The Most Important War: The War Between The Sexes

“I am opposed to the women’s libs.” – Revenge of the Pink Panther

If I write a novel about the different shades of the color blue, is that cyans fiction?

Note: No podcast tomorrow. I’ve got a work thing that will take me right up until showtime, so I won’t have time to create the quality notes that drive the show, so I guess you’ll just have to wait until next week for the podcast that listeners describe as “usually punctual”.

While we spend a lot of time reading about the war in Ukraine or the war that Israel is involved in and realize that right now the only winners are Raytheon®, Boeing™, and Lockheed Martin©. I mean, it must be a relief for Boeing™ to try to design something that’s supposed to experience kinetic failure at high impact killing dozens. Sadly, their new Nerf™ ClusterBomb© isn’t having the combat impact they had hoped for.

I think, however, that those wars distract us from a much more important war: the war between the sexes.

This is Wednesday, so obviously we’ll be talking about the economic costs as well as the social costs, so we might as well start talking about that right now:

The root of the problem is that women are working. This was seen back in the day as a mechanism to get more cheap labor for business. Oh, that wasn’t the main point of Women’s Lib, just a nice byproduct. No, Women’s “Liberation” was first and foremost a tool of the GloboLeftElite to try to break apart the true atom of society, the family.

My brake pedal, though, wants therapy. It’s tired of being depressed.

And it worked, swimmingly. They knew it would, of course. When Edward Bernays was hired by the American Tobacco Company to get more women to smoke, he paid a lot of women to smoke during one Easter Day Parade in NYC. He tipped off the press that women suffragettes would be smoking “torches of freedom” and they took it from there. 99% of women over 45 at that day and time didn’t smoke.

Thankfully, for Marlboro®, the women were very susceptible to propaganda.

Just like at work. The progression went from, “get out and work” to “you don’t need no man” to “go to college and get an education and make big bucks”.

Now, as the meme goes, women are taught that devoting themselves to a husband and their children is slavery, but going to work at a faceless corporation for a man, which is, I guess, empowerment.

Women can be very capable and driven, so those that apply themselves early in their career (like men used to be taught to do) and push the long hours can reach success, in many cases, more easily than a man. And there are multiple problems embedded in this.

When women are working fifty-hour weeks, regardless of if they’re in a relationship, they defer having children. When they defer, that often means that their window of fertility closes without even a FedEx® envelope showing up marked, “Urgent, your chance to have a baby expires in 28 days.”

I hear that AOC occupied a fertility clinic. Being a communist, she wanted to seize the means of reproduction.

I recall one article I read about a fortysomething who had frozen a plethora of her eggs in anticipation that one day she’d have enough, that she’d be where she wanted to be to have those children that she had neglected to have when she was 23.

Oops. I can’t quote it exactly, but she talked about “raging, screaming like an animal” when she found out that her frozen eggs were about as viable as a Bernie Sanders presidential run. Although I’m not completely evil, I did enjoy a bit of epicaricacy at the thought. I know, it’s a bad habit, but in this case I was hoping that some 23-year-old read the news and decided to not become a regretful wine aunt.

But just the mechanism of women wanting to have great jobs is killing them. Women are (as far as I can see) programmed to find men that are better than them. They want a man who makes more money, but they also want to be high powered corporate lawyers, which takes, at minimum, enough effort to push to and through 35.

And those men that make more money than the women? They’re not looking for 35-year-old lawyer women, they’re looking for a 23-year-old Stacy who isn’t cynical after spending over a decade climbing the ladder. Women in that position have rendered themselves simultaneously undesirable and incapable of finding a man.

This one woman said she was a trophy wife, but her ears stuck out and the previous winners’ names were all tattooed down her back.

The Mrs. and I were having a conversation. Her thesis was that women were monogamous – they just had to find the right man. That would make sense. Again, from the newspaper, another 40 something woman (there are a lot of these stories), blows up her marriage of fifteen or twenty years. Leaves it to find and reconnect with the man that had been The One that she had dated for a month or six before she met her husband.

In my favorite version, the man has no, absolutely zero, recollection of the woman. She is an Alpha Widow, forever pining for that Alpha she had back in the day.

The probability that a woman becomes an Alpha Widow increases with every sex partner that she has. Whether or not The Mrs. is right, the facts show that if a woman spends her 20s in dissolute sex, the chances that she’ll be psychologically able to remain faithful to man number thirty or sixty plummets to zero. For women who view that their sexual worth is not determined by massive numbers of partners, I’d ask who wants to buy a pair of shoes that have been worn by 126 dudes?

Almost any woman can have an Alpha for a night, but the problem is that once they’ve had one, they feel that’s what they deserve.

All of this, together, is what I call The Big Lie that women have been told.

I weigh a fraction of what I did in school. An improper fraction, but still, a fraction.

This has consequences. The first is that the average Alpha loves it. He can get as much sex as he wants, when he wants it. The Beta, though, is getting wise, and having an Alpha Widow isn’t what he’s interested in.

The consequences are lowered male investment and engagement in society. Women expect to be protected by men on the subway, but elect the District Attorney that turns the rapists back to the street, and sit on the juries that convict men attempting to protect them.

Additionally, men are shying away from doing the things that make them high value. Why engage in those behaviors if they can’t attract the attention of a decent woman? Despite modernity’s challenges, what men really want is a marriage and children. That’s it. It’s wickedly simple.

Women ask, “Where have all the good men gone?” The answer is simple. They’re either married to someone else, or the men never chose the path of radical self-improvement required to make them better. Why work fifty hours and then work out when the prospect of a family is raising Chad’s kid with Chad’s Alpha Widow?

Yup, that’s an Alpha Widow.

Outside of the political consequences, this has also created a sharp political divide. The younger groups are skewing away from each other, based on sex. Women seek the party of least responsibility so they can kill babies at will and thus make the big bucks making PowerPoints™. Men are tired of the game, and are seeking what has been lost to them, which they see being fulfilled through nationalism and populism.

It’s a train wreck ready to happen.

Again, the good news is we always win this one. Will it be horrible and difficult? Yes. But it is a battle that has been fought for centuries, and always, the family ends up winning in the end.

Otherwise? None of us would be here. Which will also be the outcome if someone doesn’t stop Boeing®. Seriously. These guys need to be stopped before . . . oh, too late.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

10 thoughts on “The Most Important War: The War Between The Sexes”

  1. Elder son’s live-in GF is a thoroughly modern woman, in that she is post-Wall, neurotic, entitled, and rabidly insecure. Oh, and she also guzzles wine like it’s her job (which is actually some nebulous position in HR, the lofty title of which escapes me at the moment). She flit from one guy to the next all through her late teens and 20s, then lived with a guy for 6 years before we knew her, all the while debating whether or not to have, or even want, children.

    She found my son through some spectacular stroke of good fortune, and finally decided, at age 35, that she is ‘ready’ to start a family. But my son was just recently divorce-raped, and has two of his own with his psycho ex. He is adamant that there will be no more children for him. And no more weddings.

    Absolute conundrum, therefore, for live-in GF, who doesn’t know whether to sh!t or go blind. Staying with my son is a reproductive dead end for her, for he is, as I say, adamant about no more children. But he is such a rare catch, possessing those three 6’s in abundance (6+ feet tall, 6 figure income, 6-pack abs) that she guards access to him with supreme jealousy. She has described what a trip to the grocery store with him is like, given all the attention that a tall, fit, handsome fellow receives. (“You! Tits! Step AWAY from the boyfriend! And button up!” “Yo, b!tch in the short shorts! Stop staring at my man and put some clothes on!”)

    She’s not leaving. And she’s not going to get the family she (finally) wants. Result? Frustration, which she takes out on society at large by dying her hair purple and scowling at the world with her patented resting b!tch face. And she is hardly alone. Her gardening group, her reading club, most of her coworkers, both of her sisters and even their mother are all in the same lost and lonely, frustrated female society (FFS).

    All I can say is, reap what you’ve sown, ladies.


    1. Hope your son doesn’t live in one of those states where the law says they’re as good as married after living together for so long.

  2. Why engage in those behaviors if they can’t attract the attention of a decent women.

    Typo, should be woman.


  3. “Epicaricacy”? Really, John? It degrades your work to use short, simple-minded words like these when there are perfectly good longer and more cultured-sounding versions like “schadenfreude”. Always go German when you are talking about guilty pleasure…

    But I digress. IMHO, the high powered lawyer Karen freezing her eggs is an interesting strawman to talk about but far from common. There’s 211 million women in the workforce…

    and a total of “only” up to around 100,000 or so have had eggs frozen over the decades (estimated number – 36K before 2019, 12K in 2020…) at a cost of $10K down and $1K per year storage….

    So Rich Bi*ch Frozen Egg Karens delaying motherhood are thus only around 0.05 % of the demographic fertility rate crisis the US faces. The 625,000 abortions per year have a much greater impact on fertility – and family formation, which is your main, er, thrust.

    Abortions are by definition evidence of recreational sexual activity rather than family formation, but I personally don’t think it’s promiscuity and search for the next / better man that leads women to become an Alpha Widow. Instead, they just decide it’s not worth the emotional stress to live with the flawed man they’ve got when they can get by with government support, child support, and their own crummy job – which from those employment statistics above is more likely to be a punch-the-time-clock nurse/teacher/clerk/cashier/cleanup job than some career requiring focusing extra attention on the job at the expense of family.

    IMHO, this disposability and rejection is the real thing lowering male investment and engagement in society – not just by their marital partners, but by society itself. They see they’re not wanted in the military, they’re not wanted in physical jobs where they can be replaced by immigrants, and the women have the upper hand in mental pursuits such as college and job recruitment due not only to DEI quotas but in many cases superior abilities and performance.

    No wonder they just wanna stay in the basement and play dopamine-hit video games.

    1. [the women have the upper hand in mental pursuits such as college and job recruitment due … in many cases superior abilities and performance.]

      An assertion in need of evidence.

      [There’s 211 million women in the workforce…]

      Eh? In the US? Seems a bit high, given that the official US population is about 330M.

  4. It is a double sided problem because if we are being honest, the flip side of the equation (young men) aren’t exactly putting their collective best feet forward. It was a struggle for most of us to ask girls out when I was young in the 1980s but now young men can disappear to their room, play video games and watch unlimited, free porn of whatever variety they want. It takes two to tango and while I take a backseat to no one when it comes to criticizing young women, young men need to be the sort of person a woman wants to devote herself to. I know it is easier especially for men to just throw stones at women but our sex isn’t blameless in this.

    1. Modern boys spend fourteen years in public screwels being aught they are inherently both evil and inferior. They are routinely punished for being male while the girls are placed upon pedestals no matter their actual behavior.

  5. I am happy to share that I now have a print version of my novel The Mayor of Christ Mountain. For the moment, I’m handling everything myself, so if you want one of the (few) copies currently available, you’ll have to contact me directly. I can do PayPal or we can figure something else out.

    It’s $14 + $4 for basic shipping.

    It is still available for free online starting here (there’s a “Next chapter” link at the bottom of each page.):

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