Will Great Britain Rise Again?

“They chose to murder and steal.” – The Dark Knight

Notes:  All memes are as found, and no podcast tomorrow – The Mrs. has to catch some sleep.

Alice Smith is a reciprocal follow on X®.  She’s the great-great-great-granddaughter of Scottish economist Adam Smith, and is a good person to follow (@TheAliceSmith) if you’re already following the most important account on X™, @wilderbyfar.  She’s from the UK, and had the absolutely best post I’ve seen on the current sickness that’s destroying the West:

Doesn’t that say it all?

Immigration to the West (Europe plus the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) has nothing to do with freedom or our culture for most immigrants.  It’s merely about the stuff.

The sickness?

It’s from the GloboLeftElite attempting to brainwash the world into thinking that:

  • There is no difference between a man and a woman,
  • Anyone can be a man or a woman,
  • There are no intrinsic differences between races and ethnicities,
  • No one can pretend to be a different race unless it’s been okayed in advance even though all races are the same,
  • White people should somehow feel shame for their race even though all races are the same,
  • There is no difference between people of differing I.Q.,
  • People who are wealthy merely “won a lottery”, and,
  • Every culture is valid.

It’s the last one that we should talk about right now.

I’m not particularly interested in going on a culture jihad, so, perhaps all cultures are “valid.”  I suppose, if cannibal, rape-y, stone age tribes are your thing, I guess you could call it valid.

But all cultures are certainly not equal in things like freedom, justice, morality, and economic output.

Here, for centuries, the West has been far ahead of the world.  Europe was free-ish (feudalistically speaking) since the Black Death, which greatly changed the relationship between serf and local lord.

And in a continent that was freer than any in the world, there was a place that was freer yet:  Great Britain.  Great Britain had a really big advantage:  after the year 1066, it really was never invaded by a external enemy army.  Sure, you could make a case the culture has been subverted by outside forces (and I will below) but not by force of arms.

This isolation as an island nestled right next to Europe allowed a strange development – yeoman farmers who were encouraged to take up the longbow and become soldiers so that while the English lost land in France, there was never a doubt about them losing England.  The Scotts in the north were much the same, being hard-headed independent herders, they had to be strong, and were used to fighting both against and with other Scotts as well as the English.  And, yes, that’s a complement. (I’m partially Scot myself).

This isolation of individually armed individuals set up an independent society with no safety nets.  If you were too poor, stupid, or drunk to make enough money to live, you died.  If your lord decided he wanted something out of line, well, your +3 longbow could outrank his +1 armor at a distance.  As a result, Britain’s I.Q. rose over the course of centuries because the culture itself winnowed out stupid people, yet the strong, stubborn sense of independence remained.

Even the song “Rule, Britannia!” has the following lyrics:

“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves;
“Britons never will be slaves.”

This is a very, very different culture than that of the current people who opened the floodgates to Great Britain – they were unabashedly Globalist and Leftist, hated everything that Great Britain stood for, and were more than willing to start the migration into Great Britain.  I’d be lying to say that none of them pulled their weight – in some cases Britain got some of the best from their home countries, hence the term “brain drain”, but this was the exception rather than the norm.  Most of the immigrants to the UK have been a net negative to the country.

But no outside army ever conquered Britain.  Except the army of beggars that have invaded it have done something that no one thought possible – united the Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland – against the onslaught.  What does it take to get people who have been fighting each other for centuries to hold hands, literally, and march together?

Whatever it is, it sounds Evil to me.

And it is.  Evil.  Brought directly to the shores of Great Britain by GloboLeftists in misguided altruism and the GloboLeftistElite out of a calculated bid to displace inconvenient people who don’t want to be replaced.

There reaches a point where something so awful happens that a culture revolts:  it says, “That’s enough.”  In the United States for transgender acceptance, it was the murder of six children by a trans killer so crazed that they still won’t release her manifesto.  That was enough.  The GloboLeftistElite wanted to try to hide it (see how autocomplete will try to take you to murders of transgenders, but not murders by transgenders).  These murders is why Bud Light™ is Bud Deadtome© for so many consumers.

It appears that the United Kingdom (Great Britain plus Northern Ireland) has had enough of murderous vultures in their society.  The cause?  The murder of three girls, ages 6, 7 and 9 at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in a town called Southport.  By knife.  By a 17-year-old that had no place being in the United Kingdom in the first place.

English people had watched as rape gangs of organized sexual assault on at minimum 1400 young women that was denied to even exist in Rotherham because the victims were mainly white and the perpetrators were of privileged minority status – Pakistani, mostly.

This was covered up at a national level.  Filing cabinets full of the data on the case mysteriously disappeared.  That was never solved.

But would it matter?  Probably not:

Some of those convicted (many weren’t even tried) got as little as 2 years.  Britons can get more time for being mean with words.

Oh, and the last one?  She was posting Bible verses.

That set the situation, along with other, repeated, ongoing murders and rapes by people not fit to live in any sort of civilized society.  These three final murders were enough.

The response of the Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, was exactly what you would expect from a member of the GloboLeftElite:  he blamed the people pushing back against unrestrained and unrestricted illegals swarming the United Kingdom.  And if you complained online, even if you were more likely to be arrested than the illegals swarming the streets with swords and machetes.

They’re now calling him “two-tier Keir”, since his justice has two tiers:  a harsh one for actual English, Scots, Welsh, and Irish and one where all acts by any minority are ignored.  Probably because Starmer hates his own people, because he hates himself.

I guess that’s easier.

The United Kingdom has found a point where they say, No More.

This is coming soon to a country near you.

Oh, and if they offer the type of deal below?  We should take it.  Because it’s not about the stuff.

At all.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

37 thoughts on “Will Great Britain Rise Again?”

  1. Maybe just for the sake of discussion, I’ll point out that North Americans have been exploiting natural wealth for the last few hundred years: timber, fertile soil, coal, oil, natural gas, fresh water, copper, gold, iron, etc. When there’s a resource to be exploited, people cooperate to exploit it, and they formulate a culture which celebrates their orderly cooperation. As the resources are exhausted, they’re left fighting over the scraps, thinking that the problem is a failing culture, when it’s also a failing resource base.


    1. There is no resource exhaustion in North America; the EPA exists to incrementally ban resource use. Otherwise Americans would be extracting Thorium for nuclear power, Cobalt for magnets, and Lithium for batteries.

    2. You need to review history, as you are not fully aware of what has sustained civilization, and your existence.
      Please, provide a plan, and prove your work: otherwise shut your mouth. I am tied of the stupidity, that you espouse.
      Bear in Indy

  2. I will only add that culture arises at the intersection of religion and genetics.

  3. When you see young women holding up rainbow-hued signs, proclaiming, “Better rapists than racists!” you know that your culture is screwed. Can’t help but notice that those shrieking the loudest in favor of tolerance and compassion for foreign invaders, child groomers and mentally ill sexual deviants are White women. Their big, bleeding hearts overflow with misplaced empathy for the “downtrodden”, without ever once considering WHY they are “downtrodden” in the first place.
    Solution? Shut your bonus hole, Karen, and let the few remaining strong men sort out this mess you’ve put us in.

    1. White women, dotter-daddies, and the Simp Army destroyed ‘their’ own cultures, to enrich and empower themselves. So princess would go to the front of every line, which she did, lo these many decades running.

      Mostly, though, women poisoned everything to usurp God-given male authority, i.e. to smash the patriarchy and spit in Father’s eye. Woman released from all strictures and responsibilities is Chaos itself. She is not sugar and spice.

      When Mohammad kicks in the front door of every princess, you think God is gonna jump up and intervene?

    2. Oh, it will get sorted, one way or another. Yeah, they need to reassess, but to have an NPC reassess is . . . impossible.

  4. John, I totally agree with your analysis except for your point that the US reached a UK level of “enough!” with the Audrey Hale trans shooting in Nashville. No way this is true or will ever be true.

    America has roughly 50K gun deaths per year, rendering moot ANY comparison between the US and UK on the subject of violence. Sure, half our shootings are suicides (!?!) but conservatives and liberals alike don’t even blink at the rest of the actual shooters. Instead they both focus on the guns. The shootings are primarily rationalized as either justifying owning guns for defense or banning guns outright.

    I submit that we in the US MUST ignore the true IDs of who is at the root of the vast majority of US violence if we want to continue holding our fragile world together with duct tape. Most shooters ain’t illegal immigrants and they ain’t transgender and they ain’t concealed carry holders or NRA members. Facing the truth, which we came close to doing during the Floyd riots, would lead directly to Race War and the Marxists trying to stoke it.


    Rapes and murders in the US by illegal immigrants are a drop in the ocean to Americans compared to the monsoon they are in the UK. Violence may be a catalyst for UK immigration reform, but not here. Instead, here such reform must be driven by exactly what Alice Smith said: our culture despite its flaws does indeed work, is nothing to be ashamed of as we strive to improve it, and is worthy of defending and preserving.

    1. I watch this fairly closely and the violent crimes, not to mention “non-violent” crimes like organized shoplifting, car theft and burglaries, committed by mestizos as a percentage seems to be rising but of course compared to the overwhelming percentage committed by blacks it is indeed a drop in the bucket. Where the illegals are becoming an issue is down the road as their children, indoctrinated to hate America and the actual American people, turn 18. There are schools all across America that are almost entirely mestizo. Guess how they will vote when they turn 18?

    2. You might want to check out a site called GunFacts.info. You may find it enlightening. The site is politically agnostic and gets all of it’s data from US Law Enforcement. Lots of myths are busted there.

  5. No, GB will never recover. I liken it to Jackson, MS, where I grew up in the 1950s-60s. Gone from 65% white to 85% Afro. In both cases, not enough collective IQ to “operate” a 1st World Society/Country.

    And now GB has a PM that deliberately is stirring the pot, following his WEF Handlers instructions. TPTB have ordained GB’s death. If BJ Harris gets “selected”, we’re next on the list.

  6. Ultimately what are they going to do about it? There aren’t enough White people, aka actual English people, that care to do anything politically and they allowed themselves to be disarmed a long time ago. The only real purpose of England for /ourside/ now is as a cautionary tale of what is just around the corner and why we must NEVER give even an inch to the disarmament regime.

      1. Uh huh.

        So, how did that Brexit vote work out for them…?

        They’re done until they realize you don’t get to vote your way out of something until you’re willing to kill the people that ignore your votes.

        They aren’t anywhere close to that yet, and until they start decorating lamp posts with the bodies of their enemies, this is going nowhere.

        Unless they recognize that reality, and start acting on it, they’re doomed.
        Change my mind.

  7. When I was in the military, anyone who brought shame to the uniform was my enemy and I fully supported them being hung out to dry. It didn’t matter their rank or branch of service – we all took the same oath and we all were trained in the same norms of behavior. Their crimes were a stain on all of us who wore the uniform. If there were “good” immigrants, they would be screaming at the top of their lungs for Justice for the people who have been maimed, robbed, and murdered by the immigrants. They “good” ones would be going into the streets and attacking the immigrant scum running around with clubs, knives, and swords. They would be camping outside Kier’s home DEMANDING that he burn the scum down to the nub – because the “bad” ones are casting a stain on the “good” ones …. but we’re not seeing that at all. The “good” immigrants remain silent – only complaining when they are lumped in with the “bad” immigrants – screaming “racism!” and “oppression!”

    I hope the native British people can eventually deport them – all of them. They’re not fit for a civilized society.

    1. I believe that the “good” immigrants are as against what’s going on as the average native Brit. We’ll see what happens.

  8. The third paragraph on the first (pajama boy) meme is wrong. It’s “And if you oppose my destruction of your culture and your nation then I will call you an anti-Semite and ruin your life.”

    And totally not apropos of the above, I pray you all do not look up who Two-Tier Kier is married to, nor how his children are being raised. Just don’t do it.

  9. Until the Britistanis start plopping the severed heads of their useless pig police and worthless government elite alternated with the heads of their invaders, onto the spikes of local iron fences, they still haven’t woken up.

    The current unrest is simply warm-up exercises and batting practice for the real thing, and should be viewed in that light.

    60:40 they’ll just make some rumbles, then go back to taking it with their pants down.

    1. Those are reasonable odds, but people are really, really angry. They might have reached the tipping point.

  10. What you’ve pointed out about the UK is correct, if obvious. The obvious answer is that for this to be resolved there, and here, will be the bloodiest chapter of this century.

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