Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Trump Crossing The Rubicon

“I can take you to the Battle of Trafalgar, the Antigravity Olympics, Ceasar crossing the Rubicon, but Sheffield it is.” – Dr. Who

Julius Caesar had a nap before crossing the Rubicon.  The rest is history.

  1. Those who have an opposing ideology are considered evil.
  2. People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology.  Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
  3. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  4. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  5. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  6. Open War.

Volume VI, Issue 9

All memes except for the clock and graphs are “as found”.  I considered moving the Clock O’Doom down a notch, but the illegals protesting lawlessly including injuring innocent bystanders who disagreed with them.  Beware: it can notch up quickly.

This is a moving situation, and things are changing quickly.  The advice remains.  Avoid crowds.  Get out of cities.  Now.  A year too soon is better than one day too late.

In this issue:  Front Matter – Crossing The Rubicon – Violence and Censorship Update – LAST CALL Biden’s Misery Index – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – Full Spectrum War – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 850 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at or before 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.

Crossing The Rubicon

On January 6, 2021, Donald J. Trump did not cross the Rubicon.  As his supporters entered the Capitol Building, he could have egged them on to stay and actually occupy the building.  He did not.  That was a moment in history where Trump could plausibly have conducted a counter-coup on the government.

He did not.

The counter-coup really started on January 20, 2025.  As Trump entered office, his strategy was entirely different – but more on that on Wednesday where we’ll discuss tactics.  No, the “how” is important, but the “what” is even more important.

The “what” is this is the most seismic moment in United States politics since Civil War 1.0, and perhaps since the American Revolution (or, as commentors have noted in the past, Civil War 0.0).

Quite simply, Trump has crossed the Rubicon by tearing into the Deep State, the entrenched bureaucracy that exists to perpetuate itself.  Oh, sure, that’s what we thought it did, but it turns out that that same Deep State functions to fund jobs for all of the Marxists Grievance Studies graduates the GloboLeftElite schools can produce.

And it appears to be a money laundering operation for the politically connected, with layers of foundations paying each other money, much of which originates from federal spending.  This spending has been obscured for so long that the Deep State though no one could ever find it.

D.O.G.E. found it, or at least billions of it.  I think when it’s all said and done that we’ll see that it’s an octopus with tendrils in everything.

Oh, that’s if they’re allowed.  This information is already causing the Democrats to behaving in the worst way possible:  defending the obvious corruption, with one of the corruptcongresscreatures actually saying “the public has no right to see how the government is spending money.”

They’re acting like the person who found the evidence of the crime is guilty.

The immune system of the GloboLeftElite has been activated:  the lawsuits and injunctions have already started, with the latest (and most ludicrous) one indicating that properly appointed staffers of the Treasury Department aren’t allowed to do their jobs.

So, Trump crossed the Rubicon.  Legally.  Devastatingly.

But now that he’s done it, there are not choices for him.  Trump (and Musk) have to win, have to follow this through, because if they don’t, the Deep State will convulse and likely send both of them to prison for life.

I’m not kidding.

This has already driven the GloboLeft rank and file to despair – they see the corruption that Trump is uncovering, and know they shouldn’t defend it, yet they can’t help themselves.  The fact that the federal government gave George Soros $28 million to help elect GloboLeftist D.A.s to increase the violence in big cities and that GloboLeft senators and representatives can’t denounce it?

Or the employees?  We know at least partially how they spend their workdays:

Tells you everything you need to know if they’re fine with the U.S. government paying a foreigner to influence local elections.  It’s because if they do what the Deep State wants, they’re rewarded with wealth and power in private sector jobs or in foundations.  You don’t denounce that which is making you unjustly rich.

There is danger here, yet this is perhaps the only offramp left to keep the nation out of Civil War 2.0.  Will it work?  Probably not – the odds are still against it.

But it sure is fun to watch.

Violence and Censorship Update

What a difference a month makes.  Facebook® has unleashed slightly less Orwellian speech after having criminally cut it back during COVID.

Even BlackRock® took some time out to tell the truth:

And hard GloboLeftists at CNN™ (but I repeat myself) are getting the boot:

And Hillary and Harris were caught giving Nazi salutes – amazing that their initials, H.H. weren’t noticed before now!  Of course, it would be silly to say that, right?

But, active violence is out there:

And the GloboLeft is starting to plan:

LAST CALL:  Biden/Harris Misery Index

Let’s take a look to see how we’ve done this month, and get a next to final look at what Biden has done.

Up.  Again.  I’ll keep tracking, since misery is a key driver for civil wars.

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Violence in December is down slightly, (remember, New Orleans is in January).

Political Instability:

Down is more stable, and it is up slightly.


The economy is stable this month.

Illegal Aliens:

Will Trump stop them from coming?  Yes.

Full Spectrum War

In any conceivable actual Civil War 2.0 scenario, I know that most people have been looking at AntiFa® and have found them to be laughable.  They really are, since the mainly consist of women who haven’t seen a shower since George W. Bush left office and stick-boi soy men who couldn’t bench press the bar.

And, yes, we’re right to not worry about them so much, since they really aren’t a physical threat in a stand-up fight.

But it’s not just them.  What about those who are planning attacks on infrastructure?  That will happen in the middle of the night.  Who will help them?  Well, the FBI has given tons of explosives to their informants in the past, I can see them giving the real deal to GloboLeftists as payback.

And it’s not just them.  Trump has been deporting people, and threatened the cartels.  How many divisions do the cartels have?  Well, I’m not sure, but they do have battalion level force, and they’re used to operating in the shadows.  Out of fear, they’ve been very careful to avoid Americans who weren’t involved in the drug business, but if Trump declares war, they’ll infiltrate many urban areas like the Viet Cong.  Places like California could certainly put their full governmental weight behind this, especially if they choose secession.  And don’t think the Chinese wouldn’t fund this and provide weapons and ammo caches for them.

This will, more than anything, tend to racialize the war against Hispanics.  Lee Kuan Yew is relevant in this situation:

Again, if D.O.G.E. works out, fully 10% of the workforce of the United States will be kicked out of their silly make-work positions and some of them will be desperate, and many of them have been indoctrinated with Marxist ethics.

Do I think we’ll win?  I do.  But don’t believe that it’s going to be a cakewalk – it will be gritty and ugly in ways that will echo the worst of what happened in Cambodia.  But most of that will happen in cities, so, keep your head on a swivel if you want to remain in one.

Who knows, maybe Congress will issue letters of marque again?

Maybe that will solve a lot of problems:


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much, Ricky!!







Actually Draining The Swamp: The Lamentation Of Their Women

“All that matters is that today, two stood against many.  That is what is important!  Valor pleases you, Crom; so, grant me one request.  Grant me revenge!  And if you do not listen, then to hell with you!” – Conan The Barbarian

A bog, a marsh, and a fen go into a bar.  The bartender:  “Guess I’m swamped.”

He’s doing it.  Or, at least he’s trying to.

The more I see Trump in action in this second term, the more I’m glad he didn’t have a contiguous second term.  This time, he’s focused.  Being shot, I’ve heard, does that to a man.  He knows he has a limited number of days, and he has goals and is surrounded by competent people who share his desire for vengeance.

I’d say his timeframe to get stuff done really consists of the next two years.  Beyond that, the intervening congressional election will have occurred, and he’ll probably lose one or both houses of congress, which is what usually happens, though with Trump, there is no such thing as “usual”.

But let’s outline at least part of the Swamp:

Above, tantum outlines at least part of the contours of the Swamp.  In a bit more detail, only about 2% of the people that work for “the government” work directly for the Federal government.  The rest of that 13.4% are state, county, and local government.  Are all of them productive?  Certainly not.  I’ve met several ROAD warriors when dealing with .gov people.  ROAD?  Retired On Active Duty.  They avoid doing work and find places to hide.

Others, however, are doing the things that people simply couldn’t do without, like building and plowing roads, or making and transporting safe drinking water.  To be clear, places like Flint and Jackson show how DEI can ruin basic functions and allow the system to be filled with parasites:  human parasites.

But even if you neglect those people, the real danger are the 12.8 million non-profit workers that are parasitically leaching off of the government.  They are overwhelmingly members of the GloboLeft, and follow the tune of the GloboLeftElite.  George Soros has a “Center For Things George Soros Likes” which gets funding and grants to hire people George Soros likes to do things like make foreign government more GloboLeftist so George can make more money.

Never Trumpers like Bill Kristol, below, are leaches on the system.  He has his own non-profit foundation, Defending Democracy Together Institute, which got almost $10.5 million in donations.  Yup, Bill Kristol gets money from the Swamp, or Deep State, or whatever.  I’d bet he’s paid for his time.  You can look up nonprofit organizations here (LINK) thanks to datarepublican’s work.  The link will take you to the page where Kristol’s grift is shown.  I’m thinking Ricky will find some very interesting things here.

12.8 million people in the United States, or almost 7.5% of the workforce of the United States is employed by these leaches.  Where do the (Insert Aggrieved Racial Or Sexual Group Here) Women’s Studies or Gender Studies or (Insert Aggrieved Racial Or Sexual Group Here) majors get jobs?  Well, Starbucks®.  But if their daddy is connected, they get on at places like Defending Democracy Together where they have the opportunity to launder funds back to places the GloboLeftistElite want them to go.

If you’re not mad yet, you’re not paying attention.

What kind of coffee is served by a sad barista?  A depresso.

Tens of billions of dollars are given to the major aid groups to make the United States more attractive to illegal and legal aliens.  Those aliens in turn consume (generally, there are exceptions) much, much more in services than they provide.  A strawberry picker working off the books contributes next to nothing, but it costs tens of thousands in welfare to feed his family, and his children consume tens of thousands of dollars in education funding.  I could go on, but they are a net economic and cultural drag.

And we’re paying for it.  What money?  I’d say our tax money, but we all know that’s a joke.  We’re printing money and inflating our dollar to nothing to import people who don’t want to be a part of our country.  Look at the recent shut down of the 101 in Los Angeles to protest ICE raids:  of the hundreds of flags, most were Mexican.  I believe in all the pictures I saw exactly one American flag.

One American flag, among hundreds.

And your currency is being made worthless to import even more people who feel little to no allegiance to this country and culture.

Trump and DOGE appear to be on this, though.  They’ve fired all the top people at the USAID offices.  When DOGE team members appeared wanting to gain access to the offices, they were not admitted.  USAID will soon find that the Executive Branch can shut them down.

I expect a lot of this funding to be exposed.  Trump was unprepared for the Swamp (or Deep State, if you prefer) his first term.  Not now.  He’s gutting them, and soon enough we might see 5% of workforce, the pampered GloboLeft, wondering how they’re going to pay for their next fancy coffee.

Maybe they’ll get an employee discount?

Nah, we probably don’t need that many baristas.  We want, however, to get them out of government, cut their funding, and bathe in the ashes of their lives.

But I want to say:

This.  This is what I voted for.  This is what I’ve always been voting for.

To crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and to hear the lamentation of their women!


It Came From . . . 1979

“It just doesn’t matter.” – Meatballs

Those are some large balls.

Going back through the list of movies that came out in 1979, you could see the excellence that would come in the 1980s, but it wasn’t, for the most part, there yet.  The formula wasn’t quite right.  Some movies left off the list like The Villian, for instance, should never have been made.  I love slapstick.  I love satire.  But The Villian was just horrible in the way it executed both – it had less character development than a Roadrunner cartoon.

On the flip side, some of the movies below are classics that are far better than anything being made today.  A great, classic movie that hits all the beats and isn’t a sequel is possible.  Also of note, there just weren’t a lot of sequels made in 1979 – Hollywood® still felt it had ideas.

Many of these I saw either on video or on HBO® later and not as releases in the theater.  Also, as always, the list is in no particular order and excludes sequels.

In a city where 10,000 of Trump’s ICE are on their tail, they’re just trying to get home to Oaxaca.

The Warriors – “Warriors . . . come out to play . . . Warriors . . . come out to pla-ay . . . .”  The 1970s were a darker time in the country, and I think folks generally looked around and wondered if it was really the end.  Gangs and crime were top news in major cities, especially New York where The Warriors was set.  On a re-watch a few years ago, it wasn’t nearly as well done as I had remembered, but did okay telling the story of a gang (the eponymous Warriors) who had to make it to their home turf, after falsely being accused of killing the guy who was trying to unite the rest of the gangs to take control of New York City.  Violence was okay, but the movie was sadly missing in hot chicks.

I can imagine The Tall Man as a Tall Cat.  Quite a bit less threatening.

Phantasm – It’s 1978, you’re 28 and somehow you’ve scraped together $300,000 bucks, and have a script you wrote.  So, why not direct.  And be the photographer, too?  That’s Phantasm.  It has all the hallmarks of a huge failure, but it turned into a very well-made horror movie for the budget, including some very inventive effects.  I first saw this one as a late night movie on some cable network (The USA® Network??) and really enjoyed it.  I give it four spiked silver balls out of five.

Hey, it’s almost like something is missing from this picture.  Oh, yeah, it’s his dead father.

The Champ – Okay, technically this is a remake, and not a sequel.  I only saw it once, and that was in the theater.  Why did we go?  Ma Wilder wanted to see it, because she had seen the original when she was young.  If you’ve seen it, you’ll know that, apparently in the last few minutes of the film, it gets really dusty:  out of 250 film clips shown to 500 people, the last three minutes of this movie were judged the saddest by a majority.

What is he holding, exactly?

Mad Max – This is the movie where I first saw St. Mel the Gibson.  It was on HBO™ late one night and I watched it again and again.  Every Mad Max® sequel looks like this movie – the fast-paced shots and the impossibly quick kinetic action on screen.  The dialogue is good (well, action movie good), and (like The Warriors above) takes place in a world that is slipping away.

Where’s the egg?  Stupid A.I.

Alien – This movie is a classic, and created a new genre that people have been trying to copy since it appeared on screen.  Mostly with poor results.  Even James Cameron wisely decided to avoid trying to emulate Alien and instead went and created the classic military science fiction film.  The film is simple:  it’s a haunted house, but in space.  Where no one can hear you scream, but that’s not exactly true because I saw it in a movie theater and there was tons of screaming and most of it was in stereo.

Old Bill Murray makes it a thousand times creepier.

Meatballs – Again, seen on HBO™.  I bought a DVD to watch it again around 2010, since I remembered it as a version of “Rocky Balboa, but he’s a kid at a summer camp, and he runs instead being a boxer”.  Then I re-watched it.  Oh, my, this movie is beyond cringe, and the sexual innuendo involving young teens was more creepy than watching Biden around eight-year-olds.  The plus side?  Bill Murray developing into the comic genius that would steal the show in Ghostbusters.

ApocaPEZ® now?  Why didn’t Brando shave like he was supposed to?

Apocalypse Now – There are some really great parts to this film, but as a complete film I think it’s a failure – the odd scenes with Brando and Sheen detract from the rest of the film.  Brando was awful and I think his performance would have been better if he had not even shown up and been replaced by a one-legged kangaroo.  This movie, I think, more than anything (thankfully) killed the experimental films of the 1970s.  I saw this one on the television for the first time, so it was obviously very heavily edited.  I’ve seen a couple of versions since, and maintain that there is a good ending hiding in there somewhere in the original script Coppola bought from John Milius (Dirty Harry, Red Dawn).  Sadly, Coppola never found it.  I’m likely alone in this opinion.


Monty Python’s Life of Brian – The local college played this movie one afternoon much later than the original release date.  Since it was meant for the students, admission was absurdly low, $0.50.  Two quarters.  But the film?  Hilarious.  Even though it’s a touchy subject, Monty Python made it clear that Brian was not Jesus, since there were several scenes depicting an intersection with some of the miracles of Jesus.  What’s hilarious from 2025 is how it mocked the GloboLeftist movement, “Where’s the fetus going to gestate, in a box?”  A nearly perfect comedy.


10 – There are some genuinely funny moments in 10, but they are few and far between.  The plot centers around Dudley Moore wanting to bang someone’s new wife.  Not his new wife, but some other guy.  The only reason teenage John Wilder really wanted to se this movie was, well, let’s say there were two reasons.  The movie, though, was very much in keeping with Hollywood’s increasing use of film to spread the “anything goes” sexual propaganda of the era.

And now for something completely different.

Star Trek:  The Motion Picture – When Star Wars made it big at the box office, absolutely everyone wanted to recreate it.  They stuffed Gene Roddenberry full of money, and took a script from an abandoned television show (Star Trek:  Phase II) and fluffed it out to a movie that lasted 36 hours.  I kid.  It only lasted 18.  It made a bunch of money because people missed Star Trek enough to spend six days of their lives watching this this very lovingly crafted movie that consisted mostly of people talking in rooms.  At the end, one person has space sex with the computer-possessed body of a bald woman and everything is solved.

I told the A.I. I wanted Manet, not Monet.  Stupid A.I.

The Jerk – Steve Martin was at the top of his standup comic success and decided that movies would probably be easier.  The result?  One of the funniest movies ever – The Jerk.  It’s about a poor black child (Steve Martin) that goes from rags to riches to rags to much improved rags.

The Mouse is now public domain, baby.

The Black Hole – This one I saw in the theater, and it certainly was one of the causes of the death of Disney®.  The Black Hole was stupidly expensive, aimed at eight-year-olds, and mixed science fiction with ghosts and religion, but in a really bad way.  Very, very bad.  What could have saved it?  Not filming it.

Deleted due to length: 1941 and Being There.

There is an amazing drop off in quality in just a single year.  1980?  Some good films.  1979?  The lingering effects of the doom from Jimmy Carter’s Bidenesque presidency dominated.  We were a defeated nation, filled with inflation, embarrassed by what went on in Afghanistan and Iran, and overrun with the GloboLeft.

What a difference a year makes.

This post has been blessed by St. Mel.

Changing The Game

“You were looking for a way to change your life.  You could not do this on your own.” – Fight Club

I hear he got a job offer at an origami factory, but before he could start, it folded.

In a past job, I had to travel, a lot.  In a typical year, there were times when I spent 180 or more days on the road.  I was young, and it was fun.  It only cost me a marriage, but that’s okay, that marriage wasn’t worth a whole lot.

One time while traveling with a co-worker, I said, “Well, I’ve been on this flight before.  I bet we reach O’Hare at 10:42AM.”

The wheels touched down at 10:44AM.

“See, I was nearly exactly right.

Sadly, the co-worker that I was travelling with knew my game.  “Oh, John Wilder, you just picked ‘wheels down’ because it made your prediction correct.  You could have also picked, ‘at the gate’ or ‘getting the rental car’.”

I laughed.  She was on to my game.  In a system where I change the rules, I always win.  Unlike our Redditor®:

Because that’s the definition of a bureaucrat, Joe.

Right now, we have some of the greatest changes in the history of our country taking place – this week.  Trump has gone into a frenzy, signing Executive Orders faster than an Only Fans™ girl collects tips.  The hilarity of this situation is that Trump distracts people with small, mostly inconsequential things (immigration reform and repatriation), while attempting to remake the very fabric of the world (changing the name to the Gulf of America).

This makes the GloboLeft® his meat puppets as he emotionally manipulates them and drives them into overload mode.  See a big backlash?  No.  They’re shellshocked and traumatized:  they have no idea what to react to, and can’t even catch their collective breath since every ten minutes there’s something new to “Reeeeeeee” about.

It’s amusing to watch him, Trump out one Truth® and cut the legs out from under the president of Columbia and remove an insignificant obstacle.  Oh, sure, you say that it’s supposed to be spelled Colombia, but let’s be sure that if we stop taking their coffee and flowers they can shove that “o” up their demand curve. . . oh, sorry.

Channeling Trump for a second.

But Columbia is not alone in wanting to build a wall so that their citizens can’t return, Mexico doesn’t seem to want Mexicans back, either.

Looks like Trump feels about FEDGOV employees the same way he feels about illegals.

Let’s take a look at several big themes we’ve seen so far.  They’re gonna leave a mark:

  • Less food will be picked, so some farmers will have to pay a market wage to harvest their crops, like grapes, pumpkins, lettuce, peppers, strawberries, citrus fruits, cherries, tomatoes, broccoli, and carrots among others. The prices of these are going up.  Farmers might have to charge a dime more an orange to pay a wage to pull Americans to do the work.

Looks like Shea is sad he’s losing his below-market labor. 

  • But demand will be down since there will be fewer people to feed.
  • Oh, speaking of demand going down, housing demand will be down since the illegals won’t be needing them. That frees up a house or two in Modern Mayberry, but what about Los Angeles?
  • But home construction costs will go up as market wages for construction workers go up in illegal-heavy areas.
  • There’s a hiring freeze by the federal government and Trump wants employees to go back to work at actual desks rather than hanging out at home. Again, good and bad things will happen:  fewer employees means fewer employees to harass you.  Yay!  But it also means fewer employees to spend time erasing stupid regulations.  Maybe we could assign the ATF to Greenland patrol.

Or, we could put the ATF to productive use picking fruit.

  • Forget new windmills and solar farms, but drilling will become a new national pastime. Will oil prices go up?  Depends on whether or not the Biden Recession hits in 2025, but Trump is all-in for domestic energy production.  Sweet, sweet oil and coal and natural gas so we can release carbon dioxide back into the loving embrace of the atmosphere.
  • Tariffs will increase prices of imported things, but also give incentives for companies to keep manufacturing in the United States. Longer term, jobs and technical know-how are better than cheap plastic things from China.
  • There might also be deregulation impacts to make decent cars more available – when can I buy a 2025 Toyota® IMV 0 for $10,000 like everybody else in the world? We can certainly make them in the United States and avoid the tariffs if only the regulation would allow these inexpensive reliable vehicles on the road.
  • The tangling array of Non-Governmental Organizations, you know, those people who think it’s charity to leach off of our taxes to send gimmies to foreign countries? Yeah, he’s cutting their funding off.  More importantly, I think he’s cutting off the funding to the groups (like Catholic Charities™, the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service©, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society®, and the Red Cross®.  The United States even funds the National Immigration Law Center™ so they can fight to keep illegal aliens from being deported.    We fund people who are enemies of our laws.

Wow, the Democrats and RINOS had a great idea – use the FEDGOV to fund enemies of the average American citizen.

Yeah, it’s a mixed bag as to what the immediate impacts of this will be.  I’m more than happy to pay more for strawberries and coffee if it will lead to the United States ending this catastrophic importation of people who wave the flags of other countries, refuse to learn our language, and, well, hate us.

More importantly, if we continue with business as usual, we’re going to collapse.  More illegals won’t make us better.  More debt won’t make eggs cheaper.  Offshoring more jobs won’t increase living standards.  More regulations won’t make more wealth.  All of these things are long term trends that cannot go on forever.

They’ve got to stop.  We are at a point where we’ll have to change the rules, and it seems to me the wheels have already hit the ground.

In Columbia.

Enjoy Until Midnight. Then Back To Work.

“Execute order 66.” – Revenge of the Sith

This is a GloboLeftist.  Thinking we’re not cheering for this, not understanding we didn’t vote for stability.

I had a football coach that had a speech that he saved for the team after we had won a big game.  Since we were 2-7 my senior year, he rarely got to use it.  It went something like this:

“Alright, team, we won the big game and are feeling pretty good right now, except for Jenkins.  I’m pretty sure he was left-handed, anyway, so don’t worry too much about him.  We won.  Enjoy it.  Relax.  Until midnight.  After midnight, it’s back to being hungry for a win – the score is zero-zero.”  Since this was before the GloboLeftElite clouded the minds of men, he’d then hand out cigarettes and beer to the freshmen and sophomores, with cigars, tequila and strippers for the upperclassmen.

I loved high school.  I learned a lot about Destiny there, though I think that was just her stage name.  I never did get all the glitter off the truck seat.

Anyway, Trump has once again assumed the presidency.  This is not the naïve, friendly, Trump of his first administration.  Nope, he’s played the game, had four years to marinate in his mistakes, and is surrounded by a bunch of people who are nearly as pissed off as he is.  The biggest initial impact, besides bleaching the Oval Office to get the old man smell out, are the plethora of Executive Orders he issued nearly immediately.  I’ve got an incomplete list below, and let’s spend a few minutes reveling in them.

I can’t verify this, but I can imagine him saying it, so it’s probably true.

  • 1,500 pardons for January 6 protestors.

This was a big one, and was needed for legitimacy.  So many of the folks on January 6 did absolutely nothing wrong in what was effectively the largest panty raid in American history – you could tell because Nancy Pelosi certainly had her panties in a bunch.

Sorry for that.  Now you probably need mind bleach.

The sentences for the protesters were, in almost every case, extremely disproportionate to the crimes alleged.  This is justice.

The button text is photoshopped, although when I checked, the Spanish version of was really gone.  Actual text:  “Return to Home Page.”

  • Declared a national border emergency.

This was one that really got the goat of the GloboLeftElite.  Butch Maddow, MSNBC© Lesbian at Large, reporting from the MSNBC™ Safe Space© bunker, immediately asked where Steiner’s troops were.

But what happened is the border shut down.  Immediately.  The Border Patrol ceased their most recent duty of diaper delivery and social work and began, well, patrolling the border.

  • Removed birthright citizenship.

Pure genius, and well overdue.  If I vault over my neighbor’s fence and my woman gives birth on his lawn, I don’t have a claim to his house.  Oddly, that’s been our theory for decades.  The wording of the amendment establishing citizenship at birth clearly says, “and under the jurisdiction thereof.”  Criminals are not citizens, and not under the jurisdiction, just like diplomats, people on student, tourist, or work visas, or ILLEGAL ALIENS aren’t.

Boot ‘em.  Sadly, this isn’t retroactive, but this is a start.  Already H1-B Indians are complaining that they can’t chain migrate their 4,323 close relatives from India because of this.

Yes, this makes me cry inside.  But it’s tears of joy.

  • Shut down refugee resettlement.

Every picture about this particular order showed the fat Squatamalan woman wearing designer clothes crying because her appointment to negotiate to come into the United States was cancelled.  She had a cell phone (nicer than mine) showing that her appointment was cancelled.

Why, oh why does it make these people cry when they are told that they have to live in their home country surrounded by people just like them?

President Trump sends his regards.

  • Rescinded 78 Biden Executive Orders on DEI.

Imagine you’re a diversity trainer.  Imagine you had a contract to teach diversity to listless herds of .gov employees.  Imagine now you’re unemployed.

I know, I know.  I’m in pain, too.  It’ll probably take plastic surgery to remove the smile from my face.

  • Froze .gov hiring.

This is a good start.  Now start firing ever DEI employee, every gun control policy wonk, and every third employee, randomly.  That’s a better start.

  • Required immediate return to in-person work for .gov employees.

They have to go to work?  In a building?  That’s not their home?  And put on pants?  Sheer monstrosity.

If employees don’t return, they’ll get a little visit from Barron.

  • Required regulation cutting.

This is a sleeper, because it has a huge ability, if done right, to lower costs for businesses and individuals.  We’ll see.

  • Required removal of climate policies that raise costs and withdraw from the Paris Accords.

Again, a sleeper because all of that alternative energy is really, really costly when compared to regular old energy, and yet raise your costs invisibly because the cost is just passed on to you via your bill.  The Paris Accords aren’t a treaty, because the GloboLeftElite couldn’t pass a treaty.  It’s just . . . an agreement that bound us to GloboLeftElite goals, i.e., they keep their jets, but we have to have crappy cars.

Or, it was an agreement.

  • Withdrew from the World Health Organization.

I’ve written about this bureaucratic overreach with no particular purpose after they actually did some good and important things.  Mainly, it’s a bunch of high-paying jobs and a really cool building with a rooftop café for foreigners to sip cappuccinos while they laugh at us plebs.

  • Created the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) to eliminate entire agencies and many .gov jobs.

I’ve written about DOGE before.  I’m certainly in hopes that it works, though, like so many of the above, it all depends on the executions.  After fair trials, of course.

  • Removed the security clearances from the 51 intelligence officers who said that Hunter’s laptop was fake, and, also John Bolton.

I found this one particularly delicious.  These intelligence grifters retire and use their credentials to maintain access to secret information, and then sell their opinions to big corporations or mainstream media.  Sadly, I’m not sure the Executive Orders covered Bolton’s mustache, which I think is Bolton’s primary sensory and information storage organ.

Even Michael Bolton would be better at national security.

  • Declared that there were only two genders.

It took mankind 2020 years to forget this, but one stroke of the pen and it made sense again.  I wonder what will happen to all of those trans celebrity kids now that they’re illegal.  Maybe we can send them to Guatemala, too.

  • Declared that it’s now the Gulf of America.

A troll from Trump, but a beautiful, hilarious troll that the GloboLeftElite will focus on while Trump’s busy gutting the federal government like a trout or an MSNBC© Safe Space™.

There are, of course, more, like firing the DEI obsessed Coast Guard L.I.C. (Lesbian in Charge) or shutting down most foreign aid, immediately.

So, tonight, I’ll sit back and not gripe.  I’ll enjoy the moment.

Until midnight.

When It Comes To The Country, What Does Winning Mean?

“Fight Club wasn’t about winning or losing.” – Fight Club

What do you get for winning a muscle loss competition?  Atrophy.

One of the things I thought about after the Big Christmas H1-B X® Debate is this simple question based off of Elon’s now famous Drunk Christmas Xeet (above):

What’s the price of winning?

First, I guess I’d ask the question – winning at what, exactly?  There are lots of things that a country could win at.  Here’s a stab at some things that I think would be fairly nice for a country to win at:

  • Liberty
  • Trust
  • Happiness
  • Low Corruption
  • Low Crime
  • Health
  • Standard of Living
  • Educational Achievement
  • Cultural Accomplishments
  • Innovation in PEZ® Delivery Devices

That’s not a very bad list, at all.  A country that scored highly in these indices would be a pretty darn nice country to live in.  It looks, hang with me for just a second, exactly like the United States through much of its existence prior to 1960.

Most people know about Karl Marx from his political philosophy, but few know about his sister, Onya, who invented the track race starter pistol.

Will bringing in more “people who are super talented engineers AND super motivated” help any of that?

Maybe.  A little.  The United States was a center where smart people wanted to come for years, especially in the post war era.  We got a few that did really help – Von Braun and Fermi, for instance.  However, some of the greatest prosperity the country had ever seen was when it was at its most restrictive in immigration.

I don’t think that was a coincidence.  The Immigration Act of 1924 was ushered in based on the huge slug of mainly non-Western European immigrants hitting our shores – people who little in common with the existing peoples of the United States, other than having two eyes and butts and such.  Having a never-ending stream of legal immigrants made the Act very, very popular.

How popular was the Act?  308-62 in the House, 69-9 in the Senate.

Remember, it’s not gay if it’s TSA.

The Act stabilized the existing ethnic makeup of the United States, with over 54% of allowable immigrants coming from English-speaking (this includes 11% from Ireland, which I assume counts) countries.

Imagine!  Over half of the immigrants to the United States speaking English on day one, and 94% coming from nominally Christian countries.  Oh!  And only 150,000 a year.

The result was a Depression.

Just kidding – that was going to happen anyway, thanks to the Fed®.

No, the result was that during the Depression we weren’t swamped with millions of jobless imports every year to make the situation even worse.  Oh, and it certainly didn’t hurt our own industry.  It was ready to hire actual Americans when World War II hit.  Did we need to import more people to build bombs and tanks and ships and planes?

No.  We did just fine, thank you.

Grandma Wilder fought during World War II.  She ended up getting a divorce.

And we were a much more unified country than today, leading in many of the categories I’ve put in the list above.

So, how is that not winning?

Elon imports Process Engineers on H1-B visas to work at his factories.  He pays them less than the median wage for Process Engineers – only $0.86 on the dollar.  Oh, and they can’t quit or they’re shipped back to India.

Is that winning?  Is it winning to have people work like virtual slaves for 86% of the median wage?  This doesn’t sound much like a rock star that we need to help us “win”.

Unless “win” means something else:

  • Lower Worker Wages
  • Higher Quarterly Profits
  • Importing More GloboLeft Voters
  • Higher House and Rent Prices
  • More Inflation
  • Increased Health Care Costs

I wonder how we got lulled to sleep?

Illegal aliens are bad enough, but legal ones can be just as economically corrosive, especially in the massive numbers that we’ve seen over the decades since 1965.  The fact that many of them

  • don’t speak English,
  • have political views antithetical to liberty,
  • are often openly hostile to the existing American population, and
  • come from philosophical backgrounds entirely alien to Western Civilization

doesn’t help.

A few, sprinkled here and there?  Yeah, in three or so generations they’d not stick out.  But over (as of 2018) 26% of Americans are first or second generation, and I’d bet that number vastly undercounts illegals.

The goal, I think, was for Americans to not be able to speak out about the idea that they’re being replaced by cheaper foreign labor that is more amenable to living under totalitarian conditions.  To want to defend the future of the continent where you and your forefathers built a civilization out of an untapped wilderness is somehow supposed to be wrong.

Oh, and the GloboLeft have been conditioned to hate Americans and those close to them.  Their idea of empathy is horribly skewed.  In the graph below (which I did a post on, but am too lazy to look up right now), the TradRight (on the left, oddly) has their highest concentration of empathy to those that they know – their family and close friends.  The GloboLeftists have their empathy skewed out to . . . all lifeforms in the universeThe GloboLeftists don’t much like themselves, their family, or those that are close to them.  They hate themselves and actively love people who are more foreign in ideology and genetics than their actual brothers and sisters.

The meme about my political philosophy above being a wholesome family wasn’t a joke.  It’s actually a real thing. 

If we want to win, well, first we have to define exactly what winning looks like.  After that, it’s up to us to really look at what it is we need to do to win.  My suggestion is that investing in our own people is probably better than treating them like a commodity to be bought and sold, or a horse to be worked to death pulling a plow to raise the children of people who hate us, who came here only as economic tourists.

Americans aren’t weak.  We’ve proven that time and time again.  Don’t let up, and don’t stop the pressure.  Winning is important.