The Narrative: Crumbling in 2023?

“Oh, well, please, for goodness sake, narrate me down from here.” – Winnie the Pooh


I guess Scott should learn that in space, no one can hear you meme.  (all memes this post, as found)

This isn’t my prediction post for 2023, but one thing that I’m seeing is that toward the end of 2022, the oddest thing seems to be happening – The Narrative is crumbling.

Good.  Now do the January 6 Committee.

As you can see from Elon’s Tweet® above, Musk has enough data to realize what most readers here have known for a long time:  Fauci has always been on his own side, and was tied into some pretty shady stuff.  The Twitter© purchase gave Musk more public power than being an okay car manufacturer for niche cars that are (at least presently) wholly impractical for widespread use or a really good rocket manufacturer that has revolutionized space travel.

If humans ever set foot on Mars, it will be because of the work that Musk started with SpaceX®.

Sure, that might change the history of humanity and eventually turn us into a multiplanetary species, but his purchase of Twitter™ is changing the world, now.  As I’ve written about before, Twitter™ is different.  It was pumped up by the Left and eventually co-opted by them as one of their means to rapidly reprogram their NPCs.

Diogenes, getting ready to reprogram Plato.  Again.

As such, that left evidence.  I was a user of Twitter© for a while, and had individual Tweets© that got a lot of response – some of them in the tens of thousands.  They weren’t anything in particular, merely reacting against the Leftist narrative.

That wasn’t allowed, apparently.  After a year and a half, I noted that my Tweet reach was now very, very limited.  That was fine.  I could take my ball and just spend time writing here instead of Tweeting®.  The Leftist tactic of silencing the Right worked in my case.

Now Musk has the keys to the data, and has already started showing the slime-trail that the Leftists always leave behind.  The rot was inside, of course.  Leftists tend to try to hire their own, and it turns out that the Federal Government was directing (in some cases) the stories what stories would be told, and what stories would be suppressed.

I’m sure that the guys who put this together said, “The science is settled!  What are you, ignorant?”  But they would have said it in German, so it would have sounded even meaner.

Wonder what data exists in the private messages of the Very Important?  Probably only one person has greater access to that data (outside of the .gov people) and that’s Mark Zuckerberg.  Mark won’t be telling anyone, because as Elon heads out to space, the Zuck seems to be suffering a reboot as Faceborg© slowly loses billions of dollars in value.

This makes me wonder if 2023 isn’t the year that The Narrative finally cracks.  Disney’s™ stock value has plummeted, and they can’t make movies that people don’t want to see forever.  Eventually, they have to have some cash coming in to pay for the LGBTQ+ chat rooms and employee abortions and transition surgery.

When did the Babylon Bee® become non-fiction?

That’s another thing that’s past its sell-by date:  the trans (and trans indoctrination) movement.  Parents will put up with a lot, but when you start messing with their kids?  They push back.  And they are pushing back.  Parents are pushing back at school board meetings, and the woke can’t stand the light.

This one, in particular, opened a lot of eyes.  But, hey, the science is settled that there’s no difference between men and women, right?

The Narrative on the COVID vaxx is also fading.  It is now inescapable and proven that the vaxx has killed more people than any vaccine in history, and the long-term effects are unknown.  I certainly don’t hope that all the people who took it die, since I know several people I really like that got the vaxx.

I think it’s also becoming clear that a very, very large number of the people who are Leftist activists are . . . crazy.  The recent Department of Energy, um, person in charge of nuclear waste is now accused of (spins wheel) lifting luggage at airports.  Clearly this, um, person is nuts, and we’re lucky that they were stopped after lifting a few bags, rather than after they went full “where can I bury all these bodies?”  But that seems to be a qualification to be placed into high office in Biden’s administration.

You may see a crazy person, but I see someone who could be a Supreme Court justice, or take care of the nuclear codes, or decide educational policy impacting millions of children.

Ayn Rand was really wrong about a lot of things, but she knocked it out of the park with one particular statement:  “We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”  That’s what The Narrative does.  And the consequences of ignoring reality are showing up again and again here at the end of 2022.  Will 2023

Looks like I’ve found the Biden motto on how to govern.

Even the virtue signaling, when it doesn’t have a basis in reality can lead to failure.  When the symptoms of the situation are addressed, but the root cause isn’t, the problem will rot and fester.  The sooner The Narrative crumbles and people are brought, face to face with reality, the sooner actual solutions can be found.

I’m sure that some people would rather that The Narrative would have crumbled a few months earlier, and probably would have made other choices.  Including losing the “Where’s Waldo” hat.  And if you think that’s mean, he called me an idiot first. 

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

44 thoughts on “The Narrative: Crumbling in 2023?”

  1. I’m genuinely confused. How do we tell the difference between someone who’s been harmed by the vaccine, and someone who’s been harmed by the virus that the vaccine didn’t protect us from? Either way, it’s spike proteins, right? Vaccination reduces the acute severity of the infection, but the infections were causing excessive clotting before anyone took the vaccines, and continued afterwards.

    Indirectly, people who engaged in reckless behavior, unfortunately believing themselves to be protected by the vaccine, got infected anyway. Can we blame the vaccine for their illness/death? Maybe; but the blame is more clearly attached to the people who told them that the vaccine would protect them.

      1. THIS is the $64,000 question I have been looking for as well. While I refused all vaccines, I did get covid, although it was not very bad. I felt sick, took the home test (positive) and after 2 days began to feel better, and yes, I know the home tests were not exactly reliable. My sense of taste was off for months, so I think thats a symptom of covid as well, so theres that…

    1. Science! will answer this when Science!! is good and ready to answer it. To speed Science!!! up, write your question on the back of a $2 billion check made out to “Science!!! c/o Anthony Fauci”. Science!!!!! still has to buy Festivus gifts for all it’s grifters – I mean congregants – this year.

    2. That’s a good question. I’m not a doctor, but I have booze, so, here goes: the spike protein is part of the virus. The mRNA vaxx makes that same spike to trigger the autoimmune reaction. So far, so good. But if you get the ‘VID, your immune system starts killing the virus. But with mRNA, it’s your body making the spike for a lot longer than it would have been with the virus. (There’s more here, but it’s late). It turns out, the mRNA might make you more susceptible for catching the virus later. Stats coming out show that the virus is now killing vaxxed folks preferentially.

      More to come.

  2. I do pray for those friends and family that took the not a vaxx.

    All of them knew my reasons against it but took it because the “Trust Us” Media and “Normal Sociality” norms sounded better than refusing it (and losing their jobs).

    Still most refuse to see the damage done as not the vaccine (it’s SAFE and Proven Media drivel) but something unknown.

    I DO Wonder how many of the CRITICAL workers that keep this place running (Power Line Workers, EMS and Firemen) were media’ed or take it or lose your job’ed are going to fall sick-crippled or dead in the near future.

    As I’ve told folks when asked what DO I think shows that Shit has hit the fan, I say when EMS-Power Linemen and Fire department fail to respond.

    1. I agree. I don’t want anything bad to happen to them. I can’t make myself feel bad for the Waldo dude (and others like him) with their hubris.

  3. Point of Order, JW:

    Jordan Hayes wasn’t wrong about calling people who don’t believe in vaccination idiots. They are.

    But what he never figured out, and most of us did, is that the COVID Clot Shots aren’t vaccinations. People who don’t believe in those are no more idiots than are people who don’t believe in the Easter Bunny.

    Just like chopping your own junk off doesn’t make you a girl, chopping a page out of the dictionary doesn’t change a gene-mutating death shot into a vaccine, no matter how many times Emperor Poopypants, Fauch the Grouch, or ABCNNBCBS lies to you otherwise.

    I’m fine with vaccination, per se. My smallpox vax, for but one example, is still enjoying a 100% success rate. But all that poison Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J have been pumping out, ostensibly to “help” with COVID, was never a vaccine, and was never intended as such. To believe otherwise, you’d have to think trying to launch a monkey into space, and accidentally nuking New York or Moscow in the process, was an honest mistake.

    Dumbshit Hayes’ problem was that he imagined his delusions were the same thing as facts.
    He chose poorly, and achieved one of millions of Darwin Awards, both those already awarded and yet to be, for the same psychotic delusion.

    Dulce et decorum est.

    1. Aesop, I completely agree with you about the shots, and how they differ from actual vaccines.
      I did take two shots. Under pressure from family, it is true, but I did crumble. Fortunately, there were very few (mild) reports of reactions from that batch I took. So, like other things in life, I dodged a bullet.

      But, that is not true of others. Some people did drugs ONE time, and were a mess after, if they survived. Others, like Keith Richards, just toddle along with seemingly few ill effects.

      The thing that people don’t want to accept is: MANY, if not MOST, of those who died “from COVID”, actually died from the effects of the shot, or from other health problems (they had the so-called “one foot on a banana peel”). In the first year, many who died did so from the overuse of ventilators, immobility, and failure of the nursing staff to move them around sufficiently.

      Was it the medical/nursing staff’s fault? Arguably, no – they were working on the advice of the bureaucrats in charge, made worse by threats to yank licenses if they failed to go along. Not everyone is a hero, willing to risk it all to serve their conscience.

      Was it the families’ fault? No. They were bullied/threatened/coerced into agreeing with the treatment protocols those bureaucrats forced upon the health care establishment. The sad fact is, almost all of them had multiple health problems BEFORE they got the Covid respiratory illness. They didn’t have long (although that doesn’t justify sending them off early, alone and isolated in hospitals).

      I do want to make a strong pitch for the healthcare industry shifting to focusing on good home nursing skills. So-called health classes in school should dump the Woke Agenda, and teach kids how to properly care for sick people at home. The importance of cleanliness (that’s using soap and water, kids, not just those alcohol wipes), foods for invalids, and how to help them eat, bringing down a fever without meds, the ineffectiveness of antibiotics for most illnesses, the importance of regularly taking temps and monitoring vitals, including O2 levels, and all those skills people had in the mid-20th century.

      My mom, and many other women, used to take that job seriously. They did so at a time when few immunization shots were available. We need to focus on making this a part of common knowledge, and keeping people out of hospitals.

      1. From your lips to God’s ears, Linda.

        2/3rds of everything I see in the ER daily – since ever – is stuff that could/should have been handled either at home, by Urgent Care, or by a PMD visit, not by going to see the ER MD.

        Severe cases of COVID were not that, the first year.

        The people who died from Covid, died from COVID. People don’t die of fat, or older than 50, or even hypertension, or pure diabetes. Just like they don’t die of “suddenly”.

        The problem in the initial outbreak was, all those other things rob your body of the ability and resilience to cope with the additional cardio-respiratory stress of something like COVID-induced pneumonia, which, in 2020, definitely killed the sh*t out of people. Because having all those co-morbidities (which means things that don’t kill you, but lead to other problems and complications which do) meant they had no respiratory or cardiac reserve to deal with massive pneumonia widespread in both lungs, which went from nothing to everywhere in both lungs in as little as a day. I watched people desat from pulse oxygen readings of high 90s to low 70s in real time.

        You can’t survive like that, and you can’t breathe at a rate of 50-60/minute for long. You’ll run out of strength, your respiratory rate will decrease, and then you’ll go into cardiac arrest, and then die. The only way to fix that is intubation.

        And it took three months of empirical experience to show us that making people (and I had to forcibly flip some land whales over) people onto their faces could keep their O2 saturation high enough that they didn’t need intubation. Before anyone knew that worked (which is contrary to every procedure in emergency medicine since ever, also) we intubated people a lot, who did poorly. Once we figured out we could avoid that by keeping them maxxed on O2, but flipped onto their faces, we intubated far fewer, and we got better outcomes.

        But unless you have giant M-cylinders (about 4′ tall) of pure O2 at home, with regular resupply, you can’t treat that at home.

        And most of the deaths occurred prior to the release of the Not-A-Vaxx, so that wasn’t the problem.
        By now, after two years of “The Suddenlys”, not-a-vaxx deaths either already have, or will shortly, eclipse COVID deaths from the initial outbreak waves that first year.

        Later strains are far less virulent, thank a merciful deity, which is what viruses generally do.

        But the Not-A-Vaxx is going to keep culling people over time, year in, and year out.

        I’m sure that last is all wild coincidence, though. >/sarc<

    2. Yup, that’s why I’ve always tried to use the “vaxx” name with them. I’m glad I took my smallpox vaccine, too. It turns out Ma Wilder tried to give me smallpox-infested blankets, but, I was one step ahead of her.

      Agreed. Vaccines? Generally (with exceptions on numbers and timing) good. mRNA? Scares me silly.

  4. Thank you, Mr Kelly. You have proved beyond the shadow of doubt that NASA truly means “Never A Straight Answer”.

      1. Scott and brother Mark are very deep in the luciferian activities and rites we now witness almost daily in New Amerika. I covered both in depth a decade ago during the wounding of Mark’s wife, Gabby Giffords. Their part in the occult cryptocracy of the West, chiefly via ISIS and NASA, is beyond doubt . . . but that does not mean they are pulling the big strings.

        They aren’t — that is the role of rebel angels. NASA is not your friend because they build cool things. They are an ancient cult — a goddess-worshipping cult — masquerading as ‘pure science’. Spiritual descendants of Rocket Jack Parsons, founder of JPL (without which NASA wouldn’t exist) — an open and very proud luciferian. Like Parsons, the Kellys are sorcerer-scientists, not political quipsters. God hates them.

        The political dramas being enacted and disseminated are only the surface of what is actually going on, with hidden objectives behind. I could point out dozens of examples in the case of the Kelly brothers, but will suffice with mentioning only one thing: over the past 15 years Gabby Giffords has been one of the leading voices in the world demanding gun control. The OBJECTIVES are profane, political and material, yes, but not the initiating causes.

  5. Heed the wisdom of your ancestors.
    “The negro is at your feet or at your throat.”
    “The queer is in the closet or in your face.”

  6. Somebody to watch in the “crumbling narrative” department is Dr. Byram Bridel. He’s a Canadian virus researcher that was one of the first to start talking about how producing raw spike protein in your body from a mRNA injection marketed as a vaccine was not a very good idea. He called the produced spike protein a “toxin”…

    …and was hit hard with the ban hammer online starting in mid 2021. He still publishes very persuasive fact-based articles on his substack.

    When Bridel’s thoughts start getting traction is when you know the narrative is crumbling. We ain’t there yet.

    There’s another narrative I wanna see start to crumble and that is the one saying that the current approach NASA is taking to go back to the Moon is a good one. Actually I really think the vast majority of Americans do not care at all and didn’t even see the Orion capsule splashdown yesterday, but there is so much wrong with the Artemis return-to-the-moon effort that I don’t even know where to start. Starting with the problem that it is mostly a make-work program to keep particular aerospace companies in business after the Space Shuttle program ended their thirty years of ongoing gravy train contracts…

    …and continuing with the sad, sad fact that the critical path item that puts the next Artemis launch almost two-and-a-half years from now is that NASA only made one set of Orion flight computer boxes, which have now gotta be salvaged from the Orion I capsule and recertified/installed in the Orion II capsule, slowing the entire manufacturing process…

    From an engineering standpoint, Artemis is beyond idiotic. If you’re goin’ to the Moon, where every percentage point of efficiency is critical, you don’t wanna start with low-efficiency solid rocket boosters strapped on the side of a booster – unless the REAL goal is to reuse Space Shuttle tech, not achieve efficiency. Oh wait, they don’t wanna REUSE Space Shuttle tech…the Artemis booster dumps our national inventory of sixteen REUSABLE liquid fuel Shuttle main engines into the ocean, four per mission. Which STILL does not have enough power to carry a onboard lunar lander the way Apollo did. Instead, the Official Plan is Elon has gotta launch a seperate SpaceX Starship moon lander to low Earth orbit, THEN launch maybe 4, maybe 8, maybe up to 16 on-orbit refueling missions (nobody knows just how many yet) to top off the tanks, THEN head out for a meet-up with a NASA Orion capsule somewhere out by the Moon to pick up The First Woman.

    Ah, The First Woman. Let’s move on from scratching the surface of bad engineering, let’s talk space politics. Certainly the endless schlock of First Woman and Person Of Color On The Moon is Narrative, not a real Goal that ANYBODY cares about spending a literal $100 Billion on to make it happen. I halfway believe Biden got Britteny Griner out of a Russian gulag in mere months on a confessed legitimate drug charge (while letting Whelan rot) so he could get HER assigned to Artemis III moon landing and so tick off the LGBTQ+ checkbox as well. Maybe they can drop a crewmember to make room for her to fit in the Orion capsule…. (Actually, the NASA astronaut corps already has at least one legitimate lesbian moonwalker candidate – Army helicopter pilot (and Space Station vet) Lt. Col. Anne McClain – but she’s a blue eyed blond…)

    Elon oughta just launch that Starship with a crew straight to the Moon and wave to First Woman as they pass her by. Oh wait…

    DearMoon is (yet another) real billionaire funded space mission that Elon is supposedly launching in 2023. It’s gonna lintentionally loop around the Moon for a single orbit, just like Apollo 13 did as an emergency backup plan back over 50 years ago. (I remember that well). My money is on it actually flying in 2025, but still before Artemis II. The DearMoon crew selection was announced this week. To universal acclaim, Japanese billionaire and mission commander MZ picked Tim Dodd to the crew. Tim is a down-home Iowa boy (just like Jim Kirk!) that started at the bottom of the pile as a YouTuber back in 2016 and is now has over a million subscribers for his Everyday Astronaut videos. I’ve seen em all, Tim Is Great.

    So now Tim is going to the Moon. I hope Elon shocks the world and upgrades their ride from a loop to a landing just to crumble the NASA narrative that Artemis/Orion is needed. Tim’s coverage of his trip to the Moon is gonna be a narrative worth following. Don’t miss it.

  7. The fate of The Narrative depends entirely on a single omnipotent demographic – White women. Without their big, bleeding hearts, BLM would have been just some monkeying around, Covid would have been just the flu, pronouns would still be mere parts of speech rather than magic talismans and we’d all still fall under the category of one gender or the other one.
    With their special superpower to cry and make others feel guilty for it, White women dictate cultural parameters for the rest of us, and are never, ever wrong. Even when they are. (See “Trans women beating the snot out of biological females in every sport at all levels.”)
    So the fate of The Narrative rests squarely with White women, drunk on their own power (and boxed wine). Considering PMS and menopause, twisted wires and toxic biology, and the fact that a significant portion of them today gobble anti-depressants like M&Ms, all I can say is good luck wresting that Narrative back from the hysterical ladies, whose motto might well be, “Today, the HOA. Tomorrow, the Vorld!”

    1. So very right about white women as the driver of the slow apocalypse. Nobody really wants to tackle this truth and hey let’s face it, Adam didn’t either. Nothing’s changed, just gotten bigger, and here we all are.

      The enemy learned long ago that woman was an easy target and a ready ally. Just offer her privilege and power, and she will betray God, man, nation, and family. Then call the whole thing progress and equity because she feels oppressed.

      Wah wah wah works every time on nations of cucks and now there is no difference between the Sisterhood and the Deep State.

      Wine is strong
      The king is stronger
      Women are strongest
      Truth prevails

      Eventually. But first ya go through hell.

      1. I missed nothing. What is ‘missing’ are the balls of modern men, who find EVERY possible reason to excuse modern white women for their betrayal of God and nation.

        The conservacucks are dying on the Hill of Feminism, as they continue to embrace the primal evil of female empowerment, while pretending to themselves (and one another) that it is only ‘leftist’ women who are to blame.

        This pretty lie is easily refutable by pointing to the last mid-term election, in which the treacherous GOP pushed forward as many, uh, ‘conservative’ white women as possible for office. Meanwhile, the idiots on Breitbart cheered, desperate to believe that Senator Tricia and Assemblything Kupkake are going to return the nation to traditionalism. Just pathetic.

        Women collectively, yes including your precious supposed ‘conservative’ women, likewise have destroyed Australia, NZ, Canada, Britain, and most of Europe. But by all means, continue in your delusion. It’s working out great!

  8. Some of the problems created by the narratives will take years to correct. Others require the introduction of the guillotine for public entertainment.

  9. On Disney- “and they can’t make movies that people don’t want to see forever.”

    Would like to submit that phrase for consideration as one of the TOP TEN WILDERISMS.

  10. ‘Sure, that might change the history of humanity and eventually turn us into a multiplanetary species, but his purchase of Twitter™ is changing the world, now.’

    Elon Musk is not going to walk on Mars. Nobody is founding more of ah, this, anywhere. Including Mars. Though they are trying and will continue earnestly.

    Seeing as how we have this planet well-in-hand and on-track towards justice, righteousness, and charity why we best metastasize I mean gift our marvelous civilization and loving ways to the universe, hm?

    Hazarding a guess but I will speculate that the heavens are not greatly in need of feminism, marxism, Red Chinese ‘education’ camps, Woke-ism, runaway corporate greed, or the old money East Coast occultism has guided the American ‘experiment’. Bringing All This to the heavens is kinda like creating a new vaccine to cure a disease you initiated.

    You want to understand the space program, check out the Kelly Brothers, old pals of mine. They and NASA demon-strate what the real agenda of ‘space exploration’ is.

    1. Ahh, the Kellys – woke personified.

      I’m still fond of humanity, and would like it to wake up on the shores of distant planets orbiting distant suns.

      1. You will receive your wish, and so much more it is beyond our imaginations to describe.

        Humanity otoh will receive the back of the King’s mouth and hand, as merited. You can be sure I will be doing the same thing. After the dust settles and Christ has a few centuries to get things in shape, why then off you will go . . . with whatever REMNANT that made the grade. Even as Scripture foretells.

        However it will not be ‘humanity’ and the reason is, look around. Do you wish to bring your enemies, by the billions, into eternity with you? And war forever?

  11. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the excess deaths started with the coming of the “vaccine “. Not the start of COVID.

    1. David- See: for a graphic presentation of CDC statistics on all-cause mortality. The first big peak, Spring 2020, came well before any vaccines were rolled out. THAT was when they were putting people with lungs full of clots in ventilators to pry their lungs open, and sending infected people out of the hospitals as soon as possible, into convalescent care (where they spread the virus). It was not an effective response.

      The one thing I remember about this pandemic that just baffles me, is the radio interview with Dr. Fauci, when he was asked “What do you do to protect yourself?” and he answered “Well, of course I took the vaccine, AND I take vitamin D, vitamin C, and some Zinc supplements.” He actually sounded like a normal guy having a normal conversation, and apparently I’m the only person who actually heard him say that. (Maybe because it’s what we’ve been doing since before 2019.)

    2. You’re wrong.

      You’re welcome. 🙂

      And as Lathechuck noted, the excess deaths spiked months in advance of any Not-A-Vaxx releases, and was well-documented, even with most deaths from trauma (because people weren’t driving – and crashing – and thus were also not out shooting and stabbing each other up) cratered.

      COVID, for the 10 months to a year before the Fakecines were released, killed more people than the missing traumas, and then improved on even that tally.

      The Vaxxes are fake; the pandemic was not.
      It was also centered (surprise, surprise) on population centers, especially those with a large expat Chinese component, who spread it from the motherland to the rest of the world with remarkable, albeit predictable pandemic efficiency. Italy’s woes are mainly due to a yuuuuuge Chinese expat population in the North. (Not a lot of people knew that at the time.) After that, it went everywhere there.

      It started in the US and N. America in Hongcouver, then Seattle, Portland, Frisco, L.A., New York, and Boston. All with literal Chinatown districts, and tons of travelers back and forth to China regularly. And again, after that, it went everywhere.

      No one knew about it here until very late in 2019, nor was looking for it, but in all probability, it was loose in the U.S. not later than Thanksgiving of 2019. We didn’t even officially acknowledge it had gotten to the US until January, and the first death not until near the end of that month, but given that it was here for three months before that, the cat was already long out of the bag before any measures were put in place to slow the spread. It was accidentally discovered by a public health flu researcher in Seattle who asked for permission to test for it under a government grant; the CDC of course refused, because that wasn’t covered by her grant. So she tested for it anyways, and discovered 40 cases in Washington state (when even China was pretty shy about telling anyone about what was going on) at the convo hospital that eventually lost most of their patients to it, including the first US deaths. Pure accident, or dollars to donuts D.C. would have been denying it was even here until well into the summer of 2020, when even Stevie Wonder could see it explode.

      Nobody – and I mean nobody, least of all the medical Powers-That-Be – wants to talk about that opening chapter, but that’s how it was.

    3. No, COVID was a buzzsaw through older folks in bad health. No at all through kids and 99.99% of people under 50.

  12. Reluctant to judge a book by its cover. The way ‘jordan’ was sitting & attired? On the way to try-outs for the women’s swim team. Subway? Shoes were ‘light’. couldn’t tell if they were loafers.

    Not gonna comment on the bio-weapon loss of smell/taste. Not a symptom. A Design Element.

    Mealworm/Grasshopper Smoothie, anyone?

      1. Cock-a-roaches toasted lightly in oil also deliver the popcorn effect. Just in case Billy Gates runs out of Chinese cornfields.

  13. That’s why we needed the Not-A-Vaxxes.
    Nothing like a dose of The Suddenlys to knock off the folks the COVID wasn’t hitting.

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