Forbidden Opinions: The GloboLeft Versus The Beautiful

“Look, there is light and beauty up there, that no shadow can touch.” – The Return of the King

I’m trying to improve my double entendres.  But it’s not easy.

This is the last in the series about the GloboLeft’s war against the Good, Beautiful, and True, at least for now.  We’re down to Beautiful.  Why did I do them in the order of True, Good, and Beautiful?  Because they’re not really in order, and they each complement the other.  Or maybe I have a problem with authority – who can say?

Which one of the three is best?  Each of them.  They all work together.  That is why the GloboLeft fights these so very, very hard.  Their typical pattern is to pick a value, and then pick its absolute opposite, and then celebrate that.  To pick from Monday’s post:  why to they look at men dressed as women and call them women?  Because that’s the opposite, and it must be celebrated.

(as found)  My take?  There are two sexes, two genders, and about a million fetishes.  I mean, I have a logic fetish – I can’t stop coming to conclusions.

Beauty is the last of the three that we’ll discuss, but it figures in so much of what we see in our lives today, especially since everything that’s ugly is now celebrated, and there is an active attempt to remove beauty from public life.

A GloboLeftist would try to convince you that beauty is subjective.

It is not.  Back when people were allowed to experiment on human babies, they’d show babies pictures of pretty things and ugly things.  Babies reacted positively to pretty things (and people!) and negatively to ugly things (and George Soros).  It is a part of us.  And we know it when we see it.

So, here are some of the statements that the GloboLeft actually believes:

GloboLeftists believe that every female is stunning and brave.

Not so much with males, since they don’t like the patriarchy.  Or something, not sure what, but it’s still okay to make fun of dudes.  This is one where they’re specifically talking about female (which includes, bizarrely, transexuals) beauty.

Here’s an example:  Lizzo is just as beautiful as (insert actually attractive actress here).  I wasn’t originally aware of what a Lizzo even was, until I saw a video of her playing a crystal flute that belonged to James Madison.

(meme as found) Where do you find the scariest part of the internet?  HTTP Lovecraft.

Wow.  She (at that point) looked to weigh about as much as a World War II Iowa class battleship.  And she wore a skintight leotard.  There isn’t enough eye-bleach in the world.  It looked like a potato (Lizzo) with a crystal toothpick.

Another example:  Zendaya was named one of the 10 most beautiful women in the world.  I’ll admit that she’s a middling character actress with a range of emotions that go from “irritated” to “thinking about talking to my doctor about my inability to have regular bowel movements.”

10 most beautiful women in the world?  She wouldn’t have been in the top 10 in my senior class.  Plus, I think she’ll fill out and look like a middle linebacker for the Chicago Bears® before she’s 35.  The good news is I don’t think she’ll go full Lizzo-potato.

I know which choice I’d McMake.  (meme as found, so my criticism is not unique)

The GloboLeftists believe that all art is valid and beautiful.

There are so many different ways that humans work to create beauty that it’s hard to catalog them all.  But I’ll start with architecture.  Sure, I don’t live in a city, but lots of people do.  Here’s one made by actual humans in Copenhagen versus a nameless, faceless, commieblock.  Which is more beautiful?  Which makes you feel more human?  Which would contain more PEZ®?

I worked with an Asian who dipped Copenhagen.  His name was Mr. Chu.

And then there’s music.  We started the 20th Century with Take Me Out to the Ballgame (1908) moved to I Want to Hold Your Hand in 1963, 55 years later.  What came out 57 years later?  Wet Ass Pussy.

Sure, Take Me Out to the Ballgame doesn’t mention virtues, but it’s innocent.  I Want to Hold Your Hand shows a little intent.  But Wet Ass Pussy?  It’s beyond crass and replaces Beauty with it’s very opposite.

Likewise, literature (mainstream) has gone downhill.  I’ll pick science fiction.  Why?  I’ve been reading that since I could read.  Around 2010 I had the idea that I’d outgrown science fiction, that I was older, jaded, and the genre didn’t have anything for me anymore.

I then picked up one of the old books I’d loved as a kid.  It was still awesome.  I hadn’t changed, the genre had become ugly.  And that’s coming from a Hugo®-nominated (really, this is true, under a pseudonym) author.  But there are still great novels out there.  And maybe one of those authors will (hint) post links to his stuff below.

No, the Beauty still exists in literature, but the GloboLeftElite that controls the mainstream press wants to make it ugly.  That’s the same reason that movies are sucking now, and actresses often look like a burlap sack filled with doorknobs.  The movies are no longer meant to exult in what’s best in us, to show and celebrate virtues.  Nope.  Movies are there to sell the opposite of the values and the opposite of Beauty.

Speaking of movies, Disney® apparently is forcing video game creators to make characters ugly.  From Overlord DVD (a YouTube® channel) comes the news that a new Star Wars® video game is . . . ugly.  The rumor is that Disney© is requiring that the studio make the characters that way.  Why?

(as found at Overlord DVD’s channel)  “Fugly girl, come out to play . . . Fugly giiiirrrll, come out to pla-ay.”

Disney© isn’t doing this to make money.  There must be another purpose.

I could go on and on, but at some point I need to hit the hay.  Here are more examples, and you no doubt could make a very, very long list where Beauty has been replaced by ugly recently:

  • Painting contests, won by an actual chimpanzee.
  • Celebrating every family structure except ones with mothers and fathers,
  • Natural foods versus slop – I think nacho cheese is probably made in a refinery out of Vaseline and yellow crayons, but I can’t prove this.

The end process is to pick a value, invert it, with the goal of subverting the actual value.  The best news is this:  The True, the Beautiful, and The Good are going to win.

How do I know this?

Even the GloboLeft knows the True, the Beautiful, and the Good when they see it.  They just hate it.

So, they dress up a potato and celebrate it playing a flute.  This is their best play.

We’ve got this.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

80 thoughts on “Forbidden Opinions: The GloboLeft Versus The Beautiful”

  1. It is a vicious circle. Ugly people, both externally and internally ugly, are drawn to leftism and in turn being a leftist seems to make them even uglier.

  2. There was this guy once, little mustache, who took exception to leftist “art”. All he wanted to do was paint… they should have let him.
    There’s a documentary film about it called “The Rape of Europa”. Like most it’s supposed to highlight the Great Wrong but I found myself agreeing with the logic behind it. You summarized exactly why certain “art” got burned and artists fled ( or were assigned real jobs).

    1. Thanks! Always looking gor good SF.
      Gonna throw out a recommendation for Russell May as well. Eta Cancri (and his other books) are good, classic style SF with a strong Christian undercurrent running through them.

    2. Look on the bright side…’ve likely gained a few new readers today (at least two for sure). Do you have any particular recommendations as to which to read first?

  3. Obama’s famous “You didn’t build that” quote is the ultimate manifestation of the ugly-is-better ethos, deeply rooted in all-consuming envy. His “people” never amounted to shite, despite having a half million year head start, so they lash out in impotent fury, trying to either denigrate that which the Western White man created or steal the credit for it themselves. The left never had much of a problem dealing with their own cognitive dissonance, handily balancing “This country sucks” and “We built this country, not you”.

    I’d love it if the left would organize a “Go Galt” moment and drop out of society for a day, a week, a month. Imagine no ‘studies’ professors showing up for class and 90% of government AA employees refusing to come to work. It would only be an improvement.

  4. And arguing with Lefties is useless, just like trying to teach a pig to sing.

    “it just frustrates you and irritates the pig.”

    1. But if we can’t reason with them, how would one engage in political debate, which is needed for a polite and peaceful society? If we can’t have a polite and peaceful society with them…

      1. The Left won’t tolerate a “debate”. They’re always right, and we’re always wrong. And ignorant.

        Plus, we’re dangerous subversives, just like Mao’s “Adverse February Current”. Or “Gang Of Four”.

        Take your pick.

  5. Interesting to me how the classical civilizations of the past – say Greece and Rome or heck, even Heian Japan – would be amazed at our technologies and goods but likely consider us barbarians still because we had not concept of the good and beautiful, something they spent a lot of time on.

    The more I look around, the more I have really come to believe that we are in the last stages of collapse.

    1. Some things are more easily (or only) seen in hindsight. Give it a generation (or less), and it’ll be painfully clear that your belief is correct. Unfortunately.

      The good news is that those who can see it coming can prepare to pick up the pieces and put it back together again, leaving out the ‘bad’ pieces where possible. That’s pretty much what happens with most empires that fall, and how we went from the Roman Empire to The Western Empire. Just don’t expect it to go quickly unless efforts are made in advance to promote a quick rise from the proverbial ashes.

  6. You never outgrow sci fi, but I agree that it has changed in recent years and not for the better. The Hugo winners have gotten so woke in the last decade that they are now mostly unreadable . The final straw for me was J.S. Jemison winning 3 Hugo’s for books that read like something a teenager would write. It became clear then that the award had nothing to do with good sci fi and everything to do with identity politics. Unfortunately, the Hugo’s are now doing exactly what you describe in the excellent article above, namely inverting everything that is good about sci fi.
    Thank goodness for used bookstores as there are thousands of great sci fi novels available that pre-date the insanity. Sadly, the retail bookstores like Barnes and Noble now seem to cater to the woke crowd although not sure if this is the bookstore itself or the convergence taking place within the publishing houses. Either way, it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if B&N merged the LGBTQ and sci-fi sections together at some point…

    1. From a recent visit to B&N, the first in several years, I can truthfully say they have already merged the QWERTY section with the teen and preteen sections. It’s almost like there is a plot to destroy the minds of the youth…

    2. I had the “pleasure” of hearing Nora Jemisin give an author’s talk at a local university. When I saw the notice for her talk, I thought – “hey, sci-fi, good; woman author – haven’t heard or read one for a while since Joan Vinge & Ursula Le Guin; she’s black – maybe a good sign.”

      I now know what a short journey through hell is like. When I looked her up in the Hugos, she won 3 in a row. But I saw the judging for the Hugos had been changed from “sci-fi” to “sci-fi & fantasy” a decade or two ago. I don’t do fantasy.

      Even tried the Mars color pallet – red, blue, green, rainbow. Nothing of interest there either. So I had to go back & re-read Dune, Mote in God’s Eye, Lucifer’s Hammer, Rendezvous with Rama …. Sci-fi ain’t what I thought it used to be.

      1. Ursula went Total Fem a long time ago. Embraced her inner witch. Couldn’t live up to her own stated values.

    3. I was in Big City the other day, drove right by the B&N, when previously there would have been no way I would have missed the chance.

    4. The Hugo Awards once had a reputation for excellence, but of course this also has been crushed under the boot of the resentful mutants.

      ‘No no we won’t give in
      let’s go living in the past’

  7. WRT: “everything that’s ugly is now celebrated” – this goes a long way to explaining the apparent communist fetish for ‘brutalism’ in architecture. That, and concrete is a fairly inexpensive building material (compared to stone, steel, or wood – when you include working those materials into their final forms). That, and it it tends to make buildings that all look like prison cell blocks. Hmmmn. Maybe there’s a subconscious reason for that too?

    1. For those of you who don’t get the “come out to play” reference, here it is in all of its 1979 glory, back when cinema was a beautiful art form that didn’t need DEI mandates to show progress in colorblind unity…and a man was a man and a woman was a woman. I miss that clarity.

      From one of my fav films, The Warriors…

      1. Turn up the volume and you can hear Walter Hill say, “And, action!” as a cue for David to start the chant. Oopsy!

    2. That’s a great question. I’ve always assumed the drabness came from organizational dysfunction and the inability for good designers/engineers to succeed in that sort of environment (well that coupled with a poor economy and no money for niceties). One of the things that supposedly helped the US to excel is that smart kids working on a farm in a remote rural town could still get discovered and make their way to a good school where their abilities could then flourish. A smart kid in the rural part of the old Soviet Union never got past tilling the fields for wheat production. So the guy designing that drab building in the USSR probably got the job because he was a member of the Communist party, not because he had the right training.

    3. ‘Brutalism’ was a deliberate ploy to attack the human soul on a daily basis. It did not happen by accident. The old KGB files made that quite clear.

  8. Other authors of note (most of them publish as independents, and are shunned by the people who wokified the Hugos…): Sarah Hoyt (Darkship Thieves, A Few Good Men), John Van Stry (Wolfhounds series), J. L. Curtis (Rimworld Series). AFAIK, the only publishing house that’s putting out better-than-crap is Baen. (Larry Corriea, Eric Flint, David Weber).

    1. Raconteur Press is doing great things. They’re the publishing arm of the North Texas Troublemakers, a shooting society with a writing problem. See also The Mad Genius Club group blog – their authors (led by Sarah Hoyt) are writing good books.

      1. And the MGC authors don’t limit themselves to one genre. SF, Western/Law (see J.L. Curtis’ Grey Man series, 1800s Western and others from one author. Alma Boykin does SF and urban fantasy (the Familiar series is my favorite; when a fresh book comes out, I tend to put the book-in-progress on hold for a while to read the new one). She also does a series that’s a combination of the Hanseatic era history with magic and an interesting set of gods. Starts with Merchant and Magic.

        And that’s only two of the Mad Genius crowd. (Both are part of the North Texas Troublemakers.

        Dave Freer isn’t N. Texas, but he’s good, too.

    2. Rod Walker
      Vox Day
      Nick Cole
      John C. Wright best SF writer of the 21st C (so far)
      Rolf Nelson (some, not all)

      I’m thinking of people whose books I re-read. Rod Walker (pseud. obviously) is Heinlein without the one-world-government and Christ-hatin’ and pervy-but-boring sexystuff.

  9. Thought experiment: suppose someone confessed they killed a law enforcer who tried to prosecute them for their homemade machine gun. Would you think that is right and proper, or would you turn them in? [Insert meme about conservative sweating not knowing which button to press]
    Conservatives say rejecting the Left can only be done while obeying the Left’s rules. They say this because conservatives are of the Left. Everyone who votes for mainstream politicians, and gossips about their neighbors who do victimless “crimes”, is part of the logistical tail which supports the Left.

    1. Any number of victimless non-crimes be used as tests to separate liberals from libertarians: make, sell, carry, and use weapons or drugs; take the license plate off your car; don’t pay taxes. A person who snitches to an armed enforcer is just as guilty of first degree murder as anyone else who has hired a killer. It’s not “hypothetical” or “loose talk”; when they call the enforcer you’ve caught them red-handed in the commission of the act.

    2. Excellent points, all. Their entire point is to use the rules when they want them, and pull the ladder up after. Norman Lear sued his network when they moved All in the Family out of family hour on First Amendment grounds.

  10. It’s written that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I’m thinking the globalists are either sight impaired or have an ugly soul.

  11. Back in the day a Hugo nomination was elite-level stuff. The Fantasy and Science Fiction mag would publish the winners, and I can’t recall . . . mighta been Asimov’s mag too. Every library carried the Hugo winners, hardbound, with story intros. It was a big deal and competition was fierce. Well done.

    I published fiction in the Eighties but mostly the lit mag circuit.

    As for inversion, that is the principal technique of the enemy on this planet. The powers manipulate the opposites or dualities and consider the human male and female as chief carriers and representatives of the opposites, to be manipulated (attraction/repulsion) in various ways at different times in history. This has been the case since Babylon, at least, and has been fine-tuned since.

    We see this most clearly in medieval alchemy, obsessed with the opposites especially as concerns the sexes. Typical illustrations include the ‘king’ and ‘queen’ facing towards, or away, from each other. This is code for both chemical and mass-transformational engineering of societies . . . especially ‘experimental’ societies ahem. These techniques were perfected in the middle ages, just in time for upcoming global mass-com capacity. Tidy!

    The millennium of Romanticism in the West is an example of the alchemical king and queen facing one another. The current age of feminism in the West are the regents with backs turned. So forth.

      1. A good reading list is to pick whoever ended up under no-award in 2015 and 2016 (with the exception of Mr. Tingle. Heh) Hugo Awards. Good mix of books.

  12. “…and actresses often look like a burlap sack filled with doorknobs.”

    The first time I noticed this, and still one of the worst case examples, was Elizabeth Moss in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale.’ She’s built like a potato, and has no grace. Yet was somehow supposed to be very attractive to one of the most powerful men in the world. In one scene she is clomping around in high heels, barely able to stand, in a dress highlighting her lack of a figure and poor posture, and he says in a sultry voice, “you are such a beautiful woman.”

    1. Yes. Even my wife, who has a small problem with consuming terrible entertainments, told me how she is “hard to look at”.
      Which of course means the director favors long, drawn out scenes where her potato masher is featured up close so you can really feel the sexual dystopia in your loins. Every time I passed by the telescreen her grill was pancaked frame to frame and she was wearing some kind of discomfort.
      Now this sort of sexual brutalism is the norm.
      In the before times, the advice was to just “man up and marry that slut”. Move into your state assigned studio in block 19. Produce surplus you don’t get to enjoy, for the good of the people comrade`. How quaint. Now we have a low birth rate problem. Real head scratcher.
      I first saw her in the Mad Men show. I consumed a few episodes back in the water cooler days because that is what the good workers were chattering about.
      Another interesting production where the “period styling” carries the day but creates a bunch of awkward juxtapositions between the obvious sexual narrative and the fact that current year does not reflect any of that natural sexual polarity or appreciation for aesthetic appeal.
      At least in that show she was there for her big creative brains because it was already becoming clear that men only think with their richards. Which is bad. Except when she’s getting the richard.
      And so of course, she eventually got her Mr. Big too. They all get to stick the landing. What’s the point if you can’t have it all? Now they all have TikTok, so sexual communism is obviously working.
      The long winters always end in a spring offensive by reality. So things will get fixed. Just costs a lot of bodies in the mud.

    1. Great content, and a great site – more people should visit there (I have three tabs open from Metallicman right now).

  13. “The GloboLeft knows the True, the Beautiful, and the Good when they see it. They just hate it.”
    And as they have done for the last several Decades, they Target the Good.
    Attack it
    kill it
    Then wear it’s skin for fun and profit.
    From destroying women with Trannies to the point that American society will Tolerate a Supreme Court Justice who admits that SHE(?) can’t know what a woman is…To remaking families into degenerate, unstable, Horror houses and wonder why the kids aren’t well.
    Even our institutions have been transformed into an ugly grotesque parody of their former selves:
    This article from today addresses the very real concern for members of our Military today as they may be brought up on Charges and Court-Martials for daring to “Miss-gender” someone.

    If you are wondering when we should, as a people, STAND UP and fight back?
    Look behind you a few decades, we are past the point where we should have STOPPED this.
    The easy solutions have died alone and forgotten of old age and now comes the Hard Ones.
    Buckle UP Buttercup, it’s gonna be a Bumpy ride.

    MSG Grumpy

    1. The rot is very, very deep now. The 1960s were disastrous for our country – and turned it from a nation to a country,

    2. Attack it
      kill it
      Then wear it’s skin for fun and profit.
      –> Last step is the Xanatos gambit: Convince everyone The Good was never any Good in the first place.

  14. One of the problems with saying ‘others’ are genetically inferior is that you’re relying on medical studies which are always, ALWAYS biased, skewed and mismanaged. Look at the study of medical studies done last year.
    Another is that you can’t define ‘intelligent’. Is an autist who can multiply 20×20 digits smart? A scientist who proclaims absolutes like ‘technological alien civilizations exist’, even with zero evidence, and gets mad when you debate that? If you’re a reader you know the phrase ‘animal cunning’, because it’s an animal haha you can’t call an animal smart.
    Intelligence is an infinite spectrum, just like autism and love.

    1. I don’t think I ever called anyone inferior. Some people are smarter, some are prettier, some are richer, and some are more virtuous. I’ll let God sort ’em out.

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