Memorial Day, 2019


The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall-Hu Totya  via Wikimedia, [CC BY-SA 4.0 (]

One of the things I love most about writing this blog is finding out when I’m wrong.  Yes, I know that’s a well with no bottom, but I’ll describe it thusly:  The Boy and I were sitting out in the hot tub tonight talking.  He brought up how angry he was that there had to be a Federal law passed to prevent discrimination against Vietnam veterans.

We don’t live in a “safe” house.  Any opinion is open for challenge.  Any opinion.

“Do you want to know what I think about that?”

He paused.  He wasn’t looking for the “right” answer.  That’s a recipe for being intellectually and emotionally gutted and left to dry in our house.  “I guess so.”

“Why do you hesitate?”

“Well, now I know that after we discuss it, I’m going to look at all of it through different eyes.  You’ll bring a perspective to it that I hadn’t thought about.”  I could see on his face that he both liked and hated it.  It was like an itch.  It sucks being itchy, but it feels so good when you scratch, unless you’re like my Uncle Harold and are itchy because the Moon Men were talking to him through the television.  Again.

I’m not sure I messed with The Boy’s mind too much during this particular conversation.  We had a discussion that the Vietnam War certainly wasn’t lost by the military.  I described the Tet Offensive to The Boy.  During the Tet Offensive an all-out assault was launched in multiple locations in South Vietnam against both American and South Vietnamese targets.  The Tet Offensive was a military disaster for the enemy (Viet Cong and NVA) as they were soundly defeated by a factor of at least ten to one and failed to achieve any useful military objective.

Back during the Vietnam War, the only real sources of information were: word of mouth, the local paper and the television news – websites with unapproved thoughts simply didn’t exist.  Leftist propaganda on the Tet Offensive and was poured into the minds of the American public by a willfully complicit media, led by Walter Cronkite.  I’d call him a Leftist prostitute, but they didn’t have to pay him extra.  Let’s just call him, “easy,” since apparently he’d do his duty for the Left for a coke and a burger.

What Walter said just wasn’t so, but there was no voice to contradict him.  That being said, this post isn’t a defense of the Vietnam War as an appropriate policy, and it isn’t attacking it, either – I’m not opening that particular bag of angry housecats tonight, and it’s not important for the point of this post.

Rather, tonight’s post is an example of just that conversation that I had with The Boy – I started writing on a completely different topic, and, after research, decided I was either wrong or more research would be necessary to make sure I was right.  Maybe that topic will show up as a future post, but it won’t be today.  Too many inconvenient facts that have (once again) made me rethink what I was going to say.

The world is funny that way – facts don’t always match preconceived notions.  Honestly, that’s one of the joys of writing this blog – finding out things that I think, that just aren’t so, and finding out more about the way the world really works.

Back in the day, The Mrs. did the news on a radio network, she wrote her own copy, and selected stories, and put it all together for broadcast at the top and bottom of every hour.  Even though we lived in a state where basketball was popular, The Mrs. didn’t cover it on the news – at all.  She covered football and hockey, but never ran news about basketball.  This was on a radio network, listened to by (probably) hundreds of thousands of people, daily.

Subtle?  Certainly.  Probably nobody noticed that there were no basketball scores on the radio – heck, if they were basketball fans they probably knew the scores already.  But it impacted me – someone controls what stories made the radio news.  Therefore, someone controls the stories that make the national news.

Did The Mrs. have a political agenda?  Not really.  Did Walter Cronkite?  Certainly.  If there was any doubt, his later quotes (you can look them up) showed him to be firmly on the Left, and firmly in the camp of a one-world government.

When you watch the news, ask yourself two questions about every story:  “Why are they showing me this now?” and, “What are they not telling me?”

It was intentional that I brought up Tet on Memorial Day weekend when talking with The Boy.  I had an agenda.  He needs to know the sacrifices that were made by our troops and others, and to know, certainly, that there are forces that actively oppose freedom.  Thankfully, there have been plenty of brave men who fought on the side of freedom.

But far too many died.  This our day to remember them.

Author: John

Nobel-Prize Winning, MacArthur Genius Grant Near Recipient writing to you regularly about Fitness, Wealth, and Wisdom - How to be happy and how to be healthy. Oh, and rich.

10 thoughts on “Memorial Day, 2019”

    1. Yup. “Democracy dies in darkness” is a great motto, but somewhere they got truth confused with propaganda for our own good.

  1. Apropos of….um…… something similar.
    I served. 9 years, 10 months, and one day.
    Proudly at the time.
    Don’t recall even the exact year of my awakening.
    Slick Bill was elected and i ETS’d.
    As Truman warned, the MIC has been the ramrod since the French vacated the ‘nam.
    It’s all about the Benjamins.
    And ol’Ben would stab 90% of the bungholes runnin the show today.

    1. Jim, see my next post, and you’ll see my direct (maybe) connection to that quote.

      If only the MIC actually cared about the USA . . .

  2. Most people know that you aren’t getting the straight news from NBC and CNN but a lot of “conservative” news options aren’t much better. Fox is only marginally better than CNN and even Breitbart carefully controls comments to keep from offending conservative shibboleths.

    1. The truth doesn’t have a lot of friends, especially when people start talking nonsense like “your truth” . . . (sigh)

  3. *SO* many ideas that all tie together. My first comment: “the tree of liberty should be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants alike” (thomas jefferson?…also, probably not quite the exact words) and a brief recollection of r/K selection theory AND our dystopia of rat infestation…

    wow…and i hate it when my comments disappear into electronic never-never land (not *ALWAYS* to never be seen again!) Here’s a true story- the *last* navy destroyer i served on (perhaps there might be another in my future at some point???) was visiting a foreign port in Europe…ah heck…the country was Poland. The ship was/is USS Ramage (DDG-61) i think this was back in sept or oct 2009? (google had a few interesting links using “USS Ramage Poland” for the search) Anyway, there was a few totally outlandish new articles that appeared in the week following. Uh…yeah, so my point is, not only does a media source choose WHAT to print, it might not even be true what ends up being published! suddenly i stop myself, i feel i am “preaching to the choir”

    On second thought, take it from me…many of you reading might be somewhere in the future when “something goes down” and then what gets broadcast in the media is *significantly* different from what you might have been a participant of! Again, perhaps i am *mostly* preaching to the choir, but perhaps there is just ONE reader out there, who is going to be *THAT GUY* (yes, that guy might also be THAT GIRL) and for that one individual, they will remember these ideas, and will stay positive and carry on.

    Part of my untold story was the weeks that followed. Yes, we left port on schedule, but then we dropped anchor nearby (just in case some kind of terrible tragedy was discovered?) and then we went pretty much straight to England and dropped anchor again for like a week. I think i will spare everyone some of THOSE details… in case anyone is wondering, i was not the culprit, but i *would* consider the culprit one of my friends. He is/was a good dude. “poor training” is a factor here too. Glad nobody got killed…

    1. Whoa! Three rounds! And those aren’t small.

      I went one time on a campus of a Major University on a Saturday to take a test. There were seven – seven liberal protesters, and fifteen newspeople.

      Made the lead story on the TV news that night. Go figure.

  4. maybe for next years memorial day post…add a few sequential pictures… from one close up of readable names, zoom back, and again, until the viewer can see how vast is “the wall”… it boggled my mind when i had the chance to visit as a younger individual…

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