The Best Post You’ll Read About COVID This Week: COVIDIOCRACY (with bikini ending)

“Quite frankly, we have had some very reliable intelligence reports that quite a serious epidemic has broken out at Clavius, something apparently of an unknown origin. Is this in fact what has happened?” – 2001:  A Space Odyssey

I’m not against all Gene therapy.

Note 1:  none of the memes for this post are original (most all of my regular post memes are), these are “as found” on the Internet.  I don’t think that there are any major inaccuracies, but, as always, engage in critical thinking.

Note 2:  this isn’t medical or life advice.  You have to assess your own situation and make your own choices. 

I was wandering through the Internet this week when this little gem of information caught my eye:

When I caught a bacterial infection, the doctor told me I was a man of culture.

The “jab” (which is not a vaccine, more on that in a bit) had proven not to decrease the rate of infection.  Nope.  The #clotshot looks like it turns those that have taken it into super-spreaders.  They have the ability, if infected, to spread even more of the disease to other people.

Think about that for just a second:  the “vaccinated” are very likely making the “normal DNA” population less safe.  It’s a paradox.  But at least they don’t get it themselves, right?  Well, in the immortal words of Aesop:  natzsofast . . . .

So, this gives a whole new meaning to Royal Navy “carrier”.  Something tells me they should have seen this one coming.

It has become abundantly clear that the “jab” is (at best) only moderately effective.  I have had the ‘Rona.  The Mrs. tested positive for the antibodies, and when she was sick she was helpfully coughing directly on me all night.  It’s not as bad as licking a doorknob at a bathroom hobos use, but it’s close.

The symptoms for me were mild.  A bit of a coof, and a fever of around 99°F for about four hours.  For The Mrs.?  Worse, but not the sickest I’ve ever seen her.

For me, a fever of 99°F is something that happens about once a decade, at most.  I last took a sick day in 2001 or so, so I’ve generally been fairly healthy.  The flu in 2012 was much, much worse for me, but that’s only because I let it get in my lungs.  I guess it was swine flu, so I should have had some oinkment.

Blofeld:  “Mr. Bond, I’ve poisoned your glass with the measles vaccine.  Now you have autism.”  Bond:  “That’s fine, Blofeld, I’ve disassembled your doomsday device and organized the parts by size.”

CORONA is real.  But when you look at the statistics, it is a disease that simply doesn’t hurt young people.   By young, I mean less than 40.  So, when I see Internet harpies screeching that they don’t want their kids to DIE!!! because of selfish “unvaxxed”, what I see are people who probably dress their precious snowflake up in bubble wrap before they are allowed to go play in a playground that has been designed by dozens of engineers over thousands of hours to be safe in any conceivable circumstances.

And then they insist to replace the ground under the safe playground equipment with crushed rubber pellets that would safely allow Jeff Bezos to land on them if he jumped from orbit.

Oops, sorry.  Jeff Bezos hasn’t been to orbit.

But the statistics are clear:  your kid is safe, at least from COVID-19.

Never get involved with a cult of mimes.  They’re capable of unspeakable acts of violence.

Here at the end of July, 2021, though, the drumbeat of COVIDIOCRACY has reached a new high.  I was over at Phil’s place (LINK) and made a comment.  The comment was about the coming mandate to force everyone to get “the jab” or lose their government job.  This was the wife of a .GOV employee or contractor.  She asked me what she should do.  My response was simple – without knowing lots of intimate details of her life, there was no way I could answer.

When you don’t need a prion disease to have your brain turn into sponge.

Nearly immediately, my response was jumped on by a shill – obviously a paid propagandist.  It was interesting that the only hours they were posting were when it was 8:30AM in India to when it was about 6PM in India.  I’m not saying it was India.  It could have been someone really late to the office in China or really early to the office in the eastern Mediterranean.

Phil had attracted paid foreign agents to his site to pop up propaganda.  Propaganda for the “jab”.  If it were good for you, wouldn’t that be self-evident by now?

Let’s look at the huge push on the “vax”:

  • Coordinated media attacks to encourage it.
  • Pedo Joe announcing that he’s going to make Fed.GOV take the shot.
  • Coordinated attacks by shills on influential blogs and /message boards/.

Sure, you could say that it’s all about Pfizer’s® Pfrofits™, but it’s only a few measly billion that they made this quarter.  That’s not to say that Pfizer© isn’t Pcorruptly® attempting to manipulate the media:

The vaccine, though, might be dangerous.  I was talking with a friend and described it as “an untested genetic manipulation.”  He said that was too strong, and it sounded kinda crazy to say it that way.  Honestly, that was a fair criticism, and I especially appreciate those:  it’s a good friend that tells you when they think you’re nuts.  But:

My gut instinct might have been right.  DNA changes?  That can’t have any bad impacts, can it?

I guess it can.  And this is where the #clotshot becomes a crime.  Any healthy person under 40 is much more likely to die of the mRNA treatment than COVID.  There has been quite a run on heart attacks of healthy young men who were injected.

But even after this, the push for the injection is intensifying:


But why would you trust a government and a media that has consistently lied to you about the ‘Rona?

And they’ve completely expressed how they feel about anyone who has a different opinion:

Certainly, they’ll return your freedom to you after COVID is banished, right?

Be Goofus, not Gallant.

The Mrs. and I have discussed it.  We are not getting the #clotshot.  If this is an experiment, we’ll happily remain in the control group.  I’ve had the ‘Rona, so I identify as immune.

But, in the end, you have a choice.  You can submit to have a literally Biblical restriction on your life,

Or, you can take another track.  If enough people choose freedom, we’ll never have to worry for a minute.  You must remember – they’re more afraid of you than you should be of them.

See, it ends with a bikini!

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

66 thoughts on “The Best Post You’ll Read About COVID This Week: COVIDIOCRACY (with bikini ending)”

  1. The missus and I are old…..over 60, and we are NOT taking the jab, period.

  2. The time difference allows me to be first here. Just had my lunch. That picture of you getting the vaccine would be better if it was not a 50 Euro note. Our doctors can be bought for twenty.

    1. Ha! Thank you, Simon. Ours can be bought for $35,000, but they give insurance companies a discount.

    1. You beat me to it. Also search “33 year old Jordan Hayes” he was a nasty person, key word was.

  3. John, months ago, I said “not unless it’s literally a gun-to-head situation.” Now, I’ve changed my mind. Before anyone can get a gun to my head, the fight will have been going on for a while, and it ain’t over. I might lose, but I’m going out clean.

  4. Excellent post. Us Transvaxxites have to stick together. Perhaps we should have a secret handshake?

    I’ve gone deep on the vaccine side effects. (it requires hours) So much so, yesterday I saw two ambulances loading patients, one outside a Target and another at a local bank. Both times I immediately wondered: “Which vaxx did he get?”

    Interesting times ahead. Stay safe!

    1. Yup. Local Mayberry FD has gone on a record number of runs this month. Not driven by COVID.

      More to come.

  5. If nothing else, the hysteria and urgency to more people to get the jab RIGHT NOW makes me incredibly suspicious. I am under 50 and reasonably healthy so for me the odds of dying of the ‘vid, assuming I haven’t already had it, are far lower than having some complications spring up from a gene therapy. They really, really want a bunch of us to take it and these same people wish us dead so why wouldn’t they simply let us refuse the “vaccine” and die from corona?

        1. Very well said. Leftism (as I call it) really is a death cult. To quote the most chilling line from my study of the Red Brigades, “They want to watch the world burn.”

  6. Excellent compilation. Saving it in my “propaganda” folder. Wifey just got the shot, I refrained. I’m in excellent health (25 year runner) and have a robust immune system for 64 years of age. She was pretty much pressured thru work and is not as healthy as I am. We both took the antibody test to see if we may have had covid earlier. No such luck. Anyway, She understood the risks and I didn’t argue with her, but I do worry.

    1. Thanks! I had more, but these fit.

      The Mrs. is an absolute no-go. My kids are old enough to choose for themselves.

      Me? I’m gonna take a pass.

  7. My bride and I both had the ‘rona early on, March/April of 2020, and it was a mild PIA for a few days. She was forced in her position as health care facility administrator to get the double-jab by her employer this year, but I have held out and refused it, myself.

    I drink, I deadlift, I have a heart condition and a real bad attitude. She is surrounded by the sick and dying all day long on the job. So it’s a competition now, to see which one of us croaks first. The mutual teasing is epic, but that’s what makes the marriage so strong this late in the game. She grins evilly at me every time we drive past a cemetery. I poke her every time we pass a CVS.

    Humor is just about all we’ve got left. Let’s go out laughing.

  8. Terrific morale boost, John! Standing strong here, but this really picked up my spirits.

    Look forward to your stuff, keep it up!

  9. I laughed heartily at today’s collection of ‘informations’!
    [ applause ]
    But Perfesser Wilder, I am downright dismayed by your disclaimer to not take medical advice from a humor columnist on TheWorldWideWeb…
    [ frantically re-scribbles LifePlan©]

  10. 1) The ‘horror comic’ you included is *really effective* visual storytelling. I’ll certainly be stealing from it.

    2) The bikini model seems a little gratuitous until you notice the Fauci Ouchie has produced the unfortunate side-effect of a giant LifeSaver growing out the back of her head.

    3) Yeah, my family is not getting it either. We expect to go out honorably: Being ripped limb-from-limb by the plethora of genetically-engineered NPCs that surround us.

    1. 1) Yes, most of those from that author are fairly effective.

      2) Just like a semi-automatic rifle is never gratuitous, neither is a bikini. (I did like the LifeSaver joke, though!)

      3) Yup.

  11. Whoever can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

  12. My comment will be a little different:

    I am over 50 and caught Covid at a funeral held in December. I almost had to go to the emergency room, but missed it by that much.

    Have had close relatives who have died because of Covid or long Covid. Yes, they were older, and two were weakened by other conditions. Long Covid meant permanent oxygen and repeated hospitalizations.

    I have attended three Covid-caused funerals in the space of 7 months.

    It’s possible that if the vaccine had been available in October or November and they chose to take the vaccine, possibly they would be alive today.

    I believe that people should have the right to choose whether to take the vaccine and I have an open mind about this topic, learning a lot from Dr. Robert Malone, and am curious from a self-styled “true-believer” who invented the mRNA vaccine technology what’s up with the Cape Cod Delta fiasco. I believe he thinks the vaccines were rushed, and my guess is they did go fast to deal with the emergency.

    1. Sorry to hear that. Not sure that the mRNA shot would have helped – there appears to be evidence that it doesn’t improve mortality.

  13. After much deliberation and a vast amount of research, we have decided that our government can go to hell (and we would go to Texas, if we could). There are simply too many questions we are not allowed to ask, because racism (or whatever it is this week). The answers on offer either confuse or deflect, and the word ‘disingenuous’ is not being used nearly enough.

    Also, since our government spent most of last year trying to **** us all in broad daylight (and was only prevented from doing so because Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition was at work on those days), we find ourselves astonishingly disinclined to accept at face value anything those people have to say on this or most any other subject.

    Since we seem to be on our own, and since the measures now being contemplated become daily more onerous, and since the available data would tend to indicate that the shot is not entirely as advertised, and since it has become plain that there is some other agenda at work other than our health, per se, it is our intention to refuse/resist this thing until it becomes impossible to do so further.

    At which point we will continue to refuse/resist.

    When the best countries in the world become untenable (and here I would direct your attention to a certain passage in Reagan’s ‘A Time For Choosing’ from 1964), options become few & difficult. Our choices now shall be of the latter variety, for there is no easy path forward. I have spent my entire adult life recording and noting these trends; it would seem that they are now converging, and the things we did and the plans that were made shall now be tested in the fire.

    I am just glad it has come in my time, so that my children may remain innocent a little while longer. I had hoped they would be spared this, but it would seem not to be.

    God Bless America, and all who would stand with Her.

  14. I’ve been trying to convince people to stop complying since 2003. Seriously, should I have been using bikini pictures to convince the men? What, I wonder, would work for women?

        1. Aww, shucks.

          But I will stand by that – in my observation, women are repelled by weakness and by men they can’t respect. Now a good sense of humor . . . 🙂

          1. Most women don’t respect any men.

            The only reason the divorce numbers are declining is that most men aren’t stupid enough to take the chance on marrying one, just to find the 1:10,000 actually worth the trouble. (That percentage may be wildly overstated.)

            Women will change their tune eventually, but too late, as it’s mostly pointless once the whole getting-raped-to-death-by-conquerors thing starts.

            A “whoever files first, forfeits all claims to the estate” divorce clause would nip that crap in the bud though. Women (abetted by lawyers, natch) have made marriage-for-divorce a profitable arrangement, hence the serial predatory financial rapists most of them have become was inevitable. Gravity works, and people are human.

  15. Nextdoor social media site (based on neighborhoods in order to be more local) just deleted a private group created by a local mom for people opposed to masking their small children at school this fall. Reported as “misinformation” by someone in the neighborhood.

  16. The journal article in New England Journal of Medicine is interesting in that 3 of the authors basically retracted the statement that masks are useless except in controlled conditions with numerous other protocols practiced. I guess they had a serious come to Jesus meeting with the bosses with that paragraph getting such wide distribution.

    Of course lots of articles have since confirmed that the masks are useless. As a field example, I am allergic to one of my favorite woods, maple, in my shop. I have for a long time masked with real USA N95 masks. Even though the particles are large compared to the Covid virus, after 4 hr, I have received a dose of wood dust that causes enough allergy symptoms that I have to stop. The dose level for the allergy response is much higher than required to cause an infection. So, masks are useless.

    The next article was retracted after the main stream caught wind of it,
    From the abstract, “Although, scientific evidence supporting facemasks’ efficacy is lacking, adverse physiological, psychological and health effects are established.”

    No deviations from the Great Reset group-think allowed.

    1. Um, no, and utter codswallop.

      Ordinary snot masks, with the air tested for 30 minutes afterwards, stopped 99.9% of outbound corona virus coughed forceully out by infected patients from travelling even 6′.

      You could look it up. The evidence isn’t lacking at all.
      Getting someone to test them for use as intended, however, was utterly absent for decades.

      The article you linked wasn’t a study, it was a position paper utterly lacking any scientific experimentation for underpinning, from one lone guy working at the VA, that bastion of medical cutting-edge technology since never. It wasn’t science, it was simply a polemic. He dismisses any possibility that masks work with mere hand-waving, and not a shred of experimental data. That’s not science, it’s the coven from The View, wearing a lab coat. (That you refer to it authoritatively tells me you can’t tell the difference either. Bummer for your argument.) Which is why it’s still up, with huge red “RETRACTED” stamps throughout, as an object lesson in how science doesn’t work. It’s about as scientifically valid as Pope Urban VIII telling Galileo that he disagreed with heliocentrism. Except the Pope was on firmer ground for his objection than the clown at the VA is, frankly.

      And the fact that you can’t use an N95 correctly, nor fit it properly under workplace conditions to stop particulates much larger than its rated protective filtration size, says more about poor fitting and masking technique on your part than about inherent failures of the device, which is why 10,000 people told everyone 18 months ago that N95s for everyone wouldn’t work, because of exactly such common inability. There’s more to fitting one and wearing it properly than simply grabbing a box at Home Depot and throwing it in the shopping cart, and hoping it still works 2 years later when you pull it out.

      Even in the dotMIL, we always had one dumbass in every company who couldn’t figure out he didn’t know how to put on his gas mask correctly until the tear gas chamber gave him a firm head slap, too. It doesn’t prove “masks don’t work”. It just proves some people don’t pay attention.

      We’ve been doing effective protective masks for over 100 years, since at least 1915. Like lightbulbs, even under conditions far more lethal than pansy-ass COVID, it’s technology that’s fully mature. But some people aren’t.

      Sorry, but there it is.

      I’ll walk into tear gas with an M17A1 on all day long and never feel anything but warm skin where it’s exposed.
      I have worked within halitosis range of frothing COVID patients with just an N95 for my own respiratory protection, for a year and a half, without so much as an untoward sniffle.

      And if everybody inside a given space is wearing a simple snot-blocking face mask, properly, the chances of them giving COVID to me from 6′ or more away is virtually nil.

      This isn’t magic. And hand-waving and superstitious incantations don’t undo any of it, however much one may wish otherwise.

      Anyone who can’t grasp all that simply isn’t tall enough for the Internet.

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