McDonalds And The Fall of Kabul

“Here’s to failure!” – The Producers

Well, I guess that solves that problem.

The collapse of Afghanistan’s armed forces was total and complete.  Taliban soldiers entered city after city with little to no resistance.  As I write this, a tragic failure is unfolding in Kabul:  the last McDonalds® grill in Afghanistan is now shut down.

Beware the special sauce.

That actually (really) is the problem.  I was watching a movie the last night called The Outpost, which was about the battle of Kamdesh during the late Afghanistan War.  In one scene, the commander of the Army unit was negotiating with the native Afghanistan villagers.  “I can give you money, contracts, if you help me.”

He was talking in a mud hut with people who certainly use money.  But the people that he was talking with valued many, many things more than mere money:  in this case, religion and honor.  In the scene, however, the Afghan men lay down their arms so they can get contracts.  Who doesn’t like and want more money?

In reality, those same men had been shooting at the Americans, and would be shooting at them again the next time there was an attack.  They didn’t want more money.  And why not?  The contracts and money, to them, were of ephemeral value.  Besides, would that money even be worth anything?


The government in Afghanistan wasn’t created by the people of Afghanistan.  The United States showed up, and got a coalition of people rejected from the Mad Max remake because they were too intense.  It really was an accomplishment to get these people to stop killing each other for an afternoon or so.

Having done that, the State Department pretended that it was Kentucky instead of Kandahar and set up a government more suited to Alabama than to Afghanistan.  The Spartans won and made Sparta.  The Romans won and made Rome.  The Americans conquered a continent and made the United States.

The Afghanistan government?  It was written up in memos in the State Department in Washington, D.C. and was as native to Afghanistan as PEZ® or ¡Jeb! Bush.  The war in Afghanistan was won by boys from Kentucky and Alabama, so why not use those rules?

Well, one simple reason.  They don’t work in Afghanistan.

Finally, a place where ¡Jeb! can win.

In the end, the victory of the Taliban this weekend was because they were fighting a religious war.  And not only was it a religious war, it was a religious war fought by a culture that prized the warrior ethic.  The Afghanis have been fighting off and on against each other and anyone else for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.  There’s never been a lot of thought about building an Industrial Park or at Tech Incubator Campus.  Nope.  It’s blood, rocks, and brutal weather.

Those kinds of people are scary.  To them, extreme violence is a religious sacrament.  Death in combat?  That’s a formula for sweet martyrdom and a promise of eternal bliss.

Hmmm, reminds me of the Vikings?

What was the leadership of the opponent of this death cult of warriors?

Well, this is an entirely different type of cult.

The weak and secular government composed of warlords that had been trying to kill each other before 2001. The Kabul coalition government was like putting a dozen feral cats in a burlap sack, shaking it real hard, and pretending it was a functioning government.  I don’t know if they had incentives like a 401k, but I’m sure they had appropriate state-run defined benefit pension plans that will pay off when they retire in 2057.


Incentives matter.

I was discussing the Fall of Kabul with The Mrs.  Her response was short and was exactly what I would have expected.  “What did we think that we were doing over there, anyway?  We should have gone in, knocked out Al Qaeda, and left.”

The Mrs. is, of course, correct.  Von Clausewitz observed this 200 some-odd years ago when he was writing his book On War that winning a war consisted of two parts.  The first part was getting the other guy’s troops to stop fighting.  Von Clausewitz classified that as, and I quote, “es ist easy-peasy.”  Beating the troops of the enemy was really the easy part.  To win a war, however, you had to remove the will of the whole people to fight.

Biden monitors the evacuation in the War Room.

After World War II, the war was over not because the military bits were done fighting.  It’s that pretty much everybody was tired of fighting, most especially the Germans and especially the Japanese, who discovered to their dismay that they weren’t radiation proof.

It is true that one French general had said, “I have not yet begun to fight, and I probably won’t start, that sounds messy.”  Please don’t mention the Italians, because then I’d need a scorecard.  Their hearts weren’t in it from the beginning.

The Mrs. followed up with, “Why on Earth have we been there for 20 years?”


Well, this obviously means war.

Well, not exactly McDonalds®, but the same thinking that McDonalds© represents:  the worship of markets and material things.  As a nation we were convinced that if we give people around the world a McDonalds™ and professional sports and air conditioning they’ll be just like us and want to make PowerPoints© for a living and live in overpriced housing in crowded cities.

But they’re not like us.  That’s our mistake in thinking that everyone wants Netflix® and chill.  Nope.

The intelligence failure at the heart of this will haunt Joe Biden for the rest of his life.  Last month, Sleepy Joe said, “Under no circumstances are you going to see people taken by helicopter from the roof of the United States Embassy in Afghanistan.”

Well, I guess that will leave a mark.

Yesterday he followed up with the most cowardly thing ever said by a politician that I can recall, he denied he had any responsibility for the largest American miscalculation since Custer said, “Aw hell, how many Indians could there be?”

Nope.  Biden said he is completely and utterly not responsible for anything related to Collapsistan.

If this were Highlights® Magazine, I’d ask you to spot the differences.  (Hint:  they’re the same picture.)

There are some things he could pass the buck on, but this is not one of them.  Does Pretender in Chief Biden bear full responsibility for what is happening right now?  Yes.  It’s a military matter that he’s been aware of for years.  He had choices.  He could have evacuated American civilians months ago.  He could have put our embassy into a minimal staff situation and sent all of the LGBT flags and Black Lives Matter® posters home weeks ago.

Bringing the things that the Afghani people really wanted.

He didn’t.  To the extent there is responsibility for keeping Americans in danger, it is his, and his alone.

But this is a pattern, not a single point.  Oddly a quick Internet search also found this, when I typed in “Biden Denies Responsibility”:

  • Biden Denies Dems’ Responsibility For Crime Wave
  • Biden Denies Responsibility For Border Surge (illegal aliens, not a Taco Bell® run for the border)
  • Biden Denies He Has A Hooker And Crack Loving Son Named Hunter

Looks like we’re back to Hidin’ with Biden!

It’s like Joe Biden isn’t involved in his life at all, and certainly isn’t interested in the consequences of his decisions and actions.  Or, if I might be more charitable, his dementia-fogged mind might have him reliving being 18, so he hasn’t done all of those awful things yet.  I hear he asks Kamala for the keys to the Studebaker© so he can run down to Pop’s Malt Shoppe and hang out with Archie and the gang.

Kamala already took credit that she and Joe were running the show..

Thankfully, the Pretender in Chief had his priority straight:  the Marines had been called on to cook at the McDonalds© (see, it’s all about McDonalds™) at the airport in Kabul.  The Marines have also been called upon to do that less important task of guarding the airport as chaotic mobs of people desperately try to get on any plane that’s leaving.

I wonder if anyone will try to make political points with this?

Just like the battle for Kamdesh ended up with American soldiers (and two Latvians) on helicopters leaving while the base was bombed by B-1 bombers to destroy the ammo left behind, the war in Afghanistan ends with Americans on planes leaving while the government collapses.

Unless Washington somehow uses this failure to justify going back in (which I don’t think is possible) this is the very end of the Afghan War.  What is left now is the beginning of the aftermath.

But no more bacon cheeseburgers for you in the Helmand Province.

(It’s a Star Trek joke.)

Remember: Your Mission Isn’t Done

“Santa Maria! Captain, you cannot punish the crew like this. They will mutiny!” – Sealab 2021

The big problem with the French Revolution is that lots of folks lost their heads.

One winter, while hunting elk up on Wilder Mountain, we had, well, an issue.  We were about fifteen or twenty miles in from the nearest pavement, and headed home.

It was overcast.  It was lazily spitting snow, with a breeze that was slowly picking up.  Looking to the west, where there should be a resplendent sunset, the sky was dark, heavy, and pendulous with brooding storm clouds that blotted out even a hint of the winter Sun.

That was when the problem hit.  Pa Wilder, while driving over a “road” that was little more than a common path cut by four-wheel-drive vehicles over the course of decades of hunting and firewood gathering, drove over a small branch that had fallen in the road.  Not a problem, right?

Well, it was a problem.  In this case, the branch had the stem of a broken off limb, sticking straight up.  Pa drove the GMC Jimmy® right over that sharp shard of limb.

In the span of a dozen or so feet, we had lost not one, but two tires.  It penetrated the center of each tire, poking a hole the size of a half-dollar coin in each.

Amazingly, we had lost another tire already that day, already.

Ahhh, I remember this trip.  Those were the Goodyears®.

We now had a four-wheel drive with five tires and three flats.  In winter.  As a blizzard approached and night was setting in.  And all of this was in country where it could easily hit -40°F as night descended.

I bring this up to say that we had a mission.  Our mission at that point in time was to get home.  There were several challenges, and I’m pretty sure if most people were in the backcountry as a blizzard was descending that the last person they would choose would be a 12-year-old boy to be a guy on the team.

Which is sad.

Children can have missions.  Children can face danger.  Children can do important things.  We forget that because we’re in a society that doesn’t give children important things to do, mostly.  Midshipmen in the Royal Navy were as young as 14.

I hear the Russians just canceled their Penguin Army program.  Now all they have left is Navy Seals.

To be clear:  Midshipmen in the Royal Navy were 14.  A midshipman is an officer.  If you were unaware, the Royal Navy wasn’t a social club, and often those boys fought in wars.  As officers.

So we forgot that boys can be given real, substantial responsibility.  But there’s also the chance that we forget something else:  that each of us is on a mission.  And each of us has a role to play.

We currently are in a place where freedom is an increasingly precious and rare commodity.  It’s not just in the United States – Trump may have said, “Make America Great Again” but down under they seem to be following the “Make Australia A Prison Again” plan.  And Canada?

I love our Canadabros that come by regularly (Canada is the second-largest readership here), but Canada seems to be determined to become the Soviet Above the 49th Parallel, led by that Tundra Trotsky, Trudeau.

Pictured in background:  the only two Canadians Justin’s mother didn’t have sex with.

It seems like in this day and age we all have a mission.  Just like 12 isn’t too young, 80 isn’t too old.

Frankly, we need all hands on deck.  The size of the mission is the largest on the North American continent since 1774.  I almost wrote that the idea was to preserve the Constitution and the Republic.  Seriously, I’d love nothing more than to write that.

I’d love for that to happen.  I’d love for us to come together.  I’d settle for the laws to look like they did 90 years ago.  Heck, even 70 years ago.  That would be preferable to today.

A reversion, sadly, is impossible.

Whatever will come from tomorrow will not look like the past.  It may be a shadow.  The Holy Roman Emperors weren’t Roman.  And the Holy Roman Empire wasn’t the Roman Empire.

And I hear that soon enough he’ll be sending ambassadors to the Ottoman Empire, too.  Can’t you just sniff the leadership?

Or it may be something entirely different.

I think it will be entirely different.

And that’s where you come in.  Yes, you.

You have a mission to create a new nation here.  It won’t look like what we have today – it simply cannot, since we have created a situation that is at the far end of stability, but more on that Wednesday.

I assure you, you play a part.    The initial conditions of what happens are crucial to the final outcome.  If George Washington had wanted to be King?  If Thomas Jefferson had been a Martian Terminator Robot like the one that keeps triggering my motion detector lights at night even though the sheriff won’t believe me?

Things would be entirely different.

And you are important.  Your actions in the next decade are critical to the creation of what will come after.  Do we want a nation that will be based on slavery, control, and that eternal boot stamping on a human face?

I’d vote no.  If you’re a regular here, I’m betting that’s your vote, too.

I think everything he wrote was Orwellian.

If so, let me shout as loudly as I can:  You Are Not Done.  This is Not Over.  What is it that you can do to create a world where freedom beats slavery?  What can you do to create a world where children can run free from the indoctrination of an all-powerful, all-regulating state?

There’s a lot.

Our nation was, thankfully, built on the consent of the governed.  Most things that local government provides, we want.  To quote Python, Monty:

But apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

To be clear:  the Federal government does very little to make anything in the list above better, and often does a lot to make them worse.  Except for the interstate highways.  Those are actually pretty cool.

But I will tell you – you are the seed of the future of this country.  You are the seed of the future of this continent.

Never cross a Scrabble® player.  They’ll send you threatening letters.

You are the seed of the future of this world.  It doesn’t matter how old you are.  The time is coming, and coming quickly where great injustices will be attempted.  And you are the seed to make what comes after better for humanity.  Would the world rather live in 1950’s America or 1930’s U.S.S.R.?

The choice is stark.

Your mission is clear.  How will you act to make your county, your state, your country one where free men can walk?

It’s up to you.

Back to the mountain.

For me, it was a game.  That’s the advantage of being 12.  Pa Wilder and my older brother (also named John due to a typographical error) and I wheeled the tires so we had two good ones in front.  We locked in the hubs on the four-wheel drive.

I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to drive up a mountain path in a car with only two tires in a snowstorm as it got darker every minute.  It doesn’t work very well.  The flat back wheels couldn’t push the Jimmy® up the hill.

That’s where I came in.  It was my job to take the winch cable, run up the hill, and loop the cable up the base of a tree.  Pa would then use the combination of the winch and the two front tires to pull the Jimmy© up.

Tree by tree, cable length by cable length, we worked pretty flawlessly as a team to get the Jimmy™ to the top of the hill.  Thankfully, for the most part it was downhill from there.  Although Pa was driving on the rims, we got it home.

Don’t let the jack slip on your foot when you’re changing a tire.  You might need a toe.

Was there danger?  Certainly, there always is.  We had snow, so we had water.  Ma would have called the Sheriff not too long after dusk, and even though the mountains were a labyrinth of roads, people had seen us.  We also had matches, hatchets, wool blankets, gasoline, and a mountain’s worth of firewood to keep us warm.

But we also had a mission.  Each of us served our purpose, and we got home.

Pa was a bit raw about having to buy two new rims and three new tires for a day’s worth of not seeing any elk, though.  For the record, I never saw a single elk when hunting with Pa.  I’m telling you, that man knew how to hunt.  Finding?  Sometimes I think he just wanted a good drive in the woods and hike with his boys, teaching them about living.  Teaching them about missions, and the part that they play, whether they know it or not.

In this life, we all have a mission, and we all play a part in it.  I can assure you that your part is not done, because you’re above ground, breathing, and reading this.

I hate to repeat something so trite, but in this case, it’s true:  you are not done.  This is not over.  And the whole world depends . . . on you.

It’s up to you.  You will create the future.

So, go do it.

Bread and Circuses, 2021 Version

“We soon forgot the taste of bread, the sound of wind in the trees.  We even forgot our name.” – Lord of the Rings

I promise I won’t make too many bread jokes; I’m not a gluten for punishment.

One of the reasons I keep mentioning the Roman Republic and Roman Empire is that they were an amazing civilization.  Many of the things that we take for granted as being a part of our civilization were a part of Rome 2000 or so years ago.  They invented the Slap Chop® and Sham-Wow™ even before it was cool.

I recall reading Letters from a Stoic – which were the collected letters of Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger (whose wife said, when she was mad, “Lucius, you got some ‘splainin’ to do!”) to one of his friends.  I recommend it.  Some of the details Seneca mentioned in his life were stunningly similar to life today:

  • Seneca wrote about government regulations.
  • Seneca wrote about stopping overnight at a hotel.
  • And, while at that same hotel, his room looked out over the weight room where men were pumping iron and working out.
  • I’d joke that he complained about the free continental breakfast, but, hey, everyone knows you’ve got to get there early to get the good waffles.

What a Roman hotel might have looked like.

The Romans, it seems, are not so different than we are.  In some ways, their technology has outlasted time in ways that many of today’s structures won’t:

  • They had concrete that was objectively better than almost anything we could produce until the 1950s.
  • They built aqueducts that brought clean, fresh, water to hundreds of thousands. Some of these are still in use today (though some have been reconstructed).
  • Roman roads and bridges are still in use today.
  • Romans invented algebra, but, sadly, X was always equal to 10.

One of the earlier mistakes was in 140 B.C. when Rome was still a republic:  it was called the cura annonae, which was just welfare in the form of grain, or, later, bread.  Why bread?  I assume the Romans had yet to master Hot Pocket® technology.

Regardless of what you call it, it was Roman welfare.


Why do politicians create welfare?  For votes.  Duh.

Just like Goldilocks, I wondered if a food could be hot, cold, and just right at the same time.  Then I remembered Hot Pockets™ exist.

Don’t get me wrong – just like there is a proper time to have a roll of duct tape, rope, a sharp knife, and garbage bags in the trunk, there is a proper time and place to have welfare.  Sometimes people are too old, too unwell, or too mentally deficient to work.  But enough about Joe Biden.

Eventually, though, public welfare always proves to be corrosive to freedom.  It creates a class that votes for sustenance instead of working.  And since it’s a government program, the only way that it can be administered is if (eventually) everyone is caught in the snare.

So, that’s the bread.

What are the circuses?

Entertainment.  Generally, entertainment of the lowest common denominator type.  It’s an amusement for the masses.  Why focus on learning?  Why focus on things that are difficult?  Don’t study physics, it’s hard.  Study gender studies.  They have cookies after class.

I hear a chopper is the best way to get the aristocracy out of France as well as the best way to get commies out of the United States.

That’s what the circus brought to Rome.  The Roman citizens wanted action now.  They wanted the gladiators spilling blood in the Coliseum.  They wanted plays performed on the streets.  And Senators (and Senator wannabees) and Emperors alike provided games and carnivals and distractions.

Generally, what distracts and amuses one generation isn’t enough for the next, so the idea is that the amusement has to get progressively edgier – more violent.  More degenerate.  It’s all fun, right?

After the fall of the Republic and the rise of Empire, a humor author named John Wilder no, Zeus Ferocior (I expect certain people, cough, cough to fix my poor translation of John Wilder into Latin, but Zeus Ferocier just sounds so cool, as long as no one calls me Dr. Zeus), no.  The guy’s name was Decimus Junius Juvenalis, (but folks just call him Juvenal) and he made this wonderful observation:

 . . . the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses.

Actually, it looks like a picture of a person drawn by someone who has never seen a person.

Think about that.  After a period of hundreds of years where civic virtue was defined by participation and improving the public welfare, civic virtue became defined by being good at getting free stuff.  Hard times, of course, caused the politicians to multiply the amount of bread and circuses given to the people.


The leaders were smart.  The easiest way to keep the citizens quiet is to keep them well-fed with glazed eyes – something people who own sheep already know.

The object was simple:  to keep the sheep citizens thinking, not of the Republic, but of themselves.  Bread and circuses wasn’t an appeal to the strongest and best parts of man, bread and circuses was an appeal to the lowest and weakest parts of man.  Rather than think of what a wonderful civilization we could create, how about we think about the greatest pleasure we could create for ourselves, right this minute?

Want to hear a sheep joke?  Stop me if you’ve herd this one . . .

COVID has been our multiplier.  It’s pushed the people to their most dependent, and pushed the bacon-wrapped-shrimp class to their most manipulative.

What is beyond the Federal government now?

  • Landlords in the several states can be forced to provide property for free. Forever, apparently.  Depravation of property without due process?  That’s rookie talk.
  • Entire economic sectors can be shut down at will. The final victory of large corporations over small owners can be enshrined forever.
  • Mandates can be issued that people can be forced to take experimental injections of a dubious nature that appear to have limited benefits and unknown side effects. Because?  Because we said so.
  • Coordinated public/private attacks on speech have become the norm. Have an unpopular idea?  Have facts that contradict the narrative?  Shhh, comrade.

So, nothing is beyond them.  Property isn’t protected.  Livelihood isn’t protected.  Bodily autonomy isn’t protected.  I’d say that Netflix® is still there to account for “the pursuit of happiness” but have you seen the shows on Netflix™ recently?


Momma always said life is like Netflix®.  It has a monthly price and hates you.

I guess that’s a wrap.  Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are out.  Bread and circuses are in.  Give me freedom or give me Doritos® and Hulu Plus©.

The end result is a difficult one.  Collapses in liberty lead to collapses in economic systems.  And vice versa.  When the economic freedom drops out, the Doritos™ and Hulu Plus© become gruel and occasional candles at the GULAG.  If you’re lucky.

When a culture is young and vibrant, economic liberty leads to prosperity.  That freedom to create results in economic winners and losers.  Winners are rewarded, losers drop out, or join the winning team.  That’s in a free market.

Unlike real communism, real free markets have been tried.  And they’ve resulted in the greatest prosperity and freedom that the world has ever seen.

We have reached the intersection of economic system collapse, collapse in the faith of the governance structure of the nation, and collapse in our trust for each other.

I stopped burning bridges in life.  They’re made of steel now.

How long can that go on?

Well, Juvenal was writing not from the period of the Republic, but from the period of the Emperors.  As I’ve written before – the choice that will exist is far larger than the ‘Rona ever was:  the choice between dissolution of our country and a new Emperor, whatever he may be called.  Czar Wilder sounds nice, but hey, I could stand being a silly old king.

And I can assure you, that Juvenal’s observation of (panem et circensenes) bread and circuses, will be on the mind of whatever new Emperor might emerge.

It worked for the Romans for a few hundred years, after all.

I wonder who will be writing about us in 2000 years?

I hope he’s a steely-eyed blonde dude by the name of Zeus.  Or, John.

Civil War 2.0: Living On The Edge

“I don’t want to be in a battle. But waiting on the edge of one I can’t escape is even worse.” – Return of the King

The past, present, and future walked into a bar.  It was tense.

  1. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  2. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  3. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  4. Open War.

Violence and open crime is now endemic in most major cities, so much so that people now just tend to ignore it, and police are incentivized to ignore it and focus on policing people who fail to come to a complete stop.    Again, none of the violence that I could see originated from the Right in July.  None.

I’m holding July at 9 out of 10.  That’s still two minutes to midnight.  I had expected that hot weather and growing unrest would lead to levels of violence that couldn’t be ignored, but I was wrong.  What appears today to be the driver to our current unrest is the prospect of mandatory “immunizations” that don’t appear to immunize.

I currently put the total at (this is my best approximation, since no one tracks the death toll from rebellion-related violence) hanging in at around 900 out of the 1,000 required for the international civil war definition.

As close as we are to the precipice of war, be careful.  Things could change at any minute.  Avoid crowds.  Get out of cities.  Now.  A year too soon is better than one day too late.

In this issue:  Front Matter – Divorce, American Style – Violence And Censorship Update –– Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – The COVID Trigger? – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, subscribe because you’ll join over 500 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.

Divorce, American Style

Studies have shown that if a couple doesn’t want to get divorced, they shouldn’t talk about divorce.  Heck, I could even make a joke about Bill Gates’ divorce, but that wouldn’t be PC.

One of the potential outcomes of our current political divide has always been the dissolution of the United States.  As Stein’s Law states:  If something can’t go on forever, it won’t.  And, eventually, the United States won’t, no matter how much we want it to go on.

In a recent poll, people are thinking about divorce.  And even though this particular divorce isn’t like the divorce between a dentist and a manicurist, it still might be fought tooth and nail.  Nope, this is secession.  Based on a June, 2021 survey, it looks like the South is ready to leave, again.  66% of Republicans and 50% of independents (mainly those that think the Republicans are Leftists) are ready to call it quits.

That’s a majority.  Other folks want out, too.   The numbers are far larger than I would have expected, but that shows just how far down the road to dissolution the United States is.

I imagine the stoners in Colorado will keep their weed during the divorce – they’ll have joint custody.

And this is when things are going (relatively) well.  There aren’t hungry people in the streets, and the current problem around here is that there aren’t enough people to work, rather than unemployment.

If you went on the normal split, here’s what the two countries would look like:

Hmmm, Chicago looks sort of . . . surrounded.

I like this version better than the “Red State” pictures because commies love red.  Regardless, it shows counties that are 51%/49% as the same color as a 85%/15% county.  Aesop (LINK) has shown that there’s a lot of purple out there.  And he’s right – the battle isn’t along the same regional lines as 1860.  But when people want to fight, they can and will.  The Balkans is a great example of a “purple” country going to war against itself.

What should scare people is that things are going well, and people want out.  The Right (with almost all of the guns) is preparing for just that.  Most of the groups listed on this map of militias aren’t horribly radical, especially by historical United States norms.  What unnerves the Left is that these groups seem to think quaint old things like the Constitution matter.

The Leftists don’t train with guns. I expect they’re bad Marxmen.

Of course, the Leftist press is pearl-clutching about this, but I downloaded the Light Foot Militia’s guidebook (Hi, FBI agent!) and it’s as tame as a kitten eating warm cream.  The physical requirements for membership include being able to walk a couple of miles in 40 minutes and do 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups.

Quite a crazy eccentric threat.

But I have goals:

Violence And Censorship Update

I’ve already mentioned the normalization of endemic levels of violence.  There’s a reason I’m staying clear of cities, even though that’s where they keep the Red Lobster®.

Censorship is, sadly, again the big story.  Early in July, Nick Fuentes was kicked off of the major social platforms.  He’s shockingly old.  He’s 22.  He’s marginally amusing, but not at all hateful or dangerous.  But kids liked him, and he challenged the narrative.  So, banned.  Probably for life.  At age 22.

On Soviet Twitter® you can’t use your email to sign in.  You have to use your USSRname.

Okay, that was how the month started.  It got better, right?


I bet they did not see that coming. (Say it fast.)

I’ll just share these horrifying developments.  The Left (and the Libertarians) keep coming back to the argument that speech on Twitter® (or Facebook™, or Google© or etc.) is private speech.  Well, have a nice look at the following.

Okay, this one is a joke.  No one likes Cathars anyway and we should burn them at the stake.  Oh, they’re all dead?  Never mind.

Understand that now the stage is set for an official truth to go along with the official narrative.  Deviation from either will result in being shut down by the Government-Media Complex.

If you think the Military Industrial Complex was bad?  You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real-time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Up is more violent, and our perception of violence is down in July.  I guess we’ve just lowered our standards.

Political Instability:

Up is more unstable, and it dropped again this month.  Unless there’s a crisis, I expect political instability to remain low until at least September.  Weirdly, it seems like June-July-August have the lowest levels of instability.  I guess that’s due to it being fresh vodka season in Washington D.C.?


Economic measures showed an uptick last month.  Nu-COVID-22 (or whatever they’re going to call it) will probably hit these measures in a few months.  Or the money printing.  Nah.  It’ll be fine.

Illegal Aliens:

This data was at record levels last month, but since we now have the “Biden COVID-19 riddled illegal alien import plan” we beat the record again.  Coming soon to a town near you.

The COVID Trigger?

I haven’t seen anything like the current ‘Rona Rage in my life.  It’s a purity test administered like a religious sacrament.  If you have taken “the jab” you are holy, even though it observably performs in exactly the same manner as a placebo.

But the performance of the #clotshot isn’t the point:  the mandate to take a vaccination to be employed is.  I haven’t had a flu shot, well, ever.  The last shot I had was a tetanus vaccine.  Since my jaw didn’t lock up, well, I’m calling that a win.

But many people have an issue with taking the ‘Rona Roids.  The reasons vary.  And just like the performance of not-vax, it doesn’t matter.  The people who don’t want to take it, won’t.  Many of them will quit their jobs prior to injecting an experimental mRNA therapy with completely unknown long-term side effects.

Recently, Jojo Biden and his Dementia Support Brigade have mandated injections for millions of people under Federal control.  What happens to them if they don’t take it?  Presumably, they lose their jobs.  Or are drummed out of the military.  Or?

This seems to have created a cascade of employers who are following suit by mandating the shot for their employees.  Wal-Mart® surprised me.  Google™ didn’t.

I hear Jesus was kicked out of PrayPal®.

The choice is a stark one, especially for people with families to feed and careers on the line.  Enforcement isn’t a troop of Feds showing up at 3AM.  Enforcement is that no person may conduct business or hold a job without this mark pass.

I wonder what would have been said in previous years?

“You bring the crowns and heads of conquered kings to my city steps. You insult my queen. You threaten my people with slavery and death. Oh, I’ve chosen my words carefully, Persian. Perhaps you should have done the same.” – 300

How would Biden respond?

Fine.  Remember this:


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much, Ricky!!

Film At Eleven


ICONIC: A Sidewalk, A Flag, And A Kid:

Trash Day:

Target Practice:

Convenience Store:

Taxi Cab:

Block Party:

American Marxism Interview (Long but good):

Two-Reason Biden:

The Old Man And Across The Sea:

Just standin’ around and bam:


Rock The Vote


Bad Here


Worse There


Coming Attractions

The Jab: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

“And he wasn’t alone. He had close to a thousand followers when he died. They conducted rituals up on the roof, bizarre rituals intended to bring about the end of the world. And now it looks like it may actually happen.” – Ghostbusters

I guess that makes my wife Mrs. Doubtpfizer.

Disclaimer: Humor writer, not a doctor. But I’m a humor writer that likes to look at the worst-case scenarios because someone has to know that “I’m sorry” and “I apologize” don’t always mean the same thing, especially at a funeral.

One of the more disturbing things about the trajectory of the panic-response-panic model that we’ve seen in the last year about the ‘Rona has been the nearly complete abandonment of the idea of impartial science. Oh, sure, we knew that scientists could be bought, and in most cases, they’re cheaper than congressmen. Scientists can be bought for a shrimp cocktail. To buy a congressman, you have to spring for the bacon-wrapped shrimp.

When you look at the data from only eight months ago, the University of Pennsylvania, actual scientists that were presumably not under the influence of shrimp came to this conclusion (LINK):

Pay attention to the phrase, “No large trials of any (emphasis added) mRNA vaccine have been completed yet.”


This is a first attempt at ever using this technology, and the decision was made that, “Hey, sounds good, let’s do it. What could go wrong?”

This sounds suspiciously like the reasoning I used with my first marriage, so, on its face, this is the same logic used by amorous 20-year-olds. I wonder: were they playing beer pong when they made the decision?

So, what could go wrong?

I’ll start with the least scary and move to the scariest ones. To be fair, the least scary are the impacts that are the most likely, and in some cases, they are certainly happy. Data, however, is murky. Congress voted to keep the report on the origin of the virus classified, so I’m not holding my breath that any information counter to the official narrative will be seeing daylight anytime soon.

Heart Attacks In Healthy Young People – As far as I can tell, this is 100% confirmed. How often is it happening? Difficult to say. This is, however, often enough that I think it is clear that with the death rate from COVID for young, healthy people is lower than the risk that they have of driving to school.

How low?

If you have been documented to have COVID, the death rate is in the range of 1 out of 100,000. Since it’s my theory that between one-half and two-thirds of ‘Rona infections in kids aren’t ever officially reported, that rate is probably closer to (conservatively) 1 out of 300,000. Translation: rub some dirt on it, you’re fine.

How frequent are the heart attacks induced by the jab? Don’t know. And with data and reporting being what they are today, we might not know for a decade, if ever.

That’s okay. No pharmaceutical company has any liability, so you don’t have to worry about the CEO losing his bonus.

I hear that Mountain Dew® is coming out with a new flavor for heart attack victims: Code Blue®.

You know it’s going to be a grim list when Widespread Sterility is the second-best case scenario. This one is still speculative, and there’s evidence for it. I’m stunned, really, that pregnant women were encouraged to get the “jab”, because when The Mrs. was preggers I was pretty sure the doctor wasn’t convinced that eating one Cheeto® a month was safe for pregnant women.

But here we are. I haven’t heard of a lack of babies being born, though I’ve heard of more than one post-jab miscarriage. Again I ask the question: why would young, healthy people be taking this, especially after (again, anecdotal) evidence that the spike protein seems to concentrate in the reproductive bits?

Breakthrough and Jabbed Becoming Superspreading Virus Factories is happening right now. This one is, of course, the most ironic. It does (again, at least anecdotally) appear that the death rate due to the ‘Rona is somewhat lower if the person is jabbed. But if it doesn’t stop a person from getting or spreading ‘Rona, all it does is act as a treatment against future cases? Again, the only trial data we’ll ever get from Pfizer™ stated that 14 people with the control died, and 15 people with the Pfizer© science juice died.

Because that’s how you know it’s working.

But apparently I need to get jabbed so the jabbed won’t get the ‘Rona from me even though they can get ‘Rona and are much better at spreading it because they show fewer symptoms? This ranks higher because, more superspreaders? More mutations.

Clotting/COVID Spike Protein Runaway is a scenario that has been seen, well, at least the clotting part. There’s a reason they called the Johnson & Johnson™ jab the #clotshot. According to one panel of doctors (it was on YouTube®, so take it with however many grains of salt you’d like), the spike protein is the problem. Originally it was the solution, because that’s what the mRNA shot did: make a person’s cells produce the spike protein so that the immune system could recognize it.

This doctor’s theory was the protein wanders down through the bloodstream where it damages the blood vessel walls in the capillaries, the smallest section. This causes clotting, and I don’t think it is disputed that this caused several deaths and several amputations because of the clots as directly caused by the jab.

This doctor went further, however. He maintained this clotting would spread since there seems to be ample continual production of the spike protein. His prognosis? Everyone who had the spike protein-inducing shot would die of heart failure in two or three years due to cumulative damage. Everyone who took the shot.

I rate this one as pretty bad – civilization-ending, in fact if there are billions of corpses to deal with in two years. But I also rank this as pretty unlikely.

I hope.

As bad as all of that is, there are three more horror stories waiting. Lucky you!

I don’t think COVID was made in China – we’ve had it 18 months and it’s still working.

The next is Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE). The short version is that in this situation (which really happens, though rarely) the candidate vaccine appears to create antibodies that would protect against the disease. Good news!

But not really. In this case, the antibodies actually make it easier for the virus to get into the cell. So, if when you get the virus you were inoculated against in the first place, it will kill you. Yup. In this case, the virus actually makes the disease deadlier. I’m hoping that this wave of the ‘Rona run isn’t ADE showing up.

I don’t think that it is, or I think we would have seen a very significant death wave among the jabbed, one so big it would be difficult to hide.

Marek’s Disease is the next case. A “leaky” vaccine was created for chickens to vaccinate them against Marek’s Disease, which totally sounds like it was named after a Star Trek® character. The chickens could catch the disease, and the vaccine was just good enough to keep them from dying from it.

Good news, right? Well, no. Because the vaccine allowed them to be super-spreaders. The virus kept mutating until it was absolutely fatal to chickens. Now, most chickens have it, and spread it. Unless a baby chick (that’s around other chickens) is vaccinated, it will die. Chickens as we know them are dependent upon having this vaccine.

If the “jabs” we have against COVID are similar, we might see exactly what we’re seeing now: people who were jabbed having the virus and incubating it and spreading it and making it more and more dangerous. Under the worst-case scenario, the virus would mutate into a universally lethal form, and we’d all have to take some future version of the jab.

Or die. As a species.

That would be a big oops. Again, unlikely, but it does meet the patterns we’ve been seeing. But the worst case is the next one.

To get to the other . . . oh, wait . . .

The Spike is a Prion prions are misfolded proteins. A perfect example of this is mad cow disease: a misfolded protein makes it into the brain and causes a chain reaction with other brain proteins. Eventually, when a person catches mad cow disease, a human brain becomes spongier than Joe Biden’s.

The scary part about prions is, even though they aren’t alive, they can spread and replicate in the body like they are alive. So, in this case, the spike protein would eventually cause some horrible jab-zombie end to mankind.

Thankfully, the prion theory looks to be the silliest and least likely scenario. But all of these scenarios, however, are showing up because the information is so very, very bad. I included the clip from the University of Pennsylvania study because it is honest. It shows what we know, and what we don’t know. There isn’t the lingering smell of corruption and shrimp anywhere in the document.

I got kicked out of the zoo for feeding the ducks . . . to the crocodiles. Those crocodiles sure will miss me.

With any luck we won’t see horrible health consequences from the jab. The biggest casualties right now appear to be any lingering trust we had in Big Science, our economy, the concept of private property, any restraint on government edicts whatsoever, and the illusion that we had freedom to begin with.

But, remember – to buy a congressman you need bacon-wrapped shrimp. I mean, they can be bought, but they don’t want you to think they’re cheap.

Debt, Trench Warfare And An End Of The World Cult You Can Believe In

Had some (planned) other things come up, so one from the vaults that many of you might not have seen . . .

After World War One, the phrase, “Happy as a Hapsburg in Serbia” fell out of favor, as did the “Hair Smile” style of mustache.  Or is that Herr Smile?

I’ve already told the story about digging out of debt.  In retrospect, it seems to me that all of those stories end up sounding the same:  “I weighed six hundred pounds, my kitchen floor was covered in dirty dishes and cat food, and I had $3.7 million in debt until I found Wildernetics© and the First Church of PEZology™.  Look at me now!”


Proof that I am a reincarnated World War One soldier (Part One).  These are from a soldier’s joke newspaper, The Wiper’s (a mangling of Ypres) Times, produced for soldiers by soldiers that found an abandoned printing press.

I know my methods can solve everything, but today I had a crazy idea.  How about spending some time talking about how I got into debt in the first place?  I know that might cut into the revenue of the Wildernetics© End of the World Cult and Take-Out BarBeQue Restaurant®, but I figure you might come back for the brisket.  It’s very tender.

I’ll quit teasing.  How did I get into debt?  First a little.  Then all at once.

Let me rewind a whole marriage.  As regular readers will know, The Mrs. was not the first, but she is the final spouse.  My first marriage was an example of a series of escalating poor mutual decisions where each side seemed to lack a brief moment of sanity to back out before anyone got hurt, sort of like the run-up to World War I.  Even before Archduke Franz Ferdinand proved that .380 ACP was a useful round against Hapsburgs and their notably gelatinous bones, World War I was inevitable.  Before I said “I do” everything was in place for the trench warfare of future divorce.


Okay, I apologize for this joke.  I think it violated the Geneva Convention.

But, rewinding.  After graduating college I got married and got a starter job, which is to say I had a job that just barely paid the bills.  Nearly exactly.  In fact, after working at the job for a few months, we were exactly (most months) at zero.  We weren’t saving any money yet, but we also weren’t in the red.  Success.  My credit card limit was 10,000 . . . Siberian Lira.   This was equivalent to a whole bright and shiny quarter.  This helped me stay debt-free.

Then came the table.


Proof that I am a reincarnated World War One soldier (Part Two), this one is for James.

We had a dining room table.  It wasn’t great, and the chairs that came with it were a bit ratty – the vinyl arms had been slammed into the table often enough that it looked like a pack of rabid Chihuahuas had spent their lives sitting on the chair seats and gnawing on the arms.  I imagine them growling and chewing in unison as they sat around the table, like Viking Chihuahua rowers.  Most all of our furniture was second-hand or gifted, but the table really was the biggest eyesore.


Okay, this one isn’t mine, but I couldn’t resist.

At some point, discipline broke.  I know how silly it sounds to say that now, but back then, month after month of not buying anything but actual necessities takes more discipline than Elizabeth Warren around a tribal gathering.  Eventually, I gave in.  We bought the table.  Using debt.  Back then, individual stores would give you amazing credit limits just to buy their crap.  They gave us more than enough credit to buy that table, and with the money I saved from shipping the Chihuahuas back to Denmark, I figured we’d be money ahead.


Proof that I am a reincarnated World War One soldier (Part Three).

The table was only $500, but the difference between having no debt (outside of a mortgage) and having debt, even a small one, was a huge psychological hurdle for me.  It’s like having a doughnut when you’re doing low carb.  “I got weak had one doughnut, so I might as well have, say, 36.  And do you have any whipped cream I could just guzzle straight from the can?  I broke my diet, and don’t want to waste it.”  Pretty soon other nice-to-have things showed up, very few of which I still own today.  But I had crossed that mental barrier from peace (debt-free) to war (spend away!).  Suddenly, the credit card companies realized I had debt, and immediately wanted to lend me more money.  My credit limits tripled.

I hope that this doesn’t sound like I’m blaming The Ex.  Like Adam in the Garden of Eden, I was fully complicit.  Ultimately the debt grew faster than my wages.  This led to the idea of grad school:  I could get free tuition plus be a paid graduate assistant.  Would it work?

Sure.  There were also student loans.  Free money!  Oops.


Okay, let’s all admit that Nachos Bellgrande® is NOT a war crime.


Proof that I am a reincarnated World War One soldier (Part Four).

There were some places along the way that I could have gotten off the merry-go-round.  When I sold that first house to move for a new, post-grad school job, we’d made a stunning 40% profit in three years.  It would have more than paid off a good chunk of my student loans.  Nope, that would have made too much sense.  We did pay down a little debt and bought a new house, putting down the minimum down payment.

But most of the money was just spent.  About this time I also had one of the worst ideas I’d ever had in my life.  The Ex and I were always arguing about money, and about the thermostat – I knew that 50°F in winter and 90°F in summer were reasonable temperatures, but The Ex disagreed.  Well, if she had to pay the bills, she would certainly understand how tight money was.  Right?


We had a different view of not only household temperature, but the idea that one should pay monthly bills, well, monthly.  I didn’t figure this out for three years, by which time I owed enough money to qualify as a third-world country, but one of the nice, mainly atrocity-free ones.  Mainly.


Taco Bell® inspired outfits?

Debt is like George Washington’s description of fire, it’s an amazing tool, but a fearful master.  My advice is to pay all of your bills in full, monthly.  I know that the people who own your debt disagree.  Why?  They want you to have debt, as much as you can pay.

I had a friend (since passed away in an accident) who I called Batman© on this blog (“I’m Batman,” – Batman, in Batman).  He had one particular investment that was worth about $12 million – a series of apartments.  He had paid the apartments off before they were even built by selling future property tax credits to other businesses.  Yeah, that kind of friend.

But he viewed his tenants as slaves (his term), who went to work daily so they could send him money every week.  I heard him use exactly that phrase to describe them.  He liked his tenants and was a good landlord.  However, he knew the score:  when they went to work each day, they went to work so they could pay him.

And Batman was a good guy and he taught kids that debt was a form of slavery of ordinary people to wealthy guys just like him, not that they always listened.

My marriage to The Ex?  That particular marriage is proof of the old Henny Youngman joke:

“Why are divorces expensive?”

“They’re worth it.”


Yeah, divorce just STARTS the argument.

The day she moved out was one of the happiest days for both of us.

I was still digging myself out of debt when I met The Mrs.  As our relationship blossomed, I thought it was only fair to tell her of the debt that I had.

“The Soon To Be The Mrs., I have something to tell you.  You might want to sit down.”

The Soon To Be The Mrs. looked shaken.  She sat.  I told her about my debt.  She laughed.

“Is that all?  I thought you were going to tell me you’d been in prison.”

No, not prison.

But I still owed reparations payments to France.

Propaganda Attack: The Wilder Experience (Plus Bikini Ending)

“PBS, the propaganda wing of Bill and Melinda Gates.” – The Office

I used to advertise that I catered to midgets, but the market was too small.

A curious thing happened last week.  For the most part, I think most of the people who comment and interact with me are pretty much what they seem.  I’ve had a few direct messages (email and whatnot) that seemed to be right out of the “FBI funds plot paid for by FBI and planned by FBI with equipment provided by FBI” files.  I told them point-blank that I assumed anyone sending me emails of that type were FBI and . . . they stopped sending me emails.

Huh.  That was weirdly easy.

Then there are the people commenting for commercial purposes to promote their own websites.  You can always spot those – the comments have nothing to do with the post, and are often some sort of cut and paste word salad.  If those make it through the spam filter I let the comments stay up, but don’t interact with them.


Does anyone answer their e-mails?

Moscow Rules (no coincidences) would indicate that, at least several times, I’ve managed to irritate someone enough to knock the site off the net.  With over 1,000 days of (more or less) continuous uptime, to get knocked off twice in one month probably indicates I’ve irritated the Junior Antifa® LGBT Programmer Alliance™ enough that they script-kiddied the place.

But last week’s COVIDIOCRACY post was enough to ratchet up the attention, I guess.

I’m not sure how the comment/spam filter works.  Probably programmers howl at a moonlit sky and throw Dungeons and Dragons™ dice until they level up their dwarf.  In reality, the programmers do choose parameters of known spam and then place those comments in a bin until people like me decide if they’re real or not.

The first comment to pop up, relatively early in the post was this one:

I’ll note a few things:  the name, “labrat” was chosen to give the impression that the person is engaged in science on a regular basis.  It’s not bad, really.

The first paragraph was intended to be fawning (entertaining) but also an attempt to discredit my credentials.  In reality, I have cheerfully acknowledged every error found in the blog, but there aren’t all that many, even when I calculated the mass of anti-PEZ® required for near light-speed travel.

The idea, coupled with the name, was to convey legitimacy to them, while removing legitimacy from the post for the casual reader.

The rest of the post is a word salad that’s attempting to:

  • Toss a claim that Dr. Malone didn’t invent the mRNA vaccine. Well, he didn’t, but it looks like he had a very significant role in the development of the technology (LINK).  I’ll let others sort that out.  Is he a crackpot?  Don’t know.  Didn’t say so, either way.  Regardless, I’m sure Malone knows more than “labrat”.
  • Say that viruses mutate.
  • Indicates that new data means new approaches. Like, lockdown (what number is this, three?) and I kid you not – the CDC® just said, “two more weeks” to stop the spread.

But then, just an hour later, this comment showed up to be moderated:

It’s . . . the same post.  But now it’s “hank”, which makes me think of either Bocephus or Hank Hill:

I guess all your rowdy friends can be there on Monday Night if you don’t criticize Barak Obama.

Under a different guise, “j-lab” started commenting on random posts.  Same quotes.

Then, another one.  Why this one?  I think it was a hello from the bot-master.  On another website I called him out as being up and active during the time businesses would be open from India to the Eastern Mediterranean.  His comment, “Namaste!”

And, finally, these two from the last 12 hours.

I bet those people are fun at parties.

I backtracked the I.P. addresses from the comments.  Just to let you know, I never do that with average comments.  Frankly, I’m just not interested where most people are posting from, I’m just glad you’re here.  But I did backtrack these.  Where did the comments come from?  Atlanta, Georgia.  Canada.  Japan.

They didn’t really come from those places.  All of the comments came from a proxy.  Those locations were just where it popped out into the “trackable” Internet.  It would likely be trivial for fed.GOV to track them, but for me, that’s where the rabbit hole ends.

But it’s enough.

The end result is simple.  I write about the coming Civil War?  Yawn.  I write about forced inoculations of experimental mRNA technology that appears to have little to no actual beneficial use.  What?  What do you mean?

In the Pfizer trials, there were 15 deaths from mRNA injected folks.  There were 14 deaths in the control group.




The “jab” might have horrific implications for humanity.  I’ll probably hit some nightmare-level (and very low probability events) on Friday’s post.  Again, it’s very possible that the #clotshot might only hurt a few tens of thousands of people, and not be some sort of dystopian science fiction movie backstory.  Vaccines have been pulled for much less harm than has been reasonably attributed to the mRNA shot:

Before swine flu met Jesus it was swater flu.

So why push it so hard?  I’m not sure.  Governmental power?  Pharmaceutical profits?  Covering their tracks by removing the “control group”?

Regardless, all of the power, profit, and cover-up goes away with one simple trick:

The Best Post You’ll Read About COVID This Week: COVIDIOCRACY (with bikini ending)

“Quite frankly, we have had some very reliable intelligence reports that quite a serious epidemic has broken out at Clavius, something apparently of an unknown origin. Is this in fact what has happened?” – 2001:  A Space Odyssey

I’m not against all Gene therapy.

Note 1:  none of the memes for this post are original (most all of my regular post memes are), these are “as found” on the Internet.  I don’t think that there are any major inaccuracies, but, as always, engage in critical thinking.

Note 2:  this isn’t medical or life advice.  You have to assess your own situation and make your own choices. 

I was wandering through the Internet this week when this little gem of information caught my eye:

When I caught a bacterial infection, the doctor told me I was a man of culture.

The “jab” (which is not a vaccine, more on that in a bit) had proven not to decrease the rate of infection.  Nope.  The #clotshot looks like it turns those that have taken it into super-spreaders.  They have the ability, if infected, to spread even more of the disease to other people.

Think about that for just a second:  the “vaccinated” are very likely making the “normal DNA” population less safe.  It’s a paradox.  But at least they don’t get it themselves, right?  Well, in the immortal words of Aesop:  natzsofast . . . .

So, this gives a whole new meaning to Royal Navy “carrier”.  Something tells me they should have seen this one coming.

It has become abundantly clear that the “jab” is (at best) only moderately effective.  I have had the ‘Rona.  The Mrs. tested positive for the antibodies, and when she was sick she was helpfully coughing directly on me all night.  It’s not as bad as licking a doorknob at a bathroom hobos use, but it’s close.

The symptoms for me were mild.  A bit of a coof, and a fever of around 99°F for about four hours.  For The Mrs.?  Worse, but not the sickest I’ve ever seen her.

For me, a fever of 99°F is something that happens about once a decade, at most.  I last took a sick day in 2001 or so, so I’ve generally been fairly healthy.  The flu in 2012 was much, much worse for me, but that’s only because I let it get in my lungs.  I guess it was swine flu, so I should have had some oinkment.

Blofeld:  “Mr. Bond, I’ve poisoned your glass with the measles vaccine.  Now you have autism.”  Bond:  “That’s fine, Blofeld, I’ve disassembled your doomsday device and organized the parts by size.”

CORONA is real.  But when you look at the statistics, it is a disease that simply doesn’t hurt young people.   By young, I mean less than 40.  So, when I see Internet harpies screeching that they don’t want their kids to DIE!!! because of selfish “unvaxxed”, what I see are people who probably dress their precious snowflake up in bubble wrap before they are allowed to go play in a playground that has been designed by dozens of engineers over thousands of hours to be safe in any conceivable circumstances.

And then they insist to replace the ground under the safe playground equipment with crushed rubber pellets that would safely allow Jeff Bezos to land on them if he jumped from orbit.

Oops, sorry.  Jeff Bezos hasn’t been to orbit.

But the statistics are clear:  your kid is safe, at least from COVID-19.

Never get involved with a cult of mimes.  They’re capable of unspeakable acts of violence.

Here at the end of July, 2021, though, the drumbeat of COVIDIOCRACY has reached a new high.  I was over at Phil’s place (LINK) and made a comment.  The comment was about the coming mandate to force everyone to get “the jab” or lose their government job.  This was the wife of a .GOV employee or contractor.  She asked me what she should do.  My response was simple – without knowing lots of intimate details of her life, there was no way I could answer.

When you don’t need a prion disease to have your brain turn into sponge.

Nearly immediately, my response was jumped on by a shill – obviously a paid propagandist.  It was interesting that the only hours they were posting were when it was 8:30AM in India to when it was about 6PM in India.  I’m not saying it was India.  It could have been someone really late to the office in China or really early to the office in the eastern Mediterranean.

Phil had attracted paid foreign agents to his site to pop up propaganda.  Propaganda for the “jab”.  If it were good for you, wouldn’t that be self-evident by now?

Let’s look at the huge push on the “vax”:

  • Coordinated media attacks to encourage it.
  • Pedo Joe announcing that he’s going to make Fed.GOV take the shot.
  • Coordinated attacks by shills on influential blogs and /message boards/.

Sure, you could say that it’s all about Pfizer’s® Pfrofits™, but it’s only a few measly billion that they made this quarter.  That’s not to say that Pfizer© isn’t Pcorruptly® attempting to manipulate the media:

The vaccine, though, might be dangerous.  I was talking with a friend and described it as “an untested genetic manipulation.”  He said that was too strong, and it sounded kinda crazy to say it that way.  Honestly, that was a fair criticism, and I especially appreciate those:  it’s a good friend that tells you when they think you’re nuts.  But:

My gut instinct might have been right.  DNA changes?  That can’t have any bad impacts, can it?

I guess it can.  And this is where the #clotshot becomes a crime.  Any healthy person under 40 is much more likely to die of the mRNA treatment than COVID.  There has been quite a run on heart attacks of healthy young men who were injected.

But even after this, the push for the injection is intensifying:


But why would you trust a government and a media that has consistently lied to you about the ‘Rona?

And they’ve completely expressed how they feel about anyone who has a different opinion:

Certainly, they’ll return your freedom to you after COVID is banished, right?

Be Goofus, not Gallant.

The Mrs. and I have discussed it.  We are not getting the #clotshot.  If this is an experiment, we’ll happily remain in the control group.  I’ve had the ‘Rona, so I identify as immune.

But, in the end, you have a choice.  You can submit to have a literally Biblical restriction on your life,

Or, you can take another track.  If enough people choose freedom, we’ll never have to worry for a minute.  You must remember – they’re more afraid of you than you should be of them.

See, it ends with a bikini!

Emotional Bank Accounts – Another Form Of Wealth

“I’m yours, Lurch.  My heart.  My soul.  My bank account.” – The Addams Family

If it’s 2% milk, what’s the other 98%?

I generally try to be an upbeat person.  I’ve got good reason to be.  So far, at least, most of the worst things in my life have led to most of the best things in my life.  And it seems the worse the initial event is, the better the final outcome.

The track record is pretty good.  I’m optimistic.  Heck, with a small thermonuclear war, who knows how good things will get for me!

Optimism is one of my personal keys to life.  And it’s key to my relationships.

One thing I’ve learned (besides the fact that cats float but don’t like it) along the way is this:  what I get out of my relationships is just like my job or any other aspect of my life.  The more that I put into the relationship, the more that I get out of the relationship.

“I have become Fluffy, Destroyer of Worlds.”

Stephen Covey called this the Emotional Bank Account®.  I put the little ® there in this case because Stephen Covey ® almost everything under the Sun.

The idea of the Emotional Bank Account™ is simple:  every relationship that you have is one where you’re either doing the things that build the relationship or doing things that cause the relationship to fade faster than Johnny Depp’s career.

A ramen noodle warehouse burned down.  Dozens of dollars in inventory were destroyed. 

This is a simple and important concept.  In my career I’ve worked in lots of different office environments and seen lots of different characters that quickly developed an overdraft situation with me:

  • The Complainer: There’s a problem with everything, in the view of a Complainer.  It’s like working with Goldilocks, but the porridge is never, ever the right temperature.  There is no topic that isn’t complained about.  Heck, if they were the manager of the Tesla® plant, they’d complain that the place smelled musky.
  • The Helpless: Helpless people simply cannot do any particular task, and need help each and every time they do it.  If you allow it, they’ll pawn off as much of the task to you as they can, each and every day.  What’s the name for a collective parasitical group of people like this?
  • The Woe-Is-Me: This is a perennial victim.  Everything in their life that’s bad?  They’re not responsible for it.  How bad is their life?  They have to shop at Wal-Martyr®.
  • The Untrustworthy: Think you’ve told them a secret?  Soon enough the entire office knows.  And untrustworthy people who use marijuana are worse.  They’re guilty of high treason.
  • The Emergency Room Doctor: Everything has to be done now – it’s all urgent.  And there’s a sense of criticality about even the most mundane tasks.  I mean, if your parachute doesn’t open, why panic?  You’ve got the rest of your life to fix it.

Those people are draining.  Don’t be one of them.  How do I know this?  Once I was going through a rough patch, and was slipping into Woe-Is-Me.  I could sense from my friends that I had ridden that pony a little too long, or maybe I needed to up my deodorant game.  I decided to stop complaining.

Then The Mrs. complained that I don’t buy her flowers.  I have no idea when she started selling them.

I decided that if I had a problem worth complaining about, I’d deal with or shut up.  Even my best friends have a max tolerance level for dealing my emotional complaints.  The Mrs. is even more direct.  When I whine, her only comment is:  “And what, exactly, are you going to do about it?”

Oddly enough, though, I found that (in most circumstances) when I’m a positive person, people like to see me around more.  They ask me for help.  They offer help.  My account balance is full.

It’s not just at work.  It’s not just my friends.  It’s my family, too.  If every interaction that I have with them is negative, people aren’t exactly happy when Pa comes home.

Hopefully, this knife joke wasn’t too edgy. 

Being a positive, productive, trustworthy person?  When times are good, it’s important.  When times aren’t good?

Maybe even more important.  And when we talk about wealth, being surrounded by good, trustworthy people is wealthy, indeed.