Unplug Yourself From Things That Drain You. And Kardashians.

Then you’ll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself. – The Matrix

Okay, it’s not great.  The other one was, “What do you get when Keanu Reeves does ‘shrooms?  Neo-sporin.”  See, I saved you from that.

Unplug yourself.

I mean, don’t stop coming here.  That would be silly, because you definitely want to associate yourself with someone who has the amazingly good hygiene and stellar good looks that I do.  I mean, unplug yourself from places that make you mad.

Consciously, most of my posts, while letting you know the unvarnished Truth with a capital T* (*really, as best as I know it), are meant to poke fun at it.  It might make you think about things that you really don’t want to think about.  I understand.  I’m still sorry about that Kardashian meme.

Honestly, dating a Kardashian would be like dating a wookie®.

Well, obviously not that sorry.

Back to the Truth.

Most people that I talk to have an Agent Smith (from The Matrix, not that pesky ATF guy who keeps asking if the stuffed dog I have is filled with Tannerite, because, let’s face it, the only thing that ATF agents love shooting more than kids is dogs) moment.

No, the Agent Smith moment I have with friends goes like this:  I talk about facts.  They nod.  I talk about actual events.  They nod.  Then I bring up a premise that is inescapable:  “So, we agree gravity exists.”  Nod.  “And I’m holding a coffee mug over a 1,000 foot (4.3 Celsius) cliff.”  Nod.  “And if I drop it, it will fall down, and shatter into a million pieces, and it will never be able to be put together again.”

Then Agent Smith takes over the conversation.  “Well, I don’t want to think about that.”  The conversation is over.  There is a step that they cannot take.  It’s like me trying to convince them that a constant diet of candy corn, Twinkies®, fried Snickers® bars, and drinking the fluid from a chocolate fountain that 359 kindergarteners have been putting their booger-soaked fingers into isn’t a good diet.

This is what happens when you follow the USDA food pyramid.

I recall having a conversation several years ago with a guy on the Left.  “Yes, John Wilder, I agree.  Massive immigration is destroying every one of the values in our country.  But strawberries might be more expensive if we didn’t allow them in.”

My response was rather simple, “So, you, a guy on the Left, wants to pay people less so you can have cheaper strawberries?  Wouldn’t it be simpler to pay people more, pay less than 1% of what you make in a month to pay Americans enough to give you strawberries?”

Agent Smith took over his mind.  “Umm, well, I don’t understand those things very well.”

I took him to the ledge, but he refused to look over.

But, hey, he saved $0.35 this week.

That’s the Truth.  And, I assure you, the Truth is your friend.

What is Truth?  Step on a scale.  Look down.  The number is the Truth.  Try to pick up a weight.  If you can, you can.  That is Truth.  The Iron never lies.  The scale never lies.

I was working with a person who noted I had lost some weight.  He asked me, “How can I lose weight?”

My response was simple:  “Weigh yourself.  Every day.  The scale doesn’t lie.”

The look on his face was amazing.  I think he wanted me to tell him, “Believe in aliens, bigfoot (bigfeet?) and the Loch Ness Monster, drink seven shots of Hershey’s® chocolate syrup ever night, and you’ll lose 27 pounds a week.”  When I told him to weigh himself, his face fell.

He didn’t want the Truth.  And I didn’t follow up with, “By the way, I also rarely eat between Saturday night and Friday,” because that would bake the gourd of most people.  They don’t want to know that losing weight sucks, that it requires amazing work and walking into the house at night after work and telling The Mrs., “No dinner for me, I’m fasting.”

I’ve been doing this whole Intermittent Fasting thing.  Bums me out.  I did it at least nine times today.

People want pretty lies.  Yet, the healthiest thing for them is the Truth.  Just before I started writing this, Frequent Commenter Ricky emailed me a story that said that, per FDA guidelines, water could not be labeled as, “healthy”.  So, enjoy all the Gatorade®, Pepsi™, and Coca-Slop© that you want.  It doesn’t have fat in it, so, according to bad science dating back to before I was born, it’s better for you than water.

Nope, the Truth sucks.  People are awful.  Bad guys win – a lot.  People get old.  And then they die.  All of us die.  And, the FDA lies.  But, most of you come here regularly.  Can you handle the Truth?  Yup, you can.  And you seek it.  I think most of you understand that.

But there is a group of people who are trying to demoralize you.  The easiest way to win a battle, per George S. Patton, Jr., is to make the enemy afraid of you.  Yet, they wouldn’t have to do any of this if they had won.

They haven’t won.  They are desperate to win, yet you and I remain, stubborn, like islands in the middle of a hurricane.  We live.  We persist.  And we will win.  That’s what scares them the most.

Why am I so stubborn?  I’m not telling you.

So, when you see something that makes you feel like all is lost, remember, that’s them whispering in your ear.  The want you to think that you can’t win, even though everything that is right, beautiful, and True is on your side.  When you see this sort of demoralization?

Turn it off.

Don’t go back.  Not because you’re afraid of opposing viewpoints, but because you refuse to have your emotions manipulated.  Never, ever, let Agent Smith inside.  Seek the Truth.  It’s there.  Unless it’s a Kardashian that isn’t hairy.

That’s a lie.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

27 thoughts on “Unplug Yourself From Things That Drain You. And Kardashians.”

    1. Give it up for Henry Rollins – Iron and the Soul. Read it, re-read it, live it. (Dunno how to post a link because…I stoopid).

      1. ” (Dunno how to post a link because…I stoopid).”

        There is NO SHAME in Not Knowing. Just between You & me? stewped Is how ya spell it. So easy a caveman could dew it! See? Stew-Dew. same sound! Fun with phoneics. Think they call it.

        Don’t know what kinda algore machine You have?

        Easiest way? Look for a name on Your Computer. No Luck? Many of them run bill Gates Roommates’ for $50,000 from his daddy.

        My little sister gave me one 12+ yrs. ago. She nose eye’m nun tu brite. Just How she knew i was from WV? Beyond me. Like eye said, S-M-A-R-T! Gave me one with a fruit on it. EZPZ to remember. Some other kind as well. (see: BOUGHT GUI above)

        Anywho, once You know the name, look up something like…


        When you find one You think You want? Prolly best to ‘Click’ on it to make SURE it is what you Want. Horribly embarassed once…Wanted to send a Link to a None who had just entered a convent down south somewhere. eye merely wanted to enquire if she could find the whereabouts of Juan Valdez and His Donkey, And which particular Mountains that they went up, And Just what time “Morning” REALLY is down there.

        Believe it was to fetch a pail of water.

        Again, just between You and me? ANY that have “Tijuana” & “Donkey Show”?

        Prolly NOT the one Ya wanna send. To a None just entering a Convent, anyhow.

        But eye digress.

        Once You find the one You want? Go back one screen. mine is EZPZ. ‘Back’ arrow upper left, beside the horizontal Traffic Light. GreenLight? Right. Beside it!

        Once You get back where You clicked the link to begin with? eye gotta Track-Pad thingy.

        eye just go to one edge or the other of the Clicky Place with the Curser. (Never Swore at me, eye’m that good) Push Down on the Track-Pad and hold. Slide my finger over the link in question. It will leave a colored trail. When You get to the end of the Clicky place? Release. That’s ALL there is to It!

        For the next Step? Copy/Paste Should be in the link. If you here Cantina music? Apologies in advance!

        Just starting to play around with https://www.techwalla.com/articles/how-to-rename-a-hyperlink-on-a-word-document

        Good Luck! Looking forward to seeing you first Link!

  1. Well, there is something to be said about not demonizing foods – hamburgers, occasional sweets, or other foods common in the American diet. You shouldn’t show up at every family event with your mouth tightly pursed and refusing to have a bite that doesn’t fit healthy criteria.
    There is OCCASIONAL birthday cake (you can have a SMALL slice – unless you’re severely diabetic). Nothing is more damping on a celebration than someone who refuses to partake of anything.

    But perhaps 90% of your life doesn’t fall into those categories. That’s the norm.

    I do completely agree with you about water – too many people take in 1/2 of their daily calories with various high-calorie liquids. Not coffee, but mocciata lattes. Not a 4 oz. glass of juice, but 16 oz. Big Gulps. 1/2 case of ‘low calorie’ beer.

    When I was a kid, dessert was maybe once or twice a week, not every meal. I was astounded to move to SC and find that EVERY meal included dessert – SEVERAL choices. I started to get a real appreciation for the reasons that SC is one of the states with the highest percentage of diabetes.

    1. Of course candy corn is bad. What do you think corn syrup is made from?
      Eat Indian corn (chocolate flavored) instead.

  2. Aside from tea in a.m. I drink only water. The best water is found in mountain areas, from subterranean springs. Water varies not only in quality, but also in potency. This will be more apparent after the King arrives and His sacred rivers are born. (Ezekiel 47)

    Fasting is recommended various places in Scripture . . . particularly in relation to spiritual warfare, which is the theme of this OP. (Mark 9)

    I can attest that fasting and prayer are very powerful weapons, if used correctly. Sufficiently powerful to cast demons out of terrestrial beings, which is not at all a facile or rote thing, as Catholicism would have one believe.

    Fasting is not fun, but it is effective.

  3. Maybe people will pay more attention to their caloric intake when it’s measured in joules.

  4. “things that drain you…”

    Usually would agree, but Ian made things unpleasant today in Chucktown. TWC even showed a view a block from our Bee Street condo (named after Gen. Augustus Bee, who stated “There stands Jackson like a stone wall”), where around 12″ of H2O accumulated.

    So, appreciate the great stormwater drainage system we have, being <100' from the Ashley River. .

    BTW, Gen. Bee died an hour later from a Yankee assassin's bullet.

      1. John, this is Charleston. When they removed Calhoun’s statue in 2020, immense negative feedback.

        1. It was (and is) a fight to remove the history of a nation, so that they can control the narrative going forward.


          They are parasites. They will fail, as they always do.

  5. I noticed that a friend of mine at church had lost weight, and asked her about it. (We’ve been friends for decades, so it wasn’t awkward.) She said that she’d simply stopped drinking a can of soda every night with or after dinner. There were no “withdrawal” side-effects. No hunger. The pounds just melted slowly away. And the weight stayed off.

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