The Funniest and Most Meaningful Black Friday Post . . . Ever.  Now 50% off, Today Only.

“It’s Black Friday, the day when ordinary house moms turn into vicious bargain hunting animals, blinded by low prices, and eager to get the Christmas shopping done early.  If this was a zoo I’d say run for you lives, but this is Buy More!” – Chuck


Mabel’s family was upset with her on the drive home.  They used Apple® products and didn’t have Windows™.  (I’m sorry for that joke, but by way of explanation I’m a father.)

Like many people, I try to avoid the stores on Black Friday.  If I were a mullet wearing geezer with my toga full of elf chum (please don’t ask me to draw a picture of that, I’m not even sure what elf chum is, and now that I’ve written it I feel vaguely dirty), I’d say Black Friday is maybe the one real American holiday that most people agree on.  Christmas is great, but when was the last time a group of people attempted to choke each other to death to get a gift-wrapped package of underwear on Christmas?  Never.  But put a 50%-off tag on socks with a pattern of Iron Man® smoking a bong with Donald Duck™ on them?  Heck, I’d drop kick a calico kitten through a box fan for a bargain like that!  Sure, we have great holidays like Fourth of July, but nobody ever died in a riot for 2 for 1 fireworks.

Bargains!  Free stuff!  Perhaps that’s the new slogan of the United States – Free Stuff!  And don’t forget that buying stuff is easier than actual salvation or real effort to be a better person.  And even if you don’t like toast – that toaster is only $5.  You can learn to love toast.

Perhaps Black Friday not only our true holiday, it is perhaps our true religious holiday.


You can tell that these zombies aren’t leftists – they don’t appear to be lecturing anyone.

I’m not going to make fun of people who are short of cash and frugal and truly need the items that they buy, but that only accounts for a small percentage of purchasers on Black Friday.  As Americans, we have been conditioned to shop.  Until we drop.  And don’t let Debt stand in your way.  And I use the word “we” for a reason – I’ve done it, too.  No, I would sooner investigate my hotel room with a black light and then still stay there than go in a store the day after Thanksgiving.  But I do have the Internet.  And I’ve bought stupid stuff:

  • Dog Waxer – rechargeable! Never let your unwaxed dog embarrass you again.
  • Solar Powered Night Light – Works best on a sunny day.
  • Internet-Connected Underwear – With your app, you can check the temperature and humidity.
  • Night Vision Scope for Caulk Gun – Now you can apply your caulk, even in the dark.
  • Crossword Puzzle Book for Dogs – Just as it says.

So, yes, I’ve bought my share of stupid crap, which made me ask the question:  why do we buy useless crap at all?

  • Impulse: I see shiny things.  I must have them.  The depths of the brain, that part that grunts instead of talking and that never uses underarm deodorant that drives this fascination.  Just give it meat, scotch, and women and the impulses will go away.
  • Herd Mentality: I will fight you to the death for the toaster that puts the fuzzy face of Bob Ross on toast!  They actually make a toaster that does this and I am hoping that the Discovery Channel® has a series coming where people fight to the death for consumer items.  Makes me feel so, well, Roman.  Humans want to have the things that other humans have, which is why so many ex-wives exist.  I’ll just stop right there.

bob ross

What a happy little toaster!

  • Makes You Feel Better: Shopping really works to make you feel better – it gives you a sense of accomplishment.  No matter how hard your day was, and what tasks you face, there is a 100% chance that you can buy something and it will make you feel a little bit better.  It gives you that sense of control, no matter how poor your decisions were today, you can find a breakfast cereal or, say, 436 pairs of shoes.  You can make a choice and follow through.  People even have a name for this type of shopping – “Retail Therapy.”


The nice thing about Retail Therapy?  It costs about the same as real therapy, and you can still hate your mother when you’re done shopping for those 436 pairs of shoes.  So you have hatred and shoes left.  I call that a win-win.

Why not shop until you drop?  You can.  If it’s not a problem:

  • Well, if you’re going into debt for power tools just to chase the kids around with (a circular saw works well as long as you have enough extension cord) or sacrificing your ability to retire just so you can have a “Hello Kitty®” ashtray, it’s a problem.
  • If you have boxes of stuff you’ve never opened inside of other boxes of stuff you’ve never opened, it’s either a problem or a movie premise for Leonardo DiCaprio© for a movie called Inshopsion. There is a rule, however, that DVDs starring Burt Reynolds™ do NOT count in this category, so don’t even ask.

If you really need something to complete you, shopping isn’t it.  It’s short term, and only lasts until you’ve bought the next thing.  And the more crap you buy, the more confusion you bring into your life – sooner or later you have to spend more time managing the crap than it is worth.  Again, I know this from experience – my own.  And I still can’t find that spare kidney I bought on Kidney-Bay® on Black Friday back in 2012.  Maybe it moved back to the original owner.

How do you cut back?  Thankfully, the solutions are simple:

  • Replace shopping with something that’s a real achievement. Blogging for thousands of wonderful readers who have wonderful hygiene, immaculate mullets, and stunning good looks counts.  You know, as an example.
  • Look for real competition in the world. I mean, soccer was invented by European beatnik nudist jugglers to provide something to do while their berets dried and they drank cappuccino.  But, yes, even soccer will do.  Find something.
  • Bored? Learn to not be bored.  Take up chainsaw juggling.  European beatniks do it all the time between cigarettes and poetry readings.
  • One of the things we don’t thing about too much when we think about shopping is time. And time, my friends, is all we have, each day that ticks away is lost forever.  Plan your time to be and do something real.

We have to shop.  We have to buy things.  But as the Roman philosopher Seneca said, any over used virtue becomes a vice.  Or was that Captain Kirk?  I’ll go check my 12 disc collection of Star Trek:  The Original Series Commemorative 32nd Anniversary Edition Complete with Pink Tribble Box Set.  I got it on Black Friday in 2009 on sale for $24.99.  It might be here over behind the Original Smokey and the Bandit 2 jacket.  Who knew that Burt Reynolds was exactly my height, but only weighed 155 pounds?  Thing doesn’t even fit around the shoulders.


Eastbound and Down.

Bonus:  Deliverance interview between Burt and Johnny.

Okay – I love comments, and would love to have more, so don’t be shy.  Or I will dropkick another kitten through a box fan.  And don’t forget – you can just subscribe to this in the box above, and I’ll show up at least three times a week in your inbox.  Which won’t break it.  And I won’t send or sell your address, ever.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

12 thoughts on “The Funniest and Most Meaningful Black Friday Post . . . Ever.  Now 50% off, Today Only.”

  1. The lure of a sale is irresistible to some, and interesting to watch, with the most interesting a friend – with a really small yard – buy a huge riding lawnmower because it was on sale.

    I’ve asked people, after they tell me of their wonderful discount, what the normal price is for the item they couldn’t resist. The answer? They have no idea. I don’t comment any more. It just makes them mad, or leaves them feeling guilty for being so gullible, or makes them start telling me of how they have a better warranty, and a newer, updated version.

    1. Yeah, me too. My standard response now is, “Hey, that’s cool. How do you like it?”

      Humans seem to not like honesty very much.

  2. I’m not going to pretend Christmas was ever a Norman Rockwell Happy Time. It was about STUFF! We weren’t poor, but my parents never had any debt. So there was no frivolous shopping. A tiny bit on Christmas. And I was as greedy as any other kid. Now, the only reason X-Mas isn’t fun anymore is I have to be the one to spend money on undeserving family. They are the greedy ones ( old enough to greedily consume more alcohol, so it costs more than a Barney ). Christmas has always been the same, greed and stuff. The holiday hasn’t been screwed up as some claim. Well, perhaps if they are 103 years old and used to have Christmas during the Depression, with NO stuff. But Black Friday? Not even close to being as good as it was. There is nothing worth fighting over. And online? They have the same kind of off and on again sales all year long. 20% off in November is no more exciting than 20% in June. My guess is, they are already selling at cost or below trying to stay in business. Kitty and the box fan-HA!

    1. Yeah, my parents were frugal, too. Ma Wilder made us wrap our presents in the Sunday comics at least one year, so we wouldn’t have to buy wrapping paper. They were also debt free. Funny how that works out.

  3. Way #5 to cut down on shopping: Have your wife change the Amazon password and then not share it with you, because, let’s be honest: One of us has an Amazon problem and it ain’t me, bub! I’ve SEEN the stuff you have “saved for later.”

    1. TO MY CREDIT: I’ve not bought any of that stuff on “saved for later” list. But you’re not wrong. And the last two things I bought were Burt Reynolds movies, and they don’t count.

    1. That, and “fizzy toots”. I had my gall bladder removed, and I’m familiar with the term.

      1. I Googled the phrase “Fizzy Toots” and Google says it’s pretty darn original. I guess we’re the first in history to have fizzy toots?

    2. I try to make it festive! And this isn’t even my Christmas post! But I wonder if Elf Chum is naturally green and red?

  4. Black Friday and Christmas sales can be an excuse for people to binge shop. They wanted to do it anyway, but this gives them an excuse. If you buy something on sale, that you don’t actually need, is it still a bargain?

    Elf chum…I will remember that one. Wondering if it is made of elves or used to attract elves.

    1. Eric, Elf chum is elf attractant made from elves. So, both! It smells vaguely like cinnamon and Musk. Elon Musk.

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