Bad Economics Destroys Wealth

“Hey, there’s no airbag.  I can fly out through the windshield?” – Rocketman

Toyota® introduced their new Nagasaki airbag – they say “you won’t feel the impact”.

Annually, about 2800 lives are saved by airbags.  Hurray!

Annually, 13.6 million new cars are sold.  That probably doesn’t rate a hurray, I mean, not ever fact is exciting.

I’m guessing (numbers are sketchy) that it costs approximately $2000 per car to add airbags.  This number may be a bit high, but replacing a single airbag can cost $2000, and many new cars have so many airbags that some cars can legally be sold as bubble wrap.

By federal law, all passenger autos sold must include airbags.

That pencils out to an annual cost of $27.2 billion dollars in additional consumer spending.

For airbags.

So, we have all of the math ready for us:  how much does it cost to save a human life.


About $10 million dollars per life saved.

Every Monday evening, Superman® researches bitcoin.  That’s his crypto-night.

That’s insane.  I mean, I know the goal is a good one, but why is the federal government mandating that Americans spend an average of $10 million dollars per person to save them?  Heck, I don’t like most people even $50,000 worth.  But $10 million?

This number, and, indeed the federal mandate that airbags be installed on everything on the highway is a product of the “safety at all costs” culture.  Their motto is, “If only one human life is saved . . .” which is meant as a rallying cry for whatever uneconomic idea that they want to put forward.  An actual economist, Thomas Sowell, made the argument that if you wanted people to drive safely you’d replace the airbag with a big Bowie knife.  I tried to verify that quote, but the link that I came up with was . . . my site.

So, I couldn’t verify it, except by myself.  I’m not sure I’m a reliable source, but, hey.

It would also decrease emergency room visits.  Save him?  No, then how would he learn anything?

Hit the brakes too hard?

Sorry about that – there are consequences to the driver.

Imagine how polite drivers would be then?  If not, think of the lowered hospital visits!

The news is simple:  no one makes it out of here alive.  No one.  We cannot escape the one inevitable consequence of living, which is death.  The GloboLeftSafetyPatrol thinks that if we spend billions of dollars, we can make Death go away.  No, at least in 2024, the only thing that we can do is shoo Death away from our doorstep for a little while by using better diet and exercise and maybe renting an 18-year-old to use as a blood donor to live off of them like a vampire.  I heard them called “blood boys” once.

If I brought the concept that actions have consequences up with a GloboLeftist, it would break their mind.  They live in a world where money is what other people provide to satisfy all the wants of the world.  In my experience, most people want a lot more than the world can afford, so we have to make choices.  Not everyone can afford a blood boy.

Asian fathers are disappointed if their son has a B+ blood type.

That’s the basis of economics, making the least-bad choice given the information you know at the time.

The second thing that drives the GloboLeftistSafetyPatrol nuts is the idea that people might have a choice.  It drives them nuts.  What if I wanted to buy a car that didn’t have airbags?

I’m the bad guy.

Why?  Well, for that to be the case, the GloboLeftSafetyPatrol has decided that they own me.

To be clear, I do believe that there are obligations that an individual has with society, and that a society has for an individual.  Pure libertarianism in the absence of an infinite expanding frontier is simply not workable, though it has been tried and certainly worked better than communism and with a much smaller body count.

A similar bad choice is involved with the decision to import the swarming masses of parasite carrying (link below) illegals to replace actual citizens.  All of the job growth post-COVID has been by immigrants, either of the legal (or, since there are millions and millions of them) more likely illegal aliens.

Could It All Be Worms Making The Decisions For The Left?

When illegals do a home invasion is it a house swarming party?

In one way this is a multiple hit to the economy.  First, these aliens, on average consume a lot more resources than are offset by the tax revenue they produce and work that they do.

For every illegal crossing the border, the economy has that much more sand poured in the gears in terms of unpaid for medical cost, schooling costs, infrastructure costs, and benefits cost.  The average illegal costs far more than the average veteran, and much more than the average veterinarian.  Heck, they even cost more than the average vegan, though they’re not so smug.

Second, for every illegal that consumes additional housing, often in conditions of squalor with much higher occupancy than an American family, the housing stock is consumed, raising prices.  I read one story about a Canadian apartment where the inhabitants were living in every room in the house, including having a bed in the kitchen where two people lived.

Lastly, the illegals keep wages low.  Literally if we import the third world, we become the third world because our wages will eventually drop to third world levels – the same goes for free trade.

Importing illegals (and, let’s face it, many legal) aliens actually makes the economy get worse, and it’s faster the more we import.  With lowered demand for housing, prices would go down.  With lowered amounts of workers, wages would tend to go up.  Take these to the extreme, and California becomes Mumbai, but with fewer cobras.

If Chuck Norris didn’t have arms, what would his catchphrase be?  “You’re about to meet de feet!”

The GloboLeft loves illegals, because of their compassion – but studies have consistently shown that their compassion is just that, a feeling, and that people on the TradRight are generally those that actually fund and charities that help people.  To the GloboLeftists, that’s simply not their problem – government (meaning you and I) should take care of it.

We can’t afford airbags anymore because we’ve used that wealth on . . . airbags.  And illegals.  And any one of a thousand things that you or I could think of where the government either mandates waste or pursues policies that are directly detrimental to the voters.  I mean, even Sweden is waking up to the concept that importing rapefugees might not be the best policy since there are no-go zones (Malmo) where actual Swedish people aren’t allowed.

But what bothers me the most is, if the government keeps wasting the wealth of the country in this fashion and at this rate, I’ll never be able to afford a blood boy.

Could It All Be Worms Making The Decisions For The Left?

“You can’t have both of the parasites.” – Fight Club

A tapeworm showed up to a party and got kicked out.  I guess the guy was a terrible host.

When I think about parasites, I start with thinking about the GloboLeft.  Somebody like George Soros has been sucking at the economy, producing no value, and trying his best to control its brain.

Like Toxoplasmosis gondii.

Toxoplasmosis gondii (T. gondii from here on out) is, like a gender-studies major, a parasite.  It has an interesting life cycle, in that it often occurs in cats.  In reality, it can infest any warm blooded animal (and birds as well) but most people are aware from due to its association with cats, and not the Broadway musical, but the fuzzy felines.

I want to write a Broadway show titled Vocabulary.  It’ll be a play on words. 

T. gondii likes to infest cats. Since it occurs as cysts in animals, T. gondii has developed the ability to change the behavior of mice and rats. Specifically, T. gondii changes the brain and behavior patterns of rodents to make them less worried about being dinner.

Of things that rodents don’t like, “being eaten alive” is pretty near the top of the list.  Uninfected rodents really hate the smell of cat pee and avoid it, since cat pee often occurs near where cats are, and cats like to eat rodents alive, just for sport.

However, give a rodent an infection of T. gondii and it either loses it’s aversion to cat pee or becomes attracted to it.  It also reduces the behaviors associated with avoiding predators and makes the mice more bold and less worried about predators.  It also makes them hyperactive, increases the distances they travel, and makes the reckless when they show up at a new area.

Yes.  T. gondii turns mice into little mobile food trucks for cats.  This is on purpose, so the cats eat the mice, and then get infected, and then poop, and then spread T. gondii everywhere.

Mary Poppins Food Truck Review:  “Super cauliflower-cheese but the lobster was atrocious.”

Well, there’s a horrifying thought!  A parasite that changes the behavior of creatures!  Thankfully humans don’t get it, and it doesn’t impact human behavior?

Well, nazzo fast, Guido.

It turns out that T. gondii just loves to hitch a ride into humans.  And just like it changes the behavior of rats and cats and mice, studies have shown that it also impacts humans as well.  How?

T. gondii has shown to have some of these effects in people:

  • Increases impulsive behaviors,
  • Increased car accidents,
  • Increased road rage, and
  • Increased mental illness (like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder).

Yeah, T. gondii is a disaster for people since if you look at the list above, it appears to turn them into GloboLeftists.  It also messes with human immune systems so it doesn’t get eaten, makes healthy cells die, increases inflammation, and may even encourage other parasites to join the party by downregulating the parts of the human immune system that keep them out.

Staying up all weekend is fun – after all, sleep is for the week.

Thankfully it’s rare, right?

Nope.  In women of childbearing age, infection rates are:

  • 50%-80% in Latin Americans,
  • 20%-60% in Eastern Europeans,
  • 30%-50% in the Middle Easterners,
  • 20%-60% in Southeast Asians,
  • 20%-55% in Africans, and
  • 7% in the United States natives (2004 data) but 28.1% in foreign-born.

Billions of people have this parasite, T. gondii.  But that’s just one parasite.

I had that parasite.  Didn’t care for it.

Let’s take this a step further.

There are large numbers of parasites beyond T. gondii that infect and impact humanity.  I looked it up and came to two conclusions:

  1. Parasites are really gross and repulsive.
  2. There are hundreds of different types of parasites out there.

How likely is it, of all of the different types of parasites that impact humanity that the only one that impacts behavior is T. gondii?  If I were a betting man, I’d lay money that there are certainly more parasites than not impact behavior.  And since many of these parasites require exposure to blood or poop to increase the number of hosts, well, might the behaviors that the parasite “encourages” be tied to more exposure to those things?

It’s a thought.

Once again, when looking at the religious themes of chastity, heterosexuality, monogamy, and modesty, it occurs to me that all of those virtuous behaviors – every single one of them – reduces exposure to parasites and disease that may take over our minds.

Is it just a coincidence that as adherence to chastity, heterosexuality, monogamy, and modesty are tossed away as old, outmoded thinking that we find ourselves in a world surrounded by triggered adherents of Clown World?  Perhaps the warnings we’ve seen in the past of those possessed by demons was, at least in part, based on parasites.  It seems like all the behavior that leads to the fall of civilizations tends to increase the likelihood that people will catch parasites.

Where do Viking clowns go?  Val-ha-ha.

Maybe, maybe it’s only the GloboLeft, but the GloboLeft is actively encouraging behaviors that result in the perpetuation of parasites.  Today.  Ever wonder why the GloboLeft reacted so harshly to ivermectin being a potential cure to COVID?  It kills parasites.

What would have happened if GloboLeftists had taken it and found out that their lives are a lie and their predilection to certain sexual practices was actually parasite mind control?

Are the GloboLeftists, in addition to being parasites, are also being consumed and controlled by parasites?

You be the judge.

The Latest Attack: White Fortressing

“Lord Vader will provide us with the location of the rebel fortress.” – Star Wars, A New Hope

I lost a castle in chess once.  It was a rook-y mistake.

One of the unintended consequences of a multicultural society is the way that identity fuels animosity and envy.  In the latest story from this dispatch comes the concept of “White Fortressing”.

What on Earth is White Fortressing?  Does it involve a series of blankets covering the dining room table and various chairs to create a blanket fort, but this time using only white blankets?

No.  In Louisiana, besides the Gumbo Landslides and the Alligator Squadron attacks, one of the things that people wrestle with is government.  In Baton Rouge (French for “smells like mold”), Louisiana, there the people in one area have been trying to split off from the local parish.  If you’re from Louisiana, no one calls those subdivisions “a parish” except you.  I blame the Louisiana Purchase.

Why?  People in Louisiana do things, um, differently.  Heck, if Adam and Eve had been from Louisiana, they’d have eaten the snake, too.

Pictured:  Louisiana after half an inch of rain.

This group of about 100,000 folks wanted to form their own city, which they have called St. George.  Because this new city would be only 12% black instead of 50% black like the rest of East Baton Rouge Parish, Dr. Luisa Godinez-Puig of the Urban Institute™ coined the phrase “White Fortressing”.

What’s Dr. Luisa Godinez-Puig’s job title?  “Equity Scholar.”  And given that job title, it’s no wonder that, wherever she looks with her beady little eyes she sees inequity.  To be fair, I can’t really tell if they’re beady, but the low-resolution picture that she uploaded makes me think that when her friends tried to set her up on blind dates they described her as having “a great personality except for the everything is racist bit”.

According to the article written by Dr. Luisa Godinez-Puig and someone named Muttley, er “Smedley” who I am sure is completely not a dog that communicates only by snickering, White Fortressing is “opportunity hoarding”.  What’s that?  You mean, gasp, a community would want to spend money on itself rather than ship it to other people?

I wonder if Dr. Luisa Godinez-Puig and Smedley had a cartoon, would it be called “Wacky Racists”?

To quote myself in a discussion with a friend, “Why should I want to ship money overseas?  I don’t want to ship it to the next county.”

It appears that the big reason that St. George wanted to make itself a city wasn’t because Louisiana was in desperate need of a new mayor, nope, the East Baton Rouge School System appears to be crap.  How crap?  WAFB™, which I assume stands for War Air Force Base, reported that there were 6,587 fights that were reported in the school district over the past two years.  Given that there were 40,000 students in the System, it’s likely that just under 27,000 students weren’t pulling their fair share and starting fights.

Let’s be real:  most fights aren’t reported.  So, this would indicate to me that the schools are likely much more violent than would be indicated by the raw numbers above.  So, in 2013, a group of parents decided that enough was enough.  In the St. George area, there were 16,300 or so kids going to school.  Of that number, some 7,700 went to private school.  I think it’s obvious why:  It’s to protect the poor kids, since the rich kids can hire hitmen to take care of business.

To quote Dr. Luisa Godinez-Puig and her sidekick Smedley:  “When white communities fortress themselves, they siphon away resources from the larger region, including communities of color.”

Important note:  before providing Human Resources with a urine sample, make sure they requested one first.

That’s what the people of St. George are to Dr. Luisa Godinez-Puig and her sidekick Smedley:  “resources”.  I suppose that a charitable way to put this is that these people are really just tax slaves.  The “Opportunity Hoarding” that Dr. Luisa Godinez-Puig and her sidekick Smedley describe is really just Dr. Luisa Godinez-Puig and her sidekick Smedley’s Opportunity to Hoard the tax dollars coming from people who just want out of a failing, violent system.

Those ingrates!  They and their children should just stay and take the beatings and worse that they so obviously deserve!

This is the mind of the GloboLeft:  their job isn’t to provide a shared initiative to block those who would try to invade or enslave us.  Nope.  They view their job is to mine us for resources so we don’t “Hoard” our productivity and thus deprive them of their “Opportunity” to extract their pound of flesh.

The hypocrisy of the GloboLeft is laid bare by this:

  • Their god is democracy, except when people vote against them. This is why they always use the term “Our Democracy”.  You and I simply do not need to apply.
  • If white people leave an area due to violence or high tax rates due to transfer payments, it’s called “White Flight” and it’s bad. So bad, because (apparently) the GloboLeft really wants people around?
  • No, they don’t. When white people move back into an urban hellscape and begin to economically transform it for the better, that’s “Gentrification” and it’s also bad because it raises the taxes from their previous “urban war zone” level.
  • Finally, if people just want to stay in the same place, and govern themselves, their horribly shellfish because they don’t want to share their taxes with the greater region. Heck, those ingrates probably don’t want to ship their tax dollars to Raytheon™ so they can build bombs to give to foreign countries or Boeing® so that Boeing© software programmers can continue trying to solve the deep mystery of the coloring book in the break room.
  • Who self-segregates more than anyone? The GloboLeftElite.

Hey, don’t laugh, battering rams were a real breakthrough.

The GloboLeftElite always, always, has the same idea – the things that are produced by individuals belong solely to them – there was a reason the Iron Curtain existed – and it wasn’t to keep people out.  Whereas I really do believe that certain services and regulations are required, my view of the world is “anything not illegal is allowed.”  Their view?  “Anything not mandatory is prohibited.”  I wish that last phrase was something that I made up, but it’s not, but I wish even more that the GloboLeftElite hadn’t heard it, since it appears to be their game plan.

The aptly named Larry Fink.

An irony of this is that the school district proposed by the folks who put together the city of St. George isn’t even particularly white:  only 35% of the public school students would be white.

I guess, in the end, White Fortressing simply means, “Not spending your tax dollars the way our GloboLeftElite overlords wanted”.  Maybe they could shut themselves up in their own safe space.

What color blankets do you think Doctor Luisa Godinez-Puig and her sidekick Smedley would want?

Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Trump Trigger and Complexity

“Rita, you’re a convicted felon, and now you’re an escaped con.” – The Adventures of Brisco County Jr.

They fired me from the clock factory because of all the extra hours that I’m putting in.

  1. Those who have an opposing ideology are considered evil.
  2. People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology.  Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
  3. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  4. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  5. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  6. Open War.

Volume VI, Issue 1

All memes except for the clock and graphs are “as found”.

This is a moving situation, and things are changing quickly.  The advice remains.  Avoid crowds.  Get out of cities.  Now.  A year too soon is better than one day too late.

In this issue:  Front Matter – The Trump Trigger– Violence and Censorship Update – Biden’s Misery Index – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – Stairway to Where? – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 850 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at or before 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.

Civil War Weather Report Previous Posts

The Trump Trigger

Donald Trump scared the hell out of the GloboLeftElite when he was elected.  I’m fairly certain that he makes many of GloboLeft rank and file lose sleep when they think about him being re-elected.

Rand Paul was quoted in Zero Hedge® (a reader sent this in):

“I worry about strife. I worry about war in the streets. I worry about 50 percent of the public believing that the court system will be used against them . . . I worry when half the country thinks they won’t be treated fairly, what happens and how people react.”

Huh, I thought he was dead.

Where we sit now, Trump may never spend a day in the pokey.  And he may never even be convicted – yes, there’s a jury verdict, but until the judge finds him convicted, there’s just a vote by a jury of twelve GloboLeft peers, one of which may have violated the rules and talked about the proceedings.

Oops.  There are other very, very valid reasons that Trump has for appeal – selective prosecution among them not identifying the charge against him – they never specified the other crime that Trump supposedly committed.

Rand Paul is right.  The judicial system has been weaponized at every level against Trump.  The fact that the Federalist Society has produced a slate of judges over the past several decades that aren’t woke Sotomayor-level GloboHomo soldiers will apply actual justice at the federal level.

But what if they don’t?

If Trump is convicted and sent to prison that will a very dark day in history – one that will show to millions of normies that the republic is irretrievably lost, a conclusion that many on the TradRight have come to years if not decades ago.

Does this lead to immediate chaos?  This is a tough one – I tend to think not, but then again, the number of people that support Trump and MAGA are significant.  It will be a sign that businesses need to create a quick exodus from New York, California, or any other location where the business has a political difference with the GloboLeftElite agenda.  I mean, it’s not like elections matter.

But I’m told it was a FaiR ElEctIoN.

Perhaps Musk moving to Texas is beginning to make a lot more sense.  On the bright side, it means that the Republic of Texas will be born with it’s own space force.

Violence and Censorship Update

The issues in Israel have done several things – they’ve increased the level of fighting in the GloboLeft as the Pro-Palestine wing and the Pro-Israel wings slug it out.  As Bracken notes, it is a weird GloboLeft/Palestine alliance.

Of course, as soon as the GloboLeft makes one of their crappy villages, they . . . put up the borders that they claim to hate.

The other side of the coin is the reaction in Congress, which is entirely at odds with that pesky 1st Amendment:

And, Massey has a very good question, especially since they committed $300,000 to ads attacking him:

Oh, and questioning the “Muh Immigration is Good” narrative is worth a banning:

They’re still trying to ban JK Rowling for telling the truth:

Propaganda, anyone?

Oh, it’s not like they’re trying to suppress anything . . .

Biden’s Misery Index

Let’s take a look to see how we’ve done this month . . . .

Yup, up again.  It’s like there’s a pattern here . . .

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Violence is up, a little.  I wonder if Chicago’s Democratic National Convention is going to spike temperatures?

Political Instability:

Up is more unstable, and it is slightly down.  I expect this fall to be a bit more crazy.


Economic numbers are up a bit.  But so are prices.

Illegal Aliens:

Second Highest May is actually down.  But the normies are waking up.

Stairway to Where?

History never repeats exactly, but the same themes keep coming up again and again.  While there is no guarantee, there are patterns.

The lead up to civil war is often the same:  misery, rising tensions, and too many elites fighting each other for scraps of power.  The wars are often drastically different, and depend on things like ideology, geography, technology, and telepathy.  Okay, maybe not telepathy, but the other ones all count.

But, just like Led Zepplin©, there are two paths you can go by . . . and two outcomes.

Broadly, when civil wars occur there two things that can happen as a result.  The first one is what happened after the Russian Revolution or the American Civil War 1.0 – that is, a drastic reduction in freedom for citizens.

But I’ve been assured that everything is fine.

The American Civil war did increase the freedom of slaves, and granted them full citizenship, to be sure.  But for the common man who hadn’t been a slave?  Freedom declined.  There had been a balancing act between the Several States and Fed.Gov, but after the Civil War was done, the States were no longer sovereign, and, in fact were nothing more than subdivisions of the federal government.

This was drastically different than what existed before.  The Several States were recognized as just that, complete governments.  They only banded together, reluctantly, to create an organism strong enough, just barely, to resist being beaten up and conquered by the various European powers.

After the American Civil War?  The process of eliminating the rights of the Several States has been an ongoing battle every year since 1865, and, with a few exceptions, has been largely won by the United States.

If increased central control and tyranny are one outcome from a civil war, what’s the other?

Increased complexity.  Think back to the fall of the Soviet Union.  A huge, monolithic, multicultural tyranny if ever there was one.  It looked to the world as if it would never be defeated – heck, the view of the Russians in the 1980s (I know, I was there) was that, while they didn’t have lots of different consumer products, they did have a huge technological edge over the West.

But when the end came, the fighting that did happen was minimal – the Soviet Union (like the multicultural British and Roman empires that came before) didn’t end so much with a red tide of blood, but rather a gradual realization that no one wanted to play anymore.  The sad, shattered core of empire let all the parts fly to the wind.

I met the guy who puts the symbols on maps that say what things are.  What a legend!

It seems that one key is the “multi-cultural” part.  Whereas you could make the case that the United States had Irishmen and Scots and Norwegians bopping around back in 1860, the vast majority of Americans were just that, Americans descended from (by and large) stock from the United Kingdom with a common language and common religious and cultural heritage.

That led to Tyranny.

The seat of power of Imperial Russian was mainly . . . Russian.  The Russian Revolution led to?  Tyranny.

It seems that there is some tipping point where a Civil War results not in tyranny, but in Balkanization, heck, the name “Balkanization” is literally exactly what we’re talking about.

The more I think about it, unless there is a Caesar sitting in the wings (and I don’t see him) then we will end up Balkanizing after a Civil War.

Disagree?  This is a newer thought, so, love to hear comments.


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much, Ricky!!

Bad Guys


Good Guy


One Guy


Body Count


Vote Count


Civil War–some-already-pining-for-it/

What Is It All About? Humiliation.

“You throw away your biggest opportunity, over a dog!  And then you humiliate me by stealing my boss’s car!” – Kingsman, The Secret Service

I think, I hope, the base image is A.I. generated.

I had originally started writing a post about Trump, but I thought it would fit better in the Civil War 2.0 Weather Report.  That’s where it fits, anyway.  Instead, I thought I’d write indirectly about it for today.  I’ll start with the words of Theodore Dalrymple:

“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.  When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious likes, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity.  To assent to obvious lies is . . . in some small way to become evil oneself.  One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed.  A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.  I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

The GloboLeftElite does not care about being right, it cares about control.  Dalrymple references political correctness, which is a way to control thought by controlling the language that can be used about a subject.  What followed?  Microaggressions, a manner in which any sort of normal patterns of speech can be considered inspired by the deepest hate.  Soon enough we’ll have to stop calling them black holes and call them “BiPOC gravitational anomalies”.

They do this to break you down like a person might break a horse.

It then jumps into things like hiring.  “Hiring the best person for the job” is considered a microaggression according the GloboLeft.  Why?  Some bafflegarb about history.  The explanation didn’t make sense, but that’s part of the process – people are supposed to buy this nonsense.

YouTube™ even enforces it with a set of rules that are never shared that can be unknowingly violated and then the creator is silenced, often forever.  Why?  They won’t give a list.  You’re guilty when they say you’re guilty, and the rules change over time so previously accepted speech is now verboten.

Vox Day wrote about the general process that they use to ostracize people in his Social Justice Warrior books.  It is:

  1. Locate or Create a Violation of the Narrative.
    2. Point and Shriek.
    3. Isolate and Swarm.
    4. Reject and Transform.
    5. Press for Surrender.
    6. Appeal to Amenable Authority.
    7. Show Trial.
    8. Victory Parade.

The point is only partially to humiliate the victim of the process.  The most important part of the process is to scare other people who might take similar actions.  There doesn’t have to be a formal recruitment to the GloboLeft, giving in is all that it takes.

I was a bit confused when I saw the GloboLeftElite attack Graham Hancock.  If you’re not familiar, Hancock has a theory that there was a civilization older than what is currently accepted.  Okay, he’s either right or he’s wrong.  Instead of arguing about Hancock’s ideas, it was an attack on anyone who would give him a platform.

Hancock didn’t back down.  But anyone who has any belief that is contrary to the narrative must be shut down – I was reminded of that today when I tried to find a story on Bing™ and Google© but was forced to use Yandex™.  Why?  It had to do with an alternative theory about an aspect of COVID.  Even as these alternative theories are proven, they are suppressed.  Why?

Because to the GloboLeftElite, these Narrative violations, no matter how small, leave deviation for thoughts.  The frightening part is now the GloboLeft NPC foot soldiers are so easy to steer into a mob with pitchforks and torches, screaming words like “disinformation” or “dangerous to our democracy”.  Hancock was even accused of racism, which is the word that seems to have lost a lot of impact when they define down “hiring the best person for the job” as racist.

This humiliation ritual is on full display – drag queen story hour and three-year-old “transgender” children are nothing more nor less than that, and “living in the pods and eating the bug” is more of the same.  The reason that these exist is to humiliate society.  They want it because they know you don’t want it, and want you to feel you can’t stop them, so that they can humiliate you.

Who supports those?  Those who are weak and don’t think for themselves:  the GloboLeft NPC.  They’re programmed because they simply must follow the popular opinion.  I don’t know how much of a proportion of society they are, but it’s not as much as the GloboLeftElite would like:  Bud Light™ is an example of a brand killed by those who simply refused to be a part of the humiliation ritual.

Don’t think that the January 6 and Trump trials and convictions are anything less than this – they’re a humiliation ritual for Trump and the people put into prison for January 6, but they’re also meant to show everyone what punishments wait for them if they go against The Narrative.

However, the GloboLeftElite has not won, and won’t win.  The Zoomers and Generation Alpha see what’s going on, and want none of it, swinging wider right with every poll.

And that’s a good thought to start the week with.

Notes:  I had more memes, but thought I’d just let this one stand.  Also, watching The Prisoner (a reader suggestion, which also explains Iron Maiden’s© song Back in the Village).

France, Spain, And The Fate Of The United States

“If we bail out we can hide out in a French girl’s hayloft.” –  Memphis Belle

My cat’s a commie.  Keeps wanting free food and only talks about Mao.

Over a decade ago, I was reading a post by John Michael Greer (here’s a (LINK) to his current blog).  In that post, he talked about time compression and our tendency to not think about historical events in the timeframe that people actually lived them.  His example was that of a young girl, born at the time of the French Revolution.

In my mind, the French Revolution turned to the Napoleonic era and the defeat at Waterloo in a fairly short time.  I mean, I knew it took longer than the two days we spent on it in World History in high school, but that young girl, born when heads were rolling on the guillotine, would have been 25 or 26 and likely had her own children when Napoleon got waffled in Belgium.

And that poor French girl couldn’t even post about how tough her life was on TikTok®!

26 years.  That’s a number that, back when I read Greer’s post, surprised me.  From a distance of 230 some years, four years of Biden is an eyeblink.

Chuck Norris once stared into the abyss, and the abyss looked away.

The amazing amount of debt that’s been printed in the last four years along with the rampant inflation made me think back to that young French girl.  I think that in 100 years, people will look back on our time and compress it, and I think that they’ll talk about it as the time when the United States sank to third world standards in what, to them, will be just a paragraph in a history book.

There’s plenty of precedent for it.  Spain, after the colonization of the New World, brought back ship after ship filled with massive amounts of gold and silver for a period of about 100 years.  This caused several related things to happen:

  • The inflation from the huge supply of gold and silver distorted the entire economy of Europe, causing an inflation that lasted at least 100 years.
  • The huge amount of wealth caused the Spanish to import labor (a lot of to do the work that Spaniards refused to do, you know, like sweeping or making the bed). The Spanish aristocracy also was allergic to work, since they considered it low class.  Apparently, the exceptions were being a professor or a priest, but mainly they just sat around in fancy clothes sweating.
  • Spain then got caught in an endless web of pointless wars, probably because they were bored.
  • Oh, and when the gold and silver stopped flowing from the New World? Yeah, they didn’t stop spending, they just went bankrupt again and again.

This is not a good combination.  In less than 100 years, Spain went from being THE world power and the largest economy in the world, by far, to being poor and irrelevant.

In California you can’t get a tattoo of flames on your biceps, unless you have a fire arms permit.

I imagine the world in Spain as it declined in decadence just slowly got crappier and more expensive every day, just like we’re seeing today, as we see a long, slow slide to becoming the third world.  I wrote last week about the encrapification of the Internet, but other businesses are doing it, too.  McDonald’s® has record profits, but I’ve seen Big Mac® meals advertised for $15 or so.

The Mrs. bought a McFish© sandwich the other day and put it in the fridge, perhaps as some sort of religious ritual since I have no evidence that humans actually eat them.  I opened it up to give it a look, and was surprised to see a biscuit-sized sandwich.

I made some fish tacos the other night, but the ungrateful fish just swam away.

It’s been a while since I’ve even seen a Filet-O-Fish©, but the last time I ate one it wasn’t made out of a single goldfish.  Heck, I think the last time I ordered one was sometime during the Bush Administration.  Which one?  Much like Bill Clinton, I can’t remember which Bush because there were too many.  Back then it was a full-sized sandwich, but at some point, it became bite-sized.

I could come up with more examples from other companies, but that one will do.  Keep this in mind:  McDonald’s is now a luxury food.  Are McDonald’s™ sales number up?  Sure!  Prices have doubled.  But I haven’t been there in months (which is probably good for me) due to my inability to rationalize the idea that a Big Mac™ meal costs more than a pound of ribeye steak.

I can spell panda with just two letters:  P and A.

What’s the outcome?  Middle class people aren’t going to restaurants nearly as much, which is causing them to fail.  Examples abound:

  • Red Lobster© closed 87 locations
  • TGI Fridays® is closing 36 locations
  • Applebee’s™ closed up to 35 locations last year
  • Denny’s© closed 57 locations last year
  • Outback® has closed down 41 locations

Middle class people are now too poor to go to these restaurant chains.  Period.  Inflation has priced them out and wages, held down by continual streams of illegal aliens have not kept up.

This is part of the slow, creeping third worldism showing up in the United States.

Over the span of 26 years, where does this take us?

Why did Napoleon escape exile?  He didn’t have enough Elba room.

My answer is that, just like France before the Revolution couldn’t imagine what the world would be like after Napoleon, and just like the Spanish who brought the great heaps of gold and silver back to Spain thought it was going to be totally awesome (el awesomo, I think is the Spanish translation), our first world wealth is rapidly slipping away.

The next twenty years will be, generally, poorer in the United States and in the West.  The good news, however, is poorer equals poorer, not necessarily unhappier.  Who knows, we might even be happier if we lose the Internet and can’t access TikTok© anymore.

The Post On Nihilism I’ve Been Working On (Here And There) For Weeks

“Think his nihilism got the best of him and he tried to kill himself?” – House, M.D.

Nietzsche couldn’t use pencils.  He thought they were all pointless.

A big danger is Nihilism.

It’s certainly one of the biggest dangers that society faces today.  As our society has become less religious, more urban, and has a greater and greater embracing of technology, people begin to ask:

Does any of this matter?  Do our values have any real meaning?

My answer to both of those questions is, of course, yes.  Values and virtues don’t become outdated.

But what is Nihilism?  Nietzsche defined Nihilism fairly simply:

“That there is no truth; that there is no absolute state of affairs – no thing in itself.  This alone is Nihilism, and of the most extreme kind.”

To a Nihilist, nothing matters and everything that anyone can think of is true.  Read that sentence again, and tell me what I’ve missed in what’s ailing society at its foundation, right now, today.  To quote Eugene (Fr. Seraphim) Rose, if Nihilism is the “extinction of the individual, then this world and everything in it – love, goodness, sanctity, everything – are as nothing, nothing man may do is of any ultimate consequence, and the full horror of life is hidden from man only by the strength of their will do deceive themselves; and ‘all things are lawful,’ no otherworldly hope or fear restrains men from monstrous experiments and suicidal dreams.”  I’m guessing he knew my ex-wife.

Observance to a religion gives a society many things:  purpose, values, unity, and stability, among others.  But a Nihilist would say that all religions have the same validity, just like all cultures have the same validity.

But that is observably false.

Say what you will, but the Aztec people had a great motto:  “Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everyone.”

I’ll cherry pick an example:  Aztecs.  The Aztecs were a bloodthirsty, cannibal, slaving religion.  When their ancestors escaped up north, they became known (later) as the Anasazi, and were so hated that they managed to get a huge coalition of all the other tribes together to unite to kill them, probably because having cannibals as neighbors is horrible for property values.

We live in a nation where academics and the news media are trying to normalize everything from cannibalism to “minor-attracted persons” to men pretending to be women.  The only, and I mean only, way that this sort of normalization attempt occurs is because the GloboLeft are a group of nihilists that don’t have any fixed beliefs, at all.  They were HATING former FBI Director James Comey before Trump fired him.  Then, in the span of a single day, they were converted to loving him.

“Comey was always the good guy.”

We were always at war with Eastasia.

When Amy was a child, she said she wanted to go into comedy.  Well, no one is laughing now.

If horrible religions like the Aztec religion can result in murder, wholesale slavery, human sacrifice, and cannibalism, imagine how much worse it is to have no religion at all?  Now, it becomes open season on anything.  The Mrs. likes to talk about an article she read once (maybe it was back when we subscribed to Reason?) about the author attending a Washington, D.C. dinner party.

The conversation went something like this . . . .

“Well, of course Africa is a problem, and probably has 200,000,000 too many people.  I think that it can be solved, though, by withholding food supply.”  This wasn’t a politician, but probably a GloboLeft academic or regulator.

The author confronted the GloboLefty:  “You’re casually talking about starving 200,000,000 people to death?”

Apparently, the GloboLefty didn’t really like it when it was phrased that way, but when he could hide behind pretty words that disguised the real meaning of what he was saying, well, he was good with it.

I was going to donate my clothes to starving people in Africa, but I decided not to.  If my clothes fit them, they’re definitely not starving.

The French Revolution was, perhaps, the very first example of this sort of extreme Nihilism, where the idea was not a war on man, but an organized war on God, Himself.  Mankind has certainly had its share of civil wars and genocides throughout history, but the French Revolution was something entirely new – the desire of an idea, Nihilism, to remake an entire nation and discard every idea from the past.

To a Nihilist or a GloboLeftist (but I repeat myself) I am nothing.  You are nothing.  We are not even worthy of consideration as humans.  We are beneath contempt.  To quote Rose again, “The Revolution, in fact, cannot be completed until the last vestige of faith in the true God is uprooted from the hearts of men and everyone has learned to live in this void.”  In the words of V.I. Lenin:  “. . . there will be no way of getting away from it, there will be nowhere to go.”


Should the Russian Revolution be renamed the Tsar Wars?

The greatest horrors (that’s “horror” – I’m not talking about Madonna) in the history of humanity have been brought about by GloboLeft governments while being run not by atheists, but by antitheists.  Period, and that’s verifiable by actual numbers.  The end stage of this is the Nihilism we see around us now:  The Nihilism bent only on destruction.  The French Revolution started it, but you can see it daily at work

As I’ve said again and again, I believe we will win, because we stand for something and to win they have to kill us all.  Every single one of us.

They can’t.  After 74 years of trying, the Soviets couldn’t erase Religion and the values it provides.  Today, only 13% of Russians are atheists.  Infecting everyone with Nihilism is really, really hard.

My doctor said I should drink more wine.  He actually said, “less beer”, but I’m pretty good at reading between the lines.

Why am I so certain we’ll win?  Because we’ve been winning for at least 2000 years, and that won’t stop now.  I do believe in Truth.  And I know others to, too.

That’s all it takes to win.

Forbidden Opinions: The GloboLeft Versus The Beautiful

“Look, there is light and beauty up there, that no shadow can touch.” – The Return of the King

I’m trying to improve my double entendres.  But it’s not easy.

This is the last in the series about the GloboLeft’s war against the Good, Beautiful, and True, at least for now.  We’re down to Beautiful.  Why did I do them in the order of True, Good, and Beautiful?  Because they’re not really in order, and they each complement the other.  Or maybe I have a problem with authority – who can say?

Which one of the three is best?  Each of them.  They all work together.  That is why the GloboLeft fights these so very, very hard.  Their typical pattern is to pick a value, and then pick its absolute opposite, and then celebrate that.  To pick from Monday’s post:  why to they look at men dressed as women and call them women?  Because that’s the opposite, and it must be celebrated.

(as found)  My take?  There are two sexes, two genders, and about a million fetishes.  I mean, I have a logic fetish – I can’t stop coming to conclusions.

Beauty is the last of the three that we’ll discuss, but it figures in so much of what we see in our lives today, especially since everything that’s ugly is now celebrated, and there is an active attempt to remove beauty from public life.

A GloboLeftist would try to convince you that beauty is subjective.

It is not.  Back when people were allowed to experiment on human babies, they’d show babies pictures of pretty things and ugly things.  Babies reacted positively to pretty things (and people!) and negatively to ugly things (and George Soros).  It is a part of us.  And we know it when we see it.

So, here are some of the statements that the GloboLeft actually believes:

GloboLeftists believe that every female is stunning and brave.

Not so much with males, since they don’t like the patriarchy.  Or something, not sure what, but it’s still okay to make fun of dudes.  This is one where they’re specifically talking about female (which includes, bizarrely, transexuals) beauty.

Here’s an example:  Lizzo is just as beautiful as (insert actually attractive actress here).  I wasn’t originally aware of what a Lizzo even was, until I saw a video of her playing a crystal flute that belonged to James Madison.

(meme as found) Where do you find the scariest part of the internet?  HTTP Lovecraft.

Wow.  She (at that point) looked to weigh about as much as a World War II Iowa class battleship.  And she wore a skintight leotard.  There isn’t enough eye-bleach in the world.  It looked like a potato (Lizzo) with a crystal toothpick.

Another example:  Zendaya was named one of the 10 most beautiful women in the world.  I’ll admit that she’s a middling character actress with a range of emotions that go from “irritated” to “thinking about talking to my doctor about my inability to have regular bowel movements.”

10 most beautiful women in the world?  She wouldn’t have been in the top 10 in my senior class.  Plus, I think she’ll fill out and look like a middle linebacker for the Chicago Bears® before she’s 35.  The good news is I don’t think she’ll go full Lizzo-potato.

I know which choice I’d McMake.  (meme as found, so my criticism is not unique)

The GloboLeftists believe that all art is valid and beautiful.

There are so many different ways that humans work to create beauty that it’s hard to catalog them all.  But I’ll start with architecture.  Sure, I don’t live in a city, but lots of people do.  Here’s one made by actual humans in Copenhagen versus a nameless, faceless, commieblock.  Which is more beautiful?  Which makes you feel more human?  Which would contain more PEZ®?

I worked with an Asian who dipped Copenhagen.  His name was Mr. Chu.

And then there’s music.  We started the 20th Century with Take Me Out to the Ballgame (1908) moved to I Want to Hold Your Hand in 1963, 55 years later.  What came out 57 years later?  Wet Ass Pussy.

Sure, Take Me Out to the Ballgame doesn’t mention virtues, but it’s innocent.  I Want to Hold Your Hand shows a little intent.  But Wet Ass Pussy?  It’s beyond crass and replaces Beauty with it’s very opposite.

Likewise, literature (mainstream) has gone downhill.  I’ll pick science fiction.  Why?  I’ve been reading that since I could read.  Around 2010 I had the idea that I’d outgrown science fiction, that I was older, jaded, and the genre didn’t have anything for me anymore.

I then picked up one of the old books I’d loved as a kid.  It was still awesome.  I hadn’t changed, the genre had become ugly.  And that’s coming from a Hugo®-nominated (really, this is true, under a pseudonym) author.  But there are still great novels out there.  And maybe one of those authors will (hint) post links to his stuff below.

No, the Beauty still exists in literature, but the GloboLeftElite that controls the mainstream press wants to make it ugly.  That’s the same reason that movies are sucking now, and actresses often look like a burlap sack filled with doorknobs.  The movies are no longer meant to exult in what’s best in us, to show and celebrate virtues.  Nope.  Movies are there to sell the opposite of the values and the opposite of Beauty.

Speaking of movies, Disney® apparently is forcing video game creators to make characters ugly.  From Overlord DVD (a YouTube® channel) comes the news that a new Star Wars® video game is . . . ugly.  The rumor is that Disney© is requiring that the studio make the characters that way.  Why?

(as found at Overlord DVD’s channel)  “Fugly girl, come out to play . . . Fugly giiiirrrll, come out to pla-ay.”

Disney© isn’t doing this to make money.  There must be another purpose.

I could go on and on, but at some point I need to hit the hay.  Here are more examples, and you no doubt could make a very, very long list where Beauty has been replaced by ugly recently:

  • Painting contests, won by an actual chimpanzee.
  • Celebrating every family structure except ones with mothers and fathers,
  • Natural foods versus slop – I think nacho cheese is probably made in a refinery out of Vaseline and yellow crayons, but I can’t prove this.

The end process is to pick a value, invert it, with the goal of subverting the actual value.  The best news is this:  The True, the Beautiful, and The Good are going to win.

How do I know this?

Even the GloboLeft knows the True, the Beautiful, and the Good when they see it.  They just hate it.

So, they dress up a potato and celebrate it playing a flute.  This is their best play.

We’ve got this.

Forbidden Economics: The GloboLeft Versus The Good

“Out these windows, we will view the collapse of financial history.  One step closer to economic equilibrium.” – Fight Club

My neighbor has had a bad financial crisis.  He has to drive a car without a top and his car doesn’t have a roof.

Monday’s post was about Forbidden Science.  These are inconvenient truths that simply don’t fit into the ideology of a GloboLeftist.  In the tradition of the very best GloboLeftists, whenever this inconvenient set of facts conflicts with their ideology, they do what rational people have always done – they consult how the facts disagree with their ideology and change their positions.  Nah, just kidding.  Instead GloboLeftists ignore them and stick their fingers in their ears and yell loudly “I’m not listening to you!  I’m not listening to you!  I’m not listening to you!”

Wednesday is the day I typically post about economics and related issues, so what better topic than Forbidden Economics?  Just like on Monday, I’ll start with things that the GloboLeft actually believes and then make fun of them, primarily because they deserve it.

Me?  I say bring back the positive power of bullying.

I was a bully to this orphan kid in school.  I mean, it wasn’t like he was going to tell his parents.

GloboLeftists believe that Modern Monetary Theory isn’t just made-up justification for “I spend what I want”.

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) has quietly taken the place of any sort of rational thinking.  When I first wrote about it, it seemed so fringe and tongue in cheek that I was shocked anyone smarter than AOC would fall for it.  I know, I know, that leaves about 85% of the country, but the GloboLeft has willingly and enthusiastically embraced MMT.

What is MMT?  It’s the theory that, since money is entirely made up in the first place, that it doesn’t matter how much you print.  Yes, you read that correctly.  The idea is that money is like points in a football game.  When a team scores a touchdown, there aren’t some vat of points that are decreased to add points to that team’s score.  Instead, they’re made up.  The limit to the number of points that can be scored in a game is based entirely on the productivity of the teams.

If we reset to zero every day and all played NFL® football, well, that might make sense.  In MMT, the idea is that extra cash is just soaked up via taxation rather than the game ending.

What happens when the score keeps going up from game to game.

But the GloboLeftElite really, really don’t like to be taxed.  As much as Warren Buffett complains that he’s not taxed enough, the one thing Warren never, ever does is send more than he owes in taxes in voluntarily.  In fact, he has fleets of lawyers working every angle possible so that he pays the least amount in taxes possible.  (Note:  If Donald Trump were to try this he would be tried for felony tax evasion.)

There are two types of people in this world:  Those who can find an answer through simple deduction.

This is not a new thing.  It really started under W., and has continued through Obama, Trump, and Biden.

But what could go wrong?

GloboLeftists believe that women are cheated in the workplace, earning less than men.

I’ll start by reminding everyone that GloboLeftists don’t even know what a woman is, to the point that a sitting Supreme Court Justice was unable to define what a woman was during her Senate confirmation hearings, and sits on the Supreme Court.

However . . .

The reality is that women actually make more than men when their wages are controlled for things like, oh, career choice, amount of overtime put in, time taken off to have children, et cetera.  The idea is so simplistic in that it takes everyone, puts them in a bag, and says that the average man makes X, and the average woman makes 0.8X.

Yes.  That’s true.  But when I went to a college graduation several years ago and they called out the engineers, 90% plus were men in some fields, and in no engineering field were women even close to a majority.

And they both give sound advice.

I wonder if that could be partially a reason for a pay difference?

Nah.  Sexism is easier, and if people will swallow MMT, they’ll swallow anything.  I mean, we already knew that about Kamala.

GloboLeftists believe that increasing a labor supply won’t decrease wages.

Immigration is an amazing source of brain rot for GloboLeftists.  They think that bringing in hordes of illegal aliens won’t drop the price of unskilled labor.  Now, not for one minute do I believe that’s the case, and neither do the people (the GloboLeftElite) that are feeding those thoughts to the rank and file.

But lower labor costs mean higher profits, so why not bring in not only illegal aliens, but tons of people on H1-B visas to take the jobs that Americans had – the number of stories of people showing up to work only to be forced to train their replacements to “earn” their severance package is so common as to be boring.  It doesn’t even make the news anymore.

Yet the flip side is that they also don’t think that raising the minimum wage will have any impact on prices?

As found.

The last belief that I’m going to touch on that the GloboLeft has is this:  history has nothing to teach us about the danger of an irreligious society basted in feminism and socialism.

Hey, wait, do you hear someone yelling “I’m not listening to you!  I’m not listening to you!  I’m not listening to you!”?

I’m sure it’s not just me.  You can hear that, right?

Oh, and as a follow up to Monday’s post, here is NASA’s Administrator.  He believes the far side of the Moon is always dark.  Really.

Forbidden Science: The GloboLeft Versus Truth

“Archeology is not an exact science.” – Raiders of the Lost Ark

I failed my medical school test because of nerves.  The right answer was bones.

It has become clear that the GloboLeft has become truly Soviet in the way that they view that basic reality must conform to their ideology.  Their ideology isn’t based in any sort of reality – it’s based instead on the equivalent of a child’s wish list for the way that they’re really, really like the world to be.  And if they wish it enough, it must be true, or they’ll hold their breath until it is.

Here are a few ways that the “I f***ing love science” crowd get more wrong than the Vaxx:

They believe that there are no significant personality and physical differences between men and women.

They really believe this.  To be fair, if all they had to deal with were GloboLeft troglodyte women and pencil-neck Antifa® dudes, that might be an assumption that might make sense.

If they really buy into this, (and they do) then the transification of the world starts to make sense.  If anyone feels like they’re a woman, then, boom, they’re a woman.  Actual women then become “uterus havers” or some other such nonsense.  That’s not made up – I don’t even have to write jokes with their newspeak silliness.

How is this easily provable?  The under-15 boys’ team in Dallas beat the U.S. Women’s World Cup® team.  Yup, the very same team that featured the pink-haired piece of beef jerky Megan Rapinoe.  Yet, this is ignored because . . . reasons.  Back when I was in college, one of my friends was on the (very average) Division 2 college swim team.

Cinderella was awful at soccer – she kept running away from the ball.

“Yup, beat a world record tonight,” he said as he came back into the house we lived at after practice.  I did a double take.


“Yeah, the woman’s world record.  Everybody on the team can beat it.”

The consequences of this are many, but it’s clear to see that if this isn’t checked, there won’t be any reason to have sports where actual women compete.

So, there are physical differences.  And personality?  Woman have been charged with being the nurturing caregivers for children since forever.  I could list all the differences here, but that would be a post all by itself.

The GloboLeft indicates that biological race has no basis in fact, despite the evidence becoming clearer and clearer every year that this is very much the case. 

One meme I saw on the Internet was an organ donation organization asking for more organ donors that were black and Hispanic.  I believe it was on InstaFace®, but wherever it was, the organ donation organization was immediately swamped by people calling it racist because, “all organs are the same.”

What’s the worst thing to hear during open heart surgery?  Anything.

No, they aren’t.  It’s not that a black person has to have a heart from a black person, but the chances of a match go up tremendously when the donor is of the same race.  Mixed race people, especially, have difficulty in getting organs that match.

And this should surprise no one.  Soviets started a fox breeding program to try to understand the interplay of genetics and behavior.  Within six generations, there were foxes that actually liked people and wagged their tails.  Now, this program is some 50 generations in, and the foxes actually seek people, and, though still foxes, behave and act like dogs.

The aboriginals in Australia were separated from the rest of humanity (mostly) for 2500 generations.  It has been 101 generations since the birth of Christ, so imagine how living in cities has changed us from what we were?  In Great Britain, virtually all of the poor people living 500 years ago died out due to economic selection, and the vast majority of folks are descended from the aristocracy.

Is another term for a mattress a “loaf of bed”?

How has that changed them?  And, how could a professor think to share that information in the Cancel Culture?

The GloboLeft believes that people are blank slates, and not dependent for 50-80% on genetics for their personality, sense of humor, and intelligence. 

The Wilder Family is a fun one, but I can certainly see the interplay of the genetics from The Mrs. and I in our children.  I have the unique opportunity to have been adopted, but I did manage to meet my biological father later in life, when I was an adult.  There was no subject that I was interested in that we couldn’t discuss, in depth.

I had never met the man, yet his personality contained no surprises.

If they genetically engineer pigs, will we get CRISPR bacon?

Absolutely there is a place for nurture in the world, but the numbers are showing that most 100% biological siblings share much more than nurture – we’ve all seen those news stories about twins raised separately that have the same job, same hairstyle and often very similar wives.  The Minnesota Study on twins reared apart showed that the twins showed generally were the same as twins raised in the same household in terms of personality, interests, and attitudes.  The twin study came up with about a 50% nature score, though observationally it’s more than that.

Again, the GloboLeft can wish all that they want, but the facts don’t follow their ideology.  In the end, Truth always wins out.  But the GloboLeft doesn’t like the Truth.  I guess that’s why the listen to NPR® and CNN™.