“I’m a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess.” – The Red Green Show
Remember to always ask yourself what you can do to make Leonardo DiCaprio’s life better.
I remember one Twitter® exchange I had way back in the past. It was with a Leftist, and I made the statement, “Don’t you see, the only ethical path is to be against illegal immigration, and immigration of any sort. Since Americans emit nine times the greenhouse gases of countries like Mexico or Guatemala, the only thing we can do to protect the climate is to keep them there or send them back.”
There was a pause on the response. “Not sure if you’re really concerned about the environment or just don’t like illegal immigrants.”
That was one of my favorite trolls, since they had to think about conflicting narratives in their programming. In many cases, the Left ignores this, but my major message is never to the Left, since they are not on a rational mission, but on a religious one since Leftism isn’t a political system at heart, it is a religious one. Look at it when a Leftist talks about Trump – it’s like someone on the Right being forced to think of Satan in the Oval Office – it’s religious, not ideological.
The Sun never went to college because it has thousands of degrees.
One of the sacraments of this religion is abortion. The other? Global Warming, er, Climate Change.
This summer has been hotter than the last few here in Upper Lower Midwestia. I’ve seen stories where it was hot in lots of other places, mostly places that you’d expect, like Phoenix. Some of the hottest places this year are the places where people are only there because there’s oil there, like Saudi Arabia, Iran, or the place they make French fries at McDonald’s®.
But that’s why we always see Global Warming, er, Climate Change stories trotted out in the summer and never when it’s -20°F (-273.16°C in metric units) in winter. How bad is it? The propaganda of the sacrament of Global Warming, er, Climate Change is trotted out on weather forecasts to nail down the idea that things are getting worse when in reality, they’re not a whole lot different. Want an example? Here’s Sweden:
Are illegals in Sweden known as “artificial Swedeners”?
Yup, 36 years later, the biggest change has been that they changed the color of the map to a scary color. Why? To celebrate the sacrament of Global Warming, er, Climate Change.
How bad is it? I’ve pointed out again and again how the people in charge of defending our country are fundamentally not serious people. They want, well, I’ll let them tell you:
If she succeeds, everyone will know how to stop an American tank: shoot the soldiers pushing it.
It has even become a death cult, of sorts. The doom that has hit country after country across the world has been staggering. The big part is propaganda – starting at the schools where teachers, predominantly taught Left-leaning curriculum by Left-leaning professors at Left-leaning colleges are the ones in charge of the indoctrination. What does that lead to? Students that don’t want to have children because they believe that they’re part of some sort of Original Sin just by breathing. Notice that China is utterly ignoring the nonsense.
Looks like the Germans and the French are finally equal at something.
The other part of this equation is that people are ignoring the elephant in the room: a volcano last year put an additional 13% water vapor into the Earth’s atmosphere. 13%. And water is a very, very potent greenhouse gas. That’s huge, but I don’t see Greta wanting to sacrifice virgins to the volcano god to stop those from going off, or Joe Biden wanting to make water illegal.
Soon enough the water will drop out of the atmosphere, but Joe Biden will still have to live with being Hunter Biden’s dad.
And I will say, again and again, that this has nothing to do with Global Warming, er, Climate Change. It has everything to do with Leftist ideology and nothing to do with the temperature or the weather or any sort of solution. Again, listen to them when they talk:
What’s the scariest word in nuclear physics? Oops.
The Left is adamantly against nuclear power, because, properly implemented it solves a whatever Global Warming, er, Climate Change problems there are. To be fair, the plants need to be idiot proof, because idiots have a really great track record of screwing everything up, and hiring anyone but actually competent people to design and run the things is an absolute must.
Never let a cat run your nuclear power plant.
Nuclear power is clearly a part of the plan, but keep in mind that the plan is created by people whose idea of nature is a strip of lawn in a park a half a mile from their house. The people crafting the plans to create the “new world” have no more real appreciation of nature than Mark Zuckerbot.
Remember, these are people that get scared when they’re more than 20’ from asphalt.
I think we need to move away from fossil fuels, and quickly. Not at all because I hate them, no, but because we need to save them for the really useful things they do. It will take decades and trillions of dollars of investment to move the world to a new power source. And we only have so much time to do it before that opportunity expires.
Leftists oppose it:
“Environmentalists” don’t understand it:
But true Chads know that’s where we’re going:
And if we ignore it, the actual aliens (not the illegal ones) will never stop giving us crap:
My alma mater sent out a newsletter yesterday saying this summer is the hottest in Earth’s history.
Oh really? In Earths history? So during the Triassic period when there were no ice caps and most of North America was covered in seawater, patrolled by Megalodons, hotter than that?
How do these liars still have jobs when their nonsense can be debunked with a quick Google search?
Because it sounds scary! Scary gets grants, you know.
The political spectrum looks like this: one end has the crazy libertarians who want to get rid of taxes, monopoly police, and the standing army; everything else is Leftism. The US Constitution is Leftism. Scenes of idealized small town life portrayed in Norman Rockwell magazine covers are Leftism. You ought to measure government power on a log scale, so the small end doesn’t disappear on a graph.
It’s got more than two dimensions . . . but the original United States (before all the laws and Supreme Court rulings) was pretty good.
The political spectrum … [has] got more than two dimensions
No, I really think it doesn’t. I think the political spectrum is a ranking with one axis, labeled freedom. We might quibble about how much relative weight factors like zoning vs. environmental impact remediation should be given. But it adds up net into one metric, freedom.
the original United States (before all the laws and Supreme Court rulings) was pretty good.
Sure, if you were male and white and from the UK and Christian and in the upper 25% of earning power.
If only we had tide-free zones.
Tell the kids to eat more pods.
Freedom is important, but there are other factors, like family.
I’d quibble on the second point – earning power doesn’t add all that much. And the country was made by that group. Germans did okay, too.
Moar podz now!
Hey there,
Thanks for the funnies
As always, my pleasure!
“It’s been a tough couple of years for the U.S. wind energy industry. Despite mounting pressure to combat climate change by transitioning to renewable sources, a confluence of factors disrupted supply chains and upended the economics of project financing….In January, three months after GE announced it was laying off 20% of its U.S. onshore wind workforce, GE Renewable Energy posted a loss of $2.24 billion for 2022…Nonetheless, today there’s an air of optimism within the industry, driven in large part by billions of dollars in new tax credits and subsidies toward clean energy investments included in the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act.”
No wonder we gotta switch over to eating bugs with all the pork going to renewable energy.
Need to send wind turbines to Ukraine so the Russians can blow them up.
The chart about not having kids to stop climate change made me wonder, how many non-White people anywhere in the world decide to not have kids to “save the environment”? I am guessing the number is right around zero.
Notice that China isn’t buying it. Should tell you all you need to know.
Climate Change has nothing to do with climate change, it is like ALL other leftist\commie programs. It is about POPULATION REDUCTION. Klaus is clear on that.
Population reduction, and control. They love that most of all.
Way back in another century, my ancestral homeland (Long Island) was to be blessed with a nuclear power plant located out east on its scenic north shore, in a town appropriately named Shoreham. I was just a mere tadpole at the time, but I remember the odd-looking cooling towers that were constructed on site, thinking they looked like rocket ships. Or industrial-sized Pez dispensers.
We were promised electricity so cheap that it would not even be metered. Free juice! Indefinitely!
But $5 billion in 1970s dollars into the program, and just months before lighting off that Roman candle, wouldn’t ya know it? The proto-Karens came out in force with their NIMBY signs and scarifying depictions of schoolchildren and nuns baked like croissants at the local upscale pretentious patisserie. And guess what? Karen won! They never flipped the switch and nary a kilowatt was ever generated. The plant sat idle for decades, on some of the most expensive waterfront property, while we the taxpayers ate the cost, year after year. To the best of my knowledge, we paid the highest KW hour rate in the world for electricity, and probably still do.
I have since bailed for Texas, where we are still allowed to burn stuff to generate juice, and despite the infernal heat, my summertime electric bills still come to less than I paid in any season up on cool, temperate Long Island.
Moral of the story: muzzle Karen and learn to love the fused atom, or endure endless blackouts that will leave you freezing in the dark at exorbitant cost until the next asteroid hit.
When Karen starts to freeze to death, her NIMBY will by BIRN – Build It Right Now.
Yup the big orange ball in the sky has been involved in climate since I can remember. I got this thing about nukes.
My station has been paying my bills for quite some time. Today’s forecast from the Texas Gulfcoast is,
2712 megawatts. Plus, or minus a few daily. “Ercot” separates us from the left coast and most of the east coasters. Terrible thing to generate all that juice for the Lone Star state. Clean & reliable power. I am a fan of A/C
Ditto. And nearly enough when it comes to electricity is not enough. Just ask California.
1970s = Global Cooling,
1980-2020 = Global Warming,
2020+ = Climate Change….
It’s all BS. Hey, it was 100º here on Monday (heat index of 125º), only 89º today. That’s a change of climate that’s appreciated.
Ours dropped down, too, for a few days. But remember, we’re just a month away from Pumpkin Spiced Latte season!
[Leftism] has even become a death cult, of sorts.
Your hesitancy to declare that is Leftism. Big government has always and everywhere been a death cult:
I love the link. Power does kill. Except electricity. That gives me A/C, and I, too, love A/C.
In a way, I’d really like to see more nuclear power generators. In another, after watching the acceptance of incompetence these days, having a bunch of functional idiots pushing buttons is not a good thought. Then again, with modern technology, much of the fleshy headed mutant problem would be solved.
Competence is always needed – and we need to make competition for the nuke jobs. Based on merit, only.
Curious question for anyone that might be able to answer it:
Any idea if the tide was in or out for the 1925/2021 Carbis Bay photos? The differences shown seem to my only semi-professional eye to be well within the ranges that tides would cause. And that would be completely ignoring any differences caused by wind effects and/or storm surges (impending ones, clearly not from exactly when the photos were taken).
Maybe the problem is that our Progressive wannabe overlords hadn’t heard about tides? Or should we keep that from them so they don’t try to get rid of the Moon by something as fooling as trying to ‘Nuke the Moon’. 😉
…and yes, I recognize the irony of the meme’s text – in that the apparent sea level is LOWER in 2021 than the reference 1925 picture. 😉
I’ve been doing a little research on this topic, here’s what Science Sez. Satellites show the sea level has risen by 9.1 cm (about 3.5 inches) since 1993, see https://www.sciencealert.com/nasa-assessment-finds-sea-levels-have-risen-over-9-centimeters-in-just-30-years . If all the above ground ice melted (Antarctica, Greenland, glaciers, Arctic ice cap), the sea level would go up by around 65.6 meters (about 2579 inches or 215 feet, see – https://www.antarcticglaciers.org/wp-content/plugins/antarcticglaciers-pdf/download.php?p=8882 . So in the past thirty years around 3.5/2579 = 0.1% of all the land ice has melted for whatever reason. Now, certainly the melting of the entire remaining 99.9% would indeed be a catastrophe, and some tiny 0.X% more probably would be, too. Enshrining some temperature target to prevent that future 0.X% melt as a religious talisman is ignoring a larger reality. Humanity and our civilization actually lives so close to the edge of catastrophe that thinking that we can control / prevent tiny natural swings in the environment over hundreds or thousands of years is sheer folly.
So, in summation: Science Sez the amount of change over the time interval of the noted photographs is (by extrapolation) LESS that what could likely be seen in said photographs – given their resolution.
I concur – those shrieking loudest about our planet undergoing ‘the change’ are indeed believing in things that are sheer folly.
Oh – wait. I know Mother Earth is getting along in years, so perhaps it’s indelicate to ask, but: when exactly should we expect her to be going through ‘the change’? Climate, I mean – of course. 😉
Oh, it’s not that easy: Preliminary analyses indicate differences for the conterminous United States between orthometric heights referred to NAVD 88 and to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29) range from -40 cm to +150 cm. In Alaska, the differences range from +94 cm to +240 cm.
If only we had tide-free zones.
I think they would just make it illegal, make the Earth a tide-free zone. That should work, right?
The Marxist death cult is all about doom and only dullards want obedience muzzles, Fundamental Transformations and other big dumb slow Kabuki for a mediocre hive.
The boat anchors have us outnumbered and it won’t be easy but it is for the survival of us all.
Virtual Signal uber alles has to be destroyed and the CCP’s PLA will give a good kick in the ass of Baizuo when the quislings give the green light.
The boat anchors will do what they always do – sink. The most effective PLA strategy has been buying the Biden family.
I like my solar panels (subsidies and all), but it seems like the best places for installing them might also be the worst places:
I doubt that those panels had a chance to break even before they broke.
Yeah, if you get a new roof on your insurance company every decade, solar panels might not be the best idea.
I use portable solar panels to regularly charge batteries that I use around the house, for mundane tasks. It also keeps me up on being prepared in the event of a power outage, when I’d be on my own. Maintaining a few batteries for outages seems like a way of staying somewhat independent. We got lots of windmills and masses of solar panels here in Texas, and they don’t cough up 10% of the demand. I’ve told more than a few people here about the effect Honga-Tonga had on the weather (heat), and virtually no one has heard of it. Mankind will die from two things. Ignorance and stupidity.
It’s tough to think of A/C on solar, but the rest? Sure. And with LEDs and new lower-power devices, so much the better.
The great thing about wind turbines here in Texas is that we’ll have plenty of gummies to go with our crickets.
Excellent article – but what is the energy expended? They always skip that part.