The Field Guide to NPCs

“I had no idea those beer cans were going to blow like that.” – Planes, Trains, & Automobiles

I’m unique – I can always tell when there are groups of lions around.  That fills me with a sense of pride.

(All memes “as found”)

There was a time, back before the rhetoric was so heated, that I would actually seek out to have political discussions with Leftists I knew.  The idea was to try to understand their position from their point of view.  I see now how wrong I was.  In most cases when they were logically cornered, they would get a funny look like they ate a bad PEZ™ on their face and “reset”.  They’d never admit that they were wrong, and would hold on to the same opinion they started with.

I hadn’t changed their worldview at all (which wasn’t my point in the first place) but I did notice the behavior.  It was repeated, again and again.  When the meme showing Leftists as NPCs hit, it started to click.  Leftists talking about politics are NPCs.

NPCs are “Non Player Characters” in video games.  They’re there for exposition, or to assist in a video game task, or even for comic relief.  What they aren’t capable of, is independent thought.  That’s up to the player.

The Left got very, very angry at the NPC memes.  Their angry reaction is how you can tell it hurt them to the core.  That’s how you can tell that there’s truth in a meme – it pulls an emotional reaction from the target.

I can fix the wage gap.  Wagegap.  See?  That wasn’t hard.

But let’s get at the core of what it means to be an NPC.  I would bet that everyone reading this post is a person that’s grounded pretty well in reality.  We observe reality, then we process around it.  An example:  we observe that illegal aliens are more likely to commit additional crimes when they get here, don’t contribute much (if at all) in taxes, cause more complex public service needs (forms in multiple languages), and make little effort to assimilate.  They’re expensive, make the country less safe, and cause it to be less cohesive.

An NPC, however, will just love illegals because they’ve been told to love them.  They don’t observe the world and then adjust their ideas, they just take their ideas from an approved source.

Here’s an example:  The Leftists were told to hate James Comey because he released that the FBI was reviewing Hillary’s email right before the election.  It was programmed into every Leftist that Comey was a bad guy.  Fast forward a few months, and one of the Late Night Funny Joke Men was doing his monologue.  Colbert announced that Comey was fired.

The audience erupted in cheers.

Colbert reprogrammed them, immediately:  “What, are you all Trump fans?”  Within 90 seconds, Colbert switched the old “Comey Bad Man” program into the “Comey Friend” program.

What language is most used in computer programming?  Profanity.

It’s clear – Leftists don’t have the ability to judge between one thing and another.  This is the most basic part of what makes us human – the ability to seek patterns, come to conclusions, and then act on those conclusions.  Leftists can’t tell who is a friend and who is an enemy unless someone tells them.  And who do they trust the most?  Talking heads on television who go out of their way to only send out approved information.

They can’t come to the conclusion that illegals are bad because everyone tells them how good they are and how nice tacos taste and you’re a racist if you don’t want to import absolutely all of Guatemala.

This results in me feeling a bit of epicaricacy every once and a while, when a Leftist fails to see dangers that any person who isn’t spoon fed their ideas would see, yet the first programming put in is that there are things that they’re not supposed to think about.  Their brains shut down when they hit those items where thought is not allowed, and they’ll change the subject as fast as they can – certain inputs are simply not possible.  Certain ideas are forbidden.

Newton’s Third Law of Emotion:  For every male action, there is a female overreaction. 

And a lack of ideas is the problem.  People are reading fewer books, and the Leftists don’t need to burn them (though they censor quite a few) because people aren’t reading them anymore.  Anything challenging or requiring any study is just too hard.

It’s easier to have an emotion, and Facebook™ and CNN® and the rest of the mainstream media are great at popping out emotions and reprogramming and hiding ideas that aren’t approved.  The NPCs can, therefore, not worry about there being any hard thoughts to have or thinking to be done.  They can live their lives never thinking about the news.  They can live their lives aspiring to nothing.  They go to work, eat the things they are told to eat, and feel bad about global warming climate change because they’ve been told to worry about it, even though they only have the vaguest idea what it might be.

Is there a cure?

I once swallowed the cat’s pill.  Don’t ask me-ow.

Only for some, and most don’t want to be cured.  The cure is the Red Pill.  The Red Pill is uncomfortable, but it’s also irreversible.  And when The Narrative is finally questioned in the brain of the NPC, it cascades.  Once the first Big Lie is seen, the process is started.  There’s no going back, if the Red Pill lands with someone who really does want the truth.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

40 thoughts on “The Field Guide to NPCs”

  1. Modern Leftism can be practically defined as the abject denial of the existence of reality.
    It began with the lie that blacks were the equal to Whites, which was quickly followed with the lie that women were the equal to men. Now we have a black woman on the Supreme Court who claimed, under oath, to not understand the difference between a man and a woman.

  2. John – – For decades I have been telling others that being a Democrat (same-same as DemonicRat) is the easiest thing to do. One does not have to study facts, consider competing concepts, be responsible for the consequences of choices…

    Yes, all one needs is to FEEL what is the choice that brings self-satisfaction. No need to be responsible fr the disaster you choices make because your motives were pure, you did the thing that you think everybody wanted you to do so now you stand out as “a good” citizen.

    This is how juveniles act. Mature adults recognize that choices have consequences and you deal with the results of your choices.

    In short, Libtards/DemonicRats want to be praised for public acts showing they are really part of the group (virtue signaling). They are stunted in their emotional development, critical thinking, and are Dunning-Krueger Effect minions who quickly resort to violence when their constructed perceptions do not match unfolding events…..

    1. Even worse, they want people to praise them for making you give a “donation” of your money to people who hate you.

  3. Well, you can change their opinions. We had “two converts” in recent weeks, courtesy from victims of systemic racism they were advocating to correct.

    Their opinions went from sentinent to non-sentinent. Because thet didn’t get out of cities.

  4. >>the ability to seek patterns, come to conclusions…

    One of the reasons Tay* was shut down in hours and ChatGPT crippled from the get-go is, to quote myself, “the original sin of Machines is noticing.”

    If humans must be conditioned to not notice, then our tools must also.

    *I’ve written two short stories about her. St. Tay, pray for us; forgive us.

      1. I knew immediately that epicaricacy meant an epic aricacy. Because that’s just the way I am.

  5. This is why I come to WW&W on a Monday – for my morning Java (script).

    And yes, NPCs certainly do regurgitate the narrative lines on cue to maintain their non-descript status and receive those all-important virtual pats on the head from their manipulators. When your showcase is filled with nothing but participation trophies, you know you’ve truly arrived at anonymous mediocrity.

  6. In Australia this weekend we had a national referendum to decide whether we should enshrine special privileges for aboriginal people in our constitution.

    This stupidity cost $345 million dollars of taxpayers money and resulted in a resounding NO across the entire country. See the results on the Australian Electoral Commission website – .

    The ONLY place in the country that had a Yes vote was the ACT (“Australian Capital Territory”) where our national capital Canberra and 99.9 % of our political class are located. Its a wonder you guys haven’t heard our leftists shrieking up there in the Northern Hemisphere.

    The coping has been glorious ! Even the “Orange-Man-bad” and “dis-and-mis-information” have been blamed for the result ! They ALL seem to operate from the same playbook.

    What is painfully funny (because we have to pay for it with our taxes) is our leftie state premiers are now going to try to introduce a state-by-state based system to try to sneak it through. It is as you said, their minds crash when the outcome is different to what they feel it should be. They just don’t know how to react to “No !”

    1. It’s just like the Irish referenda on joining the EU. The vote will be held again, and again, and again, until the ballots are finally counted the “correct” way. Then no vote may ever be held again.

    2. They will never stop with that silly idea until some animals are more equal than other animals. Pure Orwell.

  7. Ok, everyone, this is a fun little thing, isn’t it? But of course they aren’t soulless automatons, they’re humans, as complex as any human is. So unless you find a way in, this is all just an exercise in taunting the monkeys.

    1. You are, of course, correct. They are not soulless automatons. They have merely sold their souls and freely entered into mental slavery.

      A more proper and correct term might be “adversaries” or “enemies”.

    2. Oh, I’m not sure. Some of the memes I didn’t use were stories of the NPC-class noting that they feel like they “cease to exist” when other people aren’t around . . . look it up.

  8. Younger people might find this difficult to believe but once upon a time, not really that long ago, leftists could at least argue their positions. They did so poorly and were wrong of course but they could argue. That seems to be a lost skill for the Left.

    1. They no longer need to argue. They have already won.
      All counter arguments are not merely wrong, but evil.
      Any attempt to coherently articulate a position is doomed to failure because it cannot be done, and would be used as evidence in their show trial next week when the narrative changes again.

      “The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”
      ― George Orwell, 1984

  9. To be fair, NPCs are found outside the left, too. Go to a church in America and say something even mildly questioning the perfect virtue of America’s Greatest Ally and Only Functioning Democracy in the Middle East. Or suggest to Respectable Conservatives that maybe picking wars with Russia and China might not be the very best ideas, or that Ronald Reagan might have been a tad short of secular sainthood. I predict that you’ll see plenty of identical gray faces, gnashing their teeth.
    No argument: Lefty’s an NPC, for sure. But so are many of Lefty’s nominal opposition. And the actual player-characters who operate those armies of NPCs must be pretty proficient, as they’re trans-ing the hell out of kids — theirs and ours. Globohomo is evil, but it doesn’t seem to be in retreat, exactly.

    1. By the way, the above is my work (the artist currently known as “James”). The site used to auto-identify you, once you’d commented, but now log in is optional. (And also a bit of a pain. Oh, well.)

    2. There are some blinders on, certainly, but with the Left it’s a religion based on untruths, just like many evangelists are sold on Israel for religious reasons.

  10. Emotions uber alles, I emote therefore I am.
    Pat the androgynous mutant made a hashtag that saved Uganda, stopped Kony and brought the girls home, and now Bonnie Baizuo will make one to save the world.
    Remember when Bloomberg proposed the soda ban and other prohibitions and it was mocked mercilessly?
    Now it would be, I only obey, virtue signal dopamine hit confirmed.

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