The Mechanics of Control

“Under control? It doesn’t look like it’s under control.” – Chernobyl

Personalities?  Looks like this guy has about 20.  Sadly, all of them smell like him.

[J.W. note – this is the post I had ready to go last Monday.  So, I get to go to bed early tonight!]

When I’m on the treadmill, I find that reading a book helps to move things along and make the time go faster, even though I’m stuck in the same place.  I’m currently reading a very long, and (so far) very entertaining book, and one of the passages caught my eye:

“. . . They had to keep working smoothly, and the same way.  Everything interlocked.  If one unit messed – [my edit, JW] up, then every other unit would suffer.  That couldn’t be allowed.  Which was a paradox, because you couldn’t keep the jackboot stamping down forever.  However benign a dictatorship, some generation down the line will rebel. So somebody, centuries ago, had worked out how to keep the lid screwed down tight.  An old enough idea, never quite managed in practice.  Until now.  A government department that quietly and secretly takes control of society’s lowest strata.  Criminals and radical insurgents actually working for the people whose existence they threaten.”

– Peter F. Hamilton, The Naked God

This book was written in the 1990s and is the capstone to a trilogy. This is the first trilogy I’ve read since I finished the fifth book of the Learning to Count Trilogy.

In Hamilton’s book, the Earth is ruled by a shadowy cabal who creates a cult for the lowest rungs of society and uses the cult to distract those dregs from ever being a real threat.  Likewise, the cult is used as an excuse to create threats.  Strangely enough, I think we’re living in that society, today.

Punch anyone drinking Sierra Mist™.  That’s the first rule of Sprite© club.

The idea that Trump was anything more than an interloper that was barely tolerated should have been apparent to most people nearly immediately.  As soon as it became apparent that the FBI was intent on getting him about two weeks after the inauguration, the writing was on the wall.  The fact that no real justice will ever be visited on the agents that conspired together to vilify Trump and “subvert democracy” should tell you enough.

The agencies are not on your side.  Like every other institution in Washington, D.C., the agencies are on the side of themselves and the Left.  Even evil Chuckie Schumer inadvertently told the truth when he told Trump that the intelligence agencies have “six ways from Sunday to get back at you.”


Preservation and increase of power is one – the Left will do anything for power, and the intelligence agencies are now entirely Leftist.  The attack on Waco had nothing to do with public safety or firearms laws – it was a flashy attack in force at the time of Congressional hearings so that the ATF could get a bigger budget.  They didn’t want to help America.  They just wanted to prove they needed more cash.

How better to prove that?  Knock over some cult-y type guys in Waco and show how tough you are.  That will play well.  It worked.  The Branch Davidians are (mostly) gone, yet the ATF is bigger than ever.

And this strategy normally does work.  The FBI comes up with the idea for, sets up, funds, and provides all the equipment for, say, a plot to kidnap a governor.  Then they get the headline of stopping a dangerous group, all while admitting that the dangerous group wouldn’t have existed without them in the first place.

What does the ATF call dozens of lives ruined for no benefit to society?  A good start.

But I really don’t think the .GOV agencies are afraid of the Right.  If so, they’d be busy trying to take control of the movement.  So far, I see little evidence of that, I mean, besides the alien entity that appears to be Sean Hannity’s hair.

I do, however, see evidence that the Left (which, in 2021, is synonymous with .GOV) is very concerned with managing the violence on the streets of BLM® and Antifa™.  Why?

First, they provide convenient groups to stir up trouble and headlines whenever inconvenient things are happening.  The Ferguson, Missouri riots in 2014 occurred in August.  These riots were big news for weeks.  What else was in the news then?  The Congressional committee about Benghazi.  Coincidence?


Distracting from shedding light on a governmental embarrassment?


I have definitive proof of Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the Bengh

The same pattern was repeated during 2020 with the outbreak of violence across the country.  Was it organic?  Certainly not.  I recall seeing photos of pallets of bricks dropped off at likely riot locations.  Beyond that, at least some of the rioters were highly trained and very tactically aware.  They were also aided and abetted by District Attorneys that would not charge Leftists for criminal behavior.

Those District Attorneys?  They were voted in on huge rafts of Leftist money, including from Senator Palpatine George Soros.

The goal, in this case, was creating division.  Most of the time, when the country is faced with a crisis, it pulls people together.  I’m sure the polls said something like, “Trump is winning.”  The crowds certainly showed that to be the case, since Biden was just as exciting to the crowds as “split pea soup day” was at the cafeteria when I was in elementary school.

The result?  The powers that be made a video of an overdosed junkie dying while a cop used a restraint technique he was trained to use go viral.

And it did.  It didn’t have to be George Floyd, he was just available and they had good video.  Don’t think that the media doesn’t create stories – it does.  It also suppresses inconvenient ones.

What’s the difference between George Soros and a vampire?  Stumped?  Me, too.  I can’t think of any difference, either.

Second, the groups provide another distraction – a distraction for the group itself.  Let them shut down a chunk of Portland or Seattle.  Let them burn their own neighborhood in Minneapolis.  The idea, I believe, is to keep the group in a state of perpetual rage, most of the time not quite boiling.  Just a simmering rage.

Throw in perpetual articles about “Reparations” and build envy.  Stir with some cilantro and entitlement along with a dash of Social Justice.

This makes the group easy to control.  With Antifa®, their religion is Leftism.   Keeping them under control is easy.  Just give them the candidate they can get behind (Bernie Sanders, for instance), and then don’t let that candidate win.  It keeps them involved, but angry.

True, hardcore, Antifa™ want nothing more or less than the destruction of the United States.  That’s why we get stupid articles about, “When I See the American Flag I Think of Hate.”  It’s food for keeping the hard Left engaged and enraged.

Is it all by design?

It happens too frequently, and too conveniently for anything but coordination.

How better to contain the rebellious than to let them rebel a little, and contain it?

If I had a nickel for every time I got cursed out by a puppet, I’d have two nickels.  Weird that it happened twice, but at least I learned that the best way to fight a puppet is to disarm it.

The alphabet agencies are, in 2021, firmly on the side of the Left.  Likewise, everything points to them being in control of groups that oppose them on the bottom rungs of the social strata, like BLM® and Antifa©.

Me?  I’ll be back on the treadmill.  I have a feeling being in good shape might be important soon.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

34 thoughts on “The Mechanics of Control”

  1. Maybe I’m being paranoid, but I think ‘the Left’ is a higher level of tool, one tier above the BLM tool. Whoever is pulling the strings is not a nation-based entity, but a financial entity like the Rothschilds. Probably them with a cohort of a few other shadow figures of similar size.
    The only way to rid ourselves of them is to destroy the system that feeds them, which is today’s civilization. A steep price for sure, but in the end we will be better off for it.

    1. The “the left” is indeed just part of the strata made up of tools in a tool bag for a group that is playing a very long game – and this tool bag includes controlled opposition as well – aka “the right”

      I think this goes far above even soros or rothschilds – this is a one world group controlled by someone, something, some group but its above all you see and hear – everything you see and hear is to throw shade on the real truth. That central core, whatever it is has been around a long time and already controls and manages things far beyond anything you could believe in my opinion and is waiting for that great reset to bring around their unified one world

      crazy? mayhaps so… time will tell

    2. It’s the same people that took down Russia (the Czar) Germany (Hitler) and now it’s our turn.
      White European Christianity is the target and anyone who stands up for their own people (Ein Volk) is to be removed. Why would they send Somalis to Minnesota (new Scandinavia) Maine and Idaho when Texas was more to their liking, or, why even bring them here? To break up White Northern European enclaves and inject 3rd world disfunction. Why does Hollywood pollute our minds with ghetto music, revisionist movies, sports and (lack of) culture? To destroy white culture.
      Young Amerika embraces all of it as normal now, the brainwashing is complete. You can kiss the America of your youth goodbye, it’s gone. The evil doers are right in your face and you deny their existance. Enjoy what’s left or your short lives.

    3. I agree. The tool isn’t just the Left, it’s also global corporations, Yup. We’ve got to bring it down.

    1. About 1/2 the people involved in the MI “kidnapping” turned out to be feds. About the same ratio for the Malheur wildlife refuge debacle, including at least 1 of the people in the car with the guy that got shot.

  2. It’s not a conspiracy when the Left does it.
    It’s a movement or a political party.

  3. I’ve come to the same conclusion. I see very few people online talking about realistic solutions, with most pushing for ridiculous actions that would lead to FBI promotions rather than any sort of social change. If individuals getting violent was a threat to the system, the system wouldn’t be promoting it and even creating it when needed. What the system fears is political solutions. Getting control of local and state governments. People don’t understand the power of politics, or how it works.

    On my way to work I used to drive past a visitor’s center in a town of ~2,000, in a county of ~20,000. Why would such a place need a visitor’s center? Because whoever was mayor got to hire the staff of several people, and contract with a cleaning/ maintenance company to clean it. How do you get volunteers for political campaigning? Promise them those jobs. How do you get contributions? Promise them the contract. Mayor wants the sheriff for an ally? Ask your “volunteers” to help out at the sheriff’s fundraiser.

    There is a constant debate in the Right about the police (and military). Many seem to think if we “back the blue” that the blue will back us, but this never seems to work out. Almost all examples to date are of the “blue” backing whoever signs their paycheck and guarantees their pension. Ditto the military. A big deal was made about that colonel who made a video about how generals need to be held accountable, and was fired. Think about the significance of that: there are ~1,000,000 people in uniform, and ONE of them was willing to get fired and lose his pension. ONE. Why this is relevant: a large majority of the police and military probably do agree with us, but they ACT as their political masters command them. This is the power of politics, to get regular people to be willing to kill and die to enforce something as ridiculous as a mask mandate simply because a paycheck and pension comes with it.

    There is a misconception about how Hitler came to power, best personified by Norm McDonald’s joke about how he wouldn’t go back in time to kill Hitler because he was afraid if he got in the same room with him, Hitler would start talking and magically make Norm agree with Hitler. AH didn’t get power because he was a great speaker (he was terrible at first, had to take lessons from a magician about stage presence) but because he organized locally. He was offered the job of Chancellor because in several states the nazi party held every elected position from dog catcher to gauleiter (governor.) That is a lot of “volunteers” for fundraisers (or political violence, which is what von Hindenburg was really worried about.)

    That is what the Left is afraid of, and part of why AH and his tactics are so vilified even today. You may not agree with his strategy or his goals, but his tactics of getting local political power to achieve those goals worked brilliantly.



    I like split pea soup, especially with some bacon or ham in it. Stop spreading Hate.

    1. Well said, through and through. It is a large and interconnected system that co-opts most things that it even remotely threaten it.

      Split pea soup? Yours might have been good. Ours smelled like a war crime.

  4. Officer Derek Chauvin happened to be in the general vicinity while saint george floyd completed his inevitable suicide.
    All the video I watched clearly show everybody doing everything they could to prolong the life of saint george floyd, but he was a determined fellow.
    How else could he insert a massive overdose of illegal drugs up his colon.
    An aside:
    PBS Hour — Fentanyl Cooking tutorial
    Rural farmers do it over a campfire.
    150,000 fentanyl tablets manufactured by one home-based brewer in one afternoon.
    Pro Tips from the DIY video:
    * De-centralize.
    * Cell of one or two, family members preferred.

    1. The same entrepreneurial/decentralized phenomenon is also part (but not all) of the explosion of meth, described in this brilliantly written article in The Atlantic, of all places:

      Also, my nurse friend in a hard-hit Midwestern state recently told me about patients in her hospital that made “shake and bake” meth in plastic Coke bottles and hid it in the ceiling.


    1. Linda;
      I read your blog post. You covered a lot of ground (and, yeah, that would have been a monster-sized comment here).

      I have nothing to add (being particularly un-gifted in the prediction business), but I always try to keep in mind Mike Tyson’s motto: “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”. So flexibility and resiliency will always be valuable, whether the world is perfect or a dystopian.

      (also, I couldn’t comment on your blog because I don’t have a Google account)


    2. Nice analysis! Collapses are like rocks. . . there are many different shapes and sizes. Does the dollar go? If so, regional gets bigger quickly.

    1. I know, right? When the bad guys from “They Live” seem nicer than the people actually running things today? Wow.

  5. BLM? Antifa? All is quiet now that Jo Jo Brandon is getting his puppet strings pulled.
    I always love the blame the last president Mulligan but the One Chicago Jesus Messiah is blameless, too bad about portions of Baltimore and Ferguson going up smoke, these things happen when the comrades need some room to destroy.
    If Emmanuel Trumpstein makes any 2024 noise, they could always burn a downtown to the ground in the spirit of the people’s collective unity.
    This just in from Dominion-We got your 2024 right here, vote harder.

  6. Catching up. Excellent post.

    “The idea that Trump was anything more than an interloper that was barely tolerated should have been apparent to most people nearly immediately. As soon as it became apparent that the FBI was intent on getting him about two weeks after the inauguration, the writing was on the wall. The fact that no real justice will ever be visited on the agents that conspired together to vilify Trump and “subvert democracy” should tell you enough”.

    He did get a lot of evil exposed but in the end got the vaxx up to warp speed.

    I came across this last week from 2000 years ago. Sounds like today.

    The apostle Paul wrote, “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12 NLT)

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