commentors have noted in the past, Civil War 0.0).
Quite simply, Trump has crossed the Rubicon by tearing into the Deep State, the entrenched bureaucracy that exists to perpetuate itself. Oh, sure, that’s what we thought it did, but it turns out that that same Deep State functions to fund jobs for all of the Marxists Grievance Studies graduates the GloboLeftElite schools can produce.
And it appears to be a money laundering operation for the politically connected, with layers of foundations paying each other money, much of which originates from federal spending. This spending has been obscured for so long that the Deep State though no one could ever find it.
D.O.G.E. found it, or at least billions of it. I think when it’s all said and done that we’ll see that it’s an octopus with tendrils in everything.
Oh, that’s if they’re allowed. This information is already causing the Democrats to behaving in the worst way possible: defending the obvious corruption, with one of the corruptcongresscreatures actually saying “the public has no right to see how the government is spending money.”
They’re acting like the person who found the evidence of the crime is guilty.
The immune system of the GloboLeftElite has been activated: the lawsuits and injunctions have already started, with the latest (and most ludicrous) one indicating that properly appointed staffers of the Treasury Department aren’t allowed to do their jobs.
So, Trump crossed the Rubicon. Legally. Devastatingly.
But now that he’s done it, there are not choices for him. Trump (and Musk) have to win, have to follow this through, because if they don’t, the Deep State will convulse and likely send both of them to prison for life.
I’m not kidding.
This has already driven the GloboLeft rank and file to despair – they see the corruption that Trump is uncovering, and know they shouldn’t defend it, yet they can’t help themselves. The fact that the federal government gave George Soros $28 million to help elect GloboLeftist D.A.s to increase the violence in big cities and that GloboLeft senators and representatives can’t denounce it?
Or the employees? We know at least partially how they spend their workdays:
Tells you everything you need to know if they’re fine with the U.S. government paying a foreigner to influence local elections. It’s because if they do what the Deep State wants, they’re rewarded with wealth and power in private sector jobs or in foundations. You don’t denounce that which is making you unjustly rich.
There is danger here, yet this is perhaps the only offramp left to keep the nation out of Civil War 2.0. Will it work? Probably not – the odds are still against it.
But it sure is fun to watch.
Violence and Censorship Update
What a difference a month makes. Facebook® has unleashed slightly less Orwellian speech after having criminally cut it back during COVID.
Even BlackRock® took some time out to tell the truth:
And hard GloboLeftists at CNN™ (but I repeat myself) are getting the boot:
And Hillary and Harris were caught giving Nazi salutes – amazing that their initials, H.H. weren’t noticed before now! Of course, it would be silly to say that, right?
But, active violence is out there:
And the GloboLeft is starting to plan:
LAST CALL: Biden/Harris Misery Index
Let’s take a look to see how we’ve done this month, and get a next to final look at what Biden has done.
Up. Again. I’ll keep tracking, since misery is a key driver for civil wars.
Updated Civil War II Index
The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time. They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings. As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index. On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.
Violence in December is down slightly, (remember, New Orleans is in January).
Political Instability:
Down is more stable, and it is up slightly.
The economy is stable this month.
Illegal Aliens:
Will Trump stop them from coming? Yes.
Full Spectrum War
In any conceivable actual Civil War 2.0 scenario, I know that most people have been looking at AntiFa® and have found them to be laughable. They really are, since the mainly consist of women who haven’t seen a shower since George W. Bush left office and stick-boi soy men who couldn’t bench press the bar.
And, yes, we’re right to not worry about them so much, since they really aren’t a physical threat in a stand-up fight.
But it’s not just them. What about those who are planning attacks on infrastructure? That will happen in the middle of the night. Who will help them? Well, the FBI has given tons of explosives to their informants in the past, I can see them giving the real deal to GloboLeftists as payback.
And it’s not just them. Trump has been deporting people, and threatened the cartels. How many divisions do the cartels have? Well, I’m not sure, but they do have battalion level force, and they’re used to operating in the shadows. Out of fear, they’ve been very careful to avoid Americans who weren’t involved in the drug business, but if Trump declares war, they’ll infiltrate many urban areas like the Viet Cong. Places like California could certainly put their full governmental weight behind this, especially if they choose secession. And don’t think the Chinese wouldn’t fund this and provide weapons and ammo caches for them.
This will, more than anything, tend to racialize the war against Hispanics. Lee Kuan Yew is relevant in this situation:
Again, if D.O.G.E. works out, fully 10% of the workforce of the United States will be kicked out of their silly make-work positions and some of them will be desperate, and many of them have been indoctrinated with Marxist ethics.
Do I think we’ll win? I do. But don’t believe that it’s going to be a cakewalk – it will be gritty and ugly in ways that will echo the worst of what happened in Cambodia. But most of that will happen in cities, so, keep your head on a swivel if you want to remain in one.
Who knows, maybe Congress will issue letters of marque again?
Maybe that will solve a lot of problems:
As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky. Thanks so much, Ricky!!