/pol/ Versus The Canadian Banking System

“Blame Canada.” – South Park, The Movie

Momma Bear angry!  I hope she packed him an extra-special lunch for his next day when he had to go Prime Minister around all those mean other boys.

Notes:  much of the memetic content is “as-found”.  We’ll also livestream on 2/16 at 9pm EST at this channel.  

Justin has had a bad run of it recently.  His mommy had to stick up for him in public, and those gosh darn people won’t do what he tells them to do!  Plus, he just recovered from his bout of the ‘Rona.

The problem is, first, that they were locking down his beloved Ottawa.  As the Bee® notes, that’s Justin’s job:

And this was driving the people crazy.  They felt like they were being held hostage:

Nothing Justin did seemed to make it better:

People weren’t at all sympathetic.

So Trudeau decided to double down.

One of the biggest fears that bankers used to have was the bank run.  That’s the phenomenon where people show up at the bank and demand cash.  Of course, the bank only keeps a few bucks on hand, so soon enough they run out.  What happens then?  People begin to get angry.  Pitchfork and torch angry.

Trudeau’s wife was robbed at gunpoint at an ATM.  The robber asked, “Do you ever want to see your husband again?”  She said, “No.”  They both had a good laugh.

For the record, only a small fraction of the currency in the country is actual, printed cash which is why if you want more than a small fraction of your cash from the bank, they’d pull out their pockets and shrug.  The vast majority of cash is just a collection of ones and zeros located in computers in various banks.

It’s a useful fiction so socialists and people wanting to finance wars can just print more cash to pay, and everyone pretends that it’s not stealing.  Countries have been very, very careful not to upset this particular applecart.  A politician can mess up a lot of systems, but that politician would have to be a fool to suggest that he’d freeze the bank accounts of millions of his own citizens.  Or that politician would be Justin Trudeau.

But I repeat myself.

That’s what Justin Trudeau did.  He indicated that, because he said so, they’d take all the money they wanted from anyone who they thought was helping the protesters.

No, actually even Gilligan wouldn’t have tried this nonsense (apologies to Aesop for spoiling Gilligan by comparing him to Trudeau).

Seriously, what was Trudeau thinking?  That the millions of people that, using emergency powers normally reserved for war against an outside enemy would just be pulled out because people wouldn’t take a shot he wanted and drove trucks and protested peacefully?  Oh, sure it was a peaceful but honk-filled protest, but that’s akin to a world war?

Honk War III?  World War Honk?  The Honkening?

Yup, I guess.  But this time there’s an amplifier.  /pol/.  /pol/ is a website run by the notorious hacker, 4chan.  /pol/ is, well, its own place.  It’s essentially an autism-powered supercomputer that has its own interests, language, and customs.  I really don’t recommend anyone go there.  Besides, they’re full.

But /pol/ is capable of wizardry.  The night that Kyle Rittenhouse created two good commies in Wisconsin, /pol/ had videos from every angle before and after the shooting, and identified the people Rittenhouse erased, including criminal records within hours.  They also tracked down an Antifa® killer from Portland and had his name, address, employer, and location before the police.

So, the crazy new idea to steal people’s money more quickly?  /pol/ jumped on that.

It didn’t take long for the word to get out to the world:

And it didn’t take long for the news suppression to hit:

Understand that this will probably come to nothing.  But also understand this:  the banking systems and veneer of civilization is thin . . . unlike future Trudeau.

I hear he stress eats.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

40 thoughts on “/pol/ Versus The Canadian Banking System”

  1. Dave Ramsey (Financial Peace) talks about having 3-6 months cash on-hand anyway for “emergencies”

  2. Canada, eh? Nearly everything I know about Canada I learned as a 6 year old watching old Dudley Do-Right cartoons on Saturday mornings. My lifetime of accumulated knowledge of Canada amounts to this:

    It’s phreakin’ cold up there.

    Mounties always get their man, despite being blithering idiots with absurdly sharp, cleft chins.

    Their coinage feels ‘cheap’ and isn’t worth nearly as much as ours.

    “Real” maple syrup is almost indistinguishable from the HFCS crap to a typical unsophisticated American.

    Their football league is a pale shadow of the NFL and is where has-beens and almost-rans go off to die in obscurity.

    Neil Young (’nuff said).

    If Canada were to slip its moorings and float away in the night, I’m not sure anyone would even notice.

    1. I just learned Canada had a banking system. Previously I assumed their equivalent of banks was throwing seal blubber in a snow bank.

  3. The cash thing is something most people don’t understand. I want to say we had a couple hundred grand in actual cash when I was running banks versus deposits on paper in the millions. If people took all of the cash it would have been a hassle but we could always order more. But permanently removing your savings? That starts to hurt and it is smart for several reasons.

  4. If I were to pull a substantial amount of savings out of my credit union (I haven’t used a commercial bank in decades), I wouldn’t know where to put it. Buying T-bills would be a normal sort of thing to do, but I guess that would be the opposite of a protest move, wouldn’t it? Buy something? Stonks? It WOULD be a great time to leave a commercial bank for a local credit union (but I’ve already done that).

    BTW: Google has plenty of hits on “bank run”, including the 4-chan story.

      1. Run the bankers for a fistful of fiat currency?
        BisonPrepper James M Dakin suggests calories.
        I see no problem with that.
        Avoiding the laughably inept Rule Of Threes, I ought to keep my ‘home-fires’ burning a while longer.
        (I call the ROTs laughable because, although I can hold my breath for some of the three minutes, I tend to get distracted and go off-task in the first couple-three seconds without a handy supply of air…)
        (Three days without water? Working the farm, I get woozy in three hours. For the reminder of those three days without water, my focus would be ‘hazy with a chance of uncertainty’…)
        We operate a small organic teaching farm near the outskirts of Eugene, Oregon.
        We share the acreage with a couple-three dozen other workkampers in RecreateVehicles and various versions of home-built HouseTrucks.
        We have ‘Tribe!’.
        Our chillers are full.
        Our back-up propane generators are serviced (my job) and have propane in dozens of portable tanks (my other gig)
        We have food, strong boundaries and a reasonably effective perimeter, security (my other other gig).
        I think we are set for a while.
        Taking the hint from ,Rawles at SurvivalBlog, we encourage grocers to buy our produce and pack meats using old timey silver coin foraged from the till.
        We have little interest in being the last musical-chairs players holding a fistful of fiat currency after the likes of trudeau uses his ’emergency powers’ to knock a zero or two off the paper-money…

  5. Another great post. The Mrs. and I have been going through all the South Park episodes that have a beady-eyed floppy-head Canadian angle. And we watched the movie last night. Best to laugh at times like this…

    Did you know??? The Canadians are portrayed as they are in South Park after a Canadian critic slammed the quality of the show’s animation in its first season. And we have laughed ever since. Luckily, Trudeau wasn’t in charge back then, or he’d have pouted and triggered the Emergency Measures Act.

  6. A bank run in Canada would be interesting and fun to watch, I kinda hope it happens. I’ll go get some popcorn ready. But so far, altho 4chan may have lit the fuse, they have not yet achieved lift off…


    Once this hits ZH, then I’ll be a true believer it’s really happening.

  7. I watched all this blow up on twitter. Was laughing the whole time especially the ATF’s turn in your ex tweet the comments were epic.

    Mike Miles had a video of a female canadian patriot asking an ottawa cop if they were exempt from the vax mandate. I heard they were but this cop confirmed it, suns a bitches.

    ps Ricky have you seen the accusations against ZH about being conservative. That was funny as hell also.

    1. I did indeed see that. I am sort of like a brainwashed monkey that keeps hitting the food bar in my cage when it comes to clicking on ZH, I do it way too often. I think it is totally an attempt to divert attention away from Durham. Flak means you are over target.

      1. Enjoy ZH while you can, looks like it is in the crosshairs due to being part of a massive Russian conspiracy against the American people. No really, it’s for realz this time.

        “U.S. intelligence officials on Tuesday accused a conservative financial news website with a significant American readership of amplifying Kremlin propaganda and alleged five media outlets targeting Ukrainians have taken direction from Russian spies.”


        1. Carnsnarngled predictive text manipulating algorithms.
          My “…As in Bracken’s…” was modified to the indecipherable “…As I’m Bracken’s…” without my consent.
          I will also project more external responsibility by blaming the new 5g telephone.

  8. For an in-depth analysis of what money actually means and how it got started, I highly recommend Graeber’s “Debt: the First 5000 Years.”

    A vid of him on that subject:

  9. “No results for bank run…”

    Nonsense. That’s what Snidely Whiplash does right after he robs a bank.

      1. “Where did he put Nell?”

        She was with Horse back at the post.

        BTW, in 2000 took my daughters to Seattle and up into BC. The younger (13 yrs old) ordered eggs & bacon for breakfast in Kamloops. She’s 142 IQ, Chapel Hill grad these days but sometimes no common sense.

        Gets her plate…”Hey, they brought me CANANDIAN BACON!!!”

        Her 20 yr old sister, “You’re in Canada, what did you expect?”

  10. None of this is by accident and none of it is Pierre Castreau’s idea. He is doing what he is told to do….just like Pedo Joe. The only meaningful difference is Castro Jr. isn’t suffering from Alzheimers….yet. They seek to destroy western economies, western currencies and western society. The fully intend to replace it ALL with their “socialist workers paradise”. Never mind such a
    political system has NEVER worked and NEVER WILL work. That is NOT going to stop them. In fact the ONLY thing that will stop them is a long drop on a short rope. And it will take a LOT of ropes and a LOT of trees to rid us of the evil criminals running things. The sooner we get started the sooner we need can start rebuilding what they have trashed. The problem is NOT going to solve itself. TINVOWOOT. They OWN the media, academia, Big Tech , about 90% of the judiciary and with “mail in voting” plus Dominion Systems they will NEVER need to worry about being VOTED out of power.

    1. I read this someplace:
      * communism cannot function as a government because communism is the process, not the result.
      * the goal is a planet of zombie slaves with a few elites living good.

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