“Yes, I shall certainly choose revolutionary France for my holiday again next year.” – Blackadder the Third
Why does France have so many rivers? Water follows the path of least resistance.
- Those who have an opposing ideology are considered evil.
- People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology. Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
- Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
- Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
- Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
- Open War.
Volume V, Issue 2
All memes except for the clock and graphs are “as found”.
This is a moving situation, and things are changing quickly. The advice remains. Avoid crowds. Get out of cities. Now. A year too soon is better than one day too late.
In this issue: Front Matter – Lessons From France – Violence and Censorship Update – Biden’s Misery Index – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – Falling Apart – Links
Front Matter
Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report. These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month. I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues. Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 800 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.
Lessons From France
France is always at the front of things, like fashion trends, like making great wine, like losing wars against countries that aren’t France. Recently, after a foreign “youth” was killed after a police chase, the massive foreign population of France rebelled. Riots, which are generally scheduled for every Wednesday in France, were extended to the weekends.
The people initially rioting were the Leftists and the foreign population of France. Thankfully, they provided several lessons that may apply to the future Civil War in the United States.
First, violence can start and spread rapidly. The violence is, generally, confined to the cities.
Second, the police won’t do much against people who are Leftist or associated with Leftist causes, like unrestrained immigration.
Third, the police will rapidly, and with great force jump down the throats of native peoples defending themselves.
Fourth, the native people can and will rapidly organize. The time for organization in the face of a significant threat is measured in days, not weeks. This organization scares the Powers That Be and they’ll rapidly do everything they can to stop it. Everything.
Fifth, diversity isn’t a strength, it’s a weakness. Society is tough to maintain and requires effort at every point in history. Adding in a foreign element that has no commonality with the host country other than that they eat and use oxygen doesn’t make a country stronger, it weakens it.
Ask the French.
There are probably some other lessons (feel free to share more below) but these are the big ones I found.
Violence and Censorship Update
The censorship this month again is bigger than the violence. Here are a few moments in a very, very busy month. The theme of this month is about censorship unravelling as even the press begins to turn against Biden in preparation for his successor for the 2024 election. Gavin Newsom? Likely.
The biggest stories are about suppression of information about alleged corruption of the Biden Crime Family®. Here are a few snippets of how the .gov folks are attempting to suppress
It’s almost like there was some sort of collusion between the Left and the various parts of the government, like the Biden Administration blocking disclosure of the Deep State’s® manipulation of the 2020 election. Wonder why?
But if that’s not creepy enough, the .mil folks were looking for mean Tweets®:
And the CIA wanted the Leftists to win in Brazil. Again, shocking.
Biden’s Misery Index
Let’s take a look to see how we’ve done this month . . . .
Yup, up again, but not as steep.
Updated Civil War II Index
The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time. They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings. As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index. On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.
Violence is down – I was expecting more during a long, hot summer. Perhaps August?
Political Instability:
Up is more unstable, and it was down a bit, though people are thinking a lot more about Civil War.
Economic numbers are swinging back up. The numbers look fairly unstable from month to month, which isn’t good, but June was a calm month.
Illegal Aliens:
The border numbers are down, and I’m a bit surprised, since the infiltration continues. Suppressed numbers?
Falling Apart
During the month I save memes and snippets to use in the Civil War 2.0 Weather Report, often, they for a theme for the month. This month, I had a few where the only thing I could think of was the theme that everything is falling apart – the values that we once held dear are now inverted, and we cease to be recognizable as a country.
The first is inversion, and Krassenstein, thankfully, took a lot of heat for this really, really bad Tweet®.
In California, the criminals have more rights than property owners.
And let’s look at the impact of diversity:
And just like Jason from Friday the 13th, you can tell that Evil never dies:
And things that are good are described as Evil. Funny.
But the tide is turning . . . .
As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky. Thanks so much, Ricky!!
Bad Guys
Good Guys
One Guy
Body Count
Vote Count
Civil War
Through A Glass Darkly