Phase 2 In The Wilder Plan To Dominate All Media

Phase 2 of my plan to dominate all media has commenced.

The Mrs. (yes, she’s real and not some sort of alternate personality) and I got together with Mark (Practical Escatology – LINK) and created a podcast – it should be up every Tuesday, barring holidays and life getting in the way.

Here it is:

You can bookmark the channel – feel free to like/comment/and subscribe.


Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

20 thoughts on “Phase 2 In The Wilder Plan To Dominate All Media”

  1. This is exciting…Merry Christmas to us! Subscribed and the bell has been rung.

  2. I thought I had forgotten to clean up my inbox when I saw the WWW podcast notice. Pretty cool!

    And you’re right, we are having a problem with elected officials walking the talk.

  3. I love how the Mrs. channels Elle Mae at the end. Bravo!

    You should consider adding “This was not a Filmways presentation”.

    Good luck with your new plan to take over the (media) world!

  4. My own take on the difference is that everyone becomes a survivalist when their survival is in question, wanting a positive outcome. Preppers are the ones who think ahead about what will be needed, and prepare accordingly.

  5. RLTW – Rogers Rules and the Ranger Code are rules to live by. IMHO one reason the Ranger companies were stood up during Viet Nam was to offset the asymmetric warfare skill set of Special Forces. Artificial rivalry encouraged between the various Tier One groups is seen for what it is by the NCO’s. I’m still figuring out the recent reorganization of SOCOM versus JSOC that occurred last month

  6. Any thoughts of taking the podcast to the Apple podcast world? Generally, if I get in front of my keyboard, it’s to read, or write, or see how-to video. Podcasts are something I listen to while driving, or working on some task. Although, I suppose one can listen to YouTube audio in the same ways I now listen to my pods. This old dog will have to learn a few new tricks.

    Felicitations on the All Media Domination Project! About which, all I can say is that it’s about damn time.

    1. We’re looking into it based on your suggestion!

      Thank you for the kind words. We’re happy with our start . . . .

  7. Americans lose their minds when China sends police into Hong Kong, but no one cares when Trump sends the Gestapo into US cities.

    Americans think DHS agents who shoot protesters in the face and patrol cities with black vans while kidnapping Americans without warrants is just a funny little game, but what will Americans think when the DHS starts door-to-door mandatory gun confiscation?

    1. You can relax, as Trump is no longer in command of the Gestapo, as he was during those awful years of 2017 – 2020, when dissenters lived in such terror that they hardly dared show their faces. Now, the Gestapo will take orders from the senile bribe-vacuuming machine … or, more accurately, from his puppeteers, until the day when the pillow is pressed down onto his shark-eyed face and he succumbs to Completely Natural Causes.

      By the way, I followed your link and was overwhelmed by the welcoming nature of your site. Godlike, indeed. I’ll pass, thanks.

  8. Re; survivalists vs preppers.

    Burt Gummer is a survivalist. My interpretation of a survivalist is those folks living in remote communes in the pan handle of Idaho.

    Most of the rest of us are preppers in that we most likely have a month or six worth of supplies laid back and possibly a few hundred rounds of ammo for home defense and hunting.

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