The Kids Aren’t Alright: Sex

“I don’t know much about geopolitics, but that is one cool name for a country: Chad.” – Norm Macdonald Live

Ever notice you never see Chad with Chad in Chad?  Hmmm.

Technological change has been very difficult for the kids of today – it has changed entirely the way that they relate to each other, how they spend their time, how they are rewarded, and the very nature of the male-female relationship.  Since I’m writing this post, it’s about as positive as Biden’s impact on the economy.

Of course, technology had changed the way that previous generations lived.  When I was a kid, our entertainment on a Friday night was cruising main.  We’d get in cars, and ride up and down the street, listening to loud music, revving engines.


To see each other.  To find out what was going on.  To meet girls.  The girls would go to meet guys and chatter and drink some occasional peppermint schnapps snuck into a Big Gulp® cup.  Often the girls and boys would do no more than flirt.  Sometimes, though, well, more would happen.

This was an in-person interaction that was natural.  The technology of the car and cruising Main were just minor adaptations of behavior that was certainly as old as the concept of the very first city – boys wanting to watch girls, and girls wanting to be watched.

Does mentioning cruising Main make you feel old yet?

This in-person interaction gave us the dopamine hits of the day.  And, even at the breakneck speed of 25 miles an hour, there was an absolute limit to the number of boys a girl could see in a night of cruising Main of, maybe, a few dozen.

The reality is, of course, that we all have a finite number of choices of people to date (and mate) with.  Cruising Main was a dance that was as old as time.  In this dance, the woman offered her youth and beauty in return for the commitment of a good man.  The man offered his commitment for the youth and beauty of a woman.  And, when I was much younger, if I stayed up late enough I could watch it all on Cinemax® after my parents were asleep.

Those trades are, generally, good trades.  They create a stable society, and provide a woman the chance to find, marry, have children with a man and raise them.  Women tend to try to date and mate upwards in socio-economic status.  Men?  Well, you know.

Hey, derpy girls need love, too.

Now, for many, the meeting place is Tinder©.  In Tinder™, women have infinite choices – they are the commodity to be possessed, and they swipe left or right, alternately accepting or rejecting hundreds of men in a minute.  In this new bargain, the woman now trades her youth and beauty for endless one-night stands with Chad Tinderchuck.  Example:

Chad always has a date, since girls always swipe to talk to him.  In this, Chad ruins women.  Chad’s a 10, but when it’s 2am at the bar, Chad’s fine with the average 4 or 5 or 6.  In this way, that 4 (Flora Foura) thinks that, for the rest of her life, she deserves a Chad Tinderchuck in the prime of his life.  She is a widow, forever pining for that man that she thinks she deserves.  Don’t believe me?

Wait, is that a lunch lady from 1983?  And she’s calling anyone mediocre???

The actual 5 or 6 guy Flora should be with?  Well, after Chads marry and disappear, and younger Chads start ignoring her, she’s ready to “settle” for that 5 or 6 Andy Average.  And, she’s angry about it every day that she sees Andy, since, deep down, Flora knows that she’s good enough for Chad.

But we’re seeing now that Andy Average isn’t quite so interested in Flora Foura after she’s spent her twenties on a revolving carousel of men, maybe picking up a child or two.

Let’s be fair – most of the things that most men do (especially young men) is to get quality females.  If those aren’t available, Andy Average shuts down.  Why work overtime when Xbox® is cheap?  Why pump iron when Flora puts him on ignora?

¡Jeb! is always on ignora.

Men then go NEET – Not in Employment Education or Training.  Why work hard?  Why try to get great education?  Why work at all?  One segment of men has gone beyond MGTOW – they’ve gone full NPNW.  I’ll let you sort out what NPNW means.

And who can blame men?  When I was in high school, women liked men taking charge.  Men were supposed to try, and women were supposed to put up a struggle so they didn’t feel like tramps.  To be clear, I never engaged in any behavior that the young fräulein didn’t enthusiastically support, and when she said “stop” and meant it, I did.

It was well ingrained in women that they didn’t want to look like tramps, so they had to pretend they didn’t like or want to make out.  Meat Loaf’s song trilogy Paradise by the Dashboard Light is a perfect description of a healthy sexual dynamic of the type that produced . . . me, and probably you, too.

We now live in a world of #MeToo.  Russell Brand (who I don’t know because he doesn’t return either my emails or my calls) is being accused of, hear me out, having sex with (really!) a girl who wanted to have sex with him, who was (drumroll) of legal age.  The cad!  If a multimillionaire celebrity can be accused and lose a couple of million dollar a year of income for doing legal things, well, what chance does Andy Average have, especially since the average woman don’t need no man?

This is, perhaps the biggest lie.  Women who don’t have children or a husband in their 40s are, perhaps, the unhappiest demographic on the planet.  And, as I noted earlier, women want to marry up.  The big paradox is women want to get a college degree (skip having children) and earn a lot of cash.

Women won’t marry men who make less than them, so they die childless and alone.

But, hey!  At least they got to make cool PowerPoints™ between boxes of chardonnay and the trip to the vet for Sir Buggles Von Fancypants.  I’m not exaggerating.  Check this out:

When you sold your family, soul, and children for Internet likes.

Did I mention this is ruining the economy, the family structure, and the future?

The good news (for me) is that I wrote my notes on this post, and I’ve only touched a third of them.  That means probably the next two Wednesday posts will be around this theme.

The bad news is that there are two more posts.  As much as I’d like to say the kids are alright, they’re most definitely not.  This has tremendous impacts on the near-term economy, as well as the future of the West.

But, hey, at least Biden’s still Building Back Better!

Oh.  That didn’t age as well as a cat lady.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

43 thoughts on “The Kids Aren’t Alright: Sex”

  1. I think birth control and abortion activates a latent bug in women’s instincts. I think most women start their first pregnancy by “accident”, meaning they are not deliberately planning to get pregnant right then. Instead, their drunken sex drive temporarily overwhelms the life plan they had made when they were calm and sober.

    If most women are able to delay having children until they are too old to have them safely, they will. If most women are able to foist off training the AIs in their children’s brains onto lower-IQ women, they will.

    Net result is that first world women are willing to allow themselves to go extinct. I am unclear if this is a net benefit for the human species as a whole, or for my genes in particular. Should I reproduce with a women who consciously wants a family starting in her early 20’s, even if she’s dumber and has less ability to defer gratification?

    that 4 (Flora Foura) thinks that, for the rest of her life, she deserves a Chad Tinderchuck in the prime of his life

    The addictive not-drug of Chad’s attention has reset her thresholds such that she will never be satisfied with a man who’s willing to commit to her. Similarly, the pornography of your grandmother staying married to your grandfather has reset men’s thresholds such that they will never be satisfied with today’s commitment-phobic women.

    Most smart women should go to college for two years to find a husband, then exit full-time college to have and raise children. After the children are old enough not to need a helicopter mommy, meaning age 12 not age 30, smart women should go back to college to learn white collar work. Not that college teaches practical work anymore, but that’s a separate problem.

    1. Good take. None of this will change, however, until the hard times come. And because of this, the hard times are coming much sooner than most people think.

    2. Raze the colleges, lime them over, spit on the dirt. They are factories of satanic indoctrination.

      Two years in college? lol They are already sexually experienced in junior high or high school. What world do you live in?

  2. Meatloaf’s Paradise is the best description of the male-female dynamic ever put to words. Awesome song, I hum it to myself often. Usually while thinking about the Roman Empire.

    On a less serious note, regarding the challenge facing kids considering marriage, Tim’s classic essay on the topic is worth a read…

    …or, just follow the rigorous math solution and marry your (1 / e) flame…

  3. My point remains: what are we doing if we don’t have future generations to consider? If you don’t have a posterity, why not sit in your room eating Cheetos and playing video games with brief breaks for fapping? I assume most of the MGTOW voices are working for the other side because discouraging young men from forming families is the most devastating way to ensure we die out.

    1. Most MGTOW men are not ‘working for the other side’. Insisting that men do what you think is best for them, then making them enemies if they don’t, isn’t helpful.

      1. I must disagree. A man’s mission in this life isn’t pleasing himself. It’s working for the future. If this is seen as “unhelpful,” I can offer no apology. A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. And if he does, he finds a deeper satisfaction anyway.

        1. MGTOW is just a general acronym for males separating from females and their feminist societies. It implies abdication from the Feminist Hive; it does not imply rebellion against God.

          A man’s mission in life is to please his Father in Heaven, and to serve the King. ‘Working for the future’ is a man’s mission? Alex Soros, Chuck Schumer, Tater Joe Biden, and Xi Jinping are ‘working for the future’ too.

    2. MGTOW is what we got from 20 years of marginalizing, mocking, degrading, and flat out ignoring the manosphere. All the signals were there. All those boys got were this kind of bootstrap shorthand.

      We love to talk of clowworld and how the best solution is to withdraw your work, money, time, and spirit from the system that has mutated into a killing machine. And yet when it comes to family formation, the impulse is still to turn to the young guys and tell them to strap on the yoke and pull the broken cart.

      MGTOW is a red-herring. There is no coherent life-philosophy in the sexual dystopia. Just boys and men trying to find their way through. Some rational. Some spergy hyper-rational. Some go dark-triad because that’s what defect-defect requires. Others are just broken and will never find their way out. Casualties of the war on the West are real. Those bodies will no re-animate, short of God turning their hearts.

      Most are just men who want to be left alone. Sound familiar?

      There are many many paths a man might take in service of his Lord, his people, his family, his community, that do not include dropping babies across the prairie as he prostrates on the buzzsaw of gynocracy and family lawfare and gutted wastelands that pass as “community”. Meanwhile IRL some value near zero are bringing those demons to heel.

      Oh but we have legions of white knights lining up to save the girls from having their trophies stolen by moar badmen. This time in dresses!

      And so, if there was ever a time to resist the impulse to further degrade the wounded warriors of the lost culture war and open our hearts and minds and communities to young men – even those who might think they are some acronym of the dystopia, it is NOW.

      MGTOW is but one zipcode of Pleasure island. Pleasure island was not built in a day.

      Of course there are charlatans and entryists and psychopaths and war profiteers who will seek to turn dark hearts into profit or sweep our young into the sin of despair but that is a different thing from such presumptuous cliche about posterity and cheetos. Why not just call them losers who “can’t get laid”?

      MGTOW like all the rest of the larpy faggotry of the fake and gay world in which boys have retreated should be an opportunity. They are rejecting the terms on offer from the system that wants them enslaved or dead. Let’s give them a better offer.

      Knowing full well, like the normie deep into the sand, that most will not make it. And shame on all of us for that. But after all these years its always interesting to see the shaming that should be applied elsewhere being applied to the ones who are actually manifesting some kind of reality in all this nonsense. Even if, misguided and counterproductive to the primacy of the genetic mandate you infer.

      1. This.

        Many millions of men know they must separate from The Hive, but (like myself most of my life) they don’t yet know where they are going. Let them make the break before demanding they should return and place themselves at the mercy of the matriarchal State.

        So they call it MGTOW. For now they are ‘going their own way’ and some will remain thus. Others, however, will be turned to strong masculinity in God. I would help lead them there, rather than back into the arms of their gynocracies, which hate and persecute them and offer only bondage.

    3. And that’s fundamental: is the atom of society the individual, or the family? In my mind, it’s clearly the latter, since without family it all ends.

    1. The ones that do are shamed for it, and they and the men who would appreciate each other are scattered.

  4. Met sweetie online almost 5 years ago, and it’s worked out just fine. But, we’re both late 60s. We both note that there’s an excess of single women in our city that are 50ish+ but few similar men that are unattached.

    So, it’s not just a youth thing. At our age the realization is that “Chad” = $$$. Plus isn’t 50 lbs. overweight. And Older Chad ain’t gonna settle for BoxWineCatWoman like Miz Cope. Other than being an “Occaisional Friend With Benefits”.

  5. Reading this makes me realize just how much of a bullet I dodged when I married. I wasn’t THAT young – just short of 23 in 1974 – and had my 3 kids between 25 to 29. By accident, I hit the sweet spot – not too young, not so old that I was semi-infertile.

    That wasn’t the experience of many of my friends, who either did not marry, didn’t have kids, or divorced and had to raise them on their own. We were just making our decisions at the start of the Feminist Revolution.

    Almost none of them achieved all that much in their careers. So, not happily married, no kids, and no career success. Now old and alone, forgotten by all.

    My heart breaks for them. These ‘choices’ weren’t truly chosen by them, they were propagandized into those lives.

  6. That Lunch Lady looks like my uncle Bert from Fresno. I am sorry that Bert cannot find anything except mediocre men.

    Chad the Geomorph is bril, the capital city is right where the Chadster’s mouth is! Once I thought the yellow thing on top of his head was a jaunty hat but a brother corrected me, it’s his hair.

  7. that 4 (Flora Foura) thinks that, for the rest of her life, she deserves a Chad Tinderchuck in the prime of his life

    The familiar lament, “There’s no good men anymore!” regularly issues from chubby 30-something Chardonnay ho’s covered in cat hair and reeking of loneliness and despair. I lost every last f**k I had to give in a tragic boating accident (along with my rifles) around the 85th time I heard or read something like this from women who have self-sabotaged, and I have no intention of restocking the supply.

  8. I decided to act like a modern internet person and, instead of asking what NPNW means, look it up online. (My initial guess, by the way, was incorrect.) Bonus: looking it up caused me to also immediately learn what NEETbux means.

  9. There is a lot of stuff whooo man. So in my early 40s I can tell you the dating scene is a booby trap. When you have women with multiple kids wanting that marry up man with no kids and six figures, demanding it and sometimes getting it by showing off their… parts for a while… what does anyone expect?

    I don’t know directly if abortion/birth control has the blame on this. I think it’s a lot of people, both men and women that don’t have realistic expectations. For most women we have spoiled rotten kids and they think they deserve a dude that outstrips what they have to offer. What I mean by that is other than sex what do the women have to offer that a man can’t get elsewhere with less problems/drama/stress/kids?

    Also honestly why would a guy put up with an of that BS when they can trade down to a younger year model that might be crazy but has no kids or a list of baby daddies? IE the women in their mid 30s up to their 50s.

    1. Jester- Agreed. I’m now 70 but it was crazy in the 90s. Owned my own biz, so was a target. Crazy women everywhere that were 25+. Finally found a good late 30s one whom I wanted to marry and have one child with. After 3 years, she said no. Corp MBA, moved to STL from W-S.

      After her (1995), dated women in their early 50s that hit the gym. Rewarding, as long as their chilluns were older.

    2. I get hit on by attractive and educated women that are less than half my age. Helps that I have a So What attitude, being married helps with that. But the key is knowing the score. Women with graduate degrees, especially those with a student high debt to income ratio are easy pickings for the retired and athletic type. When reality starts to set in that the private school degree means nada, age is just a number. Funny how being fit and well dressed, with a 6 figure income level attracts them. More amusing is how far I am from their stick boy followers, who might actually sign on to pay those ridiculous loan payments. Moral of the story is that not giving a f….k is the best if not only way to deal with the modern womyn. Especially in an age of cheap replacements from Ukraine, South America, etc. BCG is a commodity to be bought and sold.

    3. Exactly. This is the society that we’re headed toward, and it’s the endpoint of feminism.

      Wonder if they’re happy?

      1. What I find hilariously ironic is that the same type of girl that I would have been crazy over when I was young and needed a stable woman in my workaholic stage could not be bothered. After all, I still believed in that One/Soulmate/Fairy Tale woman. Turn off I’m sure, and being at the workaholic stage of career didn’t help either. I was still thinking that a woman would want to be just like Mom, who married young in an era where that was not only done, but was a very smart move considering the economic realities of the time. Being the wife of a motivated and productive workaholic put here in the same neighborhood as the 2 career professionals. But now I see how the laws of the copybook headings are returning, so is the pathos of the ‘working’ woman. Recall a case study from grad school which quantified what we all knew; namely that women did better with a hard working husband than in a career. The subject was a top student in the MBA program at UCLA. No less than Gary Becker was mentoring her, and needless to say she was a darling of the Business school. By the end of her first year she met with her adviser to terminate her program. Seems she had met an med student on his way to a Cardiology residency and decided to marry him. She built a model and put in the numbers and found that staying home and raising children was a more efficient and wiser use of her time. After taxes and child care her net would have been fast food level. He gave her an A on this final project and wrote a published article (sans nom) for the Econ Department, as we saw Econ theory demonstrated along with mere Finance. That Mrs Degree is the best investment a woman can make, and high earners aren’t interested in arguments at the dinner table with a Dr. of Gender Studies every night.

        1. An excellent story, and hopefully a happy ending for that girl and her husband. At least we know he had a heart.

  10. Well, both sides are to blame. Some women rejected marriage because they were tired of man-babies who wanted sex but also wanted a mommy.
    And I’m old enough to remember many women whose husbands left them high and dry for a younger version when they got the middle-aged crazies.
    Some women are very mercenary. And traditional men seem to be unhappy that they want to experience the sexual freedom that men have always had.
    There’s no easy answer. A long term relationship is hard work. I married at 20 and we’re coming up on 45 years. Had the kiddies before 30. We’ve had ups and downs but we were committed. I’d say I was a six or seven, and I think he was about the same, I found him to be handsome when we met but more importantly, he was a good guy – didn’t have traits that would doom a relationship. I still feel the same way.
    No regrets. You couldn’t pay me to date today. If I’m ever widowed though, I’ll stay that way because good heavens, it’s SCARY OUT THERE.

    1. The key problem with feminism is that it taught men that women were disposable and tried to make women “cut-rate” men. The actual beauty is that both are different.

      1. Seems to me feminism taught women that men are disposable. Already across the West, collective female power has replaced man/husband with the feminist State. Men and boys were disposed-of.

        That’s what D.C. is, after all: an idol, a shrine standing for our national religion. The planet’s premiere power-center, a city both overtly and covertly consecrated to their goddess. Not to Jevovah. Not even to some murky principle of ‘freedom’ or something.

        I lurk and comment often on ‘conservative’ and ‘Christian’ outlets and pages. The large majority of men don’t think that women are disposable; they think women are morally and spiritually superior, and that it takes females/women to transform males out of their primitive conditions and make them into men.

          1. Very soon after Christ and the apostles vamoosed.

            The enemy just transferred-over the already extant and widespread pagan cults and religions, nearly all of which were goddess-centered. ‘Temple priestesses’ offering prostitution and ‘religion’ were ubiquitous in the ancient world, across cultures. The Eleusinian Cult, for example, lasted a millennium.

            The primary mechanism in the early centuries after Christ for transmission of feminism/fem-idolatry was gnosticism, because its sects already were widely dispersed around the known world with substantial followings. As Catholicism rose, it gradually deified the bio mother of Christ, until JP2 (i think it was) declared her ascent and assumption into heaven part of doctrine.

            America has its own separate, but related, saga of the feminization of the prot churches, of course.

  11. Phones and social media are a huge part of the problem. Instant gratification and constant “look at me!”. Young women leave rural areas to go to college, and don’t come back. The ones that do seem to marry a generation up, do the four kids with different donors thing, or try the lesbian thing. Which seems to be enormously popular right now. It’s pretty bleak out here for younger men.

    1. Tech is the root of the problem. It used to be that horizons were smaller, and group norms were enforced.

      Those norms were built over thousands of years to keep society functioning. Society will fail without them.

  12. John, I do not think this is the first time you have commented on the trend. I have said it before, but again worth saying: were I single now, I am simply not sure what I would do. It is silly to simply through in the whole towel – there are plenty of people of both sexes who are good people (and relatively speaking, “normal”), it is just finding them that would be the problem. If one was actually looking – like most things – one should probably go to where people of like minds actually are (I am suspicious that hanging around in bars and on the InterWeb are not two of those places).

    Also, this all falls apart in the event of an actual economic crash or some such major event. At that point both men and women are looking for partners that are interested in making things work and going forward, not someone who is going to consistently be an anchor or a non-contributor.

    1. You’re right, I often return to topics to try to get it right. I think that the younger generation has a much lower number of people with traditional values, and civilization will really suffer.

      It will fall apart.

  13. Part of it also is that “Chad Tinderchuck” as you call him? The “perfect man” at all women feel entitled to? Over 6ft tall, 6 figure income, 6 pack of abs (optional if the income is 7 figures or better) and over 6in of ****. The issue is that demographically speaking, that group, using those particular standards, makes up only 2% of the current Male Population demographic of the United States!!!

    And ALL of these insane whamenz feel ENTITLED to this…
    That they “deserve” this… the COGDIS is utterly insane… if you -really- want to dive into the ‘deep end of the pool’ so to speak to see prime examples, check out the reddit group r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen/ Last night someone posted a “Felon Profile” from “Find an Inmate” of some 39yr old female who’s doing time (25 years!) for murder but feels that she ‘knows what she brings to the table!’ and ‘won’t settle!’

    Insane doesn’t even begin to cover it…

    1. Exactly. And every woman *deserves* Chad.

      Ha! I’ll have to check that one out. l do know that r/foreveralone (a sub for women alone) had to go private because men were hitting on the women.

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