“No, no, this can be explained. Dad, we had clients, Pfizer® clients. Champagne.” – The Wolf of Wall Street
I think that Pfizer® is going to find this a knight to remember. All memes this post – as found.
I had originally planned to do a post on COVID tonight. Then, Project Veritas® dropped a video directly on point. So, I had already prepped for this subject, and then, *poof* out of nowhere appeared another bombshell story that once again proves the Wilder Theory of Greatest Amusement: The Covid-Mutating-Grindr® guy.
For those of you unfamiliar with Project Veritas©, that’s James O’Keefe’s sharp stick in the eye of the liberal establishment. It broke into national prominence when he nearly single-handedly brought down Obama’s Leftist useful idiots, ACORN™ in 2009, the community organizers created to pump the system for the Left. If you recall, O’Keefe pretended to be a “sex worker manager” and brought in a teenaged “sex worker” and asked for advice on how they could hid her earnings from the IRS.
A hoot.
When I was single I often tried to impress my dates by talking about my war crimes.
He’s done similar sorts of hidden camera shenanigans poking his pimp-cane in the eye of the Left for years. The latest one, though, is perhaps the best. Ever.
A quick rundown if you haven’t heard about this one, and please take this with all of the “allegedly” that a developing story like this deserves:
A guy accepted a date on Grindr®. Grindr™, if you’re unfamiliar, is a hookup app for gay guys. This particular guy was Jordan Walker, M.D., with the title of Director, Worldwide R&D Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning for Pfizer™. I have three of his email addresses, and two phone numbers for him that /pol/ certain unnamed Internet resources dug up. Given what happened on his Grindr© date, I think it’s probably safe to say that Jordan Walker is a former Director, and now is Totally Unemployed.
The first rule of Pfizer® Club? Don’t talk about Pfizer™ Club on a gay date.
I’ll give the most charitable interpretation of the video that’s out there now: Walker claimed that Pfizer® was discussing force-mutating COVID so that they could make more mRNA “vaccines”. Several of the snippets of later conversations would seem to indicate the Pfizer™ was already doing this.
When confronted by James O’Keefe, he did what every single person who was credible does: he freaked out, claimed he had been lying, assaulted O’Keefe, threw O’Keefe’s iPad® to the floor, and threw a tantrum like a spoiled four-year-old who didn’t get his way. As I said, that type of behavior just reeks of credibility.
So very dignified!
What was the name of the Chinese restaurant in the song Werewolves of London? Oh, yeah. Lee Ho Fooks. That was my first thought about this situation – if true, not only was Pfizer© even more evil that I thought they were, they were to the point where they make the Soviets under Stalin and the Chinese under Mao look like saints.
So, if true, Pfizer™ has entered the ranks of the most Evil organizations ever to have existed, slightly above whatever organizations did the forced mutations to create Sarah Silverman.
My advice to our intrepid Grindr™ guy? See an attorney and turn whistleblower. Now. And don’t tell the stuff you know about the Clintons – remember how that turned out for Epstein.
All this comes at a time when the evidence is growing that the vaxx is . . . really bad for lots of people. Everyone? Dunno. But people under 55 who took it are certainly more at risk from the vaxx than from the ‘vid as evidence has become clear.
Even formerly staunch supporters of the vaxx are flipping, and admitting that not taking the vaxx was the right decision. For me, this was not a hard decision to refuse the vaxx. Why?
- It is an untested technology.
- The beta testers are the vaxxed.
- It requires me to trust Pfizer.
- I hope it turns out well, but many effects may not be apparent for years.
- COVID was not that bad, and I liked my chances.
There are other reasons as well, but those are enough. I know two people who took the J&J® vaxx in the early days, on the same day. Both of them have had major heart surgery, within a month of each other. Coincidence?
Remember, to Pfizer™, we’re all redshirts.
Probably not. Yet with lightning speed they rolled out the vaxx to younger and younger kids. It was if they said, “Hey, three year olds should smoke cigarettes because they’ve been smoking them for a month and, outside of a raspy voice and smelling like Robert Downey Jr. after a night out, it seems to be good for them.” It’s that level of stupid.
COVID wasn’t good, but the vaxx, like Sarah Silverman, was an entirely preventable tragedy.
I’m running a bit behind tonight and will end this early, but I think the following clips, presented without comment, show where we’ve been, and where we’re at. To be clear, COVID is over. Forever. There will never be another reaction like the last time in the lifetime of almost anyone alive now.
100 years? Maybe. But this was a big enough goof that while there will be another, future, Virtue Signal sent out, it won’t be COVID. And I’m thinking that Pfizer® will be trotting out a corporate policy that employees can’t use Grindr™ anymore. At least they’ll do that before the war crimes trials start.