Why The Left Can’t Handle Reality

“Physical reality is consistent with universal laws.  Where the laws do not operate, there is no reality.” – Star Trek


And where I’m drawing, there is no art.

I love those moments when I make connections, mixing together equal parts of theory, experience, and coincidence together for an observation.  It makes me feel like the big picture is coming together, and I’m at least one step closer to understanding the way the world really works.  Sadly, I still can’t figure why the dentist tries to make conversation when his hand is in your mouth up to his wrist, but I did solve another puzzle.

The realization I came up with the other day is a simple one:  Leftism contains a requirement to deny reality.  The best current example is, of course, transgenderism.  I had already decided to write this post prior to this weekend, but I came across an article titled, For Transgender Men, Pain of Menstruation is More Than Physical on NBC™(LINK) today.  The article goes on to complain that transgendered men are somehow discriminated against because they can’t buy feminine hygiene products in a men’s restroom.  You can’t buy cheesy-beef chimichangas in men’s restrooms either, but you don’t see me complaining.

I’m not making this up, the way I taught my kids to say “hit me” instead of “I’m sorry”, just so when they got to school that they’d feel silly.  Pugsley was not pleased and has indicated that this will be a major factor in his nursing home selection criteria.  I do know that men complaining about having menstrual pains has been the punchline of jokes in the past.  Heck, I even had a sound clip of Bart Simpson™ saying “ohhh, my ovaries” once upon a time.


Poor Optimus Prime.  He identifies as a truck.

All of this restroom nonsense is certainly a bit beyond the initial LGBT rights request of:  “Let consenting adults do what they want in the privacy of their own bedrooms.”  Now, that apparently includes letting consenting adults do whatever on the dining room table during Thanksgiving.  And you’re ___phobic if you don’t applaud position changes.  Pro tip:  get your mashed potatoes early.

This has had consequences outside of the evil patriarchal bathroom conspiracy.  Sure, someone born as a biological women being upset that they have periods takes the absurdity meter to 10.  This level of denial of reality is so profound that the denier is shocked when basic biological processes that have existed since before humans invented cell phones . . . still apply to them in the current year.  To complete the cycle?  The denier demands everyone else play along in the same game of pretend.

How much are they wanting everyone else to play along?  This one person in the article was upset that feminine products companies had the bad taste to market feminine products only to women.  It’s like a company was being called bigoted because they didn’t manufacture tires for aircraft carriers.

I don’t dislike women pretending to be men, or vice versa – I’m just not sure I care at all.


I bet his new transgender name is:  Pebbles.

I’m not sure that I’ve ever even met a trans person, since they are rarer than a squealing, strudel-serving sheepdog.  The percentage of trans people probably reaches 0.005% of the population or so.  The number is about one trans person in every 20,000 people.  That means that in all of the United States, there might be 16,000 or so actual transgendered people – heck, let’s double it and call it 32,000 people, which are more people than are fans of the Cleveland Browns®.

32,000 bottle is a lot of Coca-Colas©  for me to have to drink in one day, but a group of 32,000 people in the United States is hardly the basis for public policy, or a good business basis for Gillette™ to alienate actual customers.  Aw, who am I kidding:  it certainly makes sense to change every bathroom in the United States and offer feminine products to women who want to use the bathroom with men.

It is certainly not possible for trans people to anticipate the entirely predictable, periodic, and monthly tyranny of menstruation and, oh, plan ahead.  That’s hateful speech.  Let’s instead spend MILLIONS of taxpayer and consumer dollars creating an infrastructure for between 16,000 and 32,000 people not bright enough to remember that they menstruate.

This delusion carries on beyond rare mental conditions – it is an active belief of some Leftists that natural men who are “transgender” should be able to compete in sports against natural women.  This has had the result of men crushing women in event after event where it’s allowed, from bicycling to track to weightlifting to Australian Rules Football.  Because, of course, the Left also believes the lie that there is no difference between the biological ability of men and the biological ability of women.

But this isn’t only about transgenderism.  Where else does the Left deny reality?


After all, it isn’t fair.  There are three people attempting to bring that poor transwoman down.

How about citizenship?  In the eyes of a Leftist, an illegal alien is exactly the same as a citizen.  Illegal aliens deserve all the benefits of a citizen, and on top of that, should be able to vote.  I’m not making this up.  In March of 2019, the Leftist-controlled House of Representatives voted to support communities that granted illegal aliens the right to vote – and on top of that the Left has stood in the pathway of most changes that would lower the number of illegal aliens in the country.

In fact, the inversion against facts borders on religious:

  • PETA® is against killing an animal, but babies are fair game.
  • Vegans? Vegans treat accidental animal consumption as a violation of a religious commandment.
  • Fat jokes are taboo.
  • Sex with anyone or anything anytime is sacred and must be celebrated under every circumstance. If you have a desire?  It’s good.

The religious connection goes farther.

Back in October, right before the 2016 election, the “gotcha” moment for the Left was the Trump tape where he talks about his ability to make time with the ladies and grab them . . . well, you heard the tape.  “This,” the Left thought, “is it.  When America hears this tape, Trump will have to crawl back under a rock and Hillary will be our anointed one.”

When Trump actually was elected, the shock to the Left was nearly religious in nature – levels of despair reserved for when a Pope dies or a Kardashian comes to town.  The people that voted for Trump didn’t vote for him because of ideological purity.  People didn’t vote for him out of religious fervor.  People voted for Trump because they thought he might be able to fix some things that bothered them.  Rightly or wrongly, people voted for him because of his leadership.

This thought process is not something the Left understands.  When voting for Hillary, the Left was not making a vote for a political leader; they were voting for a religious leader, a prophet.  It was even in her slogan, “I’m with Her.”  It wasn’t about Hillary being with the people, it was about Hillary being their religious leader.

This is why if you say bad things about a leader on the Left the reaction is so stunning, swift, and predictable.  If you mock the left, you’re at best a heretic.  The reason you’re considered a heretic if you mock the Left is they’ve done a skillful job of elevating the profane to the sacred.

Profane doesn’t mean what a lot of people think it does – it really means “something that’s secular and not religious,” instead of “Daddy’s drunk on a Saturday night and just stubbed his toe.”  The opposite of profane is sacred, and you need to refute the Truth in order to allow the profane to become sacred – if people can see the Truth, they’ll never accept the change.


And last I heard, the reindeer were in quarantine.

One example?  Instead of saying “the Truth”, people on the Left say, “My truth.”  Truth is blurred from an objective reality to a shared subjective reality.  This is a necessary condition because if Truth exists, there is room to doubt the ideas of the Left.  That’s simply unacceptable – there is no universal Truth, merely a diversity of individual truths.

Well, “my truth” includes gravity and things like the Sun.

Regardless, the Left has managed to turn the following things into its sacraments:

  • Abortion – which is never taking a human life, rather it’s the eradication of a bunch of cells, like a wart that could have been a concert violinist.
  • Sexual Preferences/Compulsions – it used to be that people were restrained when talking about sex. Now?  Have a parade about it whatever your kink is.
  • Being Fat – the “healthy at any size” is certainly supported by most really fat scientists.
  • State Solution Supremacy – despite a continuous supply of state failures, the true salvation of people lies in the state doing something for them. Self-control?  Personal responsibility?  Hate crimes.
  • Illegal Aliens – If we import several million Mexicans into the country, the country will be exactly like it was before we imported them. They certainly won’t recreate the problems of Mexico in Los Angeles.
  • Race/Ethnicity – They either don’t exist, or exist as social constructs. Very useful for extracting victimization to farm votes for the Left.

In order to make room for the new sacred things, the Left had to make the following things profane:

  • Christianity
  • Marriage
  • Family
  • Individuality
  • American Traditions
  • American Values

If you look back, the making things on the list above (like Christianity) the butt of jokes was intended to strip the reverence that people had for them and make those subjects profane – less than desirable.  People and organizations who were virtuous were mocked, or worse, were portrayed as secret hypocrites even when they weren’t.  Disney® movies went from celebrating virtue and the American culture and values in the 1970’s (The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes, etc.) to mocking virtue entirely in the 1980’s (Down and Out in Beverly Hills, etc.).


The good news is that Bernie Sanders promised him he could vote next election.

But if you look at the list of the new things held to be sacred by the Left, you’ll see that these are the things we’re now prohibited from mocking.  We can’t make fun of them.  The Left isn’t looking to elect a President.  The Left is looking to anoint a prophet.  And that’s dangerous.  Religious feeling has always been part of Leftism – that’s why they hate religion.  It must be replaced with ideology.

The new sacred must not be mocked.  And don’t ever try to contradict it with facts – the Left doesn’t care much for them.

Dangit.  Now I’m in the mood for a cheesy-beef bathroom chimichanga.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

37 thoughts on “Why The Left Can’t Handle Reality”

  1. Yes, and I think that, in addition to putting in quality time on the range, we should also make frequent use of another potent weapon in defense of sanity: the horselaugh. Loudly and frequently. Thus are other normal people cheered and encouraged.

    Oh, and the cheesy, beefy chimichanga in the restroom: doggone it, how am I supposed to un-think THAT? I’ll get you for that one, sir. Sooner or later!

  2. I confess I’m just weirded out by the whole new sexual revolution thing.

    I wish we could just go back to when I was hiding this paperback in the bottom back of the book rack at Coopers and reading it cover to cover a few pages at a time when I stopped by after school in eighth grade….


    But Noooooooo. I gotta find out that The Matrix movied were made not by the Wachowski brothers, Larry and Andy…


    but instead by the Wachowski Sisters, Lana and Lilly….



    It’s as though reality itself is somehow warping…..

  3. Er, “Matrix movies”, not “Matrix movied”.

    Another interesting example. In electrical engineering there is a seminal (ahem) textbook that came out in the late 1970s by Carver Mead and Lynn Conway titled Introduction to VLSI Systems. It is not an exaggeration to say this single book had a revolutionary impact on the field of electronics and ultimately led directly to creation of the cellphone zombie apocalypse in which we live today.


    In 1981 Conway was a “he”…


    Now Conway has moved way beyond changing the world with VLSI…


  4. Yes. I think my first realization of this was years ago when I realized that feminists were just raging at the reality of the world. And then I realized that this is what the left does at large.

    More fundamentally it’s the evil that is inversion.

    Isaiah 5:20-21
    Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

    Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

  5. Not to poo in the punch bowl, but most Republicans, conservatives and libertarians are just as disconnected from reality. These are the people who pretend that Americans dying in the Middle East has something to do with U.S. national security and that if migrants come to the U.S. legally, they won’t vote overwhelmingly in favor of Democrats. How often did we hear about Hispanics being “natural conservatives”? Charlie Kirk-types ensure us that THIS election, blacks are going to vote in droves for Trump even though they always vote overwhelmingly for Democrats and have been force-fed a steady diet of stories about how much Trump hates black people.

    My uber-Republican Congressman will tweet about how dangerous the national debt is one minute and the next tweet about how we need a Navy large enough to fight every other nation on earth simultaneously three times over. Try to convince a MAGA type that Trump hasn’t and never will build that wall and they freak out and call you a danged ole lib’ral.

    A lot of people on the Right think we can just keep retreating on guns and the Left will leave us alone. A compromise here, a concession there and I can keep my Remington 870 duck gun. They don’t understand it isn’t about reducing gun violence, it is about disarming heritage Americans. These people think we can trust the judicial system to overturn draconian gun laws when the Left is already talking about stacking the Supreme Court once Trump is out of office.

    Go to a libertarian website and point out that open borders ensures that we will never have a libertarian form of government and the people will completely meltdown in the replies. I have been called a racist and fascist by libertarians more than by leftsists. They just can’t believe, in spite of all the evidence, that their little pet political philosophy only appeals to a small segment of whites and Jews, and no one else takes them seriously.

    Most people on the mainstream Right are still convinced that we are going to vote our way out of this. They are way more delusional than a lot of the Left. People like Pelosi and Schumer know full well that migrants are not the same as Americans, that is exactly why they are in favor of importing them. They assume, correctly, that migrants will be easier to manipulate and control. Their rhetoric is simply a cover story to excuse importing a new permanent Democrat voting bloc.

    I used to think that our biggest obstacle was the cultic neo-Maoist Left, but those people at least I can understand and see them coming. Our real obstacle is the refusal of most conservatives and libertarians to face reality. Now I finally understand this but it is too late.

    1. What you’re missing, Arthur, is that they are actually liberals, and of the left themselves. They’re just not as far left as those who we usually think of as lefties. And, of course, they have continued to drift further left, thus the observations you have made.

      They’ll tell you themselves that they are liberals; just “classic” liberals. This has been going on since the Enlightment. Most people don’t even know what being on the right looks like anymore. We “all” became liberal lefties, to one degree or another. Finally many of us have started to wake up to that fact and see the damage it has caused. Hopefully we’re not too late.

      1. Not missing that at all, most “conservatives” are just a mirror-image of “liberals”. Wherever liberals move, they shift to follow them, trying to not get too close but most of all making sure they don’t get too far away. We have moved from “gay mariage is bad” to “we should bomb Iran because they are mean to the gheys”. That isn’t true of the rank-and-file but it certainly is for the “leaders”.

      1. I used to chalk up the utter failure of “conservatism” to mere incompetence, but now I recognize their failure as malicious and intentional.

  6. The problem with their “reality” is that it’s not new, some in the past dealt with the same problem, and the solution is never polite. Most people are becoming more than irritated, and the past is starting to rear its ugly head. Hopefully that crowds are small, and fire isn’t one of the solutions.

    1. Fire is a perfectly workable solution. My home town was still burning witches (well, hippies) back in the 1970’s. (No, I’m not kidding.)

  7. Did you ever notice how much that blue and white “I’m with Her” Hillary campaign logo looked like “this way to the hospital”? And when she stumbled at a campaign rally or two, it looked just too relevant to be an accident.

  8. I know a trans-woman; she helps me run the sound equipment at church, and I’m glad she’s there. If she finds comfort and inspiration in the company of God and God’s people, who am I to draw a boundary that would shut her out? You have to sift the Gospels with a particular slant to find ANYTHING that support “traditional family values”. I mean, look at Jesus and his Apostles… no wives, no kids, right?

    But, we don’t stock feminine hygiene products in any of our restrooms. Plan ahead, people!

    1. From what the Bible tells us, Paul did not have a wife but at least some of the other apostles did including Peter and James:

      “Do we not have the right to take along a believing wife, as do the other apostles and the brothers of the Lord and Cephas?” (1 Corinthians 9:5)

      That doesn’t require much of a slant, it is right there.

      1. Arthur- Well, Corinthians isn’t part of the Gospels (i.e. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), but I’m glad you shared that with me. I wasn’t aware of it.

        1. We live in apocalyptic times, and different people deal with the unveiling in different ways. As a recovering libertarian, Mr. Sido, I sympathize with your disgust. “Conservatives” too. As an adjective it’s okay, as a noun, bankrupt.

          I notice you write that “when Mr. Trump leaves office, the left will pack the Supreme Court”, but don’t understand why they are unimpressed when you point out that he hasn’t made much progress wall-wise. There’s a clue there.

          We are struggling with country-ending problems on multiple fronts: Immigration, education, mass-media, rule of law, and rampant narcissism (i.e. the death of widespread American Christianity.) No one front can Be decisive.

          so be of good cheer. Don’t let the goobers win in your head. Support anyone building up, building over and around. Be a good neighbor. Homeschool your kids. If you’re creative, hone your skills and write superversive stories. And never let anyone steal your words.

          There are two sexes, and in English, three genders. That’s it. Godspeed.

        2. Also the Elders of the newly founded (by the apostles) churches were required to be married men with one wife with sober behaviour and a decent family. Details in Timothy. RTWT.

    2. Jesus cast the demons out of people, and in no uncertain terms told the Apostles to do likewise.
      “Go and sin no more” is still applicable.

    3. Amen. As I said above – I have nothing against trans people – I don’t believe I’ve ever even met one. And I’m willing to bet the shrill ones I see on TV are not representative.

      But reality is still reality . . . and men can’t have periods.

  9. I view trans people in the same way I view the rash on my back that looks like Mickey Mouse: just ignore it and the Disney copyright lawyers and maybe they’ll go away. Sadly, trans people, like my rash, only get bigger and more sensitive.

    1. Heh heh.

      In my world, they simply don’t exist. It’s not that I deny them, it’s just that there aren’t any I know of around here. Small towns.

  10. From the ‘one of them happened to us’ department:

    Last week at the gym, a clothed kid of fifteen or so was sitting on a bench in the men’s locker room.
    The kid presented as female — hips, boobs, very feminine face, a cute boy-cut haircut.
    An old fart told the kid to quit staring as men changed clothes or toweled-off after a shower.
    “Chicky, quit staring, or get out.”
    This was the general agreement of all the men in the men’s locker room… except one.
    The hippie parent of the teenager got loud.
    “You can’t tell my ‘son’ to leave, ‘he’ has every right to be here!”
    All the old farts turned to simply look at the kid… exactly the way ‘he’ was looking at all the born-XY fellows.
    None of the men were hateful or disrepectful, everybody simply duplicated ‘his’ form.
    The hippie dude had a meltdown, and stomped off to whine-snitch (I own this judgement) at the gym manager.
    The male manager came into the men’s locker room, took one look at the teenager, and suggested to the hippie parent “…’it’ would be better to wait out front.”
    His response… “Nobody has the right to tell my ‘son’ anything! You’ll hear from my lawyers!”
    Since this is Eugene Oregon aka ‘goofball central’, some lawyer will probably collect several hundred dollars an hour to listen to them rant, right before the teenager decides to be a trans-pineapple or a trans-puppy.
    Or a queer aka a homosexual.
    But she makes a poor fairy aka fruit-cake.
    But don’t tell ‘his’ father.
    The dweb would toss a hissy and threaten you with lawyers.
    Boy oh boy, now you’re in for it.

    And by ‘it’, I mean ‘the dickens’ not the hippie will ‘sic the kid on you’.
    Just like the gym manager suggesting ‘it’ would be better to wait out front.
    Words are important.

  11. From the ‘one of them happened to us’ department:

    Last week at the gym, a clothed kid of fifteen or so was sitting on a bench in the men’s locker room.
    The kid presented as female — hips, boobs, very feminine face, a cute boy-cut haircut.
    An old fart told the kid to quit staring as men changed clothes or toweled-off after a shower.
    “Chicky, quit staring, or get out.”
    This was the general agreement of all the men in the men’s locker room… except one.
    The hippie parent of the teenager got loud.
    “You can’t tell my ‘son’ to leave, ‘he’ has every right to be here!”
    All the old farts turned to simply look at the kid… exactly the way ‘he’ was looking at all the born-XY fellows.
    None of the men were hateful or disrepectful, everybody simply duplicated ‘his’ form.
    The hippie dude had a meltdown, and stomped off to whine-snitch (I own this judgement) at the gym manager.
    The male manager came into the men’s locker room, took one look at the teenager, and suggested to the hippie parent “…’it’ would be better to wait out front.”
    His response… “Nobody has the right to tell my ‘son’ anything! You’ll hear from my lawyers!”
    Since this is Eugene Oregon aka ‘goofball central’, some lawyer will probably collect several hundred dollars an hour to listen to them rant, right before the teenager decides to be a trans-pineapple or a trans-puppy.
    Or a queer aka a homosexual.
    But she makes a poor fairy aka fruit-cake.
    But don’t tell ‘his’ father.
    The dweb would toss a hissy and threaten you with lawyers.
    Boy oh boy, now you’re in for it.

    And by ‘it’, I mean ‘the dickens’ not the hippie will ‘sic the kid on you’.
    Just like the gym manager suggesting ‘it’ would be better to wait out front.
    Words are important.

  12. Yes, the Leftists are at odds with reality. They also use this as a stick to beat you with. Once you bow to their insanity, they own you. And that’s the real point of the exercise.

    1. I think this is spot-on. It’s not any particular issue, it’s making a point that reality isn’t reality, isn’t Truth. It’s what they say it is.

  13. Someone else will probably say it, so I’ll go ahead and be the first… Perhaps I am damaged goods? (perhaps “damaged“ is an entirely separate subject altogether?)

    But not “damaged“ in the same way such as the following people: the Wachowskis sisters, Caitlyn Jenner, and the “warrior princess“ (Senior chief/specwar Chris Beck. USN-ret)

    Are members of the LGBTQ/qwerty community damaged? And if so, by whom? Let’s consider that being damaged crosses all race, religion, ethnic & gender categories…

    My upbringing impressed upon me that gay = bad, and *most* of the gay individuals i have met fall short of how i would define “bad”

    Turns out the ammo loader for the .50caL that i was assigned to knew he was gay from an early age. When i struggled to choose the best career for me, i developed a curiosity for “hey, what’s it like to be a [fill-in-blank] and that curiosity ended up getting applied to this gay shipmate of mine.

    My second (& *future* ex) wife has a tendency to collect all the evidence, reject any that doesn’t fit her narrative, and point to anything that supports it as her proof. (she voted for Trump instead of shillary, so i guess she isn’t 100% bad?)

    Before this gets too long, im’ma stopz mahself here’z!

    1. Not to speak for others but for me, I don’t care if you sodomize other men or if you like to wear lacy panties. That is your business. However when you start to demand that I enthusiastically affirm your lifestyle choices, seek to socially ostracize me for not doing so, demand children be exposed to your sexual peccadilloes and insist on special treatment for your bedroom activities? That crosses way over the line for tolerance. There are lots of people who believe all sorts of kooky crap, like lizard people running the government or that the earth is flat. I give them the same sort of latitude I give men who think they can become women or people who are confused about who to have sex with, that is to say as long as you keep your crazy to yourself it is your issue but when you force your craziness on the broader society it becomes my issue.

    2. Agreed. My friends who are gay aren’t my friends because they are gay, they’re just my friends. Any moral issues, it’s up for them to sort out.

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