Free Speech: Endangered Species – WRSA is Down

“Uncomfortable silences.” – Pulp Fiction


Censor for the children!  They shouldn’t think for themselves, right?

I originally was going to write a lighthearted post tonight about the economics of deflation, banking, and the Fed that shows that deflation is the thing that scares the Powers That Be the most right now.  Who knows, there might even have been bikini economic graphs.  I mean, the world loves humor about banking and economics, right?   I hear it’s right up there with dentistry jokes.

But deflation is not what scares the Powers That Be.  It’s information that scares them more than anything.  What information?  Anything counter to the Narrative.

Western Rifle Shooters Association (WRSA) was taken down on Tuesday, June 2, 2020.  Here’s the message from Concerned American, the proprietor of the site:

1955E 2JUN2020

That Would Be Called An “Indicator”

One of the early goals of all Red revolutions is the seizure or destruction of all information distribution outlets.

There is only one truth to the Communist: that day’s party line.

Woe unto those who do not adhere.

The second iteration of the Western Rifle Shooters Association (WRSA) blog, hosted by WordPress, was nuked today.

While it is a loss, it was a deliberate sacrifice of a player to increase situational awareness.

The Reds are on the move.

The prize is the former United States of America.

The Red cares not about race, except to the extent it can and is used to befog the naive about the Party’s real goals.

WRSA was, first and always, a freedom advocacy site.

It was shot out of the saddle today by an arm of the Communist enemy propaganda machine.

Their attack did not kill WRSA.

Nor did it kill a single one of its followers.

The totalitarian bastards really can’t stop the signal.

Take heart, not just in this tiny skirmish but in the overall struggle to save the West, from WRSA’s final masthead:

“This is only the beginning of the reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigour, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time.”

― Winston Churchill



I think he might need some Chapstick®.

His older blogsite is here (LINK).  I don’t know if he’ll be posting again there, but I can certainly bet he’s not done.  He built the 127,000th most popular website in the United States, before WordPress® nuked his paying subscription from orbit without explanation.

This is an example of the desire on the Left to make the First Amendment irrelevant.  You can say anything you want, but if they won’t let you say it where people will hear you, does it matter?  Another way to say that is, “If a blogger memes in the forest, will anyone LOL?”

The libertarian take on censorship by corporation is a fairly solid version of “if it’s a private company, they can do what they want.”  Frankly, it’s a view that I subscribed to a while back.  But a while back, Twitter® also tried to humorously advertise itself as the “free-speech wing of the free-speech party.”  And they still are big fans of free speech.  Well, they’re fans of free speech, as long as you are on the Left.  James Woods popped out the following tweet last year:


Woods was banned until some flunky at Twitter™ removed the offending Tweet® for him. 

I started out on Twitter™ to try to build an audience for this blog.  It worked, sort of.  I’m not sure that I caught many long term readers there, but it gave me enough hits to keep me writing and not giving up until a real audience built.  Concentrating on writing more better might have been part of building an audience as well.  And maybe adding bikini graphs didn’t hurt.


Okay, here’s one.

But I noticed over time that my voice was “turned down” on Twitter©.  Tweets® that got tons of impressions (78,000 for one!) dropped off to just a few as my voice was progressively (word choice not an accident) muted.  By then, I didn’t have to trick people to come to the blog with free candy.  I did know, however, that something that Twitter™ had done lowered the number of people who got to share in my nuggets of wisdom.

Twitter© isn’t just a fun thing anymore.  Yes, it’s a private company.  But it has developed into a public square.  Do I advocate government control of Twitter™?  Not really.  But censoring people based on political viewpoint is wrong, especially when James Woods gets banned but the Islamic Council of Iranian Chowderheads makes threats about sinking the Navy of United States.  Iran is being responsible, but James Woods is the terrorist?


An early version of the Trust and Safety Council. 

To ban someone is no longer a private affair – it effectively removes their opinion (and a lot of uncomfortable facts) from the public stage.

And that’s wrong.  Freedom of speech isn’t about supporting popular opinions, like all of the “brave” companies like Apple™ that have tossed up a pride flag or Sony® black square as their profile picture.  That’s not brave.

Apple© and Sony® protesting the child and slave labor that manufactures their games and gizmos in an unending series of 12 hour days, 28 days a month?  Now that would be brave, especially since they hired those companies.

Facebook™ is a similar beast.  I use Facebook© only very sporadically, say, four times a year.  But the rest of the world seems to use it.  To ban Alex Jones?  It’s like banning the World Wrestling Federation Entertainment™ because people might think the wrestling matches are real.


But at least I hear the benefits are good.   

I cannot hold WordPress® to the same standard as platforms like Twitter™ and Facebook©.  There are other places that provide hosting.  I do, however, find fault with WordPress®.  If bakers have to bake a wedding cake for gay people, yes, WordPress™ should have to host a blog of someone who is an advocate for freedom.

Where do I find a nice profile icon for that?

Well, there it is.  I really wanted to write that post on fractional reserve banking.  Next Wednesday, I promise.  I know you can’t wait.  You say you come here for the bikinis, but I know it’s really all about the economic analysis.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

41 thoughts on “Free Speech: Endangered Species – WRSA is Down”

  1. It is not a coincidence that INGSOC and The United Way share iconography.

  2. The “muh free market” nonsense about twiiter and Facebook would hold more water if the entire corporate world didn’t work in concert to shut down alternatives. The story of Gab is one of endless attempts to get them booted from hosting services, ban them from being offered in app stores so you can’t easily have it on your phone and trying to prevent people from financially supporting them. It isn’t a “free market” when the monopolies can prevent competition from functioning.

    The Left learned their lesson in 2016. If you let the little people talk freely, they might do something you don’t like, for example electing Orange Man Bad, so for their own good free speech can’t be allowed to interfere with stuff like elections. There are five months until the election, I expect to get booted from Twitter at a minimum (for the fifth time) and I wouldn’t be surprised if my blog got nuked as well.

    What is worse is that “conservatives” won’t lift a finger to stop it because deep down most of the GOP and Conservative Inc. hates people like us just as much as the Left does. Trump will keep monitoring the situation and when he loses in November to a man who probably has no control over his bowel movements, he will be baffled and befuddled. At this point, does it make much difference?

    1. Yeah – GOP(Establishment) just want’s to keep losing and being the opposition party. Easier that way.

  3. As George Zimmerman so aptly said, “The 2nd Protects The 1st”.

    WRSA has been and will continue to educate and enlighten patriots for a long time.

    May God Bless WRSA in its continued fight for Truth, Justice and the American Way . (H/T Superman Show 1950’s)

  4. CA fortunately had the forethought to build his GAB site as the “A” in PACE before yesterday’s firebombing of his site by the liberal rubbish that owns the platform.

    Like we needed any more examples of how one-way “tolerance” and “free speech” are.

    I was tasked for still “cheaping it out on Blogger”.

    Look, kids, if my site gets taken down, my $$ will be going towards bullets, which I’ll be using, not to wasting time on the internet.

    If anyone needs to be reminded of that, they haven’t been paying close attention the past 5-10 years.
    The Communist Left (but I repeat myself) has been trying to egg Whitey into having a riot, not realizing that when Whitey riots, we don’t loot electronics stores, we change continental topography.

    Ask Carthage how that worked out for them after the Third Punic War, and see how much the survivors will miss the Democrat Party when they’re the Neanderthal race of civilization in a couple of years of earnest effort.

    I didn’t meme this by accident:

    Reality’s going to be a harsh mistress for some people.

    1. Well said. Yup, we’re the people that burned Europe twice a century for a thousand years, just for grins.

  5. You know it was the real deal. Memory holed for the good of the collective.
    Reds fear thoughts more than anything because they spread like wildfire.
    Tip of the hat to WSRA it became a must visit page and usually started my web serfing time there.
    It is where I learned about this page.
    Keep situational awareness up and check your six.

    1. Thanks for dropping by. You’re right: thoughts are the real garlic for the vampire Left.

  6. When Ma Bell held her monopoly into the mid 80’s, it would have been unimaginable that she could have been allowed to deny service to anyone that she disagreed with. The same should apply now. Declare the giant hosting platforms Public Utilities.

  7. Just today, I had a long, serious conversation with my Pastor about current events. (She said that she wanted to talk to me for the diversity of my opinions, like we see here!) Eventually, she asked what I thought about the pandemic vs. the protests. I said “I worry 80% about the financial system, 10% about energy, 5% about climate, and divide the last 5% between pandemic and protest. The pandemic and the protests will pass, and though they may return, we’ll just cope with them. Financial collapse will cause hardship for generations.” I had already mentioned that the protests are (in my opinion) driven by economic factors expressed through race.

    Which is a long way around to get to saying, “John, bring back the (illustrated) macro-economics”. I just saw a graph showing that the top 0.01% have approximately equal aggregate net worth to the bottom 80%. I don’t think that’s sustainable. We’ve tried that before (1920s). It didn’t end well.

    1. “I just saw a graph showing that the top 0.01% have approximately equal aggregate net worth to the bottom 80%.”

      That has been the case through almost all of recorded history. It’s how money works. But do notice that almost all of that net worth is in stocks and bonds. The bonds went mostly to building roads and providing more welfare to keep the proles quiet. Stocks build businesses, or at least used to. In other words, they own paper, we own land and things. All of us are in debt. (Except maybe some of the Amish. And they still owe taxes.)

      All former economic theories are defunct now with the both the government and investment banks opening the bit mines to create “wealth”.

    2. Economics will be back. I just couldn’t bring myself to write it on Wednesday. But next Wednesday, you’re on!

  8. I migrated off wordpress a year ago. Private server with the same wordpress skin. And it’s actually cheaper. I can write anything I like. I don’t understand why big name sites don’t do this.

    1. What I’ve been wondering for a long time is why a bunch of the freedom blog owners don’t get together with a couple software guys and write your own blogging platform or do as you have done, and/or what “The Woodpile Report” has done, I.E. Private server owned by the blog owner. Then the only “gate” is the cable to the webosphere. I confess that I know little about what I’m talking about here technically, but I don’t think it can be that difficult. Sure, WordPress and Blogger make it easy and inexpensive to set up a visually pleasing, easy to maintain site, however I think that one or two software guys sympathetic the cause of Freedom should be able to design something usable in a short amount of time.

      I also know or assume that, with some of the blog owners, compromise over some design or appearance aspects may be difficult, but that’s life. Start plain and build from there. Make it scalable and backwards compatible. It’s a lot more difficult to nuke blog owner servers than it is to nuke a site hosted on a platform controlled by some large left wing owned multi-national company who disagrees with the blog’s message.

      …and I don’t know if this is possible, but every blog owner should have a backup plan, if they don’t have one already, for all of the articles and other features of their site now hosted by Blogger or WordPress. ‘Cause this is just starting to get get rolling. Knucledraggin’, WRSA, who’s next?

      1. …and just in case anyone’s wondering, like I did, who owns WordPress and what they’re about, from Automatic’s website:

        We are the people behind, WooCommerce, Jetpack, Simplenote, Longreads, VaultPress, Akismet, Gravatar, Crowdsignal, Cloudup, Tumblr, and more. We believe in making the web a better place.

        We’re a distributed company with 1,200 Automatticians in 77 countries speaking 93 different languages. We’re committed to diversity and inclusion, and our common goal is to democratize publishing so that anyone with a story can tell it, regardless of income, gender, politics, language, or where they live in the world.

        We believe in Open Source and the vast majority of our work is available under the GPL.

        Take note of the second paragraph in particular. They’ve apparently had a change of corporate policy without changing their mission statement.

      2. This is a pretty common question but the answer is less simple. Not only do the big tech companies not allow us to use their platforms, they actively collude to keep new competitors from getting off the ground. Gab was booted from one hosting service after another, had their payment processing impeded so at one point if you wanted to support them you had to mail them a check, had their app banned from both the Apple store and Google play, etc. In other words, if you try to start your own platform, the tech giants will do everything they can to keep you from succeeding.

        As a side note, it is shameful that Mr. Wilder is not on Gab.

      3. I responded to you over at The Feral Irishman, and yeah, we could do that. It wouldn’t even be all that much. First is to own your own URL so people can always find you . . . .

    2. My first was a .blogspot, and then I decided to go private with this iteration. Much better.

  9. The monthly Civilizational Collapse Report is gonna be great…

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