In Their Own Words

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

33 thoughts on “In Their Own Words”

  1. Back when the GOP was busily normalizing torture, one of the things I feared was that eventually Republicans would be tortured. Somehow, seeing my prophecy be fulfilled is not at all comforting.

    1. Establishment GOP was normalizing enhanced interrogation of legitimate threats. The #FashLeft has always been all about punishing political opponents. As they say, Socialists mass murder to steal power, but Communists steal power to mass-murder. Without hate and spite, there could be no Marxism. South Africa is just a preview of what the same Global Cabal that runs THAT has in mind for US here in the final days of the USA.

    2. You were right, and I was wrong.

      Admittedly, I went full spectrum dewberry and insisted that torture (1) worked, and (2) only applied to non-combatants on the field of battle and (3) was still a terrible thing. But still. I helped to move that Overton window.

      So kiddos, if I cannot get it right from the starting gate, at least I can be an example of what not to do

      So: Even if the people fighting (or defending) “X” tell lies about it, and are egregiously obnoxious, and repellent: Judge X on its own merits.

      My husband likes to say that the Devil loves to get folks fighting to the death over Coke vs. Pepsi, when high-fructose corn syrup is killing them.

    3. Trump’s been kicking you in the **** so much it made you stupid. Sad!

      Edited. Language.

    4. It’s not waterboarding if you use diesel.

      It made no difference if the Republicans “normalized” it or not. The Fascist Left was going to use it on any one not them anyway.

  2. “Norsefire” party in the making – next will be labels such as the gold star from the Nazi’s
    Demonization of anything first starts with taking their voice away. Which allows the double standard of censorship.
    ” do as I say, not as I do”
    Be careful out there,
    remember David carried five stones, Goliath had brothers.

    1. These are NOT “PRIVATE COMPANIES” They are PUBLICLY traded on the NASDAQ and ANYONE may purchase shares.
      I demand TWITTER, FACEBOOK, GGOGLE, YOUTUBE, be barred from accessing the TAXPAYER FUNDED internet for Violating the terms of the United States Constitution and cenying American Citizens FREE SPEECH.
      These PUBLICLY TRADED Corporations are violating OUR Constitutional Rights and their Boards of Directors should be Criminally Prosecuted. Facebook and Twitter both hide behind the LIE that, “Hey, we’re private companies” They ARE NOT private, they are PUBLICLY TRADED on the NASDAQ
      A federal appeals court ruled that President Trump is not allowed to block people on Twitter over statements he does not like, affirming a lower court’s decision that declared the president’s account a “public forum. Then ALL of TWITTER is a PUBLIC FORUM.
      Furthermore, in “Marsh vs Alabama.” Marsh was forbidden to hand out religious tracts in a company-owned town in Alabama. Marsh won.SCOTUS ruled that a private corporation operating in a public capacity is legally bound by the First Amendment.
      They advertize themselves as PUBLIC SOCIAL MEDIA and then violate Your Civil RIght of Free .Speech
      Chapter and verse of Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Act. Section 230 states that if a publishing entity wants legal immunity from prosecution for illegal items published on their site, they must decide if they are a publisher. And this means that to receive immunity a publisher cannot censor free speech.
      FACEBOOK, TWITTER, YOUTUBE, REDDIT, GOOGLE are PLACES OF PUBLIC GATHERING, “SOCIAL Media”, and ADVERTISE themselves as PUBLIC places.. They are also PUBLICLY TRADED CORPORATIONS, listed on the New york Stock exchange. File complaints with the SEC, and every “Human Rights” agency. File complaints with the NYSE for Bigotry and Discrimination.
      FACEBOOK is a PUBLIC SPACE therefore it has no right or legal option to censor participants. FACEBOOK is a PUBLICLY TRADED company, NOT a “private entity” and it solicits PUBLIC memberships.
      the FCC removed the telecommunication companies from the Net Neutrality laws and they are to be treated as Internet companies, rather than like regulated phone service companies.So as with ALL companies they cannot DISCRIMINATE.
      They advertise themselves as “Social Media & Public Spaces” so everything that is covered under the First Amendment can be posted there. ….. these “Social Media” can & should also be sued for violating People’s 1st Amendment RIGHTS to speak freely in PUBLIC SPACES.
      giant tech firms that are publically traded that take government subsidies are not private. They should have to follow the same rules that all government contractors have to follow.
      Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc. engaging in politically motivated censorship is like your meter reader shutting off your electricity because you have a Trump sign on your lawn. These social media have become like public utilities and therefore have no right to engage in political censorship. It is way past time to impose common carrier status on social media. Just like the phone company cannot censor your conversations there, social media should not be allowed to interfere with content there. Social media is the modern day phone company.
      “It is way past time to impose common carrier status on social media.”
      Meanwhile, Ajit Pai of the FCC has disallowed common carrier status for ISPs and, moreover, has allowed them to censor content, block websites, raise prices for everyone, and wage class war by using an excellent standard of speed and service for the rich and an inferior one (slow speed and service) for the non-rich.
      quoted from a reporter (who shall remain nameless): Facebook outright censoring a news link from a newspaper’s website is akin to the delivery driver refusing to deliver the bundle of newspapers anywhere. Do truck drivers get to decide what news should be delivered? They do now, apparently…”
      They are violating OUR CIVIL RIGHTS by denying us the means of communication.
      Nationalize ALL the Tech platforms and subject them to true 1st Amendment RIGHTS.
      TAKE ALL the money & assets of the Tech Billionaires for violating OUR Constitution.
      It is none of TECH’S business to decide what I can see and hear …..It is MY RIGHT to make MY DECISIONS. That is why it is called FREEDOM of SPEECH.

  3. John – – Sobering and ominous. The collection is significant and can be used to help “fence-sitters” realize what is coming for them unless they join with the freedom crowd. Your posting is the cold water that fence sitters need to wake up before Pastor Neiomoller’s statement (1943?) comes true:

    “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist.
    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Trade Unionist.
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
    Then they came for Me – and there was no one left to speak for Me.”

    Sadly, this situation we face is one that the media generated (and I will add: vociferously and energetically generated). It will degrade into bloody confrontations, reprisals, and the internecine warfare Kansas and Missouri saw during our 2nd Civil War (1861-1865).

    I found the following to be most appropriate yesterday while dwelling on this situation/issue and saved it because it says so much on this issue:

    ….”Despite a full sweep of the political landscape, the left remains consumed by a collective fit of rage, hysteria and raw emotion that shows no sign of abating. Why? Partly due to political immaturity in the ranks, and partly because ‘victory’ for the left no longer means victory at the polls; these fanatics, for that is really what they are, will not rest easy until the political opposition is shorn of its voice and representation. In other words, when it is completely and unequivocally obliterated. And given the political proclivities of Big Tech and Big Media, those dreams are dangerously within reach.”


  4. The creepy PBS lawyer was fired.

    If you don’t have a VPN, time to find one. The problem isn’t necessarily that you might be visiting “wrongthink” sites; the problem is that they’ll declare places to be “wrongthink” even if they were approved “just fine” the day before.

    Next step will be outlawing VPNs, of course.

    1. Along with a VPN, change the DNS settings assigned by your ISP. If you are using the default DNS settings, then your ISP is already knows every website you access.

  5. Funny, I don’t want Biden either, and I am not against the concept of revenge. Just that I would direct it against a whole different cohort of people than the ones they are thinking of.

  6. These people, and I use that term loosely, cannot be reasoned with or bargained with. They can only be removed from a place where they endanger us. How that happens is still to be determined.

    1. Yep. Keep praying that they repent. It’s not that we don’t have it coming (most of us. I know – knew – a handful that really don’t), but God is merciful. And the world is made of miracles and wonders.

      Addenum: Great posts this week, Mr. Wilder!

  7. John – – Perhaps this collection of “TRUTHS” we will be able to wake up the Sheeple who are reluctant to get involved. At some point, people will understand why German Pastor Neimoller said:

    “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist.
    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Trade Unionist.
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
    Then they came for Me – and there was no one left to speak for Me.”

    The day before you published this collection I found the following which I fell encapsulates the totality of your collected “TRUTHS”:

    “Despite a full sweep of the political landscape, the left remains consumed by a collective fit of rage, hysteria and raw emotion that shows no sign of abating. Why? Partly due to political immaturity in the ranks, and partly because ‘victory’ for the left no longer means victory at the polls; these fanatics, for that is really what they are, will not rest easy until the political opposition is shorn of its voice and representation. In other words, when it is completely and unequivocally obliterated. And given the political proclivities of Big Tech and Big Media, those dreams are dangerously within reach.”


  8. Shh…don’t tell the comrades that Abe Lincoln was a republican.
    You can’t fool all of the people all of the time and we will be destroyed from within are some other Abeisms.
    The Big Tech Bolsheviks knew that a second term of Trump would mean an end to their intelligence agencies honeypot and they made sure that the Big Steal didn’t fail.
    The Branch Covidiocracy lowest common denominator most popular regime evarz couldn’t run a brothel outside of a lumber mill so don’t be fearful as the band plays faster with the HUGE iceberg coming into view up ahead.

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