The Latest Attack: White Fortressing

“Lord Vader will provide us with the location of the rebel fortress.” – Star Wars, A New Hope

I lost a castle in chess once.  It was a rook-y mistake.

One of the unintended consequences of a multicultural society is the way that identity fuels animosity and envy.  In the latest story from this dispatch comes the concept of “White Fortressing”.

What on Earth is White Fortressing?  Does it involve a series of blankets covering the dining room table and various chairs to create a blanket fort, but this time using only white blankets?

No.  In Louisiana, besides the Gumbo Landslides and the Alligator Squadron attacks, one of the things that people wrestle with is government.  In Baton Rouge (French for “smells like mold”), Louisiana, there the people in one area have been trying to split off from the local parish.  If you’re from Louisiana, no one calls those subdivisions “a parish” except you.  I blame the Louisiana Purchase.

Why?  People in Louisiana do things, um, differently.  Heck, if Adam and Eve had been from Louisiana, they’d have eaten the snake, too.

Pictured:  Louisiana after half an inch of rain.

This group of about 100,000 folks wanted to form their own city, which they have called St. George.  Because this new city would be only 12% black instead of 50% black like the rest of East Baton Rouge Parish, Dr. Luisa Godinez-Puig of the Urban Institute™ coined the phrase “White Fortressing”.

What’s Dr. Luisa Godinez-Puig’s job title?  “Equity Scholar.”  And given that job title, it’s no wonder that, wherever she looks with her beady little eyes she sees inequity.  To be fair, I can’t really tell if they’re beady, but the low-resolution picture that she uploaded makes me think that when her friends tried to set her up on blind dates they described her as having “a great personality except for the everything is racist bit”.

According to the article written by Dr. Luisa Godinez-Puig and someone named Muttley, er “Smedley” who I am sure is completely not a dog that communicates only by snickering, White Fortressing is “opportunity hoarding”.  What’s that?  You mean, gasp, a community would want to spend money on itself rather than ship it to other people?

I wonder if Dr. Luisa Godinez-Puig and Smedley had a cartoon, would it be called “Wacky Racists”?

To quote myself in a discussion with a friend, “Why should I want to ship money overseas?  I don’t want to ship it to the next county.”

It appears that the big reason that St. George wanted to make itself a city wasn’t because Louisiana was in desperate need of a new mayor, nope, the East Baton Rouge School System appears to be crap.  How crap?  WAFB™, which I assume stands for War Air Force Base, reported that there were 6,587 fights that were reported in the school district over the past two years.  Given that there were 40,000 students in the System, it’s likely that just under 27,000 students weren’t pulling their fair share and starting fights.

Let’s be real:  most fights aren’t reported.  So, this would indicate to me that the schools are likely much more violent than would be indicated by the raw numbers above.  So, in 2013, a group of parents decided that enough was enough.  In the St. George area, there were 16,300 or so kids going to school.  Of that number, some 7,700 went to private school.  I think it’s obvious why:  It’s to protect the poor kids, since the rich kids can hire hitmen to take care of business.

To quote Dr. Luisa Godinez-Puig and her sidekick Smedley:  “When white communities fortress themselves, they siphon away resources from the larger region, including communities of color.”

Important note:  before providing Human Resources with a urine sample, make sure they requested one first.

That’s what the people of St. George are to Dr. Luisa Godinez-Puig and her sidekick Smedley:  “resources”.  I suppose that a charitable way to put this is that these people are really just tax slaves.  The “Opportunity Hoarding” that Dr. Luisa Godinez-Puig and her sidekick Smedley describe is really just Dr. Luisa Godinez-Puig and her sidekick Smedley’s Opportunity to Hoard the tax dollars coming from people who just want out of a failing, violent system.

Those ingrates!  They and their children should just stay and take the beatings and worse that they so obviously deserve!

This is the mind of the GloboLeft:  their job isn’t to provide a shared initiative to block those who would try to invade or enslave us.  Nope.  They view their job is to mine us for resources so we don’t “Hoard” our productivity and thus deprive them of their “Opportunity” to extract their pound of flesh.

The hypocrisy of the GloboLeft is laid bare by this:

  • Their god is democracy, except when people vote against them. This is why they always use the term “Our Democracy”.  You and I simply do not need to apply.
  • If white people leave an area due to violence or high tax rates due to transfer payments, it’s called “White Flight” and it’s bad. So bad, because (apparently) the GloboLeft really wants people around?
  • No, they don’t. When white people move back into an urban hellscape and begin to economically transform it for the better, that’s “Gentrification” and it’s also bad because it raises the taxes from their previous “urban war zone” level.
  • Finally, if people just want to stay in the same place, and govern themselves, their horribly shellfish because they don’t want to share their taxes with the greater region. Heck, those ingrates probably don’t want to ship their tax dollars to Raytheon™ so they can build bombs to give to foreign countries or Boeing® so that Boeing© software programmers can continue trying to solve the deep mystery of the coloring book in the break room.
  • Who self-segregates more than anyone? The GloboLeftElite.

Hey, don’t laugh, battering rams were a real breakthrough.

The GloboLeftElite always, always, has the same idea – the things that are produced by individuals belong solely to them – there was a reason the Iron Curtain existed – and it wasn’t to keep people out.  Whereas I really do believe that certain services and regulations are required, my view of the world is “anything not illegal is allowed.”  Their view?  “Anything not mandatory is prohibited.”  I wish that last phrase was something that I made up, but it’s not, but I wish even more that the GloboLeftElite hadn’t heard it, since it appears to be their game plan.

The aptly named Larry Fink.

An irony of this is that the school district proposed by the folks who put together the city of St. George isn’t even particularly white:  only 35% of the public school students would be white.

I guess, in the end, White Fortressing simply means, “Not spending your tax dollars the way our GloboLeftElite overlords wanted”.  Maybe they could shut themselves up in their own safe space.

What color blankets do you think Doctor Luisa Godinez-Puig and her sidekick Smedley would want?

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

42 thoughts on “The Latest Attack: White Fortressing”

  1. When blacks do something for “their people” it is empowering, noble, righteous. Why? Because they are not White. When Whites do something for “their people” it is racist, selfish and immoral. Why? Because they are White. The rules may not make much sense, but they are at least simple.

    They can’t live with us, but they can’t live without us. What a dilemma.

  2. Q: Why exactly do Whites, a controlling majority, keep voting for policies which disadvantage themselves?

    A: Most humans, which includes Whites, are NPCs (Non-Player Characters) and do what the mainstream media programs them to do. Democracy is a hoax and always has been.

    1. It seems to be more of a subset of Whites (i.e. educated white women) who make most of the counterproductive voting decisions. Not sure why this is but I’ve noticed that the same liberal white female (and male) coworkers who voted for Biden, also seem to be the same people who have no qualms with taking credit for your work, lying to get ahead, or pushing stupid crap like DEI in the workplace (and actually believing it is a good thing).

      1. > It seems to be more of a subset of Whites (i.e. educated white women) who make most of the counterproductive voting decisions. status has been lost, due to too much debt spending on social programs and losing a naval war, by: Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, France, Britain. Only in the last portion of the last country could women vote. Women voters are not the problem.

        > Most of it is voter fraud plus ignoring the will of voters.

        “Voting” means voters wills are followed, or the elected go to jail. Are 80% of voters that submissive? If so then democracy is a hoax and always has been.

    2. Most of it is voter fraud plus ignoring the will of voters. Just about every poll post-1965 said about 80% of people were against non-white immigration, for example. Even non-whites back then knew they didn’t want more coloreds to compete against for free shit.

  3. This is a trend around the country, the Buckhead neighborhood of Atlanta has been trying to secede from Atlanta proper for years because Buckhead is a nice area and Atlanta is not. It is weird that black activists like “Dr.” Luisa Godinez-Puig hate White people but also refuse to let White people separate ourselves. They b!tch about “White fatigue” but then demand Whites be accessible to them, or at least White money.

    I say let them have all of Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi and they can prove they don’t need us at all. It worked great in Haiti.

    1. Good point, Arthur.

      If blacks hate whites so badly why do so many of them date and marry whites…..?

      1. Fuck you!
        Strong message follows.

        We already have the last 47 batches of your toothless, banjo-playing kinfolk here already.
        Deal with them yourselves, and come pick up your fetal-alcohol nephews and nieces at your convenience.

        They weren’t Californians when they moved here, and they won’t be when they move back home either.
        Won’t that be nice?
        But they’re bringing Pedro and Maria with them when they come, compliments of your senators and congressweasels. Best wishes from the Turd World, slug.

  4. “When white communities fortress themselves, they siphon away resources from the larger region, including communities of color.”

    “Siphon away” – that is my favorite part. As though somehow the breakaway community is taking something inherently not theirs to begin with. I believe she mispronounced “reclaim”

  5. I’m trying to craft this to not get our host under the Eye of Sauron. If this is too edgy, delete it

    Having said that, most of the Cloud People who both rule us and hate us live in gun-free cities and States and feel they can run their mouths fearing no consequences. I’m going to guess that Louisiana is not such an area. This level of extortive stupidity should have… some push-back.

    1. The desire to get free of Leftist control is seldom about the ethnicity. Black parents also desire it.
      It’s about the culture – violent, crude, and anti-education.

      1. “It’s about the culture – violent, crude, and anti-education.”
        Let us not pretend that doesn’t also describe an ethnicity.

    2. It already did in Louisiana. Look at the people who protected their communities after Katrina – there’s a reason that isn’t national news.

  6. “Doctor” Lousy Godawful-Pig has declared “How dare you?! All you Whypeepo’s money are belong to us!”

    So, how many divisions does the Wakanda School System have?

  7. I see lot of parallels between Baton Rouge, and my hometown further down the coast. The revenues from the oil industry, and supporting businesses, are a huge source of tax money. This money allows the appropriately diversified city governments to practice the voodoo of spending more money than necessary on anything that is changed by a change in the wind direction. In a business venture, the economic condition is bankruptcy, since the future pensions, expenditures, and outright waste has drained any rainy-day funds. Those that can leave have already done so, and those remaining are stuck with all the problems associated with a diverse crowd of incompetent chuckleheads that are in power. The city is living on the edge, and the edge is crumbling.

    A blip as huge as an important revenue source jumping ship is the death punch, and those now running Baton Rouge know this. They will let all the streets fill with potholes, water line breaks to be common occurrences, public safety be placed on the back burner, and drain all revenue they can get their hands on to prevent this from happening. It’s survival, and they’ll consider anything, including criminal violence, to save their butts.

    1. *Snort!* Been a couple decades since I heard “chuckleheads” and it caught me off-guard.

      Then I read what I just wrote and feel sad.

    2. As long as there is plenty of cash, everyone is buddy-buddy. As the tide rolls out, people experiencing wealth destruction.

  8. There are already some state legislatures pondering legislation to keep people from moving, and others who have already enacted, “if you leave, you still have to pay our taxes law”. Communism in bloom.

    1. Those “laws” are and will be unenforceable. They’re already risible jokes.

      And payment will not be rendered in gold, nor silver.
      Lead with copper jackets is a strong front-running alternative candidate, though.

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