“You can’t stop the signal.” – Serenity
Joe Biden wants to win, so his kids can get jobs closer to home.
Sometimes my jokes are greeted with silence. You could hear a pun drop.
Nixon famously used the phrase, “The Silent Majority,” during a speech in October of 1969. Leftists were demanding an end to the Vietnam War. There were plenty of valid reasons to end the Vietnam War, but hating America wasn’t one of them. This was a speech to the American people about just that – and Nixon knew that the people not out in the streets were with him.
But in 2020, we face a different world, but in the movie. We still have a group of silent people who aren’t on board with the Left – and I believe them to be an absolute majority, or you and I both would be in a gulag right now. But there is another group, a group that would speak, but can’t.
I call them the Silenced Majority.
I write about the first type of the Silenced Majority almost every month in the Civil War 2.0 Weather Report. Why? The amount and type of censorship tells you a lot about how far a country has fallen towards a Leftist totalitarianism.
Also the Left: It puts the sanitizer on its skin, or else it gets quarantine again.
The vanguard of this behavior has come from Silicon Valley. YouTube® has been the great censor, keeping dogma from Leftist organizations but banning content from only moderately Right of center sources. But there is one way that YouTube© is like the United States government – both break their own rules.
The libertarians and Right-libertarians make the point that these are “private companies” and that free speech doesn’t apply. Sure. That’s what the cashier at the Burger King drive-through keeps telling me. But it’s not just Facebook®, Twitter™, and InstaSnap©. It’s also Gofundme.
Jason Blake, the guy in Kenosha who got shot while allegedly stealing a car with kids in it from a woman he allegedly raped, has a Gofundme® of nearly $2.3 million dollars. Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17 year old whose previous brushes with the law included being in a youth crime prevention organization, was prevented from having a Gofundme® at all because self-defense is the scariest thing in the world to the Left. You don’t need Papa and Mama Government when you can protect yourself.
Living with the systems of the Left is difficult. Discover® recently said it won’t process payments going to Gab®, the free-speech alternative to Twitter™.
Twitter® has banned the term “treason.” Now it’s supposed to be “undocumented foreign supporter.”
Does it matter?
The Left has co-opted the media. And it’s not just from wild-eyed people on the far-Right. On my YouTube™ feed a video showed up from a (as far as I can see) balanced, centrist journalist. Like a real journalist, who has news Emmy® awards and everything.
The video was about Antifa®. This video was so good that I subscribed to her channel, along with 67,000 other people that week. That’s rare – I think I’m subscribed two three or four total YouTube® channels. Total. It was that good. And it was fair.
She got a million hits on that video. People are fascinated about Antifa™, and they want to learn more. To have the opportunity to learn about it from an unbiased journalist with credentials? What a hit!
Until YouTube™ shadowbanned it.
What’s a shadow ban? It’s tuning the search and recommendation algorithms so they don’t point to specific content. She’s got a great example in the video below where she searches for her exact video title with her name . . . and, well, she’s not the number one hit, I’ll tell you that.
You can search her channel for the vidya on Antifa®. The first one hit over a million people. This one was at less than 15,000 (LINK).
For whatever reason, Antifa™ is a sensitive subject for the Left. They don’t want people knowing about the group that’s responsible for riot after riot all across the country. The FBI® has joined them, with the Director noting that Antifa™ isn’t an organization, it’s an ideology. I wonder if he wear Stalin PJ’s?
YouTube™ will, if they bother to answer it at all, blame it on the algorithm, expecting us normies to not understand that every single algorithm is written by a human. Or at least an autistic person who they pay with chicken tenders.
Fox News™ doesn’t have that excuse. Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, was on some news show on Fox®. Newt was shut down for mentioning that George Soros funded the campaigns of dozens of far-Left District Attorneys. Fat George is proud of this. He’s bragged about this.
But Newt mentioning this? Forbidden. Fox News© shut him down. Cold. Don’t take my word for it, watch it here (LINK). It’s less than a minute.
It’s like the computer chip that Fox™ HR put into their heads started putting electroshocks into their brainstems.
What subjects can’t you even mention anymore? Antifa® and George Soros, certainly. How many others?
The second type of Silenced Majority are people who don’t speak. Why? Fear. They live in fear because a person on the Left can make the most outrageous claims and have job security. Heck, job security? Make outrageous claims in some organizations and you’ll be rewarded.
“All White people are racist.” Yup. You can say that and not get fired. Heck, in some companies you’re required to say it. You can work in academia and call people who disagree with you “subhuman” on Twitter® and pray for their extermination. As long as the people you’re insulting are on the Right, of course. Your punishment for that? Enjoying your tenured position and taxpayer-funded job.
After I asked my astrophysics professor how stars died, he responded, “Overdose, usually.”
But saying something simple and factual like, “The autopsy report on George Floyd showed that he was as high as my electric bill in summer after I left all of the windows open, the AC set on 60°F (8,675,309°C. or “Jenny” degrees), the oven open and set at ‘broil’, and a pack of 37 blenders running continuously for a month.”
Factually, that’s correct. George Floyd was so high you can see his footprints on the Moon. George Floyd nearly certainly killed himself with drugs. But could you say that at the typical workplace that has offices and desks and HR?
I was amazed at how many people are offended by breastfeeding. Heck, I was just trying to bond with my dog.
But if you offended someone?
Then you’d be fired. And then HR would whisper “fillintheblankaphobe” every time you tried to get a reference. Good luck finding work after that, right?
And, yes, the idea isn’t that you said something offensive, it’s that you offended someone. That’s the standard. And in 2020, every single Leftist is looking to be offended. Wear a Trump 2020 hat? I’m sure that you’ll say something to upset some Leftist burrowed into your organization. They’re watching. Understand they don’t want justice, they want Social Justice, which to them means you being fired.
There are dozens of other, equally factual comments you could make that would get you fired. Cisco Systems® fired several people after diversity training. What did they do? Well, on was fired for saying “All lives matter.” So you can be sure that whatever those people said was the worstest evar!
I Googled® cigarette lighters, and got over 56,000,000 matches.
Another example? James Damore was fired from Google®. Why? He questioned the “ideological echo chamber” at Google™. Since (for now) it’s illegal to fire an employee in California for their political ideology, it’s likely that Mr. Damore walked away with a big pile of cash – but he’s the exception, not the rule.
The idea of the Left is to take us from the Silent Majority to the Silenced Majority. They don’t want anything to spoil their “ideological echo chamber” because the one thing that Leftists cannot tolerate is competing ideas, especially competing ideas that work.
Nixon had this one right. He wasn’t alone, at least not then. But you’re not alone now.
And they can’t stop the signal.