The Last Refuge Of The Left: Tritler

“Because it’s Hitler’s harmonica.  You can’t play Hitler’s harmonica.” – Rat Race

Why do we drink water?  Well, because we can’t eat it.

All memes today “as-found”

Sometime in 1990, Mike Godwin came up with Godwin’s Law:  “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.”

As this note indicates, this is five years before the World Wide Web made WWW a prefix that we can all now safely ignore, but Godwin pointed out what’s been happening in our society since at least 1964:  anything a GloboLeftist doesn’t like is Hitler starting (I think) with Goldwater, and certainly with Nixon.

I guess Mussolini was pretty good in track in high school.  They called him “the fascist guy in Italy”.

It really is an analogy that deserves to die.  World War II ended (does math) over 79 years ago.  The knee-jerk reaction seems to be the go-to to absolutely anyone and anything that disrupts the ability of the GloboLeftElite to do what they want.  What does it mean?  It means whatever the GloboLeft want it to mean.

In the last week, the GloboLeft and GloboLeftElite have launched their own Operation Tritlerossa comparing Trump with the Austrian in over 5,500 stories in one week, according to the prolific Tyler Durden over at ZeroHedge®.  Now, if there’s one thing I know about Austrians today, they’re far too busy with their boomerangs and kangaroos and didgeridoos to worry about world domination.

I can attest, though, that the media is all-in on this final putsch, er, push as they have been in the past.

Yup.  Finding those took about two minutes.  The really funny one is that Hillary seems to forget that in 1992, Bill Clinton accepted the nomination for president in Madison Square Garden, back when Bill could still work a Bush over. 

Beyond that, though, the reason for this insane analogy is that the GloboLeftElite have nothing left to attack Trump with, creating a character I call Tritler.  I tried it without the “r” but that leads to weird internet search results.

Kamala cannot look to competency, because Kamala is the result of the ultimate in GloboLeftElite power plays:  Obama didn’t want someone smarter than him because his ego wouldn’t allow it.  Joe fit the bill perfectly.  Biden didn’t want someone smarter than him because Jill wouldn’t allow it because he was insecure.  Kamala was the single most unpopular candidate on the Democrat slate for the 2020 election, dropping out because she was less popular than both Bernie Sanders and gonorrhea.

Kamala left the race before a single primary vote had been cast, and in this case entered the race after the last vote had been cast.  Kind of poetic for the first anchor-baby president who didn’t even bother to go to high school in the United States.

“Elections have consequences” man doesn’t understand where the division came from.  Huh.

So, should she run on her record?  Well, that would be, as a GloboLeft foot soldier would say, “problematic”.  As far as I can see, her record has been to attend some meetings that weren’t very important and to keep out of the way.

Okay, her policies?  Well, Kamala can’t articulate much beyond “I’m not Donald Trump” and what she has listed (less inflation, more houses) are more the wish list of a dim toddler who is trying to look important and smart around the adults even though she can’t quite figure out what the conversation is.  I don’t know if she’s just that dim or if she’s spent her entire life in a bubble where she never had to defend a position other than describing that her favorite one was missionary.

I wonder if this is A.I.?

To be fair, Donald spent his first term doing what Donald does:  trying to make deals.  In some cases, that was appropriate.  We don’t need a war with Kim Jong Un, and neither does South Korea.  Would it be better if North Korea was free?


That’s not the job of the United States, though.  That’s the job of the North Koreans.  Trump saw a way to take an isolated country under a despot and move them closer to normalized relations.

In other cases, it was inappropriate.  There was a clear mandate for reduced immigration, yet the wall he built was stymied at every instance by the Democrats while Trump negotiated for a deal.  Ironically, Kamala made fun of Trump in the Fox® interview for not building more of the wall.


Once again, The Bee called it.

So, the GloboLeftElite can’t run on ideas.  They can’t run on issues.  They can’t run on competence.  That leaves one thing:  to run on hate and fear.  I don’t think anyone is in particular fear of Hitler’s ghost right now, so all that leaves is that weird combination of Tritler.

The accusations are nonsensical, but, when you’re out of arguments, all that’s left is to play the Trump is Hitler card, just like Godwin noted back 35 years ago.  And if you disagree?  You’re just as bad as . . . Kamala?

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

9 thoughts on “The Last Refuge Of The Left: Tritler”

  1. Trump will burn down the Capitol, annex the Sudetenland, and start a world war! We swear! – Every Democommunist hack and rag since their assassination attempts on him failed.

    Color me shocked.

  2. well, we have 5 days…. or is it 10 days? or 5 weeks? I hope everyone can endeavor to keep themselves stable, safe, and prepared.
    stock up on goods, -> 173dVietVet has good advice.
    I am not going to freak out. There may very well be a steal. I am prepared for the worst. All of us should be.
    I always enjoy your writing, John

  3. With the exception of the EU (well 90% of it), the rest of the world is laughing at the US. Until they wake up & realize that a Cackles Admin will start WW3 the day after her inauguration. (If enough cheating succeeds).

  4. Fellow Enjoyers Of John’s Jocularity :

    I like to say “Reality dies not await hopes and dreams.”

    So what will our Nation’s reality be after November 5th ?

    Answer: Regardless of who “wins/steals” the election, neither side will accept the results ! Blood will run in some streets, mainly those in and next to DemonicRat controlled cities.

    Wanna live to see 2026? Then you need to stay out of crowds, avoirdupois major cities, get a firearm and training (maybe insurance against court cases from having to defend yourself, get cash to pay at least two months bills, get extra meds because your life may depend on those being available, build up stock of food to have 3 month’s worth, find a water source nearby that is reliable (not city water), obtain ability to purify water, have way to cook without electricity, learn your neighbors’ names, improve your level of fitness…..

    Whew ! That’s a big list….. but it can be accomplished if one works a little bit every day on a few of these points.

    Nobody is coming to rescue you.

    The guvamint minions are worthless unless you have bought your way into their circles.

    Yeah, reality sucks, don’t it ?? But you can and will make it through the approaching Bad Times with spiritual help:

    “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” Corie Ten Boom

    1. Nah.
      Just get a couple of firearms, and ammo, and shoot any troublemakers after Election Day.
      Bear well in mind, no one said “Stand around with your thumb in your mouth afterwards, waiting for civic approbation for your community service.”

      Shoot, and split.
      To hell with taking credit.
      Virtue is its own reward.

  5. On the bright side, we might be able to witness the sight of tens of millions of people having a simultaneous nervous breakdown in real-time. Remember election night in 2016, they couldn’t believe he won and it was a slow burn. If Trump “wins” next week? The meltdown will be epic, immediate and likely include as much screaming and lot more burning.

  6. The aspect of the Infinite Hitler Loop that I’ve been waiting for seems to be starting to happen. Like the “Everything is Racist” loop, people are getting tired of it. “Oh, Hitler again? Whatever, bitch.” A while ago it was, “I can’t do that! They’ll call me racist!” Now it’s morphing into “I’m racist? So what? Everyone and and everything is racist. I got stuff I gotta get done.”

  7. Considering how many younger folks have been educated, calling Trump “Hitler” has no shock value. To old farts like me, it’s a ridiculous comparison, and for those attracted to the lure of Communism, their ignorance doesn’t allow to them realize their goal of a political system is almost identical to the one created by Hitler. The irony is rich with this one, and the ignorance is almost silly.

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