“War, war, war! This war talk’s spoiling all the fun at every party this spring. I get so bored I could scream!” – Gone With The Wind

No change this month. We’ll see what February brings . . .
- Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
- Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
- Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
- Open War.
We remain in the gray zone between step 9. and step 10. I thought seriously about rolling back the clock to five minutes to midnight. Violence is down, since the Left has seriously decided to clamp down on their useful idiots of BLM® and Antifa™. The Right has (so far) not been any sort of a serious threat to anyone. The hijinks that took place at the Capitol was closer to the football team painting something naughty on a water tower than any sort of real insurrection.
But then I reviewed the stories that I’m covering this issue. Nope. The Left wants to calm down the Far Left, but only so it can turn its full attention to the Right. The pressure will continue.
The Right offers nothing to the Left. It is comprised of nationalists – people who worry more about the nation than a group of foreigners. The Right doesn’t hate the foreigners – it just worries about Americans first. And the Right, more today than ever, worries about wanting a free capitalist system to make the lives of Americans better – not a free capitalist system for the sake of the system itself.
I currently put the total at (this is my best approximation, since no one tracks the death toll from rebellion-related violence) 650 out of the 1,000 required for the international civil war definition.
As close as we are to the precipice of war, be careful. Things could change at any minute.
In this issue: Front Matter – A Bridge Too Far – Violence And Censorship Update – The Scouring Of The Shire Armed Services – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – The Full Power Of The State – Links
Front Matter
Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report. These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month. I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues. Also, feel free to subscribe and you’ll get every post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30 Eastern, free of charge.
A Bridge Too Far
Operation Market Garden in World War II is the origin of this particular phrase. The idea was a quick run to Arnhem to open up the main portion of Germany so that Berlin could be taken by December, 1944.
It failed. It was an (overly) ambitious airborne assault on a series of bridges that would have allowed for an attack into Germany – Eisenhower approved it, not because he thought it would work, but because it was a part of a general offensive.

I hear most bridges speak Span-ish.
A Bridge Too Far would be an apt description of the Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act. Thankfully, the chances of this travesty being enacted are small. This act, however, is a dream list of Leftists everywhere:
- Universal gun registration.
- Psychiatric tests, including input from your ex. We all know how stable those relationships can be.
- $800 fee for “insurance”
- All magazines of greater than 10 rounds would be illegal.
- Huge penalties for noncompliance.
- And so, so, much more . . . .
I won’t go into more details, because, as I said, this particular bill won’t become law. I think that even the far Left in Congress knows that passing this would be a de facto declaration of war on 80 million-plus American Citizens.
Just because it fails this time, don’t think that this isn’t exactly what they want. It may be a bridge too far now, but their general offensive will continue.
Violence And Censorship Update
Time Magazine® (LINK) is happily showing off, step-by-step, how a group of unelected hardcore Leftists from unions coordinated with Leftists in Tech, Hollywood® and:
“Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears.”
Viral smears includes, of course, actual reporting of (for instance) Hunter Biden’s corruption and dissolute lifestyle – where “they” got The New York Daily News© kicked off of Twitter®. The idea was that there was no rule that they wouldn’t try to change (Constitutionally or not) in order to make sure that Trump would lose. Or that the system was set up so that they could manufacture enough votes for Biden to win.

What’s worse than 1,000 conspiracy theorists? A real conspiracy.
Censored? You and me. And it’s ongoing – one Tweet® that included a direct quote from the Time© story was identified by Twitter® as disinformation. Let that sink in.
It would be wrong, apparently, to think there was a secret conspiracy to defeat Trump.
Even when the conspirators spend 6,500 words in Time Magazine™ admitting it.
The Scouring Of The Shire Armed Services
The Secretary of Defense has just issued a 60 day stand down to combat “extremism” in the ranks. What’s extreme? No one has said. It could be a Tweet® that is now no longer in favor that a soldier made years ago.
So far, the III-percenter® logo has been identified as “extremist” and has been identified as something that has to go. No tattoos, no t-shirts, and I’d assume no posters.
The Left is afraid – a large percentage of those arrested related to the Capitol Hill incident (so far) have been veterans – 14% was a number that I saw. Of those, 8% were Marines, so the article I read said, “Of special concern are the elite units.”
So, the purges will start.

What ideologies will be purged?
- Social Justice™? Certainly not! Despite the fact that it requires communism to implement, it’s the current ideology of the powers in charge.
- Black Lives Matter©? Absolutely not! How could an ideology that has the support of the entire Fortune 500© be wrong? Besides, those weren’t riots, they were peaceful protests.
- Antifa®? What wrong with being Anti-Fascist? Huh? What’s fascism? Fascism is whatever is to the Left of Antifa™.
Nope. Not those.
Updated Civil War II Index
The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real-time. They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings. As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that lead to the index. On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures, or I would be, if they published any this month.

Up is more violent, and to no one’s surprise, violence jumped again in January.
Political Instability:

Up is more unstable. Instability jumped significantly – getting Trump out has not made things better.

January showed a major jump. I’d expect a market crash sooner than later – politically it’s best to get those out early in an administration.
Illegal Aliens:
No data this month. Has FedGov decided to stop publishing it?
The Full Power Of The State
I’ve documented above how the Left is taking over or already has taken over communications, social media, the military, and the voting process. That’s not enough.
Recently, the Bank of America® was requested by the FBI to provide information on its customers. What sort of information? Well, all of it, if the customer met this very broad list:
- Customers confirmed as transacting, either through bank account debit card or credit card purchases in Washington, D.C. between 1/5 and 1/6.
- Purchases made for Hotel/Airbnb RSVPs in DC, VA, and MD after 1/6.
- Any purchase of weapons or at a weapons-related merchant between 1/7 and their upcoming suspected stay in D.C. area around Inauguration Day.
- Airline related purchases since 1/6.
And, no, not everything had to click to get you on the list, but still, 211 people managed to make the list. Bank of America™ wasn’t required to give this information without a proper warrant. But Bank of America© did.
At least one citizen was questioned by the FBI based on this information.

The FBI even has a patron saint: St. Francis of CCTV.
So, now it’s not only the Federal government’s amazing ability to listen to you, follow you on social media, and track your every movement. Now they enlist banks to participate in closing the loop. Unless you pay in cash, they have a list of every transaction you make.
So, pay in cash?
Have you tried to do that with a rental car? Have you tried to do that with an airline ticket? Tried to check into a Holiday Inn Express®?
They might take cash, but they’ll need to see a credit card, first.
How else would you leave a perfect record for the FBI?

As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky. Thanks so much!!