How Single Suburban Soccer Moms Are Killing The Country

“Train yourself to let go . . . of everything you fear to lose.” – Star Wars, Episode III

Childhood is like being drunk.  Everyone remembers what you did but you.

I’ve written a lot about fear, and how negative it is.  But fear is a very potent persuasion technique.  Fear motivates people to action.  Heck, I had a fear of elevators, but I took some steps to avoid it.

That’s why it’s used.  David Frum (press “S” to spit) recently wrote an article in The Atlantic titled, How to Persuade Americans to Give Up Their Guns.  I’m not going to link to it because I don’t want to drive traffic to this screed.  That just encourages them to pay Frum to write other crap when he’s not sleeping in the warm chest cavity of the “conservative” money laundering schemes think tanks.

In the end, David takes his Canadian* sensibilities to tell the benighted Americans that they should be horribly afraid of guns.  Guns are scary!  I believe, in technical terms, they are so scary that they make Frum wee a bit in his pants.

I guess we know Frum’s favorite drink:  pop.

Policy Exchange, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons, Weasel Hair Added By Wilder

In the end, who, exactly was Frum writing this article to?

Well, let’s eliminate who he wasn’t writing to, first:

  • He wasn’t writing to you. He wasn’t writing to me.  If you’re a regular here, it’s nearly a lock that you’re at least sympathetic to the idea that the Second Amendment provides, in clear language, an individual right to own and carry weapons of war.  And we don’t wee our pants about it.
  • He wasn’t writing to the Left. They don’t need to be convinced.  The Second Amendment is probably the biggest single impediment to their plans (see:  Australia).
  • He wasn’t writing to rural folks. We have so many guns that our guns have guns.
  • He wasn’t writing to urbanites. Most people deep in the hive are already Leftists.
  • He wasn’t (for the most part) writing to guys. Guys (generally) like guns, and are generally less in favor of restricting them.  Women, for instance, are 30% more likely to support restrictions on standard size magazines.

Single Suburban Soccer Moms have such high double standards.

What does that leave?  Suburban women, specifically Single Suburban Soccer Moms.  Frum even admits as much in the article – he references both Mothers Against Drunk Driving® (MADD©) and Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America™ (MDAFGSIA®).  No, I didn’t make that last one up.  It’s what happens when the wine aunt tries to come up with a catchy name and everyone is so blitzed on the white zin that they don’t tell her, “Oh, Mabel, that is an awful name.”

But, yeah, the weasel-faced Frum was trying to manipulate the SSSM, because they’re often the swing voter in elections.  And, they make decisions based on fear, unlike me.  I like my emotions like I like my beer.  Bottled.

MADD© and MDAFGSIA™ are an excellent example of fear being used to manipulate Moms.  Did MADD™ do some good?  Certainly.  But even the founder thought they went too far and quit in 1985 because MADD©, founded to stop drunk driving, became (in her words) “neo-prohibitionist”.

That has been the problem:  fear drives decisions which then result in laws that take away freedom.

The SSSM has been the most reliable target of the “if it only saves one life!” and the “what about the children?” level of logic.  And that’s what has led us to the path we’re on today.

As Yoda taught us:  fear leads to hate.  Who does the Left hate now?

People who won’t take “the jab”.  Not everyone, of course.  BIPOC seem to be exempt from this hate, so it’s pretty much people who like freedom and people on the Right.  I’m surprised there isn’t a group called Mothers Against Icky Infected People Not Doing What I Say (MAIIPNDWIS).

It’s healthy to eat dried fruit.  I’m just raisin awareness.

Really, where we’re at is hysteria.  Remember how the ‘Rona crisis started – grainy videos of people walking down the street in Wuhan and collapsing, apartments being welded shut to keep the residents in, and Chinese denials that there was any issue.  It was just like the first four minutes of the average Hollywood® “plague destroys mankind” movie that has been made dozens of times since 1950.

Is the ‘Rona real?  Certainly.  It does have a body count, though I think the one being reported has been artificially inflated.

So it is real.  I’ve had it.  And it seems to kill people somewhat randomly, though in very, very small numbers as a percentage of those who catch it and are captured in the statistics (I’m not).

And the perfect way to beat the fear drum so that Single Suburban Soccer Moms forget the clown show exit engineered by Biden.  The specifics of the “vaccine” mandate don’t matter as much as the process, which never changes:

  • Suck at leading.
  • Have bad poll numbers.
  • Make use of either an existing or contrived “scary” situation.
  • Come down hard on the “scary” situation: propose something that takes away rights, if possible.  The Leftist base will be fine with it, and it will engage the SSSM crowd.

Oh, and I forgot:  always pass the buck.

This is what passes for Leftist leadership.  Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s Chief of Staff, said the quiet part that you’re not supposed to say out loud:  “Never let a crisis go to waste.”  If there wasn’t a crisis, the Left would invent one.  Drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge was one.  The Keystone pipeline from Canada is another.  These are manufactured to enrage and engage people on the Left.

But the crisis had to be a specific one:  a crisis that could engage the SSSM brigade.  As the de facto swing voters, political policies are determined by how the fears of this group can be exploited.  COVID-19 is just one example.  Why do you think images of little kids in cages were trotted out to show how actually enforcing immigration law was mean?  Me, I only get upset when I see a hamburger bun in a cage – that means it was bread in captivity.

I bought a knife that can almost slice five baguettes of bread at once – but it’s only a four loaf cleaver.

Since there is nothing a SSSM loves more than safety, they’ll vote for it every time.  And it doesn’t matter if liberty is on the line – the SSSM essentially views government as her spouse and protector.

Perhaps, though, there is an alternative?

Maybe we could convince the SSSMs that, historically, governments have committed murder on the wholesale level.  Maybe we could get them up in arms about that?  Heck, I even have a name for it if they want to use it:

Mothers Engaged Against Tyrant Politicians Exploiting Everyone (MEATPEE)

Which is weird, because that’s exactly what I think David Frum probably smells like.

*Technically Frum got American citizenship in 2007 or so, but I think it should be revoked because he’s a tool

The Mrs. went to a lot of trouble to create an advertisement for the livestream on Wednesday at 9 Eastern.  Here it is:

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

35 thoughts on “How Single Suburban Soccer Moms Are Killing The Country”

  1. Keep em afraid. They’re alot easier to control and manipulate. Personally, I was never afraid of the Wuhan flu itself. I was very concerned about how it would affect the supply chain. There were shortages, most notably in toilet paper, which I never understood. Was toilet paper a food source?

    1. Well, they had to do . . . something. That’s what panic does. I remember going to the grocery store on the eve of a hurricane. Only thing left was diet cookies.

  2. If only someone would invent a social construct that included men as protector and provider for mothers. Is there anything you could change in history that would accomplish more than stopping the ratification of the 19th amendment?

  3. Okay, thanks for the laughs. Yeah, yeah I got the serious part of the post but at this point I really need the laughs.

  4. Eve, the original pre-menstrual single-mom-in-the-making, thought the apple was a good idea, too. Take a bite/jab. What could go wrong? But, uh, you first, Adam.

    “Single mother” is one of my least favorite phrases, for it conjures up all manner of unpleasant associations in my mind. Most notably that of a selfish creature with questionable morals hunting with increasing desperation for a sucker to shoulder her burdens. If I were still unattached, I would avoid single mothers like the plague upon the land that they are. I can’t imagine being “thirsty” enough to take on the burden of another man’s child(ren) and bipolar, cast-off sex toy.

    Dunno where the ‘soccer’ bit comes in, though. Most single mothers I know are too busy juggling babysitters, lawyers and Tinder hookups to ferry their neglected kids to practice. Bring back the damned scarlet letter, already.

    1. TBC I am thankful every day I don’t have to find a new woman because most of them are either divorced for a reason or have spent their teens and adult lives riding the D-carousel and neither is appealing to me.

      1. I had no idea it had gotten so bad until my son divorced his bat-sh!t crazy wife of some years and returned to the meat market. Never saw such a parade of entitled, megalomaniacal, self-absorbed LOSERS in all my born days. He has since selected the best of the lot, a fellow millennial who has never yet been wifed up or borne children. But even she thinks that she is “all that and a sack of potatoes”, as my mother used to say.

        We warned him not to bring around some other man’s children and expect us to play grandparents to them. He listened.

  5. John – – Studies consistently show married women, and especially married women with children, lean conservative. That is because they are not looking to the government to be their primary protector and provider.

    So why is it that married women with children living in suburbs are seen as liberal leaning Soccer Moms? Shouldn’t they too be conservative in their approach to life and politics ?

    I think the answer lies in the religious beliefs that conservative Moms have versus the secular non-religious beliefs of the Soccer Moms.

    Because they have no FAITH, they fear the future and fear their less than masculine husbands cannot or will not protect and provide for them and their children. Thus, they gravitate toward leftist leanings and emotional based decision making. They live in suburbs and make friends with similar ilk, further secluding themselves and their family from the broad panoply of society.

    My guess is that they fully rely on crap sources for news, like NPR, CNN, PMSNBC and yahoo news etc. Thus, they create a bubble or echo chamber that reinforces their emotional based beliefs of what is truth.

    Just one guy’s opinion, your mileage may differ.

    1. There are plenty of ostensibly Christian liberal women out there in suburbia and the reason is that they rely on their emotions, which are easily manipulated.

    2. Well, I did throw the “single” in there. Soccer is popular because it’s “safe” and is a regimented activity where kids are herded and get juice boxes at the end. It’s okay for girls and boys under the age of six.

      We played tackle football on the grass in elementary school. Get in a fight? Meh. That didn’t even rate a trip to the principal.

  6. Remember the Julia cartoon under parts I & II of the Bathhouse Barry Soetoro regime?
    Purple haired yass kweens and muh children must be safe at all times cult fetish suburban Karens traded in the dastardly male patriarchy (sarc) for mommygov!
    Just finished an encore listen of George Carlin-You Are All Diseased (1990) which originally aired on Home Bolshevik Orifice (HBO).
    This “rant” is way ahead of its time and a great morale maintenance or booster session.
    Women folk in the family are divided with the much maligned boomers all onboard and prattling on about muh booster while some Gen X with children are stating that they will quit their nursing jobs of twenty plus years before taking the jab.
    A millennial who works as a nurse took the jab in order to keep getting paid and feeding her children after they forced her to quarantine and made hints of a pink slip in the future.
    A soft weak infantile populace will get the safety über alles egalitarian latrine that they so richly deserve.

    1. Carlin was a genius, though I would have hated to have been stuck in a car with him for ten hours.

      Safety is an illusion.

  7. Red Cross water safety& lifeguard manual definition of fear is,(An unreasoning overwhelming thing that attacks a person in the face of real or fancied danger).

  8. Red Cross water safety& lifeguard manual definition of fear is,(An unreasoning overwhelming thing that attacks a person in the face of real or fancied danger).

  9. I have a neighbor, who once seemed normal, that has now become the poster child for the vaxing mob. I’m guessing she has reached the point where her fear turned into panic. According to reports of those that still use Facebook, her crusade of persuading everyone to get the jab has now reached the point she is unfriending those that disagree with her message. Unfortunately for her, she now seems to have few friends, and some neighbors that probably won’t allow her to leave her yard.

    1. The polarity increases. I don’t hear hardly any of that here. But when I see the rare person wearing a mask, they’re usually driving by themselves.

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