Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Are We There Yet? (Part II)

“Brandon, come on, let’s go . . . Brandon?” – Brightburn


  1. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  2. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  3. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  4. Open War.

I’ve bolded both 9. and 10.  That’s the lead story.

As close as we are to the precipice of war, be careful.  Things could change at any minute.  Avoid crowds.  Get out of cities.  Now.  A year too soon is better than one day too late.

In this issue:  Front Matter – Making The Call, Part II? – Violence And Censorship Update – Models For The Future, It’s Personal – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – After Virginia – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 600 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.

Making The Call, Part II?

Last month we spent time discussing whether or not the United States has met the international criteria for being in a civil war.  The answer (in my opinion) is that we are close enough that it’s hard to tell.  Some people are solidly on the “it’s already going” and some are not.  One bit of criteria that was sent to me by a faithful reader – thank you 173d VietVet.  Mike Shelby (Forward Observer) wrote up a short missive on this question (LINK) and came out on the “no” side.

That’s fair.  He put forward some criteria, and I thought they’d be worth discussing this month.  These four bullet points are direct quotes:

  • domestic military action (i.e., not just police)
  • government involvement as a belligerent (i.e., not just a tribal war between citizens)
  • capable fighting on both sides of the conflict (i.e., not just a genocide)
  • at least 1,000 combat-related deaths in a 12-month period (i.e., sustained fighting)

My responses are in bold:

  • domestic military action (i.e., not just police) – Have you seen the police recently? They have equipment that most world militaries would love to have.  Heck, our police even have stuff we didn’t leave for the Taliban.  To require military action seems irrelevant. 
  • government involvement as a belligerent (i.e., not just a tribal war between citizens) – The trend in our current generation of warfare explicitly uses the citizen as a belligerent, if not the main belligerent. In my mind, it is more than enough that the government aids and abets citizens to kill others.  This is indisputably happening right now.
  • capable fighting on both sides of the conflict (i.e., not just a genocide) – This is the best point of the bunch. The violence (at some point) must go both ways.  Right now, it is observably one-sided, and is looks much more like a genocide.
  • at least 1,000 combat-related deaths in a 12-month period (i.e., sustained fighting) – Another valid point, but remember, in dirty wars, state sponsored combat looks like . . . crime. I do hope the violence level drops, but there is no sign of it now. 

Again, I have nothing but respect for Mr. Shelby, but the reliance on his past military background provides an analysis lens that I do not share and he perhaps parses the terminology a bit more finely than I would.  Thankfully, there’s room for both of us to be right.

If A is for apple and B is for banana, what is C for?  Explosives.

I’m not going to (besides the notes above) belabor the point.  I don’t care if the gun that shoots me belongs to a private from Louisiana or a cop or a Mexican cartel gunman.  I’m still dead.  And if the government is encouraging, it’s either genocide or, if the fighting goes both ways, it’s civil war.

There is more from Mr. Shelby a bit later in this edition of the Weather Report.

Violence And Censorship Update

Not a lot to add to violence this month.

Censorship, continues in full force.  At the beginning of the month, Congress had a Facebook® “whistleblower” as the main witness at hearings where . . . she said the big problem with Facebook© is that they don’t censor nearly enough.

What does the “p” in Facebook© stand for?  Privacy.

Yup.  That was the story.  But then it came out that that the “whistleblower” spent last October making sure that information that could damage Joe Biden was censored from Facebook™.  She was on the team that made sure that information related to Hunter Biden’s laptop was suppressed.

I’m shocked, shocked that she was wanting yet more censorship from Facebook.

Applying for work at Facebook® is easy.  They already have your details.

Since it’s November, I thought I’d remind everyone of a picture from last year.  Consider it a stroll down memory-hole lane.

There was more fraud in the 2020 election than in a Thanksgiving Wilder Family Monopoly® game.

Again, if you want free and fair elections, it’s absolutely certain that you block windows so the public can’t view the vote counting in any way.  Stalin said it well:  “Those who vote decide nothing.  Those who count the vote decide everything.”

Models For The Future – It’s Personal

I mentioned above that we’d see more from the Forward Observer, and here’s an excellent article where he discusses the model of the Irish Troubles as a model for potential future difficulties.  You can read it here (LINK).

Similarly, Mary Christine put forward a fictional piece at The Burning Platform in 2019.  Those set as a fiction, it describes how conflict escalated from the political to a guerilla war in Missouri during the Civil War.  You can read it here (LINK).

A third model to think about would be the Second Boer War, where the British defeated the Boer Republics and forcefully integrated them into British South Africa.  Like the other two, this conflict was based on guerilla tactics.   To defeat them, the British finally just started putting Boer civilians (women and children) into concentration camps with all the expected brutality and tragedy that is implied by that.  Tens of thousands of civilians died in the camps.

These models all have several things in common, but what strikes me is the utter brutality in each of them and the sometimes-targeted attacks on non-combatants.  Conflict of this type is marked by tragedy in a way that lasts for generations – it becomes and remains personal.

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real-time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Up is more violent, and our perception of violence is holding steady.

Political Instability:

Up is more unstable, and it ticked up this month again, mainly on inflation fears.


Economic measures ticked upwards in October – despite my prediction that they’d drop.

Illegal Aliens:

This data was at record levels last three months, and this rate is 4x the rate from any previous year in the last four.

After Virginia

Virginia has scared the Left, badly.  In their minds, Virginia had become a permanent Blue state – a Leftist outpost where statues could be taken down and Critical Race Theory could start along with hormone treatments for kindergartners.

Then they lost.  Big time.  And it wasn’t just a loss, it was a loss that was a psychological blow.  Biden is in political free-fall, and is less popular than COVID-19.

The Left is realizing the hard truth:  they won’t sweep into a victory, everywhere and forever.  The comments section in Leftist areas?

Calling for a peaceful split.  Previously, when winning, they wanted it all – they were sure they were going to win and establish a socialist paradise from sea to shining sea.

This was a sea change.  They realize that the attitude of the Right is changing, and they realize that they’re managing to make Trump look good to the swing voters.  Is a consensus building for a split?

Is this where we might beheaded?


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much, Ricky!!

From Sea To Shining  Sea

Brooklyn 1:

Brooklyn 2:

Lancaster PA:

Washington DC:

Chicago 1:

Chicago 2:


Mobile AL:

Berkeley Campus:

Army Boot Camp:

Marine Field Exercise:


Bad Guys…Guns…Good Gals


Election Tidbits


Secession – Thinking Nationally


Secession – Acting Locally


Secession – Everybody Calm Down


Secession – The Least Of Our Worries?

I’m Back. Also? The Economy Is A Mess.

“Good. Then climb up, get inside, and make it spin.” – Cobra Kai

Oh, wait, then she couldn’t circle back?

JW Note:  Monday was the third day (I think) that I had to skip a scheduled post since 2017.  It’s nice to be back.  Thanks for waiting.

I was driving down the road.  It was Christmas Day, back a zillion years ago.  There had been a fresh few inches of snow on the paved road.  I was going to see my parents.  The day was overcast, and cold, with temperatures hovering around 0°F (101.325 kPa).

My car was going around 70 miles per hour.  There wasn’t another car on the road, and I could see for miles.  Little did I know that I would soon have an auto-body experience.

Instead of snowplows, the county had used road graders to scrape the snow off the asphalt.  One result of that was that there was a continuous tiny hill of snow in the center of the road where the yellow line would be.

As I drove along, I reached to change the cassette tape.  Perhaps a switch to AC/DC® from the Crüe?  I wandered off just a little bit toward the center onto that little hill as I reached into the tape box.  It slowed my car.  On one side.  Just a little.

The result wasn’t little.  A force applied to one side of the car led to the other side going forward faster, a result most people call . . . spinning.

Or in this case, Tyrannosaurus Rexth. 

The car went into a very fast spin as the car’s forward energy was transferred into angular momentum.  I could probably describe the amount of energy in math, but I was concentrating right then and there on not being reduced to my personal lowest common denominator.  But you can think about it this way:  how fast would a car going 70 miles per hour spin if all the forward energy went into spin?


This spin forced the weight of the car onto the driver’s side wheels as the car bled linear energy into rotational.  As the car spun, out of control, there was no real way to do anything.  Everything was happening far too fast.

The spinning car spun up a small tornado cloud of snow from the road.  Finally, the car tilted up on the driver’s side tires, and tilted up, 30 degrees from horizontal.  It stopped rotating.

The car then slammed down, at a complete stop, engine stalled, and every light on the dashboard on.  The defroster was blowing snowflakes into the car, and every window was covered with white flakes of snow, outside and inside.

There is only one thing I could do.  I got out of the car and stared down the asphalt at the path I had been on.  It all happened so fast that had little time to feel any fear.  Besides, who can be afraid when Bonn Scott was busy telling me all about Rosie?

How does he like his eggs in the morning?  Ohhhhhmmmmlette.

I had been going due east, facing right into the ditch.  I was now pointing due south.  The entire time, not a tire had left the narrow two lane asphalt road.  I looked back on the track the wheels had made, and it looked like the path of a figure skater doing a pirouette.  I got wiped off the car windows, got back in, backed up, and headed east again.

Much more slowly.

Back when the ‘Rona first started, the long-term implications (to me) were clear.  The immediate shutdown of large segments of the global economy would be disastrous.  It was certain to leave a mark.

The toilet paper binge was signal one.  When people panic, they feel that they have to do . . . something.  Buying toilet paper wasn’t rational.

Here at Casa Wilder we actually had a relatively ludicrous amount on hand before the whole mess hit.  It was (sort of) a prepping situation.  We kept buying more than we needed, and it kept adding up.  And up.  Before too awful long, we had the basement bathroom stacked pretty high with the stuff.

I hear that two guys stole a calendar from Capitol Hill.  Each of them got six months.

When the storm hit?  Well, let’s say that we were squeaky clean.  And we didn’t buy a single sheet.  We weren’t part of the problem, but part of the solution.

But the economy wasn’t.  Every bit of initial distortion from the economic dislocation was amplified.  It echoed down the system.  What kinds of shocks?

  • Initial runs on supplies.
  • Federal stimulus.
  • Initial lowered consumption of fuels.
  • More Federal stimulus.
  • Lower demand for office space.
  • More Federal stimulus, which increased unemployment benefits, distorting labor incentives.
  • Eviction moratoriums, distorting housing costs and lowering profits of building owners.
  • More Federal stimulus.
  • Spiking stock markets with contracting GDP.

I’m thinking that, in retrospect, Federal “aid” was probably the worst thing we could have done.  It provided the greatest expansion of government powers since FDR nearly destroyed the economy with the New Deal.  If the Federal government could tell a landlord in Podunk, Iowa that he couldn’t kick out people that refused to pay, it’s only a tiny step to saying that the landlord should let people move into his guest bedroom and feed them pancakes when they demand them.

French pancakes give me the crepes.

That might be the worst.  But the economic situation has all the charm of a pitbull that just quit smoking, and it will be the spark.

Wilder’s Law (might as well grab one when I can) says that Federal debt doubles every eight years.  The debt is right now at $29 trillion.  That means that (on average) the debt will rise by $3.5 trillion each year.  That’s a lot of money.  Some people work a whole year and don’t make that much!

I think we’re on track to more than double it in the next eight years, regardless of who is in the White House.  The end state of any exponential curve is, well, exponential.  The headwinds we are now facing are strong.

  • Medical costs, which are growing faster than Germany between 1939 and 1941.
  • Infinite Leftist “free” programs to see who will be trained to be the poet in Collective Farm #8675309 (I bet it will be Jenny).
  • Whipsawing energy availability. I promised Lord Bison I’d do an energy post again sometime soon, and we need to review where we’re at.  Is energy expensive because of political reasons, or because of physical reasons?  We need to have a great documentary about oil.  We can save it under non-friction.
  • Political division that mirrors only a few times in our history. Hint:  all of those ended in historic levels of bloodshed.  I’m sure this time will be different.
  • The man is a potato.
  • Lashing waves of inflation and shortage, as I predicted back in July. Heck, I priced cheap electric outlets the other day.  They were shocking!
  • China and Russia seeing their moment. Why didn’t anyone Xi that coming?
  • Joe Biden’s America? Borders are open, no jab required.  Oh, wait, have a job?  Jab required.

I wish that I could tell you that things will get better soon in the economy.  It is certain that they won’t.  The economy is shifting in unpredictable ways.  When you have a system that is working at its limits every single day and then subject it to amazing levels of stress?

It will fail.  No chips for new cars.  No drivers for trucks.  Chicago getting ready to lose a big chunk of cops.  The worst dislocations are yet to arrive.

The government solution will certainly make things worse.  How can I tell that?  It already has.  The dreams of those who assume that prosperity can be bought at the price of new law or regulation or printing more cash has always failed.

Second place winner, Collective Farm BR-549 poet competition.

Prosperity is hard.  Really hard.  The natural state of humanity has been one where starvation was always a possibility, where actually consequential diseases (see:  The Black Death or The Justinian Plague) was inevitable from time to time.  It was so bad that episodes of that show you love were on the streaming service that you don’t have and you’re not going to buy another one.

We live in a world that has become just like my car on that Christmas Day so many years ago.  It was moving down the road at full speed.  One tiny two-inch hill of snow caused it to spin.

I assure you we haven’t been anywhere close to the worst that this downturn will bring.  Prepare.  Stay away from crowds.  And if you and all you love all still there when all four wheels drop back on the ground?

Say a prayer.

Of thanks.

We can’t have too many of those.

Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Making The Call?

“The Babylon Project was our last, best hope for peace.  It failed.  But in the year of the Shadow War, it became something greater: our last, best hope for victory.  The year is 2260. The place: Babylon 5.” – Babylon 5


  1. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  2. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  3. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  4. Open War.

I’ve bolded both 9. and 10.  That’s the lead story (below).

As close as we are to the precipice of war, be careful.  Things could change at any minute.  Avoid crowds.  Get out of cities.  Now.  A year too soon is better than one day too late.

In this issue:  Front Matter – Making The Call? – Violence And Censorship Update –– Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – Calling It Quits – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, subscribe because you’ll join over 570 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.

Note:  Except for the first, all images in this post are “as found.”

Making The Call?

If you’ve read these for some time, I’ve been using the internationally accepted standard for declaring a civil war.  It’s one that academics used to make a description.  In that sense, it’s arbitrary, but it sets some standard.  Most importantly, it isn’t a standard I made up.  It exists outside of this report, and you can go and check it for yourself.  I want (as much as possible) to be factual when I say something about the emerging Civil War 2.0 as it is certainly the most consequential event that will occur during my lifetime.  So, as a starter, I adopted the international standard.

I believe that we have met that standard.

From that academic standpoint, the United States would be classified as a nation in a Civil War.  I’ll provide the reasoning:  since the George Floyd riots started, there has been epidemic violence in the nation.  I had been tracking that increase, using several sources of hot-spot political violence and tabulating them.  Data, as you could imagine, isn’t tabulated that way, so my methods were an estimate.

I tried to be conservative with it.  This isn’t a Civil War where Johnny Reb fights with Billy Yank on a battlefield under banners.  Nope.  It’s a more brutal version where it’s fought on the streets in one-on-one encounters, complete a corrupt District Attorney system that lets half of the players back on the street with no punishment.

One (very fair) criticism from Ricky (who graciously provides the Links) is that this is an extraordinary claim, so it should require extraordinary proof.  He suggested a (curated, my add) spreadsheet showing each victim by name, and linking to the details?  We could all easily agree about Ashli Babbitt and those killed in Kenosha, as well as dozens of others (mainly) killed by Antifa®.

That’s a very worthy idea, but not one I would be the best candidate to maintain.  Perhaps someone will pick up that idea.

What I do have are raw statistics that back up my attempt to quantify the current body count.  Here’s a graph, from Steve Sailer’s work (LINK).

The increase in murder deaths from 2019 to 2020 was nearly 5,000.  Extrapolate that into the first three-quarters of 2021?  You get over 8,000.  If only 1/8 of those deaths are politically related, we’re there at the international standard.  Again, I don’t have a list of 1,000 names.  For perspective, even those 1,000 are just a small fraction of the people that have died from either COVID or the “jab”, yet they are categorically different:  we are killing each other over politics.

A second set of great thoughts came from Eaton Rapids Joe (LINK).  He brought up two ideas:  the first is normalization.  The United States has a population of over three hundred million.  Most countries that have had civil wars are much, much smaller.  Rwanda had a population of only about 7,000,000 when they decided to kill off about 1,700,000 of each other.  To cross the 1,000 threshold (proportionally to population size) would require 43,000 dead.

That’s a good point.  He further went on to note that some cities of the United States have already crossed a proportionate threshold.  In a heat map, you’d see that most places are quite cold, but lots of Blue cities were clearly far beyond any reasonable threshold and are clearly in civil war already.

These are good points.

Because of that perspective, I can not say that we are fully at Open War, rather I can say that every element is in place.  I can say with reasonable certainty that we have crossed an important psychological threshold.  Whether we come back from the brink?

That’s one that time will tell.  As of this writing, I am only seeing signs of additional deterioration in the political landscape.  It’s getting worse daily.

Violence And Censorship Update

I think violence is pretty well covered up above.  Censorship, sadly, hasn’t ramped down, but rather increased.

Let’s start with YouTube®, which is the modern equivalent of the Ministry of Truth.  Who did they muzzle this month?

Probably the most important is a change in policy.  Now, any video that claims that “vaccines are ineffective or dangerous” will be banned.  Different opinions aren’t tolerated.  As much as I don’t agree that lies are good public policy, keep in mind that science doesn’t work that way.  Science works when free and open debate and inquiry are allowed to find the truth.  As we learn more, we discover that we didn’t understand the world quite as well as we thought.  Well, not on YouTube®.  Only thoughts approved by Ministry of Truth are allowed in 1984 2021.

This has a very significant impact on other YouTube™ channels.  Because they don’t know exactly where “the line” is they avoid the subject entirely.  As more people ditch mainstream media, it looks like alternatives have to be co-opted.  A case in point:

MiniTru, er, YouTube© also banned one of Ron Paul’s channels.  Why?  They won’t tell him.

But don’t worry!  The Fed.Gov folks are hard at work.  They’re monitoring your social media and ProtonMail® accounts.

Thankfully, they can still make sure our children are being properly educated:

And that we are not using bullying language:

And while murders are up by 30%, ClubFed® is hanging out at Right rallies in Washington, D.C. so that you and I can feel safe.  Big Benneton® is watching you.

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Up is more violent, and our perception of violence is down in September, again.

Political Instability:

Up is more unstable, and it ticked up this month, mainly on inflation fears.


Economic measures held steady, but I expect a huge drop in October if trends continue.  And, the Fed® decided to not show the bad news on something I’ve long predicted . . .

Illegal Aliens:

This data was at record levels last month, and only dropped slightly this month.  Perspective:  this rate is 4x the rate from any previous year in the last four.

Calling It Quits

Calls for divorce in the United States increased in September.  Don’t believe me?

This call is showing up in pretty much every aspect of life.  We have gone from a single nation that fought about the center to one where people on the Right feel that people on the Left are a danger.  Not someone they disagree with:  a danger.

If you disagree with someone, we can talk it out.  If I consider them a danger?  That means the time for talking is over.  And if both of these polls are correct, America is pretty well done talking.  Well, at least constructive talking:

And that’s just NASCAR®.  What about Texas?

What’s the biggest cause of divorces?  Cheating.  Has there been any of that?

Of course the Left has fought tooth and nail against looking at the most statistically improbable election in American history.  Why?  They cheated.  So, given that, pretty much everyone is done.  The Left, and the Right.


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much, Ricky!!

Hold Up

Providence, RI:

Olympic WA:

Washington DC:

Philadelphia, PA:

Portland, OR:

Chicago, IL:

Keiser, OR:

New York, NY:


Break Up

Majority of Trump voters believe it’s ‘time to split the country’ in two, new poll finds (


What’s Up?


Upward And Onward…

Biden’s Big Bluff

“You’ve got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em . . . .” – The Gambler

I bought dice, but they didn’t have the 2, 4, or 6 one either one. They are very odd.

This was originally going to be a post on another topic, but events have overtaken it. Again. Instead of getting a sidesplitting romp about a lighthearted subject, you’ll get sidesplitting romp about Biden’s (latest) Big Blunder.

I’ve never been that dedicated of a poker player, though my friends and I played quite a bit when I was in high school. I do recall one game way back then where I won a bayonet (an M8A1 with matching scabbard for you knife nerds) but lost a hand where I wagered a girlfriend.

Oh, and I also won $6.48, mainly in pennies.

I still have the bayonet.

One thing I did notice was that when I was winning, it became easier to bluff. I could bet on junk, but only if I’d won most of my hands up to the point I started bluffing with strong cards.

None of us were experienced poker players, so it was trial and error. I found that the bigger, more confident bet that I had made (after I was winning) the faster my friends would fold their hands, and the fewer bayonets and girlfriends I could win (or lose). But if I wanted to end a hand quickly, a big bet was what I would try to bluff my opponents into folding so I could win the pot.

Never trust a cheetah. They always try to pull a fast one.

Even with that small amount of experience, I can tell you that former vice-president Joseph Robinette (I guess his parents couldn’t afford a real Robin) Biden is bluffing.

And Biden is scared.

The withdrawal from Afghanistan was so poorly managed that it would be enough to charge Captain America® with treason. And that’s probably the best thing that happened to Biden in the last month, even though his recollection of the evacuation of Kabul might be dim and confused until they bring the flashcards out.

As bad as it was, Biden managed to make that national shame even worse. How much respect does he get from the American people when he checks his watch every time the coffin of a soldier goes by? Maybe he thinks there’s something on it, since he obviously doesn’t know what “not on my watch” means.

No, things have not been going well for the kid-toucher in chief.

This string of decisions so bad it makes Johnny Depp on a three-day drunk look as lucky as a chipmunk at a peanut convention. It’s bad enough that I imagine most of the senior White House staff are looking for jobs, or in some cases, countries that don’t extradite back to the United States.

I guess El Chapo would be used to high officials.

Through the art of remote viewing and making things up, I have an exact transcript from discussions among some of the members of Biden’s political strategy team last week:

Soulless Political Drone 1 (SPD1): “Okay, we’re down in the polls. What do we do?”

Soulless Political Drone 2 (SPD2): “It’s not so bad.”

SPD1: “No, it really is. Biden is now less popular than,” checks list, “having leprosy . . . on your genitals.”

SPD2: “Well, people kind of like leprosy nowadays. It grows on you. Besides, we know that there’s a floor to the number of people that will support him, though. The voters . . . .”

SPD1: “Voters? You do realize that most of those voters are copier machines we rented at Kinkos®, right? No. He’s lost the suburban soccer moms.”

SPD2: (shocked) “You mean he’s lost the support of the SSM? That’s a disaster! Our focus groups say they used to think of him,” checks focus data, “as category 74-b: ‘befuddled elderly relative that mostly means well but you wouldn’t leave alone with girls between the ages of six and twelve.’ What do the focus groups of Suburban Soccer Moms say now?”

SPD1: “Now they have him as a 93-w: ‘Creepy old man with degenerative brain disease who probably smells like week-old urine.’ Also, that he doesn’t care about Americans stuck in foreign countries and is . . . weak.”

SPD2: “Ouch. SSMs don’t like weak. Remember when all of them were having romantic dreams about Trump and Trump supporters?”

SPD1: “So, what do we do?”

SPD2: “Let’s do what we always do: trot out the kids. Let’s make a big fuss about COVID-19 not being safe for children, blame the unvaccinated.”

SPD1: “We’ve done that already. It’s getting a big yawn. We have to spice it up.”

SPD2: “We could have him do push-ups, maybe beat someone up? Think we could dig up Corn Pop?”

SPD1: “Do you even hear what you’re saying? You sound like Kamala when she’s off the sauce for a day. This is serious.”

SPD2: “Ok, serious face on. Ohhh, we could have a vaccine mandate. We could threaten the jobs of 100,000,000 or so people if they didn’t comply.”

SPD1: “What? How is that remotely Constitutional?”

(Both laugh. And laugh. And laugh.)

SPD1: “Whew. Constitutional. Still funny. But 100,000,000 people? How many of them are Biden voters?”

SPD2: (checks website) “2,113,210.”

SPD1: “Only 2,113,210? Out of 100,000,000?”

SPD2: “Well, after we were done with the counting.”

(Both laugh.)

Okay, that might not have been exactly the conversation, but it was close. Biden’s political advisors see that he’s as weak as vegan housecat. They have to think of something to distract the voting public and bring his poll numbers up.

  • His economic policies appear to consist of burning money to keep his supporters warm while importing future voters as fast as he can. Can’t use those.
  • It’s pretty certain that there are approximately seven people left that want to go bomb foreign countries for a distraction. Sending cruise missiles to blow up people in (spins board) Denmark is out.
  • Can’t get tough on trade with China – they have too much information on where Joe’s bank balance came from.

That leaves . . . the ‘Rona.

Thanks to Biden, a lot of people are going to be back on their feet again, since they can’t afford cars anymore.

I think the idea was to craft policies that appeal to the Suburban Soccer Mom while not impacting the SJW base. So, go after people with jobs and force them to take “the jab.” Suburban Soccer Moms will love it because it will leave little Cody or Colby or Colbee or Codi “safer” because the TV and Facebook® said so. SJWs are all about injectibles, and this has the added bonus of forcing people to do their will, which makes it just that easier to order them onto the trains.

A hospital in Houston fired 150 for not taking “the jab” – and every private business with over 100 employees will be forced to do the same. Yet Biden is exempting 600,000 Post Office employees. Why?

To lose the mail system would hurt his poll numbers.

Looks like everyone knew this was going to be a popular speech.

This is his big bluff. He’s nearly out of chips. All he has is one chance to try to redeem himself.

I guess it makes sense. I mean, nobody is going to accept Jill as collateral.

What to do?

Huh. I’ll see your bluff, and raise you “the loss of consent of the governed.”

Is that sweat?

Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: It’s A Long Way To The Bottom

“The stars are veiled. Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice. The eye of the enemy is moving. He is here.” – Lord of the Rings:  The Return of the King

I love really large clocks.  Big time.

  1. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  2. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  3. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  4. Open War.

Violence and open crime are still being encouraged by the Left.  In Chicago, the murder rate looks like a tote-board for a telethon.  “Only three more hours for killing, folks, let’s get those numbers up!”

I’m holding August at 9 out of 10, but it’s getting closer.  That’s still two minutes to midnight, but there is absolutely no movement away from the precipice – we keep edging toward the abyss.

I currently put the total at (this is my best approximation since no one tracks the death toll from rebellion-related violence) hanging in at around 950 out of the 1,000 required for the international definition of civil war.

As close as we are to the precipice of war, be careful.  Things could change at any minute.  Avoid crowds.  Get out of cities.  Now.  A year too soon is better than one day too late.

In this issue:  Front Matter – The Enemy Is You – Violence And Censorship Update –– Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – It’s A Long Way Down – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 550 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.

The Enemy Is You

If you’re reading this, the Federal government has decided who the enemy is:  you.  The Department of Homeland Security has put up a listing of potential terror threats.  The first?

  • Opposition to COVID Measures.

Regardless of your political bent, opposition to COVID measures is a valid political or religious position.  But in 2021, we live in an era where the Justice (?) Department thinks that burning down Minneapolis is to be encouraged, but where a group of people just wanting to live their lives are . . . potential terror threats when the most extreme thing they’ve ever done in their lives is to not be willing to accept the imposition of tyrannical controls on their lives.

If the United States saw what the government of the United States was doing to the people of the United States, then the United States would invade the United States to stop it.

The second point was this:

  • Claims of Election Fraud, Belief Trump can be Reinstated

Starting with the first part, I think it’s been well proven that there was election fraud.  All signs point to it being pervasive and large enough to have swung the election.  Again, the conspirators openly shared their techniques in Time® magazine while gloating that it worked.  But maybe we should believe the Democrats when they say there was no election fraud – after all they’re the ones who have the most experience.

Trump being reinstated?  Nah.  That won’t happen.  But the idea that there is fraud is also a valid reaction to the data and the way the elections was held.  Remember them blocking out the press and covering the windows so people couldn’t look in?

Yeah.  Still no explanation for that one.

The third point isn’t really a point, so we’ll skip it.

In the end, what the DHS is really saying is that this is the actual profile of their prime terror suspects:

Why, with red flags like that, I bet they even deny that they’re racist!

Violence And Censorship Update

Violence is endemic now in major cities, and much of it is politically motivated, so we’ll skip that this month.

The big story continues to be Censorship.  Where else to start but Lt. General (Ret.) Michael Flynn?

Flynn had been a supporter of Trump, and had been confirmed as National Security Advisor and had spent all of two weeks in the job before resigning.  He was the victim of the FBI’s initial witch hunt in the Trump administration.  Oh, and the appointing of Mueller as Special Counsel to investigate, well, whatever.

Anyway, in perhaps his biggest sin, Flynn remained loyal to Trump.  Though he agreed to a plea deal, Trump later pardoned him.  So, story over, right?

No.  Flynn is still speaking openly about things the Left doesn’t like.  I don’t think Flynn is really on the Right, but he really irritates the Left.  How much does he irritate them?

Chase Bank may have denied him credit, but Flynn can still borrow from Cheese Bank in Utah – I think they call it a Provo-loan.

Yup, they canceled his credit cards.  Not due to non-payment, just because they don’t like the things that Flynn is saying.  Again, the push to unperson people the Left doesn’t like carries on.  And now you know where Chase® sits.

Unpersoning is one way to censor – it certainly gives the rest of the people speaking out pause.  But there’s still old reliable:  shutting off access.  Censorship has been the usual ongoing mess.  The big name censored in August was . . . Vox Day.

Vox Day is a writer/game developer/social commentator/etc./etc. and has been needling the SJWs and the Left for, well, forever.  It used to be considered to be sporting fun jousting with the Left, but now any deviation from their norms are grounds for immediate attacks.

Vox has proven himself pretty much immune to the attacks, as long as they spell his name right.  In this case, Blogger® (a division of Google™) took down his blog.  Blogger© was his web home for many years.  Right now, if you go to his old website, you find a note that “This blog is under review due to possible Blogger Terms of Service violations and is open to authors only.”

So, shut down.

I had regularly been a reader of his site.  I can’t recall any of the commentaries that couldn’t have been read aloud on nearly any radio station in the country, legally.  But Vox has been more or less invulnerable to damage from the Left, which seems to infuriate them even more.

Another voice silenced.  Well, not silenced.  Two hours later, he was up and running, and within a day he had everything moved over to  As I said, he’s been pretty much immune to their attacks.

But governments can silence not just a single individual, but a whole class of people:

On Friday, I wrote about the Aussie trucker’s strike.  It has had an impact, but the government did its very best to shut down cell phones, social media, and any other electronic communications from the truckers.  The government even shut down video cameras that might have been used for people to observe the parked trucks.

Feels like the fix is in . . .

Oddly, the only way you could observe the strike in real-time was on Google® maps by the drive time delays.  And, yes, of course, the press was complicit in not covering it.  Two Leftists show up to protest the Leftist cause of the day?  Dozens of news cameras show up.

Hundreds of men protest for freedom?


That’s to be expected.  The major news outlets are all working together with the major tech websites to coordinate what is true.  They also coordinate who has the opportunity to speak.

Twitter®:  will give people who say “death to America” a say on Twitter™, but not a former president.  That says it all.

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real-time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Up is more violent, and our perception of violence is down in August, again.  I guess we’ve just lowered our standards.

Political Instability:

Up is more unstable, and it dropped again this month.  Unless there’s a crisis, I expect political instability to remain low until at least September.  Weirdly, it seems like June-July-August have the lowest levels of instability.  I guess that’s due to it being fresh vodka season in Washington D.C.?


Economic measures showed another uptick last month.  Are people becoming used to inflation?  What about when the shortages hit?

Illegal Aliens:

This data was at record levels last month, but we beat the record again.  Coming soon to a town near you, ready or not.

A Long Way Down

Right now the military of the United States is being filtered.  How?

Through the use of indoctrination/separation techniques like Critical Race Theory.  CRT was designed to create racial division.  Truth and Reconciliation efforts always are a blame game, whose main technique is constructed to not heal, but to reopen wounds.  In the United States the idea of CRT is to blame those who were uninvolved to benefit those who were unborn when the original injury occurred.

Hey, let’s take that idea to the military, where functional cohesion is dependent upon esprit de corps and camaraderie!

What could go wrong?

The entire thing, really.

I don’t like some races.  The 400 meter always made me want to puke.  It’s not a sprint, it’s not distance, what is it???  Sorry, I guess I’m critical of that race.

So, the military is cratering.  What about government?  It is nearly certain that our government is the stupidest it has ever been.  Really.

Seriously, does anyone think her IQ would even be a warm day in Houston?

We have a vice president putting flowers down at a memorial to the people who shot down John McCain after the “successful” withdrawal strategy that Alzheimer-in-Chief Biden approved and then forgot about.  Now, I’m no John McCain fan by any stretch, but this is incompetence at the level of the Three Stooges®.

Yes.  The military is being driven to incompetence.  Biden and Harris are in a race to see which is worse:  stupidity or dementia.

That leaves the economy.  At least it’s doing well, right?

The Fed should take my lead and just start showing bikini models in their graphs.  Oh, wait, they don’t want people to read them.

No.  When the Fed stops publishing a model because it shows the GDP has collapsed (as shown to be mathematically certain by this author several months ago), you know it’s very, very bad.

And we have yet to hit bottom.  When I started publishing these, in several comments folks noted that we wouldn’t have Civil War 2.0 when we had such a good economy.  Full bellies don’t start revolutions.

As the shortages develop and inflation takes hold, remember these things:

  • It’s a long, long way to the bottom. We are actually right now in the “false hope” section I wrote about back in spring of 2020.
  • Stay away from crowds. 72 hours can change everything about your life.
  • Get out of the cities.   Really.
  • Better to be a year early in preparing than a day late.


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much, Ricky!!

Film At Eleven



Oakland :

San Francisco:

Colorado Springs:

Last Word From San Diego:


Coming In Hot – Brace For Impact


Woke World

Woke World:

Cue applause (!?!) :

Mr and Mrs :

Public Education :

Almighty Dollar (see 0:30):

Inauguration Party :

Pledge of Allegiance:

American Citizen :


Miscellaneous Mayhem


It’s My Party, I’ll Cry (Out) If I Want To


The S-word–texas-chapter-may-even-secede_partner/


(From M*A*S*H): Goodbye, Farewell and Amen

Fear And The Consent Of The Governed, 2021

“This is a consent form to stick a wire into your brain. It’s important for hospitals to get these signed for procedures that are completely unnecessary.” – House, M.D.

When a dentist makes a mistake, it’s always acci-dental.

What I’ve seen from the Federal government recently is something unusual: fear.

The January 6 demonstration at the Capitol is exhibit A. A group of (mainly) unarmed civilians decided that they’d like to wander over to the Capitol to express their displeasure on what many feel is an election that was largely fraudulent. With the early ballots in California, I guess transvestites can commit mail fraud and male fraud.

Elections are supposed to be the safety valve in a society that has them. You voted, and if it goes your way, great. If it doesn’t, well, we’ll vote harder next time.

In theory, it’s a good system. Elections give the loser the thought that, “if we do better next time, we’ll beat ‘em.” That transfers emotions tied to losing into building a party to win the next time.

That assumes that the election is a fair one. Certainly, there have been elections in the past have been manipulated. There’s a reason that people make jokes about corruption and Chicago politics: over 150 Chicago politicians, employees and contractors have been convicted over the last 50 years. While you might think that Chicago would be dangerous with all of the graft and corruption, my friend says it’s not, and he should know. He’s a tailgunner on a Chicago school bus.

I had a friend who started drinking when the kids finally were back at school. Worst teacher ever.

One of the large benefits of the Electoral College system is putting up a firewall against fraud. Chicago could vote 100% for whatever Democrat was running for president, but the corruption would be isolated because it didn’t change the outcome except for that single state.

2020 was different. An unelected cabal worked to get states to change voting systems so that fraud was easier. They worked to get hundreds of millions of dollars of funding for their objectives. They distorted the public debate. And then they bragged about it (LINK).

For whatever reason, 2020 was the year that they decided that they had to win, whatever the costs, whatever the consequences. They weren’t going to let anything stop them.

There are claims the “no significant voter fraud has ever been found” but I couldn’t find my butt if I never looked for it. And, it really, neither of them have been looked for. The idea that people are too stupid to be able to get an ID to allow them to vote, yet are required to get one to eat in a Burger King® in “post-jab” America is nonsense. Yet, it is the basis of Leftist philosophy: 100% control of the people the Left hates, and 100% acceptance of any conduct from the people the Left mines for votes.

If he gets enough across, he doesn’t even have to manufacture votes!

The childhood meme of “majority rules” isn’t correct, however. The idea of a Constitutional Republic was based on the idea that the majority is really often quite wrong and should be walled off from power like a four-year-old going for a wall outlet with a fork. The rights in the Bill of Rights were built on the idea of restricting the power of both the government and the majority.

Those restrictions were based on experience. The Founders had been through a war to overthrow a government that they felt had overstepped its bounds, and their reaction was one based on keeping all kinds of tyranny at bay.

It was a good idea. The idea of sovereign states was also a winner. It allowed the most control to take place locally, not nationally. Ideally, the Federal government was a weak creation. Of course, good things never last. The Federal government accrued power, but was still kept in check.

When the patriots told jokes, was that star spangled banter?

In part, this was due to the mathematics of violence. An individual American marksman with a Brown Bess rifle was the equal to (and sometimes better than) the typical British soldier or Hessian mercenary. They were, after all, fighting for their country. Couple that with the long supply lines of the British, and the American Revolution was the equivalent of their Afghanistan. Well, at least until they made it to the real Afghanistan.

This pointed out that any government of armed men exists only by the consent of the governed. That was a direct consequence of those mathematics of violence. In one well-documented case, the citizens of Athens, Tennessee took up arms in 1946 to stop an election from being stolen.

They relied on the ballot box.

Nah, just kidding. They brought machine guns and service rifles and threw Molotov cocktails and dynamite at the jail that was holding the ballots to prevent fraud. They won the election, and the fraud was so evident that I believe everyone just looked around and whistled and pretended that it never happened. I can’t find a record of any person going to trial for making sure the law was followed. Using dynamite.

If you date a girl from the zoo, be careful. She might be a keeper.

How would that play out in 2021? Don’t know. I’ll tell you after Kyle Rittenhouse’s trial.

But in 2021 we live in a society that was originally based on the idea of freedom and fair play.

I had a thought a few weeks ago. It nearly died of loneliness. It went, however, something like this: what percentage of a population would it take to simply stop society by withdrawing their consent?

I picked Modern Mayberry for the start, since it’s always best to start small. Let’s assume there are 10,000 people here for round numbers. 10% of the population would be 1,000. That’s certainly more than enough. 1% is 100. Is that enough?

It certainly outnumbers the police and sheriff’s department. So, yes.

Tyranny can’t stand 1% noncompliance, locally. How about nationally? If there were 80,000,000 on the Right (a number I think is low) then 1% is 800,000. Initially, I would have said that wasn’t enough. But last week we saw 70,000 some-odd Taliban roll up the 300,000 strong Afghani army in less time than it takes Leonardo DiCaprio to dump his starlet of the week.

Is 1% enough? Maybe. Is 5%? Certainly.

I do know this: the Taliban’s victory shows that the mathematics of violence haven’t changed much since 1776 or 1946. Despite the massive investment in tech and the ability of superpower-level tech to own a battlefield, the war isn’t conducted on battlefields anymore. It’s conducted street by street. House by house.

I hear that place was a Messerschmitt.

Perhaps the final piece of the puzzle is that “the jab” is being rejected by up to 30% or so of the armed forces. Will the military blink, or will the individual soldiers blink?

I don’t think the military will back off.

The Joint Chiefs have shown themselves to (mostly) be completely compliant with whatever Resident Biden wants. I imagine that many of those that will be subject to being drummed out will be some of the most skilled members of the military, and most committed to the cause of freedom.

The jab just might be the cleansing of the military for the Left, a final mechanism to find those who will follow whatever orders come down.

Why do this?

Because they’re afraid

What are they afraid of?

Losing the consent of the governed.

How far are they away from that?

Civil War 2.0: Living On The Edge

“I don’t want to be in a battle. But waiting on the edge of one I can’t escape is even worse.” – Return of the King

The past, present, and future walked into a bar.  It was tense.

  1. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  2. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
  3. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  4. Open War.

Violence and open crime is now endemic in most major cities, so much so that people now just tend to ignore it, and police are incentivized to ignore it and focus on policing people who fail to come to a complete stop.    Again, none of the violence that I could see originated from the Right in July.  None.

I’m holding July at 9 out of 10.  That’s still two minutes to midnight.  I had expected that hot weather and growing unrest would lead to levels of violence that couldn’t be ignored, but I was wrong.  What appears today to be the driver to our current unrest is the prospect of mandatory “immunizations” that don’t appear to immunize.

I currently put the total at (this is my best approximation, since no one tracks the death toll from rebellion-related violence) hanging in at around 900 out of the 1,000 required for the international civil war definition.

As close as we are to the precipice of war, be careful.  Things could change at any minute.  Avoid crowds.  Get out of cities.  Now.  A year too soon is better than one day too late.

In this issue:  Front Matter – Divorce, American Style – Violence And Censorship Update –– Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – The COVID Trigger? – Links

Front Matter

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, subscribe because you’ll join over 500 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.

Divorce, American Style

Studies have shown that if a couple doesn’t want to get divorced, they shouldn’t talk about divorce.  Heck, I could even make a joke about Bill Gates’ divorce, but that wouldn’t be PC.

One of the potential outcomes of our current political divide has always been the dissolution of the United States.  As Stein’s Law states:  If something can’t go on forever, it won’t.  And, eventually, the United States won’t, no matter how much we want it to go on.

In a recent poll, people are thinking about divorce.  And even though this particular divorce isn’t like the divorce between a dentist and a manicurist, it still might be fought tooth and nail.  Nope, this is secession.  Based on a June, 2021 survey, it looks like the South is ready to leave, again.  66% of Republicans and 50% of independents (mainly those that think the Republicans are Leftists) are ready to call it quits.

That’s a majority.  Other folks want out, too.   The numbers are far larger than I would have expected, but that shows just how far down the road to dissolution the United States is.

I imagine the stoners in Colorado will keep their weed during the divorce – they’ll have joint custody.

And this is when things are going (relatively) well.  There aren’t hungry people in the streets, and the current problem around here is that there aren’t enough people to work, rather than unemployment.

If you went on the normal split, here’s what the two countries would look like:

Hmmm, Chicago looks sort of . . . surrounded.

I like this version better than the “Red State” pictures because commies love red.  Regardless, it shows counties that are 51%/49% as the same color as a 85%/15% county.  Aesop (LINK) has shown that there’s a lot of purple out there.  And he’s right – the battle isn’t along the same regional lines as 1860.  But when people want to fight, they can and will.  The Balkans is a great example of a “purple” country going to war against itself.

What should scare people is that things are going well, and people want out.  The Right (with almost all of the guns) is preparing for just that.  Most of the groups listed on this map of militias aren’t horribly radical, especially by historical United States norms.  What unnerves the Left is that these groups seem to think quaint old things like the Constitution matter.

The Leftists don’t train with guns. I expect they’re bad Marxmen.

Of course, the Leftist press is pearl-clutching about this, but I downloaded the Light Foot Militia’s guidebook (Hi, FBI agent!) and it’s as tame as a kitten eating warm cream.  The physical requirements for membership include being able to walk a couple of miles in 40 minutes and do 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups.

Quite a crazy eccentric threat.

But I have goals:

Violence And Censorship Update

I’ve already mentioned the normalization of endemic levels of violence.  There’s a reason I’m staying clear of cities, even though that’s where they keep the Red Lobster®.

Censorship is, sadly, again the big story.  Early in July, Nick Fuentes was kicked off of the major social platforms.  He’s shockingly old.  He’s 22.  He’s marginally amusing, but not at all hateful or dangerous.  But kids liked him, and he challenged the narrative.  So, banned.  Probably for life.  At age 22.

On Soviet Twitter® you can’t use your email to sign in.  You have to use your USSRname.

Okay, that was how the month started.  It got better, right?


I bet they did not see that coming. (Say it fast.)

I’ll just share these horrifying developments.  The Left (and the Libertarians) keep coming back to the argument that speech on Twitter® (or Facebook™, or Google© or etc.) is private speech.  Well, have a nice look at the following.

Okay, this one is a joke.  No one likes Cathars anyway and we should burn them at the stake.  Oh, they’re all dead?  Never mind.

Understand that now the stage is set for an official truth to go along with the official narrative.  Deviation from either will result in being shut down by the Government-Media Complex.

If you think the Military Industrial Complex was bad?  You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real-time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Up is more violent, and our perception of violence is down in July.  I guess we’ve just lowered our standards.

Political Instability:

Up is more unstable, and it dropped again this month.  Unless there’s a crisis, I expect political instability to remain low until at least September.  Weirdly, it seems like June-July-August have the lowest levels of instability.  I guess that’s due to it being fresh vodka season in Washington D.C.?


Economic measures showed an uptick last month.  Nu-COVID-22 (or whatever they’re going to call it) will probably hit these measures in a few months.  Or the money printing.  Nah.  It’ll be fine.

Illegal Aliens:

This data was at record levels last month, but since we now have the “Biden COVID-19 riddled illegal alien import plan” we beat the record again.  Coming soon to a town near you.

The COVID Trigger?

I haven’t seen anything like the current ‘Rona Rage in my life.  It’s a purity test administered like a religious sacrament.  If you have taken “the jab” you are holy, even though it observably performs in exactly the same manner as a placebo.

But the performance of the #clotshot isn’t the point:  the mandate to take a vaccination to be employed is.  I haven’t had a flu shot, well, ever.  The last shot I had was a tetanus vaccine.  Since my jaw didn’t lock up, well, I’m calling that a win.

But many people have an issue with taking the ‘Rona Roids.  The reasons vary.  And just like the performance of not-vax, it doesn’t matter.  The people who don’t want to take it, won’t.  Many of them will quit their jobs prior to injecting an experimental mRNA therapy with completely unknown long-term side effects.

Recently, Jojo Biden and his Dementia Support Brigade have mandated injections for millions of people under Federal control.  What happens to them if they don’t take it?  Presumably, they lose their jobs.  Or are drummed out of the military.  Or?

This seems to have created a cascade of employers who are following suit by mandating the shot for their employees.  Wal-Mart® surprised me.  Google™ didn’t.

I hear Jesus was kicked out of PrayPal®.

The choice is a stark one, especially for people with families to feed and careers on the line.  Enforcement isn’t a troop of Feds showing up at 3AM.  Enforcement is that no person may conduct business or hold a job without this mark pass.

I wonder what would have been said in previous years?

“You bring the crowns and heads of conquered kings to my city steps. You insult my queen. You threaten my people with slavery and death. Oh, I’ve chosen my words carefully, Persian. Perhaps you should have done the same.” – 300

How would Biden respond?

Fine.  Remember this:


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky.  Thanks so much, Ricky!!

Film At Eleven


ICONIC: A Sidewalk, A Flag, And A Kid:

Trash Day:

Target Practice:

Convenience Store:

Taxi Cab:

Block Party:

American Marxism Interview (Long but good):

Two-Reason Biden:

The Old Man And Across The Sea:

Just standin’ around and bam:


Rock The Vote


Bad Here


Worse There


Coming Attractions

The Jab: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

“And he wasn’t alone. He had close to a thousand followers when he died. They conducted rituals up on the roof, bizarre rituals intended to bring about the end of the world. And now it looks like it may actually happen.” – Ghostbusters

I guess that makes my wife Mrs. Doubtpfizer.

Disclaimer: Humor writer, not a doctor. But I’m a humor writer that likes to look at the worst-case scenarios because someone has to know that “I’m sorry” and “I apologize” don’t always mean the same thing, especially at a funeral.

One of the more disturbing things about the trajectory of the panic-response-panic model that we’ve seen in the last year about the ‘Rona has been the nearly complete abandonment of the idea of impartial science. Oh, sure, we knew that scientists could be bought, and in most cases, they’re cheaper than congressmen. Scientists can be bought for a shrimp cocktail. To buy a congressman, you have to spring for the bacon-wrapped shrimp.

When you look at the data from only eight months ago, the University of Pennsylvania, actual scientists that were presumably not under the influence of shrimp came to this conclusion (LINK):

Pay attention to the phrase, “No large trials of any (emphasis added) mRNA vaccine have been completed yet.”


This is a first attempt at ever using this technology, and the decision was made that, “Hey, sounds good, let’s do it. What could go wrong?”

This sounds suspiciously like the reasoning I used with my first marriage, so, on its face, this is the same logic used by amorous 20-year-olds. I wonder: were they playing beer pong when they made the decision?

So, what could go wrong?

I’ll start with the least scary and move to the scariest ones. To be fair, the least scary are the impacts that are the most likely, and in some cases, they are certainly happy. Data, however, is murky. Congress voted to keep the report on the origin of the virus classified, so I’m not holding my breath that any information counter to the official narrative will be seeing daylight anytime soon.

Heart Attacks In Healthy Young People – As far as I can tell, this is 100% confirmed. How often is it happening? Difficult to say. This is, however, often enough that I think it is clear that with the death rate from COVID for young, healthy people is lower than the risk that they have of driving to school.

How low?

If you have been documented to have COVID, the death rate is in the range of 1 out of 100,000. Since it’s my theory that between one-half and two-thirds of ‘Rona infections in kids aren’t ever officially reported, that rate is probably closer to (conservatively) 1 out of 300,000. Translation: rub some dirt on it, you’re fine.

How frequent are the heart attacks induced by the jab? Don’t know. And with data and reporting being what they are today, we might not know for a decade, if ever.

That’s okay. No pharmaceutical company has any liability, so you don’t have to worry about the CEO losing his bonus.

I hear that Mountain Dew® is coming out with a new flavor for heart attack victims: Code Blue®.

You know it’s going to be a grim list when Widespread Sterility is the second-best case scenario. This one is still speculative, and there’s evidence for it. I’m stunned, really, that pregnant women were encouraged to get the “jab”, because when The Mrs. was preggers I was pretty sure the doctor wasn’t convinced that eating one Cheeto® a month was safe for pregnant women.

But here we are. I haven’t heard of a lack of babies being born, though I’ve heard of more than one post-jab miscarriage. Again I ask the question: why would young, healthy people be taking this, especially after (again, anecdotal) evidence that the spike protein seems to concentrate in the reproductive bits?

Breakthrough and Jabbed Becoming Superspreading Virus Factories is happening right now. This one is, of course, the most ironic. It does (again, at least anecdotally) appear that the death rate due to the ‘Rona is somewhat lower if the person is jabbed. But if it doesn’t stop a person from getting or spreading ‘Rona, all it does is act as a treatment against future cases? Again, the only trial data we’ll ever get from Pfizer™ stated that 14 people with the control died, and 15 people with the Pfizer© science juice died.

Because that’s how you know it’s working.

But apparently I need to get jabbed so the jabbed won’t get the ‘Rona from me even though they can get ‘Rona and are much better at spreading it because they show fewer symptoms? This ranks higher because, more superspreaders? More mutations.

Clotting/COVID Spike Protein Runaway is a scenario that has been seen, well, at least the clotting part. There’s a reason they called the Johnson & Johnson™ jab the #clotshot. According to one panel of doctors (it was on YouTube®, so take it with however many grains of salt you’d like), the spike protein is the problem. Originally it was the solution, because that’s what the mRNA shot did: make a person’s cells produce the spike protein so that the immune system could recognize it.

This doctor’s theory was the protein wanders down through the bloodstream where it damages the blood vessel walls in the capillaries, the smallest section. This causes clotting, and I don’t think it is disputed that this caused several deaths and several amputations because of the clots as directly caused by the jab.

This doctor went further, however. He maintained this clotting would spread since there seems to be ample continual production of the spike protein. His prognosis? Everyone who had the spike protein-inducing shot would die of heart failure in two or three years due to cumulative damage. Everyone who took the shot.

I rate this one as pretty bad – civilization-ending, in fact if there are billions of corpses to deal with in two years. But I also rank this as pretty unlikely.

I hope.

As bad as all of that is, there are three more horror stories waiting. Lucky you!

I don’t think COVID was made in China – we’ve had it 18 months and it’s still working.

The next is Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE). The short version is that in this situation (which really happens, though rarely) the candidate vaccine appears to create antibodies that would protect against the disease. Good news!

But not really. In this case, the antibodies actually make it easier for the virus to get into the cell. So, if when you get the virus you were inoculated against in the first place, it will kill you. Yup. In this case, the virus actually makes the disease deadlier. I’m hoping that this wave of the ‘Rona run isn’t ADE showing up.

I don’t think that it is, or I think we would have seen a very significant death wave among the jabbed, one so big it would be difficult to hide.

Marek’s Disease is the next case. A “leaky” vaccine was created for chickens to vaccinate them against Marek’s Disease, which totally sounds like it was named after a Star Trek® character. The chickens could catch the disease, and the vaccine was just good enough to keep them from dying from it.

Good news, right? Well, no. Because the vaccine allowed them to be super-spreaders. The virus kept mutating until it was absolutely fatal to chickens. Now, most chickens have it, and spread it. Unless a baby chick (that’s around other chickens) is vaccinated, it will die. Chickens as we know them are dependent upon having this vaccine.

If the “jabs” we have against COVID are similar, we might see exactly what we’re seeing now: people who were jabbed having the virus and incubating it and spreading it and making it more and more dangerous. Under the worst-case scenario, the virus would mutate into a universally lethal form, and we’d all have to take some future version of the jab.

Or die. As a species.

That would be a big oops. Again, unlikely, but it does meet the patterns we’ve been seeing. But the worst case is the next one.

To get to the other . . . oh, wait . . .

The Spike is a Prion prions are misfolded proteins. A perfect example of this is mad cow disease: a misfolded protein makes it into the brain and causes a chain reaction with other brain proteins. Eventually, when a person catches mad cow disease, a human brain becomes spongier than Joe Biden’s.

The scary part about prions is, even though they aren’t alive, they can spread and replicate in the body like they are alive. So, in this case, the spike protein would eventually cause some horrible jab-zombie end to mankind.

Thankfully, the prion theory looks to be the silliest and least likely scenario. But all of these scenarios, however, are showing up because the information is so very, very bad. I included the clip from the University of Pennsylvania study because it is honest. It shows what we know, and what we don’t know. There isn’t the lingering smell of corruption and shrimp anywhere in the document.

I got kicked out of the zoo for feeding the ducks . . . to the crocodiles. Those crocodiles sure will miss me.

With any luck we won’t see horrible health consequences from the jab. The biggest casualties right now appear to be any lingering trust we had in Big Science, our economy, the concept of private property, any restraint on government edicts whatsoever, and the illusion that we had freedom to begin with.

But, remember – to buy a congressman you need bacon-wrapped shrimp. I mean, they can be bought, but they don’t want you to think they’re cheap.

The Best Post You’ll Read About COVID This Week: COVIDIOCRACY (with bikini ending)

“Quite frankly, we have had some very reliable intelligence reports that quite a serious epidemic has broken out at Clavius, something apparently of an unknown origin. Is this in fact what has happened?” – 2001:  A Space Odyssey

I’m not against all Gene therapy.

Note 1:  none of the memes for this post are original (most all of my regular post memes are), these are “as found” on the Internet.  I don’t think that there are any major inaccuracies, but, as always, engage in critical thinking.

Note 2:  this isn’t medical or life advice.  You have to assess your own situation and make your own choices. 

I was wandering through the Internet this week when this little gem of information caught my eye:

When I caught a bacterial infection, the doctor told me I was a man of culture.

The “jab” (which is not a vaccine, more on that in a bit) had proven not to decrease the rate of infection.  Nope.  The #clotshot looks like it turns those that have taken it into super-spreaders.  They have the ability, if infected, to spread even more of the disease to other people.

Think about that for just a second:  the “vaccinated” are very likely making the “normal DNA” population less safe.  It’s a paradox.  But at least they don’t get it themselves, right?  Well, in the immortal words of Aesop:  natzsofast . . . .

So, this gives a whole new meaning to Royal Navy “carrier”.  Something tells me they should have seen this one coming.

It has become abundantly clear that the “jab” is (at best) only moderately effective.  I have had the ‘Rona.  The Mrs. tested positive for the antibodies, and when she was sick she was helpfully coughing directly on me all night.  It’s not as bad as licking a doorknob at a bathroom hobos use, but it’s close.

The symptoms for me were mild.  A bit of a coof, and a fever of around 99°F for about four hours.  For The Mrs.?  Worse, but not the sickest I’ve ever seen her.

For me, a fever of 99°F is something that happens about once a decade, at most.  I last took a sick day in 2001 or so, so I’ve generally been fairly healthy.  The flu in 2012 was much, much worse for me, but that’s only because I let it get in my lungs.  I guess it was swine flu, so I should have had some oinkment.

Blofeld:  “Mr. Bond, I’ve poisoned your glass with the measles vaccine.  Now you have autism.”  Bond:  “That’s fine, Blofeld, I’ve disassembled your doomsday device and organized the parts by size.”

CORONA is real.  But when you look at the statistics, it is a disease that simply doesn’t hurt young people.   By young, I mean less than 40.  So, when I see Internet harpies screeching that they don’t want their kids to DIE!!! because of selfish “unvaxxed”, what I see are people who probably dress their precious snowflake up in bubble wrap before they are allowed to go play in a playground that has been designed by dozens of engineers over thousands of hours to be safe in any conceivable circumstances.

And then they insist to replace the ground under the safe playground equipment with crushed rubber pellets that would safely allow Jeff Bezos to land on them if he jumped from orbit.

Oops, sorry.  Jeff Bezos hasn’t been to orbit.

But the statistics are clear:  your kid is safe, at least from COVID-19.

Never get involved with a cult of mimes.  They’re capable of unspeakable acts of violence.

Here at the end of July, 2021, though, the drumbeat of COVIDIOCRACY has reached a new high.  I was over at Phil’s place (LINK) and made a comment.  The comment was about the coming mandate to force everyone to get “the jab” or lose their government job.  This was the wife of a .GOV employee or contractor.  She asked me what she should do.  My response was simple – without knowing lots of intimate details of her life, there was no way I could answer.

When you don’t need a prion disease to have your brain turn into sponge.

Nearly immediately, my response was jumped on by a shill – obviously a paid propagandist.  It was interesting that the only hours they were posting were when it was 8:30AM in India to when it was about 6PM in India.  I’m not saying it was India.  It could have been someone really late to the office in China or really early to the office in the eastern Mediterranean.

Phil had attracted paid foreign agents to his site to pop up propaganda.  Propaganda for the “jab”.  If it were good for you, wouldn’t that be self-evident by now?

Let’s look at the huge push on the “vax”:

  • Coordinated media attacks to encourage it.
  • Pedo Joe announcing that he’s going to make Fed.GOV take the shot.
  • Coordinated attacks by shills on influential blogs and /message boards/.

Sure, you could say that it’s all about Pfizer’s® Pfrofits™, but it’s only a few measly billion that they made this quarter.  That’s not to say that Pfizer© isn’t Pcorruptly® attempting to manipulate the media:

The vaccine, though, might be dangerous.  I was talking with a friend and described it as “an untested genetic manipulation.”  He said that was too strong, and it sounded kinda crazy to say it that way.  Honestly, that was a fair criticism, and I especially appreciate those:  it’s a good friend that tells you when they think you’re nuts.  But:

My gut instinct might have been right.  DNA changes?  That can’t have any bad impacts, can it?

I guess it can.  And this is where the #clotshot becomes a crime.  Any healthy person under 40 is much more likely to die of the mRNA treatment than COVID.  There has been quite a run on heart attacks of healthy young men who were injected.

But even after this, the push for the injection is intensifying:


But why would you trust a government and a media that has consistently lied to you about the ‘Rona?

And they’ve completely expressed how they feel about anyone who has a different opinion:

Certainly, they’ll return your freedom to you after COVID is banished, right?

Be Goofus, not Gallant.

The Mrs. and I have discussed it.  We are not getting the #clotshot.  If this is an experiment, we’ll happily remain in the control group.  I’ve had the ‘Rona, so I identify as immune.

But, in the end, you have a choice.  You can submit to have a literally Biblical restriction on your life,

Or, you can take another track.  If enough people choose freedom, we’ll never have to worry for a minute.  You must remember – they’re more afraid of you than you should be of them.

See, it ends with a bikini!

Critical Race Theory: Another Communist Game

“Jack has got to find the Override before the rest of these reactors go critical! – 24

My math teacher used a lot of graph paper.  I think she was plotting something.

The education of children has to be the imperative of a culture.  Why?  That education forms their perspective on the past.  That perspective gives a view of what works, and what doesn’t work.  It also must account for the stories of virtue and villainy.

Who are the bad guys of the culture?  Who are the good guys from the culture?  To a student, it matters.  The myth of George Washington was important – here was a man who voluntarily let go of power – twice.  And we all know why George’s dad didn’t punish him for chopping down the cherry tree:  George had an ax.

This education comes from more than the schools.  It also comes in the form of the messages that our children receive as they grow up.  It’s embedded in the cartoons they watch.  It’s in the television and videos they watch.  Why do people say there is no American culture?  They’re soaking in it.

A primary objective of every tyranny that has ever existed is to indoctrinate the youth.  Back before television and radio, it took a lot of local effort.  Unless the Church was on your side, it probably would be difficult to keep the message tight.  Marxists fought this by eliminating the Church.

Ever hear of the ghost that got arrested for possession?

As a young Wilder, the culture I was exposed to was one of what I’d call “standard postwar liberalism.”  No, Pa and Ma Wilder weren’t Leftists, at all.  But between 1950 and 1990 or so, most people were liberal in one sense or another.  I had to interview Pa Wilder for a school project, and asked his thoughts about marijuana legalization:

“Well, it’s awfully hard to criticize someone smoking marijuana with a bourbon in my hand.”

See, liberal, though I’d bet a month’s pay that Pa Wilder was never in the same room with a joint in his life.  But since that was a school project when I was in fifth grade, maybe that was part of my indoctrination, as well.  Hmmm.

I think Ma and Pa voted for Reagan, twice, but their philosophy was more of a conservative blend of libertarianism, which I think fit their time and place.  In reality, there wasn’t much difference between George H.W. Bush and Mike Dukakis.  Both were liberals, H.W. was just a liberal who had worked for the C.I.A.

I hope that Idaho never legalizes pot.  Think of all the baked potatoes.

Culture in that time and place was dominated by television.  And not only was it dominated by television, it was dominated by three networks:  ABC®, NBC™, and CBS©.  When it came to culture, they were all on the same page, the liberal one.  They even canceled the sitcom about Abe Lincoln – it was shot before a live studio audience.

That liberal culture that they put out on the airwaves, minute after minute, was the single most inclusive culture in the history of mankind.  The networks indoctrinated an entire generation of white kids into the least prejudiced generation of any people in the history of mankind.


That was my generation.  The indoctrination was so very deep that when we heard someone make a disparaging remark about another, we’d physically wince.  This indoctrination turned it from a rational thought to a matter of faith.

That was the key.  We were on board.  We really did believe in a country that was based in a sense of civic nationalism as the highest value.  To be fair, it’s a beautiful story, and if it were left at that, maybe, just maybe it might have worked.  Even though I’ve always been on the Right, I was on board.

When the UK left the EU they freed up 1 GB.

However, down in another level of indoctrination that was played out in communities different than mine, the message was likewise a different one:  the United States is inherently evil, racist, and (that community) were nothing more than victims.

What?  Who was spreading that message?

The Academy.  The Academy is the network of colleges and schools.  High school isn’t the end of indoctrination, college is the next step.

For example:  one kid that I went to high school with normally dressed like a serious nerd.  Button-up collared shirts and slacks.  The rest of us were in t-shirts and jeans, mostly.

I saw him at Christmas after we’d both been at college for the first semester.  He was wearing torn jeans, a green trench coat, a beret, and John Lennon sunglasses.  I think he got better.

That was after six months.  Yes, he went to a really, really Leftist school.  But his personality changed entirely after that.  A major source of indoctrination into Leftist dogma is at the colleges:  why do you think they invented degrees that have “studies” in the title?  I mean, it’s not (only) to get people that are unequipped to take real courses into spending $150,000 for a degree that will earn them a $23,000 a year job they could have had straight out of high school.

And the colleges indoctrinate the next professors.  Those professors in turn then indoctrinate the next school teacher, and the next youth pastor and the next youth baseball coach.

Hey, it’s all up on the Gonzaga® website.  Looks like the Academy takes care of its own.

For decades, the Academy has been teaching Critical Theory at schools.  Critical Theory is Marxist, and not the good Groucho kind.  The reason that Critical Theory was developed was because people in the United States in the 1920s weren’t (and aren’t) class conscious.  Commies tried to use the rich and poor divide to create revolution in the United States, and found something unusual:

Not only wasn’t the United States class conscious, many of the people that they could get to join labor unions were anti-communist.  That perplexed the Leftists, until they realized that most Americans thought that they could become rich.  The fixed idea of class that worked so well in Russia and China failed miserably in the United States.

What to do?  In this case, develop Critical Theory.  They did this because a certain former corporal kicked all of the commies out of a certain country, so instead of heading to Russia, they decided to infect the United States.  They called themselves the Frankfurt School.  DuckDuckGo® them if you’re bored.  You won’t be disappointed.

Critical Theory tries to use an assessment of history, society, and culture to challenge power structures as well as culture.  They use a tremendous number of nonsense academic-speak words in what they’re saying because it’s not really academics, it’s a cult.

Really, though, the goal was to find something, anything, to drive a wedge between the American people.  And, after trying and failing, the Frankfurt School found that wedge.


I got pulled over the other day for just trying to keep up with traffic.  The state patrolman said the road was clear.  “Yes, officer, that’s how far behind I am.”

Race has been the single most divisive topic in the United States, and the Academy is doing everything possible to pour pee in the PEZ® bowl of America.  Why?  The Soviets, who the Leftists that make up the Academy love, went bankrupt.

Next?  The Chinese embraced state-run capitalism combined with a Chinese nationalism that makes true Leftists cringe.  What to do?

Ahhh, yes, create enough racial tension to pull everything down.  Here, at last, they can finally create a true equality!

Critical Race Theory is one of the latest salvos intended to completely reconfigure the United States, if not the world.  Note that it’s just “Critical Theory” with Race tucked smartly in the middle.  It is nothing more than the early versions of this Marxist attack on Western Civilization in general, and the United States in particular, but using their most effective wedge:  race.

I’d say (if I were to guess) the best race relations ever seen in the history of the world were somewhere between 1990 and 2008 in the United States.  Barack Obama wasn’t elected as a racial wedge, but that’s exactly how he played his cards.  He had the unique opportunity to heal, but instead chose to rip the Band-Aid® off and then rub Madonna’s underwear on the healing wound.

Or more time with an iron.

Every place (and I mean every place) that I’ve worked where things went well, there wasn’t a sense of entitlement.  People worked hard, heck, sometimes competed to work harder.  It wasn’t about the money, it was about doing good work.  But one person can show up in a workplace and destroy that cohesion.

All they have to do is convince a few people that they’re being taken advantage of.  That people in another company have it better.  That they have a new enemy, the Man.  That’s what Critical Theory, and in this case, Critical Race Theory is all about.  Creating division.

It’s cloaked, like every Leftist lie is.  Leftists who write, teach, and indoctrinate using this nonsense are exactly the type of people who use phrases like, “My truth.”  They say that they’re doing nothing more than “telling the truth” which explains why they don’t want lessons or homework discussed with parents.

It’s about creating division.

What do you think reparations are?  A fight for division.  Understand, if reparations were set at $30,000 or $300,000 or $3,000,000 per person, the answer would be, “It’s not enough.”

It will never be enough because the goal isn’t goodwill toward men, it is division.

I guess women who vote for the Right are okay.  I always liked Republic-hens. (not my meme)

In my generation, the indoctrination was all some version of, “hey, we can all get along,” and if the goal was to get along they had gone very far.  But that was never the goal.  Division is first.

Then, destruction.  Followed by?  Suppression that would make Stalin jealous.  Then, they think, Power.

The Leftists must think they have won.  Critical Race Theory is the equivalent of surrounding the embassy in Saigon.  If we don’t push back, who will be left to educate?

And if we don’t push back, will there be room on that last chopper out?