Health, Media, And Distrust

“That’s because there’s no logical reason Vitamin C would cure polio.” – House, M.D.

What’s worse than misplacing your keys?  Polio.

I really don’t have to tell you how deep the distrust in society is today.  In many cases, it is for good and heckin’ valid reasons.  That will be the theme for the next three posts, starting with today’s post.

Media distrust is at all-time highs in the United States.  There’s an old Soviet joke about their newspapers, Pravda (which means “Truth” in English) and Izvestia (which means “The News” in English):

“There’s no truth in Pravda and no news in Izvestia.”

Especially in 2020 and (now) in 2021, our news has been so corrupted as to make Stalin jealous.  Sadly, this has consequences.

I’ll start off by stating the obvious:  COVID-19 is a real disease.  There have been fatalities.  If you read Aesop’s blog (LINK), you can get a firsthand account of his dealing with it as a medical professional.  It isn’t pleasant reading, but it is truth, and when it comes to COVID-19, I trust Aesop more than the CDC.  Also?  I’d rather read the unpleasant truth than pretty little lies, any day.

Editor:  “I want that fable on my desk, AESOP!”

It also isn’t pleasant when he comes over to this place and (validly) punches me in the mouth with all of the subtlety of a Devil Dog storming a German trench when I get my medical stuff wrong.  I actually appreciate that since I want the truth to get out, regardless of ideological consequence.  (Though sometimes it stings.  And I’m sure he’ll remind me to get the shingles vaccine when I get older.)

But yet . . . Dr. Anthony Fauci said this on March 8, 2020:

“There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.”

Remember, no matter how useless you think you are, there’s always Dr. Fauci.

On April 3, 2020, Fauci changed his story:

On masks, he said, “If everybody does that, we’re each protecting each other.”

Fair enough, people change their minds, right?  But it later came out that the context of the first statement was built on a lie:  “ . . . masks were not recommended for the general public, as authorities were trying to prevent a mask shortage for health workers . . . .”

How hard is it to say . . . “We don’t know.  Masks might work.  But right now there’s a shortage and we’re asking you to save those masks that are available for health workers”?

It’s not hard.  And it’s honest.  When they lie to you, that tells you what they think of you.

Now, Fauci recently (January 2021) said that maybe you should wear two masks.  In his case that makes sense – one for each of his faces.

I can now tell if a person has a mustache even if they have a mask on.  I guess I’m hairivoyant.

Now we end up with the COVID-19 vaccine.

To be clear:  I’m not an anti-vaxxer.  My kids have all of their shots – that’s why they get the tag from the vet.

What, the tags are for the dogs?

Oops.  No wonder Pugsley tries to keep hiding his collar and bell and rabies tag under his t-shirt when he goes to school.

Additionally, there is clear evidence that some vaccines have done some significant amounts of good:

  • Smallpox has been eradicated – like my jokes, it’s a killer. But smallpox is like one of my obscure jokes – no one gets it anymore.
  • Polio? What’s that?
  • Others: Measles and mumps were (for a time) eradicated in the United States, though the number of lives saved annually due to measles might be as low as 400 a year due to the vaccine (LINK) and may be half that or less.  Also?  The biggest decline in measles deaths took place years before the vaccine was released.

Oh, wait, I guess I just asked.

But let’s go back to polio.  While the vaccine was new, one batch had polio that wasn’t “killed” and it infected hundreds of thousands of kids.  Another version was contaminated with SV-40, a virus from monkeys (it was a relic of how the vaccine was produced) that produces cancer in some lab critters.  SV-40 DNA has been found in various cancers in humans, including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, though it’s considered controversial to say that the polio vaccine triggered those cancers.

Was it worth it to get rid of polio?

I can sit back in 2021 and easily say, “Sure, those aren’t my kids.”  A few parents from 1954 might want to have words with me, though.

Now, the current vaccine is of a type that’s entirely new.  It uses strands of RNA (biological spaghetti that transfers information on how your squishy parts are made) to trigger an immune response by making your immune system sensitive to proteins that are a part of the ‘Rona.

A good idea?  Sure!

A good idea to try on the fly with millions of people in a science experiment?

Hmmm, now I’m not so sure.

Would I want Pugsley to get the vaccine?  At his current age, there is a 0% chance of death if he catches the ‘Rona.  Most likely, he’d never even know he had it.  If I expand his age group to include the few unhealthy kids in their 20s that caught it and died, the chances of death, if he got it, is 0.001%.  For him, driving to school is far, far, more dangerous.

Would I want my son to take a vaccine of an entirely new type when the chances of side effects killing him are by definition equal to (zero is equal to) or greater than his current risk profile from the WuFlu?

Probably not.

What isn’t helping is that discussion of any subject related to COVID-19 is censored on YouTube® if it doesn’t say exactly what Dr. Fauci thinks.  And, as we have established, what he says is demonstrably not guaranteed to be the truth. It might be, but we already know one thing:  the man will lie to us.

Did Hank Aaron die as a result of the Coronavirus vaccine he so publicly took?

I have no idea.

Who would I trust to tell me yes or no, that the vaccine is safe?

I have no idea.

There’s even a toll in California for tying your shoe.  Knot fare.

The radio spouted a daily COVID-19 death toll until the minute Joe Biden was sworn in.  Now?  Not at all.  The only stories I hear now are (mainly) positive vaccine stories.

I just wish we had more Pravda in our Izvestia.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

38 thoughts on “Health, Media, And Distrust”

  1. Wait until all the autoimmune diseases begin en mass from the immune system attacking all the cells in the body that produce the virus protein, as directed by the mRNA

    1. This^^^.

      Quick (OK, not so quick) science lesson. Amino acids are a category of small molecules of biological importance. Twenty different ones are used in the human body and float around loose in the fluid of your cells, placed there by digesting the food you eat, particularly meat. Proteins are chains of these amino acids, kinda like a pearl necklace. The order of the amino acids in the chain determine the 3D shape of the protein, basically making each protein a unique kind of lego block that can only attach to a specific other chemical in the body. DNA and RNA contain “instructions” on how to order the amino acids to make a particular protein. The instructions for one protein are held in a strip of DNA / RNA called a “gene”. There’s around 30,000 genes in human DNA, coding for 30,000 different proteins that are all used someplace in your body. The DNA/RNA instructions are “transcribed” by your cells into proteins by a big blobby amino-acid-grabbing thing call a ribosome, of which you have many in every cell.

      A whole bunch of Nobel Prizes were given out to be able to gain the knowledge encapsulated in that background paragraph. Yay science. Anyway…

      Some proteins are not meant to be in your body – those making up the bodies of infectious bacteria and viruses. Your immune system can make (upon contact with an infection) a unique, new protein (“antibodies”) not coded for in your DNA that has exactly the right lego shape to bind with and deactivate an invading infective protein. COVID vaccines target the “spike protein” that are on the outside of the virus that makes it look like a microscopic sea urchin.

      Traditional vaccines have all cultivated mass quantities of particular virus target proteins in EXTERNAL BIOREACTORS like chicken eggs. Historically it’s been these purified PROTEINS that have been injected into people to trigger an immune response and infer immunity. This tried and true method has been perfected and utilized now for literally hundreds of years. And it takes literally many years to cultivate and purify the massive amounts of proteins required to do a vaccination program in this way.

      In a pandemic, there’s not years available to ramp up a vaccination program. Operation Warp Speed has turned loose the mad scientists to find a faster way. They have two ideas, one tried experimentally in the 1980s and halted from the death of the test subject, and another idea that is so new it has never really been tried at all.

      The common theme in both ideas is to make YOU the bioreactor that manufactures the virus proteins you are using to activate your immune system.

      This is the very definition of an autoimmune response like lupus, and there is absolutely zero past experience to verify it is a good idea with acceptable unintended consequences. So Operation Warp Speed is literally a science fair experiment about to be run on the entire human race.

      Making YOU the bioreactor for virus proteins requires that DNA/RNA instructions for making that protein have got to be placed in many, many of your cells. There’s two ways to do this.

      One way (Pfizer, Moderna) is to put billions of one-gene RNA strips into tiny, tiny TINY bubbles of plastic made of PEG. These microbubbles are able to work their way into your cells, where they release their RNA payload which hijacks your ribosomes for “unauthorized” protein production. The ultra-cold storage required by these vaccines are necessary to prevent breakdown of the PEG bubbles.

      The other way (J&J, Oxford, the Russian Sputnik-V) is to genetically engineer the DNA of a “harmless” common-cold adenovirus and let it infect you. Injecting DNA into cells and hijacking ribosomes to make viral proteins is what viruses do. However, their DNA can and often does become incorporated permanently into your own genetic code, unlike one-use RNA which breaks down after going thru a ribosome. This offers the prospect of “gene therapy” to fix genetic diseases, but when this was specifically tried in a 1980s experiment (on a “bubble boy” with no immune system and grim prospects for survival untreated), the test subject died.

      There’s a whole stable of human common-cold adenoviruses that can be use in a DNA vaccine, but any particular one of them will have a lot of people already exposed to it and thus immune to it. So human adenoviruses cannot be used in a universal vaccine for all people. The solution is to use gorilla and chimp adenoviruses that humans have had no widespread prior exposure to, isolated in the past year from zoo poop. Fun science fact.

      SO…enjoy the fruits of science! The protein-based polio vaccinations in sugar cubes I remember from my youth are from a different era. Today you get your choice of getting your body saturated either with microplastics or ape viruses to invoke an autoimmune response before you even get started on developing COVID immunity. Have fun, and welcome to the 21st Century!

  2. It is necessary to hold two concepts in tension, one that the Chinese bioweapon/coronavirus is a real disease and has potentially very serious symptoms and can be fatal, especially for vulnerable populations, and two that the response to the Wuhan flu has been driven almost exclusively by political rather than health considerations. Should old people and other vulnerable people get the vaccine? Sure, just as they should probably wear masks. The bulk of the population? No thanks.

    1. The value of all non-medical grade masks is as (1) spit guards for close(r) contact situations and (2) Self-soothing magick fetishes.

      Use the safest mask you can: Either an easily sanitized plastic spit guard, or a cheap paper disposable mask (if you can train yourself not to touch your face, and swop out after every couple of hours)

      Fabric masks, unless treated like combo plastic/paper (swap out *and* sterilize) increase your risk of bacterial pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. Get coronachan while you’ve spiked your respiratory bacterial load and hey-O, here comes the Wuhan Gurgling Death. See Spanish Flu deaths from dirty cloth masks.

      Also the skeevy dirt-bag aristos demand you wear them like a yellow star, so there’s that to consider. Tough one, I admit. My own choice is the plastic: Safe, effective, thumb in the eye to the nouveau Gestapo. But I use the paper for work because many of my colleagues Branch Covidians and are scared and stressed, and the paper has that soothing magick-crystal effect. Ah well.

      It is also important to remember that this disease is way more deadly if you live somewhere where you won’t/can’t get ivermectin* or hydoxychloroquine (the red-China-virus-Tamiflu), all the local clinics were killed by the lockdown, and the 30- to 1-hour drive away hospital is still using the ventilator “death machine” protocol. All if which is probably true of Mr. Aesop’s location.

      *Why are anti-parasitics so good at shutting down this thing early on? I cannot find anyone looking into that. So odd.

  3. Good write up today. Back in December a group of us were standing around a campfire and talking. I as usual was saying what I think and then a friend of mine, doctor at a VA, exploded on me. Said a lot of things he shouldn’t have after all I have done is praise him for his military service and medical service to veterans. It did not bother me as I sensed his frustration with a repeated death and dying veteran story he spoke of. I fortunately got the conversation ended by stating I just wanted the truth. After thinking about it awhile I went to him him and said I know you really did not mean what you said but I hope your rant on me helped you let some steam off. He said it did and apologized. We have spoken a few times since that day but my felling is other witnesses have no clue what we have said to each other. If only they could know how we really feel.

  4. If the non-vaccine was really a vaccine (killed virus that triggers immune response), I’d take it. But it isn’t … and, as you point out, John, I don’t know who I’d trust to tell me that it is. So, this 66-year old says, stuff that jab up the fundamental aperture. I’ve got a bunch of white male privilege anyway. I’ll give up my place in line to all those POCs and stuff.

    1. Heheh

      Well, again, a dearth of information. Is the vaccine really effective? For how long? Against what strains?

      I’m not sure anyone knows. And long term?


  5. When you can’t find the truth, the truth is what you believe. That’s tragic, since ignorance is something everyone has, and those who should be trusted with facts are too busy chasing their careers down the toilet. They could calm the fears of many, help society understand there are certain unavoidable consequences, and a wiser society would demand honesty to insure liberty.

    Unfortunately, it appears we’re past the point of trust, and have to wade through the problems this creates. Somewhere in the future, I can only hope people stop believing everyone is dishonest. Until then, there’s too much proof to think otherwise.

  6. Johnson and Johnson have a new vaccine coming out in February/March. Different method, looks quite a bit safer. US purchased 100MM doses.

    1. Yes and its funny from yesterday afternoon Friday on MSM when it was 66 percent effective by this morning it has gone up to 85 percent effective. Amazing

  7. It’s my contention that Phony Fauci made up the two mask BS when called out for a practice I’ve noticed quite a lot lately-

    TPTB are wearing the mostly useless cloth masks as part of the ongoing propaganda/theater knowing full well it only protects others and not them, but UNDERNEATH they are wearing the mostly unobtainium N95 mask which WILL protect them from others. They then don’t have to explain why their mask is different and BETTER than the ones the public are encouraged/forced to wear thru simple economics.

    There are lots of pictures that show the literal ‘mask slipping’ to reveal a white mask under the cloth mask.

    FWIW, I wear my N95* in public. I’m starting to see some come available thru aftermarket sources so supply must be loosening in some places. Here in TX the mask mandates are mostly ignored and it’s up to businesses and individuals to do what they want. I see the full spectrum when I’m out and about, from being told “You don’t need to wear that in here” to businesses enforcing mask use to even enter the building. As it SHOULD be in a free state.


    *I’ve got a good supply of all the PPE because of Aesop, and the ebola outbreak in Dallas. CDC has been saying for over a decade that a pandemic was inevitable, so I believed them and took what steps I could. That CDC was so unprepared themselves when the pandemic arrived was criminal in my book.

    1. I had a bunch of N-95 masks because (when I bought them) they were cheap, and since I had a shop project that involved a lot of dust . . .

  8. If you look back a few months, you’ll see lots of skepticism about a certain President’s assertion that a vaccine is almost ready. (IIRC, the big announcement came juuuust after the election.) Here’s a good discussion of the risks of the covid vaccines, from back before The Party was telling us all to take the shot.

    THIS item appears to be struggling to present a rebuttal. If you’re too busy to read the text, you could just look at the truth-o-meter pointing to “mostly false”, but watch how cautious they are: “Newswise — Posts claiming that the COVID-19 vaccine will lead to more severe disease went viral on social media platforms (examples here and here). The claim is based on the observation of more severe disease occurring in individuals who received vaccines such as the one for dengue fever. In a 2018 study, scientists at La Jolla Institute for Immunology showed that newborn mouse pups harboring anti-Zika antibodies were more vulnerable to death from dengue exposure than mice that lacked anti-Zika antibodies. This likely due to a phenomenon known as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). However, ADE has not been shown to occur in individuals that received COVID-19 vaccines to date.”

    “has not been shown… to date.” The date: December 1, 2020.

    I stand, with so many of my gracious peers, willing to let someone else take my place in line for early vaccination.

    (And every dinner is topped off with some citrus fruit, 2000 IU of vitamin D, and a multi-vitamin, with Zinc+Vit C lozenges in stock in case of symptoms.)

    1. Vitamin D is essential for thousands of human body functions.
      An inadequate amount can be lethal.

      Each time you do your labs, test your level of Vitamin D as part of your lipid panel.

      I discovered my level was seventeen — ‘life-threatening’ according to my physician.
      After twenty thousand units daily for a year — with monthly labs — my Vitamin D level is mid-eighties.

      I did that massive overdose with the supervision of a trusted physician.
      An excess level of Vitamin D can lead to severe health issues including cancers.

      1. Funny how the hardest hit are Vit. D deficient (more melanated or stuck in Pensioner Prison).

        Seems to be a big difference between reported deaths in Northern countries versus Africa, India or tge Phillipines. Seems Nigeria, with half the population of the US, has around 1400 deaths, and India is now giving $2.85 packs of Ivermectin/Azithromycin/zinc to keep their people from dying.

        Even Aesop said over 60% of those in the coof-wards were of the dusky hue, but it is Mexifornia.

  9. Lovable Uncle Joe hasn’t cured it yet as part of the unity?
    Maybe we could get the bestest vaccine evarz jab down at the local Gamestop.
    What do you mean we can’t see the list of what is in it and the makers are immune from any lawsuits?
    The CCP is laughing at this soft weak society and how easy it was to conquer.
    With the help of a fifth column of clueless traitorous sellouts in the sulfur stench ridden swamp.
    Esteemed party member comrade kommissar Dr. Fraudski is a Peter Principle bureaucrat who doesn’t give a rip about America or traditional Americans.
    Why did he say that Trump would be tested by a pandemic several years ago?

    “All war is deception.” – Sun Tzu

    The opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.” – Sun Tzu

    “The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.” – Sun Tzu

  10. Dr. Fauci is not nearly as famous for his handling of the HIV virus as he ought to be. As Mr. Aesop would say, you could look it up.


    Call it the Gell-Mann tech effect. Why do we expect the kind of scientific researchers who value critical race theory over organic chemistry to build the same kind of vaccines that their peers with the opposite values did when we got our smallpox jabs?

    I want a new Tetanus vaccine (need one, actually) and I’m dead torn on whether I can get one that works.

    Honk. Honk.

  11. John,

    Don’t get your shingles vax when you get older.

    Get it before you get older.

    Best wishes,

    P.S.: “Fauci Is An Idiot Jackhole.”©RaconteurReport, 2014

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