“Theatricality and deception are powerful weapons, Alfred. It’s a good start.” – Batman Begins
Thankfully he wasn’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition.
I’m certain that few had any idea of how the Internet would change the world. Oh, sure, some did. In one of the zillion versions of Ender’s Game (or the never ending stream of sequels) Orson Scott Card wrote about the Internet, in the 1980s, I think. In his version, people could make carefully reasoned arguments and other people would listen to them and be swayed.
Ha! Instead we have Twitter® with its 280 character limit, and meme warfare.
I actually don’t mind meme warfare being the place where ideas are injected into society, primarily because the Right memes pretty well, and the Left can’t meme at all.
That is, of course, what the Left is worried about. When the Internet began to gain popularity in the mid-1990s, it was a Wild West. It was first created, page by page, by people who were passionate about something. The programming was easy, and the hardest thing was to get noticed, since the search engines and directories were rudimentary. I used at least three, depending on what I was searching for, because one was good for technical stuff, one was good for “normie” stuff, and the last one, as I recall, wasn’t good for much at all.
On the Internet, you can be whatever you want to be, so why do so many people pick “stupid”?
Then came the Media®. At first, they didn’t really know how to use it, so they’d just put their written stuff out there, since video would swamp most dial-up connections. But everyone knew it was going to be big, which is why AOL© merged with Time-Warner™ even though all AOL® presented was just a single way to get to the Internet.
But the problem for the Media™ and .GOV was that the Internet had shattered their ability to carefully script a single narrative. It had also destroyed their ability to memory hole or gloss over big stories. Now those passionate people could chronicle entire events that the .GOV would rather you forget, or, better yet, never even know about. The carefully crafted defamation of everyone who believed in something outside of the Approved Narrative as a Conspiracy Theorist began to crumble.
People say it’s a small world, but I know I certainly wouldn’t want to paint it. And in that small world where communication had drastically lowered the time for information to come out, and also made it harder for the information to be erased. The Genie of information, once out of the bottle, couldn’t be put back in.
Does anyone know what an ink blot test is? I Googled® it, but only found pictures of my parents yelling at me.
The Wild West continued. Google® had a corporate slogan of Don’t be Evil® and Amazon™ would sell most any book that was it was legal to sell. And the established Media© and .GOV still had no real understanding of how to control what people see and hear and remember. The Internet was built to be decentralized, and hard to control.
I think, from what I see so far that the strategy has been to do at least five things:
Throw Lots of Content Out
Oddly, even though the major news sources keep firing journalists, they keep making more stuff. What kind of stuff? Clickbait, really. Stories with little informational content, stories about celebrities, top 10 lists of best/worst/etc. (fill in the blank). These aren’t news – they’re entertainment. Heck, one browser I have on my phone has (it looks like) computer-generated compilations of posts from Reddit®. The idea is to distract. And if the algorithm is good enough, heck, maybe that person will forget what they were looking for in the first place.
Marginalize and Trivialize
This is one that’s carried on from the past. If I had written a post about MK-Ultra (where the CIA essentially acted like the worst possible mixture of Jeffrey Dahmer and the DMV) in the 1960s, it would have been dismissed as a “conspiracy theory” at best. The idea isn’t to contradict, it’s to hit the person making the accusation with personal attacks, and make it sound like they’re a nutcase. And when the facts come out? Minimize them – make them sound unimportant, “Oh, that tear gas we used at Waco? Well it may be flammable, but only in super-high concentrations. We won the war. Go back to sleep.”
So, Alex Jones was right again, eh?
Control Discussion
How many people that you interact with are . . . real?
I’ve recently gotten robocalls that are very sophisticated, so much so that they nearly get through the uncanny valley of sounding right. But what if the sound wasn’t an issue? In a Twitter® comment it isn’t. It is known that a significant percentage of Twitter® users are bots – programmed to interact. Why would anyone go to that level of trouble? Because they want to sell you something – an ideology, a candidate, or PEZ™. They’re also useful to make it seem like there’s a consensus.
People are wired as pack animals, and generally want to be a part of the group, to not be left out. Plus, a group of bots can drown out viewpoints and ideas and bury them in a sea of text. On a related note, how many conversations are taking place on the Internet that are nothing more than one bot talking to another?
Control Access
Most people come to this website either directly or from other blogs. The web search traffic I get is amazingly low – most days less than 3% of my traffic. That’s new. I used to get more traffic from search engines (20%+) but after July or so of 2020, Google™ shut the valve, and traffic dropped. Likewise, I know that this site is banned by corporations. Why? Maybe my ideas are considered to be . . . dangerous.
A related question is this: just how many website hits does Google® really have? I searched for Civil War Weather Report and noted I wasn’t on the first page. I jumped ahead to page 18. If you’ll note, on an earlier page, Google© claims that there are 34,800,000 results. But when you get to page 18, well, there are only 174 results. I know I’ve written nearly 40 Civil War Weather Reports. Funny that I didn’t see ‘em all in this list . . .
Note that Amazon®, which for a long time would not ban any legal book, now bans hundreds if not thousands of books merely because Amazon™ disagrees with their ideas.
Just Keep Lying
It seems to work for the FBI, Bill Clinton, and the CIA, so why not expand it to the Media®? That’s just what they do. These pictures will help illustrate the problem:
So, in the end, it has been established that the Media© wants to control you. The only remaining question so that we can put the pressure where it needs to be is this: who controls the Media™?
For me, the most important thing to understand is that none of this is new. It seems like it is, but it is not. It has taken literal decades to build, and the fulfillment of the agenda thus built is now being played out in real time around us.
This means that we have all played at least some role in allowing this to happen, since it took place on our watch to some degree or other. My parents, your parents, you, me, we have all contributed to the culmination we are now seeing. The question is, at what point did we figure it out?
My wife was talking to her dad about some aspect of current events or other, and complaining about the CBC and their gross malfeasance. Her dad actually said, ‘I don’t watch the mainstream media. I only watch the BBC’. The cognitive dissonance isn’t just real; it seems to be the law, or something all the cool kids do.
Since it is all so obvious now, without any means by which it can all be explained away as a Dallas-style dream, and the full extent of the effect of the years of misdirection and manipulation is on full display (as well as the consequences thereof), what are we to do with these revelations? How best to confront the horror that is now revealed unto us?
For us, we have refused to comply. We homeschool, and haven’t watched TV in years. Since everyone now carries the surveillance device in their pocket, there is little to be done except to manage one’s own affairs in a sensible way; the rest shall have to look after theirs as seems best to them.
This is why the whole situation has become so personal; the solutions are themselves of a personal nature. I think, and this is only an opinion, it all began with Nancy Reagan’s approach to the drug problem. She was right, absolutely right, but the castigation she underwent at the hands of the media was beyond shameful, especially since they were wrong. ‘Just Say No’ carried the seeds of its success, but the joke was too easy.
We are each of us responsible for what we do. When enough of us do the same thing at the same time, it’s called a revolution or a movement, and things change in a big hurry.
The trick is, to get enough people to do the same thing at the same time to get that momentum going, but also ensure they are all acting for the same reasons (having come to similar conclusions; What is ‘The Declaration of Independence’ for $600, Alex?). That force is unstoppable. It also relies for effectiveness on consensus, and that is an elusive goal at best. At worst, it reaches the impossible.
This is all very interesting, but I fear we are out of time.
We were part of the creation of the world today, all of us. The Gods of the Copybook Headings, though, will return.
Only 7 uncles & 5 aunts? I had 18. I’m sure that’s the reason I was an only child.
Seriously, I’ve been on the net since 1995. Crappy one page biz website. Photos, some written content, an 800 & local phone numbers, and an email address I’ve almost forgotten. The early net was fun. It never will be again. That’s sad. Done by lying a*holes for lying a*holes.
Yes, it really was free. Now? It’s a curated thing, and people are actively figuring out how to silence voices outside the narrative.
Huh. I just tried an experiment, typing “civil war weather report” in quotes into Google. I got “about 13 results” of which two were from the WilderWealthyWise site, eight more were links to Wilder articles thru other sites, and the remainder were a note on the bottom of the page that said “In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 13 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included.” Click THAT, and you start getting reams of Wilder articles, but with the top of the page saying “It looks like there aren’t many great results for this search. The results below match your search terms, but some of them may not have reliable information on this topic.”
Pretty much the same result if you use “civil war 2.0 weather report” at Google, without the disclaimer about “few good matches” on the second page.
Your first CWWR was in June of 2019 – almost three and a half years ago – that’s around 42 months / issues. I’d have thought you’d have a Fox News Frequent Guest contract sewn up by now…
Caitlin has an excellent article on the media’s coverage of Nordstream…their latest deceptive narrative-control effort???
Wow. Baseless. It is indeed that. I’m not sure who did it, but I’d say, that “anyone using the word baseless to describe who blew up the pipeline is doing it baselessly.”
Or did I set up an infinite loop?
Ha! Thank you, Ricky. But no. I’m not on the approved list. The Mrs. has tried to get me to start the rounds on talk radio.
The media lied us into multiple wars in the last century alone, including “The Good War”. If anything they have grown more dishonest and manipulative.
They have. I’m looking for a justified one in my lifetime . . .
The mainstream media here is saying that the attack has all the hallmarks of a typical KGB operation. The one thing they do not explain is why he would not just close the valve instead of blowing up the pipeline.
Dang, and to think, to defeat America in the Cold War, all they had to do was nuke their own Kremlin.
John, the search for reliable non-biased news sources is one I am continually on (with little success, I might add). The best I can do is find the known biases and compensate.
You have completely described my never-ending quest, too. A few links on this topic I have found to be of interest:
Rantburg dot com has been my daily go to since before 911. Trends pro-West but happily posts alternative sources as well. Best place to get a snapshot of what’s happening in less visible parts of the planet. They have fun torturing the trolls and most regular commentators enjoy dry wit.
Keep in mind, it’s not just the news that is published, it’s also the news that isn’t published.
Social Media is either the most efficient creator of The Idiocracy, or the most obvious symptom of it.
It’s a chicken/egg conundrum.
It is. When you look at hijacking the nervous system, it is an amazing drug.
The Book of Revelation is a guide to our times, much like major parts of the Book of Zechariah. Revelation states repeatedly that in the years prior to Tribulation and Parousia, the world will self-sever into two major camps: liars and truth-speakers. This standard separates His people from the dogs outside the spiritual Temple. (Rev. 22:15)
‘But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.’ (Rev. 21)
Note in this passage that God says ALL liars. He could have just left it at ‘liars’ but He is emphasizing a point.
When Christ referred to satan, He pointedly called that angel the Father of Lies. Belial and Beliar = Liar.
As you note, humans are herd critters and most will go along with lies in order to get along. Or worse, take joy from lying, make it a lifestyle. Especially females. But make no mistake, the LORD is using these final years to watch folk separate themselves from the truth (from Him) or embrace the truth. We see this spiritual tableaux and warfare daily. It is everywhere before us.
Ray is correct. these are the times Jesus was speaking of when He asked will I find faith. Satan is running things for a time.
It really is, more so than any other time in my life. And, remember, the United States is not a player in that time . . .