Time, Treasure, and Talent: Three Gifts To Be Thankful For

“We paid him in gratitude and life lessons.” – Psych

But it’s what we got. 

The other day I went to McDonalds®.  This is not a usual thing, because the McDonalds® in Modern Mayberry is run and staffed by people who (really) once gave me a bare McMuffin™ instead of the Sausage McMuffin™ with Egg© that I had asked for.  Some of the folks who work there (not all of them) couldn’t spell dog if you spotted them a “d” and a “g”.

I ended up going there because The Mrs. asked if I wanted to have lunch with her and one of her relatives.  I was intended to get the food.   When I asked what she wanted, she said, “Surprise me.”   Since I like spending time with The Mrs., I agreed.  Since we never went to McDonalds™, I figured that would surprise her.

The Mrs. said to meet at noon.  Immediately the calculations went off in my mind:

  • It will take me fifteen minutes to get to McDonalds®.
  • It will take 10 minutes in the drive-through at McDonalds™. In Modern Mayberry, McDonalds© isn’t fast food, it’s convenient food (at least when they get the order right).
  • It’s another 10 minutes to the relative’s house.

To be on time, I’d have to leave home 35 minutes before lunch.  Simple.  And, as it turned out, my timing was exactly (nearly to the minute) correct.  But my biggest revelation of the trip was this:  to feed three people a warm lunch from the drive-through cost $23.74and took 20 extra minutes from my life.

I bought lunch for the three of us (again, with me eating light) and I did the math – with the cost of my lunch deducted, each of them could have had a one pound ribeye steak and side dishes if we cooked it ourselves I and could have done that in 20 minutes or less.

Oh, sure, you say, who would want a one pound ribeye steak when one could have a box of ten lukewarm chicken McNuggets®?

Well, me.

Well, I guess McDonalds® has a pretty sophisticated social media group.

And that brought me to today’s thought.  It’s the week of Thanksgiving and I already hit gratitude, but I’m going to drive that psych-out home with this post, too.

Gratitude is being grateful for the gifts that you are given.  That implies that you use those gifts wisely.  The biggest gift is the only one that we all get right out of the box when we are born:


Time.  It’s been a subject that has fascinated me since I discovered that there are irreversible processes.  You can’t unbreak a glass.  You can’t uncrash a car.  And you can’t undo intentionally leaking all the ink from 20 or so pens on an oak hardwood floor under your bed and drawing pictures of horses when you are three.

My parents were really chapped about that last one.  Oh, they weren’t happy about the car, either.

Each of us only has so much time.  It’s both a blessing and a curse that (most of us) don’t know how much time that is.  It’s a blessing because we can face life unafraid without knowing our fate.  It’s a curse because we might waste our Time.

Literally the first item in my search for the term “time”.  I could have picked another term, but ain’t nobody got time for that.

Waste of anything we have is a failure to show gratitude.  We are each given our measure of Time.  To waste it?  You are wasting everything that your life is made of, and what you could achieve.  To be clear – your achievement isn’t for you, it’s for the future of mankind.  What are you doing with those precious moments that you have to make the future of mankind better?

Or, at least you could use your time to get on the cover of The Rolling Stone.

Even if you aren’t religious (to be clear, I am), this duty is simple – what are you doing to make the world better?

Don’t waste your Time.

The second thing that you can waste is your Treasure.  Good heavens – when I looked at the prices I paid for lukewarm McNuggets® compared to the cost of a home grilled steak dinner, it was embarrassing.  Seriously – the cost of a Quarterpounder® with Cheese™ and a medium fries was the cost of a ribeye steak.

I’m not saying that I’m only going to eat ramen noodles warmed by the heat of my thighs rubbing against each other as I spend quality time on an elliptical trainer.  Nope.  Besides, that’s much messier than keeping the ramen duct-taped under my armpits.

You really don’t want to know where I warm the pâté.

But each one of the people reading this (I’m hoping that Bezos and Musk don’t read this) have a limited amount of money.  What you do with it really matters.  Ma Wilder (who was my adopted mother) didn’t deal well with waste – to her, a wasted drop of gravy was an affront against all that was good.

And Ma Wilder was right.

“What’s the most expensive food in the world?  Food you buy and then don’t eat.” – John Wilder

But that’s also why we don’t make candles in summer – we have to pay for the heat to melt the wax and then to get the heat out of the house again.  I love having candles in the basement, but most of the year I can’t have them – who lights a candle when the air conditioning is on?

That’s the most expensive light in the world.

I’m sure someone else has said that the most expensive food in the world is the food you buy and don’t eat, since it is the most basic idea in the world.  But I haven’t seen it before, so I’ll take it until some bright commenter (Ricky?) notes that the Internet says that some French monk said it in 457 A.D.

(And, no, that won’t bother me a bit.)

But I guess that’s maybe why the French eat snails?

Well, he’s no Pinochet.  He didn’t have helicopters.

But wasting your money is wasting your time, and wasting your life.  I’m not sure about many of you, but my inheritance was the time and love I got from my parents and family.  Oh, and a box of rocks (this is true, I’ll save it for a future post, maybe).  But the Treasure you have represents potential.

There was a story I read once, I’m going from memory, and it went (more or less) like this:

A group of monks asked a Chinese Emperor for more robes.  The Emperor asked:

“What will you do with the old robes?”
“We will turn them into sheets for our beds.”
“And your old sheets?”
“We will turn them into rags to clean the floor.”
“And your old rags?”
“We will incorporate them into the bricks that make up our monastery.”

Do not waste your Treasure:  exhaust it.

The final thing you should have gratitude for?

Your Talent.

I am really grateful for each of the Talents that I have.  But, like Time and Treasure, wasting Talent is, well, wrong.  Just like Time (mostly) and Treasure (at least partially), most of the Talents you have weren’t earned, but given at birth.

What do you do with your Talents?  That’s where it gets interesting.

I have used many of my Talents during the years, and only a few of them are on display in this blog.  After all, you can’t see how shiny my scalp is over the Internet.  NASA uses it as a beacon to guide spacecraft back from orbit.

Wasting Talent is probably the worst, even more than wasting Time and TreasureTime is determined in many cases by forces beyond our control.  TreasureTreasure is fleeting.  Elon Musk made $100 billion dollars this year.  And it can evaporate as quickly as it rained.

But Talent is the most inborn of the traits, and in my opinion, the most tragic thing anyone can waste.  I can’t gain the Talent of Eddie Van Halen even if I devoted my entire life to playing the guitar.  If I spent the next decade studying the guitar, or trying to sing?  People would pay me for those talents.

Pay me not to use them.

Well, I never bought any Princess Leia CDs.

I’ll explain:  one time we went to church and I was too hoarse to sing.  The Mrs. said after that service, “I never knew how beautiful that music could be.”  This is a true story.  I guess that if people can have Talents, I can have an anti-talent, too.

In the end, I have to be grateful for the Talents that I have, and grateful for the Talents I can use.  Can I be filled with pride for them?  Nope.

So, as I sit here typing – my goal is this:

To use every Talent I have, for every minute left in my life, as much as I can.  Why?

Because a Talent is a gift.  And if I use it well, for the benefit of me and those around me in a positive way?

That is Virtue.  And that is a goal all of us can share in:  living the most virtuous lives we can.  Think of your Time, Treasure, and Talent as ways to become virtuous, because they are the greatest and, perhaps, only gifts you will ever have.

Also, don’t look up Rule 34.

So, to sum up:  I’m grateful for the Time given me, the Treasure I have earned, and the Talent I was given at birth.  These are three of the things in my life I’m most grateful for.

I’m also thankful for the Hot Mustard Sauce® from McDonalds™ on lukewarm McNuggets©.  That still tastes pretty good.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Week: Gratitude

“Karma is a word, like love.  A way of saying ‘what I am here to do.’ I do not resent my karma – I’m grateful for it.” – The Matrix:  Revolutions

If Columbus had stopped to ask for directions, they might celebrate Thanksgiving in India, too.

2020 has been a very difficult year.  It’s not over, in fact just like a horror movie, you think it’s over, and then you look at your watch and realize there’s still 20 minutes left.  2020 might still have surprises left for us, and there are plenty of reasons to think that 2021 might be worse than 2020.

But the beauty of life is that life isn’t about avoiding difficult things.  Comfort is not really our friend.


The warm comfort of a bed is nice.  No sane person would disagree.  But the comfort of the warm bed is a trap.  Very few things in life are accomplished from the comfort of a warm bed.  Not to say zero things, but this is a family friendly blog.

What does create accomplishment is risk, change, and discomfort.  2020 has so far been the poster child for each of these things.  But now it’s time to take a pause and reflect.

And, yes, be grateful.

Lighthouse?  Have you ever tried to lift one?

Gratitude is the basis for a fulfilled life.  Practicing gratitude provides lower stress, better sleep, and generally better health.  It makes people around you happier, too, because who likes living around a tool?  Gratitude might seem like something that you’d do for other people, but it turns out the biggest beneficiary is . . . you.

So, in that spirit, following are some things I’m thankful for.  The order is sort of random.  In the comments, let me know what I missed.

I’m thankful for the country of my birth.  I was born in the United States when a vast majority of the world was under horrible oppression.  I remember hearing the stories on the news and asking Grandma McWilder why I was so lucky to be born in the United States when I was five or so.

I don’t recall being satisfied with her answer.  Regardless, I am still very thankful for the chicken and noodles that she made me – noodles made from scratch in the way only a Southern-born Grandma can.  You might like your grandma, but I assure you mine was the best one ever.

Oh, wait, that’s Queen Elizabeth II going to go see Princess Diana . . .

That easily brings me to my next gratitude.  I’m thankful for my family, past and present.  As long-time readers know, I’m adopted from within my family.  But what I haven’t mentioned before is that I was adopted by my family at the very last second possible.  I had just been placed with a new family, but my parents reeled me back in through a court battle to overturn the Electoral College pending adoption.

I’m thankful for that, too.

I even wrestled the kid who was adopted in my place when I was in high school (this is true) and beat him.  It was on points – he wasn’t bad, but I knew was going to win from the second we shook hands.  I didn’t find out that he was the replacement kid for me until later that year, after we had wrestled.

I always carried a piece of paper when wrestling, if my opponent turned out to be The Rock.

Obviously, his parents got the inferior model.  But don’t feel bad for him – his parents were millionaires several times over.  And, honestly, unless my parents were related to me by blood they would have put me (rightfully!) in a burlap bag weighted with several heavy lead weights and dropped me in a lake.

I was that bad.  Really, I was an awful child until about age 9.

My family has rough spots on it like every family.  Real families hardly ever resemble a 1950’s sitcom family.  But I have had The Boy come home after hearing some drama his friends were tied up in and say to me, “Pop, you have no idea how lucky I am.”

Yeah, The Boy, I really do understand.  I’m just as lucky as you.

I’m thankful for every gift I was given at birth by God.  Or, you might think genetics, but who brought those people together on that cold winter night in February, or that hot summer day in August, hmmm?  Oh, wait, we’re back to the “warm bed” argument.

One thing I really have learned in life is that the gifts you were born with aren’t gifts you can be proud of.  Should you be proud of your hair color?  Your height?  Of course not.  Those are things that you are born with.  Similarly, I’m not ashamed that my shiny head is used as a beacon by the ISS when they overfly my house.  I can’t control whether or not I have hair, so why be upset about it?

Okay, not at all true.  I can type well.

But you can feel some pride (remember, it’s rightfully a sin) at what you do with those gifts.  Be (a little) proud of that.  But if you were born smart, strong, and incredibly handsome like me?  Don’t be proud of that.

Be proud of what you can do with that.  Remember, potential without action is . . . failure.

I’m thankful for every experience I had in 2020 that made me stronger.  By definition, the parts to be thankful for are the tough parts, since eating Ding Dongs®, PEZ™, and Coors Light© on the couch isn’t a great path to achievement or enlightenment.

Even though it really, really sucks, the tough parts of life are what make us better – Nietzsche had that one figured out when he said that what doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger.  Exercising every day is hard.  Even the act of exercising is hard – people get big muscles by constantly tearing (at a small level) the muscle fiber so it grows back stronger and better.

My feet and hands have callouses.  How do you get them?  Hard work.

Hard work leaves its mark on your body.  If it doesn’t break you?  It makes you stronger.  Ding Dongs™ never make you stronger.

What steps should you take before an explosion?  Large, quick ones.

COVID-19 gave me (and certainly some of you) plenty of times to get stronger.

  • For a while, I worked from home. Then I had to fight my way through a zombie horde relax with my stockpile of toilet paper that I had in the basement from way before the ‘Rona.
  • We reviewed our stockpile of storage food and bought just a little extra, always leaving things on the shelf for others.
  • We watched as entire portions of the local, national, and international economy collapsed. We were forced to think in ways that were outside the box of our previous lives.
  • Finally, we watched as cities burned in a way that’s never happened during my lifetime – exceeding the L.A. riots. Does this happen without the WuFlu?  Nearly certainly not.  Does it make us stronger and smarter?    It shows the truth of what Leftists want – destruction of our very country.

I’m thankful for the work I have had during my career.  During my career, I’ve had the ability to help individuals grow and serve entire communities.  That’s kind of cool.  Who knows what will happen next?  I don’t.  One of the biggest gifts a person can be given is the opportunity to help others on a big scale.  I’ve done that.

What’s next?  Who knows?

I don’t.  That’s because:

I’m thankful for the nearly limitless number of opportunities that exist in this world, even after COVID-19 if we are smart enough and quick enough and virtuous enough to grab them.  Ideas aren’t the currency of life – executing an idea is.  Hundreds, perhaps thousands of people have the same great idea at the same time.  After that?  You have to turn that idea into reality.

And most people don’t or can’t.  So, is opportunity out there?  Certainly, even if you’re 18 or 80, though your time horizons and the types of opportunities you can pursue differ.

Seriously, thank you.

I’m thankful for you.  Seriously.  I’m glad you keep coming back.  2021 will, in my estimation, give us more surprises than 2020 did.  I hope it gives you every experience that could help you be stronger, better, and more fit for the next world.

Time To Play B-Sides

“Call it fate, call it luck, call it karma.  I believe everything happens for a reason.  I believe we were destined to get thrown out of this dump.” – Ghostbusters

If your wife insists you treat her like a queen, remember that allows you to behead her if the Pope doesn’t authorize an annulment.

Just a little bit before my time, a popular way to buy music was on a 45rpm record.  It was a little, circular YouTube® that you could put on a record player, for all you Zoomers out there.  These were small records that just contained a single song.  Generally, the best song was the “A” side.  On the back?  The record company generally put a song that they felt was inferior.  This was the “B” side.

The record company was generally right, but sometimes spectacularly wrong.  Queen’s “We Will Rock You” was the B-side to “We Are The Champions.”  But most of the time, the B-side really was an inferior song.  As time was precious and you can never tell when another one is going to bite the dust, why would you take time to listen to a song that wasn’t the best?

You wouldn’t.  Unless . . .

In the song, “Burning for You” by Blue Öyster Cult, one particular lyric is:

Time everlasting,
Time to play B-sides

Even though I owned a total of two 45’s in my life, I understood this when I first listened to the lyric on a dodgy cassette player that ate batteries like they were candy outside while stacking firewood.  Ben Franklin said it very well when he said:

“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.”

Time is our most precious commodity.  But what if you had time to play the B-sides?

You’d have all the time in the world.

Our lives are built entirely built in how we spend our time.  It’s like the Native American story of the two wolves inside of each of us – one good and one evil.  Which one grows?  The one we feed.

And we feed our life through the choices we make which choices we feed with our time.

And both of the wolves are named Toby.

One of my choices on how to spend my time has been writing this blog.  It has been one of the most fulfilling things in my life in the three and a half years since I started it.  So, by feeding it, I change my future.  To some very small extent, I might even change the lives of the people who read it.

Doing this blog is an A-side.  And it’s one I plan on continuing, if not expanding.

But we all need time for B-sides.  Why?  Because exploring the undiscovered can only take place when we move off of the path that everyone else takes.  I like to think that this blog is somewhat unique – it’s not to everyone’s taste, certainly.

Nah, you can see that Racine eats a lot of carbs.

“Life is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel,” is a quote from dead French writing dude Jean Racine.  And he’s right.  I think that life is mostly amusing.

One of the biggest sources of amusement to me is the idea that we can plan our lives.  Of course, to a certain extent, we can.  But everywhere we see that there are unexpected things that show up.  That is, perhaps, one of the best things in life.  The Chinese farmer story (which I’ve used before) tells the tale.

I first heard this from a friend in 2002 or so . . . there were several of us that would get together to talk about ideas and concepts, and one of the participants told this story:

There is an old Chinese story about a farmer.  One night, there was a terrible storm.  The wind blew so hard, it opened up his corral, and his horses got out.

“Bad luck!” said his friends.

“Good luck, bad luck.  Who can say?” replied the farmer.

The next week, his horses, lonely for home, came back.  But while they were loose, they got in with a group of wild horses.  The wild horses came home with them.  The farmer now had twice as many horses.

A centaur got a cough and worried he had COVID-19, but the doctor told him only his legs were horse.

“Good luck!” said his friends.

“Good luck, bad luck.  Who can say?” replied the farmer.

A wild horse is good to no one, so the farmer’s son began to work on breaking the horses.  Most of them were no problem, but one particularly fierce horse bucked the farmer’s son off.  The farmer’s son broke his leg.

“Bad luck!” said his friends.

“Good luck, bad luck.  Who can say?” replied the farmer.

The next week, the Emperor, having decided to go off to war due to a very dangerous threat against the empire, marched with his troops through the farmer’s town.  They called up in a draft all of the able-bodied young men to accompany them to war.  The farmer’s son could not go – his leg was broken.

Good luck, bad luck?  Who can say?  Hopefully

Where do Vikings keep their children?  In the norse-ry.

One thing I do suggest is that, at least occasionally, you take the time to play at least some of the B-sides of your life.  You never know when life will throw a change at you, and your B-side becomes an A-side.

Fight Club: A Dystopia We Can Learn From?

“Fight for us.  And regain your honor.” – The Lord of the Rings:  The Return of the King

What’s a robot’s favorite Mexican food?  Silicon carne.

When I was a kid growing up, I read 1984 by George Orwell.  This was the grim version, as opposed to the much funnier version by Mel Brooks.  It had a profound effect on my worldview, as books often do when you read them in 7th grade.  In it, a globalist group of communists fought each other continuously, while subjugating the entirety of the human race.  Hmmm, wait, that sounds familiar?

1984 was a bleak book.  I’m not sure who I talked about it with, outside of writing the chicken scrawl of a report in schoolboy block letters and handing it to my really hot 7th grade English teacher.  Since my reading scores were, well, advanced, she just let me read what I wanted to read while the rest of the class all read the same book.  It felt nice being a special pretty pony.

I followed 1984 with Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.  I think my teacher suggested it.  Whereas 1984 was a dystopia built on the subjugation of a boot eternally stomping on a human face, Brave New World was a dystopia built on frivolity.

I fell into a vat of chemicals once.  My quick reaction nearly killed me.

Frivolity was where the masses were, more or less, endlessly drugged and entertained and so that their opinions never had a chance to develop, or impaired at birth so they could never think.  The tyranny in Brave New World was the tyranny of a vapid public who never thought beyond the most recent mindless and sexual encounter (strongly encouraged by the state) and the latest movie.

Oh, wait, that sounds familiar too.

Yet another dystopia is the movie (and book) Fight Club.  Fight Club is a 1999 movie based on a 1996 novel that (mostly) tracks the movie.  It is a creation of the 1990s, but, to quote the most excellent YouTube® movie reviewer, The Critical Drinker (LINK, some PG-13 language), it is very relevant to today’s world.  If you haven’t watched this 21-year-old movie and are interested, I suggest you watch The Critical Drinker’s review afterward – he includes spoilers.  I’ll warn you – the R rating was earned, and there are some very dark moments to the movie.

There won’t be any spoilers here – what I have to say doesn’t require me to spoil the film.

Tyler Durden told me handcrafted soap is the best.  No lye.

To really get Fight Club?  You have to watch it at least twice.  It is a thoughtful movie.  Does it have detractors on the Right?  Sure.  It’s R-rated.  Some have called it nihilistic (I disagree) and there are other complaints which I won’t go into here.  Regardless, I won’t beat myself up for going against the grain of other folks who didn’t like the movie.

Very few movies are perfect, but this one is very, very good.

I first watched Fight Club in 2012 or so.  It made over $100 million at the box office, so at least someone talked about Fight Club.  When I finally watched it (which was no fewer than three basement furniture re-arrangements ago) I was stunned.  How stunned?  It’s the only movie that has its own tag on this blog.

Vegan Club?  Everyone talks about Vegan Club.

The constant, pervasive theme of this movie is that the systems of globalism have created boxes for men that make them less than men.  Here’s Tyler Durden (one of the movie characters):

“We’re consumers. We are by-products of a lifestyle obsession. Murder, crime, poverty, these things don’t concern me. What concerns me are celebrity magazines, television with 500 channels, some guy’s name on my underwear. Rogaine, Viagra, Olestra.”

This is a simple translation.  A large proportion of the citizens of the United States define themselves by:

  • How much and what kind of furniture do they have?
  • How nice is their apartment?
  • How well can they write reports in a soul-killing job where large corporations seek to avoid liability in a cold, systematic way?  Does that kill their soul?
  • How can they avoid deviating from the norm to wear the right tie to the meeting?

These things are death to the soul.  As the character Tyler Durden explains:

“You’re not your job. You’re not how much money you have in the bank. You’re not the car you drive. You’re not the contents of your wallet. You’re not your (deleted by J.W.) khakis. You’re the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.”

I saw a robbery in an Apple® store once.  I was an iWitness©.

Marcus Aurelius and Seneca nod in approval.  They’d follow up:  you are your virtue.

And you, dear reader, are not your money or your clothes.  In many ways we are conditioned by society to believe that those are the things that define us.  We are not.  And if you believe that, you’re not alone.  Tyler describes the twilight of the soul brought about by a life dedicated to consumerism and status.  Live for the material world, and you’ll be swallowed by the material world.  You can never achieve enough, because someone always has more, does something better.

With that philosophy?  Money becomes the god that men seek:

“Damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy (stuff) we don’t need. We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War is a spiritual war.  Our Great Depression is our lives. We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off.”

I saw a meme (didn’t save it, don’t have the author but I’d love to credit them) that I (sort of) reproduce below:

Michigan is going to ban car sales based on popular Internet videos – the governor wants to stop car-owner-virus.

This meme gets me.  It’s the essence of Fight Club.  We’re a species that is, more or less, programmed to achieve.  For who?  For our group.  It’s why the NFL® is popular today.  Okay, that’s why the NFL™ was popular until they showed us that we’re really not part of their group at all.

We run races for a reason.  We play basketball.  We wrestle.  We have swim races.  Well, you guys have swim races.  I was in a 100-yard swim race in sixth grade and placed 11 out of 12.  I wasn’t dead last because some poor kid got the cramps.  My 11th place finish wasn’t close.  I think they ended up timing me with a calendar and an abacus.

Regardless, we compete.


It’s wired into us.  Competition partially defines us.  And the stakes have to be real.  There is, of course, a religious aspect as well.  A man has to serve a higher power.  It’s not just competing for today.  There is a bigger game, and there are bigger stakes.  That’s what makes it worth playing the game.  Life is more than consumption and procreation.

Q:  Why did the Libertarian cross the road?  A:  TAXATION IS THEFT!!!  

But men who can run a race fairly and lose with grace are men.  They don’t have to like losing – no man does.  But loss is a forge that makes us stronger, gives us incentives.  Thomas Sowell (I think?) once said that if he were designing a car for safety, he’d put a Bowie knife pointed at the driver in the center of the steering wheel, not an airbag.

Incentives matter.

Now?  We insulate children from the Great Game.  Lose?  That’s okay, you tried.

No, it’s really not.  I lost the swim meet because I suck at swimming and am only slightly better than a car at swimming.  Slightly.

Did I cry?  No.

Antifa protestors – never have to take time off from work.

Did I focus my energy on something where I could be as good as nearly anyone in the state?


Swimming was pointless.  Telling me that it was okay was worse than pointless.  It was a lie.

Back to Tyler:

JACK, in voiceover:  On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

CLERK:  Please… don’t…

TYLER DURDEN: Give me your wallet.

Tyler pulls out the driver’s license.

TYLER:  Raymond K. Hessel. 1320 SE Benning, apartment A.  A small, cramped basement apartment.

RAYMOND:  How’d you know?

TYLER:  They give basement apartments letters instead of numbers.  Raymond, you’re going to die.  Is this a picture of Mom and Dad?


TYLER:  Your mom and dad will have to call kindly doctor so-and-so to dig up your dental records, because there won’t be much left of your face.

RAYMOND:  Please, God, no!                            

JACK: Tyler…

TYLER:  An expired community college student ID card.  What did you used to study, Raymond K. Hessel?

RAYMOND:  S-S-Stuff.

TYLER:  “Stuff.”  Were the mid-terms hard?  I asked you what you studied.

JACK:  Tell him!

RAYMOND:  Biology, mostly.

TYLER:  Why?

RAYMOND:  I… I don’t know…

TYLER:  What did you want to be, Raymond K. Hessel?

Tyler cocks the .357 magnum Colt© Python™ pointed at Raymond’s head.

TYLER:  The question, Raymond, was “what did you want to be?”

JACK:  Answer him!

RAYMOND:  A veterinarian!

TYLER:  Animals.

RAYMOND:  Yeah … animals and s-s-s —

TYLER:  Stuff.  That means you have to get more schooling.

RAYMOND:  Too much school.

TYLER:  Would you rather be dead?

RAYMOND:  No, please, no, God, no!

Tyler uncocks the gun, lowers it.

TYLER:  I’m keeping your license.  I know where you live.  I’m going to check on you.  If you aren’t back in school and on your way to being a veterinarian in six weeks, you will be dead.  Get the hell out of here.

JACK:  I feel sick.

TYLER:  Imagine how he feels.

Tyler brings the gun to his own head, pulls the trigger — click.  It’s empty.

JACK:  I don’t care, that was horrible.

TYLER:  Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Raymond K. Hessell’s life.  His breakfast will taste better than any meal he has ever eaten.

How many people would love to have Tyler come into their lives and make them live their dreams?  How many people struggle through life, because they can’t take the next step?

You’re not too old.  If you’re breathing, you can make a mark on this world.  You’re not too poor.

My limiting factor is my imagination.  I realize that – it’s probably yours as well.

Regardless of the dystopias of 1984 and Brave New World, Fight Club shows a dystopia where we can win.  How do we win?

By understanding that our lives are in a precarious balance, just like Raymond K. Hessell.  And the first step to living life?  It’s letting go.  Achieving.

I learned to swim when I was very young.  My dad taught me.  I thought I’d never get out of that bag. 

And if you lose at swimming?  Try again.  Or try a new game.

At the end of Fight Club, men prove themselves to be stronger and larger than the dehumanizing systems that they serve.  It’s your choice.  How will your breakfast taste tomorrow?


Avoid the clam chowder.




Steve is a blogger who is a FOW (Friend of Wilder).  Unlike me, he’s talented.  Because of the idiots who run his state, you’re lucky he has time to create something like this for you.  Do it.  No, I don’t get paid.  Steve does.  He’s Our Guy.

Do it.  Here’s the LINK.  There is just enough time for Christmas.

Four Boxes: Soap, Jury, Ballot, And Ammo

“Prentiss got caught stuffing the ballot boxes, so I won.  I am the sheriff!” – Soap

I was physically restrained and denied the right to vote once – and Pugsley would have made such a great 6th grade treasurer.

Western Civilization is a work of genius.  Yes, there are flaws, and some of them may be fatal, but it has produced the greatest amount of achievement in human history.  Western Civilization has done things that no culture has in history.  It has gone from the farthest reaches of the Arctic, to the Antarctic, to the tallest mountain in the world and the lowest trench in the sea.  And don’t forget the Sports Illustrated® Swimsuit Edition™.

While other nations starved their own citizens on purpose, we gladly fed the world.

Were we perfect?  Certainly not.  I, for one, want to apologize to the world for The Brady Bunch, which I believe was in violation of the Geneva Convention.  But in most cases, we brought far more than we took.  When Western Civilization retreats, freedom dies and chaos reigns.

There are Four Boxes that keep Western Civilization safe – really four systems.  Remove them?  Freedom dies and chaos reigns.  I’ll note that Western Civilization is built on more than this – but these are four stabilizing features that help protect it.

The first box is the Soap Box.

Freedom of speech is stabilizing, within certain parameters.  If an insane person is allowed to speak, that’s a safety valve.  Bad ideas won’t gather much purchase:  they are drowned out by good ones.  Heck, even North Korea has freedom of speech.  They just won’t guarantee your safety after you speak, however.

Communists allow free speech – no one says otherwise, right?

But as I’ve documented at length in the Civil War 2.0 Weather Reports (LINK) censorship is a primary tool of the Left.  I’ve documented time after time how the Left is censoring ideas across the primary means of communication today – the Internet.

I know that many people have said (especially libertarians) that Twitter®, for instance, is owned by a private company so censorship is fine.  It’s not merit-based like it used to be.  Heck, at one point even Jesus only had 12 followers.

I can understand that, because once upon a time, I was a libertarian, too.  Heck, I’ve been registered as an independent until the last primary election.  Why did I change?

First, I’m older than 35.  Second?  So I could vote for myself.  Take that, Mrs. Svenson (my kindergarten teacher).

Twitter® used to advertise itself as the “Free speech wing of the Free Speech Party.”  Now, a better line would be the “Allowed speech wing of the Leftist Revolution.”  It’s true.  Place any idea on Twitter™ that’s out of the mainstream, even if backed up by data?

It will be suppressed.  And sure, you say, there are alternatives.  You could go on Gab©.

You may not know this, but Gab™ was cut off from its payment processors.  If you wanted to give money to Gab® via Visa©?  You can’t.  You can pay for porn with a Visa®.  But you can’t pay for Gab©.

See the problem?

Used with permission. 

When Alex Jones was banned from Twitter®, in rapid succession he was banned across nearly all social media in the same day.  He wasn’t a killer – killers can have Twitter™.  He wasn’t a foreign government who calls the USA “Great Satan” – they have an official account.

Nope, he was just a Texan who said things that scared people.

The ideas of the Left don’t hold up to history.  Their compassion is, mainly, a lie.  Should Twitter® be a public utility?  Maybe.  I hate to suggest that step, but perhaps the time has come.

Regardless – removing the Soap Box is dangerous.  Suppression of ideas will lead to suppression of people.  And suppression gives a validity to ideas that they might not have otherwise.

The Soap Box is the first safety valve.  If people cannot vent?  If they cannot share their opinions?  The system begins to fail.  The system is based on the idea that Truth can be debated, but Truth cannot be suppressed.  Heck, I’ve even seen politicians speaking the Truth – they were calling each other liars.

Our system now is dangerously pushing censorship.  And Leftists cheer it, as Leftists always do.

The second box is the Jury Box.

As members of Western Civilization, we give up some rights to play the game.  One of the most important rights we give up is personal vengeance.  In areas where personal vengeance is still the normal mode of operation, one killing follows another which follows another.  It’s like Chicago, but without the charm.

I guess I don’t understand court.  After they found me not guilty of bank robbery, my lawyer told me I shouldn’t have asked, “Does that mean I can keep the money?”

An article that opened my eyes to the importance of the justice system to Western Civilization is at this (LINK).  It’s by Jared Diamond, who is often wrong on things, but this is perhaps his strongest work.  It shows clearly what happens to a society that has no law.  But Diamond was talking about New Guinea, not San Francisco.

In the United States, we make fun of lawyers, because many of them are worthy of being made fun of. They charge thousands to write out your last wishes.  Did they never hear of free will?  But the justice system is crucially important:  first, it allows a push back against government.  Second, it provides a way that the guilty can be punished, so you and I don’t have to do the dirty work ourselves and create feuds that last generations.

So, yes.  The Jury Box is that important.

It has been subverted, however.  Prosecutors always charge people with amazing levels of crimes in order to achieve a plea bargain and have the ability to throw nearly infinite resources at prosecuting a man because they don’t like him.

“Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”  This is a quote by one of the most evil men to have ever had power in the world – Lavrentiy Beria, who was head of Stalin’s secret police.  It could almost be the motto of the Department of Justice in 2020.  The DOJ seems fixated on finding an unpopular person and then finding crimes.  Hillary Clinton admittedly committed multiple felonies with her email server even though she never confessed to the fashion police.  Green pantsuits?

No charges will ever be filed against Hillary, or almost any powerful person.  Governor Cuomo abused his power to force Coronavirus patients into nursing homes where they infected and killed thousands.  But heaven forbid that a businessman make a mistake in filing foreign taxes.

That’s one way to lose faith in the justice system.

George Soros hates Flat-Earthers.  They’re not globalists.

Another?  Buy your justice system.  George Soros has been spending tens of millions of dollars getting District Attorneys that he likes elected.  Nope, this isn’t a conspiracy theory – it is well documented by mainstream sources (LINK).

What happens when you own the District Attorneys in dozens of Leftist-controlled areas?  They decide who gets charged, and with what.  So, a Leftist college professor swings a bike lock which would be an assault with a deadly weapon for you and I?

Probation for three years.  If that had been someone from the Right?  Prison.  Certainly.

But who do you think funded the D.A. that let the bike lock professor off with probation?  Soros.  Here’s the link to the San Francisco Chronicle (LINK).  I don’t make this stuff up.

I’ll skip the activist judges that want to legislate and make new law from the bench – you can look them up.  They’re out there and ubiquitous enough that they’re a stereotype.

A justice system that doesn’t have the faith of the people undermines all of Western Civilization.

The third box is the Ballot Box.

At least 60,000,000 American citizens think the 2020 presidential election was stolen (so far – the results aren’t done yet).  Let that sink in.

And these 60,000,000 Americans aren’t foolish, stupid, or acting in bad faith.  They’re actually quite rational.  On the face of it, electoral fraud is nearly certain.

How can I make such a statement?

  • The people who would have engaged in the fraud thinks Trump is “Literally exactly like a certain leader who led Germany from 1932-1945.” When faced with that?  In their minds, a little fraud is justified.  Motive is proved.
  • The systems are set up that relies on trust at the lowest levels. Opportunity exists.  The people hired to run the system at the lowest levels are politically motivated.  The Means exists.
  • On top of that, getting caught is difficult. Certain cities like Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee have been corrupt for decades.  Graveyard voting in Chicago has been a joke for decades.  Think Detroit is better?
  • It doesn’t need to be widespread. It only takes four cities to rig a presidential election in 2020 – Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Milwaukee.
  • The Mainstream Media is 100% compliant in covering it up. How many people do you think CNN® is sending to look into allegations of voter fraud?  Umm, zero.

As I said, election fraud is certain, the only question is the extent.  Was this election stolen?  Means, Motive, Opportunity plus cover-up?  Why wouldn’t it happen?  How many ballots could you fill out in four hours?

No, this doesn’t look unusual, or at least it wouldn’t look unusual in the Soviet Union. 

Were I Joe Biden, and there was a chance I was going to become president under a cloud, I would work with Trump to clear my name.  Fraud in Philadelphia?  Let’s find it.  Fraud in Milwaukee?  “I’m sure it’s malarkey, but let’s investigate it.”  If he wants to fix the country, he should jump in and fix this.

But it’s not happening.

And people who are certain that $200,000 in Facebook® ads in 2016 from Russia changed the election are certain that the election is clean this time.


A failed voting system is a cancer on the Republic.  The voting system is exactly the last system that can relieve pressure in politics.

That leaves only one box:

The Ammo Box.

The Founders wisely put free speech in the First Amendment.  They put in an above-average justice system.  They put in a voting system that minimized the spread of fraud – the Electoral College.

But they also put in place the Second Amendment, which had the purpose of being both a safety measure and a curb on government.  The safety measure is that a populace who is armed feels safer – they will be measured in a response.  The curb on government is the flip side of that coin:  if you were going to do something that would put a substantial portion of your population to think that armed insurrection was a better idea than doing what the government said?

The government loses.

And there are at least 300,000,000 firearms owned by American citizens.  My bet is closer to 500,000,000.  Want to talk about a successful government policy?

In this nation, the bulk of the American population is well-armed.  A portion of it, veterans, are very well trained, perhaps better trained than the current members of the military.  I know several people that compete regularly shooting things so far away that I can’t see them even if I’m wearing my glasses.

Understand that ending up at this stage is something that almost no one wants.  We want freedom, peace, sound money, strong justice systems, and voting systems with unquestionable integrity.

But there’s always another alternative:  the last of the Four Boxes.

Let’s hope we don’t have to go there.

A Tree Fell On My House, But I Have A Chainsaw

“I’m a lumberjack and I’m okay.  I sleep all night and I work all day.” – Monty Python’s Flying Circus

What’s black and white and red all over?  Two mimes fighting with chainsaws.

I saw a quote this week that made me smile a lot.  I’ll share it with you:

“When God put a calling on your life He already factored in your stupidity.”

A few weeks ago, a tree fell down and hit our house during a storm.  And by a tree, I mean a huge one.  I had snapped off 15 feet (57 Joules) up the tree.  It was nearly horizontal, and resting on my favorite roof.

I’ll admit that I was sitting in the hot tub during the storm that brought down the tree.

It was glorious.  I don’t know if you’ve ever heard a tree fall.  It’s wonderful.  Approximately once every five minutes, I’d hear the tearing of wood and then, after a pause for the amount of time it took for the vertical tree to become horizontal, the crash.  The next day, one more tree fell.

It fell into my house.  The Mrs. sent me a picture.

I waited until Saturday when The Boy was down from Upper Lower Midwestia University to solve the problem, because the one thing a boy home from college wants to hear?  “Hey, son, glad you’re back from college for a weekend of rest.  I’m going to grab you and your brother and we’re going to work all day in one of your dad’s crazy adventures.  Oh, and it involves you getting up early and chainsaws.”

Honestly, he should be used to it by now.

Looking back, I realize that in a normal world, I would have called my insurance company.  They’d send out adjusters who would look at the tree.  They’d measure it, weigh it, and sensuously cup its fallen boughs, which still happens to be legal in my state.

I’ve heard you can save a lot of money on car insurance by switching.  Switching to reverse and leaving the scene.

They would look in the book of “Tree Falling On House Payments.”  They’d then tell me that elm trees falling on houses in Upper Lower Midwestia were excluded.  I would then correct them because I live in Lower Upper Midwestia and the tree was actually a son of a birch.

Then he says, “Oh, you’re that John Wilder.  Of course!  Insurance will cover it.”

Then, I would call a tree company to come and move the tree.  Since everyone in town had a tree fall on their house, it would take a month for them to show up for an estimate, and another month for them to remove the tree.  After the tree company charged me $2200 to move it, I’d toss the bill to the insurance company.

I’d pay the deductible (which is currently set at my left kidney for my homeowner’s policy, and my cornea for auto), and that’s it.

But would that be the Wilder Way?  Of course not.

I can sleep in on the weekends.  The Mrs., who is borderline insomniac, feels that this is my superpower.  Generally, I can get to sleep in less than five minutes, often in less than one.  The Mrs. can only sleep on Tuesdays after 9 P.M. if it’s not Daylight Savings Time.  The Mrs. has walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth and returned to find me sound asleep.  I can even do it when I’m driving, though my passengers don’t seem to care for it.

What’s green, fuzzy, and will kill you if it falls on you out of a tree?  A pool table.

The reason I can sleep is only when I don’t have a Mission.  When there’s a Mission?  I wake up and I’m ready to go.  I don’t even need an alarm clock.  The tree on my house represented a Mission.

As it was, I had Pugsley and The Boy available, and daylight was burning.  I knocked on each door as I went out to start work.

I started with the branch trimmer.  Alone.  The sleeping leviathans inside had yet to move.

Branch trimmers are like the scissors that Hannibal Lecter would use to, umm, prune a rose bush.  This was my third set.  The problem with the first two is that The Boy and then Pugsley pulled the handles too hard and bent the metal.  Sometimes, living with them is like living with five-year-olds that don’t understand that they can twist metal with their bare hands.

So, a paid for the expensive trimmers this time.

Trees don’t walk.  They lumber.

These trimmers were good enough to cut through about a 2” branch, which is pretty stout.  I took the trimmer and started hacking.  I was about 30 minutes into hacking when The Boy showed up.  Pugsley showed up slightly later.  It took us 10 years to convince him he had to shower, and now he has six of them a day.  I wouldn’t be surprised to find that he takes a cheese plate into the shower.

When Pugsley showed up, I had him get the chainsaw, mix gas, chain oil and chainsaw sharpener.  I showed him how to sharpen the chainsaw blade, which took all of 30 seconds, but then he knew how it worked.  I also showed him how to adjust the chain.  These may seem like small things, but they are rites of passage.  There are many tools in a cabinet, and some are mostly harmless, like a screwdriver.  But a chainsaw?

A fear of spiders is called arachnophobia.  A fear of chainsaws?  That’s called common sense.

For the next seven hours we were like ants, taking branch after branch off of the tree, first with the branch trimmer and then with the chainsaw.

I had a dentist who used to be a lumberjack.  He pulled a tooth by mistake.  I’ll never to Axedental again.

Finally, we were down to two major branches.  By the time we’d gotten there, I realized that what I had done was, slowly, cut off all of the minor support points.  It seemed like a good bet.  But it was also a nagging feeling that I might be making the problem worse.

I was.  While sitting down, I heard a sharp crack.

Like wood breaking.  The exact sound I had heard while having a beer in the hot tub during the storm.

One of the two branches left holding up the whole tree was cracking.  Looking at the tree, I saw that it was big.  I estimated that what remained was about 5,000 pounds (one metric “Your Momma”) and a quick check of my estimate that I did while writing this backed that number up, unless the tree was on a low carb diet.

That 5,000 pounds was going to fall on my deck, and if I wasn’t careful?  5,000 pounds dropping 15 feet is a lot of energy – enough energy to smash a deck, a Wilder, and maybe an insurance adjustor to boot.

I had The Boy and Pugsley run into the garage looking for whatever lumber they could find that was the right length to prop up this rapidly deteriorating situation.  After ten minutes, I had two 2×4’s and one mangy plank holding the tree up.  It wasn’t moving, but it wasn’t stable, and it was 10.5 feet (one metric Barron Trump) up in the air.

The Mrs. took a picture of my makeshift supports.  She sent it to her high school friend list.  One friend who is in city planning responded, “Oh, no!  This looks like all of the ladder safety videos that they make us watch.”

I thought about what I’d do, and sent The Boy and Pugsley off to buy a 10’ stepladder and some ratchet tie-offs.  When they got back, I propped the 10’ stepladder under the branch, shimmed it with lumber, and then got the chainsaw-on-a-stick.

The chainsaw-on-a-stick is just that – a tiny electric chainsaw mounted on a stick.  This one has an 8” blade, and is meant to cut things far away.  That’s good, because that’s exactly what I intended to do.  I would have liked to cut this particular tree from orbit, because it was lopsided – it looked like it wanted to twist, hard, clockwise.

I used to be a lumberjack in the Sahara Forest.  Well, it used to be the Sahara Forest.  I’m that good.

I tied off the branch to a convenient tree so when I cut it loose it couldn’t fall into the garden shed.  I further tied off one of the remaining branches so maybe that it wouldn’t twist as it fell.

Pugsley pulled out his camera to record the action.

“Nope.  Put it away.”  The situation that I had put myself into was less than optimal.  I realize that as men we are here not to live a life without risk, but to live a life.  And the Sun was now going down.  It was now or never.  One way or another that tree was coming down before the Sun went down.

Getting injured because you refused to let someone else clear the tree?  That seems like a stupid and futile gesture.

Well, if you’re looking for stupid and futile gestures, you’ve come to the right place.  I just didn’t want my particular stupid and futile gesture to result in YouTube® videos of my death.  I proceeded to take the chainsaw on a stick and started to cut into the branch.

As far as tense moments go, having the stored energy of a Ford Explorer® 15 feet up in the air, dependent upon your calculations and being right?

It’s tense.

When I was back in Alaska, I could regularly drop trees within a degree of where I wanted them to go.  Was I a lumberjack?  No.  But I had to lay in dozens of metric Your Momma’s worth of wood a year just to heat the house.  You get pretty comfortable with a chainsaw doing that.

When I cut wood in Alaska, I didn’t get overtime, even though I logged a lot of hours.

But that was 15 years (3 centimeters) ago.  I cut into the tree.  I first cut a relief cut in the top of the horizontal branch.  I didn’t want stress to build up there and hang the whole mess up.  Then I started to cut from the bottom up.

You have to cut a tree that’s acting like a beam from the bottom up.  If you cut it from the top down?  It will bind the saw, and you end up in a crazy place where you have a stuck saw and a Ford Explorer®’s amount of energy dependent upon you freeing it.

I cut into the tree.  A lot.  Then paused.  The opening the chainsaw had made grew larger as the stress pulled the tree apart.  I cut into the tree again.  By now, the entire 5,000 pounds was hanging by a 3” by 2” slab of wood.  Still no movement.

Finally, I cut deeper.  I hear the “crack” as the tree split.  Pugsley was watching from a safe distance.  He said the tree dropped perfectly down.  I wouldn’t know – I was headed the opposite direction.  Not only was there the 5,000 pound tree, there was also the bit still on the roof.  I could easily imagine that part whipping around as it was pulled by the main branch.

The final crack came.

The tree did come down.  Perfectly.  The bit left on the roof?  Didn’t move an inch.  Exactly as I wanted it to go.  I sat down as The Boy and Pugsley removed the rest of the debris.  Pugsley even got me a beer and said, “You’re done, Pop.  Have a rest.”

I trained my kids that if I ever choke on a beer, they should give me the Heineken® maneuver.

The damage to the house was minimal, actually.  A bit of gutter needs to be moved back into place.  One shingle lost its gravel in a small circle.  A solar light was broken.  I need to replace one deck board, one chair, and one plastic bench.  Oh, and we spent 27 hours of labor.  I was sore for the next three days.

If a tree falls on your house and that’s all you lose?  You’re as lucky as me.  Which is pretty lucky.

Or, more likely?  God has factored my stupidity into my life.

The Four Best Stocks For After The Death Of The Last Human On Earth

“You kids change partners more than square dancers.” – That 70’s Show

Marie Antoinette should have known the time was right for a revolution in France – she had a Coup Coup clock.

Okay, the title is clickbait.  We all know the Four Best Stocks For After The Death Of The Last Human On Earth are Rock, Paper, and Scissors.  Oops.  I think the real answer is Rock, Rock, and Rock.  I mean, who is going to make the paper and the scissors?

Oh, wait, I said four.

Add Google®, I guess.

One constant theme of this blog since I started writing it is that I want to convince everyone I can that tomorrow may not look like today.  I think this is important, because too often we start to think that our lives of today are the lives that people will live forever.


That’s the way we’re wired, to think that tomorrow will look like today.  It’s complacency.

Dozens of my ancestors lived as kings, having all the food they wanted and the choice of the peasant maidens in the dozen miles (metric conversion of one deciliter) around the mud hovel they lived in.  It may sound dreary, but it’s still better than Netflix®.

Genghis Khan is far better known than his brother, Gingivitis Khan.  

My ancestors lived every day of their life just like that, until they died at age 32 after they got a nasty infection because they were sharpening their bronze and flint nosehair trimmer, and accidentally conquered China.  That seems to keep happening.  I blame . . . well, all the people that conquered China.

For 100,000 years our brains, as wrinkly and wonderful as they are, grew up in a world where yesterday was mostly like today, and today is mostly like tomorrow.  Except for you people who have wonderful smooth brains.  I think I have some Bernie Sanders™ coloring books for you.

There’s a danger to thinking that tomorrow will be just like today.

Let’s pretend you’re a turkey on a farm.  There’s a nice farmer that feeds you every day.  What a nice guy!  You keep gaining weight, and getting bigger.

What a nice farmer!  Farmers must love turkeys.

Then, one November near Thanksgiving the impossible happens:  the farmer fires the turkey due to the COVID-19 outbreak and his turkey 401k drops 90% and his turkey wife tells him that . . . all those eggs?  Not his.

That turkey has found a fate worse than being roasted at 350°F for three hours (6.02×1023 Watts for six fortnights).  Turkey alimony.

The point remains:  life changes in an instant, never to return to the way things were.

I shot my first turkey this year.  Scared everyone in the meat aisle, and now I’m banned from Wal-Mart.

Here’s another one (I’ve used this example before):  I’m quite sure that there was a British guy at the dock watching as the last Roman Legion left Britain in 407 A.D.  What was he thinking?

“The Romans have been in Britain since 43 A.D.  They’ll be back.  Why wouldn’t they?”

It’s nearly a 100% chance that was exactly what he was thinking.  Our hypothetical British dude had never lived a single day when Roman troops weren’t controlling Britain.  They have to come back, right?

Well, not really.

There are reasons that hordes of Roman coins are found buried in Britain.

When Rome was strong, a Denarius (Roman coin) contained about $4.00 worth of silver at today’s prices.  As Rome continued, successive Caesars trading in Rome’s military might, reduced the amount of precious metals in the Denarius until it hardly contained a whiff of silver.

I hear there are extraterrestrials living in Rome – someone said that there were Italiens there.

Then one November near Thanksgiving, the impossible happens:  the guy in Britain gets fired and the Roman 401k drops 90% and his British wife tells him that Joe Biden (who was only 35 in 407 A.D.) was elected.  The worst part?

Joe Biden is carrying the British woman’s baby.

Our Roman’s world collapses.  Everything that he knew changes overnight.

When archeologists go digging in old British trash piles, they find something interesting.  The trash at the bottom of the pile (when Rome left) contains really cool broken plates.  Archeologists love plates.


Because angry wives break them all the time, so they make it easy to date a culture by the number of wives that go crazy and start throwing plates.  Apparently, the number of mad wives that throw plates is a scientific constant like the speed of light, so trash pickers archeologists can date the change in a culture based on broken plates.

The archeologists determined this:  the broken dishes at the time the last Roman Legions pulled out of Britain were awesome.  They were great dishes.  And everyone had them.  It turns out that dishes in the Roman Empire were mass-produced in southern France and shipped everywhere in the Roman Empire.  Southern France was the Wal-Mart® of quality dishware.

You can plainly see that Indiana Jones’ least favorite band is the Rolling Stones.

Then archeologists looked at dishes that were 100 years later in the trash pile.  They knew this particular trash pile was a king’s trash.  The dishes in the king’s trash were something that a kind parent would have congratulated a mildly retarded child for because the mildly retarded child tried really hard.

But these Roman plates weren’t widely available – only a king could afford them.

History happens one day at a time.  People lived it, the hard way.  Let me give you some examples that might add some perspective:

  • A French girl born at the start of the French Revolution would have been 26 and had multiple children when Napoleon finally lost at Waterloo.
  • A German girl born at the end of World War I would have been 27 and had multiple children before the end of World War II.
  • An American girl born at the end of the Clinton administration already has 43 earrings, sixteen tattoos, and herpes.

What I’m trying to explain that there are two types of changes the first one is fast, really fast, like the turkey’s bad November day.  The second type seems fast only when viewed from 200 years in the future.  Remember, love can last for a lifetime, but herpes is forever.

In my estimation (for what it’s worth) we are in an atmosphere where both types of change will happen.  We will have sudden changes, like the turkey, or like Marie Antoinette. These will be changes we cannot go back from.  If you burn a receipt from Arby’s©, there’s no going back to get those curly fries if they shorted you.

We all burn our receipts from Arby’s™ as soon as we get home, right?  Otherwise The Man would know how much we like Horsey Sauce®, and you where that leads:


I digress.

But I will* note that I had a conversation with a friend over a year ago.  He and I were talking about investing and other things.  During this conversation, I had an epiphany.  Where was my money?  Mainly in a single bank (this has now changed).

Where does the Federal Reserve hide its economic failures?  In debasement.

My question to my friend then was this:  “How much of your money is diversified?”

His response was, “Well, it’s in mutual funds, and in a wide variety of stocks and bonds.  So it’s diversified.”

I followed up:  “No, I mean how much of all of that is in dollars?”

There was a long pause.  “All of it.”

I guess this post is mainly to point out that just like we don’t buy things in 2020 with a pocketful Roman coins, and we don’t buy things with French Francs from before their Revolution, and we can’t buy things with Soviet Rubles, how long will we be able to buy things with Dollars?

Just asking.

I’m not even suggesting any particular path, though I will disclose that if everything goes well, my kids might inherit some silver and gold when The Mrs. and I pass on.  Like any turkey, I know one thing:  tomorrow generally looks like today.

Until it doesn’t.

*Standard I’m Not A Financial Wizard Blah Blah Blah And If You Listen To Me For Financial Advice You’re Insane Differently Mental Disclaimer.

Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: Fraud And Our Last Choices

“Let’s see, warrants outstanding . . . New Mexico:  Mail Fraud. Colorado:  Wire Fraud. And coming soon to Ohio, Computer Fraud.” – Tommy Boy

If 2020 was a horse?  It would be a night-mare.

  1. People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology.  Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
  2. Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
  3. Opposing sides develop governing/war structures.  Just in case.
  4. Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
  5. Open War.

We remain in the gray zone between step 9. and step 10.  I will maintain the clock at 2 minutes to midnight.  Violence continues to be commonly justified by local and state authorities, but there are now premeditated, fatal attacks by the Left.  As noted in a previous update, the only thing keeping the clock ticking to full midnight is the number of deaths.  I put the total at (this is my best approximation since no one tracks the death toll from rebellion-related violence) 500 out of the 1,000 required for the international civil war definition.

We’re close.  Avoid crowds.

In this issue:  Front Matter – Voter Fraud – Violence And Censorship Update – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – Choices – Links

Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report.  These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month.  I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues.  Also, feel free to subscribe and you’ll get every post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30 Eastern.  Still free.

Voter Fraud

I hate to say I told you it would get weirder than you would imagine, and I was right.  Here we are.  The design, intentional or not, of elections in the United States was to relieve tension.  Voting makes us feel better.  1860, 1968, 2016, and 2020 seem to be exceptions.

Lincoln walked into a bar.  He wanted a table, not a booth.

The Electoral College generally limits fraud and adds legitimacy to the election.  Add a million votes in Chicago?  It won’t change anything but the results in Illinois.  The Electoral College, among other things, is a firewall that allows us to feel better.  You’d generally have to commit fraud in more than one state to win an election.

As I write this, Joe Biden has been “proclaimed” by the Mainstream Media© to have won the election.  Thankfully, legitimacy doesn’t come from the Mainstream Media™.  Sadly, neither does news anymore, so I guess they have to pretend to have some sort of job.

It doesn’t look like (so far) the final choice has been left to the voters in the various states, either.  We all know that Chicago politics has been rotten since Al Capone was diagnosed with OCD after getting into Organized Crime.  The same can be said for certain cities that have long been under control of the Democrats.  Let the people vote all that want, and as hard as they want.

In cities like Philadelphia, we know that they really say, “We’ll count ‘em like we want to count ‘em.”  Stalin, of course, would nod approvingly.  It’s not the voting that matters, it’s the counting.

My dad left me a Yahtzee® game once owned by Al Capone.  Sadly, some parts are missing – I’m stuck with only a gangster’s pair of dice.

Yes.  It looks like there is much more than circumstantial evidence that vote fraud took place.  The Mainstream® Media™ used to say, “There is no direct evidence of voter fraud.”  Well, if you didn’t look up during the day, there’s no direct evidence of the Sun, either.  The system in those Democratic stronghold areas seems to be designed to prevent review.  And why not?  Is it really a crime if there’s no evidence?  It’s like Schrodinger’s election.

But, importantly, now the Mainstream™ Media© is saying, “There is no direct evidence of widespread voter fraud.”

Well, to swing an election, you don’t need widespread fraud.  You need fraud in the right place at the right time.  Fraud in California?  Who cares?  Fraud in Philadelphia?  In Milwaukee? In Atlanta?  In Detroit?  That’s not widespread – it’s just four places.  And it’s enough.

Spoiler:  he’s dead.

I mean, it’s enough if you stop counting in the middle of night, exclude poll watchers, and then board up the windows so no one can see what you’re doing.  Yes, all of those things happened.

I joked with The Mrs. that I was going to tell you to Google® information on voter fraud, but then we both laughed.  If there is any information related to actual, verifiable voter fraud, Google© will ban it (see below in the Violence And Censorship Update), hide it, and put a disclaimer on it.

Mail-in ballots?  Google® and Twitter™ Trust and Safety Commissars say there’s no chance of fraud, even though fraud on a massive scale with mail-in ballots becomes trivial.  As in the BBC® wrote an article for use in Africa so people in Africa could recognize voter fraud (LINK).

We check all of the boxes, folks.

Do transvestite voters commit male fraud?

Let me know if you’d like me to do a post on voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.  I’m not sure I have anything special to add, but since you won’t find it on Google©, if you want me to do a post summarizing some of it, let me know.  There’s a lot out there.  Yes, it’s an extraordinary claim.  From what I’ve seen so far?

There’s extraordinary evidence.

Voter fraud, on a scale of hundreds of thousands of ballots has, in my opinion, occurred.  That is destabilizing enough.  The irony is that if the Left had waited to 2024, they could have had it all with a young, charismatic candidate winning it all and pulling all of the levers (new Left-leaning states, expanding the Supreme Court, etc.) to make the future Leftist forever.

But by not waiting?  Either intentionally or not, the Left created a mess.  With a clear election win in 2024, they get it all.

With a win (maybe, see the last segment before the Links, Choices) largely seen as fraudulent?  The Left brings us that much closer to Civil War.

Violence And Censorship Update

My last sentence from last month’s Violence And Censorship Update was:

“They have to have a line somewhere.”

I was making fun of Gofundme®, which would support nearly anything but Kyle Rittenhouse.  But this month?  Gofundme© killed a fundraiser for a guy to pull together data to find fraud in the election.

Yup, they have a line.

Disclaimers – they’re showing up everywhere.  I watched a Scott Adams video today – it had disclaimers galore.  How mail voting was safe.  How the video might have opinions on the election that weren’t approved.

Retweet this?  Get a 12 hour ban.

And Twitter®?  It’s on a complete information lockdown.  Gateway Pundit® Tweeted© about fraud.  As of yesterday, retweeting Gateway Pundit™ will get you an automatic 12 hour ban.  The original Tweet™ is still up.  But how dare you try to share it.

Twitter™ has also had enough of President Trump.  They’ve taken to censoring him.  In one sense, this is his own fault – as his supporters were kicked off the platform, one by one, he did nothing.  Now?

I said, “Doc, I’ve got a Twitter® addiction.”  He said, “I don’t follow you.”

If Trump shares an opinion that there might have been voter fraud?  Censored.  If Iranian leaders share opinions?

Come right on through.

Updated Civil War II Index

The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real-time.  They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings.  As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that lead to the index.  On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.


Up is more violent.  The public “perception” of violence jumped during October.  What will November bring?

Political Instability:

Up is more unstable.  Instability was up, a lot, in October.  The only place where instability is good is if it’s not your turn in Jenga®.  November won’t be better.


The economic measures are slightly down this month.  I had expected it to be more, but the money pumping keeps things floating along.  The Fed® can stay irrational longer than most investors can stay solvent.

Illegal Aliens:

Down is good, in theory.  This is a statistic showing border apprehensions by the Border Patrol.  Numbers of illegals being caught is rising again.  Will it increase further?


The election is a mess.  A bad mess, and the events surrounding it could lead to the ultimate unwinding of the United States.  Scott Adams says there won’t be Civil War.  Why?  In his words:  “We (the United States) don’t want one.”  I wish I could share his optimism.



Probably one of the best things we could do is something horribly simple.  There are several contested states, and there are several real problems we’ve seen.  The answer?  Just re-vote.  Where?  Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.

In other news, looks like Biden won a key demographic:  every voter born in the 1800’s.

Simple.  If we addressed the problems we’ve documented in the systems and processes in November, we could have elections that were universally agreed to be free and fair.  Heck, we could even have the Army run it and put purple ink on the fingers of people who showed up in person to vote so they can’t cheat.

If it’s good enough for Iraq, why can’t we do it?

Result if this happens:  An election we can agree is fair.

Chances of this happening:  Zero.


Biden Wins

This has a subset of Biden Wins with Senate Control or Biden Wins with a GOP Senate.

If Biden wins with control of the Senate?  All bets are off.  This is a huge negative, since that ends the game.   The Left has already indicated they want to bring in Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico as states with two (Leftist) senators each.  The result of that is, more or less, permanent Leftist control of the Senate.  Additionally, the Left would likely increase the number of Supreme Court Justices to whatever number that would give them a majority.

If Biden wins without controlling the Senate?  This is a far better scenario.  Divided government will prevent unilateral action, which will be good for all of us.

I hear that Kamala is now Biden’ her time.

Result if this happens:  Either a fundamental transformation of the American political power structure or a boring two years where important stuff gets done until Joe Biden is gently relieved of command after the dementia is too obvious even for Leftist shills to cover up.  If Biden wins the Senate?  Odds of a shooting war in the United States go up significantly in the next six months – the Leftists have already announced an online database of people who supported Trump.  Wonder why they just don’t issue them little gold stars?

Chances of this happening:  30%-50% that Biden wins.  10%-20% that he wins and gets the Senate, which is too close for comfort.


Trump Wins

This might seem crazy at first thought, but I assure you it’s not.  Pennsylvania law is clear that ballots that arrive after 8pm are trash.  A court ruling changed that – except that legislative decisions on national elections are not reviewable by any court.  Go read the Constitution.  If rule of law still exists, Pennsylvania will go for Trump.  Period.

That leaves Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, and Arizona.  Trump just needs two.  If he’s competently represented?  He’ll get two.  Then it’s President Trump until 2024.

Result if this happens:  If you thought the collective Leftist salt mine after the 2016 election was big, compared to this scenario it will be nothing.  Emotions and the love-fest for President Biden have led to the Left being on a high.  If Trump pulls victory from nearly certain defeat?  Riots.  Burning down Leftist cities.  Probably National Guard suppression.  Washington, D.C. would be a war zone.  Where’s my popcorn?

Chances of this happening:  50%-60%.  Yup.  The fraud is so blatant that any decent audited recount should catch it in multiple states.


Two Presidents

What if we all agree we’re done playing house?  The Left can have the East and West Coasts.  The Right gets the core.  We declare some neutral cities, and divvy up the military stuff.

Result if this happens:  An initially peaceful Balkanization of America.  Eventually?  We’d go to war over who got to keep the Tom Petty albums.

Chances of this happening:  <1%.  The Left would never, ever, let a single person escape its grasp – that’s why East Germany built walls – to keep people in.

Why did Angela Merkel cross the road?  Because the pedestrian crossing light indicated it was the correct time to do so.

Invalid Election

What if the election was ruled so messed up that it couldn’t be undone.  In Pennsylvania the ballots may have been mixed up so that the broken law couldn’t be undone.  Likewise, if voter fraud is so pronounced in other states, those electoral votes are just thrown out.

Result if this happens:  They’d hash it out in Congress.  Maybe President Pence and Vice President Justin Bieber.  Who can say?  No one would be happy with the result and net tensions increase every minute until 2024.  And you thought 2020 was bad.

Chances of this happening:  10%-20%.


The links are, once again, mostly all from Ricky, as are the headers.  You have no idea how much I appreciate that on nights when I post these.  I’ll start off with the non-Ricky links . . . feel free to identify yourself in the comments if you want!

Even reserved Forbes is pricing major violence over the election.


And another that likely you see.


Interesting that this area is concerned since the vote is heavily Republican.  Gun stores have some time and ammo, although there limits on ammo and the price is doubled to tripled from 6 months ago.


This one says that the Uber rich Rodeo Dr in Hollywood will be closed to vehicle and people on election day.  Another author questions, why election day and not the night-of or the next day?  Are they working with real intel or just guessing?




And an independent one from the Jewish community.



And from Ricky, who gave us great themes this month:

American Graffiti








Apocalypse Now









Minority Report





Casablanca / Play It Again, Sam?



Vertigo / High Anxiety









Ice Station Zebra / Cold War






Some Like It Hot





War Of The Roses / Breaking Up Is Hard To Do








The Neverending Story


Equity And Equality – Why Leftists Cheat At Elections

“Equal, but not even.” – Die Another Day

What did the Frenchman yell as he went down the slide?  “YES!”

On Wednesday after the election, I consciously decided to sleep in – I had taken a vacation day from work.  I slept in.  It was luxurious.  Like a Roman soldier, I really enjoy resting on my pila-case.  At a time that was later than I’ll admit to, I rolled over in bed and picked up my phone.

Substantial leads for Trump from the night before had evaporated.  For whatever reason, this reminded me of the story of the Fox and the Scorpion.

Fox and the Scorpion both wanted to cross a river.  Why?  Probably a decent discount on quality unpainted furniture on the other side.  Scorpion wants to ride on the back of Fox.  Fox, not being stupid, says, “Dude, you’re a scorpion, you’re going to sting and kill me!”

Scorpion, logically, responds, “C’mon, man!  Let me tell you what my dead son Beau would say.  You know the thing. But if I sting you while we’re crossing the river, I’ll die, too.”  Scorpion paused, ”Just like I died when I fought Corn Pop.”

Fox, remembering his mandatory training on systematic speciesism, agrees and apologizes for his microagression and his foxist privilege.  Fox says, “Hop on.”

Fox begins swimming through the river.  Halfway to the other side, Scorpion stings Fox.

Fox, through the haze of pain and spreading paralysis as Scorpion’s neurotoxin spreads through his system says, “Scorpion!  You’ve killed us both!”

Scorpion responds, “C’mon man!  You knew I was a scorpion when I got on your back.”

I pushed the fable out of my mind as I slowly scrolled through all the data.  I then turned off my phone.  I went into the front room and sat down to read for a while.  Pugsley and The Mrs. were off at school and work, respectively.  It has been as rare as late-night TV show hosts with a sense of humor since 2016 that I’ve had the opportunity to just sit in silence without any work or a blog deadline hanging over my head.  I decided to grab a burger and a beer.

How many vegans does it take to eat a Double Quarter Pounder® with cheese?  One, if no one is watching.

In Modern Mayberry, we have five fast-food restaurants.  The day was perfect in temperature, which means it was on the cold side for most people.  I got to the speaker and ordered.  I then drove home, grabbed a beer out of the fridge, and ate my burger.  I tried to remember what my doctor said.  I think it was “Don’t eat anything fatty.”

It was good – cheesy and greasy and just the right amount of pickles.  I then remembered what my doctor had really said, “Don’t eat anything, fatty.”

For me, Wednesday was about balance.  It’s easy enough to fall into the trap of getting so wound up about politics that you lose perspective.  Honestly, one of the nicest things about living in Alaska was that Lower 48 politics was thousands of miles away.  You could nearly ignore it.  I’ve found that turning off my phone works almost as well.

On Thursday, it was back to work, and back to writing.  Of course, I have thoughts about the election, and you can probably guess what many of them are.  But the big thing that comes to mind with the 2020 election is fraud. It’s easy enough to look for fraud, heck, when that psychic told me she’d take my check I knew she was a fraud.

These ballots are from Seattle, so they definitely got mac n’ cheese.

Honestly, if you look at nearly any election, you can find things that look like fraud if you look hard enough.  The exception, of course, is my election to LOCAL OFFICE, where I estimate I had 335.33% more votes than the nearest competitor.

Hmmm, that sounds suspicious.  33533 is the same backwards as forward.  And it’s all 3’s with one five.  Normal numbers never look that way . . . except . . .  I was running unopposed for a job that no one else seemed to want.

You can confirm your bias that I stole the election – that 335.33% just looks too perfect.

From an ideological perspective, stealing an election is the last thing I’d do.  What ideology says that?  The ideology of the Right

The ideology of the Right is very different than that of the Left.  The Right is focused on Equality.  The Left is focused on Equity.  It’s really the fight between Equality and Equity that best defines the split between thinking on the Right and thinking on the Left.

A Marine with a salt and pepper beard is likely a seasoned veteran.

Western Civilization has always been a civilization of Equality and the philosophy of the Right.  You are born.  If you make your peace with God?  You can go to Heaven.  It’s up to you.  No one will drag you across the line.  If you want to create a business?  Be a glorious hero?  Sure, class may have come into it, but there was always room for the barbarian to make it to king.

The Right is Equality.

Equality is a 100 yard (3450 meters) dash.  I line up on the same line with my opponent.  When the starter pistol goes off, we start running.  If I’m running against a moderately athletic high school-aged boy who doesn’t have tularemia, tuberculosis, typhus, and tetanus, he’s going to make it to the finish line first.  If it’s a fat kid?  Okay, I might dust him.

As long as he has typhus.

Equality is about having the same opportunities.  The opportunity, in this case, is the open track.  It’s the same for both of us.  The opportunity includes the starter pistol.  We’ll hear it at the same time.  Each of us have the same conditions.

I have had many of the same opportunities in my life as Elon Musk.  I’m thrilled that he’s doing so well.  We had an equal shot at the world, and he ended up with billions.  I’m good with that.  He ran the race very, very well.  His running allows us to win, and in the end, makes us all wealthier.

If Musk flew his Tesla® through a black hole, because of tidal gravity forces, he’d be Elon-gated.

Equality is obsessed with fairness.  One person, one vote.  In Modern Mayberry, I think that getting the local officials to bend the rules during voting would have a penalty worse than speaking loudly in the local library.

The rules matter, and we follow them.  When The Mrs. had to get her license when we moved to Modern Mayberry, you could see the gleam in the DMV clerk’s eye as she ticked off the things The Mrs. had to produce to get her license.

  • Birth certificate?
  • Proof of address?
  • Current electrocardiogram?
  • Head of John the Baptist?
  • Marriage certificate?

Yup.  She was denied because she couldn’t prove that I’d married her.  Ha!  You can bet that The Mrs. wasn’t very happy when I drove her home singing, “Guess you are my property, doo-dah, doo-dah; my wife’s my chattel property all the doo-dah day.”  Of course, as I said this I had a brand-new Upper-Lower-Midwestia license in my wallet.

The Mrs. was not amused.

But the DMV clerk was 100% being fair.  The rules are the rules, no matter how stupid they might be.  The rules are the rules, no matter who you are.  And DMV clerks should follow them.

To the letter.

That’s Equality.  No matter who you are, when you walk into the DMV office, you’re all equally dirt in their eyes.  I think the DMV clerk even shed a tear when I had every single document she requested.  Getting through on the first time was like cheating to her.

Never get behind the Devil at the DMV if you need to do paperwork – the Devil can take many forms.

Believing in Equality is why people on the Right don’t steal votes.  They want to see the race run fairly.  If you don’t have the right paperwork?

No license for you.  I will say that when I got my license, the DMV clerk tried to get me to be an organ donor.  That was a girl after my own heart.

The DMV, at least here, is Equal.  Equity is different.

Equity is the belief that fairness isn’t measured on the starting conditions but on the outcome.  If a 100 yard (.31 centimeter) race was run on Equity measures, I would only have to run, say, 50 yards if I was running against someone twice as fast as me.  The goal of Equity isn’t to see who is fastest, it’s to structure the race so that people finish the way you want them to finish.

Given that Leftists are focused on Equity, or the outcome of the race, does it make sense that they’d try to steal an election?


Leftist focus only on the outcomes.  If a process like the 100 yard (34 milliKelvins) dash produces results where someone is faster, it’s the process that’s wrong.  If the process consistently produces a race where the fastest person wins?

To a Leftist, that’s unfair.

Not mine.  Second time I’ve used this recently.  The main problem is that the Equity in Reality panel is missing the pile of skulls that Leftism always, inevitably produces.  And the Easter Bunny doesn’t exist, either.

Equity, in the mind of the Leftist, isn’t in the casting of ballots.  Equity is in the counting of them.  Your favored candidate is losing?  What’s a few hundred thousand extra ballots?  They can punch them with a hammer or a sickle.

Why do Leftists cheat?

C’mon man, it’s because they’re Leftists.  What did you expect?

Election Day 2020: Liveblogging Post

“No thank you, Delmar. A third of a gopher would only arouse my appetite without beddin’ ‘er back down.” – O Brother, Where Art Thou?

How many Russians does it take for Hillary Clinton to lose an election?  None.

Front Matter:  I will start liveblogging (in the comments of this post) the election results when they come in.  I expect this will be about 8pm Eastern Standard Time.  I’ll stop when the mood strikes me – there isn’t a set end time.  I will say this – Standard Time Rules, and I really, really hate Daylight Savings Time.

2020 marks the most momentous election of our lifetimes.  Why?

Trump 2020?


Wilder 2020.  Yes, I am an official candidate.  I can explain.

I’m a skilled professional.

During the state primary season in Modern Mayberry, in Upper-Lower Midwestia, I got a text message from The Boy.

“I put you in as a write-in candidate for NAMELESS OFFICE.”

Immediately I texted The Mrs.  “Hey, honey, please vote for me for NAMELESS OFFICE.”  She didn’t respond.  That’s normal.

I made my own way to the polls, and proudly wrote “John Wilder” in for NAMELESS OFFICE.  It turns out that The Mrs. did, too.

I had three votes.

What does one do with three votes in an insurgent write-in candidacy for NAMELESS OFFICE?  You call the County Clerk the day after to see if you won.

I did that.

“A write in?  Umm, call us next week, sweetie.”

I forgot to call them back.  But then a few weeks later when The Boy was down from State College, he got the mail one Saturday, and brought it into the living room.

I sent a guitar back to the factory once.  I marked it “return to Fender®.” 

“Hey, Pop, it’s a letter from the County.  Are you still burning tires and diesel fuel in the backyard?”  The Boy handed me a big letter – one that might have held the x-ray of bigfoot’s prostate exam.

I opened it.  Nope – not a prostate exam.  It was an official certificate saying that I was an official candidate for election in the 2020 election.  How many of those do you have?

I am running unopposed in the general election.  Since I was running unopposed, I decided on a sneaky campaign:  not let anyone know I was running.  The idea I had was simple – if anyone knew I was running, they would have time to oppose me.  Ha!  I’m too sneaky for that.

But now it’s too late.  There will be one name to vote for:  mine.  I think my chances are good, since I’m sure I’ll get more than the three votes that propelled me on this political odyssey.  I’m hoping for at least a solid dozen votes.

If your refrigerator is running?  I know some people in New Mexico that would vote for it.

You may ask, what does the elected office require me to do?  I won’t give you most of the specifics.  But I did check online and researched the state statutes that describe what I’m being elected to do.  In one, very old book (1883?) I found that I was responsible for the control of underground burrowing rodents.  In none of the modern laws does it mention that I’m responsible for that, but, hey:

The law is the law.

I think I’ll make that the signature of my administration.  I’ll become John Wilder, licensed to kill gophers by the government of the United Nations. A man, free to kill gophers at will. To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a varmint. And a varmint will never quit. 


If A is for Apple, and B is for Banana, what is C for?  Explosives.

I’m pretty sure that this will entitle me to a badge and unlimited access to fully automatic weapons, rocket propelled grenades, and plastic explosives.  Okay, maybe not.  But I’m also sure that there are absolutely zero laws in my state that prohibit me from making my own badge.  I think I might design my badge to be a big “W” with lightning bolts hitting an underground rodent.

Maybe it will all be over the top of a nuclear mushroom cloud?

Does my badge allow me to do anything special, like turn into a werewolf and roam the countryside naked in the cool autumn nights looking  for a safe spaceship flight.  Well, no.  But thankfully it doesn’t prohibit that, either.

Does my badge allow me to requisition nuclear weapons from the Federal government to control subterranean rodents?  Well, no.   But it does make the requisition request for fully automatic weapons, an old M-60 Patton tank, three F-16 fighters and 53,000 pounds of Compound C seem reasonable.

I mean, how else would you deal with gophers?  You wouldn’t.  That’s why you need a cold-blooded rodent killer like me.   Badgers?  You don’t need no stinking badgers!

My son said he got awarded the Leslie Neilson badge at school.  I asked him, “What’s that?”  He said it’s a big building filled with kids.

Here’s my campaign slogan:

“Wilder 2020, because you want John Wilder to have access to a badge and enough weapons to overthrow Brazil, even though he only got three primary votes.”

See you in the comments tonight!