Wednesday Memes

Tired and a bit of a headache.  Enjoy some memes.  Should be back with the podcast tomorrow and a new post on Friday.  Enjoy!

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

8 thoughts on “Wednesday Memes”

      1. This dood is the real thing. Tuff basterd too.

        He and his kind shall inherit. The sheep, too. No it ain’t a suggestion and everybody can keep their silly ‘votes’.

  1. Everyone needs a break now & then. Mine’s been too long, back at it tomorrow.

    I’m weak on pop culture at age 71. Who’s Rob Zombie? I do remember Macho Man.

  2. Hey kids! How about a rousing game of fill-in-the-blank? Let’s try this brain tickler: “Federal Reserve building torched. BLANK hardest hit.”

    Not much of a challenge, eh? They’re ALWAYS the hardest hit. Nevermind. Carry on with whatever you were doing.

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