When It Comes To The Country, What Does Winning Mean?

“Fight Club wasn’t about winning or losing.” – Fight Club

What do you get for winning a muscle loss competition?  Atrophy.

One of the things I thought about after the Big Christmas H1-B X® Debate is this simple question based off of Elon’s now famous Drunk Christmas Xeet (above):

What’s the price of winning?

First, I guess I’d ask the question – winning at what, exactly?  There are lots of things that a country could win at.  Here’s a stab at some things that I think would be fairly nice for a country to win at:

  • Liberty
  • Trust
  • Happiness
  • Low Corruption
  • Low Crime
  • Health
  • Standard of Living
  • Educational Achievement
  • Cultural Accomplishments
  • Innovation in PEZ® Delivery Devices

That’s not a very bad list, at all.  A country that scored highly in these indices would be a pretty darn nice country to live in.  It looks, hang with me for just a second, exactly like the United States through much of its existence prior to 1960.

Most people know about Karl Marx from his political philosophy, but few know about his sister, Onya, who invented the track race starter pistol.

Will bringing in more “people who are super talented engineers AND super motivated” help any of that?

Maybe.  A little.  The United States was a center where smart people wanted to come for years, especially in the post war era.  We got a few that did really help – Von Braun and Fermi, for instance.  However, some of the greatest prosperity the country had ever seen was when it was at its most restrictive in immigration.

I don’t think that was a coincidence.  The Immigration Act of 1924 was ushered in based on the huge slug of mainly non-Western European immigrants hitting our shores – people who little in common with the existing peoples of the United States, other than having two eyes and butts and such.  Having a never-ending stream of legal immigrants made the Act very, very popular.

How popular was the Act?  308-62 in the House, 69-9 in the Senate.

Remember, it’s not gay if it’s TSA.

The Act stabilized the existing ethnic makeup of the United States, with over 54% of allowable immigrants coming from English-speaking (this includes 11% from Ireland, which I assume counts) countries.

Imagine!  Over half of the immigrants to the United States speaking English on day one, and 94% coming from nominally Christian countries.  Oh!  And only 150,000 a year.

The result was a Depression.

Just kidding – that was going to happen anyway, thanks to the Fed®.

No, the result was that during the Depression we weren’t swamped with millions of jobless imports every year to make the situation even worse.  Oh, and it certainly didn’t hurt our own industry.  It was ready to hire actual Americans when World War II hit.  Did we need to import more people to build bombs and tanks and ships and planes?

No.  We did just fine, thank you.

Grandma Wilder fought during World War II.  She ended up getting a divorce.

And we were a much more unified country than today, leading in many of the categories I’ve put in the list above.

So, how is that not winning?

Elon imports Process Engineers on H1-B visas to work at his factories.  He pays them less than the median wage for Process Engineers – only $0.86 on the dollar.  Oh, and they can’t quit or they’re shipped back to India.

Is that winning?  Is it winning to have people work like virtual slaves for 86% of the median wage?  This doesn’t sound much like a rock star that we need to help us “win”.

Unless “win” means something else:

  • Lower Worker Wages
  • Higher Quarterly Profits
  • Importing More GloboLeft Voters
  • Higher House and Rent Prices
  • More Inflation
  • Increased Health Care Costs

I wonder how we got lulled to sleep?

Illegal aliens are bad enough, but legal ones can be just as economically corrosive, especially in the massive numbers that we’ve seen over the decades since 1965.  The fact that many of them

  • don’t speak English,
  • have political views antithetical to liberty,
  • are often openly hostile to the existing American population, and
  • come from philosophical backgrounds entirely alien to Western Civilization

doesn’t help.

A few, sprinkled here and there?  Yeah, in three or so generations they’d not stick out.  But over (as of 2018) 26% of Americans are first or second generation, and I’d bet that number vastly undercounts illegals.

The goal, I think, was for Americans to not be able to speak out about the idea that they’re being replaced by cheaper foreign labor that is more amenable to living under totalitarian conditions.  To want to defend the future of the continent where you and your forefathers built a civilization out of an untapped wilderness is somehow supposed to be wrong.

Oh, and the GloboLeft have been conditioned to hate Americans and those close to them.  Their idea of empathy is horribly skewed.  In the graph below (which I did a post on, but am too lazy to look up right now), the TradRight (on the left, oddly) has their highest concentration of empathy to those that they know – their family and close friends.  The GloboLeftists have their empathy skewed out to . . . all lifeforms in the universeThe GloboLeftists don’t much like themselves, their family, or those that are close to them.  They hate themselves and actively love people who are more foreign in ideology and genetics than their actual brothers and sisters.

The meme about my political philosophy above being a wholesome family wasn’t a joke.  It’s actually a real thing. 

If we want to win, well, first we have to define exactly what winning looks like.  After that, it’s up to us to really look at what it is we need to do to win.  My suggestion is that investing in our own people is probably better than treating them like a commodity to be bought and sold, or a horse to be worked to death pulling a plow to raise the children of people who hate us, who came here only as economic tourists.

Americans aren’t weak.  We’ve proven that time and time again.  Don’t let up, and don’t stop the pressure.  Winning is important.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

35 thoughts on “When It Comes To The Country, What Does Winning Mean?”

  1. Great article! Well said, educational, for ignernt normies. Do they even come by here?
    Tree Mike

  2. > I wonder how we got lulled to sleep?

    Here are some ideas: http://www.charleslindbergh.com/americanfirst/speech.asp

    > The GloboLeftists don’t much like themselves, their family, or those that are close to them. They hate themselves and actively love people who are more foreign in ideology and genetics than their actual brothers and sisters.

    Here is a historical review of when and why that occurs: tomwoods.com/ep-2232-when-civilizations-hate-themselves/

  3. > I wonder how we got lulled to sleep?

    Here are some ideas: http://www.charleslindbergh.com/americanfirst/speech.asp

    > The GloboLeftists don’t much like themselves, their family, or those that are close to them. They hate themselves and actively love people who are more foreign in ideology and genetics than their actual brothers and sisters.

    Here is a historical review of when and why that occurs: tomwoods.com/ep-2232-when-civilizations-hate-themselves/

  4. ” … a muscle loss competition?”
    Now there’s something I might stand a chance of winning!

  5. I’ve been working on a post about this. The idea that Americans have collectively agreed to a “competition” with third world laborers in a skewed market and that if we don’t agree to lower our standard of living to match the third world, we are “losing” a competition that we never agreed to in the first place. America had a perfectly acceptable understanding of what it meant to win long before we started importing cow worshippers to drive taxis.

    1. There is no way to exempt Americans from competing with non-Americans who are willing to work for less. Americans do not have the option to “disagree” to compete, Darwinism is a law of nature and cannot be avoided. Iron curtains, tariffs, and other trade barriers just hide the uncompetitiveness, until you are the Aztecs and the Spanish arrive.

      However, there is no justification to reduce the freedom of some laborers to switch employers. That is in the direction of chattel slavery.

    2. history.state.gov/milestones/1830-1860/opening-to-japan


      > On July 8, 1853, American Commodore Matthew Perry led his four ships into the harbor at Tokyo Bay, seeking to re-establish for the first time in over 200 years regular trade and discourse between Japan and the western world.

      You want to put America in the loser position of some future gunboat diplomacy. Japan didn’t gain anything from their banning of trade, they were unaware of steam ships.

        1. When you have high tariffs on everything, that’s called an Iron Curtain, a ban on international trade which doesn’t benefit anyone inside. When you have lower tariffs, it still hurts everyone inside, just hurts them less. There is no rational/coherent way to decide the “correct” amount of tariffs; that is central economic planning, which we’ve known works poorly since the theory was analyzed in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_calculation_debate

    1. Unfortunately true.
      I’d add that violence is inevitable. So the question isn’t about whether violence should happen, but instead about on whose behalf it should be done. Currently the violence is being done against us. Most egregious example: UK Labououour party voting not to look into the ongoing paki rape gangs and their victimization of little girls.

  6. Recall when Musk and Ramaswampy put out the call for highly motivated “ultra performers” to help with DOGE? They were asking for volunteers to put in very long hours with essentially no pay because it was what the country needed.

    In hindsight, they were just foreshadowing the same old H1B grift they’ve been playing all along. They play it up as an important and noble challenge, but also make it financially unattractive for any sane person to pursue. If the backlash hadn’t been so fierce, they probably would have tried to staff DOGE with H1B’s.

    The irony in all of this is that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to identify government waste so not clear what these “ultratalented” individuals were actually supposed to do.

    1. > not clear what these “ultratalented” individuals were actually supposed to do

      Make DOGE look busy. Make “government” look like rocket science ordinary people can’t do, so they will leave government to the experts, Musk and Ramaswampy. Meanwhile, Reagan OMB director en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Stockman has already written a plan of what to eliminate in what order, so no rocket scientists are needed.

      Vance thinks we need a new forever war, this time with Iran.

    2. Yeah, high talent . . . and free? Not gonna work. And H1-B’s will just want to outsource it to India.

  7. CHS wrote on this last weekend, dealing with Confucius, who noted the basis of high trust in a society was family first.

    Agree with Dr Hudson, despite him being a sorta Libtard. And the Libtards are consumed with hate, dressing badly, ugly hairstyles, illogical thoughts, and useless lifestyles. But not in that order, necessarily.

    1. I don’t think he is a libtard, since he thinks almost all current government is corrupt and evil, including democrats. He is a marxist, but also brilliant. The marxism gives him some big blind spots though. There are hours upon hours of him on youtube saying brilliant stuff, definitely worth the listen. Plus his writings.

  8. Devout Catholic JD Vance will help his hindu wife and Haji, Daji, and Maji kids stop more immigration from hindustan.

    We are all alone and the tree needs watering

    1. Used to think the small hats were our main problem. Nope, the Apus are it.

  9. Elon is quite simply a cunt on this issue, and until he recants unequivocally, he himself is the biggest argument for abolishing the H-1B visa program forever and totally.
    Ship his ass back to South Africa, and let him try and rebuild Space-X from scratch with whatever team he can cobble together there.
    99-1 he gets culturally enriched within 2 months, never to be heard from again.

    The best anyone can say about him is that as a political philosopher and deep thinker…he’s worth a lot of money.
    If he ran for any actual office, he’d have to show up and do podcasts from inside a TeslaTonka truck, otherwise the multiple concussions from everything thrown at him every day would probably limit his ability to conduct a proper campaign.

    It takes quite a man to make John Fetterman sound bright, but Elon never fails to exceed expectations.

  10. “Did we need to import more people to build bombs and tanks and ships and planes?


    Sort of. What happened was filling factories with Rosie the Riveter and importing those Mexican firefighters, Jose and Hose B to work the fields.

    When the war was over, we exported the Mexicans, who understood they were temporary, but didn’t address the Rosies.

  11. If money is the measurement of success, then everyone is for sale, and no one has value.

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