The Government: Killing You With Their Compassion

“I warned you about compassion, Bruce.” – Batman Begins

The people who were pro-vaxx say that our jokes about being right are getting old.  Unlike their kids.

It has long been a theme here at Wilder, Wealthy, and Wise that compassion and charity are wonderful things.  For me as an individual, there is something fundamentally uplifting about giving of my time, talent, or treasures to those that I can help.  If done properly, this compassion and charity are amazing at lifting people up when they need it.

But the dark side is when someone is compassionate for you, with none of your involvement.  This is a hallmark of the GloboLeftElite:  they want to take your resources to give to other people.  They then call that compassionate, and tell me I’m evil if I don’t buy into the concept.

In fact, if you look at people on the TradRight, we are far, far more compassionate with our actual time, talent and treasure than people on the GloboLeft.  Donation statistics show it, and if you look at the people involved in actual charities and volunteer organizations (that don’t depend on other people’s money) they are overwhelmingly on the TradRight.

They don’t have blook banks in England, but they do have a liver pool.

But let’s talk about the Leech Class, a faction of the GloboLeftElite, who suck the cash and resources from all of us to support their “charitable” goals.

FEMA comes to mind due to the recent incident where DHS spokes-scrotum Alejandro Mayorkas.  Only in the corrupt stages of a failing nation could a paperwork American (Majerkas) who was born of a Turkish father and a Romanian mother and who was born in Cuba be put in charge of immigration.  Oh, and an anchor baby running for president.

But here we are.

This week, Madorkas said there wasn’t any money to help hurricane refugees.  It turns out that under border-Czar Harris, the Biden/Harris Junta declared, proudly, that they were diverting FEMA funding to give to American “Blue” cities to support the teeming hordes of illegal aliens that they had invited and, in some cases, had flown into the United States (this is true, by the hundreds of thousands).

Is a short dog from New Mexico an Albu-corgi?

Yes.  Biden/Harris created the crisis.  Then, they pulled the cash from FEMA to give to their cronies to pay for these illegals.  Where did the money go?  In New York, shiftless illegals are living in four-star hotels with turndown service.  They’re being provided with food at no cost.

And veterans have to fight for surgery.  And the people of North Carolina are told that there’s no money for them.

But illegals, many criminal, and many not even remotely vetted, are living in luxury hotels.

This causes the prices of hotels to go up – FEMA is even paying for empty beds in these hotels.  This causes the price of food to go up, you can’t add 10% population to a system and not expect inflation as more people fight for the same resources.

My urine is crystal clear.  It’s 1080 pee.

But it’s compassionate.  Compassionate to bring 20,000 Haitians into Springfield, Ohio.  The Haitians have zero experience living in a civilized society, having been brought up in a country (that they created) where a good day is there’s enough mud to eat.

Springfield didn’t add 5,000 houses, so where are these aliens living?

One rumor has it that a local politician/landlord booted out his American tenants who were paying $1,000 or $1,500 a month in a house, and replaced them with 20 Haitians who pay $250 a month for a cot.

Hey, profit, right?

And housing costs go up in Springfield.  I guess they can make it up since the dogcatcher no longer is needed to round up stray pets.

But I’m probably not considered compassionate when I bring this up.

Why have one man, when you can have 80 cats?

Today, I saw some brain-dead GloboLeftist X® (formerly known as a Tweet®) that we should be happy, because illegals keep the prices of vegetables down.

First, no, they eat them, too.  Second, if the base value of your philosophy is to bring in cheap labor to pick strawberries, you might have the morals of a slaveholder, but just with other hands holding the whip.

The final insidious nature of what we’re seeing is that this is the year that our national deficit is equal to the size of our economy in the United States.  The last time this happened was in World War II, and at least we got lots of tanks, fighters, bombers, aircraft carriers, nuclear bombs, and other cool stuff that I can’t buy on E-Bay®.  Again, ATF should be a convenience store, not a place for LGBTQ people to scheme to take away guns owned by honest people.

No, we’re spending all this cash on . . . the acceptable compassion and charity based on the values of the GloboLeft.  I saw part of a presentation today (on YouTube®) that FEMA put together so that the needs of people with non-standard sexual preferences were prioritized in the event of a disaster.

Prioritized.  “Hey, that 10-year-old boy is hungry, but he’s white and was born male, so let’s focus on the thirty-year-old dude who thinks he’s a girl and wants to have sex with cats.”  Yes.  Emergencies don’t know skin color or sexual fetish, but FEMA sure does.

I stopped drinking, but then I bought a motivational poster and decided Wayne Gretzky was right:  “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

That’s bad enough, but they’re spending so much money on the groups that the GloboLeftElite want to shower with charity that it’s turning whatever capitalism that was left in the United States into a joke.  Yes, people are still using cash to buy things, but the government is now buying more than the economy creates.

Mainly on charity.  For people who are not me, and not you.

The final piece is that studies have shown that people who get this unearned charity often resent those who have more, and want the charity to give them the life of a Bill Gates, rather than just guaranteed food, housing, education, and medical care.

It’s so unfair!  I still remember one woman who was a part of the first The Caravan of 10,000 people (what a dream, only 10,000!) was filmed after getting food aid consisting of refried beans, tortillas, vegetables, and a drink.

“This food isn’t fit for my dog!”

She was overweight.

Yup, that’s what governmental charity and compassion to the undeserving creates.  Oh, and as a bonus it wrecks the currency and makes you and I poorer.

Wonder how that’ll turn out?

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

5 thoughts on “The Government: Killing You With Their Compassion”

  1. Libtards, which includes DemonicRats, are emotional thinkers. They are motivated to have guvamint actions make them feel good about how any perceived problem is to be erased. Whether the problem is solved is not important since “we” can always throw more money in to make the plan work. What is solely important is the motivation of those proposing/taking the selected action. How does the proposed action make them feel is what is foremost in their decision making

    Even if the selected action falls flat and never solves the problem, there is nothing to be concerned about as long as the motivations were “correct” in deciding to take action. Thus, we have our illegal immigration debacle where one observes these motivations:
    – – “we” just have to help those destitute and pitiful (fill in the blank) by bringing them here where “we” can care for them…,
    – – our labor unions are running short of dupes who will join so let’s help strengthen our labor unions with all these workers….,
    – – there are way too many ignorant conservatives, so to make Nirvana arrive sooner we must bring in those who will know exactly how we want them to vote….,
    – – white people are so bad and have mistreated all manner of those with darker skins, so “we” need to reward those with darker skins for having suffered historically because of the whites, even though these folks today may not be suffering from whites (except in their occasional perceived mistreatments)….,
    – – and there are several more emotional, as opposed to critically thought out, motivations that can be added to this list.

    Shallow and emotional thinkers are an intellectual lazy bunch who delight in making themselves feel better about their failures and emptiness, and think that murdering all who thinkdifferently is warrantted because those are bad folk who dare to not follow therest ofthe Sheeple….

    They hate us. They want us dead.

    Never trust any guvamint official until you verify their statements.

    Do not comply.

  2. A lot of leftie types try to throw out of context Bible verses at Christians but never seem to catch that the commands to care for the poor never include Caesar forcibly taking from some to give to others.

  3. “a Turkish father and a Romanian mother”
    Oh, please. Mayorkas (who is EXACTLY as Cuban as Mark Cuban) isn’t a Turko-Romanian mix. The only mix Mayorkas is is part-Ashkenazi/part-Sephardic.

  4. Logically, someone has to win. If you let enough of those you think you can manipulate to influence elections into the country, you might take over completely….unless those already living there decide enough is enough, and use deadly force to make them leave. That’s where we are, and ugly things will happen.

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