“Sir, look, you’re on the cover of Time. Listen: “In as single week Agent Sean Archer has ordered a stunning series of blitzkrieg-style raids on the hideouts, staging grounds, and safe houses of our nation’s assassins.’” – Face/Off
And then after a few weeks they didn’t need to come for anyone anymore, because things were pretty good. (All images are as-found.)
The onslaught from Trump has been seemingly neverending.
If ever there was a difference in performance, it has been Trump 45 versus Trump 47. Trump 45 was weak, and hesitant, and filled the administration up with RINOs or left in place Obama’s minions, but I repeat myself.
The goal for both RINOs and Obama’s poison pills was the same – to thwart Trump at every possible juncture. Remember General Flynn getting fired after getting set up by the FBI? Yeah, that was a different time. Now, a D.O.G.E. staffer Xeeted “I was racist before racism was cool” and was fired. And then rehired, because Trump 47 is no longer letting the enemy set the terms of engagement.
I wonder if Trump will eliminate green cards for the Mexican players?
The idea is simply this: come out swinging, and don’t stop. Ever.
Not every punch needs to land, and not every punch that lands needs to do damage, but the idea is to dazzle the opponent and keep them so distracted that they can’t engage their Mechanisms of Media Distortion. Imagine that the entire nation is being reclaimed based on the plot of a Roadrunner™ cartoon.
Obama was wonderful at using the Mechanisms of Media Distortion. First, AP® news would report a “story”. Now, it would be a “story” in the sense that an event probably did occur. Probably. I remember walking near a Major University Campus when there was an Apartheid protest. Oops, an Anti-Apartheid protest, sorry for that mistake, but I hope you’ll forgive me since the protesters were all white. Anyway, there were three news crews out filming the six “students” who had two signs.
I saw the story on the news that night of the “big” protest, where all of the shots were tight so that the scarcity of protesters wasn’t apparent. The big Anti-Apartheid protest was just a handful of people, but they got five minutes on a thirty-minute local newscast.
Anyway, a “story” happens. This is then magnified by the Lens: the New York Times™ picks the topic up, writes about it, and tells the rest of mainstream media what to think about it. Reality must be carefully defined and curated for the public. Why are GloboLeftist memes walls of text and not generally funny at all?
Because they have to define reality. They have to have you look at the world in just this one very specific way, “Girls win at girls gymnastics” so they can get to a ludicrous and unsupported conclusion, “so women should be able to swim just as fast as a man pretending to be a woman.” Here’s an example:
Less ready to do what? Take 41% casualties before contact with the enemy?
Why do all stories have the same conclusion? Because everyone is looking for the way that the Lens has spun it, and then they go with that opinion. The sad thing is that this series of lies from the Mechanisms of Media Distortion work on people who aren’t particularly up on the issues, or don’t think critically about what is being told to them.
This takes time for the Mechanisms of Media Distortion to work their mental magic. And this takes their focus to craft the narrative. Trump 45 moved at a glacial pace in comparison, and in the end was almost like Obama’s third term the way he was obstructed from outside and from within.
Not Trump 47.
He is moving so fast that by the time one issue hits their consciousness, another one is loading up. He jabs with the left hand (Greenland, Gulf of America) and punches with the right hand (D.O.G.E.).
The jabs from the left hand are calculated to drive the emotional outrage cortex of GloboLeftists. “Gulf of America, he can’t do that! It’s been the Gulf of Mexico since, well, for a long time. It’s outrageous that he’d even suggest such a thing. And Greenland, how can he do that to the Danish? They, um, make great pastries. And Legos™. Yes. He can’t stop the flow of Legos©! And South Africans? They colonized all of those Bantu that moved to the area after the Boer were already there.”
That means it’s working. See some of the jabs . . .:
Jab-jab-jab. Can you hear the GloboLeftist minds crumbling?
While the jabs do damage when they land, they also distract.
Trump is using the full power of the presidency, and he’s also slugging with D.O.G.E. Check out the meme on how D.O.G.E. was made possible by Obama below, but 47’s people were genius there as well. The power of the presidency absolutely includes control and oversight of the parts of government that are a part of the executive branch.
That face you make when you feel your own petard hoisting you, and not Michelle.
In the first ever in my lifetime actual, honest to God, transfer of actual power, Trump 47 didn’t wait. While Tulsi and RFKjr are jabs, the real punch was landing on day one all of the political appointees that actually administer the government agencies and branches. Those people were entering their new desks on January 20 and January 21 and cracking skulls and listing the names of the deadweight to be removed.
Hegseth not confirmed? Who cares. The new Under-Under-Undersecretary of the Air Force is ready to fire the DEI cancer that is over at the Air Force Academy. Body blow. The EPA Director of Whatever is firing everyone who has “Environmental Justice” on their record. Gone. Poof.
And D.O.G.E.? It’s the biggest blow of all.
When I grew up on Wilder Mountain, it was a really dry area – I never once saw a puddle caused by rain at my house. The land was sort of a sage-prairie, but I did find out that if I kicked over a random rock, there would often be dozens of bugs. And when the dry atmosphere hit them, they’d scurry to dig back into the ground so the hot light of the Sun didn’t dry them up until they withered up like Nancy Pelosi without a vodka tonic.
The GloboLeftElite have focused on D.O.G.E. because it’s their money supply. And don’t forget, there are plenty of RINOs that are a part of the GloboLeftElite. They are part of the group that is fed and watered by whorehouses like U.S.A.I.D. after the money has gone through several siftings. They get huge book deals for books that don’t sell, and form their own foundations to get their slices of graft.
Never Trumpers were Never Trumpers because they simply won’t go against their funding mechanism.
There is only one difference between people like this – at least a prostitute is honest about why she’s doing what she’s doing.
I think that’s the face you make when you find out your money has been given to George Soros to influence elections to elect GloboLeftist D.A.s who hate you.
The reaction by this type of person is telling: they are shouting out against those who are uncovering the corruption and graft. That is the genius of D.O.G.E. – it removes the timing for the Lens to focus attention, and then the GloboLeftElite are left to try to figure out how to defend the indefensible. Elizabeth Warren’s quote below is a prime example.
But she said it in Hindi. Oh, she’s not that kind of Indian?
Now, the GloboLeftElite is cherry picking their pet GloboLeftistElite judges to give the most nonsensical rulings in the history of American jurisprudence:
- one ruled that even invalid and illegal payments had to continue,
- another ruled that properly appointed members of the Treasury Department were prohibited from . . . doing their jobs, and
- one ruled that the president has to keep a specific Biden-appointed lawyer on and couldn’t use another lawyer.
Yes, nonsense. The GloboLeftElite are panicking. And well they should be, this is an avalanche, and is the single biggest political event to have occurred in my lifetime, and is likely the biggest political event since Civil War 1.0 or Civil War 0.0 (the Revolution).
It’s bloodless, for now. And Trump 47 better get on voter registration and voter I.D. and building a vote-irregularity machine for 2026, otherwise the GloboLeftElite will try to do anything they can think of to claw back power. Don’t be deceived that the Democrat™ party is has less approval than slime (but I repeat myself again) at 34%, since a charismatic leader can easily lie his way into office. Their survival mechanisms are engaged.
If Trump keeps punching, though, their reactions will keep damning them.
Oh, and who else besides me is going to vacation at the Gulf of America this year?
I don’t see what the problem of “Gulf of America” is. Mexico is part of North America. The gulf is surrounded by North America. It’s as obvious as “the penny is obsolete” and “Daylight Saving Time is an inconvenient illusion”.
Exactly. And why not bend reality to suit us?
People who claim that Trump is “moving fast to confuse them” are under the illusion that Trump is thinking about their reaction. Trump is moving fast to GET STUFF DONE. That’s what people who need to GET STUFF DONE do. They do what they can, as soon as they can, and then go to the next item on the list. They gave him four years to make his to-do list and assemble a team to do it.
Yes, and no. Part of the things (Gulf of America) are just ragebait to the Left to make them stupid with anger. He’s in full Xanatos Gambit mode now.
PS: Just because I observe that Trump is “getting stuff done” should not be taken as endorsement of the items on his list. I’m just observing and trying to explain the phenomenon.
I was a little confused when you kept saying “jab, jab”. I think you meant he was punching as in a boxer, but all I could imagine where Trump and his minions going around giving everyone COVID shots (which is scary as hell to me, but maybe not a liberal).
Either way, the enemy will be severely diminished in the end. .
Well, I hope they’re all boosted.
Re: Warren saying tax payers have no right to an accounting of how our tax dollars are spent-
“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”
Article I, Section 9, Clause 7
“It’s bloodless, for now.”
That’s the main issue I have with this. No one is being punished. At worst, they have to quit working but will still get paid, and likely still have a pension of some sort. Until people start going to jail for long terms, Trump is making the same mistake Caesar did: pardoning his enemies and expecting them to go away quietly like good sports.
“Et tu, Elon?”
Exactly. Many asses need blistered and wire brushed.
The noise about comparing salaries to assets is giving me hope, that needs to be pulled into the light and monies seized along with some stretches in the pen awarded.
Then I can dance naked in the street with joy.
Trump was always about “the deal”. Until they shot him.
I actually AM going to go vacationing on the Gulf of America at my stepson’s beachfront condo on Dauphin Island AL the third week of March for my birthday. There are several natural gas derricks visible out the window looking south along the horizon.
Drill baby drill.
We had family friends that owned a place on Dauphin Island and can still remember as a kid when Hurricane Fred split the island in half. If you get the chance, go visit Fort Gaines while you are there (Ft Morgan on the other side of the bay is even nicer). I got to see it before the hurricane when all of old soldier’s barracks were still standing.
Lincoln was supposedly ready to sue for peace because the war wasn’t going well, but it was Farragut’s victory at the Battle of Mobile Bay that changed his mind. Too bad….if the Rebels had won that battle the whole country would be speaking Southern now and our host John would be sporting one of those big J.E.B. Stuart beards.
I’ve been to Dauphin Island on the Gulf of America many times. If it’s there, I’ve visited it. So much more rural and relaxing than across the Bay at Gulf Shores. Ft. Gains is cool – especially the latrines.
How aout the Flora-Bama! Best beach bar in the whole USA! WE’ve been there many many many times.
Dauphin Island is an awesome place. Have you some fun.
Enjoy it!!!
The best time to kick your enemy is when he’s down.
Never kick your enemy when he is down… unless you make damn sure he isn’t getting back up.
“And then, kick him in the BALLS!” – Concluding sentence to every lecture Capt. W.E. Fairbairn gave to SOE commando trainees on hand-to-hand combat during WWII
And then keep kicking until he doesn’t get up.
USAID is only about 1% of the federal budget. To avoid Congress creating a hyperinflation to pretend their good times can still roll, something like 3/4 of the federal budget needs to be no longer spent. To keep score you should be graphing percent of the federal budget removed week by week.
I think there’s a DOGE clock. But, agreed, it’s only a start. And I’ll take the 1% in a week.
There is much happening. The optics are good for the health of the United States, but I’ll feel much more comfortable with the shape of things when I see Nancy Pelosi frog-walked into jail for insider trading, and the same for Schumer for treason. When those two are prosecuted, the waiting line for the others will shorten rapidly.
Might be too much for the normies. Now. Wait until it all comes out, though.
We shall see if we have a Benevolent Emporer who frees his people or one who wears a smol hat under his crown and follows it to crush those that dare point it out.
I’ve read an article or two about his son-in-law greasing skids with “our greatest ally” and never give anyone the benefit of the doubt anymore.
“Take the guns first, go through due process later” left a very nasty taste in my mouth.
Tree Mike
Jared not being in this administration is 1000% better. He’s slimey.
In case you haven’t heard, today starts the Based Book Sale. You can find hundreds of books from independent authors at $0.99 or free, including two of mine.
Go check it out and pick up some fun reads:
Some great titles here!
As for the voter rolls & fraud, Dr Jerome Corsi & Trump’s personal attorney have or are getting ready to file a suit in St. Pete to overturn a Congressional election where a Commie won in a solid Red district. Once that’s settled, they plan a nationwide campaign.
Good. Start now. Don’t stop, until after Trump’s third term.
The trick is going to be to keep punching and *not let up*, because the whole apparatus is opposed to this and at some point will rally. The lawsuits might slow him down and slowing down will screw the pooch. The other potential pitfall is getting tangled up in overseas nonsense.
Never stop. Don’t let lawsuits slow the effort. Stop for nothing.
If Trump wants to keep the fight in the same category, he needs to remember it doesn’t follow the rules of boxing. Everything is okay, including biting, eye-gouging, sucker-punches, groin kicks, knee-capping and most important: after the opponent is down, the ribs are the best place to aim strong kicks. His opponents won’t understand defeat until they pee blood for at least a week.
Yup, it’s real.
Denying money to this scum is critical; the entire Left is astroturfed. But, from BOM’s standpoint, the issue is time, not money. He maybe has 16 months left, then he’s a lame duck. He should be hauling out all the Pearl Harbor of Hawaiian judges and shooting every last one of them. The entire Executive Branch should be fired.
“The time for negotiations is past.” ~ John Adams, 1776.
Clayton, if the entire Executive Branch were fired, who would issue the Social Security and Medicare checks, and who would make the interest payments on the National Debt (and redeem bonds as they mature)? Who would secure the borders? State militias, maybe? In fact, if you zero’d out ALL Federal outlays other than SS, MC, and interest on the debt, there would still be a budget deficit. Executive Branch employees only cost about 5% of Federal spending, the rest passes through.
I think that they’re all hat and no cattle. And if we pull the cash, they won’t even have the hat.
wowsa – great stuff!
Have you a link to the obama admin graphic?
Too small to read here
Toss me an email and I’ll send you the original.
This thing will get out of control, and we will be lucky to live through it.
What you mean “we”, Paleface?
If you aren’t in on the grift, you have nothing to worry about.
Or, move to the countryside and stock up on popcorn.
Me! Hog hunt in New Iberia
Helicopters involved?