Yuri Bezmenov’s 1980’s Prediction of 2020

“Mommy, why are you making civilization collapse?” – Futurama


Video games never made me want to hurt people.  Working with people did that.

Yuri Bezmenov was a KGB agent who defected to the West in the 1970’s.  Bezmenov told everything he knew to the CIA, and was set up in Canada.  He did several interviews which are available on YouTube®, which I’ll link to in a bit.  Most recently, Call of Duty®:  Black Ops Cold War™ brought Bezmenov back into the public consciousness by cutting in clips of his interviews in.

You can watch it below.  It’s only a minute or so.

During interviews, Bezmenov made the quote that only 15% of the KGB’s activity was tied to James Bond® stuff.  Their primary goal wasn’t to find out which parts of an F-15E jet fighter were made out of titanium and which parts were made out of paper-mâché.

Matching the United States in weapons systems was important, but it wasn’t number one.  Besides, the KGB generally had a spy class of ideological communists built into numerous classified projects.  Bezmenov said that 85% of the KGB’s efforts were spent in destroying culture in the West.

Why fight an actual war, if you can get your enemy to become you?

Bezmenov even set out the mechanisms that they were in the process of using.  It wasn’t a complicated process, and it was just four steps.  They called this process, “active measures” and it was nothing less than subverting the ideology that made America great.

The first step was Demoralization.

Demoralization is based around removing the moral framework of the country you’re attacking.  The easiest way to do this is to co-opt the education system.  Bezmenov said that this took 15-20 years, but his number was low.  First, the educational institutions needed to be captured.  The people who train the teachers, the people who are the “guiding lights” in educational theory must buy into Marxism.

I don’t have a direct measure of the ratio of Leftist to Rightist in those that teach education, but I’d imagine it’s no less than journalism, which is at 20:1.  It may exceed history, which is 33.5:1.  Regardless, the educational academy is now firmly in the hands of the Left.  This leads to the production of teachers in a Leftist pedagogy (fancy word for teaching), with bad Leftist theory sometimes even enshrined into law.  No Child Left Behind?  Yes, that was bad.  Common Core appears to be worse.  Here’s one example:


Yes, this is really what they tried to teach little kids.  From the Heartland Institute.

I have to wonder if the idea is that such simple things like addition and subtraction can be made so complicated that parents won’t be able to teach them to their children.  In essence, it’s a way to further sever the ties between parent and child, while strengthening the ties between child and state educator.

Certainly, not all educators are Leftists.  Here in Modern Mayberry, there are a few, but I think we likely have a more healthy balance.  But there are those who look at the remote classes from COVID-19® as a potential threat to their attempts to indoctrinate children:


Is Demoralization 100% complete?  Not as long as we have those pesky parents standing up for the customs, culture, ideas, and values of the West.  Is it complete enough to take over society?


The goal of Demoralization is a lot of what we see now on the streets of Portland or Seattle or any other major Leftist city.  Bezmenov described the end product of Demoralization as:

“They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli in a certain pattern. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is white and black is black, you still cannot change the basic perception and the logic of behavior.”

In other words?  Leftist robots.

Destabilization is the next step.  This is the destruction of the systems that define the country.  The economy.  Social relations.  Defensive systems.

In the last few months, the economy has been put into the most precarious state within living memory.  The United States is more divided politically, ideologically, linguistically and ethnically than at any time in history.  Naval vessels ram freighters.  Senior officers are fired due to ideology.  Women are brought into combat operations despite proof that their inclusion lowers fitness for mission.

Bezmenov said that Destabilization took two to five years.

Destabilization leads to Crisis.  Crisis in this system is necessary to get people to accept a new government, new systems, and to give up the old system.  There’s been a great deal of experience in creating Crisis by the Left.  Think the Color Revolutions that have taken place all over the world, from Georgia to Ukraine to Lebanon, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya.

What does Crisis look like in the United States?  How about open violence encouraged by receptive District Attorneys that refuse to prosecute?  Does it look like the dollar losing 7% of its value in three months?


Crisis leads to promises by the Left.  High minimum wages.  Free healthcare.  Guaranteed basic income from the government.  “Equality” in housing, in education, in policing.

Are the promises real?  Of course not.  The promises are whatever it takes to get enough support for the Left so they can take control.

If we are not in the Crisis, you can certainly see it from here.  Ideally, for the Left, Crisis leads to control, or Normalization.

Normalization is the end game.  It’s consolidating the country under the Leftists.  It’s the creation of new institutions.  In the Soviet Union and in China, it consisted of killing farmers and replacing them with people from the cities and expecting these collective farms will feed the nation.

Of course, all of the Leftists burning Kenosha and Portland think that they’ll be the ones in charge.  In the new Socialist Utopian States they’ll be the ones who will write poetry and conduct gender reeducation camps, right?


This poetry comes from Seattle, I believe.  Plans are now in full view.

No.  The reality is that they’ll be most likely to be put up against the wall and shot or sent to the convenient leisure gulags.  Why?  They will be disillusioned when the actual power structure emerges.  The reality of every communist paradise in history is that the intellectuals are shot first, especially the intellectuals that are communist.  Why?

Dissent is a thing of the past.

Here are Yuri Bezmenov’s ideas, in his own words:

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

43 thoughts on “Yuri Bezmenov’s 1980’s Prediction of 2020”

  1. Liberals get the bullet.
    And Progressives.
    And Marxists of all stripes. Leaders and useful idiots both.

    Crisis leads to opportunities for both sides, if you’re prepared and willing to act.
    The war begins in earnest next year.

  2. It is getting pretty real. It is about to get a lot more real. Absent the constraint of the threat of law enforcement, the baser human impulses are going to be on full display.

    Ammo is getting too expensive, we are going to have to use rope. I need to watch a Youtube video on tying nooses.

    Oh, and what was really funny was how many people commented on the trailer as if it was an indictment of Trump. Freaking clueless millennials.

    1. You might need to try bitchute or another video repository – noose might be a banned subject on youtube…

        1. Call it a garage door pull!
          Smollett Wallace can’t tell them apart! 🙂

    2. It is an indictment of Trump’s close and continues relationship with the former KBG chief.
      The Russians and former Soviets are not our friends ! If anything they are hostile competition.

      1. Did you see the video? What the eff is going on? There is going to be a lot more of this, I think there is a chance that the George Floyd cops walk a lot sooner than expected and that will cause an explosion. If only Trump would try to capitalize on this.

  3. About that math problem, though… after studying it for a few minutes, I realized that it was a lot like “making change”. If someone gave you $2.25 for a $0.24 purchase (as unlikely as that seems), you might pick up a penny and a nickel to round it up to $0.30, then $0.70 (seven dimes) to get to the $1.00, then a dollar, and finally a quarter. At that point, you have the answer in your hand, but you still need to count it up to know that it’s $2.01. (Of course, it would make more sense just to give them two dollars, and a penny, for this specific pair of numbers, because this subtraction problem doesn’t involve borrowing or “regrouping”, so the answer is trivial.)

    If I were a teacher, I might use that illustration a few times to make sure that my students actually understand what’s going on with the problem, and not just moving digits around on paper. But then, when they understand it, I’d have them drill with lots of “moving digits around on paper”.

    My son, now 22, was on the “special ed” track, with dyslexia (difficulty reading), dysgraphia (difficulty writing), and no talent at all for math (whatever the academic term is for that). [He had well-founded medical issues, so don’t bother questioning the diagnoses.] But, oddly enough, when it comes to calculating with his own money, he does pretty well at managing to spend it exactly as fast as he makes it.

    1. Not me. If someone gave me $2.25 for a 24-cent purchase, I’d know, because I was taught the Old Math, that I needed to give back $2.01, so I’d pick up two one-dollar bills and a penny. No further calculation needed.

    2. There are some shortcuts that people who calculate a lot faster than the average bear use – I know that I do ’em myself. And money is a great way to manipulate numbers that kids can understand.

      But this? Not good.

  4. There are plenty of robotic people on the right, too, but the programming method is different. People on the right have far too much faith in laws, courts, elections, and the Constitution. Try pointing out that each and every one of those things is failing, or has already failed, and you’ll see their brains short-circuit into Hannityesque slogans and blind fury.

    One of the first things Chavez did in Venezuela was close private schools. We can expect the same in dark blue states in the next few years, regardless of the outcome in November.

    1. Not every conservative is a Hannity clone. That you seem to think so is illustrative of your own intellectual limitations.

      1. And I see reading comprehension is one of your limitations.

        The knee-jerk response to the prior observation is not exactly in exception-that-proves-the-rule territory.

        Just sayin’…

    2. I absolutely agree – I was one of those when I was 22 or so – I think I shared that a while back. But the nice thing about people on the Right is they usually don’t want piles of skulls.

      Until they’re pushed too far.

  5. I haven’t even watched any TV for years, let alone Fox news. I have little interest in identifying with a political party, but having to
    choose, call it an R.
    Nearly every institution is corrupted to advantage the crazy rich to become even more rich. The goofballs serving/facilitating the
    rich are the petty control freaks that want to dictate to others how they should live. We can’t rebel because we are at a 50-50%
    impasse. The people to fight against are the international cartel of bankers and financial policy makers. And possibly the
    openly defiant and law breaking 435 demented freaks in DC. Loathe the lot of them/may they get some payback/or some
    take out.

    For my part the violence is the most scary. The idea of random shootings and jumping on a person’s head to split it open
    are sickening. BTW, what kind of cop shoots a guy in the back a bunch of times at very close range? The man was no threat
    he just wanted to split. His boys (3) were in the truck when the cop shot their Dad. This may be worse than George Floyd.
    Now southern Wisconsin (Kenosha) is in the spotlight, then Milwaukee and Madison will be burning things up as well.
    I wish I lived even more in the middle of nowhere than I do. I adore smart people. Not too many in the big cities these

  6. The globalist agenda probably goes back further than even Marx. Ape Lincoln was a pen pal with the German RAT bum.
    No matter which branch of the Uniparty occupies the crackhouse in the swamp the global CCCP agenda just keeps on rolling.
    I’ve always wondered if the Frankfurt School were in the KGB.
    Some historians claim that Martin Boorman was a KGB spy but why would he try to escape Berlin as the Russians closed in?
    Globalists will use all “isms” available and the banksters funded Bolshevik Revolution Part 1 a little over one hundred years ago.
    Will they fund Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 in the glorious people’s republic of America? (rhetorical)

  7. More and more I ask myself, when reading about some outrage in either the Left or the Right acceptable press: from what are those in power trying to distract us, so that we do not challenge it?

    1. It’s never the story they sell. That’s the distraction. That’s why we have a Federal Reserve.

  8. Most capitalists never look into the mirror, to discover the root cause of why socialism becomes so attractive.
    Capitalism is a good way of life , until stacking wealth becomes the goal.
    The business owner should always keep in mind that his employees goals are the same as his.
    If you share the wealth , by incentive raises for effort above and beyond. You’ll both become richer…
    Every Billionaire and many millionaires out there have forgotten this basic premise.
    It is the basis which makes capitalism work better than socialism.
    Once you forget to give incentive you fail

  9. Most capitalists never look into the mirror, to discover the root cause of why socialism becomes so attractive.
    Capitalism is a good way of life , until stacking wealth becomes the goal.
    The business owner should always keep in mind that his employees goals are the same as his.
    If you share the wealth , by incentive raises for effort above and beyond. You’ll both become richer…
    Every Billionaire and many millionaires out there have forgotten this basic premise.
    It is the basis which makes capitalism work better than socialism.
    Once you forget to give incentive you fail

  10. So every time They use the phrase “The New Normal”, are They proclaiming “Normalization” is here?/!!???!

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