Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: At The Bank Of The Rubicon

“Who the hell is Julius Caesar? You know I don’t follow the NBA.” – Anchorman 2

Good thing it’s not already at 5:56 . . .

  1. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  2. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  3. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  4. Open War.

We remain in the gray zone between step 9. and step 10.  I will maintain the clock at 2 minutes to midnight.  There is the possibility of a reduction back to step 8. in the future.  Post-election, authorities have begun to crack down on Leftist violence, plus the cold weather makes riots less fun, especially since the stores the fuel has all been burned.

Previously, I stated that the only thing keeping the clock from ticking to full midnight is the number of deaths.  I put the total at (this is my best approximation, since no one tracks the death toll from rebellion-related violence) 500 out of the 1,000 required for the international civil war definition.

But as close as we are to the precipice of war, be careful.  Things could change at any minute.

In this issue:  Front Matter – Banks of the Rubicon – Violence And Censorship Update – Maps –  Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – Intolerable Acts and the End of the Republic – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, feel free to subscribe and you’ll get every post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30 Eastern, free of charge.

Banks of the Rubicon

They were going to come after him, he knew, with the full legal apparatus of the state should he give up power.  He knew this.  They had told him as much.  They hated his fame and popularity; they hated his bestselling books where he boasted of his accomplishments.

But it wasn’t just him, it was his family.  He knew that they would take legal action against his family, try to take every bit of his money.  They meant to ruin him.

He didn’t want to do it, but they had forced his hand.  He would call for an insurrection to take power so that his enemies couldn’t pervert the law to use against him, to use against his family.  In the end, was there really a choice?  He would take unprecedented action, because the politics in his country were ruined as it was.

Gaius Julius Caesar stood at the banks of the Rubicon, and hesitated.  To take a Legion across the river under his command would mean civil war.  It would break long-standing tradition.

He ordered the troops forward.  On to Rome.  Caesar reportedly said, “The die is cast.”

“What does the weather look like, Brutus?”  “Hail, Caesar.”

History doesn’t exactly repeat, but it sometimes rhymes.  I’ve been writing about an American Caesar for years.  The parallels between the United States in December, 2020 and the Roman Republic on January 10, 49 B.C. are large.

Could Donald Trump seize power and become something different than a President?

Yes, he clearly could.

But that might mean the end of the Republic – which has seen a string of peaceful transfers of power that has gone back through time to George Washington.

Wouldn’t it?

Probably.  But one could argue that installing a president in an election where there is overwhelming evidence that fraudulent activities took place similarly would destroy the Republic, but just over time.

Will Don cross the Rubicon?  If so, expect it on or before the next Weather Report.

Violence And Censorship Update

As I write this, violence appears to be down.  Winter, plus it appears that some of the Leftist leaders have gotten the order to keep the rabble in check now that they are “in control.”

As part of the “shut it down” theme from the Left continues, I’m getting reports that large numbers of Leftist accounts are now being shut down by Twitter®.  Is this the Leftist’s usual playbook that, once they feel they have power, to get rid of the useful idiots?


How do communists spread their propaganda?  Using commercials.  Meme is as-found on the ‘net.

Of course, this censorship doesn’t come from government – nope.  This censorship now comes from private companies.  I’ve been meaning to write a post about how evil that is, but hadn’t gotten around to it.  Thankfully, Alexander Macris wrote it well (LINK) so I didn’t have to.

From the article (but RTWT):

This essay has only scratched the surface of a very deep topic. The mechanisms by which tyranny is outsourced are ubiquitous. And it’s not just bypassing the Bill of Rights. Outsourcing of tyranny is used everywhere to bypass the checks and balances placed on our government. Whether it’s accepting control over our currency from the Treasury, offering private mercenaries unconcerned about the laws of war, or monitoring and recording all of your private data, Tyranny Inc. is ready to do the dirty job that government isn’t supposed . . . but really wants . . . to do.


I’ve seen dozens of maps that describe a hypothetical Civil War 2.0.  This one I found interesting for several reasons – it shows the approximate physical extent of Leftist demographics in the country, but also encapsulates a factor that most people don’t consider when dealing with Civil War 2.0 – outside forces.

Found this map on the web – don’t have a person to give credit to.  We’ll just call them Anon.

Yes, we know that while Civil War (Beta Version) was fought with Great Britain across an ocean, Civil War 1.0 was fought between states, Civil War 2.0 will be street to street – perhaps with dozens of Stalingrad-type conflicts across the nation.

But while I was watching some movie that involved narco-gangs, I ended up doing research.  The fourth-largest (behind 1. American Citizens, 2. American Armed Forces, and 3. American Police Forces) armed group in America are likely the drug cartels.

Civil War 2.0 would be an opportunity for them.  But it would also be an opportunity for China.  I didn’t put the map together, but you can certainly see that Anon put time into thinking which nations might help which side in the event of a Civil War in the near term.  I had several that I could argue with, but I thought I’d present it for what it was – another take on the way an uncertain world might shake out.

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real-time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that lead to the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Up is more violent.  The public “perception” of violence dropped drastically during November.  I expect that this number will drop once again.

Political Instability:

Up is more unstable.  Instability dropped slightly.  December – will it bring a conclusion or more tension?


The economic measures are strongly up this month, even as lockdowns continue.  Is the vaccine a real cure, or is it a false hope?

Illegal Aliens:

Down is good, in theory.  This is a statistic showing border apprehensions by the Border Patrol.  Numbers of illegals being caught is rising again to a record November.

The Intolerable Acts and the End of the Republic

At last count, over 50% of voters thought the election was rigged, which includes Leftists.  Since they felt that Orange Man was literally the most evil and fascist person ever (rather than the mid-1990s moderate his policies showed him to be) cheating to Leftists is justified.  The ends always justify the means to the Left.  They’re happy the election was rigged.

Then, there’s the middle.  They mostly don’t think about it.  Whatever news readers on television say, well, that probably works for them.

I hope you’re not reading this in 2021, since all these memes will be outdated Biden.

There are some people who are stunned at the idea that we might have a fraudulently elected president.  I am in that category.  Why?  The idea that one of the last bastions against tyranny, the ballot box, is gone leaves Americans with few methods to redress their grievances.  What are we supposed to do next time, vote harder?

But the idea that the presidency, the crown jewel of political power in the world can be sold is intolerable to many.  Intolerable means simply that – cannot be tolerated.  If the office can be openly stolen once, it can be openly stolen in the future.

This is inherently destabilizing – and if not corrected, will certainly be more destabilizing than Trump’s term in office.  Does it end the Republic?  Just like Trump’s crossing the Rubicon, it likely does – though the big question is “when?”


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much!!




In a hurry?  Go to 9:00…


Or Not?




Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

37 thoughts on “Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: At The Bank Of The Rubicon”

  1. I am not sure Trump could seize power by force. While the lower ranks and perhaps junior officers might be pro-Trump, from my understanding the upper ranks are as woke as the average corporate board of directors. Most people on the mild Right seem to be mad but resigned to Biden. At this point are people with jobs and families going to start shooting to keep Trump in office? I doubt it. It seems more likely that we just slowly devolve into general lawlessness with people ignoring the Feds. As an aside, I think anywhere near the border with Mexico is about to become a very dangerous place to live as enforcement efforts under a Harris-Biden administration are going to be gutted.

    1. I just cannot get over the Georgia video.

      MSM and Georgia SOS both say everything is just fine in their own WSB Channel 2 Eyewitness Report Live At 6 O Clock…

      But to me the ballots from under the table is nowhere near the most suspicious thing I see in the Georgia video. What literally NOBODY is talking about is the backpack. Yeah, THE BACKPACK.

      How do you keep the physical inventory ballot count right if you sneak in new ones for Biden? You gotta take old ones for Trump out and away. When do you do this? Within 17 minutes after the observers leave, after the boss makes a phone call to check that the coast is clear and signals the courier to go ahead and get the backpack.

      I look at the Georgia video and my little PDF storyboard I have pasted up and I realize I have morphed into a total full blown total tinfoil hat conspiracy nut. But c’mon, what looks innocent in that video? Absolutely nothing. Am I supposed to believe Lead Election Inspector Francis Watson or my own eyes?


    2. It is possible that Los Colonias will self-enforce. Unlike their former co-nationals across the border, the Nuevo Mexicanos have not been disarmed.

      It will be interesting if the folks there can create a de-facto independent nation between the former USA and Mexico ala Texas.

      1. I can really see the various regions becoming semi-autonomous far more readily than I see Trump taking over. There are a lot of places that are essentially out of control already and with 73 million people rightly seeing Biden as illegitimate, you can see that happening. A couple of California sheriffs already told Comrade Gavin Newsom to get bent, they aren’t enforcing his ridiculous edicts. A lot of the country is run pretty independently of the Feds or even state government.

      2. There are currently tens of thousands of heavily armed white men in southern California, Arizona and Texas. The cartels would be foolish to invade. They are a business that wants to make money, an illegal business, yes but nothing more. They have no interest in running a country.

        1. You haven’t been paying attention to what’s going on in Mexico, have you? The cartels are the government in many places. They make even more money, and power is an intoxicant of its own.

  2. I just cannot get over the Georgia video.

    MSM and Georgia SOS both say everything is just fine in their own WSB Channel 2 Eyewitness Report Live At 6 O Clock…

    I sure do wish Lead Election Investigator Francis Watson would say she actually INTERVIEWED the people in the video instead of just WATCHING them…

    But to me the ballots from under the table is nowhere near the most suspicious thing I see in the Georgia video. What literally NOBODY is talking about is the backpack. Yeah, THE BACKPACK.

    How do you keep the physical inventory ballot count right if you sneak in new ones for Biden? You gotta take old ones for Trump out and away. When do you do this? Within 17 minutes after the observers leave, after the boss makes a phone call to check that the coast is clear and signals the courier to go ahead and get the backpack.

    I look at the Georgia video and my little PDF storyboard I have pasted up and I realize I have morphed into a total full blown total tinfoil hat conspiracy nut. But c’mon, what looks innocent in that video? Absolutely nothing. Am I supposed to believe Lead Election Investigator Francis Watson or my own eyes?


    1. There is no Pravda in Isvestia and no Isvestia in Pravda.

      Your moral and intellectual superiors have told you what you’ve seen, Comrade. After all, we see with our brains, not our eyes. Is your brain anti racist, or are you some kind of White Supremacist?

  3. As naive as I can be, I used to wonder not long ago why there is ANY crime at all being committed any longer, now that we have cameras literally everywhere. Commit any sort of crime and you WILL be caught, electronically at least, in the act.

    Older, wiser, considerably more cynical me now understands that committing a crime and being positively identified as the perpetrator is no guarantee at all that there will be consequences. A crime is no longer a crime if there are no consequences to its commission. And that is where we are now. The left has decriminalized crime, at least crime of a favored sort.

    I can be shot, but I cannot shoot back. Not even in self-defense. The gloves are now off and the Marquess of Queensberry is dead, along with his quaint rules. There is no way to win this match, so the object is merely to survive it and pray for an eventual return to civility. Heaven help the children.

    1. There is no law, only Zuul.
      Pass the word. Learn it. Live it. You don’t have to love it.

    2. When there is no way to win, the goal becomes taking a many as possible with you.

    3. Rules are now entirely one-sided, and looting became legal the moment they said that property crimes are no longer crimes. Burn a house down?

      Just a property crime, right?

  4. Oddly enough, the junior ranks (officer and enlisted) don’t really care all that much about what the perfumed princes at the Pentagon think or say. They’re seen enough rampant idiocy, not to mention blatant insanity, out of that place recently to jade them beyond belief. The troops will, in general, follow their company commanders. The company commanders will, in general, follow their battalion commanders. Beyond that, you enter the realm of politics. And for every Colonel and General, there is a CSM with a pistol.

    Oh, and don’t forget that Trump just cleaned house of the Army leadership. The Navy and Air Force don’t really matter that much in what is to come, other than to keep outside interference at bay.

  5. Is there a link to the Civil War map? Inquiring minds would like to know.

    Opie Odd

  6. In 1876, Sam Tilden was likely the legitimate winner of the Presidential election, but Rutherford B. Hayes became President through shenanigans on his behalf but not at his behest. After all, the Republicans could not allow the Presidency to be held by the Democrat party that just a few years earlier had dragged the country into a real civil war. The Dems hated this, and many chanted “Tilden or blood”. President Hayes would “win”, 185 to 184 electoral votes.

    Because of this dubious win, President Hayes was given clever titles such as His Fraudulency and Rutherfraud B. Hayes.

    And yet, our country survived that, and if you asked even well informed people 144 years later, they might say Tilden who? Rutherford who? And the events of 1876 are likely relegated to a question on an Advanced AP History test.

    So was President Trump cheated? Probably. Will this time be as insignificant as the events surrounding the 19th President’s contested election 144 years from now. Maybe?

    1. Hmmm. Interesting

      Outside of the court cases Mr. Trump being cheated is not important.

      The people who voted for him, were, by and large voting against the establishment, both Democrat and Republican. Was this true of Tilden’s supporters? To wit: “I wouldn’t let the man date my daughter, but those judicial appointments, swamp-draining, regulation-reducing, etc.”

      On the other hand, in support of your parallel, those same people who voted for Mr. Trump also had lost a Civil War, albeit a soft one. As Mrs. Hoyt likes to point out, were the U.S.A. conquered by the Chinese, or the Soviets or the E.U. and assorted Quislings and Imperial officers put in charge of our institutions and State bureaucracy; what would be different?

      2020 saw the March through Georgia for these peoples’ homes and neighborhoods and economic power… Yes? No?

      So having lost the war, and being despised, their choice of President had to be shenaniganed* out ala Tilden.

      Unlike the hot civil war, however, the current dirty stinking rebel secesh may not have been disarmed. Nor are they, in fact slavers and bigots so in theory they also could hold the moral high ground… But the propaganda campaign to equate freedom with slavery and fair play with bigotry has been successful, so…

      Better historical and strategic minds than mine will have to tease this apart.

      *totally a word

    2. Yup, they also called him, “Old 8 to 7” in reference to the committee vote that got him in.

      But in 1876, the United States had just fought a war, and fighting another five years wasn’t on anyone’s agenda. The people alive now don’t know enough to know how awful war would be.

  7. Anon’s map is interesting (and difficult to read – a jpg would be much better).

    But counting on California as a combat ally? With what? The 40th ID (-) (Mech)? The 144th FW (Air intercept)? The 146 AW (my former unit)?

    For every person in the Cal Guard that would support a war, there are two, or three that would not. Worst case, lots of leadership takes one for the team. Best case, even more confused than usual.

    1. Camp Pendleton and the troops there? I know it is still up and running.

      And the nuclear navy is still based in So. Cal. They can send guided missiles to just about anywhere in the U.S. and their reactors can run almost indefinitely. Well. They used to be able to.

      I do not know how debased they’ve become. Rickover is gone, and the Navy as a whole is pretty bad. The rot appears to all the way down to the Commander level.

    2. It took me a while to get that version down – as noted above, email me and I’ll send the 2.8 meg version.

      Confusion and sitting it out is nearly defacto supporting the Right.

  8. O! K!

    I fervently hope for a ticket with Maxine Waters and Hank ‘capsize Guam’ Johnson.
    Prez/vp, either/or.

    DJT is too competent.
    Donald J. is hardly any fun anymore.
    We used to could laugh at Jared ‘armor over skinny suit’ Kushner.
    We used to could laugh at Ivanka ‘daddy, please!’ Kushner-Trump-Kushner.

    We used to could laugh at Office Of The Prez-Elect pelosi/harris.
    But, lately…
    * Politicians lost their wackiness, their absurdity.
    * Politicians are just too darn serious.

    What do you think?
    A ticket with Maxine and Hank?
    I might start paying attention again!


    No, but seriously…

    Representative Hank ‘capsize Guam’ Johnson rep resents his con stituancy just fine.
    Or is it ‘he cons his rep stituancy just fine’?
    I always get those mixed up.

    And Maxine Waters.
    Dog gone it!
    Bless her heart.


    Folks, there is nothing to worry about.
    The Federal Reserve Bankers are incompetent.
    Every government agent at every level of every government is incompetent.
    The chinese build capsizing battle-ships.
    The Iranian people are different-talking rednecks, another version of ‘just want to be left alone’.
    Who else…
    The rooskies?
    The Arabians?
    The Afrika flying-pyramids bunch?

    Now, if I was me — which I assure you I most assuredly am not — I would be quite concerned about lone White males in shacks.
    A few of those guys motivated, no telling what might happen.

  9. While there were many times past I figured your guesstimate of CW probability too doomy and gloomy, I fear this latest is too pollyannish (that’s totally a word, btw. And since the Y was on a triple space, I get 27 points for it in Scrabble.)

    And I don’t remain entirely convinced that everyone will wait until 12:01 1/20/21 for the official starting gun before they try to kick off the ball.

    Much like Iranian nuclear scientists, I think people and places the Leftards hold dear are going to start leaking great gouts of blood, or exploding in fire and smoke. Totally spontaneously, of course. Like happens all the time.

    But I’m an incurable optimist. At any rate, the penicillin didn’t work.

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