“Your work is puerile and under-dramatized. You lack any sense of structure, character, or the Aristotelian unities.” – Addams Family Values
But the Terminator® drew the line at upgrading to Windows 10®. He said, “I still love Vista©, baby.”
As I mentioned last Wednesday, I worry that sometimes I talk too much about the downsides of workings of the economy. Today is about politics and culture. This stemmed from a friend who asked, “What does it look like when things start to look better? What does it look like if it’s all going to be fine?”
These are great questions about politics and culture as well as the economy. Not as good as, “Hey, want another steak, Mr. Wilder? Is the hot tub the right temperature, Mr. Wilder? More PEZ®, Mr. Wilder?” but still very good.
The economy is important, but the cultural and political are more importanter.
What will make things “fine” and how will we know when we get there?
First: The Great Replacement Must Stop.
It’s rather hilarious that the media, when describing the TradRight’s complaining about being replaced in their own country, say that it’s a conspiracy theory. But when they describe the obvious demographic replacement, celebrate the “end of a white majority”. This is taking place in the United States, Canada, and in Europe. Canada and France seem to be the worst of the lot, and I’m hearing of a pushback of the local people to being raped and killed. But Trudeau seems to be running on the “import rapists and murderers” platform, so we’ll see how that works out for him.
Trudeau’s wife left him (true story). She caught him screwing all of Canada.
This requires two things, starting with people in the West having incentives to have children. Incentives determine outcomes – if we have incentives for married couples to have children, they will. If we want more people, we should start with our own. The future belongs to those that show up, and if we create a society where women work to the point of infertility making PowerPoints®, well, that’s not a good consequence.
The other step that must be taken is that the throngs of illegals must be stopped and reversed. If they’re so awesome economically, they should stay home and Make Guatemala Great Again. Even GloboLeftists in big cities are getting it – the illegals are economic locusts and are a huge net negative because they’re here not to create, but to consume.
The GloboLeftElite, however, are making the economic case that the influx of will lead to a more prosperous America, while a recent economic study shows that just the millions we let in recently will decrease wages for over a decade.
I wonder if my friend with anxiety joined a cartel, if he’d go see a psychiatrist because of Hispanic attacks?
Over a decade. Moms vote for TradRight, because they have skin in the game. Single women vote for the GloboLeft because they want to avoid responsibility – all fun, no consequences. This explains every aspect of the GloboLeft’s plan from no-fault divorce to abortion to welfare.
Second: Unity Must Return.
We’re at each other’s throats. The GloboLeftists® like nagging, like inching their goals forward. When they get a goal, they have to pick a new, more ludicrous goal. They’ve had their best successes in sex-related issues: Drag Queen Story Hour? I mean, if they wanted to donate their time to help the elderly in nursing homes, probably not an issue. But, no, they have to take it in front of the kids and into girls’ locker rooms.
Maybe drag queens can give Joe the help he needs.
The TradRight is more like Pa Wilder. Pa Wilder rarely (almost never) participated in punishing my brother John and I (yes, his name is also John, since they figured it would save on monogrammed clothing). But when Pa Wilder did get up out of the easy chair to intervene? It was serious. The chair would stop rocking, and then we knew that we’d gone too far. I think the chair has stopped rocking – the GloboLeft has gone too far.
It turns out that not only is Diversity not our strength, it’s tearing us apart. The GloboLeft have been doing everything they can to pick apart the things that made America great and have succeeded in creating a country where Trump inhaling makes GloboLeftists complain that he has destroyed the atmosphere by breathing out carbon dioxide.
I’d love to sit in an ocean of orange carbonated water. It’s my Fanta®-sea.
This has destroyed society in many ways. Were Targets™ targets in the 1980s for rioting mobs? Nope. Did Carter see mobs of youths destroying convenience stores for free stuff, then complaining when those same stores close down? Nope. The rule of law must return – and that will require unity.
The GloboLeft loves diversity, because unity is inherently the place of the TradRight.
Third: Return of Industriousness.
This isn’t (necessarily) the fault of “people who don’t want to work” which is the meme. In reality, there are so many rules that simply didn’t exist decades ago. Kids setting up a lemonade stand? In many locations, it’s illegal. It violates health regulations. They’re not collecting sales tax. They don’t have a business permit. They’re operating a business in a residential area.
What lesson, exactly, is that teaching the kids? That the only economic activity permitted is that sanctioned by the state, in a location allowed by the state, and following state rules that may or may not impact safety or quality but that must be followed, just the same.
The impact is that industry is shipped off to countries that don’t have the same number of rules, or, in many cases any sort of rules at all. In many cases it’s minimal gain. I read one article that manufacturing the iPhone® in the United States would cost about $10 more due to labor costs.
$10. But Apple® decided to keep making it at places where they have to have anti-suicide nets.
What do you call a group of newborn sheep tumbling down a hill? A lambslide.
Americans have always wanted to make stuff that’s valuable, sell it, and make the world better while they make a few bucks as profit. As I’ve written about endlessly, the conversion of our economy to one dominated by making paper profits off of fake money doesn’t feed anyone, but sucks profits from people who are trying to actually make stuff.
The GloboLeft loves big corporations, whatever they may be, because it makes individuals helpless. The GloboLeft hates industriousness because it creates people who are self-sufficient.
I could go on (and I imagine I’ll see plenty of additional adders in the comments) but I see it this way: the only way to a sane economy, a sane culture, and a sane political environment is through the big discontinuity of pain that’s coming due in the next decade.
But until then? Bring on the PEZ®, steak, and hot tubs!
The problem with the “right” is division. Jew hatred to the extent that hamas / muslims are victims vs Christians that believe the Jews and Israel are God’s to deal with and they are to be supported as the Bible states clearly.
One thing that is abundantly clear depopulation is the issue and spoiled, gun owning, meat eaters have to be the target for the powers who want to be. Read to the end what’s coming is not going to be a shock to some of us.
You’re funny. Look to see who’s behind most of the division. Hint: It’s not the Amish.
Perfect example
This is why I don’t have purity tests and I don’t shoot right. Unite. Not divide.
Interesting that the first comment in a great piece about our People and former Nation is something something about “Jew hatred”.
Maybe the right is divided because there is always some reason put forth as to why we can’t take our own side and solve our own problems until we become something else or embody some externally defined quality.
Our People are not allowed to even define who we are because reasons that are not allowed to be openly explored because “hate” or “racism” or other magic that has been thrust upon us for reasons that are also to be ignored or else return to 10. And so on.
We are entitled to have the same characteristics as every other people in earth, including “hate” however rational or not.
So tedious. The problem is FUSA is for everyone in the world. The invasion is just accepting that premise at volume. “Hate” SMH.
…and (((who))) is behind all the ‘not letting Whites define, have pride ‘ etc etc? Yep, from hollyweird to DC, its teh jew.
If Christians are indeed
the body of Christ
then it stands to reason that
jews are the body of anti-Christ
PS: there is absolutely NO Biblical directive to support israel – prove me wrong, please.
Very True. Jews can accept Christ and get baptized, or deny him and go do Hades. There is no salvation outside of Christ Jesus.
Spot on.
“The problem with the “right” is division.”
100% agree. This is why we need to stake out a position, and boot out everyone that doesn’t adhere to it. For example, if someone doesn’t support this being a 100% White society with Christian values then they are the Enemy, not one of Us.
There is no such thing as unity through declaring everyone is one of us then hoping they get the message and don’t exploit our foolishness. We tried that, and it got us to where we are now.
Rule of law and unity: sure, I’m on board … but with a few caveats. First, there must be WAY fewer laws ruling us. Secondly, those laws must apply to everyone, including the cops. No more civil asset forfeiture, no more use of SWAT to serve routine warrants, complete accountability for wrong-address raids, gratuitously shooting your dog, raping prostitutes, etc. My appetite for “backing the blue” is, shall we say, severely atrophied these days. Thirdly, we have to have justice, and we have to have it retroactively, and it has to reach to the highest levels, very definitely including holders of public office and the judiciary. When there’s a very high correlation coefficient between legal/illegal and right/wrong, I’ll sign up to be law-abiding. As it is, there’s a modest negative correlation. Thus, my interest in legality/illegality is purely prudential. I’m interested in right-and-wrong. Illegal? That’s just a matter of “how likely am I to get caught, and what are the consequences.”
Jim, you had me at hello.
We would see politicians, government officials, bureaucrats, and about 99.87% of the mainstream media types, including the back office staffs, hung by the neck from every standing object: trees, light poles, overpasses, bridges, etc., as far as the eye could see, from coast to coast and border to border.
The democommmunists that elected them and patronized them would be leaving the country by plane, train and garbage-raft skiff, to all points of the compass, at the speed of combustion engines.
The day that blessed sight greets your eyes, the worry factor goes down to about a 2 on a 100-point scale.
Years ago, there was a blog named “Taxicab Depressions” that was based in Miami. Stories about his fares (lots of spoiled drunk females). But, one was a Bird Colonel that became a “security consultant” (Shocking!). He commented to the blogger/hack, “If we rounded up 100 radical leftists from gov’t, big biz, Hollywood, etc. and executed them live on TV by firing squad on the Capitol Steps, we’d solve 95% of the problems in the country immediately”.
Actual quote from his site:
“These people are playing with matches… I don’t think they understand the scope and scale of the wildfire they are flirting with. They are fucking around with a civil war that could last a decade and cause millions of deaths… and the sad truth is that 95% of the problems we have in this country could be solved tomorrow, by noon… simply by dragging 100 people out in the street and shooting them in the fucking head.”
From this:
That could be a weekly show. Running it for a year would be an excellent start.
Loved that blog.
https://taxicabdepressions.com/?p=1193 “The Pig trap”
“These people are playing with matches… I don’t think they understand the scope and scale of the wildfire they are flirting with. They are fucking around with a civil war that could last a decade and cause millions of deaths… and the sad truth is that 95% of the problems we have in this country could be solved tomorrow, by noon… simply by dragging 100 people out in the street and shooting them in the fucking head.” I would like to be on the committee that gets to chose those 100.
*after a fair trial.
“Court is now in session.
How do the accused plead?”
“Not Guilty, Your Honor.”
“Overruled! Guilty. Sentenced to death by hanging, today. Now. NLT >looks at watch< five minutes hence. Court adjourned to reconvene for festivities in the plaza.”
Let the games begin!
Yup, trial. Didn’t say they had to be long!
Usually the first sign of a Civil War is the Opposition printing presses are burned and the Journalists Tarred and Feathered.
We really need a general rethinking of the whole system as we have forgotten what the purpose of all of these institutions are supposed to be.
Something something 14 words something.
And why, really, are those controversial?
Exactly – they now exist to empower themselves.
The problem is that most institutions’ goals are some variant of kicking back 10% for the Big Guy. Reform would start with simply shuttering 90% of them, and hopefully deporting most of their employees as threats to Order.
It starts with demographics.
Not enough young adults want babies. Except in North Dakota.
“Any serious pro-natal policy in America worth its salt would primarily result in birth gains among minority mothers, not white ones. Accelerating the national birth rate would also accelerate the pace at which the non-Hispanic white population share declines.”
But Fido is doing fine!
Demography is destiny. The future belongs to those who show up. Birth rates, death rates, immigration and emigration all matter.
By definition, any serious pro-natal policy in America worth its salt would primarily result in birth gains among White mothers. All others being actively discouraged.
The preservation of the race requires racism.
The preservation of the nation requires nationalism.
The future lies on the other side of mountains of skulls, rivers of blood, and oceans of tears. It didn’t always have to be this way, but it’s where we are now.
Great thought a little late, we aborted our chances
Mostly, we aborted a huge swath of welfare monsters growing into a burgeoning prison population, embarrassingly close to Margaret Sanger’s original eugenicist vision. You could look it up.
You could look up how many white kids were aborted. You should look up Ukraine victory
I think even the meme of cat ladies is dying off. They don’t even want to have to take care of any other living thing. Not even a plant. It is all in their phones. 24/7.
Maybe one in four of the women I dated while in the sexual dystopia of post-Tinder misandry bubble had kids.
The couple that did were one and done. Last egg meet centrifuge. Some managed to stick the landing in a betabux hypergamy bomb marriage but most are still chasing the dragon or residing to the empowerment of singleness.
And these were of the “serious about relationship” cohort. Not even the roasties. But they simply did not understand their inflated, inverted expectations relative to what they brought and why they were even doing what they were doing which was to make choices diametric to their stated goals.
Just like the invasion, too much of the discussion and resources go toward theater of damage control and appeasing the feelz. All down stream of the incentives.
In Economic theater we call this a “tragedy”.
“…to make choices diametric to their stated goals.”
Dating and dating websites are a great window into the insanity that is the female mind. Like the bio that says, “want serious relationship only” with photos including ‘action’ shots with another man, and preferences set to “man, woman, groups, couple (2men), couple (1man, 1 woman)…”
Yeah, make sure to include your finger size so I can start shopping for a ring.
It is, of the worst kind. I should do a post (again) about just this.
Excellent, excellent comment.
When Carter was practicing being a leader, things were not good. Interest was so high, nobody was buying and contractors sweated being able to pay their line of credit. Gas was rationed, the Middle East was in turmoil, thanks to Carter’s hate of the Shah of Iran, Viet Nam veterans were trying to make sense of their purpose in the grand scheme of things, young white men found they weren’t able to get decent jobs due to the birth of EEO policies, the Cold War was in full swing, and until Reagan came along, there wasn’t much hope.
The world waited to see what would happen. Foreign policy showed how weak the leaders became, and those that depended on the United States to be a good ally were becoming more than concerned. It was sorry times, and as usual, those most responsible for the degradation of the United States skated without prosecution.
The only sign things will become better is when election integrity is demanded and those that cheated into office (with their minions) are horsewhipped in the public square. I know that sounds brutal, but considering how many suffered through the last three years, it would be a good example.
But it was better with Carter than Biden. That’s how crappy he is.
“Not Acceptable!
An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.”
Really? Why does the site hate VPNs?
(shrugs in computer)
I’ve de-tuned the filter as much as I can figure out how to de-tune.
Well done, John.

Thank you! More to come!!!
The majority of people are incapable of grasping the need for change and actually doing what’s required for said change until they find themselves in an untenable position that motivates them to change. Most people are inherently lazy. They are only motivated by suffering of some kind. White Americans are not immune to this. Things for white people aren’t great, certainly not as good as they were 40+ years ago. But things still haven’t devolved enough for most people to get off their ass, risk everything and DO SOMETHING. Thus things are going to have to get a LOT worse before there can be ANY chance they might get better.
I doubt it’s that they can’t see the need for it, but rather no idea what to do about it. Sure, @McChuck we could go in the streets and burn down building (though for us it would be shoot to kill and survivors get life without parole) but what exactly would that accomplish? We could turn Modern Mayberry into Chicago or Baltimore or whatever your favorite commie shithole might be?
Don’t be like the elect, smiling condescendingly down on the masses beneath you. Figure out one good idea and lead.
If you can’t see what eliminating traitors and enemies would accomplish, I can’t help you.
The one thing you need to take out of a burning building is the fire.
Right. And what was the community’s response to something as mild-mannered as wanting to go to a park to preserve a historical statue, and the left’s brownshirts showed up in force? How about the various 2A assemblies? Canada’s trucker demonstration. J6, Texas border, etc. The constant of the universe was a drumbeat of “buffalo jump”.
If there’s one thing at which #ourside excels, it’s condemning people who are trying something, anything to get the attention of the statist thugs.
When I start hearing about our actual enemies getting high-velocity lead poisoning, maybe then I’ll take you seriously.
Two Kyles are better than one. Four Kyles makes more sense.
^The most underrated comment on this post.
Until our side is in the streets, doing the exact same things the Leftists do, but harder and better, there will be no change for the better.
What needs to happen to make that reality?
Part of Gen Z is harder than you can imagine. It won’t be pretty.
The Left can take to the streets because they control the cops in those streets. If we take to the streets we’ll either get wrecked or just do violent shit for no purpose. Far better to become the people who control the cops and state military forces through their paychecks. In other words, go outside and organize with actual humans for political influence or other kinds of influence.
Violence done w/o a political goal is just thuggery.
We are nice. Until we’re not. Then? Continents burn.
How are you any different? I don’t see anything on Drudge about some lone guy running around RL fedposting.
The issue is that normies by their very nature will never do anything unless it’s their job, i.e., they get a paycheck for it. This is why instead of thumping our chests on the internet about how we’d TOTALLY start shit off if only someone else started it off first*, we should be building up our local network of friends and organizing for political power and other kinds of influence. No one is going to be that first penguin to jump off the ice flow into killer whale-infested waters, we need leaders to organize things. But if they are collecting a paycheck, they’ll follow the orders of elected officials.
* and then when they do and get crushed by the government, shake our heads and say things like, “play stupid games, win stupid prizes!”
A good sign would be repeal of the 16th and 17th Amendments. The power to tax is the power to destroy, so let’s curtail direct taxation and go back to the original funding methods. Direct appointment of senators could put some teeth in the 10th Amendment.
Follow that up with a severe curtailment of the precedents that mandate accommodation of mental illness and poor work performance among protected classes. Slowing the welfare and lawfare gates solves a lot of problems.
Changing the culture might require more direct approaches. Leftists know no shame, tho they use shaming quite well as a control tool.
Oh, yeah, I’m all in. Repeal ’em all after the first 11.
The problem is that the problems are self-created and can’t go away with a Societal Reset of some magnitude.
Cats have to be taught to hunt. People have to be taught morals.
Most kids in the U.S., and globally, don’t have the strong family that teaches morals, and the teaching of old-fashioned morality is unacceptable in schools. So the chaos in NYC streets are just normal life lived by normal people with the normal values of their community. If you don’t fight back, it’s morally right that you are mine. Because that is the equivalent of (God|Country|Apple_Pie).
Consume liberal media for a while with the overriding thought that “this is all correct and true information”. Imagine that whitey genuinely hates and plots against you as a disadvantaged person. Really believe it. Now tell me how you could NOT be out punching a nazi right now. Don’t you have any morals?
The left took over education more that 50 years ago. The rootless kids that accepted the morality teachings of public schools will forever be Rachel Maddows.
Executive summary: The only way to win the game is to play. The only way to win is global thermonuclear war.
Oh, we’ll win. But continents may burn.
It’ll be a dogfight, the winner is the one that’s most ruthless, and without any moral checks. That’s what war is, total brutality. Want to know why we can’t reform our way to being a great country? When the communists get in the game, and they are, it’s a bloody fight to the finish. None of us alive now will see the end of this.
People talk about the need for a Caesar, but what we really need is the Right-wing version of a Pol Pot.
That will be the TradRight for the win.
I agree – this will not end soon.
The GlobohomoLeft considers anyone outside their/Zer bubble as an NPC, an interchangeable unit of production and consumption. Fewer Whyte Peepo who have any residual memory of those nasty concepts of individual liberty and self determination and moar Peepo of colour who don’t will make everything all right.
But we’re the ones having kids.