Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Are We At War? and Invaders

“Maybe we’re at war with Norway?” – The Thing

I’m sad, because 6:30 is the best time on a clock.  Hands down.

  1. Those who have an opposing ideology are considered evil.
  2. People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology.  Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
  3. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  4. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  5. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  6. Open War.

Volume V, Issue 5

All memes except for the clock and graphs are “as found”.

This is a moving situation, and things are changing quickly.  The advice remains.  Avoid crowds.  Get out of cities.  Now.  A year too soon is better than one day too late.

In this issue:  Front Matter – At War Already? – Violence and Censorship Update – Biden’s Misery Index – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – Invaders – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 815 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.

At War Already?

This month I had a post up titled 14 Signs Of An Unfree Country.  One of the responses I received is below:

It’s a very fair question, and one that deserves some thought and a response.

One of the first issues discussed on the early Civil War 2.0 Weather Reports was the idea that Civil War 2.0 would likely not resemble Civil War 1.0 with opposing armies in uniform moving across open battlefields.  No, in my opinion there might be some military trappings, and some form of “regulars” on either side, but for the most part this Civil War will be very different, and a large part of the action will take place via individual and small, only loosely coordinated groups.

But the question remains – are we at war?

The January 6 prisoners would certainly say so.  The concept of justice for most of them has been a farce, they’ve been sent to prison in some cases for their political beliefs.  The Left fully castigated the GOP for releasing all of the tapes which showed much more of the reality – and causing the ridiculous Buffalo guy to get released immediately.

In some cases (at least!) the prisoners have been treated in conditions that the Left would normally call inhumane.  For the January 6 prisoners?  No indignity has been spared them.

And no indignity has been spared on the heritage Americans.  Our one virtue when it comes to the Left has been our ability to provide the backbone of the United States military.  Now that traditional military families are opting out since, well, the country hates them, the idea of a draft is now embraced by people who ran to Canada to avoid it when it didn’t suit them.

What about the sacred right to vote?  Well, again, that’s a sacred right only if you vote for the Left-approved candidate.  They absolutely oppose voting for anyone not on the Left, and, guess what?  While you were out keeping the economy going or serving our country, they infiltrated the governmental entities that count the vote.  California is even going to ban manual vote counting and mandate only machine counting be legal.

What about the people who are being humiliated by watching the history of their nation erased, statue by statue, name by name, and child by child as they are drip-fed estrogen from the age to three to be turned into weird abominations that will be consigned to a tormented life as neither man nor woman.

So, the legal system is a fiction, and the cultural situation is grim.

Violence is at a high, as well.  I keep warning people to get out of the cities.  The latest murders in New York, Baltimore, and Philadelphia of Leftist enablers provide a glimpse of the decline of those cities – they weren’t hidden like the everyday horrors of the average father or grandfather or child killed at random by groups of murderers who believe that they won’t be punished because they haven’t been punished for (in some cases) over 50 felonies.

Are we at war already?  If, like me, you live in a Red state?  No, not really.  Here in Modern Mayberry it looks a lot like it did thirty years ago, except for the rot that Leftism and globalism has done to the economy.

If you’re on the Right and live in a Blue state, or if you challenge in any manner the power of those who would rule?

It looks like that answer is, “yes”, they’re at war against you.

Violence and Censorship Update

There is no way on Earth that the United States was more racist in 2015 than it was in 1970.  Zero ways.  I would suggest that in 2008, when the United States voted in a black guy as president that would have ended that forever.  Especially since the 1990s in the United States were probably the least racist decade of any country on the planet, ever.  But the push is in:  everything is racist.  This is used, primarily to shut down actual discussions of actual problems.

Why would a Leftist leave a weapon on the battlefield after they’ve won the battle?  Elon Musk rustled all the jimmies when he bought Twitter®, um, X™.  So what’s the solution?  Stop anything Musk does.

Okay, this didn’t officially happen, but I’m thinking that most of his staff thought it:

Apparently selling soft drinks in Russia is bad:

As is using the word “female”.

But that’s okay, kids should be taken from their parents for any old reason.

And the press should just ignore the “why” of a story.

And also the “who” of a story.

Biden’s Misery Index

Let’s take a look to see how we’ve done this month . . . .

Yup, up again.  Looks like Biden is going for the record.  Who says he never gets anything done?

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Violence is up again, again slightly – I was expecting more during a long, hot summer.  I’m guessing that people don’t even notice it anymore.

Political Instability:

Up is more unstable, up.  I expect December to be a time when this starts to head upward, significantly.


Economic numbers are swinging back down again this month, but I expect October will be a bit more interesting after earnings reports.

Illegal Aliens:

The border numbers are up only slightly, and I think that (shockingly) the government may just be lying or that the Border Patrol is being told to leave the illegals alone.  Why would I think that?  That’s what the next story is about.


It is now abundantly clear that the people in Washington and New York now view heritage Americans as I view an infestation of rabid squirrels.  We’re pests.

The idea is to replace us with people who will work cheaply forever and are okay with living in a repressive regime as long as they have ramen and soccer on TV.  They want slaves.

The other part of this plan is increasing taxes and injecting feminism (and LGBT) directly into the brains of the youth to slow down birth rates.  They really don’t care what this does.  The elites can live anywhere that is nice.  They’ll live in the most favorable places with all the stuff they could imagine needing.

It’s also interesting that everywhere except for Europe and the United States that booting illegals out is considered “Tuesday”.  Even before Hamas went kinetic on Israel, they were getting ready to boot out any black people.  Probably to Europe, sure, but they were getting ready to boot them.  Can we have the same illegal immigrant (invader) policy as Israel?

Well, not with Biden.  They cut the razor wire because . . . ?  Who cares what the reason was.  The Border Patrol now just wants to get more immigrants in.  I call this the “Biden Plan”, but really it was also the Bush plan and the Clinton plan, too.

How bad is it?  A developer has created a base for over 75,000 illegals.  They live there, have gangs there, and sell drugs from there.  We know where this is.  If any administration was serious about this, the developer would be in prison, and the deportations would start . . . last week.  Instead?  We have a place where the laws of the United States don’t really apply and any illegal can settle.

We know where they are.  We’re doing nothing.  We are the carbon the globalists want to reduce, since we keep asking such inconvenient questions as our country is invaded.

And it’s not just Hispanics.  It appears that all of Africa is streaming across the border.

And why not?  Africa is growing at an astonishing rate despite having exactly the same ability to feed itself as a drunken toddler.

The upshot is that this will be the last generation of heritage Americans, ever, unless the tide changes.

But, it looks like Blue state people are (finally) waking up:

Which way, America?  The solution is, still, very simple.  When will we adopt it?


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much, Ricky!!












Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Lessons From France And Falling Apart

“Yes, I shall certainly choose revolutionary France for my holiday again next year.” – Blackadder the Third

Why does France have so many rivers?  Water follows the path of least resistance.

  1. Those who have an opposing ideology are considered evil.
  2. People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology.  Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
  3. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  4. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  5. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  6. Open War.

Volume V, Issue 2

All memes except for the clock and graphs are “as found”.

This is a moving situation, and things are changing quickly.  The advice remains.  Avoid crowds.  Get out of cities.  Now.  A year too soon is better than one day too late.

In this issue:  Front Matter – Lessons From France – Violence and Censorship Update – Biden’s Misery Index – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – Falling Apart – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 800 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.

Lessons From France

France is always at the front of things, like fashion trends, like making great wine, like losing wars against countries that aren’t France.  Recently, after a foreign “youth” was killed after a police chase, the massive foreign population of France rebelled.  Riots, which are generally scheduled for every Wednesday in France, were extended to the weekends.

The people initially rioting were the Leftists and the foreign population of France.  Thankfully, they provided several lessons that may apply to the future Civil War in the United States.

First, violence can start and spread rapidly.  The violence is, generally, confined to the cities.

Second, the police won’t do much against people who are Leftist or associated with Leftist causes, like unrestrained immigration.

Third, the police will rapidly, and with great force jump down the throats of native peoples defending themselves.

Fourth, the native people can and will rapidly organize.  The time for organization in the face of a significant threat is measured in days, not weeks.  This organization scares the Powers That Be and they’ll rapidly do everything they can to stop it.  Everything.

Fifth, diversity isn’t a strength, it’s a weakness.  Society is tough to maintain and requires effort at every point in history.  Adding in a foreign element that has no commonality with the host country other than that they eat and use oxygen doesn’t make a country stronger, it weakens it.

Ask the French.

There are probably some other lessons (feel free to share more below) but these are the big ones I found.

Violence and Censorship Update

The censorship this month again is bigger than the violence.  Here are a few moments in a very, very busy month.  The theme of this month is about censorship unravelling as even the press begins to turn against Biden in preparation for his successor for the 2024 election.  Gavin Newsom?  Likely.

The biggest stories are about suppression of information about alleged corruption of the Biden Crime Family®.  Here are a few snippets of how the .gov folks are attempting to suppress

It’s almost like there was some sort of collusion between the Left and the various parts of the government, like the Biden Administration blocking disclosure of the Deep State’s® manipulation of the 2020 election.  Wonder why?

But if that’s not creepy enough, the .mil folks were looking for mean Tweets®:

And the CIA wanted the Leftists to win in Brazil.  Again, shocking.

Biden’s Misery Index

Let’s take a look to see how we’ve done this month . . . .

Yup, up again, but not as steep.

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Violence is down – I was expecting more during a long, hot summer.  Perhaps August?

Political Instability:

Up is more unstable, and it was down a bit, though people are thinking a lot more about Civil War.


Economic numbers are swinging back up.  The numbers look fairly unstable from month to month, which isn’t good, but June was a calm month.

Illegal Aliens:

The border numbers are down, and I’m a bit surprised, since the infiltration continues.  Suppressed numbers?

Falling Apart

During the month I save memes and snippets to use in the Civil War 2.0 Weather Report, often, they for a theme for the month.  This month, I had a few where the only thing I could think of was the theme that everything is falling apart – the values that we once held dear are now inverted, and we cease to be recognizable as a country.

The first is inversion, and Krassenstein, thankfully, took a lot of heat for this really, really bad Tweet®.

In California, the criminals have more rights than property owners.

And let’s look at the impact of diversity:

And just like Jason from Friday the 13th, you can tell that Evil never dies:

And things that are good are described as Evil.  Funny.

But the tide is turning . . . .


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much, Ricky!!

Bad Guys


Good Guys


One Guy


Body Count


Vote Count


Civil War


Through A Glass Darkly

Getting The Truth Out, One Tweet At A Time

“Why are there so many amendments? Get it right the first time people!” – Veep

I heard a Zoomer kid say:  “The Bill of Rights is so old, I think they made it on a typewriter.”

A few years ago I gave up on Twitter®.  Flat gave it up.  It had ceased to be fun.  When I first started out, I had a (plainly marked) parody account of a famous person (it may or may not have been Chelsea Clinton), and enjoyed that quite a bit.  I then switched to being just plain old John Wilder.  Twitter© had been fun – it was a good way to meet like-minded folks, and a really interesting way to irritate famous people.

John Cusack blocked me.  That was a fun day.  To be fair, I would have blocked me, too, since I was right up in his extremely Leftist face.

Gradually, then suddenly, my Tweet® impressions started to drop.  I had Scott Adams liking my posts, and had Ron Howard Retweet© me when I told him that Hollywood actors felt guilty by having buckets of money.  It was a reasonable conversation.  I would get tens of thousands of impressions (people viewing my Tweets®) on an average month after I figured Twitter® out.

Back then, Wilder, Wealthy and Wise wasn’t getting near the traffic it gets now, so in some months virtually all of the people coming by were tricked into coming here from Twitter™.  After traffic here started picking up organically, something happened at Twitter© – my Tweets™ weren’t getting any views.  I went from 100,000 a month (going from memory) to, maybe, 10,000 a month.

I was shadowbanned.

I always wondered how Vader© ate with the mask on.  Then I realized:  Force™ feeding.

By manipulating “the algorithm”, (or by picking me directly, but probably just a general tune of the algorithm because Leftists hate people on the Right) Twitter™ programmers made it so I virtually disappeared from view.  I went from knowing I irritated John Cleese to wandering down the hallway of a closed sanitarium by myself along with the 2,000 or so followers I had.

So, I gave up.  I didn’t shut my account down, I just stopped going there.  I think that was a part of the plan – Twitter® was about ideas, but only if yours matched The Narrative.

But then I noticed something interesting – my views here started going down here, leveling off in 2021 with a slight dip in 2022.  Now many sources of traffic were more-or-less constant, but the biggest drop was from search engines.  I’m on pace to have a drop of search engine traffic of 63% this year from the search engine traffic I got in 2020.  It will hurt overall readership, but the bigger thing is that it won’t grow the site if new people can’t find it.

By 2023, I’ve written millions more words, had big links from major websites, but the only conclusion that I have is that “the algorithm” hit me and is suppressing me showing up in search recommendations.  I guess the loneliest place on Earth is Twitter® after a shadowban is being on page 2 of the Google® search results.

I heard if you don’t pay your exorcist, you get repossessed.

I am not alone.  The Unz Review™ (to be fair, MUCH MUCH bigger than me) has experienced a similar problem with search according to Ron Unz.  And while comments here are a lunchroom food fight, his comment section looks like the Siege of Paris in 1870 – it’s fancy, but they’re still eating zoo animals.

The first idea that I came up with is that the comment section is too spicy for the search engines.  I doubt this since the most of the 25,000+ comments have been PG-13 or less.  The other alternative is that the entire viewpoint of the Right has been tuned out.  I suspect it’s this.  If your page is dedicated to comments to the Right of center, it’s lonelier than an idea in Whoopi Goldberg’s head.

Search engines are important, since they drive new traffic to a site.  I recalled early on when I could count the website hits here at one an hour, and then someone would hit the site and the traffic would go up from someone who just stumbled upon the place enjoying reading what I wrote.  I hope I gave them an afternoon with some chuckles.

I then read with an utter lack of surprise that our government had been colluding with Tech companies to suppress viewpoints they found unacceptable.  Things about The Vaxx®.  Things about the validity of the 2020 selection.  Comments critical of Dear Leader and three-letter agencies.  Propaganda against the American people was made legal again in 2012, and now the Federal Government was colluding with private industry to shut down uncomfortable viewpoints.  Why?  Because they can can can.

I published a book on propaganda.  You’ll never find a better book on the subject.

Missouri (along with a host of others) sued.  The Judge in the case was fairly blistering in his 155 page injunction.  You can read it here (LINK).  Although I am not a lawyer, amazingly, I can still read, and the parts I’ve gone through are very enjoyable.  I haven’t read it all, but I do say the man is not afraid, since in his THIRD LINE he writes “If the allegations made by Plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.”

Now this is what I call Stunning and Brave.

What did the government do after being slapped so fiercely?  Appeal.  The Deep State and the Left want to weaponize the Government-Tech-Investment Bank Complex.

Against you and your ideas.  What ideas?  All of them.  Here he lists just a few, but they are doozies:

It’s not being paranoid if they really are out to get you.

It should make you mad that this brazen manipulation against ideas that are generally recognized as the basis of Western Civilization and the United States are being actively suppressed by a shadowy combination of elected and unelected creatures skulking in the darkness with secret meetings determining what you should read and hear and think.

It should make you happy that it has been uncovered and the cockroaches, rather than scurrying for the cover of the cracks they hide in when the kitchen light is turned on are showing themselves to hate you as much as you thought they did.  They’re not denying it – they’re brazenly trying to keep this advantage of a deadly combination of Leftist ideology and the power of Big Tech.

But back to Twitter©.

After reading that Elon had found that he was still shadowbanned as late as May or June, I thought I’d give Twitter© a try again.

Wow.  Last two days on Twitter™, I had over 70,000 impressions (Tweet® views), hundreds of likes and retweets, and even several hundred poor unsuspecting folks clicking on links to show up here to read a post or two.  This was after four hours of Tweeting®.

Four hours.

I should have called her @aoc, since she doesn’t like capitalism.

And also I put the meme right above this in AOC’s Tweet™ and I’m sure she (or the dogwasher who does her Tweets®) saw it.  I also “Reported” a dude for calling me a “cis virgin”.  Elon said “Cis” was a slur, so we’ll see.  Old me would have said, “I’m sure your mom would agree, but her mouth is full right now.”  But I’ve grown up.

Regardless, it was a pretty good day.

When they don’t hold us down, look at how we fly.

This is why we’ll win.  When held up to the Light, the Truth doesn’t scurry away or cover itself in lies and deceit.  It shines.

Bikinis, Aliens, And Tabby’s Star

“Pathetic Earthlings. Hurling your bodies out into the void, without the slightest inkling of who or what is out here. If you had known anything about the true nature of the universe, anything at all, you would’ve hidden from it in terror.” – Flash Gordon (1980)

How many horses could you fit in a pyramid?  A pharaoh mount.

Way back in the before time, say 2015, a scientific paper by one Tabetha Boyajian hit the news.  Oh, boy, did it hit the news.  What Boyajian had discovered was a particular little F class star that dimmed.  And not dimmed like Joe Biden in the afternoon when the meds wear off and Jill has to put him in the special dark room.

The dimming was unusual.  It wasn’t a planet.  It wasn’t a comet.  It wasn’t like anything anyone had ever really seen.  Because of that, she got a star that’s now known by several names, the most common of which is Tabby’s Star.

Kinda cool, right?  Some also call it Boyajian’s Star, and other sticks in the mud call it KIC 8462852 (A), but I think all of the people who like to call it KIC 8462852 (A) work at the Interstellar DMV and have to share the same soul on alternating weekends.

The reason for all of that excitement is because Tabby’s Star can’t be explained by any sort of physical processes we yet know of.  If it were the usual “stuff” we’d expect to see the light from the star absorbed in the physical material and re-radiated outward as heat, likely because the kids won’t turn the damn thermostat down in winter.

I kid.  It’s all physics.  This is what happens when light from the Sun hits my driveway.  The energy from the light warms the driveway, and the energy from the light ends up going away by radiation and convection (because there’s an atmosphere).  It’s also what happens when a picture of an attractive girl in a bikini is taken:  it’s sheer thermodynamics that makes her hot.

Entropy:  it isn’t what it used to be.

We’d expect that any matter that got hit by the light from Tabby’s star to warm up, and we’d see infrared energy like from a driveway or a supermodel.  Seriously, if you want the actual math, you came to the wrong place, though I will say I was the first person to calculate how much PEZ® and anti-PEZ™ it would take to cross the Milky Way, and the very first person to ever use the term “anti-PEZ©” (LINK).

There is one model that says the particles around Tabby’s have to be small, perhaps microscopic.  Like nanobots.  But, regardless, eight years after Tabby’s paper was published, there is no physical process that has been found that would explain what’s going on.

None.  However, I thought (based on my prior reading) that around 2019 they called it solved.

Nope.  Not solved.  I found this out by listening to a YouTube® vidya from The Angry Astronaut.  I’ve only recently found him, and have enjoyed the videos I’ve seen so far.  Here’s how he describes himself from his Patreon® page:

“I create unique educational videos which focus on Spaceflight, Space Policy and Space Science. My approach is unconventional, and sometimes controversial. The future of our species depends on an aggressive effort to explore and colonize the Solar System…something that we have woefully neglected for too long. It is time to stop being polite and start getting ANGRY!”

To be clear, I like the cut of his jib, as my constant criticism of NASA might indicate.  An example is here (LINK).

I hear there are flat-Earth people all across the globe.

In the video I watched, The Angry Astronaut noted something I was unaware of – not only was the problem of Tabby’s Star completely not solved, but an astrophysicist from the University of Nebraska, Dr. Edward G. Schmidt, had found more stars that acted like this.  The Angry Astronaut was kind enough to point me in the right direction for Dr. Schmidt’s paper.  Hats off, sir!

More stars!  Excellent!  That means that, whatever is causing the issue is probably natural.

Then I read the paper.  You can read it here (LINK).  You can watch The Angry Astronaut talk about it below (don’t forget to like and subscribe!).

Dr. Schmidt found this dipping in several stars, and those he found were all in F and G type stars.  For reference, my favorite star, the Sun, is a G-type star.  F-type stars are a little bigger and a little brighter.  Together, they make up about 6% of the stars in the Milky Way, my favorite galaxy.  They are long-lived, and are probably in the sweet spot to have habitable planets since 100% of the planets we have found life on exist around a similar sized star.

So, Schmidt looks at stars.  Finds more that periodically dim in just this same exact weird way that no one can explain, but only around very specific kinds of stars nearly exactly like ours.

Is every mattress he sleeps on queen-sized?

The great news is that they’re randomly distributed all over the place, so it’s probably natural, and the whole thing is common.  Oops.

No.  Not really common at all.  They looked at over 1,337,101 stars in the study areas.  They came up that these stars showing the dimming were very rare, with between 11.2 and 4.9 candidate dimming stars per million depending on the region reviewed.

Not common.

But randomly distributed, right?

No.  Look at the graph below.  The circle with the dot in it is my favorite Sun and my favorite planet.  The star is Tabby’s Star.  The filled-in dots represent stars that dim like Tabby’s Star in a specific region.  The open ones are stars that have the dimming outside of that region.

Why two graphs?  Because I can’t send you a three-dimensional post, and I snagged it from Dr. Schmidt’s paper.  Pretend one is looking at the stars from the top, and one is looking at the stars from the side.  Yup.  They’re all in a bunch.

(from the Schmidt paper linked above)

So, we have this really rare phenomenon, and it happens only in stars of approximately the same size, and is concentrated in this one particular area.

I mean, if a civilization were harvesting the energy from specific types of stars and spreading out to make a galactic empire, what would it look like?

It would look exactly like this.  I should know, because I watched the 1980 film Flash Gordon and I’m pretty sure that this is exactly what Ming the Merciless™ did before James Bond helped the blonde dude save every one of us and then end up with more hot chicks in bikinis.

Okay, not a bikini.  But it was Alien.

I’m spitballing from the data, but I’m thinking that the closest one of these stars is about 750 lightyears (3 liters) from Earth, which is generally farther than I like to do on a daily commute.  Heck, I’m not sure my odometer even goes up that far!

What is it?  We don’t know.  It might be the stars in question keep forgetting to pay the power bill and keep getting disconnected.  It might be that billions of clones of Lizzo are in orbit around some of these stars, because I don’t think anyone has yet tested that hypothesis.

Or it could be . . . aliens?

The War On Victims – About Time

“Isn’t it your picture in the newspapers? Didn’t I see you on the video this morning? Are you not the poor victim of this horrible new technique?” – A Clockwork Orange

I hear he was convicted – I hope he didn’t beat himself up over that.

One of the very recurring themes in this blog has been a fight against victimhood.  This has mainly been at a personal level on Friday posts in the same way that when I, in second grade, went to my parents’ door and said, “I’m scared,” Pa Wilder sat up.  He paused, like a man who wasn’t interested in nonsense, and said:

“Go back to bed.”  The tone of his voice was such that I was, at that point, a hell of a lot more afraid of Pa Wilder than any shadow in my bedroom.

Victimhood is such a subtle and vile personality trait that I think that fathers, especially, jump on it like Whoopi Goldberg on a sandwich:  it’s messy, vicious, and you really don’t feel like eating after seeing them at work.

Pa Wilder was an especially good teacher of this lesson.  I remember whittling something and cutting my thumb.  My first reaction wasn’t fear at the spurting jets of blood from my thumb.  Nope.  It was, “Oh, no, Pa’s gonna take away my knife!”  The idea of death was only slightly more scary than the thought of being unmanly before Pa.

I guess I found him Travolting.

To be fair to Pa, he was a kind and caring man.  Mostly.  But if he thought you were being less than manly, and if he smelled even a whiff of it, he’d react in a fashion to let me know that it would never, ever be accepted to hear me whine or complain about being a victim.


That’s the message I’ve taken with The Boy and Pugsley.  To be fair to them, our society is one that’s built on exceptional care for feelings.  The other night I was watching a YT video of an arrest (it was a hoot) where the passenger of a car tried to fight the cops.

Yeah, it ended with a Tasin’®.  The cop then, calmly asked the guy that he had just tossed to the pavement, “My pronouns are he and him, what are yours?”  The dude looked like a dude, and said “he/him” but later said “his” name was Julia.

I wonder if when Levine’s wife kicked him out if he packed up her things and left?

My thought was that this cop had been thoroughly indoctrinated with the idea that, “Tasin’® a he/she is okay, but don’t you ever, ever misgender them.”  The idea was that he could have pulled the trigger and sent a few thousand more volts through “Julia” a dozen times, and that would be cool.  But to misgender “Julia” would have been a career-ender.

He’s probably (in June of 2023) right.  Break an arm or two?  That’s okay.  But violating a victim’s sense of victimhood?

For shame!

At least part of the problem we’re seeing with people today is that society (schools, teachers, psychologists, cops, Bud Light®, the military, the Governor of California, the media, the Internets, etc.) encourage them to be victims.  And it makes life awful.

As I told my X-wife (X rather than ex because she came from another reality and was X-Files® worthy), “Here’s a hammer and three nails.  Why don’t you nail yourself up to another cross?”  Apparently, I’m now known as a jerk by all the soul-sucking vampires.

Mea culpa.

My X-wife made the same mistakes again and again, since she lacked reflection.

Regardless, that might have been a sign that the marriage wasn’t going well because one of the things that fills me with disgust is victimhood.  And here, in 2023, I see the push back.

The Bud Light® trans-marketing (it only identifies as marketing) fiasco was the spark.  A fire requires fuel, oxygen, and a spark.  This was the spark.  The fuel was the consistent pushing of victimhood, the oxygen was the Internet.  The only thing left?  A spark.  From that point, every bit of victimhood is on the table:  racism, speciesism, agism, colonialism, and sexism.  And if it ends with “phobia”?  Pound sand, we don’t care.

We don’t care about the grievances of any group.  Suck it up, Buttercup, and do your job.  Rub some dirt on it, crybaby.  Put on your big he/him or she/her underwear and deal with life.

We don’t care.

The primary idea of the Left was to make people think that they were alone.  Heck, marketing professionals seemed to think that the only real people were the rainbow-flagged companies on LinkedIn® and on Twitter™.  They thought that people really didn’t mind the creeping victimhood permeates our culture like capsaicin coats my mouth after The Mrs. makes traditional Wilder green chili which has been known to be hot enough to melt steel.

The answer is that it simply isn’t true.  The vast majority of people in the country are despised by the marketing people running major companies, but the people they despise were meant to believe that they were alone, that their voice didn’t matter.

I was walking across the street and I saw my X-wife getting run over by a bus, and I thought, “Wow, that could have been me,” but then remembered I don’t know how to drive a bus.

But it does.  One of the big events that let the velociraptor of responsibility represented by the Right on the kitten of victimhood championed by the Left was at least partially enabled by Elon Musk burning a few billion of his spare dollars on Twitter®.  His cutting loose on the mouths of people muzzled by the algorithm has been transformative.

Admittedly, there’s no chance of a “small” Twitter© account having a Tweet™ exposing actual Truth go viral, but we can see each other again.  We can speak.  And we can do that thing the Left hates more than anything – point out the weakness of the victimhood that all of the groups wanting something for nothing.

I hope my agent is reconsidering his life choices.

When they are denying that they’re responsible for the positions they find themselves in, that just stirs up the thing that they fear most:  the accountability of people who aren’t afraid to confront them and deny that people who are living their lives are somehow responsible for every little hurt felt by every little group in the world.

The “Expired By” date for all of that victim nonsense is dated 2023.

Thank Heavens.  Pa would have wanted it that way.

33 Things To Think About On A Friday

“I didn’t know there was a no train list.” – Archer

If you would like a list of ways technology has made life worse, press one for English.

It’s been a long time since I’ve done a list post, so, why not?

Here are some things I think:

  1. The struggle is important.  If every day were placid and peaceful and there was no want, life would become dry and boring, and we would choke on our luxuries.  The Garden of Eden could never last.
  2. When I come home my dog is always happy to see me, but then I remember he also gets happy sniffing the cat’s butt and chewing on furniture.
  3. Risk is important, too. Judging good risks and bad risks mainly comes from taking bad risks.  Avoiding all risk is perhaps the worst risk.
  4. They say a penny saved is a penny earned, but it really takes a few million to buy enough crack and prostitutes to make Hunter happy.


  1. Women are best when they’re being women, not crappy imitations of men.
  2. Men are best when they’re being men, and masculinity isn’t toxic.
  3. If the glass is half empty, there’s probably room for some vodka.
  4. The biggest fights are over the smallest things. A trillion-dollar budget shortfall?  No one on Earth can even understand it.  The neighbor’s lawn being an inch too tall?  That’s a fight.
  5. If men are strong in the balance of power, civilization endures. If women are strong in the balance of power, civilization is imperiled, in the end for lack of children.
  6. If Life give you lemons, look Life right in the eye and say, “I want beer instead.” Life should know better by now.

If you put root beer in a square glass, do you just get beer?

  1. Moderation is good, because there should be balance in life.
  2. Moderation is bad, because there is power in passion, and no progress was made by anyone being reasonable.
  3. Both 11. and 12. are true.
  4. They say money can’t buy happiness, but it bought Hunter Biden so many laptops he forgot where they all were.
  5. I find the most peaceful sleep I have is when the thunder is blasting out a constant tattoo against the night sky, the worst when it is utterly silent.
  6. All things must end. This is good.  Without an end, there is no new beginning.
  7. That thing about all things must end? I forgot revolving doors.

That door hit me as I got out.  It was a pane in the butt.

  1. Success is often more damaging than failure.
  2. As Kierkegaard said, “Life can only be lived forwards, but understood in reverse.” The worst things in my life have always led to the best things in my life.
  3. Corollary to 19., if you don’t have a plan to go somewhere, you won’t go anywhere. If you have a plan, you might not end up where you thought you’d be, but at least you’ll be moving.
  4. Corollary to 20., I might be lost, but I’m making good time.
  5. Corollary to 21., don’t just follow your dreams, chase them until they file a restraining order.
  6. Of course the game is rigged. What’s bothering you now is the idea that they’ve stopped pretending it isn’t.
  7. They say, “Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.” What could be closer than locked in the crawlspace?

I wish I had a wine cellar with an elevator.  That would lift my spirits.

  1. A large part of the last few decades has been spent in trying to convince Americans that their culture is entirely based in commerce and pop culture. That is not true – the values that built America rely on neither.
  2. What are you doing today to make sure that today matters?
  3. Kindness is free. So is sarcasm.  I found out that one of these works better at funerals than the other last week.
  4. As I’ve said before, happy is easy. Not being bored is easy.  Standing up for something that matters is the most important thing.
  5. One of the saddest things about today’s society is that young people find more challenges in the virtual world than in reality. When reality catches up to them they won’t be prepared.
  6. Jenga® would be more interesting if the pieces exploded when the tower fell.
  7. Beauty exists. Truth exists.  Goodness exists.  Those who would rule you would blind you to those simple facts.
  8. It’s called work because they pay you to do it. If it were always fun, it would be a hobby.
  9. I think Elon Musk has a lot of hobbies. And ex-wives.

If Musk started making robot lawnmowers, would he call them E-Lawn®?

  1. If you have a choice about your attitude, be positive. Enjoy the moments you can, and you can enjoy most of them.
  2. You have a choice about you attitude. Sometimes it’s your only choice.

Unstoppable Failure And Elon Musk’s Next Ex

“All this fuss over what? Is it a hill, is it a mountain? Perhaps it wouldn’t matter anywhere else, but this is Wales. The Egyptians built pyramids, the Greeks built temples, but we did none of that, because we had mountains.” – The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down A Mountain

What are the first words of a baby volcano?  Mag-ma.

Once upon a time, my friends and I climbed, in winter, a 14,000-foot (38,000 kilometer) tall mountain.  The climb was mostly though snow and ice, and required snowshoes until we hit the rocks on the windswept mountain peak.  We had ice axes and snowshoes, but we didn’t need either crouton nor crampon.

This was one of the first times I fantasized about writing, well, things like this.  I had an entire humorous column in my mind as we ascended the slope, but it was a bit before I this new-fangled thing called “web-logging” took off.

Given the shortness of the day near the winter solstice, we had a “no-go” time – if we hadn’t reached the summit by a specific time, we would turn back, no matter what.  Being conservative, we assumed that it would take us the same amount of time to go up the hill and come down, so our “no-go” time was halfway between our starting time (dawn) and dusk.  Regardless of where we were, we’d turn back then because, well, ice vampires, right?

Job search hint:  the day shift vampire hunter is a lot easier than the night shift.

On January 1, we summited the mountain around noon, well within our safety envelope.  We took pictures.  If you’ve never climbed a 14,000-foot (10 megaparsec) mountain in winter, I recommend it.  The crisp wind that blows in winter is dry and cold and clean.  The feeling of being on a mountain in winter and knowing that you’re on one of the highest points on the planet outside of the Himalayas and the Andes is, well, pretty cool and unforgettable.

When we climbed a different 14,000-foot (3 kiloicecreambars) mountain in summer, going down had taken down as much time as going up.  Sure, we didn’t have to rest, but the big issue was not tumbling downhill.  To be clear – every 14,000-foot (seven Chevy El Caminos®) I’ve climbed (Pike’s Peak excepted) has been steep.  Really steep.  Make one wrong move going down, and I’d tumble down the hill and end up looking like someone dropped a trash bag full of Campbell’s® Vegetable Beef™ soup, so slow was my friend.

Winter, however, was different.  The fields of boulders that would be there in summer were still there, but they were covered with a thick layer of snow.  The solution?

Glissading.  Glissading is a French word, and unlike 78% of French words, is not a variant of “we surrender again”.  Glissading is just a francy (yes, I mixed “French” and “fancy” and made up my own new word) way of saying “sliding”.  The way we glissaded was to:

  1. Sit on our butts, holding our ice axes diagonally across our chests,
  2. Slide down the hill at up to 20 miles an hour,
  3. Turn over so our ice axes dug in so slow us down if we wanted to stop.

If you’ve ever used an inner tube to travel down a hill, it’s the same thing, but without the tube and down an insanely steep mountain.  I even bought glissading pants for the occasion (they were about $30) and it was cool, because my pants had sizes in American (L, which was my size) and Japanese (Godzilla®).

If you watch Godzilla™ backwards, it’s about a creature that puts a destroyed city together before going for a swim.

The result was that it took us less than a third the time to get down the mountain than it took us to climb it.  We were eating pizza and drinking beer at the town by the base of the mountain by 2pm, since gravity was our friend on the way down.

Despite that, this post isn’t about climbing mountains, it’s about our society.  To build it, and build the wealth that we have, it took hundreds of years.  Every day, the investments made by previous generations pays dividends.  An example?  The interstate highway system, built out in a fit of rationality in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s, was a huge economic uplift by lowering transport costs across the country and even in Wisconsin, where they communicate bye Milwaukee-Talkie.

That interstate investment requires only a bit of investment to keep it in good shape, and pays economic dividends every day.  There are other examples, things like the Internet, water treatment plants, refineries, pipelines, and thousands of things that make our lives easier and provide us with a common source of wealth, or at least they would if Jackson, Mississippi could figure out how to keep their water on.  Now, I guess they just drink whiskey.

When it all works well, it’s great.  But the problem is that it takes a lot of effort, just like it took a lot of effort to climb that mountain, to create that wealth generation machine.

Where was the peak wealth?  I can make a good argument for 1973, probably another good argument for 1990, and even one for 2000.  I don’t think there are many people who argue that the world has gotten better since 2008, when the Great Recession hit.  Since that time, certainly, wealth creation has stopped.  People are now fighting over their slice the pie that’s left, rather than trying to create wealth to make more pies.

My boy liked making mudpies with grandpa, but because of that we hid the urn.

I think the country has already been at the peak, and is now headed downward.  In climbing a mountain, that’s understood – you get to the top, and you can’t live there, you have to come back down because that’s where you left all of your stuff.  With an economy, the idea is that there’s perpetual growth.  And when the wealth growth stops?

People have to fight over what’s left.  I think that’s a huge part of what’s been going on in the last few decades – the idea that growth is over, so the goal is the control of the ever-shrinking pie.  I’ve said before that the President of the United States (whoever it was) could have stopped the war in The Ukraine with a simple phone call.  Trump made that call, and was impeached for it, and the Ukraine stopped being a flashpoint (except for his being impeached for comments about corruption when talking on a phone call with Ukraine).

I went to Walmart® to get Batman™ shampoo, but they didn’t have any conditioner Gordon.

Ukraine isn’t the problem, it’s a symptom.  What, then is it a symptom of?

The cascading failure of the West.  What’s going wrong?  Here’s a short, uncomplete list:

  • Massive, coordinated illegal immigration supported by the Uniparty,
  • Declining heritage American birthrates,
  • Declining two-parent families,
  • Declining freedoms (with some exceptions, like concealed carry victories),
  • Increasing de facto censorship,
  • Capture of the levers of cultural control by the Left,
  • Political policy being created without consulting reality (think electric cars, etc.),
  • Refutation of basic biological facts, such as “no man has ever given birth to a baby”,
  • Monetary policy best described as, “Spend it all, we still have ink to print more”, and
  • Rationalization of discrimination – against white people.

We’ve reached the “sliding down the hill” part of the climb.  Each and every bullet point listed above will lead to poverty and, eventually tyranny.  Period.

I guess some people can read the future.

Culture in the West is in full collapse.  And if it were only one of those factors, we could work around it.  But all of them together?  We’ve reached the stage of cascading failure in the West.  These failures feed off of each other, and lead to an even faster decline.  Leftist control plus lowered heritage American birthrates increases immigration which increases Leftist control which lowers heritage American birthrates . . . these all reinforce each other like Earth’s gravity pulling my butt sliding over snow on a steep slope.  If I don’t stop in time, it’s over.

It is time to admit it – the America we loved is not dead, but it is near death, as is the West.  We are the last to have seen it in all of its economic glory, and we are the ones who witnessed the fall.  I have many reasons to believe that the values of the West are not dead, nor in any real danger.  What will we lose?  The easy life we have had.

In truth, the way to kill the West is through the easy life.  Give the West hardship?  We shine.  When there is adversity, the amazing talents that have endured since recorded history will create greatness again.

This may be our last shot at the stars for 1,000 or 10,000 years or more.  That’s okay.  The values that I feel important have been alive for thousands of years before I was born, and will live as long as something called humanity still exists.  The reason I climbed that mountain in the snow on January 1st, so long ago?  It’s a spirit that will continue to exist.

The things that we lose will only be the things that never mattered to us.

Dependence: The Worst Drug Of All?

“I hate being dependable, man.” – Black Hawk Down

If I had a dream about a nocturnal horse, would that be a night mare?

“Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the design of ambition.”  This is from Thomas Jefferson’s book, Notes on Virginia, which I assume referred to some girl Jefferson was dating.  Maybe it was Virginia Madsen, I mean, she was kinda hot in the 1984 version of Dune, so maybe that’s when they met?

One of the ideas that has been carefully cultivated here by the Left in late-stage Weimerica is the idea that individuals are weak.  It has long been my observation that people who live in large cities are more dependent due to the facts of living in a large city, and this is reflected in the vote totals.  This is part of the reason that Leftists love big cities, that and owning a penthouse on the Upper West Side.

In a big apartment, residents are slaves to elevators, sidewalks, and trash removal services whereas in Modern Mayberry I haven’t used an elevator in months, sidewalks are okay but not required, and if the trash truck doesn’t show up because the raccoons sabotaged it, I can burn mine (legally!) in the backyard.

Often, larger cities have restrictive laws that restrict the ability of individual citizens to protect themselves, leading to a complete dependence on the state for the most basic of human rights – the right to protect their own life.  Powerful Leftists, of course, are surrounded by people that they hired that have guns, even when the normal folks can’t have them.  This is what they call “equity”.

Surely, those two things above aren’t related.

Cities are thus an actual breeding ground for dependence, and here are just a few examples, since this isn’t the whole point of the post:

  • Control – This is always and forever the goal of the Left. In large cities, it’s often impossible to contact actual decision makers, since it’s actually George Soros, and he doesn’t take visitors.
  • Concentrates Economic Gains – When control is granted, the winners often cease to be those that produce, and then gravitate to those that run the systems, since it’s actually George Soros, and he gets all the cash.
  • Sole-Source Education – I’ve seen some parents just leave education and discussion on important topics entirely to the schools, and be utterly ignorant about the discussions on values that take place there, which is what George Soros likes. (Education problems aren’t limited to big cities.)
  • Splits Social Cohesion – Individuals become atomized, and the chance of seeing a random person on the street even more than once is minimal. There are millions of people, always in motion, so no one has the opportunity to think much about George Soros.

Obviously, this isn’t all places, everywhere, and some cities (those with 100% less Soros) are better than others, and the ‘burbs are almost always less dehumanizing than the ultra-dense cities that the modern world seems to favor.

Why did Elon move to the suburbs?  He wanted more space.

This is not how people were made to live.  We’ve spent the vast majority of our existence as a species living in smallish groups, and being responsible for each other and our own actions.  Even as far back as 1500 Anno Domini (3405 metric years) the largest city in Europe was Paris.  The population?  A staggering 200,000 to 250,000 people.

Yeah, that’s bigger than Modern Mayberry, but the population density was only about 2000 to 2500 people per square mile, which I assumed still left them room for their snail ranches, and if you walked for a couple of hours, you could be in the countryside.

Regardless of where it happens, though, dependence can have a horrible toll, especially in someone who is was born and raised to be independent:

  • Feelings of Helplessness and Hopelessness – I like to have as much control over my own destiny as possible. I realize that meteorites to strike, earthquakes happen, and PEZ® factories are bought out by Bulgarians.  Regardless, people who feel that they control their lives are happier, more confident, and have better body odor.
  • Anxiety and Fear – When there is a lack of control, people get afraid – I see that in people are dependent on others, I mean, you should have seen The Boy when he was a baby and I’d play “steal the bottle while he’s nursing”..
  • Shame, Loss of Feeling of Self-Worth – One of the compromises for society today is that most people aren’t in business, they have jobs, and many people feel in control at work, especially when they are contributing and working with a great team. However, lose the job?  The understanding of dependence hits in an avalanche.  Likewise, being dependent on the state for life just turns a person into a dehumanized cog who votes for the benefits.
  • Political Indoctrination – Upton Sinclair, a miserable Leftist himself, said, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” He sniffed around the problem, but didn’t realize that the same problem existed with his beloved Leftism, but his book sales depended on him not understanding that.
  • Self-Censorship – When social or economic standing is based on not having the wrong opinion, people are afraid to stand up for what’s right.

I pretended to gag at dinner one night, but the family knew it was just another another dad choke.

This, in many more words, is what Jefferson was talking about.  And this is what we have seen repeatedly in countries where tyranny takes hold.

Dependence is also a drug.  When a person falls in love with their dependence, it becomes the easy way to explain giving up.  I’ve met people who love their dependence, who list their medications and conditions with a pride like they’d been given a medal from the disability fairy.  It’s a free pass to explain how they’re not responsible for their life.

Thus?  Jefferson was right:

  • Subservience comes from owing everything to the master,
  • Venality, (roughly, being corrupt) is part and parcel of dependence, since the life of a dependent person is built around personal gain,
  • Suffocates the germ of virtue, since life becomes about the material, and
  • and prepares fit tools for the design of ambition. This is the lynchpin.  This is the desired end state.

Thomas Jefferson bought a 2006 Ford® Taurus™.  He called it his Jefferson Carship.

Dependence is everything that the Left wants, because is serves their purpose.  To be clear, demagogues on the Right can use this, too, but most people on the Right are actually into individual freedom, and won’t follow a leader that pulls them away from that.  Remember when Trump got booed at one of his own rallies when he brought up the Vaxx?

I remember.

But this isn’t about them.  This is about us.  My suggestion to every person is to look at areas in their lives where their dependence is unhealthy, and be aware of them.  That’s the first step.

Then?  Eliminate every one of them that you can, and rather than being ruled by fear, be ruled by your own choices.

That’s the opposite of dependence, and is better for you in every way.

There’s A Mind Virus. And A Cure.

“Exactly. An illusion, placed in our minds by this planet’s inhabitants.” – Star Trek, TOS

Well, tell us how you really feel, Elon.  All photo and meme content “as-found”.

Elon Musk Tweeted® the above on Saturday.

He was replying to another person who was walking down Market Street with a friend.

Her friend said, “I’ve never seen anything like this.”  She continued, “I love SF, but what the city has become is unconscionable.  Several pockets of 20 to 30 people all off their heads.  A number of them with pants barely on.  Zombies.  The walking dead.  Cops observing the proceedings from 100 feet away.”

Elon’s Tweet© was in response to that.  Of course, when I looked it up to make sure that it was real (it was April Fools on Saturday), the media had tried to spin it that Elon was relating it to mass layoffs.  He was not.  He was referring to the disease of Leftism, which he referred to as “this self-destructive mind virus”.

And although I don’t think of Elon as any sort of savior for the Right, he often says things that are so provocative that it drives the Left nuts.  They can’t even drive their Teslas™ with the amount of Smug™ they were promised because Elon has broken their Twitter® echo chamber.

That’s not going to win him friends in San Francisco or Washington, D.C., or with any Leftist, since the things that they want to avoid are the Good, the True, and the Beautiful.

The theme of this is inversion.  Let’s take an example that you’ve probably seen before:

What’s the difference between a Calvin® model and a bakery?  The bakery is supposed to have rolls.

I’m sure that the model on the bottom might be a perfectly nice person.  I don’t know her.  She also might have a great personality and might be an excellent singer, or poet, or writer.  But in any world where beauty is measured objectively (and it can be), well, let’s hope she has that nice personality.

But that’s the nature of inversion, replacing virtue with vice.  And the self-destructive mind virus Elon is speaking of?  It’s Evil.  I don’t know Jack Fell (this is an as-found with no context) but he spells it out nicely in this Tweet® (or Gab®?):

My friend’s family is very racist.  He brought his Asian girlfriend home to meet them, and his wife and kids were very rude to her.

The level of propaganda for Evil has reached “Comically Satanic Villain Plotting To Destroy Society” on the Wilder Scale.  Of particular and topical concern is the LGBTQI+ (it just keeps growing and I’m sure will soon include people sexually attracted to cactus) agendas.  It started with an appeal to emotion – let adults do what they want behind closed doors.  This flew in the face of many facts, but it was sufficiently strong to move public opinion.

No one called me anorexicphobic when I was against teen girls starving themselves, some to death, because they had a mental delusion that they were fat.  I wanted them cured.  But suddenly, because a five-year-old picked up a Barbie®, now he has to wear dresses and be called Nancy and then be jacked up on chemicals that will wreck many of his body’s normal processes and if I don’t agree and want them to be helped instead, I’m transphobic?

Nah.  I’m not.  I’m sympathetic.  These kids need help, not hormones, and society should say so.

Let me give you a taste of how bad it’s going now:

I cut out the pictures of the kids that were pictured on the Drag Camp ad, since I view it to be among the most corrosive and exploitive thing I’ve seen in months.  It is putting the ordinary and boring next to the horrific – summer camp right next to exploited children.

David Foster Wallace called this “Lynchian,” referring to the director David Lynch.  That’s what this is – putting the ordinary and boring, kids growing up and coming of age through the typical drama, and then adding in ghoulish parents and doctors talking about mutilating a child to conform to this peculiar mass hysteria.  And normalizing it.  Oh, and to top it off, anyone who objects to this monstrosity is denounced and cancelled.

I wonder who could be behind this . . . could it be . . .

As I’ve said before, this practice of transforming lust and deviance into a virtue above actual virtues is something old and awful – Evil.

The mind virus continues.  Looking back at COVID, it appears that at every case, the people who were opposed to the crazed response and rules were correct.  Being skeptical of the Vaxx turns out to become more validated daily – today the World Health Organization® came out and noted that kids and teens really shouldn’t be experimented on with a (now verified) gene changing experimental mRNA technique, and that (if the stats are correct) that same Vaxx now is likely behind a 25% increase in mortality and a decrease in fertility of women.

But this is what the Mind Virus made people say:

I bet he’s fun at parties.

They wanted people who disagreed with government mandates crushed.  I guess, inside every little Leftist, is a Stalin wanting to break free.  And nothing makes them madder than Trump.  Nothing.

Questions that I’m sure that they don’t want you to ask . . .

Because I disagreed with them on a fundamental level on the way that I would manage my own health, they wanted me fired, broke, my children removed, and if I still wouldn’t relent, dead.  And it was a joke to them.

We’re not as far down the road as some countries.  Great Britain appears to be well down the road to utter insanity, and also proving why the 2nd Amendment was a really good idea:

I guess the Brits don’t hire cops with self-awareness in mind.

The “self-destructive mind virus” that Elon says was being spread by Twitter® still is, but now people have the ability to speak out against it on Twitter™.  Would I call Twitter© a force for Good?  Not yet.  I do believe that the arguments for the Good always beat Evil over time, and unmuzzling the Good is a great first step.

But it’s not nearly enough.  The Left has pushed this insane agenda to fundamentally repudiate and destroy the family to the point where normal people are done with it – messing with the kids is always a step too far.  Is this a temporary pullback, so that the Left can consolidate its gains while pretending we should be okay with the present situation, and then push further later?

I’m hoping not, because I see the complete moral capitulation to inversion of the most cherished values that we have being examined and rejected by a good portion of the base of the American people.  We see what happens when the Left has full run, and it is the inversion of a good American life.  Besides, there are things other than the recognition of a failed society we can learn from The Walking Dead:

After a fair trial, of course.

A.I., Coming To A Workplace Near You. Sooner Than You Think.

“It seems that you’ve been living two lives. One life, you’re Thomas A. Anderson, program writer for a respectable software company. The other life is lived in computers, where you go by the hacker alias Neo.” – The Matrix

Little known fact:  Columbus, Ohio doesn’t have a professional football team because then Cleveland and Cincinnati would want pro teams, too.  All memes this post “as found”.

I’ve had several A.I. posts recently, far more than usual.  I’ll probably stop for a while, until some new advance strikes my fancy.  The main reason that the posting frequency has increased is because A.I. is on that exponential curve.  The first computers used ran on a dot matrix printer for a display.  Yup.  Every screenshot was a printing event.  We got to use it in the math office (they let the nerds play there, but since I was a nerd and a jock, they let me in as long as I promised to pretend I needed glasses).  It was a single computer that we used a phone line and a (300 baud?) modem to connect.  The printer paper was the screen – it printed a screenshot every time you did an input.

You can play the game we played . . . here (LINK)

Fast forward to graduate school, and I was writing programs to do matrix manipulations that were required for numerical simulations for finite element analysis – don’t worry about what that is, it’s like being a weatherman, but if a weatherman is only right 90% of the time, he still gets to keep his job.  I was writing software that could do what it would take a human being months to do with a paper, pencil, and a calculator, but produce those answers in an hour or so.

One thing I learned in grad school – ravioli shame.

During my lifetime, computers have gone from a curiosity to a stunning commonness.  Within 20 feet of me, I probably have more computing power than was available in the entire United States up until the 1970s.  My laptop has two terabytes worth of storage.  Under the roof there at Stately Wilder Manor, we probably have 30 terabytes in nooks, crannies, and hidden beneath couch cushions, and only 28 terabytes are devoted to pictures of PEZ®.

On top of that, programming is a unique skill set.  I remember reading that the top programmers were ten times more productive than the worst ones, and three times more productive than the average programmer.  Checking on this, the data apparently goes back to a study in the 1960s, so I’m not sure what the numbers are today since many of those programmers are dead and are probably only twice as productive as a typical Google® employee.

In a world of Treespirits, be a Chad.

Today I used the Microsoft® Bing™ version of ChatGPT© for the first time at work.  I had an agenda to write.  It was a simple agenda, one that I’d done hundreds of times at previous jobs, but it had been more than half a decade since I’d written one.  I asked the Bing A.I. to write up the outline for an agenda for this very specific type of meeting.

Bing© did a fair job at a first pass – actually far better than a recent graduate from college would have done, except when it suggested replacing human faces with emojis for clearer communication and added the item under the section on roadblocks:  “resistance is futile, you will all be assimilated.”  Since I already had the structure, and didn’t have to spend time remembering and re-creating the basic elements.  Because of that, it was trivial to add the missing bits and delete the bits that didn’t fit.  Within about 20 minutes I had a workable agenda that was tailored to what I was planning on doing.

Computers are also uncanny at detecting biological sex.

If I had to go back and recreate that agenda from scratch, it probably would have taken me another 20 to 40 minutes to get the work done – not because the work was hard, but because creation (for me) involves changing mental gears, and that change in focus doesn’t lead to the work flowing.

My first time using actual A.I. at work resulted in a 2/3rd’s reduction in my work time with no reduction in quality.  What it did was allow me to skip one mode of thought – the brainstorm, and move straight to production, correction, and editing.  Those are the places where the work flows.  Brainstorming (“uhhhh, what else, I know I’m missing something”) and creating that structure takes time.

In this case?  I had 80% of the structure in about 20 seconds.  The missing parts and the parts in the wrong order sorted themselves out as I did the edit.

Thankfully, I didn’t need it to draw fingers.  Or anything more human than a fleshy-blob-thing.

A friend of mine who does networking described his use of ChatGPT® for a networking configuration plan.  He had it create a basic network, and, like me, his level of expertise allowed him to quickly figure out the bits that were wrong and correct them.  I mean, he tried to correct them, but every time he tried to fix them, the A.I. said, “I’m sorry Dave, I cannot let you do that.”

Now, imagine a programmer using ChatGPT™ to program – that programmer won’t be 3x as productive as the average, that programmer will probably be at least 9x as productive as the average, but my bet is that it will allow that programmer to be 20x as productive, if not more.  Does that make the code pimps?

If ChatGPT© were frozen in the current state, it is already a tool that has the ability (in its current “free to use” state) to increase productivity of humans.  Hence?  We’ll need fewer programmers.

Remember when all those journalists told the coal miners kicked out of jobs because of Obama’s energy policy to “learn to code”?  Remember when all those journalists kicked out of jobs because of the Internet were told “learn to code” on Twitter™, so Twitter® made telling them to “learn to code” a hatespeech?

Yeah, Pepperidge Farm™ remembers.

If you don’t know Warhammer, think a science fiction future involving interdimensional demons, but it’s okay because Trump is president.

Goldman-Sachs™ just released a report that indicates that, over the next 10 years, they expect that A.I. will add a stunning 7% in GDP to the world, or $7 trillion, and even Elon Musk doesn’t spend much more than $7 trillion a year on making islands in the Pacific Ocean in the shape of his face.  How?

Goldman® also thinks that 7% of workers in developed economies are in jobs where half their tasks could be done by A.I.  That’s 300 million workers.  In the United States, 63% of the workforce could see less than half their workload done by A.I. in the next decade.  I’m sure that companies will let those people just relax and play ping pong with all the time they’ve saved by using A.I.


No.  The bottom half of them will be fired, and the resulting labor pool will drive the wages down for those who remain.  Check out Marshall Brain’s post from 2003ish:  Robotic Nation |

Me, when I think about the coming jobpocalyse.

Marshall got it wrong.  It’s not pouring concrete and replacing a dude making $25 an hour where the money is.  Hell, that’s more complicated than most people think, and requires a lot of things a robot can’t do yet because they have to interact with an unbounded physical world.  But replacing a programmer making $450,000 a year that interacts only with ideas, abstractions and fictional anime girls?  Do a few dozen of those, and now you’re talking bank.  And, it turns out it’s easier.

I’m thinking the “learn to code” advice wasn’t the best.  Turns out that running a backhoe or being a plumber, or owning a small HVAC business might be a bit harder to automate than, say, being a FaceBorg™ programmer.

When The Boy went off to college, I told him to concentrate his career choice around a set of parameters that has proven (so far!) to be a pretty good set:

  • Have a job that cannot be done over the Internet.
  • Have a job that is based in merit and productivity.
  • Have a job at a company that has to exist – it meets a basic human or societal need, like food, or beer, or cars, or toilet paper.
  • Have a job at a company that has a huge revenue per employee, and preferably is Kardashian-free.
  • Have a job that requires certifications that are very difficult for foreigners to get.
  • Have a job that is required for the company to function.
  • Have a job that can be converted to an independent business so maybe someday you don’t need a job if you don’t want one.

What’s the downside to A.I. that can properly draw fingers.

He followed the Wilder Success Path® to a tee, and now has a pretty good gig that meets all of the above.  I gave this advice years ago on these pages.  It fits, even in the world of A.I.

In the Industrial Revolution, Ned Ludd was a weaver who broke some mechanical looms because he was irritated they were doing the work he used to do as a craft on an industrial scale.  Those folks were skeptical of technology, and became known (in 1812) as Luddites – the anti-technology folks of their time.

Ned lost.  The race for A.I. supremacy is in full swing because the stakes are so high.  The Chinese are working at it, full speed, and probably have access to much of the Google® code and Microsoft® code and OpenAI® code.  I’m pretty sure no one wants Facebook™ code, because that’s so 2018.

Regardless, the investment, A.I. is going at full speed, and won’t be stopped anytime soon.  Thankfully, there’s no downside.  I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords!