How The Left Is Changing Society, And How To Fight: Part II

“You know, in certain older civilized cultures, when men failed as entirely as you have, they would throw themselves on their swords.” – Serenity

What do you call a two dead parrots?  Pollygons.

This is part two of the series on social structures and control.

Most (stress on “most”) Western Nations adopted a modified version of a new social order between 1776 and 1920.  It looked like this:

  • Absent or Figurehead Monarch: The idea of absolute rule by King melted away, and was essentially done in the first world by 1920.  I mean, we dudes all still dream about it, but it’s gone.
  • Government Bureaucrats: The core of government power now flowed into an unelected bureaucracy that was, more or less, immune to election.  When governed by a Constitution, this was good.  When governed by avarice, not so much.  Thankfully, most of the bureaucrats in the twentieth century were governed by bad eyesight and a to close the window for lunch, if the DMV is any clue.
  • Elected Leadership: The idea that elected leaders subject to the will of the people would be the ones to run the government was a noble one.  Sadly, we started electing at least some dirtbags from the start.
  • Military Leaders: A professional military, generally subservient to the civilian leaders but still with cool uniforms.
  • Clergy: A strong church presence, though unofficial, was still the backbone of the country’s morality.  Some priests even became lawyers, or what we would call a father-in-law.
  • Constitution: At least in the United States, the Constitution was the basis of civic religion for the majority of the people.  In other countries, there were other things, like Great Britain and the King or Queen or Meghan Markle.  It was a basis for the foundation of the nation (or, country).
  • Big Business: In the twentieth century, big business (including big banking) finally grew to the point that it was able to be a primary force in society, providing products and jobs for the voters, donations for the leadership class, and, apparently, lots of fedoras.
  • Middle Class: This was the engine of prosperity – working to build the economy.  For a large part of the twentieth century government policy was focused on increasing this segment, since they were the spark plugs that both worked the line for GM® as well as ran the plants.
  • Lower Class: The big goal of most first world nations was to shrink this class, through education and sometimes direct payments.  Making them productive, it was felt, would be a win for civilization as a whole.

Although not optimum, this version of civilization was built on a solid structure that focused on the atom:  the family.  It tried to take feedback from voters, protect their rights, and create wealth and happiness for most.  It was an example of what happens when the people and the economy and the government more or less agree on virtue as the basis of society.

If honesty is a virtue, why doesn’t anyone want to hear the truth?

Yes, there were flaws.  But compared to today?

The flaws were miniscule.  It actually worked very, very well.  For a while.  But what was happening when the Left was in charge?  Well, you got a very, very different structure.

That’s not the power structure of most modern-day dictatorships.  That power structure assumes a Dear Leader, secret police, no church, a frightened military, and everyone else shoved into the frightened peasant class.  The culture there has nothing to do with any traditions, has nothing to do with religion, has nothing to do with trust (trust no one is the motto in lands with a secret police) and has nothing to do with Truth, Virtue or Beauty, since those are viciously stamped down if they conflict with the will of Dear Leader.

  • Dear Leader: The top was an individual.  Certainly, there were committees, but the basis was an individual.    Lenin.  Mao.  Kim.  The government didn’t revolve around them:  they were the government.
  • Secret Police: Dear Leader can’t be everywhere, all the time, so the next best thing was a hated and feared secret police.  Is it better to be hated or feared?  If you are Dear Leader, you want both.  You want the people to fear the secret police, but you also want the people to hate the secret police so that they could never govern.
  • Scared, Weak Military: Dear Leader needs a military, but they need to be scared of being replaced or killed.
  • Scared, Weak Bureaucrats: If the guys with tanks are scared, what hope do they have?
  • Scared, Weak Everyone Else: If the guys who assign Boris his Commieflat are scared, what hope does Boris have?

What size soda does Kim order?  A supreme liter.

The atom of a dictatorship isn’t a family, it’s an individual.  The goal of a dictatorship is weak families and no middle class.  The goal is to create distrust and to have parents not trust their children, nor spouses trust each other.  One of the first actions of the commie Spanish Republic was to make abortion legal, and eliminate marriages because they wanted to “make women equal”.

The reality was the Spanish commies wanted to destroy family ties so that the state was the unquestioned leader.  This creates a different kind of stability – one based on constant fear and no trust.  I wonder if that sounds familiar to anyone?

We are watching most of the Western World morphing from their old structure into the structures that Dear Leader would love.

  • Uniparty: Most of the Democrat mainstream and Republican mainstream have the same “values”, with only a variation or two.  The Republicans acted like the neighborhood dog that finally caught the car when the Supreme Court revoked the absolute right of women to kill babies “because it’s Tuesday” and had no real plans.  Abortion was a fundraiser, not a real issue to them.
  • Converged Bureaucrats: Bureaucrats in the FedGov are now out only for themselves and the bureaucracy they serve.  The ATF doesn’t care if you have guns, really.  The ATF just wants to have funding and to be able to shoot the family dog on Tuesdays.
  • Incipient Police State: Don’t think we have a police state that hands out unfair punishments?  Type “January 6” into a search engine sometime . . .
  • A Vanishing Clergy: Church used to be an important touchstone – in the 1950s some banks wouldn’t give a mortgage if the pastor of your church didn’t speak favorably about your character.  Extreme?  Probably not – it kept a place in the community for virtue.  The goal of the Left is that they have the monopoly on defining virtue.  Hey, Live, Laugh, Love, right?
  • A Captive Press: When was the last time anyone in the Mainstream Media actually tried to challenge The Narrative?  Oh, yeah, Tucker Carlson.
  • Twisted Constitution: The Constitution of the United States was written on plain language so the common citizen could understand it.  Now?  Emanations and penumbras and twisting of “thou shalt not” into “thou shalt” has made Constitutional law like a game of limbo – how low can you go?  That the Civil Rights Act is now more important than actual Constitutional protections is all you need to know.
  • Subservient Military: Obama spent a lot of time and effort clearing out high-level officers in the military that weren’t on the Left.  Notice that none of the top brass pushed back against the vaxx mandate?
  • Big Business: Big business has always had inordinate power due to their size and the amount of money they control (this includes big banks).  During the last 40 years big business has dominated and destroyed most profitable small business niches.  This results in a . . .
  • Much Smaller Middle Class: The middle class is smaller and poorer than at any time in my life.  This is getting ready (over the next two years) to get much worse.
  • Everyone else: This is the goal – that 80% plus of the population are stuck, working paycheck to paycheck, unable to accumulate wealth, and having their saved money inflated away.

The values of this brave new world aren’t anchored by any sort of church.  Values in 2023 move around every day at the whim of the Left.  It’s all coordinated, too.  Whatever value that they want is pushed through channels to the public, often with movies and television shows backing it up using emotionally laden content to transmit the message.  Remember those “very special episodes”?  Yup, all of them were propaganda.

But he was such a good boy.  Never hurt anyone.

They had left the Internet and alternative media alone.  Probably, it was left for a safety valve and because most Normies get their news and opinions from Mainstream sources.  In reality, especially in the aftermath of Trump being meme’d into office in 2016, the hammer has started to come down.  Information wants to be free, but the Left has taken the Dear Leader approach to information.

Ever notice that comment segments on news stories went from “nearly every news story has one” to “Comment section?  What’s that?” in a span of just a few years?  The problem was that people in the comment section were making too much sense.  The people in the comment section were exposing the lies in the news stories.  They had to be dealt with.

Websites like mine have been “detuned” from the search algorithms.  This makes it harder for normies to find places that have unapproved ideas.  YouTube® has veered into censorship, having kicked podcasts off the air for simply arguing against the vaxx or agreeing with the very real possibility that the 2020 elections were hijacked.

My computer started to cuss after the processor got too hot.  I had to install a heat censor.

But not all is lost.  Elon Musk has made “Community Notes” a thing.  They’re a way to point out the Lies of the Left and those that hate Truth, Beauty, Steak, Families, and Nations.

This is how they’re targeting us, and how they have targeted us over decades.  The wonderful part is that we have Truth, Beauty, Steak, Families and the power of Nations on our side.  And people are waking up – 30% to 40% of all voters (not just those on the Right) believe the 2020 election was illegitimate.  This is despite widespread censorship of this idea.

Keep spreading the Truth.  Practice virtue and push your church (if you have one) to be more virtuous, rather than another Leftist conquest.  Starve Big Business, when you can.  Buying from local farmers gives them more money and keeps the money away from people who hate you.

If your misery is caused by paranoia, I can tell you you’re not alone.

We can’t wait until plate tectonics splits California off into an island, and the good news is that we won’t have to.  As I’ve said before, we will win.

We are inevitable.

Bikinis, Garbage Loans, And Fishy Finance

“A 30-year mortgage at Michael’s age essentially means that he’s buying a coffin. Now, if I were buying my coffin, I would get one with thicker walls.” – The Office

Most garbage workers don’t get official training.  They pick it up as they go along.

The Big Solution to the Great Recession was printing lots of money.  I would have (back then) thought that it would have hit the economy all at once.  In reality, what the Federal Reserve® and the Treasury did was send all that money they printed off to the banks.

The banks didn’t lend it.  They kept it on the books, and in fact many of them redeposited their free money with the Fed™.  In reality, the Fed© was scared about was the entire system locking up.  It was pretty bad in 2009 – basic chemicals that were necessary (say, sulfuric acid) for a basic, functioning economy just stopped production.

No one knew who had money, or who would have money.  As one friend of mine noted at the time, “When the tide goes out, you finally see who isn’t wearing swimming trunks.”

My office above a bank, my assets over tens of millions of dollars.

The inflation stayed “within target” for the Fed™, flipping up and down around 2% during the decade following.  Again, with all of the money printed, I expected it to be more, and I still don’t trust the official government figures on inflation since that would be like trusting a used-car salesman on that gently used 1995 Ford Taurus© with only 350,000 miles on it.

COVID was the final straw, though.  People produced less stuff, so there was a lower supply.  The government printed a lot more money and then gave it to everyone, who most definitely didn’t save it, and in fact bid prices up on everything.  Making nothing and buying everything?

Inflation.  Or my ex-wife.

Inflation finally triggered interest rates to go up.  That posed a problem for the banks.  Let’s take me:  I have a small mortgage left on Stately Wilder Manor.  I’m in no hurry to pay it off because I can get a CD for 5.5%, but my mortgage is only 4%.

How did Metallica stop people from pirating their music?  They started releasing garbage.

My mortgage is worth less to the banks now than I owe on it – if I were another bank, they’d sell it to me for less than I owe.  That’s a problem for banks that have exposure to mortgages and didn’t sell them off or hedge them.

It’s not just mortgages – Silicon Valley Bank® decided to invest in lots of long-term bonds and such because inflation had been so low.  Buy a corporate bond yielding 4%, pay depositors 1%, and profit!

But when interest rates started heading upward, the same sort of math as with the bank that owns my mortgage applies – what used to be worth $100 is now only worth, say, $80.  Oops.  When the people who put hundreds of millions of dollars into the bank, money that wasn’t insured, find out?

Bank funs.  Er, bank runs.

And it’s gone . . .

How bad was it?  Of the $172 billion deposited at the bank, only 11% was covered by deposit insurance.  I imagine that there were quite a few tense billionaires like Oprah worried that she’d have to get a job at the McDonald’s® drive through, and how could she resist those perfectly salty fries?

Since billionaires were in danger, the FDIC immediately said, “Rules?  Who needs those.  All money is safe in Bartertown!”

My initial expectation is that we’d see more bank failures right around now as interest rates increased and the piles of garbage on the balance sheets of the banks started to rot.  Instead?  Banks are still (I believe) happily lending money borrowed by the Fed™.

How do they do it?  They manage to do it by having the Fed© allow them to mark their assets to what they paid for them, not what they’re worth.  So, they’re lying.  I’m fairly certain the Fed™ is buying this stuff to get it off the balance sheets of the banks and lending them more money whenever they don’t have enough caviar.

Does the Sturgeon General recommend caviar?

The rot, though, is still there – it’s only a matter of who pays for the rot.  Debt always gets paid, the old saying goes, either by the borrower or by the lender.  I do know of two local businesses that are going bankrupt.  Their debt is what drove the bankruptcy.  My guess is that, combined, they have a debt of a million and a half dollars (or so).  Who will pay it?  In the end, the lender will.

I think that might be at least part of the big jump in debt that the United States owes.  As interest rates go up, Uncle Sam is acting like a raccoon and jumping straight into the trash can to eat the garbage loans and bonds that the banks had to throw out because they were stinking up the fridge.  Here’s proof:

England doesn’t have a kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool.

Eventually, printing lots and lots of money is like a magic trick the magician does one too many times and everyone sees how it works.  Will it work this time?

Unrelated, frequent commenter Ray notes this Give Send Go.  I’ll let him explain more. GiveSendGo – Loco Needs Divorce from Prostate: The Leader in Freedom Fundraising.

Globalism, Computer Chips, And Breast Implants

“Bart, the Internet is more than a global pornography network.” – The Simpsons

Biden shooting the Chinese Spy Balloon® is the only thing he’s done to fight inflation so far.

It’s all about the chain.

A global supply chain has some attributes.  Just like money is freely (in most cases) able to cross borders, in a global system labor can cross borders as well, without ever having to leave home.  People in (spins wheel) Bangladesh work for $0.0010 an hour sewing soccer balls?  If they’re as productive (per dollar) as having a machine and skilled operator in the United States do it, the work went to Bangladesh.

This is (if you’re in Bangladesh) probably a good thing since your alternative was farming spider webs or whatever it is that people in Bangladesh eat.  In theory, it’s good for the company that sells soccer balls, since they can (not saying they will, but they can) price them lower, and still produce a profit.  It also would appeal to the women who play soccer while their husbands are in the kitchen doing the dishes in Europe.

Why did the Italian join Tinder®?  He was provalonely.

But what it doesn’t do is help the highly-skilled guy who used to make them in a non-spider web eating country.  In fact, over time the knowledge of all the little tricks that are necessary to make soccer balls cheaply and effectively are lost as they’re transported to Bangladesh.

This might not be such a big deal when it comes to soccer balls, because you can (in a pinch) use the heads of your enemies for one, which would make soccer my favorite sport, ever.  But when it comes to things like computer chips, well, that’s a different story.  I believe it was the head of the Economic Advisors of George H.W. Bush’s White House who made the comment that he didn’t care if Americans were making potato chips or computer chips as long as they had a job.  Oddly, G.H.W. Bush hadn’t had had a job for decades, so, why not?

The question even I don’t know the answer to:  is this my last inflation joke?

Bush’s advisor was wrong.  While Americans were making potato chips, places like Taiwan Semiconductor were making computer chips.  Likewise, they were learning how to make them.  Knowing what’s on a computer chip is nice, but it doesn’t tell me about all the of the steps required to make structures that are so very small that we’re near the limit of shrinking chips because the of the size of the silicon atom itself.  Yeah.  It’s that complicated.  But, hey, we have Ruffles® instead of knowing how to do that.

Making chips of such precision took literally decades of investment, billions of dollars in research, and replicating it is very, very hard, unless you’re China and steal the secrets while putting “your people” in sensitive positions in corporations that do the work.  Oh, did I just describe every industry?

No, there’s an absolute advantage to making computer chips over potato chips.  Building computer chips takes knowledge but it also builds knowledge, some of which can result in additional, new businesses that make use of the technologies developed in building computer chips.  Imagine, a PEZ® dispenser a billionth of an inch (40 Newtons) tall!  This was what the Soviets dreamed of!

Speaking of names, because of inflation, Dollar Tree® will soon be calling itself Tree Dollar®.

It’s not just the high technology parts that go into nearly every appliance, car, and weapons system that is used in the United States, it also applies to commodities like sweet, sweet oil.  It also applies to rare-earth minerals, which China (currently) leads the world in production.

But rare-earth minerals aren’t all that rare – we have them in the United States, but don’t have active mines and refining processes.  Why?  It’s expensive to mine here (labor costs) and it’s expensive to mine here (environmental compliance costs).  So, it’s cheaper to ship the mining off to China and just let them do the dirty work since they (at least in the past) don’t seem to care about losing a few million people to escalators, building collapse, explosions, or whatever other dystopian nightmare you can imagine.

How does a mollusk hide from predators?  Clamoflage.

The downside of this global civilization is that it’s pretty tightly wound.  In most cases, companies don’t like to stockpile “stuff” so they have it delivered just when it’s needed and don’t have a big supply sitting in a warehouse.  When writing for a post a few years ago, I wanted to know how much grain was sitting in the silos near Modern Mayberry (which is near the silos that produced the grain).

The answer surprised me – the silos were nearly always one-half to two-thirds full.  Whoever is making the bread doesn’t want the wheat until they’re ready for it – they certainly don’t store it on site until it’s much closer to becoming a loaf.

COVID exposed the supply chain, and the panic response of the public.  Toilet paper was in short supply not because there wasn’t enough toilet paper, but rather because there wasn’t enough toilet paper capacity to produce 1,000 roles for every person today.

If I had a $0.05 for every bread joke I’ve told, I’d have a pun per nickel.

As warfare hits Ukraine and Israel (and maybe the wider Middle East) and as tensions rachet with China over the status of Taiwan, which just happens to lead the world in computer chip manufacturing, we’ll soon see if the globalism that we’ve faced is as fatal to the fate of nations as it was to so many million middle-class jobs in the United States.  When we (by default) import Bangladeshi labor along with the millions of illegal aliens that we destroy, we (by default, eventually) import the Bangladeshi lifestyle.

Pardon me, I need to research how to cook spider webs.

Maybe The Kids Are Alright?

“We’re a generation of men raised by women. I’m wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.” – Fight Club

The French love my generation.  They say it has a certain Gen X sais quoi.

I can see what’s going on, I really can.  To be fair, there are dozens of things, each day that I see that are signs of The Change.  In many ways, The Change has been coming for decades, and has hit us harder than old age has hit Madonna.

Many of the changes we’ve seen are negative.  I generally write about them on Mondays and Wednesdays.  But Fridays?  No.  Because despite of all of the negatives that I see, I am as certain as the outcome of a vote if a Leftist is counting it that we will win.

What does winning mean?  Well, it doesn’t mean that things will go back to “the way they were” – whatever that was.  We won’t see that because those times are gone.  The new good times will be different in many ways.  Some I can guess because they’re inevitable, and some I can’t even fathom.

No, winning means a place for freedom and families and the things we associate with virtue.  It doesn’t mean endless wealth, and it doesn’t mean endless amusement.

Why is Michael Jackson bad at bowling?  He’s dead.

The big reason that this cannot last is because the current trend is the most unnatural and unstable in the history of humanity, with a few potential exceptions here and there that only lasted for a few decades.

This instability is in our favor.  We can already see that the current boys in high school are fed up with Leftism and everything Woke.  They’re done with it.  They see that Leftism is poison.  They’re rejecting it.

One reason is simple – it’s in the nature of youth to rebel.  And, the Leftists having won so many battles are now The Man.  They’re the ones the boys are rebelling against, and it’s glorious.  The Leftists thought that when they took over and had the ability to control what went in the minds, that was the end of the story.

Yet, the Leftists still think they’re rebels working against the system when they manifestly are the system.  The boys in school can see that, and they react accordingly, completely making those Leftists spitting out the propaganda go crazy.  The Leftists are like like that guy who is in his forties and still is wearing his letter jacket because he wants the kids to think he’s cool.  Now, based on every picture I’ve seen of every Leftist, the word “cool” isn’t remotely the first word I’d use to describe them.  It’s not in the top 100.  In reality, they fall somewhere lower than “turd stooge”.

The Three Stooges can do anything.  They have Moementum.

This turns off the boys.  Now, the girls are another subject altogether because the feminist imperative to teach the gospel of avoiding consequences of actions at all costs seems to resonate with them.  In the turmoil to come, it’s the views of the boys that will matter the most.

The youth has also seen the fruits of Peak Leftism and are disgusted by it.  Just like Gen X was shaped by the time they grew up in, being latchkey kids that learned from an early age to be independent, Gen Z is learning lessons about not trusting the government.

Their pivotal moment (so far) was the insane combination of COVID plus the Fentanyl Floyd riots.  They see that their concept of “equal justice for all” has been tainted by racial politics to twist a system where punishment is based not on the crimes committed, but rather by the victim status of the alleged criminal.

Over three years, drug free!

How will that manifest?  I think it will manifest in a deep distrust of the justice system, and I think that it will lead to, ahem, extrajudicial endings to criminal cases.

They’re also viewing the world and seeing it fall apart with cops that are prevented from arresting mobs looting stores week after week.  As I believe white Gen Xers were propagandized to be the least racist generation in the history of humanity, I believe that white Gen Z kids will view race the same way black Gen Z kids will, with huge distrust.

The next thing in the mix is what hasn’t happened yet – the economic changes that are due.  Just as there is a distrust being built up in the justice and governmental systems, there will be a distrust of money being created out of nothing.  The system is going to, very soon, fail them in a spectacular way.

The economic changes will change them.  We’ll still be able to send billions to the Ukraine, but it won’t matter because a billion won’t buy a Happy Meal®.

In the Ukraine it’s called corruption.  In the United States we don’t talk about it.

Gen X was cynical.  Gen Z will likely be a force of nature.  If they aren’t the hard men, Gen Alpha will be.  We’re that close, folks.

The pendulum is swinging back, and will swing back with a vengeance.  We really have reached Peak Woke or Peak Clown World (honk honk!) and it’s here.  I’ll see the start of The Change, but likely won’t live to see the next Golden Age.

That’s okay.  I know it will be back, and I know this – there will be free men living on this world as long as there are men living on this world.  There are ups and downs, but nothing is finished, this isn’t over.

We will win because we are strong.  And we will win because for thousands of years we’ve been winning, and that won’t stop anytime soon, no matter how dark it looks outside right now.

Enjoy your day.  It’s dark out, but the ending to this story will be glorious.

The Invisible Recession

“1000 points of light . . . recession bad, recovery good . . . I think I’ve got that.” – The Naked Gun 2 ½:  The Smell of Fear

If Dodge® makes an electric car, will they sell Dodge© Chargers™?

Inflation has really started to bite here in Modern Mayberry.  I’m not sure about the Big Cities, but I’ve begun to notice it around here.  Today at lunch I made a trip to McDonald’s®.  It’s rare, most of the time (if I eat lunch at all) I eat at home.  It’s more convenient, and I really, really hate lines, but this was a late lunch and I could drive straight to the window.  But hey, for me, it’s the McChicken®.

The prices at McDonald’s® have gotten silly.  Whereas there used to be enough value in a Big Mac™ to make one of them (occasionally) worth it, it’s just not the case nowadays.  I didn’t spend too much time pondering the price on any of the burgers, since I could get nearly a pound of steak for the price of the average burger-fries-drink combos.  But again, for me, it’s the McChicken™.

What a fun, cool, happening place, if you can get 3-for-free!

Why are people not going out?

The prices are silly.

I think (and I might be wrong) that our local McDonald’s™ just has to match the prices that are (more or less) nationally set by some sweaty accountant in Chicago wearing a Grimace™ costume and questioning the life choices that led him to have to report every day to Stacy, who is forced to wear a Hamburgler© costume.  I can’t see the labor around Modern Mayberry costing nearly as much as in a bigger city.  The food, I would imagine, costs exactly the same as in the bigger cities.

The result?  I’ve noticed that the lines are much shorter at the local fast-food restaurants, even at peak hours.  One of the regional chains hasn’t raised their prices, since all of their restaurants are just scattered around Upper Lower Midwestia and they don’t have to worry about the price of a Quarter Pounder™ in Manhattan.  Their lines are the longest in town, so I follow Yogi Berra’s advice, “Nobody goes there anymore, that place is too crowded.”

Since COVID, my favorite local restaurant has closed.  It was a bona fide restaurant, great service, great food.  Supply chain issues coupled with labor oddities and lower business slowly torpedoed them.  They liquidated before they lost a lot of money – they saw what was coming and wanted to go out on their terms.

I’ve been told that McDonald’s™ was sued once for bugs in their food.  They won the case – no one on the jury believed they used any natural ingredients.

And our world got a little bit smaller, so we now have dinner somewhere else.  It’s cheaper, but I notice that both of the places that we normally go aren’t very busy anymore.  And the waitresses that work there aren’t changing jobs anymore – the good ones are keeping their jobs now.  Something tells me they’re a little harder to get now.

So, if you’re counting restaurants and the people who work there (and those that used to own them) Modern Mayberry definitely has fewer restaurants.  The revenue in the town might be the same, but there are (my guess) 20% fewer customers.

This is the invisible recession.

I always carry some McDonald’s® fries when I walk the dogs in winter.  Fries go great with chilly dogs.

It’s invisible because I’d imagine that, even though McDonald’s® is (visually) selling less McFood©, they’re charging more.  So, higher prices times lower volume is probably about even.  But the value created to the consumer is far, far less even though revenues might be neutral.  Unless you count eating healthier food than McDonald’s™ makes as value.  Heck, Ronald has killed more people than Pennywise.

I suspect this is going on everywhere.  Wages are certainly not keeping up with daily expenses, and those who are less fortunate haven’t had raises that have kept up with inflation.  And why should employers pay more?  In a recent month, a net 1.2 million jobs were “created” but 600,000 Americans lost their jobs.  They were replaced by immigrants (illegal or legal).

Thankfully, corporate profits were saved!

It’s better than when he ran the farm using Artificial Intelligence and had to reboot it all before the power outage – AI, AI, Oh.

Interest rates are up, and I expect they will continue to go up because there is no semblance of any fiscal adulthood in Washington, D.C. on either side of the ball.  The Democrat mantra of “spend more” is always followed by the Republican response of, “Well, okay, but not quite that much” as the dance of the destruction of the currency continues.

I hope I’m wrong, but this is based on the bet that politicians will continue to be weak and craven, and that 2024 is an election year.  What do politicians like during an election year?  A good economy with low inflation.  Failing that, politicians like distractions and spreading money out like AOC on a Saturday night.  If you can’t make a good economy, fake one.

More money floating around means . . . more inflation.  But if wages aren’t going up because there’s a massive influx of illegals?

Just more misery, especially for those at the lower end of the pay scale.  All of the typical Leftist voting blocks will be rewarded, of course.  The standard Leftie professor at the average Leftie college (but I mostly repeat myself) will get raises because the Left takes care of itself and funds itself.  The Left believes in the state and uses it as a propaganda and funding arm.  Why do drama programs get special federal funds?

Because they vote Left.

I guess the finale was shot before a live audience.

But real Americans that aren’t tied into the ecosystem of government gimmes are seeing their difficulties multiply.  Me?  I’ll still mainly skip McDonald’s© and save a few bucks and have more steaks and fewer fries.  But the invisible recession is already here, at least in Modern Mayberry.

But, hey, for me?  It’s the McChicken™.

Mechanisms of Control: Information

“He who controls information controls the world.” – Babylon 5

I was trying to finish a puzzle.  I asked The Mrs., “Can you help me finish this one?  It’s supposed to be a bird.”  The Mrs.:  “Put the Froot Loops back in the box, John.”

Last Wednesday I wanted to write about the mechanisms of financial control.  Of course, there’s always more to write – that post was less than 2,000 words, but if I took the time I could probably write another 20,000 or 80,000 words.

It’s the same with this post.  Even beyond propaganda, a big part of the game is information control.  What information do we get, and where does it come from?

For quite a long time (I haven’t put any effort into going back in time, but it’s been here a while) the control of information has been used to actually create the news that Mainstream Media® uses.  Sure, an earthquake is true and fair news.  But 90% of the news that we are presented with in any given day isn’t news.  Just like “processed cheese spread” or “buttery sauce” don’t contain anything resembling actual cheese or butter, most of the news we have is “manufactured news product” and doesn’t contain much news at all.

Have you heard of Karl’s sister, Onya?  She invented the starter pistol.

A perfect example is George Floyd.  He was a felon and junkie who died of an overdose.  He wasn’t choked.  George Floyd died because he had enough fentanyl in his system to kill Ecuador.  The “news” created by his death was used and amplified for a purpose.  In a normal world, Floyd’s death would have been ignored because “junkie dies of overdose” is another name for “Tuesday”.

Likewise, any sort of violence perpetrated by a white guy against (generally) black people is amplified, often to a national level.  But the reverse?  It’s suppressed and ignored to the point where black people think (really!) that they are the ones who are the victims, despite the fact that in 2021, 87% of violent crimes between black and whites were committed by blacks on whites.

But if black people watch TV or read the media, they’d be shocked and think that white people were the ones hurting blacks, and not the other way around.  Why?  The story that they’re selling is that white people are awful, and they’re willing to bend the language on a whim to make it so.

I bet they ADL® really hates pandas.  They’re black, white, and Asian.

Racism used to mean that someone felt a race was superior.  Now?  According to the (rapidly disintegrating) ADL® it’s an explanation of why white people are bad and can never be not-bad no matter what they do.

My thought is that the Floyd death was amplified to put out a trap for Trump.  Trump’s media coverage was uniquely and pervasively negative for a president.  Remember when it was national news that Trump got an extra scoop of ice cream?  Pepperidge Farms® remembers.  And I do, too.  Anything, and I mean anything Trump did became the big complaint of the media.

The Mainstream Media® always has an agenda.  But who feeds them news?  The Left.  The organizations on the Left are the primary news sources.  Like scriptwriters on Disney® movies, they create news stories that meet what they need for their organization’s goals regardless of reality.  Also, like scriptwriters, people doing the news don’t really have any need for the Truth if it gets in the way of what they want you to think.

Other things are not very truthful, either.  Global Warming® is one of the stories I just can’t escape when I watch the news.  But how have they twisted the truth in . . . the weather?  Here’s an example:

I enjoyed all four seasons of that weather show on Netflix®.

I’ve seen others.  In the span of only ten years, those that want to sell fear to bring viewers have taken the same temperatures and cloaked them in a dangerous red color.  Is it hot in summer?  Yes!  And that’s why the stories about Global Warming Climate Change™ all show up then.  And they will every summer, even if it gets colder.

So, news is created by Leftist organizations, which include:

  • The Media (including entertainment),
  • Most of the Fortune® 500,
  • Most Schools,
  • The ADL®,
  • The SPLC,
  • Most Colleges,
  • Military General Officer Corps,
  • Most Religions, and
  • Almost Every Government Agency.

These organizations pump out press releases daily which feed the news cycle.  Who fact checks them?  Why, a compliant media!  Snopes® is run by Leftists, and expecting the Washington Post® to correctly fact check Joe Biden?  You’d have better luck pulling out your teeth and leaving them under your pillow for the ADL® to bring you a shiny new quarter.

I’m a racist.  I just hate the 440-yard dash.  Too long for a sprint, too short for distance.  And turning it into the 400 meters didn’t help.

This news is then pumped into the heads of Leftists, nonstop.  Places like Google® and Facebook™ and YouTube© where alternative viewpoints aren’t allowed.  Think that the Vaxx® was a big mistake?  YouTube™ is still censoring that one.

Leftists, for the most part, I’m not concerned with.  If they ever stumble upon these posts, they won’t be able to read them.  They may be smelly virgins without a hope of ever having babies, but they’re not illiterate.  If I say the sky is blue, they’ll immediately ask for a source because the Right to them is worse than Satan.

When no one laughed at Neil Armstrong’s Moon landing jokes, he’d just say, “Well, I guess you had to be there.”

They don’t want to think, in fact can’t think, about some of the concepts that I write about here because their amygdala will stop them from listening.  Literally, a Leftist can’t read one of my typical posts without getting so angry that they can’t read it.

No, I write for the Right, and I write for the middle.  The Right is self-explanatory, since I’m on the Right.  The Middle have been the people the Left is targeting.  I’m sure that they believe that they can convince the Middle if they deprive them of any other viewpoint.

The Left is excellent at that.  They want to tighten down Twitter, er, X®, Facebook™, Instasnap©, MySpace©, and any other place that the Right can disagree with the Leftist narrative.  Wonder why the newspapers eliminated the comments sections?  The Right was (and is!) amazing at getting points out that countered the information goals of the Left.

Quite simply, from their standpoint, that had to be stopped.

AOC had to write an essay in college about genocides.  Took her a long time to decide if she was for or against them.

Again, remember that the “news” you get from the Mainstream Media™ is simply not news, but a product, like “buttery spread”.  It isn’t news.  Have some fun with it – count the number of stories in a day that you come across, and see how the Left is trying to manipulate you.

When you see it, you’re free to make your own opinions.  And free to wake others up.

Life Choices Are Resilience Choices: When One Income Is More Than Two

“An idea is like a virus. Resilient. Highly contagious. And even the smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you.” – Inception

I’ve heard that King Charles at his coronation vowed to keep his armies in his sleevies.

During the Great Recession I read an article about the economic resilience of families.  I can’t find it, since I’ve slept several thousand nights since then.  Heck, I’m not sure even Frequent Commentor Ricky could find it.  The conclusion of the article was interesting to me – two-earner families were actually less economically resilient than sole-breadwinner families.

The article went on to explain that in most two income families, the families weren’t stashing tons of money away, but rather spending at about the level of the two incomes – nicer cars, shinier PEZ®, more velvet Elvis paintings.  They were operating on a similar margin as a typical sole breadwinner.  The big difference was in flexibility.  If one member of a two-income family became unemployed, it was often a hit of 50% or more of the family income.

This may be the best painting ever done – the Mona Lisa could not show such elegance.

Sure, losing 50% of family income sounds bad, and I’m sure it is.  The flip side, however, is that if the sole breadwinner lost a job, that family lost 100% of their income.  That sounded worse to me, but those families performed better during hard times.


It turns out that a dual income family was already operating at nearly 100% efficiency.  The mortgage, the cars, the PEZ®, the private schools, whatever expenses they had were based on Mom and Dad going out and making nearly their theoretical maximum incomes.  To lose half of that is devastating, unless they had saved some of that cash.

It turned out that in economic hard times, the assets that people buy often go down in value.  So, during the Great Recession, people bought hella-nice houses complete with granite avocado sharpeners and walk-in nail-trimming rooms that they could just barely afford the payments on.

But during an economic downturn, the price of the McMansions® went down.  I talked to several folks during the Great Recession that dual-incomed themselves into bankruptcies as they lost jobs and had to walk away from expensive houses in half-finished subdivisions to move across the country to places that they didn’t want to live.  Ouch.  One dude I knew was bitter for just this reason.  I think he was a tool anyway, but this magnified it.

I guess my regular ladder went for a pack of cigarettes and never came back.

Sometimes this economic stress ends in divorce as Dad loses his mojo and Mom loses a bit of respect and better-deals Dad.  This isn’t an indictment of women, more so a realization of the fact that women want (in survey after survey) to have a man that’s more economically successful than them, despite them wanting equal pay.

Contradiction?  Yeah.  But still and amazing stress on a family.

And they want a man who is sensitive but who will also take charge. 

On the other hand, I knew some single income families (intact families) where Dad lost his job, and Mom went into the labor force, Dad took a job to get by, and the family didn’t skip a beat in making payments.  Did things like daycare go up?

Yup, unless Grandma could help out or Grandpa could use the kids as help down at the still.  But the families weren’t flying so close to the flame, so they made it, and in most cases Dad found something again, maybe not as good as before, but close enough so Mom could cut down on hours or quit her job entirely.

I’ve made many, many, many arguments against efficiency.  This is another one.  It’s also insidious because that quest for economic efficiency ends (often) in weakness.

This idea that women should go out into the labor force, make as much as men, and thus make their families more vulnerable to economic dislocation caused by (spins wheel) inflation, COVID, immigration, or recession has been propagandized into the population for decades.  There is hardly any little girl that wasn’t exposed to the idea that she shouldn’t go out and be just as good as a man and that she had some sort of duty to work because, well, because women.

It’s powerful when that’s the propaganda that millions in Gen X and later grew up with.

Chuck Norris told a joke about Jada Smith.  Will Smith then slugged Jada.

To be fair, there are some amazingly capable women that I know who have had very strong careers, executive level stuff, who have kept it together and been great moms, to boot.  In most cases, though, if those women quit tomorrow their family could do fine on their husband’s income.  But that’s not the norm.

As we move into a time of greater economic instability, this will have the impact of making families more dependent on government, because efficiency is the enemy of independence.  This may very well be the plan – dependent people are easier to control.  When the next meal is dependent on pleasing power, people tend to stop testing boundaries, tend to be pushed to conform to power.

The opposite of efficiency is resilience, finding our own way economically, becoming independent rather than dependent.  This is difficult when focused on trying to meet the ideals of a society bent on consumption at all costs.

That’s a big one.  I guess my faith in huge manatee has been restored.

Economically, this flies in the face of propaganda we’ve seen for decades.  It flies in the face of the desired outcome to treat people as economic units whose purpose is to create money to pay of a debt so large as to be unimaginable by any person alive atop a technological framework that is increasingly prone to failure.

Resiliency is our future, the only future outside of living in the pods and eating the bugs, which is a perfect life for an economic unit, but no life for a man.  The end part of the 2020s will be (my guess) the biggest change that we’ll ever see in our lives, which includes the time when we added those extra four digits to the zip code.

The only solution?  Resilience.

COVID-19, Looking Backwards

“What is more dangerous than a locked room full of angry Narns?” – Babylon 5

Behind every angry woman is a man who has no idea what he did wrong.

This will probably be my final post on the ‘Rona.  It may get a mention from time to time about lingering effects on the economy and society, but I think the whole COVIDmania is far enough in the rear-view mirror that it’s time for the final review, barring some amazing new revelation like Corona was actually made by Big Toilet Paper to move product.

The disease clearly did kill people, but so does the flu.  It did kill elderly folks by far in a greater percentage than in a normal year, but was nearly a nonexistent threat to most people in good health under the age of 65 or so.  It was a threat ranking somewhere below “blood poisoning from cutting a finger opening an aluminum can” for anyone under the age of 20.

Everyone in my house had it, and everyone is fine now.  It was a light fever (99°F, 3.2 kilometers) in the afternoon for me, Pugsley never noticed having it (but was confirmed to have antibodies) and hit The Mrs. the hardest, but I don’t think she missed more than a few days of work.

It did take one person I knew, but he was nearly 100 years old.  It also took the life of one of my friend’s relatives – an elderly father-in-law.  I found that one out after making a COVID joke, so, yeah.  For my follow up, I’ll probably end up saying, “Thank you for your loss” at a funeral.

In a world where I expect that “get boosted” will qualify as a synonym for “drop dead” – I’m certainly glad that we’re not Vaxxed.

Being un-Vaxxed was a really easy decision.  First, this was a novel use of a new technology on a massive scale.  In that respect, I’d much rather be the control than part of the experiment, to the point that I’ve never even been tested for the ‘Rona.  How do I know I had it?  Like I said, I had a small fever one afternoon.

I heard that when Elvis was in the Army he spent time looking for suspicious mines.

Yeah, I know that having “a small fever one afternoon” isn’t in the diagnostic manual for the ‘Vid, but since that small fever one afternoon happened after The Mrs. coughed on me at close range about a million times during the night.

Second, I wasn’t personally that afraid of the ‘Rona by that point.  The peaks in the infection rate had been up and down and up and down, but the numbers weren’t adding up, especially in my age range as all that scary.  Back then, I think I said that the only age range where I would even think it might make sense was above 60 or 65.

Third, the propaganda was huge.  Some of the biggest attacks (hackers) came after this site after I posted content that was contrary to The Narrative.  Public relations campaigns were imposed.  The trick where the Leftists swap one chip for an updated chip (Comey Bad Because Clinton Laptop becomes Comey Now Good Because He Hates Trump) was really in play for the ‘Rona.  Thankfully, the Internet remembers: 

Above is a short list of people who I hope took their boosters.

The Leftists were well programmed.  And then, in a move that is especially Evil, they approved this technological monstrosity for kids.  Babies as young as six months.  And they died, and are dying today from the Vaxx.  How many healthy athletes in their 20s had a heart attack prior to the ‘Vid?


The evidence for the Vaxx being awful is piling up.  Approval for the Johnson & Johnson® Vaxx has been pulled, as it is apparently the worst one in use in the United States.  I know two people who took that Vaxx at about the same time.  They had major heart surgery within a month of each other.  That’s an anecdote, I know, but the plural of anecdote is data, and that’s probably why Johnson & Johnson™ is no longer available.

But it’s cold showers.  And video games.  And . . . anything but the Vaxx™.

The Science®, they told us, was clear.  If you get the Vaxx©, you won’t get COVID.  Simple!


Yeah, you can get COVID if you get the Vaxx™.  You can spread it, and you can also die of it.  Based on some data that I’ve seen, the ‘Rona that Vaxxed® folks get is actually worse in duration and impact than those who are pureblooded like me.  Perhaps that’s why peabrains like Jeff Spicoli want purebloods to be in prison camps.

I’m on the opposite end.  I actually hope that all of the people who took the Vaxx™ aren’t harmed by it.  I do think that the powers that be are ready to let it go.  For whatever reason this was pushed, even if it was something as simple as getting Trump out of office, it’s served the purpose that they intended for it, and when Russia invaded the Ukraine, well, it was okay to shut it all down.

I wonder what the next thing they push will be?

The Cause Of All Economic Problems Today? Denial Of Reality

“Reality is so unreal.” – Summer School

Imagine a candidate so cunning he chose Kamala as his Vice President and then choose her to be responsible for A.I. – I hear that’s because Joe figured A.I. meant Roomba™, and Kamala was good at sucking things when she was down on the carpet.

Part of the problem that we’re facing, the insanity that’s leading to the collapse that we’re seeing is a complete rejection of reality.  This is fundamental to Leftism – the only things that can exist within Leftism are things that agree with Leftist ideology.  If Leftist ideology says that every man is the same, well then, every man must be the same, regardless of reality.  If being the same means that have the capacity to play basketball as well as LeBron James, and that LeBron James could get the same ACT® score that I got, well, I’ve got news for the world – I have doubts that LeBron could spell “cat” if I spotted him the “c” and the “t”.  And I miss layups.

So, I guess we’re the same.

Except we’re not.

This is really screwing up all of the basic things that lead to a successful economy.  The reaction to COVID is one that that really showed the full rejection of reality and subjugation to authority and programming.  Yes, people died.  And, although I only personally know one person who died (and he was 95+ in age) it was a substantially worse than the average flu, but the reaction to it was over the top.  Oh, and it wrecked the economy.  Want proof that was Leftist?

The nonsense continues.  There’s no particular order to these, but there is a war on against . . . (spins wheel) natural gas appliances.  Yes.  In February, Chuckie Schumer (D-Beijing) noted that “No one is taking away your gas stove.”  May 3?  The state of New York bans gas appliances and furnaces in new buildings.  Huh.  Instead of burning clean natural gas in your home and getting most of the heat from the natural gas, folks in New York will lose, what, 40%? of the heating value of natural gas as it’s burned in electric generation plants, and then (with transmission losses) comes to their homes.  I can’t see how this won’t add 40% to the bill.

But there’s more!  This will stress out the electrical grid, and all those new electric cars people will be mandated to buy will be prohibited from charging in winter, just like they are in Switzerland today.

Reality?  Doesn’t matter.  Think of the lungs that will be saved!

And some people think Leftists are nuts.

Then there’s nationality.  There is a difference between the words country and nation.  A country is a group of people living under a government.  A nation is a group of people with common heritage living under a government.  Those two are different things.  Japan is a nation.  China is a nation.  Denmark is a nation.  That is clear.  Yet if I moved to Japan and had children there, they’d never, ever be Japanese.  Unless I was a Leftist.

How Leftists think.

And, of course there’s beer.  Bud Light® decided that selling beer was only a secondary agenda, with results that have been, for me, encouraging.  For InBev®?  Less so.  It turns out when you call your primary customers (men) out of touch and “fratty” then perhaps they’ll tell you to enjoy the customers you really want.  Beer commercials and ads used to be cool.  Now?

I guess now Bud Light® is the beer for people who haven’t decided if they’re a man or not.

Not to be topped, Miller® said, “Hold my beer,” and had a squat little woman with all of the sex appeal of a refrigerator tell people that they should send in old Miller™ advertising featuring actual women in bikinis so they can be turned into compost so hops can be grown so Miller™ can send them to women brewers to make beer.  I’m not making this up.  I guess Miller wasn’t content to let Bud™ irritate customers, they decided that they’d adopt the same marketing strategy so they could lose market share as well.

You’d think that being actively antagonist towards their customer base would be enough, right?  What else do beer drinkers love?  Hillary Clinton?  Here’s the Miller™ Spokesfridge© with her idol:

And you wonder why the birthrate is falling.

This strategy denies reality, again.  Just like the FedGov folks want to replace the heritage voters in the United States with voters that align with their views, it looks like beer companies want to replace the people that actually drink their beer with . . . people who don’t buy beer.  You can’t make this up.

It’s like trying to mess with an Irishman’s Lucky Charms®:

Pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, green clovers, and blue diamonds.  He knew they were always after them.  Now the Irish will have to eat potatoes again.

Beer can lose market share, but don’t ever let the banks loose market share.  I think that they might be a bit upset if they do.  I mean, it’s not like it’s your money, right?  That’s a reality that the Left doesn’t want anyone to think about.

But don’t worry, if you lose all of your money, potato man will come around.

It’s like the FBI®, but they pretend they have potato.

So, remember, Banana Republic® a clothing store, it’s also a state of mind.

One other last thought about reality:

A Few Good Memes

“The game was created to demonstrate the futility of individual effort.” – Rollerball

In a life filled with signs, be that bird.

I’ve got that “scratchy throat, feeling warm, feeling tired, and just a bit under the weather, so, here’s a low-effort memedrop based upon several themes.  All memes are cage-free, organic, and gluten-free.  Enjoy!

Someone, somewhere needs to do this:

I maintain that we’re now at “peak trans” and will soon be getting off this treadmill:

To be fair, not many thirty-year-olds have cratered an entire product line:

Scott Adams points out that LinkedIn® might be allowing companies to quietly discriminate – against white people.

Part of the story is what the media says, and part is what it doesn’t say.  See the toxic empathy of the Left showing up here:

Read more books!

And when life couldn’t get more hilarious . . .

I wonder if Netflix® forgot we have actual pictures and sculptures of Cleopatra done while she was alive?

Poor Ohio.

And, ways that we’re slipping into a dystopia:

And don’t forget COVID – remember there are no refunds.

And cats.   Why?  Why not.

Finally, random things.

See you all on Friday.