Lost The Plot: 17 True Things We Forgot

“To tell you the truth, Bilbo has been a bit odd lately.” – The Fellowship of the Ring

Would you call someone who microwaved hot dogs Frank Zappa?

Something went off the rails in the twentieth century.  If I were to try to pinpoint it, it would probably be around when Woodrow Wilson was president, as if a large darkness began to descend and ooze through society.  It has been slowly corrosive for decades, but the post-2000 years, and especially the Obama years really saw it make insidious . . . progress.


At least in part because we forgot many of the really important things that we have always known, for the existence of mankind at least, to be true.

Below is a list of 17 True things that people “forgot” for a few decades that have pushed our civilization to collapse:

  • Men and Women Are Physiologically Different

This has fed the current trans nonsense, and still exists when every single scientific study has shown that the average man over twice as strong as the average woman, and almost always the strongest woman in a study is weaker than the weakest man.

I wrote a book on penguins once.  In hindsight, I should have used paper.

  • Men/Women Cognitively Different

Again, there are basic differences in the way that a woman’s mind and a man’s mind work.  Men are better at spatial thinking, reasoning, and math, whereas women are exceptional at waging personal vendettas for petty reasons.  Oh, and empathy.  Women are good at that, too.

  • Race Is A Real Biological Fact

Race is really more than skin deep.  I once saw a post where the Red Cross™ was looking for more black donors because of the various cofactors that make it a better match for black recipients.  More than that, A.I. can tell the race of a patient by an x-ray.  So, besides being blood, skin, and bone deep, each race was isolated and separated in time, in some cases by more than 70,000 years (Australian Aborigines).  So, yeah, people of different races are different.

  • Intelligence Is Mostly Influenced By Biology

Anyone who studies intelligence will tell you that at least 50% of intelligence is inherited, and the number might be 80%.  Does that mean two absolute idiots might not birth a genius?  Sure.  It could happen.  And there might also be desperate single MILFs less than a mile away, like my computer keeps telling me.

Einstein married his cousin, proving that even his marriage was relative.

  • Character Is Mostly Influenced By Biology

Growing up in a small town, people would say things like, “That family is no good,” and they were generally right.  Are we slaves to it?  No.  Whereas with intelligence, you can’t hone it, with character you can, which means that maybe not all is lost for Hunter Bi . . . oh, too late.

  • The Family Is Society’s Atom

Feminism requires that the individual be the atom of society so that women can be EmpOwERed grrlbosses, but that is clearly insanity.  No family, no society – it all falls apart.

  • Culture Isn’t Interchangeable

Tacos aren’t Viking.  And culture is far more than a taco.  Why lots of people don’t recognize American culture is the same reason that fish don’t recognize water – they’re surrounded by it all the time and can’t imagine life without it.

  • Borders, Language, Culture, and People Define Nations

Without those, it’s either a country or an empire and not a nation.  And if it’s a country, it will Balkanize or be led by an authoritarian.

  • GDP Growth ≠ Happiness

GDP growth was a focus during the Cold War.  Why?  We needed stuff to beat the horrific ideology of the commies.  We won.  But now we try to make an economy larger at the expense of the people.  How many rich couples were happier when they were young and poor?

I’m joining a Cold War reenactor group – we get together on weekends with a keg and without cell phones and listen to heavy metal.

  • Work Has Intrinsic Value

Sweat builds your soul and gives you freedom—UBI and welfare are cages for the human soul.

  • Competition Drives Progress

And war is the ultimate competition.  What has happened to the vitality of Europe as it has the longest war-free period in its history?

  • Death Is Inevitable

Blue Öyster Cult® said that you shouldn’t fear the reaper, and that’s fairly sound advice.  We’re all going to die.  The parade will end.  To paraphrase Monty Python, we will all become ex-parrots.  Focus on the living bit, and add in a little more cowbell.

I hear that when ducks fly over the pyramids, they flock like an Egyptian.

  • Equality Doesn’t Exist

Equality under the law can exist, equality of rights can exist, but people are unequal in every possible physical, cognitive or moral way.

  • Authority Exists For A Reason

The Founding Fathers thought long and hard about how to set up self-governance in the United States.  They didn’t settle on, “everyone do whatever they want”.  Authority in society is required because:

  • Humans Are Imperfectible

Chasing communist Utopia led to more deaths in the twentieth century than any other man-made condition.  People are flawed, and systems have to take that into account.

Is a classy fish sofishticated?

  • Truth, Beauty, And Goodness Exist

Not GloboLeftist “My truth” but Truth, with a capital T.  The same with Beauty and Goodness, both of which the GloboLeft similarly tried to define as nonexistent.

  • A Divine Presence Exists

YMMV, but everything I’ve seen shows that this is both a physical and mathematical certainty.

That’s a start at the list, and I’m sure you have more.  Whenever a society becomes based on ideas that aren’t real, it becomes unstable.  Whenever a Man With A Plan® says that they’re going to rebuild society, run.

And when people spout corrosive philosophies that tear apart families and create societal misery, why do we reward them by sending them to congress and or giving them prestigious professorships?

What other things that everyone knew in 1025 A.D. have we forgotten?

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

33 thoughts on “Lost The Plot: 17 True Things We Forgot”

  1. Cognitive differences, while existing and understated in your report, will likely get you some serious death threats. You’re a braver man than I am, John Wilder.

  2. Authority is required because humans are imperfectable; however, giving imperfectable humans authority inevitably leads to oppression and tyranny. Giving authority to God (something greater than humans) can be the answer; however, letting imperfectable humans decide what God wants is a recipe for disaster.

    Natural law is simple: don’t harm others; do all you agree to do; do not encroach on others or their property; assist those in your circle of proximity when you are able. Giving people power to enforce natural law on others is fraught with pits and snares.

    I think the only solution is to use a system of private judges who are only paid when they actually judge a situation of conflict, using natural law as their guide; however, over a long time, that system always seems to become vulnerable to military conquest from neighboring authoritarian tribes (e.g. ancient Israel lost their system of judges and became a kingdom so they could keep a standing army; Anglo-Saxon common law gave way to Norman invaders who imposed civil law; Ireland, Scotland, and Wales all falling from common law with the ruler/king being the supreme judge to being under control of British Civil Law; etc.). I believe the common theme in all of these is that people forgot the part in common law where helping those in your circle of influence includes going to war to defend your way of life from authoritarian neighbors (examples of common law tribes defending themselves in war include Gideon from the Bible leading the Israelite tribes to victory and Arminius, aka Hermann the German, leading the Germanic tribes to victory).

  3. If we really did ‘forget’ such truths, it was willful. Society became feminized when men got tired of listening to women screech about ‘unfairness’ and just let them have their way. Nobody suspected that it could swing this far into unhinged territory, and now things are REALLY ‘unfair’. For everyone.

    We are being ruled over today by the fat girl who didn’t get invited to the prom and is bent on revenge. But there is finally a glimmer of hope. Orange Man Chad is questioning the edicts, challenging the new norm. With nothing to lose at 78 years old, and as a do-over president, he is in a unique position to right the ship, or at least steer it away from the rocks.

    Much of your list is simply the unassailable facts of human biodiversity. I don’t think anyone has ‘forgotten’ that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Or that ancient forebears who migrated north and away from perennial summer adapted to a harsher environment by developing more sophisticated thought processes (i.e. intelligence). Even as a young child, I knew that girls were different than boys, and that black children were louder and less controllable. The question remains, how do we accommodate such wildly divergent types in a cooperative society?

    1. Ironically, holding the same standards of behavior for all as the first point. Also, as Great Britain showed, there’s basically no downside to executing criminals until people stop being criminal. Look up the history of the song Mack the Knife and the person who inspired it.

  4. “Work Has Intrinsic Value”

    Yes, but. Work has intrinsic value, perhaps, to the person doing it; but in a non-socialist society its value to anyone else depends on just what was done, and thus what they’re willing to pay for it.

    Person A spends a year developing a safe, cheap, effective Mr Fusion. (DeLorean sold separately.)

    Person B spends a year curating his pits so he can make an armpit hair sculpture.

    Which, in a sane society, would be considered more valuable, leading to more rewards for the person in question? (And yes, I know, in a world with Hunter Biden paintings and a duct-taped banana, this might not be a good comparison…)

    1. That’s why, generally, the capitalist system rewards those that provide the most value. It goes off the rails when it just rewards those that game the system instead of creating value.

  5. One additional thought if the trans bs has a god, they are saying their god makes mistakes. Mine doesn’t but his temporary protagonist Satan does…sounds like there might be a connection

  6. The cognitive difference between men and women is obvious simply by watching young kids at play.
    In my youth, the young girls would almost never come out of the house, instead preferring to stay inside playing with dolls, watching tv, or reading fashion magazines. The only time I ever saw my female neighbors was at school or at some organized event.

    Meanwhile, the boys were constantly outside getting into mischief. If we weren’t building forts, or exploring the woods, we were organizing various pickup games of whiffle ball, football, or any other sport we could jury rig our yard into accommodating. As we got older, we were tearing things apart, working on cars, and doing those “hold my beer” type experiments (without the beer). Yeah, we sometimes got hurt, but this built curiosity and improved our problem solving skills.

    Which group do you think was more likely to end up in engineering and STEM?

    Don’t get me wrong. I love and respect women as they have their own unique strengths. But mathematical based problem solving is clearly not one of them.


  7. Children are not adults. Adults are not children.
    Aberrations are not the norm.
    Insanity is not to be tolerated in public.
    The primary purpose of a woman is to bear and raise her husband’s children, so the future can happen.
    The primary purpose of a man is to provide and protect.
    No, we’re not all the same. We’re each unique. But we have to live in a society and get along with others.
    The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and stereotypes exist for a reason.
    You are responsible for everything you do. That’s the definition of “adult”.
    To men, all women are crazy. To women, all men are stupid.

  8. Humans are selfish, selfishness brings inconsistencies, inconsistencies bring strife, strife brings violence, and violence brings destruction. It’s a never ending cycle, seasoned by a few generations of isolated peace. It’s because we’re different, and most have little tolerance for those that are different than they are. If people would just leave each other alone, most problems would disappear. Christian belief says this will all come to a drastic end, and regardless of that belief, it will happen. A few basic laws, such as the Ten Commandments, could create a society that is far less destructive, but since humans are selfish, they usually start ignoring the laws, go on with their selfish ways, and the cycle perpetuates.

  9. > Authority Exists For A Reason

    And the reason is your ape brain firmware wants you to beat up your countrymen to prove you aren’t at the bottom of the pecking order.

    > Or that ancient forebears who migrated north and away from perennial summer adapted to a harsher environment by developing more sophisticated thought processes (i.e. intelligence).

    Then how did Greeks and Romans in their perfect Mediterranean climate get so smart?

    1. History began before 1,000 BC. The White race (as exemplified by the Indo-European speakers) had its origins in a seriously harsh climate.

      1. This is like climate “science”. The observational data has been so corrupted by just-so stories for politics that I don’t believe any “simple” explanations. You’re asking me to believe early humans left Africa, lived in serious Winter country long enough for evolution to invent deferred gratification so they would work and save half the year to stay warm and eat the other half, then retired to the Mediterranean to free up work time to pursue more entertaining things like war, and then didn’t lose that deferred gratification behavior much faster than they acquired it.

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