“She’s always hungry. She always needs to feed. She must eat. All she gets is nasty Orcses.” – LOTR, Return of the King
I saw a wanted poster for Schrodinger’s cat. It said, “Wanted Dead And Alive.”
I have a general routine that I start before I write. I interact with my family because they seem to want me to do so. I then retire to the Wilder Tub of Genius where I smoke a cigar the size of a crutch that Tom Cruise might use. It’s not a huge cigar, since Tom isn’t that tall. But it is a mighty cigar nonetheless.
Then I generally enjoy life. Unfortunately, sometimes the muse hits me while I’m happily hanging out in the hot tub, and it pulls me away from the three pages (yes, it was that many) of notes I had prepared for you. Whenever that happens, I always, and I repeat always, go for the muse.
The idea of a muse is simple: it is creation. It’s an untamed force that hits you and takes over. It’s not exactly like The Mrs. hitting me in the face with a raw chicken covered in Ranch® dressing, but it’s close.
That’s tonight. Fridays are often that night where I go where the muse hits me
What hit me tonight?
Tonight it was this simple idea: controlling what goes into your mind is the key.
Except the dormouse. I hate that guy.
I start every post with a quote. There’s a reason why I do this – it sets the mind of the reader into a familiar idea. If the reader (you) doesn’t recognize the quote, it’s okay. The quote isn’t necessary for the magic that follows, but if you know the quote, you are nearly instantly transported into the ideas that will follow.
It’s like a subtle form of hypnosis, but one in which I don’t require you to pretend you’re a duck who has just created an egg out of chocolate and plutonium. Well, not more than once. As far as you know.
I use that because I want to create a mental space where the ideas that follow will sit well. If you’re already on familiar ground, the ideas will flow more smoothly. It’s a stupid idea, but it’s grounded in reality. Besides, I like movie quotes.
The reason I chose movie quotes is because they are the most shared of our experiences. Millions have seen, say, Ghostbusters®, while only hundreds of thousands have read Dostoevsky. Heck, I told my buddy who was an Orthodox priest that I was reading Dostoevsky and he shook his head and said, “John, that’s a little heavy, don’t you think?”
There was a really bad joke about ghosts. It still haunts me.
When a guy in a Russian cassock tells you that Dostoevsky is a bit heavy, well, it’s probably not the best way to reach people. By the way, spoiler alert: It’s Russian literature, so everyone dies. And then it gets worse. It’s almost as bad as reading a German instruction manual for a chainsaw – I tried reading one once all it gave me was a longing to invade Poland.
Or a British cookbook. Good heavens. The British have ruined pudding for me forever. Well, maybe Cosby beat them to that, but, still.
So, here I am, admitting that I want to manipulate the emotions of my readers so that they are more receptive of the ideas of crazy people like Plato or Seneca or Aristotle or Twain (Shania, not Mark) and the message that follows will sound crazy.
Be careful of what goes inside your head.
You don’t think that color scheme was an accident, do you?
I’ve tried again and again to show this very simple point: in 1900, the only regular contact any American would have had with the Federal government was the postman bringing letters. Now? When I get up in the morning I have nearly a dozen interactions with the Federal government before I leave my front door. The alarm goes off, and
- The lights (subject to Federal emissions standards at the power plant) come one and
- I go to the shower (subject to both EPA water standards and EPA waste disposal requirements) and
- Brush my teeth with toothpaste (subject to FDA requirements) and
- Put on my clothes (subject to The Mrs. wanting me to not look too cool in public) and
- Go into the Wilder Morning Den and drink a cup of (USDA approved) coffee and
- Have some (USDA approved) bacon and
- Pick up my (Federal Highway Administration Approved) keys and
- Check my (FCC approved) cellphone for messages and
- Walk upon my (Building Code Approved) floor and
- Open my door (which is made of lead and plutonium) and
- Start my (Insert a zillion Federal regulations here) car and drive to work.
Oddly, this little demonstration undersells the impact of government in my life. There are dozens of regulations that I skipped because, well, I’ve been drinking. Blame Jim Beam®.
This is just the setup, however.
What goes in your head?
I’ve told you how I try to make a post better by increasing your receptiveness to it. My motives are simple – I am not trying to sell you anything except ideas. And those Ideas are (mostly) the ideas of the most brilliant people who have ever lived on Earth. I try to sneak a few of mine in, because, hey, my beard is awesome, so I might have built up some wisdom.
But who is trying to manipulate the ideas that go inside your head?
The Mrs. had a complement the other day. She couldn’t listen to mainstream media coverage on a certain topic because Truth that I shared with her had infiltrated her brain. Every Single Time the media tried to lie to her, she reacted in revulsion because . . . the Truth had set her free.
What goes in your head?
What do you feel that is real? Why is that you feel that thing?
Those are very, very difficult questions, and are not for the weak of heart – what if you understood that most things you felt were truth were instead, lies?
This is a devastating lens. What lies do you believe in because they are pretty little lies? The more you examine them, the more they fall apart.
Communism sounds good on paper. Unless you’re reading a history book.
I promise you that I have done my best to make every word as Truthful as I can make it. But I ask of you this, can you understand the immense amount of propaganda you have been fed nearly every day of your life?
Step back.
What, really, is the Truth?
There is an entire industry made of tens of thousands who want to feed your head. They want to bring their ideas into yours. There is an amazing amount of money being spent to try to influence you.
What, then will you choose?
The pretty little lies, or the Truth that you know exists underneath?