“You’re not changing anything.” – Rambo

What do you call an indecisive body of water? Well . . . .
- Those who have an opposing ideology are considered evil.
- People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology. Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
- Common violence. Organized violence is occurring monthly.
- Opposing sides develop governing/war structures. Just in case.
- Common violence that is generally deemed by governmental authorities as justified based on ideology.
- Open War.
I’ve changed the Clock O’Doom. Why? It is clear that we’re way past five and six. We are having organized violence, regularly. And the lynchpin for nine is common violence that is justified.
This is clearly happening – just check the wind. “Kill a guy on the Right who used pepper spray? No charges.” “Kill a guy on the Left who is pointing an AK-47 at you? That’s murder.”
The Right is being hunted, and punished for pushing back. So, we have a seven, certainly. And a nine, certainly. What we are missing is an eight. I moved the clock to a seven.
This is moving sideways, and things are changing quickly. The advice remains. Avoid crowds. Get out of cities. Now. A year too soon is better than one day too late.
In this issue: Front Matter – Banana Republican – Violence and Censorship Update – Biden’s Misery Index – Updated Civil War 2.0 Index – The Death of the Civic Nationalist – Links
Front Matter
Welcome to the latest issue of the Civil War II Weather Report. These posts are different than the other posts at Wilder Wealthy and Wise and consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War 2.0, on the first or second Monday of every month. I’ve created a page (LINK) for links to all of the past issues. Also, subscribe because you’ll join nearly 770 other people and get every single Wilder post delivered to your inbox, M-W-F at 7:30AM Eastern, free of charge.
Banana Republican
I remember reading sword and sorcery books as a kid, mainly Conan the Notthetalkshowhost. I recall one axiom of a king who usurped the throne: kill the previous king. Nothing good comes from a realm with two kings.

Conan books were fun. But in real life, when politicians go out of their way to find a law to imprison their political opponent, it’s something that Lavrentiy Beria, the head of the Soviet NKVD under Stalin would have love, he said, “Show me the man, and I’ll find you the crime.”
Beria was an awful person who didn’t die nearly painfully enough, but he has become an instruction manual for the Left. Why?

That’s the Leftist singularity: no one on the Right is good, and everyone on the Left is great. Thus, the only view that can survive this singularity is the most Leftist idea. The difficulty most people have in assessing Leftist politics is that Leftism is not a political viewpoint: it is a religion.
Monty Python™ parodied that perfectly in their movie, The Life of Brian, when a member of the Judean People’s Front (or was it the People’s Front of Judea?) wanted to make sure that the rights of people who wanted to have babies but were dudes were enshrined in their politics. “Where is he going to keep the fetus, in a box?”

It’s absurd, but dealing with absurdity is a requirement in 2023, when a dude with all his bits won several of the NCAA® women’s swimming championships. Saying this is wrong makes me a “transphobe”. I wonder if suggesting that a 5’6” woman who weighs 76 pounds is mentally ill makes me an “anorexiphobe”?
Regardless, Trump declined to cross the Rubicon on January 6, so he was impeached. Huh?

Trump scares the Left. Trump likes trans people, likes all of the rest of the LGBTQ+ salad of people, but he is evil because . . . ?
It’s because he’s the first person to be president in decades that shook the status quo. W? He was on board with everything the Left wanted to do, just in a slightly different wrapper. Compassionate Conservatism, anyone?

Trump is a rallying cry on the Left. I would imagine they hate him more than they hate the memory of a certain Austrian painter*. He is the focus of hate on the Left.
- “He made us look silly in front of the French!”
- “He wanted to send people who had crossed the border illegally go home!”
- “He has a golden plated PEZ® dispenser!”
- “He made me feel attacked because he wasn’t Hillary!”
- “A ghost of a lesbian who was shunned in 1634 told me that Trump was against furries.”
*Better known for other things.
Nearly every attack on Trump is built on emotion, because Trump wasn’t on the Right, Trump was a 1990s middle-of-the-road guy, but the Left had moved into Lenin territory by the time he ran.

Perhaps the biggest sin he If you look at the actual outcome of policies, Biden has been more of an enemy of the United States than Putin, Stalin, and Brezhnev combined. Trump actually, for the first time in decades, had the economy spun around, and was the only President in ages to negotiate for pure American advantage.
Obviously, he must be punished. So?

Any statement he makes must be the basis for a crime. He was impeached for trying to uncover Biden’s Ukrainian corruption. He is under indictment for paying tramps not to talk about him. He’s under investigation for questioning voting impropriety in Georgia for a silly question, and in Washington, D.C. for having fewer secret documents than Biden had in his garage.

When polarization leads to the desire to put political opponents into prison is acted upon? It’s no better than Zelensky putting his opponents in jail and shutting down dissident media, or Putin shutting down any media that disagreed with him. It is the end point of a Leftist regime who cannot accept any opinion that deviates from their ideals, no matter how small.
Why is Trump being indicted? Because he’s breathing.

Violence and Censorship Update
It looks like the fight back is beginning. I could write quite a bit, but here are a few memes that show the Normies are awakening:

Keep this in mind.

The trans-violence-abuse connection is coming in strong and is hitting the awareness of middle America. I’m shocked, shocked I say that a group so unstable they’ll self-mutilate and that has avowed to recruit children has been committing violence.

Stonetoss, calling out the Left. Just like napalm in the morning, it smells wonderful.

Who would have imagined that if you marginalize an amazingly productive group and give them no reason to love their country, that they’ll sell out.

Huh. New restrictions. Who would have imagined that? From the same people who brought you the Patriot Act.

Biden’s Misery Index
Let’s take a look to see how we’ve done this month . . . .

Yup, up again. This economy has the pedal depressed to “fail”. Brandon is a president that makes Jimmy Carter look like an economic genius.
Updated Civil War II Index
The Civil War II graphs are an attempt to measure four factors that might make Civil War II more likely, in real time. They are broken up into Violence, Political Instability, Economic Outlook, and Illegal Alien Crossings. As each of these is difficult to measure, I’ve created for three of the four metrics some leading indicators that combine to become the index. On illegal aliens, I’m just using government figures.

Violence is still minimal right now. I’m betting it stays down until June at the earliest.
Political Instability:

Up is more unstable, and it was down a bit more. I think this is a conscious attempt to keep things together, plus the media is all in on “peaceful but fiery protest” mode.

Economic numbers are back up, a tiny bit. The numbers look fairly unstable from month to month, which isn’t good.
Illegal Aliens:

I’d say the border is wide open, but we have no border.
The Death of the Civic Nationalist
What does it mean to be an American? What are American values? If the Left is to believed, “everyone is an American, they just haven’t gotten here yet”. This was also the belief of the Civic Nationalist – bring in a Somalian who doesn’t know a bit of English, and throw them into a group of government-funded housing, pay them to go to school, and they’ll be as American as Joe down the street. Heck, anyone and anything could be American! Cannibals? Child molesters? As American as apple pie.

Surely, cutting off parts of your flesh because you deny reality is the most important part of the soul of being an American.
But it’s not true. And even to the most ardent of Civic Nationalists, it’s becoming apparent that the experiment of “import the third world, they’re Americans” is failing. However, it’s not like LGBTQ+ is a cult or something.

I’d make a joke comparing the Jonestown cult to LGBTQ+ folks, but the punchline is too long.
Patently, that is false. Being an American has at least some ties to the people that forged this nation out of the (mainly) wilderness that existed prior to the advent of Europeans on the continent. The idea that a person who just dropped off a plane, speaks no English, and becomes a resident because someone snuck through the border and is now an American is . . . ridiculous.
America has more culture than McDonald’s® and highways and Wal-Mart™. It has a proud history of people who have fought for independence, and fought for freedom, and fought for the simple right to be left alone. One survey I read of immigrants showed that they were not at all good with the Second Amendment, and wanted a lot more government intervention in their lives.
At what point does this become a crisis? I think it’s too late:

This represents a major change from the values of the country. Sure, it’s not only the immigration policy that led to this . . . oh, wait, it is. None of these values were evident in 1960. What changed? The Leftist indoctrination of students at colleges (based on immigrant influence) plus the change in the people who took the poll. Immigrants don’t have American values. But when we shovel enough in?
They’ll show what they believe in, which has nothing to do with the values that he Civic Nationalists hold. And no one voted for this.


As usual, links this month are courtesy of Ricky. Thanks so much, Ricky!!
Bad Guys
Good Guys
One Guy
Body Count
Vote Count
Civil War