“Who do you favor in the Virginia Slims tournament?” – Top Secret
Don’t put in extra hours at the clock factory – they hate that.
- People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology. Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
- Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
- Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
- Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
I didn’t expect to move the clock up this month, but yet, here we are, and it’s all due to Virginia. More on that below.
In this issue: Front Matter – Violence and Censorship Update – Flashpoint Virginia –Updated Civil War II Index – Virginia and Rallies and Aesop – Links
Welcome to Issue Eight of the Civil War II Weather Report. These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War II, on the first or second Monday of every month. Issue One is here (LINK), Issue Two is here (LINK), Issue Three is here (LINK), Issue Four is here (LINK), Issue Five is here (LINK), Issue Six is here (LINK), and Issue Seven is here (LINK).
Violence and Censorship Update
Organized violence seems to be lower this month, as you’d expect in winter. Or perhaps AntiFa® is just on a snowboarding trip to Colorado so they can get some dank weed? Societal violence tends to drop as it gets colder, because people look stupid rioting in knit hats and parkas. Well, people look stupid rioting in any weather, except for the South Koreans who have rioting down to a spectator sport. South Koreans riot about, well, anything. It’s like living in San Francisco, but with less poop.
The Korean beef riots? Udder madness.
YouTube® announced a change in the terms and conditions for video creators that would go into effect December 10, 2019. The major change (of concern) was that YouTube© announced that they would delete accounts that, in YouTube’s™ sole opinion, weren’t commercially valuable. There were several creators that I watch on a semi-regular basis that were quite upset – this was proof that YouTube™ was coming after them. Several refuse to put controversial videos on YouTube® at all now – they save those videos for other sites, like Bitchute©.
As far as I can tell, most of these channels are still up and running. Several that had been demonetized for political content even had monetization restored. Like the end of the world in 2012, the dread YouTube® apocalypse is currently overdue.
Switching to Twitter©: their most notorious purge in the last period was Danielle Stella, a candidate for congress running against that paragon of virtue, Ilhan Omar. Stella’s offense? She tweeted:
“If it is proven @IlhanMN [Ilhan Omar] passed sensitive info to Iran, she should be tried for #treason and hanged” – I agree with Ms. Stella, that hanging people who collaborate against the United States with foreign governments is a good thing.
But I will never trust her because of sage advice that my brother gave to me one afternoon while driving: “Never trust a person who has two first names. Like Scott George. Or George Scott.” He was proven right when George C. Scott stopped by our house and ate all of our mayonnaise. Man, that man loved his mayo.
I guess the decided they should see other siblings.
Twitter® has also admitted a practice they had long denied, but was obvious: they shadow ban people – you can type away all you want, but no one is really going to see your Tweet™. How better to control a populace than to let them think that “bad” opinions are ignored?
Flashpoint Virginia
Since Virginia has been changed from state controlled by the Right to a state where Leftists hold all major offices and control the legislature, the Left has had a great desire to spike the ball and exert complete control. That control is focused on Leftist goals. The first Leftist goal mentioned?
Elimination of many Second Amendment rights, including banning ownership, with no grandfather provision, of “assault” weapons.
It also goes much further, and bans parts of rifles the same way an entire rifle would be banned. Outside of cloning Stalin, elimination of private gun ownership is a primary goal of the Left. It is also a trigger on the Right, and this legislation couldn’t be more tailored to antagonize the Right if Rosie O’Donnell read it as an alarm clock message.
As political battles go, this gun ban is an uphill one, even for the Left.
What is unusual here is the reaction from localities. More than 98 bodies (counties, cities, towns) as of this writing have declared themselves “Second Amendment sanctuaries” – and have vowed to not cooperate.
The Attorney General (a Leftist) has issued an opinion that the counties can’t just ignore state law, they have to follow it. Therefore? The Governor (a Leftist) has requested $100 million extra for incarceration and $4 million for an 18 person gun ban team.
It’s not enough.
Sometimes you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into. Like me in my first marriage.
The Left owns all of the levers of government. So what do the people that want to keep their rights do?
Form an opposing governmental structure. Those are the Second Amendment sanctuaries. Like it or not, these declarations are the first step towards a unified governing structure that opposes the Leftist government in Virginia. For a civil war to occur, you have to have civil structures. I had expected them to form along the lines of opposing state governments.
But the societal divisions in 2019 exist more along the rural/urban divide than the old northern/southern divide. In my home state, it’s very (from a combined vote total) far Right, so my entire state would likely pitch in. Given this new circumstance in Civil War 2.0, renegade counties make sense in a state like Virginia. And despite anything the Attorney General might say, should a significant (20%?) percentage of Virginia’s population – an armed 20% of the population – decide a law isn’t valid?
The law won’t be valid.
Laws exist in the United States because we generally agree with them as a group. Does everyone agree to all laws that are on the books? Certainly not. But when there is determined opposition to a law or group of laws (marijuana legalization, illegal alien sanctuaries, Second Amendment sanctuaries) an attempt to enforce the law will nearly instantly make the government look weak, ineffectual, and illegitimate. And when that determined group takes over a legitimate arm of government?
We’re one step closer to war, and this is why I moved the clock. The Left is moving quickly, and in Virginia, I think it’s still a very dangerous game of chicken.
I think they’ll end up blinking, and swerving off at the last minute.
Updated Civil War II Index
More graphs, with full bikini treatment.
Up is more violent. Violence dropped a bit, and I imagine it will remain low for the winter, though it edged up a bit in December. April and May will likely see increased incidents, assuming we end up okay in Virginia. And assuming we don’t run out of suntan lotion.
Political Instability:
Up is more unstable. It skyrocketed this month. Tension was high in the first place, but impeachment increased it significantly. Don’t expect it to go down soon.
Down indicates worse economic conditions. The economic indicators all were positive, and strongly so, in November. It was a one month recovery.
Illegal Aliens:
Down is good, since (in theory) ICE is catching fewer aliens because there are fewer people trying to get in. The numbers are down this month, and if you put them in context, winter is normally a lower time for illegal immigration, which will pick up in the spring.
Virginia and Rallies and Aesop
There is a large pro-Second Amendment rally planned in January 20, 2020 in Richmond. Since I started paying attention to such things, I’ve noticed something – that people on the Right don’t live in Washington, D.C. Why we would go to protest there escaped me. Statistics back this up – in 2016, nearly 95% of voters voted for Leftist candidates.
For a group of citizens that support the Right to try to protest in D.C. is silly. Protestors in D.C. are in hostile territory. From observation, cities attract Leftists. The larger the city, generally the farther Left it is. Richmond, Virginia is no different. It voted nearly 80% for Leftists in 2016. Richmond is hostile territory for the Right.
But yet the rally is planned. Aesop over at The Raconteur Report has covered why this rally is a bad idea, in detail here (LINK) and here (LINK). Read the comments, and also the links to previous posts that he suggests.
Read it all before you attend – or before you organize.
Please leave links either in the comments below, or feel free to send me an email if you’re shy. If you email me, I won’t say that the link is from you unless I get permission.
From McChuck.
From Glenda.
From Bob.
From Vote Harder, over at The Burning Platform:
- After ‘Predator’ Cop Gets Wrist-Slap for Raping Kids on Duty, He’s Let Out and Strikes Again
- Two Officers Arrested for Molesting Children While Working as Pastors at Church
- 8yo Girl Stripped Naked by Officers, Telling Her It’s The Only Way She Can See Her Daddy
- Cop Arrested for Pulling Over Young Women for Speeding, Then Raping Them
- High-Ranking Officer Arrested on Over 600 Counts of Child Sexual Abuse
- Innocent Dad Politely Asks Police a Question, So They Beat and Kidnap Him
- Cop Shoots Innocent Unarmed Woman, Forces Her to Crawl to Him as She Bleeds Out
- Alarm as Trump Requests Permanent Reauthorization of NSA Mass Spying Program Exposed by Snowden
- Attorney General William Barr Declares War On The General Public
- Trump Wants Your Face Scanned Every Time You Travel, Just Like In China
From Ricky:
- USA Today – Modern Day Civil War
- American Thinker – Democrats Pushing Towards Civil War
- American Thinker – Civil War or Nanny State?
- Dallas News – Brink of a Civil War?
- Epoch Times – Spanish Civil War in America?
- Divided America
- Time to Decentralize?
- Washington Post – Our Bitter Impasse
- The Atlantic – Red/Blue America
- Mises – Decentralization, Nullification, Secession
- LinkedIn – Coming Decade
- The Democrat Agenda
- List of Sanctuaries in Virginia
- National Guard in Virginia?
- The Hill 4000 comments on National Guard in Virginia Article