âHave you any idea how successful censorship is on TV? Don’t know the answer? Hmm. Successful, isn’t it?â â Max Headroom
11:45pm â fifteen minutes to midnight. Yes, itâs subjective, and itâs based on the countdown, published last month (Civil War II Weather Report: Spicy Time Coming). Weâre still at CivCon 6 – People actively avoid being near those of opposing ideology. Might move from communities or states just because of ideology.
In this issue:Â Front Matter â Censorship Updateâ John Markâs Video and Criticism â Updated Civil War II Index â Who Benefits? â Links
Front Matter
Welcome to the second issue of the Civil War II Weather Report. These posts will be a bit different than the other posts here at Wilder Wealthy and Wise â they will consist of smaller segments covering multiple topics around the single focus of Civil War II. My intent is to update these on the first Monday of every month.
John Wilkes Paintbooth (Idea via user Miles Long at The Burning Platform)
There has been a pretty significant interest in Civil War II â it has generated more emails to me than any other topic Iâve written about, with a great number of links to relevant information that youâll see below. Itâs also resulted in about a dozen book suggestions, and Iâve bought or downloaded every one of your suggestions. I havenât had time to read even 10% of the books yet, but I can tell the suggestions are rock solid. Thank you. Please feel free to contribute more suggestions of links or books either in the comments below or directly to me at movingnorth@gmail.com â I wonât use your name (from e-mails) unless explicitly given permission, and I wonât directly quote your email unless explicitly given permission, but I may quote my answers in a way that doesnât violate your privacy.
Censorship Update
Why is censorship an issue in Civil War II? Censorship is a measure of how those in power (either political or economic) fear an idea and how polarized they have become. Most censorship in the past had been based on the sexual content of the book or movie. Now itâs based on ideas that are dangerous. Which ideas? Depends on the day.
I know it says âUpdateâ but this is really the first version, so technically the first âupdateâ will be next month. There has been more censorship in the United States in the past year than at any point in my adult life. This level of censorship is more frightening than anything Iâve ever seen, except for the latest Democratic presidential debates.
YouTube© is the real star of censorship in June. Comedian/journalist Steven Crowder has been a long-time YouTube® broadcaster who is generally on the mainstream âRightâ side of the political world. He likes guns. Doesnât like abortion. He is not extreme in any real sense of the word. But as a comedian, one of the things he does regularly is mock people. Which people? Everyone. I wonât go into the details (you can look it up) but a group of Leftists decided Crowder should be banned from YouTube⢠since he made a lispy-Leftist journalist who is an ethnic and sexual minority feel bad.
YouTube© responded to this contrived moral outrage by making it so Crowder couldnât get money from YouTube® ads â oddly this increased Crowderâs income as thousands of people bought merchandise directly from Crowderâs company.
End of story? No.
Soon enough, YouTube⢠will consist of nothing more than makeup videos, Buzzfeed®, and whatever else the New York Times© says is okay.
Forty other channels were either banned, demonetized, or had videos deleted. I wonât go so far as to say that these channels are all mainstream like Steven Crowder, they arenât. But I am not aware of any content that called for violence or did anything more than spread âdangerous ideas.â In a crowning bit of irony, YouTube® censored a video where a Google⢠(owner of YouTubeâ¢) executive talked about how Google© wouldnât allow another âTrump situation.â This was presumably via using their ability to manipulate what search results people see when they use Googleâ¢.
Twitter® had also purged significant figures on the Right, most prominent among them James Woods, who has since given up on the platform after multiple bans despite having over 2,000,000 followers.
Letâs take Amazon, who in 2010 said that âAmazon does not support or promote hatred or criminal acts, however, we do support the right of every individual to make their own purchasing decisions.â This was a fairly absolute position, especially since Amazon was defending selling a pro-pedophilia book.
Not so much now. Amazon has now banned dozens of books, and created entire categories of products that cannot be sold.  You canât get a Confederate flag t-shirt from Amazon, but you can certainly get a Stalin shirt. This is despite the fact that Stalin killed (In the World Murder Olympics, Communists Take Gold and Silver!) more people in one year â 3.9 million â than the total number of slaves in the United States in 1850 â 3 million. Sure, it sucked to be a slave. But it was certainly worse to be a slave to communism that was starved to death.
With apologies to Arthur (LINK), whose tagline I mangled for this one.
I tried to come up with a list of censored things, but even the censored things seem to be mainly censored. Orwell would be proud.
John Markâs Civil War 2 Video and Criticism
This video was suggested by several of you, including Shinmen Takezo who suggests you listen to all of John Markâs videos. Iâve seen this one, and plan to watch the others when I have a spare minute.
I think Mr. Mark is spot on with commentary that Trump is the last Republican president that will be elected. I wrote about this back in November of 2018(Trump: The Last President?). It has a click-bait-y title, which might explain why it went viral and got over 120,000 pageviews on Zero Hedge©.
John Mark reviews an article purportedly written by a âRed Teamâ (bad guy) member of a war game where the Right revolts against the government and the Left. My response is in italics, or braille if you donât clean your screen very often.
First Vulnerability: The electrical grid is dispersed and easy to take down into most cities because it is impossible to guard. The front wonât be against just the Right, it will also be against their own (Leftist) cities.
I agree. The United States is built as a free society, and so is all of our infrastructure. It is devastatingly vulnerable. In one of the links below, youâll see how a $0.02 match took down a $20,000,000 bridge. And that was on accident.
Second Vulnerability: 30% will revolt. Most on the Right have guns. There are 400 million guns, 8 trillion bullets in the United States â most in the hand of the Right. Ten million strongly on the Right. Tanks and airplanes donât matter as much as the Left thinks.   There might be 2 million in the United States military, and over 60% voted for the Right. There are 20 million former military.
Total would be about 2 million available forces for revolutionary suppression (including civilian police), if the active military did not revolt.
I agree. The people, especially former military, on the Right can do whatever they want. Tanks and airplanes didnât win World War II on the Eastern Front â the winning weapon was the mortar and the rifle â anti-personnel weapons. The Soviets also accomplished it only by throwing millions of bodies into combat. Bodies that will be tough for the Left to get outside of conscription.
I think thereâs an Uber joke in here somewhere.
Third Vulnerability: The Left lives in consuming cities, the Right lives in the land that produces food and stuff. The concentrated cities of the Left produce a lot of porn and girls with daddy-issues, but not much food.
I agree. They are vulnerable, though the porn and Facebook⢠drought might be tough on some.
Where do I disagree?Â
The Ultra-Violent and Nukes.
Sure, we know the Starbucks® Socialists and Latte Lenins wonât fight. Why wouldnât the government take MS-13 and arm them and turn them loose to âmake examplesâ of small downs, one after another? If they were losing, they would certainly do that. And they could scrape together a pilot and a nuke or two to take down a rebel capital city. If they were losing, they would.   Â
The Right could make a reasonable partisan force, especially when you look that probably 50% to 75% of the military would defect and train people on the Right, bringing along a nice batch of weapons (think grenades, C4, etcetera) to the farm to teach the rest of the football team. I donât think Jed would need to teach the boys to shoot, and I think theyâd learn to use that mortar and grenade launcher that he âliberatedâ from the Marines very quickly. Â
Logistics and Geography
The Left can be resupplied via air and ship. âEmergencyâ supplies would head into coastal cities and sustain them forever, though Denver would fall soon enough. Would Russia supply the heartland while the Chinese supplied the West Coast? I have no idea â I think theyâd do what. Regardless, France would soon surrender.
Also, I think there would be a nearly immediate media clamp down.  The media supports the Left, no matter what. They would parrot the Leftist line until the studios were taken from them by force.
I think that this is far too optimistic, but I also think the odds are lower the more time passes.
Civil War Index:
Hereâs the state for this month.
Economic: +10.42. Unemployment is the same â interest rates took a huge drop, and the Dow was (slightly) up. Increasing economic is good.
Political Instability: -46%. I think that the start of the debates and the poor poll numbers of âany democratic candidateâ against Trump has calmed the Left politically by a lot. Lower instability is good.
Censorship: Originally this was going to be a candidate index. Sadly, thereâs no data. How scary is it that you canât find good data on censorship?
Interest in Violence: Up 7% this month. Not horrible, but not good.
Illegal Aliens: Up 24% last month to 144,000. 144,000 is more than have been deported since Trump got into office. This shows increasing instability south of the border, or lower fear of deportation. Both are bad.
Eventually these will be graphs, but a graph with one point is . . . boring. Maybe in August.
Quote From a Failed Candidate to be The One: âIs the Red Pill gluten free? Also, is it vegan?â
One measure I thought was pretty good was from Anonymousse over at The Burning Platform:Â âOne good metric may be the spread between political poll projections and reality/results. Iâm thinking that gauges just how âfreeâ people feel about saying versus what they do. Something Iâve noticed widening over the years.â
Iâd like to do this one, but the data points are just too far apart. This would be useful information over the course of a decade, but wonât be much use monthly. I think Anonymousse is right â people donât feel good about sharing if theyâre going to vote for an âunpopularâ candidate on the Right, severely skewing the polls.
What do I mean by unpopular?
We were on vacation two years ago, and decided to stop at a national monument. We got out. The plates on our car are from a very red state – my county went 85% for Trump. As we got out of the car to stretch our legs and see the monument, we spied a guy birdwatching. He put his binoculars on our car. He was about 150 feet away.
Birdwatch Bill, yelling:Â “Who’d you vote for?”
John Wilder, being sassy, yelling back:Â “Starts with a T!”
Birdwatch Bill, muffled:Â “Ashshof.”
John Wilder:Â “What?”
Birdwatch Bill, with anger, yelling: “You heard me, A****le.” It rhymes with tadpole.
I was stunned, I mean, I donât deny being a tadpole, but I didnât think you could see it from 150 feet away. The Mrs. was in the bathroom, and I’m thankful that she didn’t hear him, since she would have broken him like a twig – she handles my light work.
After saying that, Birdwatch Bill scurried and jumped in his car, and sped off.
After hearing that story, The Mrs. was adamant that we not move to that state, even when I had a job offer there, even though I think sheâd like to hear Birdwatch Billâs yelp as she gave him a nuclear wedgie.
Who Benefits?
Whenever I see something that doesnât make sense, I try to understand what could possibly be causing it. When conditions are better for minority racial and ethnic groups than ever in the history of the country, and the agitation increases, I have to ask, who benefits? When the push for segregation comes from, not the Right but the Left, I ask, who benefits?
When I see us moving on a seemingly certain path towards war, I have to ask, who benefits? Probably more on this in a future post.
Links From Readers:
Obviously I only stand by 100% of my own writing. Here is some interesting stuff sent in by readers. Feel free to take some of the burden off of Ricky, and send me more. And if you send it in an email, please let me know if I may credit you.
See, a chain link photo in the âLinksâ page. Iâm witty that way.
Who is behind Antifa?, via AC at The Burning Platform.
From Ricky:
Pentagon prepping for civil unrest?
Review of the risk of civil unrest (presentation).
Peter Turchin predicts violence in 2020.
France and Social Unrest â Tied to Loss of Family and Religion
Perhaps my favorite link from Ricky â the Partisan Conflict Index â worth watching.Â
Brazos reminds us that there is precedence for using the troops against American civilians.Â
User âMN Steelâ reminds us that the damage a single match can do.
From my E-mail:
And more from Ricky!
This one from an Australian perspective.
From the Federalist, again about âdivorceâ of the United States.
From other emails . . .
A great article from Mary Christine over at The Burning Platform, looking at Kansas and Missouri during the Civil War and how partisans will form â will Civil War Two look more like the personal fights along the Kansas and Missouri borders?