“What else is a TARDIS for? I can take you to the Battle of Trafalgar, the First Antigravity Olympics, Caesar crossing the Rubicon, or Ian Dury at the Top Rank, Sheffield, England, Earth, 21st November, 1979. What do you think?” – Dr. Who
What do modern people call socks worn with sandals? Birth control.
History doesn’t always repeat, but it rhymes.
On January 10, 49 B.C., Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River at the head of his troops. He had been ordered to leave the troops beyond the Rubicon. After crossing the river, it is said he uttered, alea iacta est, or Latin for “I know you are, but what am I,” (Caesar was a big Peewee Herman fan).
Caesar didn’t pay any attention to the order to leave his troops behind, and Legion XIII, Gemina, followed him to Rome. What followed was a four-year civil war that ended up with Julius Caesar taking over the Roman Republic and founding what soon became the Roman Empire. That lasted until the Empire was split in two by a pair of Caesars.
One of the most scrupulous traditions in the United States has been that there are three independent branches of the Fed.Gov: the legislative, the judicial, and the executive. What’s missing? The military. That’s just as intentional as Biden wearing Depends® the day after he eats prunes.
What determines the length of a Biden press conference? Depends.
That’s because the military is unique: the legislature controls funding it and declaring the war it should fight, and the executive is their commander-in-chief. It should be pretty straightforward.
Except: the military went from a citizen-militia type military fairly early on. Even then, it was still pretty lame by today’s standards: it had a core of officers and smallish numbers of troops. The armed forces were expanded during times of war, of course, through citizen volunteers. This lasted until the Civil War became such an unpopular party that you had to force Northerners to come and play because the Southerners were being such meanies.
Sure, the military wasn’t always used just for wars – Congress has authorized use of force 23 times since the end of World War II, and at least once of those times wasn’t related to “scaring up some hot chicks with daddy issues” for Clinton. Declaration of “War” has become out of vogue since war has such nasty connotations. Thankfully people can’t die unless war is declared. I’m surprised the Department of Defense isn’t called the Department of Peace.
I guess both of these guys rubbed women the wrong way.
But, sorta, the idea has still worked out. Congress authorizes the use of force, and the President wages war peace with tanks. What’s missing there is the military deciding what it should be doing. The military is a verb: kill and break stuff. The civilian government provides the noun, which is as simple as the name of a person or nation.
The system has some drawbacks: in my view, it’s much easier to use the military than it should be. I can understand in a world that has grown much smaller due to things like missiles and the Internet why we can’t wait a year to get ready to make war peace with bullets, but that should be our last resort.
This brings us to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
General Mark A. Milley is the current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). That particular job is not really as cool as it sounds. The JCS isn’t technically even in the chain of command for war peace with artillery. They have no command authority over combat forces – that goes from the President to the Secretary of Defense to the commanders of the various Unified Combat Commands.
What does the JCS do? The short version is that they’re the Human Resources group for the armed forces where they make diversity policies and pick who gets what job. They also help make sure that “stuff” like food and bullets and goes to the right places. It’s important – but the JCS aren’t fighting wars providing peace with torpedoes.
I’m not saying he’s woke, but his favorite animal is a pander.
This makes me wonder what General Milley was up to when he decided to tell the Chinese that he would let them know if we were going to attack them. Of all the things that a General in the United States Armed Forces should be, promising to our (potential) enemies that he would give them a heads up if the elected Commander In Chief decides that even more vigorous peace with a particular country is required, is . . . not his job. He’s Human Resources, and his job isn’t to set the priorities of the country or conduct diplomacy. His job is to decide what happens if Jeff steals Julia’s salad in the break room fridge.
Yet, here General Milley was, conducting a policy discussion and taking orders from a sworn enemy of the United States: Nancy Pelosi. I kid: Pelosi isn’t completely evil. She only wants the complete destruction of the United States after she retires.
I put Jesus as my lock-screen picture. Now he’s my screen savior.
But here is the danger: Leftists will talk about how wonderful General Milley Cyrus is. He won’t be charged with any crime. He’ll retire from the JCS in 2023, and write a book about how great all of his decisions were. He’ll get hired by a company that makes components that the Chinese will buy to make weapons for their military. He’ll get to fly corporate jets and eat bacon-wrapped shrimp at parties with very fancy people.
That’s (mostly) not dangerous. Unless you have to read the stupid book he’ll write.
What’s dangerous is that it sets the military up as being able to define the noun. They get to do all the killing of people and breaking of stuff, but now they get to pick who they kill and what stuff they break. That’s the dangerous point – the Rubicon.
I’ve warned in the past that I see two possible futures for the United States – a balkanized America. For two decades beyond World War II, the nation was coming together and becoming less regional and more homogeneous. The influence of television gave us another set of shared experiences.
But splits have been engineered, and now even though New York has a McDonalds® and so does Des Moines, the two places aren’t remotely alike in values or even, in many cases, language. A balkanized America is one very real possibility as the polarity of the nation increases.
That’s one possibility.
I never judge a book by its cover. I use that little paragraph on the back.
An American Caesar with a follow-on American Empire is another. Besides being treasonous, Milley’s call with China is scarier: it was an independent act of the military at the highest level to circumvent civilian leadership.
There is no doubt – this is close to crossing the Rubicon. If the allegations are true, Milley should be tried, and if guilty, convicted. As I said above – I think Milley’s insubordination will likely be rewarded and then he’ll be praised like a pet poodle, and he won’t be punished.
Somewhere there is a colonel taking notes, and waiting for an opportunity to strike in the coming unrest, getting ready to cross the Rubicon.
We’ll see if he has the chance.